Email Template Configuration

Email Templates help with task optimisation and efficiency.

Email Templates are used in 4 main areas:

  • For standard Ticket activities

  • For in process automated emails Actions in a Case flow

  • As Canned Response email sections, available when manually composing emails in work items

  • For standard user admin activities e.g. when a user needs to reset their password.

Email Templates are defined in the Email section of Builder and are set at a global level – i.e. any email template defined is available for use within any process. Watch this video to find out more:

A list of default email templates are available to you that are immediately ready to use. See here for more information about Enate's Default Email Templates:

Default Email Templates

You can create new templates of your own to use as part of your business operations. See this section to find out more:

Creating New Email TemplatesViewing Where Email Templates Are In UseComparing & Merging Email TemplatesCanned Response Configuration

Last updated