Enate White Papers

Enate Integration

This document covers the topic of integrating with Enate: from out of the box deep integrations with Email and Single Sign-on; Marketplace integrations with 3rd Party vendors; flexible API & Webhook integrations; iPaas integrations, using RPA with Enate; User Interface integrations and Reporting Data integration.

Data Segregation in Enate

This document explains how data version management and data separation come together in Enate to support various approaches to configuring and improving the platform. It is to be read by both Centre of Excellence users and Business users who are configuring Enate and want to understand what is happening ‘under the skin’. It is also designed to be read by compliance teams and IT Security professionals who are not familiar with Enate but want to understand how Enate supports their business policies.

Separating Data by Customer

This document discusses how you can use a single Enate tenant to safely deliver service to mutiple customers, keeping each Customer's data separate. It discusses some of the benefits this can bring, while also covering aspects of Enate's out-of-the-box data segregation fuctionality and enhanced options as as the 'Bring Your Own Bucket' feature which allows certain data to be stored on a customr's own Azure Tenant.

Enate Implementation - Solution Methodology Explainer

This document is an explainer for anyone involved in the Solution Discovery and Solution Design phases of an Enate Pilot implementation (and subsequent implementations). The objective of Solution Discovery and Design is to create the simplest possible solution using Enate to meet your objectives.

This document can help you understand where Solution Discovery and Solution Design fit with within the overall implementation project, and what's involved in each of the seven phases that form them. Solution consultants and configurers will use this document alongside the detailed solution methodology decision trees and artefacts as part of implementation.

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