Case Conditionality - Formatting Examples

See below some formatting directions to help when building conditions within your Case flows.

Using a Date / Time in a Condition

Format to enter in value column: new DateTime(yyyy,MM,dd,hh,mm,s)

EX: new DateTime(2020,05,30,12,00,00)

Using a Date in a Condition

Format to enter in value column: new DateTime(yyyy,MM,dd)

EX: new DateTime(2020,05,26)

Using Short Text in a Condition

Format to enter in value column: “String”

EX: “To test Short text 1”

Using Long Text in a Condition

Format to enter in value column: “String”

EX: "To test long text 1"

Using a Decimal Number in a Condition

Format to enter in value column: x.yM

EX: 1.2M

Using a Whole Number in a Condition

Format to enter in value column: X

EX: 10

Using a Boolean (Checkbox) in a Condition

Format to enter in value column: true/false

EX: true

Using a Multi-level List in a Condition

Format to enter in value column: “Level1.Level2.Level3”


Note: if you have only configured two levels that a dot should be placed after the second value (see below example).

Using a List in a Condition

Format to enter in value column: “String”

EX: "Blackberry"

Using an Email in a Condition

Format to enter in value column: “Email Address”

EX: ""

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