Record Count Enhancements

We've simplified record count configuration for Cases and Tickets in Builder to accompany the new Forecasting feature. If you are using the 'Effort Estimation' feature, record count will be used as part of calculating the estimated effort of a work item so it is important that it is filled in correctly.

We have changed how you configure record for Cases and Tickets in Builder. Previously, record count was configured in the 'Case info' tab of a Case or in the Ticket category within a Ticket version. Now, record count is now configured at a process type level in Builder, i.e. when configuring Case types and Ticket Category types from the Service Lines screen.

This change means that changes can be made in significantly fewer places without needing to re-version the whole Case/Ticket configuration.

You can now also add description text to a record count to describe to your Service Agents how they should use record count for in that particular process, e.g. Payslip Count. The description will show next to the record count setting in Work Manager at runtime.

Record Count can now also be added to work items as part of creating them via Bulk Create.

Migration impact

  • Note that upon upgrade to version 2024.1, record count will be 'switched off' for all processes.

User role impact:

  • The change in record count location slightly affects which Builder users are able to configure record counts.

  • Record count configuration is now controlled by the 'Case Types' or 'Ticket Categories' option.

  • Standard user role impact: ‘Local Builders' will no longer be able to edit record count as it has moved to the Case/Ticket category type screen where only ‘Master Builders’ or ‘System Admins’ have access.

  • Custom user role impact: any users with the 'Case Types' or 'Ticket Categories' option will be able to configure record count.

Please note that record counts can no longer be persisted, i.e. if it is filled in for one process, it will no longer be populated with the same value when a new process is triggered.

Additionally, if switched on, record count will be displayed on all the components of a Case, e.g. on all of its Actions.

Configuring Record Count for a Case

To enable record count for a Case, go to the Service Line screen in Builder, select the Case type you want the Record Count to show for and switch the new 'Enable Record Count' option on. Work Manager users will now be able to enter a record count for processes of that Case type.

Configuring Record a Count for Ticket

To enable record count for a Ticket, go to the Service Line screen in Builder, select the Ticket Category type you want the Record Count to show for and switch the new 'Enable Record Count' option on.

Work Manager users will now be able to enter a record count for Tickets in that category.

Adding a Record Count Description

If you switch 'Enable Record Count' on, you'll also be able to add a Record Count description to explain to your Service Agents what you want them to use record count for in that particular process, e.g. Payslip Count.

Entering a Record Count in Work Manager?

If record count has been enabled for a Case or Ticket, it will appear for Work Managers on the system card of their Case or Ticket screen. They will be able to view the description written by the Builder user and add to the record count itself.

It should be noted that when a record count is updated on an Action in Work Manager, it will update the record count on the Case which will automatically update the next Action that starts in the Case. However, the record count for the current Action and previous Actions will not be changed automatically.

Last updated

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