Creating Custom Data Fields

Overview of custom data fields

Enate's custom data fields let you model any bespoke data you need for managing and running your processes. This can help you to capture key information as part of processing your Tickets, Cases and Actions, and store for example incoming data as work gets created.

Custom data fields are easy to create and, once you have them, they can be used in lots of places throughout the system:

  • You can use Custom Cards to display and edit your data fields in Tickets, Cases & Actions

  • You can search by them in Quickfind

  • They're available to use in your Homepage and Views grids and can be used for the breakout display chart

  • They're available in the data warehouse for use in custom reports.

Custom data fields can be used in conjunction with Custom Cards - these are auto-generated or manually created cards which can be added to your Tickets, Cases and Actions to let you view and maintain your data. Custom Cards can also contain bespoke code to display any manner of information alongside your data.

There are two types of custom data field that you can create

  1. Custom data fields - these are used for defining individual fields of information

  2. Custom data tables - these are useful for the storing of repeating rows of information

The Custom Data Fields section in Builder is where you can create new custom data fields and view, edit and even delete existing custom data fields.

Once you have created your desired custom data fields, you'll want to add them to Custom Cards to start using them.

Creating new custom data

See this video to find out how to create custom data, or read the information below.

To create a custom data field, go to the Custom Data Fields section in Builder and click the ‘+’ icon at the top right of the screen and then select to 'Add Field'.

In the following pop-up, fill in the following information:

Types of custom data field

The following Types of fields are supported:

Multiple-Level Lists

This type of custom data field allows users to create lists with up to two additional nested sub-lists, so three levels of list in total.

Please note:

  • Parent list items and their children are sorted alphanumerically by default

  • Duplicate child entries per single parent are not allowed

When you choose this type of custom data field, an additional option of 'Include blank 'select' value' will appear. Selecting this option will make the list appear with a default 'select from dropdown' option in the Custom Card in Work Manager, if a default value hasn't been set.

Editing a field

When editing a custom field, you are also able to see its activity history by clicking on the Show Activity button. You can see when the custom field was created and by who, as well as if any edits have been made to the custom field, when they were made and by who.

Deleting custom data fields

You can delete a custom field by clicking on the menu option on the right of the row:

Using Data Fields for Reference Numbers

One of the many things you may wish to store with custom data fields is your own Reference numbers, perhaps to help tie things up with other systems that may be in use. You are strongly encouraged to define text fields for this, even if the reference field contains nothing but numbers, e.g. '22345216'. Some simple things to take into account when selecting data types here:

  • Are you going to be performing maths on the field? If No, you should choose a text string data type.

  • Could there be leading zeros in the reference number? If Yes, definitely choose a text string data type. If you don't, and choose numeric data type instead, you run the risk that e.g. entering '01234' will save as '1234', as most systems dealing with a numeric value are likely to trim leading zeroes.

Creating a new table

In addition to defining individual custom data fields, you can also define tables to allow for storing of repeating rows of information.

To create a new custom data field, click the ‘+’ icon at the top right of the screen and then select to 'Add Table'.

This will bring up a screen where you can define the table data.

Fill in the following table-level information:

Click ‘Save’. Now you can create custom data fields within the table.

Adding a field to a table

To add a custom data field to a custom data table, click the '+' icon on the right.

In the following pop-up, fill in the following information:

Editing fields in a table

To edit a field in a custom data table, click to edit the custom table and then click on the menu option on the right of the row of the field you want to edit and select 'Edit'.

When editing a custom table, you are also able to see its activity history by clicking on the Show Activity button. You can see when the custom table was created and by who, as well as if any edits have been made to the custom table, when they were made and by who.

Creating new fields within the Custom Cards screen

Alternatively, you can easily create new custom data fields in the Custom Cards screen itself - simply select the Custom Cards screen from the the menu on the left-hand side of Builder, click the 'add' icon above the list of system fields and fill in the required information in the resulting popup.

Last updated