Bypassing Peer Reviews


We've also added the ability to automatically bypass a peer review if certain conditions are met. A new option is now available to add a conditions to a Peer Review Action in your Case configuration - if that condition is met, the peer review part of the Action is no longer be required and will be bypassed.

This gives you more flexibility when using Peer Review Actions and allows you to avoid any unnecessary peer reviews.

Watch this video to find out more:

Setting a Condition to Bypass Peer Review

To set a condition for a peer review, in your Case flow screen select the relevant 'manual with peer review' type action and, on the Peer Review tab, click the 'Bypass if' icon.

In the resulting popup, set your condition - choosing a data field (which can be standard or one of your own custom data items), then a condition and a value.

Once you're happy with your settings here, click to apply the condition.

The 'Bypass if' icon will then be highlighted, showing that a condition has been added.

Make sure to save the update to your Case and set the new version live.

Advanced Conditions

Selecting the 'Advanced' option lets you create a more complex condition with a combination of multiple criteria, adding a plus symbol between each part. You can check the validity of your expression via the external dotNetFiddle link.

Once you're happy with your settings here, click to apply the condition.

The 'Bypass if' icon will then be highlighted, showing that a condition has been added.

How Bypassed Peer Review show in Work Manager

Over in Work Manager, if the condition you have added is met at runtime, the activity will move straight from the manual activity onto the next Action, bypassing the peer review stage. A note will subsequently be displayed in the Actions list on the Case screen, showing that the peer review activity was not required.

Note that users subscribed to receive 'Peer Review Completed' notifications will not receive notifications about peer reviews that have been bypassed.

See here for more information about processing Peer Review Actions in Work Manager:

Last updated