How to work with Enate's Webhooks
In order to work with Webhooks in Enate, you need to pass certain parameters to the Webhook (see here for more information) and you will get a message returned with corresponding information (see below for more information).
Message Returned Explanation
Message | Detail |
"AttachmentCount" | This is the number of attachments on the communication |
"CC" | Email addresses included in the email 'CC' field |
"CommunicationType" | The communication type used : 0 = EmailOutgoing 1 = PhoneIncoming 2 = EmailIncoming 3 = ESSComment 4 = AuditNote 5 = PhoneOutgoing 6 = LetterIncoming 7 = LetterOutgoing |
"ContractName" | The name of the contract |
"CustomerName" | The name of the customer |
"DueDate" | This is not set until the packet is submitted – newly created packets won’t have it yet |
"From" | 'From' email address if included in the email/message formats |
"GUID" | The Webhook GUID |
"Name" | Name is set by the user |
"PacketGUID" | This identifies the packet which is being reported on, the GUID in the response when creating a new subscription is the identifier for hat subscription |
"ProcessType" | The process type. 1 = Case 2 = Ticket 3 = Action |
"ProcessTypeName" | The name of the process type |
"RAGStatus" | The RAG status of the packet. -2 = ToBeDetermined -1 = Overdue 0 = DueToday 1 = DueInFuture |
"Reference" | This is a system-generated identifier for a packet, it follows Enate’s own formatting |
"Sender" | The email address of the sender |
"ServiceName" | The name of the service |
"ServiceLineName" | The name of the service line |
"StartedbyMethod" | The method by which the packet was started. 0 = Workflow 1 = ByOperationalUser 2 = BySelfServiceUser 3 = ByRobotUser 4 = ByEmail 5 = FromTicket 6 = ByOperationalUserInBulk 7 = ByRobotUserInBulk 8 = BySchedule |
"Status" | The status of the packet. 0 = Draft 1 = To Do 2 = In Progress 3 = Waiting 4 = Resolved 5 = Closed |
"Subject" | This is the pulled from the subject field of the communication, if it has one |
"SupplierName" | The name of the supplier |
"Title" | The title of the packet. This is not set until the packet is submitted when it is set by the user (or whatever is creating the packet) – newly created packets won’t have it yet |
Parameters Required Explanation
Parameter | Description |
"CustomHeader" | Optional field which adds a custom header to all messages sent by the Webhook subscription – it can be used, for example, to include additional authentication information to ensure incoming messages are genuine, or to enrich incoming messages to make them easier to identify and process. |
"CustomHeaderValue" | Optional field which adds a corresponding value to the custom header to all messages sent by the Webhook subscription – it can be used, for example, to include additional authentication information to ensure incoming messages are genuine, or to enrich incoming messages to make them easier to identify and process. |
"FilterObjectGUID" | Mandatory field, identifying GUID for whatever object type (FilterObjectType) is required.
"FilterObjectType" | ID for the type of object being filtered by. Company = 31 Contract = 215 Service = 217 Process = 911 |
"SubscriberURL" | A valid URL (inc. http/https") which can receive the WebHook message |
"Webhook" | Name of the WebHook being subscribed to i.e. PacketCreated |
Note on creating Webhook subscriptions:
For creating subscriptions, the FilterObjectType and the FilterObjectGUID should match up according to the item you want to receive messages about, i.e. if you want to know about Packets Created for a particular Company then you would use:
FilterObjectType = 31 (Company in the EnateObjects enum) (Or alternatively Contract = 215, Service = 217)
FilterObjectGUID = <any valid Company GUID you can access>
WebHook = PacketCreated
Last updated