User Availability Insights


The optional Insights feature lets you capture key information regarding a user's availability. This will help Team leads and operations managers to better schedule work by giving them a view of where time is being spent day-to-day.

If this is switched on in your system, when Agents log in they'll be asked for a quick rundown of any non-core activities they may have planned for the day, for example training or 1-2-1 meetings, and how they're feeling, plus expected work time for the next day. Agents can always revisit this in their main Insights page to confirm how things went, if they need to adjust.

Team Leaders can look at this information for each of their team members via this page and the accompanying Insights report to get visibility of how much core work time their team have available versus these other activities, and a break out of where that other time is spent - helping them plan work accordingly.

This feature can be enabled from the General Settings section of Builder.

Pop up on Work Manager screen

When a user logs in for the first time that day, they will be met with a pop-up asking them how they are feeling, and to input information about what's on their plate for the day.

The user can either provide the data in the pop-up then and there or choose to do it later by clicking 'Not Now'.

If a user doesn't have time to fill in the data at that point and they select 'Not Now', they can access the pop-up again from the 'Insights' icon in the top bar. This icon will only appear if there is still data left to be filled in in the pop-up. If all data has been filled in, the icon in the top bar will disappear.

If a user hasn't filled in the data in the pop-up and they they logout and log back in again on the same day, the pop-up will reappear when they log back in.

The first bit of data a user is asked to provide is how they are they are feeling. They can select an emoji to represent how they are feeling and they can add a comment if they want.

The next sections of the pop-up will ask the user about information regarding their availability. They will be asked to plan their availability for the upcoming day, to confirm their availability for their last working day, and to plan their availability for their next working day.

The user's standard working hours will either be defaulted to their working hours as per their working calendar settings, set in Builder, or, if they have no calendar configured, it will default to 08:00 hrs. Their break time will be defaulted to 00:00. If these are not correct, the user should make sure to change it by clicking on the link.

They will then be taken to the Insights page where they can adjust the working hours and break time for that day.

Once a user changes their working hours or break values, this will be the default working hours values used going forward.

If they have no other activities other than their core work, they should select the 'I’m good- I’ve got the day clear' option.

If they have activities outside of their core work, they should add how much time will be spent on these activities by either using the sliders or by entering the time.


Working hours

Users should enter their standard working hours per day.

Once a user changes this value, this will be the default working hours value used going forward.


Users should enter the amount of time allocated to breaks per day, as per their contract.

Once a user changes this value, this will be the default working hours value used going forward.


Users should enter any time spent in any collaborative gathering or group meeting.


Users should enter any time spent in individual sessions with e.g. your team leader, manager, mentor or other.


Users should enter any time spent on any other activities which are not listed above, or any additional breaks taken in a day

Work performed within Enate

Users should enter any time spent working in Enate performing productive tasks (e.g. completing an Action or Ticket).

Work performed outside Enate

Users should enter any time spent working outside of Enate performing productive tasks, e.g. using third party application to complete a task.

This options only appear when asking the user to confirm past data.

Idle Time

Users should enter any time lost due to e.g. system issues, or non availability of work

This options only appear when asking the user to confirm past data.

It's/It was a non-working day

Select this option for a non-working weekend e.g. Saturday/Sunday, or an equivalent, standard non-working day in place of a weekend day.

I'm on/ I was on/I will be on leave

Select this feature for a non-working day, either as part of planned annual vacation/leave or sickness absence.

Note that a user can always make changes by using the main Insights page.

The pop-up will not appear when a user is on leave. Leave dates are set in the Insights page. When a user has taken leave, the pop-up will take this into account and will ask the user to fill in information for their last working day.

Main Insights Page

The Insights page, available from the main menu, is where users can go if they need to edit any of the data they have entered.

They can also use it to enter future planned leave and their non-working days.

Users who manage a team (i.e. users with the 'Set up Team & Queues' feature access option, set in the User Roles section of Builder) can also use it to view their team's availability and to make any necessary changes. Users with the will be able to see the information their team (i.e. the people who they manage) have entered.

Users without the 'Set up Team & Queues' feature access option will only be able to see their own data.

You can also see a summary and breakdown of the availability of a user.


Working hours

This shows you a user's standard working hours per day, as per their employment contract.


This shows you a user's time allocated to breaks per day, as per their contract.

Idle Time

Enter the time lost due to e.g. system issues or non availability of work

Note: only available for past dates


This shows you a user's time spent in any collaborative gathering or group meeting.


This shows you a user's time spent in individual sessions with e.g. your team leader, manager, mentor or other.


This shows you a user's time spent on any other activities which are not listed above, or any additional breaks taken in a day

Work performed within Enate

This shows you a user's time spent working in Enate performing productive tasks (e.g. completing an Action or Ticket).

Work performed outside Enate

This shows you a user's time spent working outside of Enate performing productive tasks, e.g. using third party application to complete a task.

Note: Only available for past dates

User Insights Report

As part of the Insights feature, a standard report is available that summarizes you or your team's availability data. It shows:

  • Planned leave data

  • Non-working days

  • Trend of duration of activities

  • Overall sentiment

  • Sentiment trend

More information about these visuals can be seen in the table below:

Report VisualDescriptionLogicFilters Applicable


Shows the Daily/Weekly/Monthly trend of planned leave count by the user. If the logged in user is a team manager then it will also show leave count for their team members.

1. Count all rows where Work Day Type = "Leave" 2. Filter the rows for the "logged in user" and any user whose manager is "logged in user"

Date, User name

Non-working days

Shows the Daily/Weekly/Monthly trend of non working days count for the user. If the logged in user is a team manager then it will also show non working days count for their team members.

1. Count all rows where Work Day Type = "WeekOff" 2. Filter the rows for the "logged in user" and any user whose manager is "logged in user"

Date, User name

Avg. duration trend (in hrs)

Shows the average Daily/Weekly/Monthly trend of various durations entered by the user. If the logged in user is a team manager then it will also show average durations for their team members.

1. Calculate the average of DurationSpentInEnate, AdHocDuration, DowntimeDuration, FeedbackDuration, MeetingDuration, DurationSpentOutsideEnate, TrainingDuration by excluding any WeekOff and leaves 2. DurationSpentInEnate is calculated as total duration recorded in packet activities by each user on each day where activity type in (2,3) 3. Filter the rows for the "logged in user" and any user whose manager is "logged in user"

Date, User name

Overall sentiment

Shows the overall percentage share of each sentiment opted by the user. If the logged in user is a team manager then it will also show the percentage share of sentiments for their team members.

1. Calculate the count of sentiments for each sentiment type 2. Filter the rows for the "logged in user" and any user whose manager is "logged in user"

Date, User name

Sentiment trend

Shows the Daily/Weekly/Monthly trend of percentage share of sentiment entered by the user. If the logged in user is a team manager then it will also show the percentage share of sentiments for their team members.

1. Calculate the count of sentiments for each sentiment type 2. Filter the rows for the "logged in user" and any user whose manager is "logged in user"

Date, User name

The Team View Report contains the following available data sets:




Day of the week in DDMM Format



Week of the year



Month of the Year in MMYY format



Calendar Year

Sentiment type


Sentiments options (Excellent, Very Good, Good, Bad, Worse). It will be none if not entered.


Avg. other hours

Avg. hours spent on ad hoc tasks


Avg. contractual break hours

Avg. hours spent on breaks


Avg. idle hours

Avg. hours spent on system downtime


Avg. feedback/1-2-1 hours

Avg. hours spent on feedback sessions


Avg. work performed within Enate

Avg. hours spent in Enate (on cases, actions or tickets)


Avg. work performed outside Enate

Avg. value added hours spent outside the Enate


Avg. meeting hours

Avg. hours spent on meetings


Avg. training hours

Avg. hours spent on training sessions


Avg. working hours

Avg. working hours


Other hours

Total hours spent on adhoc tasks


Contractual break hours

Total hours spent on breaks


Idle hours

Total hours spent on system downtime


Feedback/1-2-1 hours

Total hours spent on feedback sessions


Work performed within Enate

Total hours spent in Enate (specifically on Cases, Actions or Tickets)


Work performed outside Enate

Total value-added hours spent outside the Enate


Leaves count

Planned leave count for the user(s)


Meeting hours

Total hours spent on meetings


Non-working days count

Non-working day count for the user(s) includes holidays weekends etc


Sentiment count

Count of sentiments entered by user(s) for a particular day


Training hours

Total hours spent on training sessions


Working hours

Total working hours



Comments added by user for the sentiment chosen


Insights date

Date when the durations/sentiments captured from the user


Email address

Email address of the user(s)


User name

Full name of the user(s)

WorkDay type

Work day

Type of the day (Working, Non-working Day, Leave). It will be none if nothing is chosen by the user.

Whose Data can I see?

In the Main Insights Page, and the Insights Report, you will either see just your own Availability data, or that of yourself and you team, depending on the level of feature access you have set in your user role, specifically:

  • Users with the 'Set up Team & Queues' feature access option (set in the User Roles section of Builder) will be able to see the information entered by themselves and their team (i.e. the people who they manage).

  • Users without the 'Set up Team & Queues' feature access option will only be able to see their own data.

Last updated