Working Between Teams

Communications between Internal Teams - Overview

Sometimes when you're sending an email on a Work Item and you need to involve teams in other parts of your business, you may not know if they're using Enate yet to manage their work - particularly in larger organisations - and so it can be unclear precisely how to proceed.

Now, when you're working in Enate, you no longer have to worry about this - the system will take care of this for you. You can just write your mail and the system will know what to do next; if anyone internal is involved and they're using Enate, we'll prompt you with tickets or cases of theirs that you might want to share this email with, or quickly create a new work item if needed.

Doing so helps keep all subsequent communications tightly synched up between those teams and any external parties. If you're sending the email to someone who is not using Enate, the system will just send them the email.

Example Scenarios

If we take an example where we have:

  • Jane, an Agent working out of Team A in the UK

  • Karina, an agent in Team B in Poland

  • An external party who has mailed in a query initially relating to the UK, which lands with Team A

Jane in Team A is writing a response email to the external requestor also see that part of the query needs to involve their Polish team, Team B. Jane doesn't need to know if the Polish team are using Enate, she just adds their email address to her outgoing email.

Enate knows that the Polish team's email address is connected to an Enate mailbox and so it's going to result in Ticket or Case for them. Upon clicking to send the email, Enate will bring up a pop-up explaining this to the Agent, and asking for some more information which will help in the creation of of the work item for the other team.

Once the agent adds this further information to create a linked work item she can confirm to proceed. The email gets sent out to any external recipients, and the other team, Team B in Poland, see the email within a relevant, LINKED, Ticket or Case. Both Teams are aware of the other team's Linked ticket or Case and can keep themselves in the loop on progress.

Teams working between Permissions boundaries

If Team B's activities happen to fall outside of Team A's permissions, they're still able to see at least the header-level information for it on the Linked Items screen.

Downstream Emails kept in Synch

Importantly, all the downstream communications get kept tightly in synch.

The External recipient can see both team's addresses on their email and, if they send back a response, BOTH teams will be updated at the same time. Everyone is kept in the loop.

In the most regular scenario, the pop-up would likely show the single, already linked ticket or Case which Team B are working on, essentially saying 'do you want to share this mail with Team B's running ticket?'.

What about other Teams not yet using Enate?

If there's any other internal email addresses added to a mail, going to areas of your business that aren't yet using Enate that's fine - they'll simply go out as emails to communicate with that other team as they normally would.

Requirement: 'Plus Addressing' Enabled on Your Company Mail Server

IMPORTANT NOTE: in order to make use of these features, your email admin team MUST have enabled the 'Plus Addressing' setting in your email server setup - this is what helps route all mails through to the right work items downstream.

For more information on Plus Addressing and how to enable it, see this article:

Last updated

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