Release Notes

This section contains the change log and information about known issues, breaking changes, API changes and the data warehouse for builds all 2021.1 builds.

Warehouse Database Data Dictionary


2021.1.25.0 is a HotFix release that contains one bug fix, shown in the changelog below, and a small number of additional known issues, shown below. There are no additional breaking changes or API changes for this release.

Change log

The change log for 2021.1.25.0 contains the one bug fix included in this release. A downloadable copy of the change log is available below which includes the changes for all of the 2021.1 builds up to 2021.1.25.0.

Bug Fix

Known Issues

You can find below a list of the current known issues and bugs in 2021.1.24.0. Please report any other issues or bugs you may find to the Enate Helpdesk.


2021.1.24.0 is a HotFix release that contains a small number of bug fixes and enhancements, shown in the changelog below, and a small number of known issues, shown below. There are no additional breaking changes or API changes for this release.

Change log

The change log for 2021.1.24.0 contains the bug fixes and enhancements which were included in this release. A downloadable copy of the change log is available below which includes the changes for all of the 2021.1 builds up to 2021.1.24.0.


Bug Fixes

Known Issues

You can find below a list of the current known issues and bugs in 2021.1.24.0. Please report any other issues or bugs you may find to the Enate Helpdesk.


2021.1.22.0 is a HotFix release that contains two bug fixes, shown in the changelog below. There are no additional breaking changes, API changes or known issues for this release.

Change log

The change log for 2021.1.22.0 contains the bug fixes which were included in this release. A downloadable copy of the change log is available below which includes the changes for all of the 2021.1 builds up to 2021.1.22.0.


2021.1.21.0 is a HotFix release that contains a bug fix, shown in the changelog below. There are no additional breaking changes, API changes or known issues for this release.

Change log

The change log for 2021.1.21.0 contains the bug fix which was included in this release. A downloadable copy of the change log is available below which includes the changes for all of the 2021.1 builds up to 2021.1.21.0.


2021.1.20.0 is a HotFix release that contains a number of bug fixes, shown in the changelog below. There are no additional breaking changes, API changes or known issues for this release.

Change log

The change log for 2021.1.20.0 contains a list of the bug fixes which have been included in this release. A downloadable copy of the change log is available below which includes the changes for all of the 2021.1 builds up to 2021.1.20.0. There are no additional breaking changes, API changes or known issues for this release.


2021.1.19.0 is a HotFix release that contains a number of bug fixes, shown in the changelog below. There are no additional breaking changes, API changes or known issues for this release.

Change log

The change log for 2021.1.19.0. contains a list of the bug fixes which have been included in this release. A downloadable copy of the change log is available below which includes the changes for all of the 2021.1 builds up to 2021.1.19.0.


2021.1.18.0 is a HotFix release that contains a bug fix, shown in the changelog below. There are no additional breaking changes, API changes or known issues for this release.

Change log

2021.1.18.0 contains one bug fix, see below for details. A downloadable copy of the change log is available below which includes the changes for all of the 2021.1 builds up to 2021.1.18.0.


2021.1.17.0 is a HotFix release that contains a bug fix, shown in the changelog below. There are no additional breaking changes, API changes or known issues for this release.

Change log

2021.1.17.0 contains one bug fix, see below for details. A downloadable copy of the change log is available below which includes the changes for all of the 2021.1 builds up to 2021.1.17.0.

Bug Fixes


2021.1.16.0 is a HotFix release that contains an enhancement and a number of bug fixes.

Change log

The change log for 2021.1.16.0. contains a list of the enhancements and bug fixes which have been included in this release. A downloadable copy of the change log is available below which includes the changes for all of the 2021.1 builds up to 2021.1.16.0.

New features & Enhancements

Bug Fixes

API Changes

The main change between 2021.1.15.0 and 2021.1.16.0 involves the addition of a /PacketCommunication/ChangeUnsentEmailCommunicationSendDate API.

Below is a document with details of all the cumulative API Changes up to 2021.1.16.0, including breaking API changes.

See here for more information about Enate's APIs.


2021.1.15.0 is a HotFix release that contains a number of enhancements and bug fixes.

Change log

The change log for 2021.1.15.0. contains a list of the new features, enhancements and bug fixes which have been included in this release. A downloadable copy of the change log is available below which includes the changes for all of the 2021.1 builds up to 2021.1.15.0.

New features & Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Known Issues

You can find below a list of the current known issues and bugs in 2021.1.15.0. Please report any other issues or bugs you may find to the Enate Helpdesk.

The following known issues/bus were fixed between 2021.1.13.0 and 2021.1.15.0:

Breaking Changes

Below is a copy of the breaking changes document. This contains details for all breaking changes within the Data Warehouse and the Enate APIs. There are no new breaking changes between 2021.1.12.0 and 2021.1.15.0. Please refer to the breaking changes for 2021.1.12.0, a copy is attached here:

Recommendation for best use of API breaking changes documentation is as follows:

  • Read through the breaking changes information for APIs.

  • Upon finding reference to an API which you currently use and which has changed, go to your Swagger environment for the quickest way to view the overall impact and new API content definition. Your Swagger environment should always be your go-to place for the definitive explanation of the current API structure. See the Swagger explanation section for more info.

API Changes

Below is a document with details of all API Changes in 2021.1.15.0, including breaking API changes.

The NewCommunication Webhook now includes the 'To' address and Importance fields and the ‘Sender’ field been removed as the ‘From’ field can be used instead. See here for more information.

Data Warehouse

The document below contains the Enate Warehouse Database Data Dictionary for 2021.1.15.0.


2021.1.13.0 is a HotFix release that contains an enhancement and a number of bug fixes.

Change log

The change log for 2021.1.13.0 contains a list of the new features, enhancements and bug fixes which have been included in this release. A downloadable copy of the change log is available below which includes the changes for all of the 2021.1 builds up to 2021.1.13.0.

New features & Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Known Issues

You can find below a list of the current known issues and bugs in 2021.1.13.0. Please report any other issues or bugs you may find to the Enate Helpdesk.

Breaking Changes

There are no new breaking changes in 2021.1.13.0. Please refer to the breaking changes for 2021.1.12.0, a copy is attached here:

API Changes

There are no new API changes in 2021.1.13.0. Please refer to the API changes for 2021.1.12.0, a copy is attached here:


2021.1.12.0 is a HotFix release that contains a number of enhancements and bug fixes.

Change log

The change log for 2021.1.12.0 contains a list of the new features, enhancements and bug fixes which have been included in this release. A downloadable copy of the change log is available below which includes the changes for all of the 2021.1 builds up to 2021.1.12.0.

New features & Enhancements

Bug fixes

Known Issues

You can find below a list of the current known issues and bugs in 2021.1.12.0. Please report any other issues or bugs you may find to the Enate Helpdesk.

Breaking Changes

Below is a copy of the breaking changes document. This contains details for all breaking changes within the Data Warehouse and the Enate APIs.

Recommendation for best use of API breaking changes documentation is as follows:

  • Read through the breaking changes information for APIs.

  • Upon finding reference to an API which you currently use and which has changed, go to your Swagger environment for the quickest way to view the overall impact and new API content definition. Your Swagger environment should always be your go-to place for the definitive explanation of the current API structure. See the Swagger explanation section for more info.

API Changes

Below is a document with details of all API Changes in 2021.1.12.0, including breaking API changes.

2021.1.10.0 and older

This section contains the cumulative change log for builds 2021.1.10.0, 2021.1.9.0, 2021.1.6.0, 2021.1.1.2021 and 2021.1.1.923. It lists the new features, enhancements and bug fixes which were included in these releases. A downloadable copy of the cumulative change log is available below.

Change log

New features & Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Last updated