New Feature: Embedded Reports
Enate's Work Manager provides you with embedded reporting capabilities, driven by Microsoft's Power BI reporting platform, which gives you lots of additional information at your disposal to gain new insights and support for your business operations.
You get:
Standard, out of the box reports based on Enate data. Your user role will determine which standard reports you are able to see.
The ability to build on the standard reports to create your own personalized reports with exactly what you want
The ability to save your personalized reports so you can easily navigate back to them
The ability to share your reports with whoever you think needs to see it
Team Leaders or users with the 'Can customize reports' permission will also get access to advanced editing options which allows them to create brand new visuals and to delete visuals, as well as the ability to create and delete cards
Watch this video to find out more:
Please note that at the moment, dates given to the creation of reports will be according to UTC time zone. Additionally, report data is not updated in real-time, and will be updated a regular scheduled intervals (the 'last updated' time-stamp is shown on a report). Also, at the moment reports are only available in English. Lastly, information regarding closed work items will only be shown for the past year. Open/running work items will show information spanning the entirety of its processing time, even if it has been longer than one year.
Accessing Reports
You can access reports from the brand new section in the Work Manager the nav menu.
Clicking on the main Reports link will open up the Reports page, with the default standard report depending on your role displayed. For Team Leaders this will be the Team View report and for Team Members it will be the User's Overview report.
If you hover over the Reports link, you'll see a list of reports that you have access to, divided into various sections:
Standard Reports - here you'll see the standard, out of the box reports associated with your role data. Your user role will determine which standard reports you are able to see - generally, if you're someone with team member level access, you'll see the 'User's Overview' report, which shows data about your own work and if you've got more team leader-like access, you'll also be able to see the 'Team View', which looks at data about work across your team.
My Reports - here you'll see reports that you have personalized in some way and then saved as a new report
Shared with Me - these are reports, custom or standard, that have been shared with you by someone else
Reports are sorted alphabetically and you can mark a report as a favorite. Favorite reports will appear above your 'non-favorite' reports.
Report Structure Overview
Once you've opened up a report, you'll see the report name and when it was last updated at the top.
The 'All Reports' button will show you the list of reports that you have access to, divided into various sections:
Standard Reports - these are standard, out of the box reports associated with your role data.
My Reports - here you'll reports that you have personalized in some way and then saved as a new report
Shared with Me - these are reports, custom or standard, that have been shared with you by someone else
You can save a personalized report by clicking the 'Save As' option and you can share a report via the Share button.
A report will generally contain a mixture of cards, showing you headline level information, and a number of visuals.
The data fields you'll have access to will depend on the report you have access to - each report has its own set of data fields. If you have access to a report, you have access to all of the data fields within the report too. For example, the 'User's Overview' report, and any report which was created from it, displays data about you and your work. The Team View report or, again, any report created from it, allows access to data about your team and the work in your business area more generally.
If there are any of your custom data fields that you'd like to see in your reports, ask your admin to get in touch with Enate Customer Support to get these made available for you.
All users have the ability to personalize a report to get the data to show just how they want, for example by applying filters or by adjusting the data fields. See the personalizing a report section to find out more about what options you have.
If you have the 'Can customize reports' permission, you'll be able to click on 'Advanced' mode and get access to more advanced editing options, which includes all the standard personalization options as well the ability to create brand new visuals, to delete visuals, and to create and delete cards.
Personalizing a Report
All users have the ability to personalize a report to get the data to show just how they want.
There are a number of filter options at the top that you can apply to the report. You can choose to filter the report by, customers, contacts and so forth, plus specific types of Case or Ticket (under the Process dropdown) and certain Queues or work in a given state. If you want to remove all these filters, click on the main Filter display button and scroll down to find the Clear Filters link.
Hovering over a visual also gives you further editing options. Links in the header of each visual will let you drill down and apply further filters.
If you click on the personalize link you'll see much more options that you have to play with. You can change the visualisation type to show your data in a different way and you can change the data fields used in the visual.
The data fields you'll have access to will depend on the report you have access to - each report has its own set of data fields. If you have access to a report, you have access to all of the data fields within the report too.
For example, the 'User's Overview' report, and any report which was created from it, displays data about you and your work. The Team View report or, again, any report created from it, allows access to data about your team and the work in your business area more generally.
If there are any of your custom data fields that you'd like to see in your reports, ask your admin to get in touch with Enate Customer Support to get these made available for you.
You can also export an individual visual into Excel. There's also a 'focus' option to give a dedicated view of a single visual, and you can also choose to see the underlying data in a table.
You can easily discard your changes at any time by reverting back to the previous view of a visual.
You can find out more about the editing options you have from Microsoft's own Power BI documentation, available here:
You can also save a personalized report by clicking the 'Save As' option, making it easier for you to come back to, and you can share a report via the Share button.
Saving a Report
You can save your personalized report so that you can access it easily ongoing by clicking the 'Save As' button.
Depending upon who originally created the report, there are a couple of options when it comes to saving a report:
If you have made adjustments to a report created by someone else, you will have to save the report as a brand new (the 'saved as a new report' checkbox is auto-selected for you) since it's not your original report.
If you have made adjustments to a report created by yourself (and the report is in your 'My Reports' section), you can either:
Update the existing report by clicking on 'Save As' and then de-selecting the 'Save as a new report' option
Save the report as a brand new report by clicking on 'Save As' and then selecting the option of saving the report as a brand new report
Once you have clicked 'Confirm', the saved report will appear in the 'My Reports' section, which you can access from the main system header, or from the reports list in your reports page. All your saved reports will appear here.
Advanced Mode
In addition to all the report personalization options listed above, Team Leaders or people with the 'Can customize reports' permission will also get access to advanced editing options.
This lets them completely remove and create brand new visuals within a report, rather than just having the ability to modify existing ones, and gives them the ability to create and delete cards with headline level information.
You can easily discard your changes at any time by reverting back to the previous view of a visual
You can find out more about the advanced editing options you have from Microsoft's own Power BI documentation, available here:
Sharing a Report
You can also share reports with other users by clicking on the 'Share' option and selecting which users you want to share it with.
The report will then show in the user(s) Shared Reports section.
Note that you will only be able to share reports with someone if they have permission to view all of the data in the report.
You can also copy the Report link URL here too, if you want to share the report via another app.
Reports that have been shared with you will appear in your Shared Reports list.
Deleting a Report
When it comes to deleting reports, there are a few of things to be aware of.
You can delete any of your own personalized reports i.e. any of the reports under the 'My Reports' section.
You can delete any reports that have been shared with you i.e. any of the reports under the 'Shared Reports' section. Deleting a report that has been shared with you will not delete the report for anyone else.
You cannot delete an original standard report. However, if you have personalized a standard report and saved that personalized report (and it therefore appears under the 'My Reports' section), you can delete that personalized report (see above point).
Deleting a report that you have shared with another user will delete the 'original' report for you, as well as deleting the shared report for the other user. The report will also no longer be accessible for that user via a saved URL link.
Any reports deleted by yourself will still be accessible via a saved URL link.
Standard Reports Available
At the moment, Enate provides two standard, out of the box reports:
Your user role will determine which standard reports you are able to see.
Team View Report
The Team View Report shows you data about work in Queues that you manage or are a part of.
The Team View Report contains the following available data sets:
Active Users
Count of users who are active on a selected date
Total Hrs Logged
Total time in hours spent by an Agent on all the Work Items they worked on for the selected date range
Total Users
Total number of users responsible for all the Work Items in a Queue
Activity Type
The type of activity performed on the Work Item by an Agent (e.g. 'Saved' or 'Completed')
Duration in Sec
Time spent in seconds on a Work Item by an Agent. Manually entered time is considered if available.
The Work Item activity Start Date in date/time format
The Work Item activity Start Date in date only format
User Name
The user who performed the activity
The name of the contract
The name of the customer
The name of the service
The name of the supplier
Calendar range of dates for filtering data
Months of the dates
Weeks of the dates
Year of the dates
Work Item Count
Number of Work Items that have defects
Date Raised
Date on which the defect was raised for a Work Item
Defect Category
Category of the defect
Description of the defect
States whether the defect is resolved or not
Avg. rating
Average of ratings for each Work Item
User rating for each Work Item
Reference number of a Work Item that has feedback
Name of the process each Work Item belongs to
Work Item Type
Type of the Work Item (Ticket, Action or Case)
Name of the queue the Work Item was last present in
Work Item Status (To Do, In Progress, Waiting , Resolved , Closed)
Status Reason
Status Reason
Reason behind the status change of the Work Item (Newly Created, new Info Receieved, Blocked by Business rule etc.)
Wait Status History
Waiting each Day
Count of Work Items that are set to waiting status on a particular day by the Agent (out of the Work Items he/she working/worked on)
Wait Status History
End Date in Date time format when Work Item was in waiting state
Wait Status History
End Date in Date only format when Work Item was in waiting state
Wait Status History
Start Date in Date time format when Work Item was in waiting state
Wait Status History
Start Date in Date only format when Work Item was in waiting state
Wait Status History
User Name
Agent who set the status of Work Item to Waiting
Work Items
Sum of Closed and Waiting work items on a particular day by an Agent
Work Items
Work Items Assigned Today
Count of Work Items that are assgined to the agent today
Work Items
Work Items Closed
Total Work Items closed by agent for the selected date range
Work Items
Work Items Closed Today
Count of Work Items that are closed by agent today
Work Items
Work Items Due Today
Count of Work Items that are due today by agent
Work Items
Work Items Open
Total Work Items that are Open by agent
Work Items
Work Items Overdue
Total Work Items that are Overdue by agent
Work Items
Work Items Reopened
Total Tickets that are reopened for the agent
Work Items
Work Items Resolved
Total Work Items that are Resolved by agent for the selected date range
Work Items
Work Items Started
Total Work Items started by agent for the selected date range
Ageing Category
Grouping of Ageing in Days into different buckets
Work Items
Ageing In Days
Ageing in calendar days. For completed Work Items its (end date - start date), for open items its (today - start date).
Work Items
Count of Affected Records
Records affected count
Work Items
Count of Defects
Count of defects each Work Item has (if any)
Work Items
Count of Rework
Count of rework each Work Item has (if any)
Work Items
Work Item Due Date in date time format
Work Items
Work Item Due Date in date only format
Work Items
Work Item End Date in date time format
Work Items
Work Item End Date in date only format
Work Items
Has Defects
Whether the Work Item has defect or not (Yes or No)
Work Items
Is Reopened
Tickets that got opened after going to resolved status
Work Items
Reference number of each Work Item
Resolved Date
Work Item resolved date in date/time format
Resolved Date_date
Work Item resolved date in date format
Work Items
Service Level Agreement to indicate where Work Item is Overdue or not
Work Items
Work Item Start Date in date time format
Work Items
Start Date_date
Work Item Start Date in date only format
Work Items
Title of the Work Item
User's Overview Report
The User's Overview Report shows you data about your own work.
The User's Overview Report contains the following available data sets:
Total Hrs Logged
Total time (in Hrs) spent by the Agent on all the Work Items he/she worked on for the selected date range
Activity Type
Type of the activity performed on the Work Item by Agent ('Save' or 'Complete')
Duration in Sec
Time spent (in seconds) on the Work Item by Agent. Manually entered time is considered if available.
Work Item activity Start Date in date time format
Work Item activity Start Date in date only format
User Name
User who performed the activity
Name of the Contract
Name of the Customer
Name of the Service
Name of the Supplier
Calendar range of dates for filtering data
Months of the dates
Weeks of the dates
Year of the dates
Work Item Count
Count of work items that have defects against them
Date Raised
Date on which the defect was raised for a Work Item
Defect Category
Category of the defect
Description of the defect
Stated whether the defect is resolved or not
Name of the process each Work Item belongs to
Work Item Type
Type of the Work Item (Ticket, Action or Case)
Name of the queue the Work Item was last present in
Work Item Status (To Do, In Progress, Waiting , Resolved , Closed)
Status Reason
Status Reason
Reason behind the status change of the Work Item (Newly Created, new Info Receieved, Blocked by Business rule etc.)
Wait Status History
Waiting each Day
Count of Work Items that are set to waiting status on a particular day by the Agent (out of the Work Items he/she working/worked on)
Wait Status History
End Date in Date time format when Work Item was in waiting state
Wait Status History
End Date in Date only format when Work Item was in waiting state
Wait Status History
Start Date in Date time format when Work Item was in waiting state
Wait Status History
Start Date in Date only format when Work Item was in waiting state
Wait Status History
User Name
Agent who set the status of Work Item to Waiting
Work Items
Sum of Closed and Waiting work items on a particular day by an Agent
Work Items
Work Items Assigned Today
Count of Work Items that are assgined to the agent today
Work Items
Work Items Closed
Total Work Items closed by agent for the selected date range
Work Items
Work Items Closed Today
Count of Work Items that are closed by agent today
Work Items
Work Items Due Today
Count of Work Items that are due today by agent
Work Items
Work Items Open
Total Work Items that are Open by agent
Work Items
Work Items Overdue
Total Work Items that are Overdue by agent
Work Items
Work Items Reopened
Total Tickets that are reopened for the agent
Work Items
Work Items Resolved
Total Work Items that are Resolved by agent for the selected date range
Work Items
Work Items Started
Total Work Items started by agent for the selected date range
Work Items
Ageing In Days
Aeing in calendar days. For completed Work Items its (end date - start date), for open items its (today - start date).
Work Items
Count of Affected Records
Records affected count
Work Items
Count of Defects
Count of defects each Work Item has (if any)
Work Items
Count of Rework
Count of rework each Work Item has (if any)
Work Items
Work Item Due Date in date time format
Work Items
Work Item Due Date in date only format
Work Items
Work Item End Date in date time format
Work Items
Work Item End Date in date only format
Work Items
Has Defects
Whether the Work Item has defect or not (Yes or No)
Work Items
Reference number of each Work Item
Work Items
Is Reopened
Tickets that got opened after going to resolved status
Work Items
Service Level Agreement to indicate where Work Item is Overdue or not
Work Items
Work Item Start Date in date time format
Work Items
Start Date_date
Work Item Start Date in date only format
Work Items
Title of the Work Item
Last updated
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