The User Insights Report
Report detailing User Availability Insights data of how their work time is being spent.
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Report detailing User Availability Insights data of how their work time is being spent.
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As part of the Insights feature, a standard report is available that summarizes you or your team's availability data. It shows:
Planned leave data
Non-working days
Trend of duration of activities
Overall sentiment
Sentiment trend
More information about these visuals can be seen in the table below:
Shows the Daily/Weekly/Monthly trend of planned leave count by the user. If the logged in user is a team manager then it will also show leave count for their team members.
1. Count all rows where Work Day Type = "Leave" 2. Filter the rows for the "logged in user" and any user whose manager is "logged in user"
Date, User name
Non-working days
Shows the Daily/Weekly/Monthly trend of non working days count for the user. If the logged in user is a team manager then it will also show non working days count for their team members.
1. Count all rows where Work Day Type = "WeekOff" 2. Filter the rows for the "logged in user" and any user whose manager is "logged in user"
Date, User name
Avg. duration trend (in hrs)
Shows the average Daily/Weekly/Monthly trend of various durations entered by the user. If the logged in user is a team manager then it will also show average durations for their team members.
1. Calculate the average of DurationSpentInEnate, AdHocDuration, DowntimeDuration, FeedbackDuration, MeetingDuration, DurationSpentOutsideEnate, TrainingDuration by excluding any WeekOff and leaves 2. DurationSpentInEnate is calculated as total duration recorded in packet activities by each user on each day where activity type in (2,3) 3. Filter the rows for the "logged in user" and any user whose manager is "logged in user"
Date, User name
Overall sentiment
Shows the overall percentage share of each sentiment opted by the user. If the logged in user is a team manager then it will also show the percentage share of sentiments for their team members.
1. Calculate the count of sentiments for each sentiment type 2. Filter the rows for the "logged in user" and any user whose manager is "logged in user"
Date, User name
Sentiment trend
Shows the Daily/Weekly/Monthly trend of percentage share of sentiment entered by the user. If the logged in user is a team manager then it will also show the percentage share of sentiments for their team members.
1. Calculate the count of sentiments for each sentiment type 2. Filter the rows for the "logged in user" and any user whose manager is "logged in user"
Date, User name
The Team View Report contains the following available data sets:
Day of the week in DDMM Format
Week of the year
Month of the Year in MMYY format
Calendar Year
Sentiment type
Sentiments options (Excellent, Very Good, Good, Bad, Worse). It will be none if not entered.
Avg. other hours
Avg. hours spent on ad hoc tasks
Avg. contractual break hours
Avg. hours spent on breaks
Avg. idle hours
Avg. hours spent on system downtime
Avg. feedback/1-2-1 hours
Avg. hours spent on feedback sessions
Avg. work performed within Enate
Avg. hours spent in Enate (on cases, actions or tickets)
Avg. work performed outside Enate
Avg. value added hours spent outside the Enate
Avg. meeting hours
Avg. hours spent on meetings
Avg. training hours
Avg. hours spent on training sessions
Avg. working hours
Avg. working hours
Other hours
Total hours spent on adhoc tasks
Contractual break hours
Total hours spent on breaks
Downtime hours
Total hours spent on system downtime
Feedback/1-2-1 hours
Total hours spent on feedback sessions
Work performed within Enate
Total hours spent in Enate (specifically on Cases, Actions or Tickets)
Work performed outside Enate
Total value-added hours spent outside the Enate
Leaves count
Planned leave count for the user(s)
Meeting hours
Total hours spent on meetings
Non-working days count
Non-working day count for the user(s) includes holidays weekends etc
Sentiment count
Count of sentiments entered by user(s) for a particular day
Training hours
Total hours spent on training sessions
Working hours
Total working hours
Comments added by user for the sentiment chosen
Insights date
Date when the durations/sentiments captured from the user
Email address
Email address of the user(s)
User name
Full name of the user(s)
WorkDay type
Work day
Type of the day (Working, Non-working Day, Leave). It will be none if nothing is chosen by the user.