Custom Card Improvements

New Custom Card Field Options

We've added further functionality to Custom Cards for showing your bespoke data. Now you have the ability to make the fields in Custom Cards:

  • Mandatory

  • Read-only and even

  • to show or hide fields dynamically based on the value of other fields on the card

We've also added the ability to create Hyperlink fields and add them to cards.

Take a look at this video on Custom Card creation to show these new features:

Mandatory, Read-Only & Showing / Hiding Fields

To set the fields on your custom cards to mandatory / read-only / hidden, go to Builder and click on the Custom Cards page from the menu on the left-hand side. Icons will display which fields are already set to Mandatory or Read-Only.

Then select to edit the desired Custom Card. Select a custom data field from the list of Added Fields on the left and click the '+' icon. This will open the Field Settings pop-up.

Making a field mandatory

From here, select if you want end users in Work Managers to have to fill in the field by selecting to make the field mandatory.

When it comes to making a custom data table mandatory, you cannot make the whole table mandatory, but you can make individual fields within the table mandatory.

Making a field read-only

And then select if you want end users in Work Manager to be unable to edit the field by selecting to make the field read-only.

Note that when making a field read-only your options for providing a value to it are as follows:

  • Set a default value for the field by adjusting the custom data field settings, or if you leave the default settings blank,

  • Users in Work Manager can enter a value into the field on a Work Item, but once the field has been filled in and the work item has been subsequently submitted, the field will become read-only and users will no longer be able to edit it.

Note that you cannot set a default value for the following types of data:

  • multiple-level lists

  • decimal numbers.

Making table field read-only

When it comes to making a custom data table read-only, you cannot make the whole table read-only but you can make individual fields within the table read-only.

Showing/hiding a field based on conditions

You can also choose if you want to hide a field from end users in Work Manager based on the value of another field on the card by selecting to Add Conditions. For example, you could choose to hide the field 'Type of hardware required' if the answer for the field 'Is hardware required' is no by adding the following condition:

Then if any one of these conditions are met, the field 'Type of hardware required' will not show on the Custom Card in Work Manager (this can happen instantly on field value change when users a changing field values).

You can add a condition based on any of the existing custom data fields that have been added to a Custom Card and for all custom field data types.

'OR' logic applies if multiple conditions are added to a field, i.e. if any one of the conditions added to a field are met, the field will not show on the Custom Card in Work Manager.

The conditions you can add depend upon the type of custom field. See the following table for further information:

Type of custom data field
Type of condition that can be used

Check Box


Does Not Equal

Date and Time


Does Not Equal

Is Between

Is greater than

Is less than

Is greater than or equals

Is less than or equals

Date Only


Does Not Equal

Is Between

Is greater than

Is less than

Is greater than or equals

Is less than or equals

Decimal Number


Does Not Equal

Is Between

Is greater than

Is less than

Is greater than or equals

Is less than or equals

Email Address


Does Not Equal



Does Not Equal



Does Not Equal

Long Text


Does not equal

Multiple Level List


Does Not Equal

Short Text


Does Not Equal

Whole Number


Does Not Equal

Is Between

Is greater than

Is less than

Is greater than or equals

Is less than or equals

Custom Data Table

See below.

Showing & Hiding Table Fields

When adding conditions to determine whether a data table should be shown or hidden depending on whether certain conditions are met, note that the entire data table will either be shown or hidden - you cannot choose to show or hide individual fields within a custom data table. This includes any fields that you have selected as mandatory.

We've also added the ability to add hyperlinks in custom data by adding a new type of custom data field. To do this, when you are creating a custom data field, select the 'Hyperlink' option from the Type dropdown.

The URL entered must be a valid URL and the maximum length that can be entered is 2048 characters.

Note that this new Hyperlink field can only be added to Work Manager cards at the moment.

The new Hyperlink custom data field can be used anywhere in the system where custom data can be used, including when bulk creating work items. However please note that when using a hyperlink custom data field in bulk create, hyperlinks with customised display text are not supported i.e. the text entered in a hyperlink field must be the entire URL of the hyperlink e.g. and NOT Enate Website.

Last updated

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