Trigger External API Actions
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‘Trigger External API’ Actions allow Enate to call out to an external system, passing a static structure containing information information about a Work Item (i.e. a Case, Action or Ticket). This Action type also includes an optional callbackURL, which allows the external system to update custom data and pass it back into Enate.
For information on how 'Trigger External API' Actions are shown at runtime, check out this Work Manager section.
The external API will be called as a POST method, and will be sent the following information:
The [ActionPacketJSONIncludingCurlyBraces] will be an Actionpacket, as per the response from the Enate getAction API.
Enate supports this with a 'Trigger External API' Action type that you can add to your Case flows.
For detailed information on how Trigger External APIs work at runtime, see the dedicated Work Manager section.
You can either create a Trigger External API Action type in the Service Line section of Builder, or directly from your Case flow.
Creating a Trigger External API Action type from the Service Lines section of Builder adds the Action to your menu of available Actions when you're building flows subsequently in Cases.
To do this, in the Service Lines page select which service line you would like to add the Trigger External API Action to and then click on the plus symbol next to the 'process Search' box and then select 'Action.
This will open up a new Action for you to create.
Add a name and description to your Action and then in the 'type' drop down select 'Trigger External API Action'.
You can then choose to add a global checklist to the Action. This contains a standard checklist of activities that will be added any time this Action type is added to a Case flow. See here for more information on checklists.
Once you are happy with your Action, hit save to create it. This Action can now be added to new and existing business processes by selecting it from the dropdown list when adding a new Action to a Case.
Alternatively, you can add a Trigger External API Action type directly from the Case flow itself.
To do this, open your desired Case flow in edit mode, click on an Action's menu and then instead of clicking to add an existing Action, select to create a new Action by clicking the '+' icon.
Give the Action a name, add a description if you wish and for its 'type', select 'Trigger External API Action'. This will add the Action to the Case flow.
You now need to configure the settings for the new Action you have added to your Case. Click on the Action in the flow to highlight it in the info section.
In the Action Info tab, you need to add the usual following information for an Action:
When is it due?
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Due Date ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
Who does it go to?
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Allocation ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
General Settings
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Follow Up ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
Main Card
You can select a Custom Card to display on the main section of the Action screen.
Side Card
You can select a Custom Card to display on the side panel of the Action screen.
Manual Creation
Switching this setting on allows the Action to be started manually in Work Manager.
Here you can add local checks to the Action that help support 'custom' activities that take place for that specific Action. You can also edit the global checks for the Action type from here too, if it has any.
Additionally, once a Trigger External Action has been added to your Case flow, a new 'External API' tab will display in the info grid.
API Integration URL
Enter the API Integration URL in this column.
Response Expected
Switching this setting on means that the Action will only be marked as complete when the external system to calls back to Enate with the supplied call-back URL.
Leaving the setting off means that the Action will call the external system and close the Action, in a "fire and forget" manner.
Please note that 1 minute is the minimum value that you can enter in the 'Response Expected Within' column.
Response Expected Within (Mins)
Set how many minutes you would like Enate to to wait for a response before the Action would 'time out' and flip over to a human to progress.
If you set the 'Response Expected' slider to On but no value is entered in the 'Response Expected Within' column, the Action will call the external system and wait either until the Due Date for the Action, or indefinitely. This will depend on the General Settings flavour for the Action, see below for more details.
If you set the 'Response Expected' slider to On but no value is entered in the 'Response Expected Within' column, the Action will call the external system and wait either until the Due Date for the Action, or indefinitely.
The decision on whether the Action will wait indefinitely or not is determined based on the 'Autocomplete on Timeout' setting in the General Settings flavour set for the Action.
If Auto-complete in General settings is set to On, the system will time the Action out when it hits the Due Date / Time.
If Auto-complete in General settings is set to Off, the Action will wait indefinitely.
If / When the Action DOES time out at the point of reaching the Due Date, the Action will moved to a state of 'Closed' with a reason of 'No response returned'.
Note: If you have both these settings filled (i.e. a 'Response expected minutes' value AND the 'Auto-complete on Timeout' flag set), the system will act on whichever time comes first - most likely after the 'Response expected minutes' time has been reached.
Please note that the Case owner will not be notified in this scenario.
There are a number of possible ways the system will behave, dependant upon how you have configured the various timeout settings AND how the external API actually responds. For detailed information on this, see the following attachment which lays out each combination of settings and behaviour, and the eventual result.
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(See for more information).
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Optional. See here for more information about .
Optional. See here for more information about .
Optional. See section for more information.
Optional. See here for more information about .