GPT Providers


Enate provides lots of offerings when it comes to the AI space and we have a number of GPT-driven integrations, available in Enate Marketplace, to support your users with their day to day activities.

EnateAI is a zero-configuration GPT option supplied by Enate which uses our own Azure hosted OpenAI Instance for the GPT3 Engine. This instance is shared with anyone that enables EnateAI, so if you have high volume/high demand then you may be better off configuring your own Azure OpenAI instance and using an Azure Open AI Adapter Version. The configuration of the EnateAI adapters is super simple and is a mere click of a button to enable.

The OpenAI option allows you to talk to the OpenAI API (which is open to everyone) directly via your own OpenAI account and API keys. You can also monitor usage of API requests sent via this API in the open AI interface.

And if you'd rather run these patterns via your own Azure platform, our AzureAI adapters allow you to use your own Azure instance of OpenAI which you can manage and control, providing you with a great deal of control and detail of the information going through the API.

Patterns Available

These providers are available for the following patterns:

  • Email Classification - automatically classifies and categorizes Tickets, saving agents having to do this manually. Check out the dedication section to find out more.

  • Email Data Extraction - that auto-populates important information from emails into custom cards in your Tickets and Cases, saving agents from having to do this manually. Check out to the dedication section to find out more.

  • Thank You Email Evaluation - automatically detects whether incoming emails to a resolved work are just simple 'thank you emails', and if so then have them automatically moved back to a state of 'resolved' without agent users having to manually perform such repetitive checks. Check out to the dedication section to find out more.

  • Sentiment Analysis - analyzes the content of incoming emails, determines their sentiment - e.g. if they're positive or negative and displays this information to your users to they can determine the sentiment of an email at a glance. Check out to the dedication section to find out more.

Setup Guide


EnateAI is a zero configuration option supplied by Enate which uses our own Azure hosted OpenAI Instance for the GPT3 Engine.

The setup of EnateAI for all patterns is super simple - simply click on a pattern in Enate Marketplace to activate it.


To setup OpenAI for a pattern, follow these steps:

  1. Click to activate a pattern in Enate Marketplace.

  1. In the resulting pop-up, enter the following information:

  1. Click to test the connection

  2. Once the connection has been successfully tested, click to activate. Your pattern provided by OpenAI is ready to be used.

Further notes of interest

The OpenAI API keys page is where you can create further API keys and manage your existing ones.

You can monitor the usage and breakdown of requests of the OpenAI account on the OpenAI Usage page:

Azure OpenAI

To setup Azure OpenAI for email classification, follow these steps:

  1. Click to activate a pattern in Enate Marketplace.

  1. Enter the following information, all of which can be gathered from your Azure OpenAI instance, in the resulting pop-up:

  • Resource Name - this is the Azure Resource Name which can be found by navigating to your OpenAI Cognitive Services in Azure, accessing your Azure OpenAI Resource and opening the resource. The resource name can be found in the overview page, next to 'Resource group'

  • Deployment Name - to find this, go to the 'Model deployments' section in Azure OpenAI studio and then click on 'Manage Deployments'.

Then click on the 'Deployments' section on the left and the deployment name will appear on the right - this is the value you need.

  • API Key - this is configured back in the OpenAI Portal, from the 'Keys and Endpoints' section on the left. This is where you can generate new keys and manage existing ones. Enter one of these keys.

  • Click to test the connection

  • Once the connection has been successfully tested, click to activate. Your pattern provided by OpenAI is ready to be used.

Last updated

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