'ABBYY FlexiCapture' Actions
Enate is able to provide integration with ABBYY FlexiCapture - this is achieved through use of an ABBYY FlexiCapture integrated Action (see the here for guidance on how to create and configure this new Action type).
When an ABBYY Action runs for a Case, documents attached to the Case can be submitted to ABBYY FlexiCapture for OCR Scanning and the processed output files will be returned and automatically attached to the Case.
Note: Only filetypes supported by ABBYY v12 onwards can be submitted. Click here to see the following link for list of formats supported by ABBYY.
The system will show this message while it is waiting for you to submit document(s) to the ABBYY FlexiCapture engine for processing:
You’ll see confirmation of when documents have successfully been submitted to ABBYY for processing:
Last attempt is the time when the document(s) have been submitted to the ABBYY FlexiCapture engine for processing.
If the documents submitted were of an invalid file format or if there were problems with the formatting of the document itself, the system will return this message:
Automatic Retries
If there has been an issue with document submission, the system will automatically retry submitting a certain number of times, depending on how your system has been configured in Builder (see here for more information).
If there is still a problem with submission following the automatic retries (e.g. if the retry setting is set to 5 and the system fails to establish a connection following 5 automatic retries), the ABBYY Action will move to a state of 'Closed'.
In this circumstance of the Action failing to establish connection with the external sytem, this will escalate to the Case Owner, highlighting in the Action section of the Case screen that this Action was Closed - Not Done Successfully.
After having scanned a document, ABBYY creates a score based on how confident it is in the quality of the scan. If the confidence score is above the threshold defined then no verification is required and it will process the data and complete the task. If the confidence score is below a certain threshold, human verification is required.
No Verification Required
A status message will confirm that human validation is not required:
Once processing is complete, the ABBYY Action will close. Exported files will be attached to the Case and are visible in the Files Card.
Note: if Output File Tags’ have been set then ABBYY will apply the output tag to all files which it processed, ready for use in downstream activities.
Human Verification Required
The system will alert you if human verification is required:
Additionally, a reminder text will display in next to the Action status to reaffirm that manual verification must be completed in ABBYY before continuing.
Clicking on the ‘Verify’ button will take you to the ABBYY Verification Station where you can verify the scans of the documents and adjust information as necessary.
Note : A valid ABBYY FlexiCapture account with permissions to carry out verification in the chosen project will be required for full access.
Once you are logged in, you will be presented with ABBY FlexiCapture’s Verification Station screen where you can review and adjust information as necessary.
The Verification Station is made up of three sections:
The individual pages of the document to be scanned.
A close up of the original document to be scanned.
The Extracted Output - so the scanned version of the original document.
Text highlighted in yellow in the original document tab is the data ABBYY is unable to read. This is highlighted in red in the Extracted Output.
Certain characters like ‘i’ may also been highlighted Extracted Output section if ABBYY is uncertain about the scanned copy.
Once you’ve finished the manual verification, the screen will confirm this has been done but will note that there was an expectation which required manual intervention:
Once processing is complete, exported files will be attached to the Case and are visible in the Files tab.
You can then mark the Action as complete.
Note: if Output File Tags’ have been set then ABBYY will apply the output tag to all files which it processed, ready for use in downstream activities.
Last updated
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