Start Case Actions
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It is possible to configure a Case to start automatically from within a Case flow.
Enate supports this with a 'Start Case' Action type that you can add to your Case flows. When the Case flow reaches a 'Start Case' Action, a new Case will be triggered.
You can either create a Start Case Action type in the Service Line section of Builder, or directly from your Case flow.
Creating a Start Case Action type from the Service Lines page adds the Action type to your menu of available Actions when you're building flows subsequently in Cases.
To do this, in the Service Line page, select which service line you would like to add the Start Case Action to and then click on the plus symbol next to the 'process Search' box. This will bring up a drop down menu where you can select an Action.
This will open up a new Action for you to create.
Add a name and description to your Action and then in the type drop down select 'Start Case Action'.
You can then choose to add a global checklist to the Action. This will add the same checks that are applied to any other action where the global checklist has been added.
Once you are happy with your Action, hit save to create it. This Action can now be added to new and existing business processes by selecting it from the dropdown list when adding a new Action to a Case.
Alternatively you can add a Start Case Action type directly from the Case flow itself.
To do this, open a Case flow in edit mode, click on an Action's menu and then instead of clicking to add an existing Action, select to create a new Action by clicking the '+' icon.
Give the Action a name, add a description if you wish and for its type, select 'Start Case'.
This will add the Start Case Action to the Case flow.
You now need to configure the settings for the new Action you have added to your Case. Click on the Action in the flow to highlight it in the info section.
In the Action Info tab, you need to add the usual following information for an Action:
When is it due?
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Due Date ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
Who does it go to?
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Allocation ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
General Settings
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Follow Up ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
Main Card
You can select a Custom Card to display on the main section of the Action screen.
Side Card
You can select a Custom Card to display on the side panel of the Action screen.
Manual Creation
Switching this setting on allows the Action to be started manually in Work Manager.
Here you can add local checks to the Action that help support 'custom' activities that take place for that specific Action. You can also edit the global checks for the Action type from here too, if it has any.
Additionally, once a Peer Review Action has been added to your Case flow, a new 'Start Case' tab will display in the info grid.
Here you need to add the following settings that are only relevant for 'Start Case' Actions.
Start Case
Here you can select the Case you want this Action to start.
You can choose to start this as a Sub Case (by enabling the Sub Case slider) or as an independently running Case by leaving this setting off.
Copy Defects
You can copy existing defects from the original Case to the new Case that will be launched. Note that making updates to the defects in the new launched Case will NOT update the defects in the original Case.
Optional if the new Case is launched as an independent Case.
If the new Case is launched as a Sub-Case, defects will be automatically copied to the new Sub Case.
Copy Files
You can copy existing files (including tags and file notes) from the original Case to the new Case that will be launched. Note that making updates to the files in the new launched Case will NOT update the defects in the original Case.
Optional if the new Case is launched as an independent Case.
If the new Case is launched as a Sub-Case, files will be automatically copied to the new Sub Case.
Copy Links
You can copy existing links (including tags and link notes) from the original Case to the new Case that will be launched. Note that making updates to the links in the new launched Case will NOT update the defects in the original Case.
Optional if the new Case is launched as an independent Case.
If the new Case is launched as a Sub-Case, links will be automatically copied to the new Sub Case.
Copy Custom Data
You can copy existing custom data (e.g. custom data fields) from the original Case to the new Case that will be launched. Note that making updates to the custom data in the new launched Case will NOT update the defects in the original Case.
Optional if the new Case is launched as an independent Case.
If the new Case is launched as a Sub-Case, custom data will be automatically copied to the new Sub Case.
Copy Communications
You can copy work item communications i.e. emails (including email attachments) and notes from the original Case to the new Case that will be launched.
Also note that making updates to the communications in the new launched Case will NOT update the defects in the original Case.
Optional if the new Case is launched as an independent Case.
If the new Case is launched as a Sub-Case, defects will be automatically copied to the new Sub Case.
A Sub Case will behave according to its own specific configuration, but its 'parent' Case will not complete until all of its Sub Cases have first completed. Further, in the work item screen in Work Manager it will show in the 'Sub Cases' tab. For more information about when you would use Sub Cases, see here.
Data such as defects, files, links and custom data will be shared with the new Sub Case automatically. Emails will not be shared across but you can easily see them by selecting the 'Include related work items' option in the timeline of the main Case in Work Manager.
If you do NOT tick the Sub Case option, the new Case launched will be completely independent from its 'parent' Case, which will not wait for it to complete. This is useful when the parent Case’s due date is not dependent on some sub-part being completed (e.g. by a different department).
If you choose to start the new Case as an independent Case, you can then choose whether to copy across the defects, files (including tags), links and custom data into the new Case.
You can also choose to copy work item communications i.e. emails (including email attachments) and notes. Note that when choosing to copy communications, you will not only copy communications from the original Case but you will also copy communications from the original Case's related group, e.g. its Actions, or Sub-Cases if it has any. You can find out more about related groups vs linked work items here.
Note that if the Case which is set to be launched as part of the 'Start Case' Action is itself linked to a schedule, you will need to go to that Case's configuration screen in Builder and untick the 'Auto Start By Schedule' toggle in that Case's Info tab. If you do not, the Action will fail to launch a new Case (both launching options are not possible).
(See for more information).
(See for more information).
(See for more information).
Optional. See here for more information about .
Optional. See here for more information about .
Optional. See section for more information.
Optional. See here for more information about .
See below for.
Note that when choosing to copy communications, you will not only copy communications from the original Case, but you will also copy communications from the original Case's related group, e.g. its Actions, or Sub-Cases if it has any. You can find out more about related groups vs linked work items .
Note that emails will not be shared across but you can easily see them by selecting the of the main Case in Work Manager.