Estimated Effort Enhancements

In 2024.1 we've simplified how estimated effort for your work items are configured to accompany the new Forecasting feature.

We have changed how you enter and update initial estimated efforts for Actions and Tickets in Builder. Previously, estimated effort was configured in the General Settings of an Action or in the Ticket category within a Ticket version. Now, initial estimated effort is configured at a process-type level in Builder, i.e. when configuring Action types and Ticket Categories from the Service Lines screen. See below for more information about how to configure estimated effort for a Ticket or Action. Providing an initial estimated effort value helps Work Manager users keep to their SLA’s and provide a timely service.

This change means that changes can be made in significantly fewer places without needing to re-version the whole Case/Ticket configuration - changes will take effect for the next Case/Ticket that is created.

We've also added the ability to enter an initial estimated effort value for Cases in Builder too - previously it was only available for Tickets and Actions. See below for more information about how to configure estimated effort for a Case.

We are also showing the average time it took to complete Cases, Action and Tickets on the relevant Case Type, Action Type and Ticket Category screens to help suggest an appropriate value. See below for more information.

Estimated Effort can now also be added to work items as part of creating them via Bulk Create.

Migration impact:

  • Tickets - upon upgrade to version 2024.1, any non-null data in the estimated effort field of a Ticket will be migrated to the new 'Ticket Category Type' location. If there are multiple estimation values within a Ticket category, the lowest non-null value will be the value that gets migrated.

  • Actions - upon upgrade to version 2024.1, any non-null data in the estimated effort field of an Action's general settings will be migrated to the new 'Action Type' location. If there are multiple estimation values within an Action type, the lowest non-null value will be the value that gets migrated. This applies for both ''Manual' Estimated Effort' and 'Robot Estimated Effort'.

  • If multiple estimates are needed for the same Action Type/Ticket Category, you should re-version the relevant processes, create a Action Type/Ticket Category with identical settings, enter your new estimated effort value and add a new Action of that Action type in the relevant place in your process.

User role impact:

  • The change in 'Estimated Effort' location slightly affects which Builder users are able to configure estimated effort.

  • Estimated Effort is now controlled by the 'Case Types' or 'Ticket Categories' setting in User Roles.

  • Standard user role impact - ‘Local Builders' will no longer be able to edit record count as it has moved to the Case/Ticket category type screen where only ‘Master Builders’ or ‘System Admins’ have access.

  • Custom user role impact - any users with the 'Case Types' or 'Ticket Categories' option will be able to configure estimated effort.

Estimated effort for Tickets

To enter an initial estimated effort for a Ticket, you can:

  • Go to the Service Lines screen, select a Service Line, click to update the third-level Ticket Category and then enter your 'Initial Estimated Effort Per Record' in the resulting pop-up in the following format: dd:hh:mm

  • Go to the Ticket screen, click to add or edit a new Ticket category, click to enter update the third-level Ticket Category and then enter your 'Initial Estimated Effort Per Record' in the resulting pop-up in the following format: dd:hh:mm

Estimated effort for Actions

To enter an initial estimated effort for an Action, you can:

  • Go to the Service Lines screen, select a Service Line, select an Action Type and then enter your 'Initial Estimated Effort Per Record' and/or your 'Robot's Initial Estimated Effort Per Record' in the resulting pop-up in the following format: dd:hh:mm

  • Go to the Case screen, click to create a new Action Type, or edit a new Ticket category then enter your 'Initial Estimated Effort Per Record' and/or your 'Robot's Initial Estimated Effort Per Record' in the resulting pop-up in the following format: dd:hh:mm

Estimated effort for Cases

We've also added the ability to enter an initial estimated effort value for Cases in Builder too - previously you could only do this for Tickets and Actions.

To enter an initial estimated effort for a Case, go to the Service Lines screen, select a Service Line, select a Case Type and then enter your 'Initial Estimated Effort Per Record' in the resulting pop-up in the following format: dd:hh:mm

If an initial estimated effort value has been provided for a Case type, it will show in the Time Tracker card in Work Manager as 'Benchmark' for all Case of that Case type if the 'Display Expected Time in Time Tracker' option from Builder System Settings is enabled.

It is important to note that the estimated time for a Case only applies to the time a Work manager user spends on the Case screen. Time spent on an Action within the Case does not count towards the estimated finish time of the Case as Actions have their own individual estimated times.

Estimated Effort Suggestions

We are now showing the average time it took to complete Cases, Action and Tickets on the relevant Case Type, Action Type and Ticket Category screens.

This help suggest an appropriate value for the 'Initial Estimated Duration per Record Count' value.

Last updated