Adding Localizations
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You can set localized values for your own data that has been created when designing your processes. This lets you maintain one standard set of business processes rather than multiple, and lets you use it in multiple locations.
Enate works from the concept of configuring in a ‘Main' language. When a Configurer is working in Builder day-to-day, the meta data (e.g. texts for Tickets, Cases, Actions etc.) they create gets saved as the ‘Main language’ (the recommendation is that this is always English) for that object. The Localisations section in Builder lets Configurers define translations for each object text.
Please note that the Builder design environment GUI will continue to only show the object names in the main language, i.e. there isn’t a function where the display language of Builder itself is switchable to view the translations ‘in-situ’.
If you don’t configure the translations, the system will default to displaying this meta data to Work Manager end users in the main language.
To set localised values for your own data, navigate to the Localizations page from the Localizations icon in the toolbar:
Select the language you want to add translations for from the dropdown list.
The languages you can add translations for are:
English (US)
Portuguese Brazilian
Further language packages may be added - you can request additional language packages via Enate's feedback website.
Select the type of data you want to translate on the left-hand side (e.g. Case Step names, Custom field values), and then input your translations for that language in the specified column.
You can use filter function to filter the data down. For most types of data you can only filter by service line.
Local Checklist data is an exception - you have to add a filter before being able to view your data. You have the option to filter by service line, customer, contract, service, status and version.
Service data is another exception you have to add a filter before being able to view your data. You have the option to filter by customer and contract.
You can add multiple values into the filters apart from the service line, status and version filters where you can only add one value to the filter at one time.
You can sort all of the columns by ascending or descending alphabetical order by clicking on the column header.
You can also use the search function to search for data. Note that you can only use the search function to search for English text.
Once you have input your translations, when an end user logs into Work Manager and selects that language from their user settings, they will see every part of Work Manager fully translated into their chosen language. This will be a combination of out-of-the-box system labels, and meta data created by configurers in Builder.
You can see what edits have been made to your translations by clicking on the Show Activity button.