Service Lines Screen

The Service Lines screen is where you can see, create and manage your service line data in one place.

Access this area by clicking on the Service Lines link in the Toolbar.

You can view all of your service lines by clicking on the drop-down menu. You can also add new Service lines in the same location.

Selecting a service line will show you the number of Cases, Actions and Tickets associated with that service line. The search bar allows you to search through the Cases, Action and Ticket processes associated with that service line.

Clicking on a particular Case, Action or Ticket associated with a service line will bring up the master date information for that Case, Action or Ticket in the right-hand side of the screen a to view / edit this information.

Creating a New Service Line

You can create a new service line by clicking on the '+' icon next to the dropdown menu.

Once you save your service line, it will appear in the drop-down list.

Creating Defect Categories

You are also able to create defect categories as part of the service line by clicking on the 'Show Advanced Settings' button. Defect categories are supported in three levels.

Accessing Ticket Categories from Service Line

In addition to being able to define your global menu of Ticket Categories within the individual Ticket configuration screens, you can also maintain it under the Service Line. access via the 'Open Ticket Categories' link and edit your Categories menu there.

Adding an Initial Estimated Effort Timer and Record Count to Tickets

When you are creating or editing a tier 3 ticket, you will be able to set an initial estimated effort per record timer and chose if you want the record count to be visible to Work Manager users working on that ticket. You will also be able to write a record count description that will be displayed for the Work Manager user. While the description is optional, it is recommended that you write one as it can make clear to Work Manager users how to use the record count.

Editing a Service Line

You can edit an existing service line by selecting that service line from the drop-down menu, making changes as desired and hitting 'Save'.

You can see what edits have been made to the Service Line and when, as well as when the Service Line was created, by clicking on the Show Activity button.

You are also able to clone a service line by clicking on the Clone button in the edit screen. This will clone all of the service line's settings apart from its name. You are able to make changes to any of the settings once the service line has been cloned.

Last updated