Composing Emails

You can write a new email from the Email tab of a work item.

You can save an email as a draft, schedule when you want to send an email and send an email straight away.

Note that you cannot send an email that exceeds the size set in Builder.

Once the email has been sent, it will appear in the timeline, where you can see who composed the email, the content of the email if you expand it, when the email was composed and when it was sent. You will also have the option to reply to the email, forward the email, expand the email or print the email.

You can write a brand new email without needing to have the work item assigned to you.

Responding to emails from the timeline

You can also reply / forward emails from the timeline by clicking on the links available. These buttons will be enabled when you mouse over the email card.

Rules for To, From, Cc, Bcc Addresses

System behaviour for entering email addresses is as follows:

  • When sending a new email, the system will default the To address to that of the Primary Contact in the contacts section. Cc Address will also default to email addresses entered in the Ccs section.

  • If more than one possible From email address is configured, the system will populate the default one (configured as default in Builder), and will display a dropdown to allow the alternate ones to be selected.

  • These standard rules for default and suggested addresses can be overridden for To, Cc and Bcc for Cases and Actions in Builder configuration. Addresses set as default will auto-populate (more than one can be set in this way). Override addresses not set as default will be available for quick selection by clicking the To / Cc/ Bcc button address

  • When searching for a contact in the To/CC/BCC fields, you will only be able to view contacts from the same company as the work item. However, you can manually enter the email address of a contact from a different company.

Note: The From address always displays in the email composition section when you are writing an email. This ensures that the sender will always have a view of the email address being used as the from when sending out emails from a particular work item.

Note: You will only be able to see the email addresses of contacts from companies that you have access to. However, you are able to manually enter any email address. These permissions can be configured in Builder, click here for more information.

Copy-paste of Email Addresses between To, Cc, Bcc

When composing emails, you can easily copy email addresses between the To/Cc/Bcc addresses via the ‘copy’ icon displayed when clicking into the relevant address field.

External Contacts creation prompt for new email addresses

When you send out an email which contains new email addresses (i.e. not linked to existing contacts), the system will display a popup to allow you to create them as new contact records.

If there are any email addresses for which you do not wish to create a new record, simply hover over the row and click the delete icon. Additionally, there is a ‘Do not show this again’ checkbox which when clicked will ensure you are not presented with this popup for subsequent new email addresses (this can be switched back on again in the user profile section where you can also find your email signature settings).

Email toolbar

Via the email toolbar you can:

Email Body Formatting Toolbar

Clicking on the email body formatting icon will formatting options for the main body of the email.

You also have the option to pin the email body formatting toolbar.

The email body formatting toolbar gives you the options to:

  • Select the font

  • Select the font size

  • Make the text Bold, Italic or Underlined

  • Undo your previous changes (also available with Ctrl + Z)

  • Redo your previous changes (also available with Ctrl + Shift + Z)

  • Expand the email to full screen

  • Select the background colour

  • Select the text colour

  • Choose how to align the text

  • Add a numbered list

  • Add a bullet list

  • Text inline options - ability to increase or decrease the text indent

  • Insert a horizontal line

  • Adjust the line height

  • Select an inline style

  • Format the cell style

  • Insert a strike through (also available by highlighting the text and Ctrl + S)

  • Add a subscript or superscript

  • Add special characters

  • Insert a link

  • Insert a table

  • Insert an image

  • You also have the option to view a list of keyboard shortcuts

Font Settings Saved

When you compose an email (either as an email template in Builder, or any form of new/response/forward email in Work Items in Work Manager) your font settings (i.e. your font style and size) the font type and font size most recently used will be saved as the font for writing content so you don't need to set them again.

These values are saved to the user profile so will persist between Builder and Work Manager usage.

This only pertains to the front at the very top of the email being composed - if user clicks into any pre-existing content further down the mail, the font style and size already in use for that content will be used. See note for further details. As part of this change, inconsistencies in 'new empty lines' for emails has been resolved - when writing a new email, 2 blank lines will always be inserted that the top of the mail.

Note that the font for canned texts and templates will use the font settings when they were created.

The email font style and size being used when a user is composing a mail will depending on whether they are clicking on pre-existing content. The logic for which fonts will be used is as follows, and is impacted by the new auto-insertion of two blank lines at the beginning of every new email:

  • 1st auto-inserted line: uses the user-saved font settings from their most - recent email.

  • 2nd auto-inserted. This is always set as Arial - 10.

Subsequent email content after this may come from: -previous emails in the mail chain

  • email template content

  • email signature content font style and size in these sections will come from that already existing content, depending on where user clicks.

Copy / Paste of Excel, Word and Web information

You can copy/paste information into emails from external documents, e.g. Excel tables and Word document content, as well as HTML information from webpages.

Email Pop out

If you wish to dedicate more screen space to view emails, you can use the available pop out feature:

Undo Send Setting

The Undo Send setting lets you add a time delay to when your emails will be sent, giving you the opportunity to cancel sending an email, or reviewing an email before it gets sent.

You can set an Undo Send time in User Settings.

When an Undo Send time is set, a popup will appear allowing you to cancel sending the email.

Additionally, when an Undo Send time is set, you will have the option of sending an email 'Now' in the Timeline which overrides the time delay from the Undo Send configuration and you will also have the option to cancel sending the email altogether.

When an Undo Send time is set, emails will be shown in the Outbox page with a Send Status of Queue.

Downloading an email

For all type of emails (inbound / outbound / cancelled / failed/ scheduled) you have the option to download the underlying .eml file. This is available from the various locations in the system where emails can be see, i.e. Work Item Comms & Timeline sections, Email Inbox, Sent Items views.

Please note: If the email you are attempting to download contains an attachment file which has been explicitly manually deleted by an user (for e.g. reasons of data sensitivity), the .eml download option will be disabled for that email - the system will display a message explaining the reason for this disabling when download icon is clicked.

How do I enable spell checker in Enate

You can easily check the spelling & grammar for everything you write in Enate (including your emails) by switching on spellchecker in your browser. For information on how to enable spell checker in the most popular internet browsers follow this link "How to enable spell check in Enate".

Last updated