What's New in Enate

Hi, and welcome to the 'What's New' section of Enate Help, where you can catch up on all the recent features and enhancements we've been adding to Enate. In the following sections you'll see explainers for the features which you get with each new version, as well as detailed release notes for any bug fixes and smaller enhancements.

While this 'What's New' section will keep you up to date on all the recent additions to Enate, it's not a comprehensive source of all of Enate's features. For a fuller picture, you should check out the main Enate Help section.

One further note: Information on recent Work Manager enhancements is also available in a number of different languages - see the language dropdown at the top of the nav section here to view localised explainers.

Latest Release Overview - version 2024.1

In the latest set of updates to Enate, we've been hard at work creating some brand new features while also improving on existing ones, so let's take a quick look at what we've been up to…

EnateAI - AI Analyst (Beta)

With the release of Enate AI's latest offering - AI Analyst, wer'e taking a significant step forward to let you seamlessly integrate AI-driven activities throughout your business process.

We're partnering with Microsoft on this to use the power of their very latest OpenAI technology right at the heart of things. So if you can ask OpenAI to perform a task, with EnateAI Analyst you can embed that to run automatically as part of your business process flow.

You can add AI Analyst Actions throughout your cases and ask it to analyse documents which you supply it. You can massivley reduce the time spent having to wade through huge data files performing intricate analysis, freing up time for more valuable work.

The possibilities here are almost endless, and the power you've got at your fingertips is matched only by how simple it is to set up. There's no coding and you don't have to change a thing - just tell the system what the business rules are to run an analysis task and it will get on with it.

An Important point to note regarding AI Analyst is that, for now, it's being release in BETA. As such, you should not use it yet in full production situations. However, you definitely should start to test it out with your real-world scenarios to see just how powerful it is.

Outside of this big AI story, we've been focussing on enhancements to help you better deal with client emails in Work Manager...

New features and improvements to Unhandled Emails

We've made a raft of of enhancements to give you more tools to deal with Unprocessed Emails, which we're now going to refer to as 'Unhandled Emails'.

Further Email Changes

New Extension Properties Feature

  • You can now display custom fields on Users, Customers, Contracts, Services and Service Lines to capture bespoke data via the Extension Properties feature.

  • Depending on where you have chosen to add your fields, they will show accordingly when a user creates or edits a User, Customer, Contract, Service or a Service Line.

New Forecasting Feature

  • We have added a new feature that enables Work Manager users to provide more accurate estimated efforts for work items, enabling you to plan resource requirements more effectively.

  • In the long term, this data can be collated and fed back to admin users to adjust estimated effort timers and to provide more accurate forecasting for future work volumes.

  • As part of this feature, we have also made some enhancements to configuring effort estimates in Builder and to record count

Additional Enhancements

You can also check out the dedicated section for the 2024.1 release to see these changes in detail

2024.1 Changes Overview

Recent Releases

In version 2023.5 of Enate, we've focussed on making a number of adjustments, enhancements and fixes throughout the system, mixed in with some useful new features which are detailed below:

Enhanced AI Integrations Control

In the AI space, we've added a couple of useful features to give you more control and precision on where and how you implement

Incoming Email Improvements

We've made a number of enhancements relating to how incoming emails are treated, to make sure

More Data Storage Options

Enate's Binary Storage is used for storing raw communications, communication attachments, files attached to work items, and files exported from Advanced Search views. Enate is always provisioned with the primary binary storage configured in an Enate Azure tenant. However, with the arrival of v2023.5, you've now got the option of switching where you store your Binary data to be one of your own Azure storage locations.

..and Lots More Improvements & Fixes

In addition to these enhancements we've added a large number of fixes to help improve and stabilise the use of certain recent features. You can check out this in the Release Notes section.

You can also check out the dedicated section for the 2023.5 release to see these changes in more detail:

2023.5 Changes Overview

In version 2023.4 of Enate, we've added more integrated support for managing approvals in your flows, with the introduction of 'Approvals' Action types. This can deal with various kinds of Approval request types, such as an incremental multi-level set of requests to handle one after another.

We've added a new feature in Marketplace for document classification - when this is switched on, the system analyses all attachments in incoming emails, assesses how they should be classified, and tags them accordingly in your Work Items.

We've expanded the ability to auto-add content into emails based on tags to cover links as well as file attachments. Now, when email templates are being constructed, relevant links from your Work Item can be injected into your emails.

A new document extraction feature has been added in Marketplace from Infrrd. When enabled, this will automatically extract the relevant data from files attached to incoming mails and turned it into structured data to be used in your processes.

We've also made some important changes to how your home page grid works, to keep the Inbox focussed on the work which needs doing.

Watch this video to find out more about these and other enhancements:

You can also check out the dedicated section for the 2023.4 release to see these changes in more detail:

2023.4 Changes Overview

Last updated