Release Notes
This section contains the change log and information about known issues, breaking changes, API changes and the data warehouse for v2022.1.
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This section contains the change log and information about known issues, breaking changes, API changes and the data warehouse for v2022.1.
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This section contains the change log and information about known issues, breaking changes, API changes and the data warehouse for v2022.1.
2022.1.2.0 is a HotFix release that contains a number of bug fixes, shown in the changelog below. There are no additional breaking changes, API changes or Known Issues for this release.
The change log for 2022.1.2.0. contains a detailed list of the bug fixes which have been included in this release. A downloadable copy of the change log is available below which includes the changes for all of the 2022.1 builds up to 2022.1.2.0.
Bug Fixed: Unable to set duration of a due date in excess of 23:59 on hours/working hours method in Builder.
Bug Fixed: Loading saved Views in Work Manager displays incorrect values for any Date Time Field. It uses the current date/time of the local system.
Saved Views now displays the selected date/time value and not the current date/time of the local system.
Bug Fixed: Validation error is displayed when editing a Case in Builder if the total length of all 'From addresses' exceeds 100 characters.
System now allows users to enter a 'From address' to a maximum of 512 characters when editing a Ticket, Case and Action in Builder.
Bug Fixed: When logging is set to Verbose or Debug events from these levels are not written to the log file from the Application server.
Bug Fixed: Installation contains 80mb of Monaco Editor source code which increases deployment time.
Bug Fixed: Individual tasks on Action checklists in Builder are incorrectly limited to 250 characters.
Individual tasks now have a limit of 999 characters.
Bug Fixed: The Enate application server performance will degrade over time until the service is restarted.
Bug Fixed: Ticket Acknowledgement / Rejected email is not being sent when the sender of an incoming email does not match an existing contact.
Ticket Acknowledgement / Rejected emails are now successfully sent back out to sender of incoming email.
2022.1.1.0 is a HotFix release that contains an enhancement and a number of bug fixes, shown in the changelog below. There are no additional breaking changes, API changes or Known Issues for this release.
The change log for 2022.1.1.0. contains a detailed list of the enhancement and bug fixes which have been included in this release. A downloadable copy of the change log is available below which includes the changes for all of the 2022.1 builds up to 2022.1.1.0.
Enhancement: Multiple outgoing emails are now sent concurrently, improving outgoing email performance with slow SMTP relays.
Bug Fixed: When checking mailboxes for incoming emails in Office 365 via GraphAPI, only the top 10 messages are received in each poll.
Now ALL incoming emails are processed in this scenario. Note: This issue was only noticeable when more than 10 messages were received between polls and there was significant time between each poll (e.g. 5-10 mins).
Bug Fixed: Excessive CPU may be consumed on the SQL Server when recalculating Packet Metadata.
2022.1.0.0 is a production release that contains a number of enhancements and bug fixes.
The change log for 2022.1.0.0. contains a detailed list of the enhancements and bug fixes which have been included in this release. A downloadable copy of the change log is available below.
Enhancement: Robot users can now use the /search/freetextcontactserach API.
As with all API calls from robot user accounts, no permission checks are applied as robot user accounts have access to all data.
Security Enhancement: Enate now requests that browsers do not perform the auto-complete function for password fields.
Auto filling of username/password on the login page can still be enabled in browser and external password managers.
Security Enhancement: Users without the permission to access Enate Builder are sent back to the Work Manager login page.
Previous interaction: Users without the permission to access Enate Builder could login to Enate Builder but would only see a blank version of Builder without data.
Security Enhancement: The Enate session cookie sets the 'samesite' attribute to 'Strict' in order to restrict access to the Enate API in that session to the Enate application.
When performing SAML2.0 login, a second, temporary cookie is set with a 'samesite' attribute of 'None' to allow login to succeed.
Enhancement: The version of Angular used in Enate has been upgraded to 13.1.1 from 11.2.10.
See to assess how any breaking changes may affect the Advanced Cards you have written.
Enhancement: The Request ID as logged to the server log file can optionally be written to the IIS Log to allow for correlation of the 2 log files.
See the 2022.1 Deployment Guide for IIS configuration details.
Bug Fixed: Unable to delete draft work items.
You can find below a list of the current known issues and bugs in 2022.1.0.0. Please report any other issues or bugs you may find to the Enate Helpdesk.
Below is a document with details of all API Changes in 2022.1.0 including breaking API changes.
Below is a copy of the breaking changes document. This contains details for all breaking changes within the Data Warehouse and the Enate APIs.
Recommendation for best use of API breaking changes documentation is as follows:
Read through the breaking changes information for APIs.
Upon finding reference to an API which you currently use and which has changed, go to your Swagger environment for the quickest way to view the overall impact and new API content definition. Your Swagger environment should always be your go-to place for the definitive explanation of the current API structure. See the Swagger explanation in our main Help section for more info.