The Case Screen

The Case screen has the same overall layout as the Ticket and Action screen, and the same basic features including adding a note to a work item, sending an email, viewing the files and links attached and viewing the comms/timeline, but the Case screen also contains some Case-specific features.

Case Title

At the top of the Case screen, you'll see the context of the Case, made up of:

Customer name - Contract name - Service name - Case Process Name

For example:

The Case short description is shown on the right-hand side of the screen. If the 'Allow Title Change' option has been selected in the Case Info tab in Builder, you will be able to edit the short description of the Case.

This is the title that will then appear at the top of the Case's tab.

This is the title that will also appear in the 'Title' column of the homepage grid.

You can copy the Case's reference number and title by clicking on the copy icon in the tab:

Viewing the Actions of a Case

The Case screen display is laid out to emphasise visibility of the Actions which are run for it. To support this, an additional dedicated 'Actions' tab exists which allows you to quickly see the status of its Actions and to access them. This is the default displayed tab in this section for Cases.

This tab shows the following information for any Actions under the Case:

  • Current State icon

  • Action reference number

  • Action title and instructions

  • Due Date, Assignee, Queue

  • State in text form

Actions will be displayed in order of:

  1. Status, with Actions in a status of Draft at the top, followed by Actions in a status of To Do, then In Progress, then Waiting, then Resolved, then Closed. If all the statuses are the same, then the Actions will be displayed in order of:

  2. Due date, with the Actions due soonest at the top. If all the due dates are the same, then the Actions will be displayed in order of:

  3. Time remaining when paused, with the Action with the least amount of time remaining when paused at the top. If the time remaining when paused is the same for all the Actions, then the Actions will be displayed in order of:

  4. Step number, with the Action with the lowest step number at the top. If the step numbers are all the same, then the Actions will be displayed in order of:

  5. Start Date/Time, with the Action with the most recent start date/time at the top. If the start date/time is the same for all the Actions, then the Actions will be displayed in order of:

  6. Reference number

Sub Cases

Sub Cases are created from an existing 'parent' Case that retain a link to their 'parent' Case will behave according to its own specific configuration, but its parent Case will not complete until all of its Sub Cases have completed.

You can create Sub Cases by clicking on the ‘+ Work item’ link shown near the tabs section of a Case and the choose the 'Sub Case' option from the dropdown.

The Sub Cases tab will show the Sub Cases for that Case.

See here for more information about Sub Cases:

Viewing Work Linked to a Case

Another feature of the Case screen is the option to launch a Case or Ticket from the Case to create a 'Linked' relationship between the work items.

Items created in this way will retain a link to the original Case / Ticket and will show on a Links tab within it, making it easy to track a group of work items which relate to each other.

See here for more information:

Due Date

The Case's due date will display, colour-coded to show if the date is:

On schedule:

Due today:


Override Due Date

If a Case has been configured with an override due date option in Builder, then you will be able to override the due date of a Case by clicking on the due date in the header and changing the date in the popup.


You can also see whether or not the Case has been assigned, and who to.

You are able to reassign and unassign an Case, or assign the Case to yourself if it has not been assigned to you already.

See here for more information about assigning work in Enate:

Side Panel

Viewing the Status of a Case

In the Info Card you can see the status of the Case and change the status as needed.

The main label on the left side of the Info Card will display the status the Case is currently in. The dropdown button on the right side gives options for the states which you can move it into as part of processing.

See here for more information about processing a Case:

Once you have selected the new status from the dropdown and filled in any further required information, click the button to confirm.

The border of the Info Card highlights in a colour relating to the current status – once you have clicked the button to change status, the system will process the changes – the border colour and new status will change to confirm that the status update has occurred.

When changing the status of a work item, if you are moving it to a state of 'In Progress', the work item tab will remain open upon confirming the new status. When changing to any other status, e.g. 'Wait' or 'Rejected', the tab will automatically close. A label under the Status will inform you of this in advance.

In addition to showing the Case's status, the following information is displayed directly underneath:

  • Set by - who set the status

  • Reason - the status change reason - i.e. why was it changed, this could be manual or as part of a process)

  • Date - when the status was changed

  • Last Updated By - who last changed some data on the Ticket

  • Last Updated On - when some data was last changed on the Ticket

Note that not all of the above information will be displayed every time, the information that is shown depends on the status of the Ticket and how the Ticket has been configured in Builder.

Viewing the Settings of a Case

The Settings Card shows you detailed information about the Case, including:

  • The context of the Case (Customer>Contract>Service>Case Process).

  • When, how and who created the Case

  • If this Case was created from another work item, the initial request date shows the start date of the original request, allowing you to capture the entire length of time it has taken to complete a request.

  • Keep with me - users who have this option selected will be auto assigned as the work item's owner or assignee. This can still be changed manually.

  • Keep Action with me - all future Actions within a Case will automatically be assigned to the user who has the "Keep Action with me" option selected.

  • Send Automated Emails - the option to send automated emails for the Case. At the moment, the only automated email available to send for cases is a Case creation acknowledgement email.

  • Record Count - depending on configuration for the Case in Builder, the record count may or may not be displayed here. If it is, the record count is editable.

Case's Contacts

The Contacts Card is where you can specify the people who relate to the Case.

By default, the available relationships are:

  • Primary Contact – the main person you are dealing with for this Case. This is may or may not be mandatory for Cases, depending upon Case configuration in Builder.

  • Requester – the person that raised the initial request. This is may or may not be mandatory for Cases, depending upon Case configuration in Builder.

  • Subject – who the Case is about.

Very often all three will be the same person.

  • CCs – any further contacts which can be copied on any correspondence. When a contact is tagged only as ‘CC’, it will be displayed in the separate CCs section (hidden until any CC-only contacts exist on the work item.

Note: it is possible to add further relationship types into the system. See here for more information on how to add contact tags.

A Case's Contacts Card will not usually be auto-populated, so you need to manually add a contact. You can do this by searching for a contact in the Contacts Card.

If you search for a user in the Contacts Card that does not exist in the system, you can create a new contact by clicking on the ‘Create Contact’ option and filling in the contact's details.

If you have written the email address for the contact, the system will decode and auto-populate the first name and last name of the contact. Once you fill in all the information and click on create contact, the system will redirect you back to the work item.

When you manually add a contact they will be set as the Primary Contact, Requester and Subject by default. You can manually reassign these tags to other users afterwards.

Time Tracking

To help you manage activity against your SLAs, Enate allows users to track the time it takes for work items to be completed, both as an overall total and broken out by the various resources who may have worked on it.

The Time Tracker Card in work items tracks the time of each individual browser session that the item is worked on.

See here for more information about time tracking:

Custom Card

Additionally, a Custom Card can be configured to display custom data..

See here for more information:

Defects Card and Recording Defects

When you're working on a Ticket, Action or Case, operational issues can occur which have an effect on how you're able to deliver the process. It is important to record these as a way to highlight them for others who may view or work on the item, and to help with longer term efforts to improve process delivery.

Watch this video to find out more about recording defects in Enate.

You can also go to the dedicated article to find out more:

Activities Launched from the Case screen

Reworking a Case

If issues have occurred during the running of a Case you may wish to rework the Case. You can do this from the Case by selecting the ‘Rework’ tab from the Case screen.

See here to find out more about reworking a Case:

Starting an Action Manually

Most often the Actions in a Case are started automatically (either by process flow or based on schedules). However, if an Action has been configured to be manually startable, you can do this from the Case using the 'Start Action' feature.

See here to find out more about manually launching an Action from a Case:

Further info on the Case screen

New Information Received

When a new email has come in for a Case that hasn't been read yet, the New Information icon will be highlighted. Clicking on it shows you when the new email was received.

You can choose to mark the new information as read which will set the New Information icon back to normal. You can also mark the information as unread by clicking on the 'Mark as New' option.

Standard Operating Procedure

This provides a link to the Standard Operating Procedure for the work item that has been set in Builder.

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