Better Work Item Tracking Data

We've also added some more information to Work Item screens to help make tracking of activity clearer:

Better Display of 'Reopened' events

In the Work Item Timeline, there's now explicitly called-out entries to show when is has been Reopened from a Resolved state, showing when it was Reopened and by whom.

Note: Reopening of a Work Item via email will show 'System' as the 'Last Reopened By' value, so in the timeline filter the 'Include System-Generated Activities' option should be enabled in order to view the complete timeline for reopening activities. To view 'Reopened' timeline entries if a work item was reopened by an agent, make sure the 'status changes' option from the timeline filter is enabled.

The information about who last Reopened it and when is also shown explicitly on the Work Item Info card.

More Information about State Changes

When a Work Item changes state, you'll now see not only the state it was changed TO, but the state it was changed FROM also. State texts will also show in the color of relevant states also.

Last updated