Main Insights Page

The Insights page, available from the main menu, shows a daily breakout of your Insights Data, relating to how time is spent each day. Team Members use this screen to view and adjust their Insights data across a number of days via the calendar control. Team Leaders have these same options, plus additional features available for this page, detailed here.

Team Leaders can use this data to see patterns in how time is being spent through their team, both here and in the Insights Report. Insights into upcoming availability of their team can also be seen here and such data can contribute to further reports to help with short-term capacity planning. Team Leaders should primarily use this page to help ensure all required data has been filled in by their team.

Accessing the Insights page

You can access the Insights page from the Nav item option, and via a link at the top of the Insights Popup.

Insights Page for Team Members

Main View of Insights Data

The view defaults to today's date. For each day a user will see in the main section:

  • The 'How are you feeling' value to the day (this can also be set here, but once set is read-only and comment shows as a mouseover tooltip).

  • Data they manually entered on the Insights popup (or indeed on this same main Insights Screen)

  • Time auto-tracked by Enate - This is Time which Enate has tracked being spent on the Ticket, Case, Action screen or on an Enate email on this day, (includes manual adjustments)

  • The overall totals hours of these numbers

These values are grouped into two section showing:

  • 'Operational value added hours' - spent actively performing work for service delivery

  • 'Business value added hours' - spent on suppotring activity which indirectly contributes to service delivery

Modifying / Adding Insights values

Modifying Values

The Insights values (number of Hours and minutes) can be modified by users for each day selected.

Users can change all of these values manually except for the 'Time auto-tracked by Enate' value, which comes from the Time Tracker control on all work items the users worked on on that day (and any work item-related emails they worked on in the Email view). Note that the time tracker data will take manually applied overrides set on work items in prefernces to auto-tracked time, wherever they have been entered.

Click Submit to save any adjusments.

Adding missing data

For days marked as still missing any confirmed data, a message will show at the top of the table. All missing data should be added, including confirming of the Working Hours for that day (a suggested value will often be displayed)

Click Submit to save any adjusments.

Insights Data Displayed

The following data is displayed on the main section, corresponding with the data options shown on the Insights Popup.

  • Working Hours - Standard amount of working hours for this day.

  • Breaks - Time spent on breaks, e.g. lunch, throughout this day.

  • Downtime - Time lost due to, e.g. system issues, or non-availability of work.

  • Time auto-tracked by Enate - Time which Enate has tracked being spent on the Ticket, Case, Action screen or on an Enate email on this day, (includes manual adjustments)

  • Active time not tracked by Enate - (only availabel for historic dates). Time spent actively working to provide service but where a Ticket, Case or Action screen, or Enate email, is NOT open in Enate to auto-track this time.

    Examples might be: time spent on the Enate homepage or working in another system whil an Enate work item tab is NOT open and so not auto-tracking time. Note: This should NOT include activities such as meetings or training, which should be noted separately.

  • Meetings - time spent in any collaborative gathering or group meeting.

  • Feedback / 1-2-1 - time spent in individual sessions with e.g. team leader, manager, mentor.

  • Training - time in organised training or knowledge-transfer sessions.

  • Other - time spent on any other activities which are not listed above, or any additional breaks taken in a day.

Calendar view

Users can use the calendar control to flip between dates, updating the Insights data displayed in the main section to show data for that date. They also have the following options:

  • View and mark dates as 'On Leave', i.e. vacation days (shown in yellow).

  • View and mark dates as a 'non-working day' for that user, e.g. a weekend day or equivalent (shown in purple).

  • View dates where their Insights data is currently incomplete (date shown in RED). Use this control to help identify which dates you need to fill in gaps in Insights data.

Dates where they can no longer adjust data are shown greyed out.

How far back can I Add / Edit my Insights Data?

Team members can add or Edit Insights data (including setting dates as 'On Leave' or 'Non-Working Day' for up to 7 days in the past). If you need your data to be adjusted for dates beyone that, speak with your Team Leader who can make necessary adjustment for up to 31 days.

Entering data in advance

Rememberthat users can enter future Insights data, particularly planned leave and non-working days can be entered in advance if missing, the help Team Leaders withe future capacity planning.

Insights Page For Team Leaders

Team Leaders* have all the same features that Team Members have on the Insights page, PLUS additional features available to them, with a Team section, and an additional tab in the Calendar section. *(Specifically: users with the 'Set up Team & Queues' feature access option enabled )

Finding & Fixing missing Insight data - Summary 'Cheat Sheet'

To identify missing Insights data quickly, Team Leaders can:

  • Look at the Teams section first, click on a user with a red circle (showing they have missing data on that date). Fix their data, then look at the Calendar to see any other 'red' highlighted days where data is missing for that user, and go through each until data is complete. OR

  • Select the Team Calendar first, select a date highlighted in red (showing that at least one team member has missing data). Then select the users from the Team section circled in red and work to fix their data. Cycle through each red date until all missing user data is complete.

Team section

Team Leaders can see their team members in the Teams section.

Clicking on any team member will show their calendar and the Insights Data in the main section for the selected date. They can flip between dates, viewing and if necessary adjusting the Insights data. They also have the following options to adjust that user's data, in the user's calendar displayed:

  • View and mark dates as 'On Leave', i.e. vacation days (shown in yellow).

  • View and mark dates as a 'non-working day' for that user, e.g. a weekend day or equivalent (shown in purple).

  • View dates where their Insights data is currently incomplete for the selected user (date shown in RED).

Dates where they can no longer adjust data are shown greyed out.

Finding missing data: Team Leader should use this view to click on a user with a red circle (showing they have missing data on that date). Fix their data, then look at the Calendar to see any other 'red' highlighted days where data is missing for that user, and go through each until data is complete.

Team Leader Calendar options

Team Leaders have are able to see each of the team member's detailed calendar when they click on them. They also have a Team Calendar tab. This will display in red any day where at least one team member has incomplete Insights data.

Finding mssing data: Team Leader should use this Team Calendar to identify each date highlighted in red, the select the users from the Team section who are circled in red, and work to fix their data. Cycle through each red date until all missing user data is complete.

How far back can Team Leaders Add / Edit Insights Data?

  • Team Leader cans add or Edit Insights data (including setting dates as 'On Leave' or 'Non-Working Day') for up to 31 days in the past.

  • Team Leaders can currently update your own data for up to 7 days in the past. This is due to change to 31 days in an upcoming change shortly to be released.

Last updated