Custom Data and Custom Card Configuration

In Enate you can add custom content into your Tickets, Cases & Actions. This custom content is displayed via Custom Cards which can be set to display in the main section of the work item, and also as a section of the side panel on the right side of the screen.

You can instantly create cards of your custom data fields or you can create Advanced Custom Cards that can be designed with HTML, JavaScript or CSS to show richer content such as external systems & webforms.

There are three steps involved in configuring custom information to display in Tickets, Cases and Actions:

1) Creating custom data fields

See here for information about how to create custom data fields:

Creating Custom Data Fields

2) Creating Custom Cards to show these data fields / other content

Go to this section to find out how to create Custom Cards:

Creating a Custom Card

See here for more information about how to create Advanced Custom Cards:

Advanced Custom Cards

3) Linking Custom Cards to specific Case, Ticket and Action instances

Go to this section to find out how to link Custom Cards to your work item processes:

Linking Custom Cards to Cases / Tickets / Actions

Last updated