
The timeline shows the history of activity that has taken place for a work item in a chronological list. It is divided into the Comms Tab which shows the communications history for the work item and the Timeline Tab which shows all of the activity that has taken place for the work item. See the following video for more information.

Comms Tab

The Comms tab shows the communications history for a work item, such as emails, log activity and notes. For Tickets and Actions, the timeline section will display the Comms tab by default.

The communications will be displayed in chronological order with the most recent at the top and the most recent email communication will be auto expanded by default. You can expand items to view them in more detail.

Incoming communications which have arrived on the work item since it was last accessed by an agent will display on the timeline with a green dot to make you aware of the new communications. The green dots will clear after any manual update is made to the work item and you hit ‘Submit’. The system does not clear the green dots based purely on the work item being viewed, as it could be viewed by multiple parties. Instead, in order to ensure that the agent tasked with working on this item is aware of such recent updates an explicit update to the work item is needed before the green dot will clear.

Additionally, if another Ticket has been merged into the work item you are currently viewing, any communications from that now merged Ticket will initially display on the timeline highlighted with green dots to make you aware of the new relevant communications. These will again clear the next time the work item is manually updated.

Filtering the Comms Tab

You can choose which communications you wish to see on the comms timeline by clicking on the filter icon.

The number next to the filter icon lets you know how many types of communications you are able to see out of the total number of types of communications available.

You can choose to filter the Comms tab by the following communications:


  • Cancelled - this shows emails that have been cancelled, when they were cancelled and who they were cancelled by

  • Failed - this will shows emails that have failed to send and why they failed to send. Note that you can try to resend failed emails from the Timeline section by clicking the 'Retry' option.​

  • Incoming - this will shows emails coming in from a third party, when they arrived and who they were sent by

  • Outgoing - this will shows emails going out to a third party, when they were send and who they were sent by.

  • Scheduled - this will shows emails that are scheduled to send at a later date, when the emails are scheduled to send and who and who set the schedule. You also have the option to send the email now or to cancel the email from the Timeline. Additionally, when an Undo Send time is set, the option to send emails straight away or to cancel sending the email

    will appear in the Timeline during the Undo Send period (see here for more information about the Undo Send option) when scheduled emails are set to appear in the Timeline.​

  • Log Activity

    • Incoming and outgoing phone calls

    • Incoming and outgoing letters

  • Notes - this shows the notes that have been added to the work item

  • Self Service - this shows communications entered by self Service Users

  • (If the work item is a Ticket) Ticket Initial Description - this shows the initial description under which a Ticket was submitted

When this is switched on, the comms tab will display communications not just from this work item, but for all related work items.

When a related work item appears on the timeline, its reference will be displayed in the timeline.

  • This setting is switched on by default for Cases so that when viewing a Case, you will also be able to see communications for all of its corresponding Actions.

  • This option is switched off by default for Tickets and Actions, so they will default to only displaying communications from this work item.

Include system generated items

When switched on, system-generated communications such as auto-created submission confirmation emails which Enate sends out will be displayed. This option is off by default.

Timeline Tab

The timeline tab shows the all of the activity history that has taken place for a work item, such as allocation changes, status changes and information about the quality of the work item, as well as all of the communications information that is also displayed in the comms tab.

The items will be displayed on the timeline in chronological order with the most recent at the top.

Filtering the Timeline Tab

You can choose which activities you wish to see on the timeline by clicking on the filter icon.

The number next to the filter icon lets you know how many types of communications you are able to see out of the total number of types of communications available.

In addition to all the communication options, you can choose to filter the timeline tab by the following information:


  • Queues ​- when the work item has moved to a different Queue

  • Reassignments - the shows when the work item has been reassigned to another user

Case Rework History (Cases Only)

If a Case has been set to rework, the timeline will show who set the Case to rework, when it was set to rework, and the Step number and Action it was set to rework from.

Email Attachment Deletion

This shows when an email attachment has been deleted. It includes the file name of the email attachment that was deleted, the subject of the email it was attached to, who deleted it and when it was deleted.


  • Due Date Missed - this shows when the due date for the work item has been missed

  • Due Date Changed - when the due date of the work item, the timeline will show when it has been changed to, who changed it and when they changed it

Status Changes

  • this shows when the work item status was changed, what is was changed from and to (e.g. status changed from In Progress to Resolved), who it was changed by and the reason it was changed. The icon on the left will reflect the status the work item was changed to.

  • If the status has changed to Wait, the Timeline will also show the Wait type

  • If the status has changed to Resolved, the Timeline will also show the Resolution Method

  • when a Peer-Review Action is in the peer review stage

  • If a Case has a problem

Include Related Work Items

When this is switched on, the timeline will display information not just from this work item, but for all related work items.

When a related work item appears on the timeline, its reference will be displayed underneath the icon.

  • This setting is switched on by default for Cases so that when viewing a Case, you will also be able to see information about all of its corresponding Actions.

  • This option is switched off by default for Tickets and Actions, so they will default to only displaying information from this work item.

  • The one exception is when merging a Ticket, any Tickets which were closed due to merging will default to display the information from the downstream related Ticket.

Include System-Generated Activities

When switched on, system-generated timeline entries such as auto-created submission confirmation emails which Enate sends out will be displayed. This option is off by default.

Viewing Reopened Work Items

You can view when work items have been reopened from a resolved state in the timeline, as well as when it was reopened and by whom.

If a work item has been reopened as a result of an email, 'System' will be shown as who reopened the work item, so make sure that the 'Include System-Generated Activities' option in the comms/timeline filter is enabled to see these timeline entries.

If a work item has been reopened by an agent, make sure the 'status changes' option from the timeline filter is enabled to see these timeline entries.

The information about who last reopened it and when is also shown explicitly on the work item info card.

Last updated

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