In Enate Marketplace, we've been making some big advances in the AI space and have added a number of GPT-driven integrations to support your users with their day to day activities.
We can now offer EnateAI, a zero-configuration GPT option supplied by Enate which uses our own Azure hosted OpenAI Instance for the GPT3 Engine. This instance is shared with anyone that enables EnateAI so if you have high volume/high demand then you may be better off configuring your own Azure OpenAI instance and using an Azure Open AI Adapter Version. The configuration of the EnateAI adapters is super simple and is a mere click of a button to enable.
We have also added a number of OpenAI adapters that allow you to talk to the OpenAI API (which is open to everyone) directly via your own OpenAI account and API keys. You can also monitor usage of API requests sent via this API in the open AI interface.
And if you'd rather run these patterns via your own Azure platform, our new AzureAI adapters allow you to use your own Azure instance of OpenAI which you can manage and control, providing you with a great deal of control and detail of the information going through the API.
See our main online help section for more detailed explanation about how to set up these integrations.
These adapters are available for the following patterns:
Email Classification - analyzes incoming emails which result in the creation of a new Ticket amd automatically classifies and categorizes the Ticket, saving agents having to do this manually.
Email Data Extraction - brand new pattern that auto-populates important information from incoming emails which are creating new work items into custom cards in your Tickets and Cases, saving agents from having to do this manually.
Thank You Email Evaluation - automatically detects whether incoming emails to a Resolved work item are just simple 'thank you emails', and if so then have them automatically moved back to a state of 'resolved' without agent users having to manually perform such repetitive checks.
Sentiment Analysis - analyzes the content of every incoming email, determines their sentiment - e.g. if they're positive or negative and displays this information to your users to they can determine the sentiment of an email at a glance.
Our GPT email classification pattern analyzes incoming emails which result in the creation of a new Ticket, and automatically classifies and categorizes them. This helps support Agents with more accurate initial routing so by the time they pick it up, it's where it needs to be. In addition to the already existing UiPath Communications Mining adapter, we have now added the following adapters:
Azure OpenAI GPT3
Check out our dedicated article that shows you how to set this up:
Setting up the Email Classification Pattern
The Email Data Extraction pattern reads the content of incoming emails that result in the creation of new Work Items, and uses the information it extracts to auto-populate values into the custom cards in your Tickets and Cases. This saves Agents the time spent analyzing and transferring the data manually. It is available via the following adapters:
Azure OpenAI GPT3
Check out our dedicated article that shows you how to set this:
Setting up the Email Data Extraction Pattern
With the 'Is Thank You' pattern, you can automatically detect whether emails arriving in to a Resolved work item are just simple 'thank you emails'. If so, it automatically moves the Work Item back from a state of 'To Do' into a state of 'Resolved' without agent users having to manually perform such repetitive checks. Importantly, the 'Resolved' date of the work item remains as-is, i.e. it is unchanged when EnateAI automatically re-resolves the work item. In addition to the already existing UiPath Communications Mining adapter, we have now added the following adapters:
Azure OpenAI GPT3
Check out our dedicated article that shows you how to set this up:
Setting up the Thank You Email Evaluation Pattern
GPT's Email Sentiment Analysis pattern can analyse the content of ALL incoming emails and determine if for example they're positive or negative. This assessment can be passed back into Enate Work Manager so that Agents can tell at a glance what the tone of the mail is as headline information as they start to deal with it. In addition to the already existing UiPath Communications Mining adapter, we have now added the following adapters:
Azure OpenAI GPT3
Check out our dedicated article that shows you how to set this up:
Setting up the Email Sentiment Analysis Pattern
For clarity, here are the trigger points to show when each of these email-related features activate:
Email Classification - triggers for new inoming emails on brand new requests, i.e. ones that will create a brand new Ticket in Enate.
Email Data Extraction - triggers for new inoming emails on brand new requests, i.e. ones that will create a brand new Ticket OR Case in Enate.
Sentiment Analysis - triggers for ALL new incoming emails.
Is Thank You Analysis - triggers for new incoming emails on Resolved Tickets or Cases.
You are now able to configure your password policy and your Single-Sign On settings in the System Settings section of Builder. Previously, these were both in Enate Enate Manager.
Note that in order to edit these, a user must have the 'Edit System Settings' access option enabled as part of their user role. Users without this access option will be able to view the settings in read-only mode.
You are can configure your password policy in the System Settings section of Builder.
Changes will take immediate effect after you click ‘Submit’. Users logging in after you have clicked ‘Submit’ will have to use a password that adheres to your new password policy.
You can configure the following settings for your password policy:
Maximum age in days of password
Enter the maximum number of days you want users to be able to use a password for before the system prompts them to update it.
Minimum age in days of password
Enter the minimum number of days that a user cannot update their password for.
Maximum length of password
Enter the maximum number of characters you require your users' passwords to be. Note that this value must be equal to or greater than the combined 'number character count' and 'symbol character count' values which you might set elsewhere in your password policy settings. Maximum password length is 64.
Minimum length of password
Enter the minimum number of characters you require your users' passwords to be.
Password must contain an upper-case and a lower-case letter
Select if you want to make it mandatory for your users to use at least one lower-case letter and one upper case letter in their passwords.
Password must contain this many numbers
Enter the number of numbers you require your users' passwords to contain. Note that the password's maximum length must be longer than the combined symbol count and this number count.
Password must contain this many symbols
Enter the number of symbols you require your users' passwords to contain. Note that the password's maximum length must be longer than the combined number count and this symbol count.
Number of failed attempts before a user gets locked out
Enter the number of times a user can enter the wrong password before they are locked out of the system. They will then have to speak to the relevant parties to get their password reset. Note that if you enter a value here, you must also enter a value for the 'Length of time to lock out a user in minutes' setting.
Length of time to lock out a user in minutes
Enter the length of time in minutes you want a user to be locked out for when they have entered their password incorrectly too many times. Note that you must add a value here if a value has been added for the 'Number of failed attempts before a user gets locked out' setting.
Number of previous passwords to store
Enter the number of previous passwords you want the system to store to prevent users reusing the same passwords again. Note that if you enter a value here, you must also enter a value for the 'Number of days to store previous passwords' setting.
Number of days to store previous passwords
Enter the number of days previous passwords are to be stored. Note that you must add a a value here if a value has been added for the 'Number of previous passwords to store' setting.
IP Ranges Allowed
Enter a valid IPV4 address in CIDR notation. Multiple IP ranges can be added.
Note that only one password policy can be set. Provision for multiple password policies has been removed.
You are can configure your Single Sign-On settings in the System Settings section of Builder.
The steps to configure SSO are as follows:
Add a service provider certificate - the service provider is the application providing service, i.e. Enate.
Add identity provider settings - the identity provider is the system authenticating usernames and passwords, i.e. your third party systems such as Azure AD.
To add a service provider certificate, you can either generate a new one or upload an existing certificate.
If you are generating a brand new certificate, fill in the following settings:
This is just for your reference. Mandatory.
Key Size
Value depends your security standards.
Hashing Algorithm
Value depends your security standards.
Validity Period in Years
How long would you like the certificate to be valid for. Enter the number of years. Maximum of 2 years.
To create an identity provider, you can either enter the necessary settings manually or import the metadata exported from your third-party system to auto-fill the necessary settings.
This is mainly for your reference. It also shows on the login page as a tooltip. Mandatory. E.g. Sign in with Office 365.
This is just for your reference. Optional. E.g. Logs in Enate users using their Enate account.
This is the logo that will appear on the login page. File must be .pgn, .gif or .jpeg and 120 by 28 pixels. Mandatory.
Login Binding Type
Set this to match how it is set in your identity provider, or how your identity provider's documentation tells you to set it. This will be auto-filled in if you import a metadate file.
Logout Binding Type
Set this to match how it is set in your identity provider, or how your identity provider's documentation tells you to set it. This will be auto-filled in if you import a metadate file.
Allow Identity Provider Initiated Login/Allow Unsolicited AuthN Requests
This determines whether you acknowledge or ignore unsolicited AuthN requests. Unsolicited AuthN requests occur when a user starts the login procedure from the Identity Provider without first visiting Enate.
During a solicited request, the User visits the Enate login page, clicks the SSO provider logo and is redirected. Upon completion of the authentication, they are redirected back to Enate where the authentication completes. This was solicited by Enate.
During an unsolicited request, the user visits the Identity Provider, possibly an 'Application Directory', and clicks the Enate logo. They are redirected to Enate where authentication completes. Because this flow was initiated by the Identity Provider, it is considered unsolicited by Enate.
Identity Provider ID/Identity Provider Entity ID
Set this to match how it is set in your identity provider, or how your identity provider's documentation tells you to set it. This setting will be auto-filled if you have imported a metadate file.
Single Logout URL
Set this to match how it is set in your identity provider, or how your identity provider's documentation tells you to set it. This setting will be auto-filled if you have imported a metadate file.
Single Sign On URL
Set this to match how it is set in your identity provider, or how your identity provider's documentation tells you to set it. This setting will be auto-filled if you have imported a metadate file.
User Identifier Claim
Which claim (e.g. first name, last name, etc. that has been set up in your third party identity provider) you want to use to maps to your users' email addresses. Set this to match how it is set in your identity provider, or how your identity provider's documentation tells you to set it. This setting will be auto-filled if you have imported a metadate file. This is a free text field as well as a dropdown, so it can be customized, but it will likely just be email addresses.
Identity Provider Certificate
Add a copy of the certificate (Base-64 CER) provided by your third party identity provider. This setting will be auto-filled if you have imported a metadate file.
In version 2023.3 of Enate, we've added some powerful new features for your operations teams in Work Manager, as well as adding a number of GPT-driven integrations to our Marketplace which help support them with their day to day activities.
Watch this video for a quick overview of the new features you're getting:
You get:
Standard, out of the box reports based on Enate data. Your user role will determine which standard reports you are able to see
The ability to build on the standard reports to create your own personalized reports with exactly what you want
The ability to save your personalized reports so you can easily navigate back to them
The ability to share your reports with whoever you think needs to see it
Team Leaders or users with the 'Can customize reports' permission will also get access to advanced editing options which allows them to create brand new visuals and to delete visuals, as well as the ability to create and delete cards
Watch this video to find out more:
Watch this video to find out more:
Email Classification - automatically classifies and categorizes Tickets, saving agents having to do this manually
Email Data Extraction - brand new pattern that auto-populates important information from emails into custom cards in your Tickets and Cases, saving agents from having to do this manually
Thank You Email Evaluation - automatically detects whether incoming emails to a resolved work are just simple 'thank you emails', and if so then have them automatically moved back to a state of 'resolved' without agent users having to manually perform such repetitive checks.
Sentiment Analysis - analyzes the content of incoming emails, determines their sentiment - e.g. if they're positive or negative and displays this information to your users to they can determine the sentiment of an email at a glance
We have now made it possible to edit or remove a parent company for a customer. If the has been switched on in the General Settings section of Builder, you will be able to assign, edit or remove a parent company for a customer from the .
Parent companies allow you to more easily manage your companies by creating a nested company structure where a parent company can maintain multiple child companies.
Note that you will only be able to change the parent company of a customer if there are no running work items with contacts that are scoped to the current parent company. If this is the case, you will only be able to change the parent company once all of these work items have closed or contacts scoped to the current parent company have been removed from the work item so that there are no more running work items with contacts that are scoped to the current parent company.
We have made it easier for you to find the right team when you are configuring contracts in Builder by adding a dropdown option that filters down as you type. This will help to prevent duplicate team names from being created.
The 'Team' option is used alongside the ‘From Queue by Name and Team’ allocation method when you have a very large number of Queues you might have to configure per contract but you have a thousand contracts - Queues will include this 'Team' Name.
We've moved the option to view processes that have the same process type when you are cloning a process to the main cloning pop-up to make it easier for you to select.
As before, this option lets you choose to only view processes that have the same process type. It is disabled by default. You can still filter the processes by customer, contract and service via the filter button.
We've added within Work Manager, driven by Microsoft's extensive PowerBI reporting platform.
We've also simplified how you can give your users access to certain features by implementing . Now, rather than having to set multiple different access levels each time you create a user account, all you have to do is pick the role a user needs to be in. This determines what they can see and do in Work Manager and, for admin people, in Builder. You can choose from standard roles, provided by Enate, or you can create and give users the precise access levels you need.
In , we've been making some big advances in the AI space and can now offer EnateAI, a zero-configuration GPT option supplied by Enate which uses our own Azure hosted OpenAI Instance for the GPT3 Engine. We have also added a number of OpenAI adapters that allow you to talk to the OpenAI API directly via your own OpenAI account and API keys. And if you'd rather run these patterns via your own Azure platform, our new AzureAI adapters allow you to use your own Azure instance of OpenAI which you can manage and control, providing you with a great deal of control and detail of the information going through the API. These adapters are available for the following patterns:
We've also made some . First up, we're changing the name of this page to 'Advanced Search'. We've also added more data and features - now, you can search by and see if a work item was reopened, when and by whom, and we've added more sophisticated searching and display options for overdue items. We've also added a feature which lets you create Export files to download your search results to Excel.
We've added some to help you improve calculations of overall SLAs. You can now so, for requests which span multiple related work items, you'll be able to use the start date of the very initial request for SLA calculations. And we've also added data to provide , letting you see which items are overdue and by how many days they are overdue.
We're also giving direct access in Builder to setup and , so your admins should now have more direct control around maintaining this.
As part of the introduction of our , we provide notifications for to notify users about when a due date is at risk or has been missed. Therefore we have removed the option to send reminder emails before and after the due date when as the notifications feature can be used instead.
We've added the following data capture options to provide more detailed information about work items that are overdue:
Is Overdue - this shows whether the SLA of a work item has been breached or not.
Overdue By Days - this shows how many days or working days (depending upon the due date configuration) the work item is overdue by
A value will only show if the work item is overdue
This value is determined by calculating the difference between the due date and the current date
The overdue days for running work items (i.e. Work Items in a state of Draft, To Do, In Progress or Wait) will be displayed in ranges of 'Less than 1', '1-2', '2-3' etc. up to '6-7'.
Running work items which are overdue by more than seven days/working days will show as being overdue by '7+' days/working days.
For resolved or closed work items, the number of days overdue will be exact e.g. '10-11'
Note that the value is calculated by the engine once in a day (possibly at midnight).
This data is calculated based on the due date of the work item. Therefore if the due date of a work item changes, this might lead to the information in these overdue fields changing as well.
This data is available in:
the homepage grid to use as columns
to create Advanced Search views
in the Advanced Search results grid to use as columns
in the Advanced Search results grid to group search results (note that only the 'Is Overdue' option can be used for this)
We have also added an Overdue By Hours option that will only appear in the Advanced Search results grid to use as a column. This shows how many hours or working hours (depending upon the due date configuration) the work item is overdue by. As for Overdue By Days, a value will only show if the work item is overdue. Note that the value is calculated by the engine once in a day (possibly at midnight).
We've added the option to capture the initial request start date and time for work items to help improve SLA calculations by allowing you to capture the entire length of time it has taken to complete a request, as opposed to just the length of time an individual work item has been being worked on.
This will be shown as a additional field on a work item's info card if the initial request start date is different to when the work item was created.
The Initial Request Date can also be used to organize work in the homepage grids, for creating Advanced Search views and in reporting.
This data has also been added as a new due date method:
This data is useful in scenarios where a further work item needs to be created from an original request e.g. when a Sub Case is created, when a Ticket is converted into a Case, when a Case or Action gets reworked, when an Action is created via the 'Start Action' option, when a new linked work item is created or when an email comes into a closed work item which triggers a new one to be created to continue that original request.
Please note that this additional information is now being captured for all situations with the exception of split Tickets, where the very original start date of activity was always being captured in the 'Created On' field. In a future release we will standardize so this date is also captured in the same 'Initial Request Date' for split Tickets also
For example, if a request comes in that generates a Ticket on the 12/1/2023 at 09:00, both the existing 'Created On' date/time and the 'Initial Request On' date/time for that Ticket will be 12/1/2023 at 09:00. And because both dates/times are the same, only the 'Created On' date/time will be shown.
If it becomes apparent once someone has started working on the Ticket that the Ticket then needs to be converted into a Case and they then convert the Ticket into the necessary Case, the 'Initial Request On' date/time for the newly created Case will also be 12/1/2023 at 09:00 i.e. it will capture the start date/time of the original Ticket (and request). However, the 'Created on' date for the newly created Case will be later, for example 12/1/2023 at 11:00. And because both dates/times are different, both the 'Initial Request On' and the 'Created On' dates/times will be shown.
Additionally, there will be no impact on the Initial Request On date when linking existing work items as a new work item is not being created.
We've made a number of enhancements to the Views feature. Firstly, we have renamed it to 'Advanced Search'.
We've also made some design improvements - items will now appear in their RAG colors and statuses will appear next to work items as well.
We've added more information that you can search with in the Advanced Search page. You can created searches with the following extra fields:
Has Been Reopened
This lets you search for work items that have been reopened from a Resolved state.
Select from:
Last Reopened By
This lets you search for who last reopened a work item from a Resolved state.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
If the condition you have selected is Begins With or Equals, enter the name of a worker
Last Reopened On
This lets you search for the last time when a work item was reopened from a Resolved state.
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
Not Equal
Greater Than
Greater Than Or Equals To
Less Than
Less Than Or Equals To
Select a date
Initial Request On
If a further work item has been created from an original request (when a Sub Case is created, when a Ticket is converted into a Case, when a Case or Action gets reworked, when an Action is created via the 'Start Action' option or when a new linked work item is created), this data lets you search for the start date of the original request, allowing you to capture the entire length of time it has taken to complete a request, as opposed to just the length of time an individual work item has been being worked on.
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
Not Equal
Greater Than
Greater Than Or Equals To
Less Than
Less Than Or Equals To
Select a date
Is Overdue
This lets you search for work items that are overdue.
Select from:
Overdue By Days
This shows how many days or working days (depending upon the due date configuration) a work item is overdue by.
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
Not Equal
Greater Than
Greater Than Or Equals To
Less Than
Less Than Or Equals To
Enter the desired number of days.
You can export your views data from your Advances Searches into Excel. Watch this video to find out more:
To export your views data into an Excel spreadsheet, enter your search criteria in the Advanced Search page and then click to 'Switch to Export'.
This will show you a list of all of your previously exported files, as well as when they were downloaded, the size of the file, the total number of rows in the file, when the file export was requested, when the export began and when it was completed.
Before you export your search, you can edit the name of the file it will be exported as.
You can also adjust which columns you would like to view in your excel export by clicking on 'Select columns'. The columns selected in your search will be automatically selected, but you can adjust your selection here too.
Then click to 'Export'.
Your file will appear as a new row in the Exported Files section with a 'queued' icon next to it. Click to refresh the grid.
Once refreshed, the icon will change to a green single tick to show that the export is complete.
If there has been an error in exporting the file, a red warning icon will appear next to it.
You can download the file by clicking on the file name.
Once it has been downloaded, the icon will change to a green double tick to show that it has been downloaded.
The time and date that it was downloaded will then appear in the 'Downloaded On' column.
The data from your Advanced Search will have been exported into a .xlsx file, including the column titles selected.
Please note that in this initial release, column titles will only appear in English. They will be localized in a future release.
Additionally, please note that you can export up to a maximum of one million rows.
Column names in the exported file are different to the names that are displayed in the UI in the Advanced Search page.
Further Note: Access to this Excel Export feature is not switched on for standard Team Member and Team Leader Roles. To give users access to this feature, a Custom Role must be created via the User Management section of Builder, with the 'Can Export Advanced Search views to Excel' option switched on in the 'Advanced Search' feature access section.
Enate's Work Manager provides you with embedded reporting capabilities, driven by Microsoft's Power BI reporting platform, which gives you lots of additional information at your disposal to gain new insights and support for your business operations.
You get:
Standard, out of the box reports based on Enate data. Your user role will determine which standard reports you are able to see.
The ability to build on the standard reports to create your own personalized reports with exactly what you want
The ability to save your personalized reports so you can easily navigate back to them
The ability to share your reports with whoever you think needs to see it
Team Leaders or users with the 'Can customize reports' permission will also get access to advanced editing options which allows them to create brand new visuals and to delete visuals, as well as the ability to create and delete cards
Watch this video to find out more:
Please note that at the moment, dates given to the creation of reports will be according to UTC time zone. Additionally, report data is not updated in real-time, and will be updated a regular scheduled intervals (the 'last updated' time-stamp is shown on a report). Also, at the moment reports are only available in English. Lastly, information regarding closed work items will only be shown for the past year. Open/running work items will show information spanning the entirety of its processing time, even if it has been longer than one year.
You can access reports from the brand new section in the Work Manager the nav menu.
Clicking on the main Reports link will open up the Reports page, with the default standard report depending on your role displayed. For Team Leaders this will be the Team View report and for Team Members it will be the User's Overview report.
If you hover over the Reports link, you'll see a list of reports that you have access to, divided into various sections:
Standard Reports - here you'll see the standard, out of the box reports associated with your role data. Your user role will determine which standard reports you are able to see - generally, if you're someone with team member level access, you'll see the 'User's Overview' report, which shows data about your own work and if you've got more team leader-like access, you'll also be able to see the 'Team View', which looks at data about work across your team.
My Reports - here you'll see reports that you have personalized in some way and then saved as a new report
Shared with Me - these are reports, custom or standard, that have been shared with you by someone else
Reports are sorted alphabetically and you can mark a report as a favorite. Favorite reports will appear above your 'non-favorite' reports.
Once you've opened up a report, you'll see the report name and when it was last updated at the top.
The 'All Reports' button will show you the list of reports that you have access to, divided into various sections:
Standard Reports - these are standard, out of the box reports associated with your role data.
My Reports - here you'll reports that you have personalized in some way and then saved as a new report
Shared with Me - these are reports, custom or standard, that have been shared with you by someone else
You can save a personalized report by clicking the 'Save As' option and you can share a report via the Share button.
A report will generally contain a mixture of cards, showing you headline level information, and a number of visuals.
The data fields you'll have access to will depend on the report you have access to - each report has its own set of data fields. If you have access to a report, you have access to all of the data fields within the report too. For example, the 'User's Overview' report, and any report which was created from it, displays data about you and your work. The Team View report or, again, any report created from it, allows access to data about your team and the work in your business area more generally.
If there are any of your custom data fields that you'd like to see in your reports, ask your admin to get in touch with Enate Customer Support to get these made available for you.
All users have the ability to personalize a report to get the data to show just how they want, for example by applying filters or by adjusting the data fields. See the personalizing a report section to find out more about what options you have.
If you have the 'Can customize reports' permission, you'll be able to click on 'Advanced' mode and get access to more advanced editing options, which includes all the standard personalization options as well the ability to create brand new visuals, to delete visuals, and to create and delete cards.
All users have the ability to personalize a report to get the data to show just how they want.
There are a number of filter options at the top that you can apply to the report. You can choose to filter the report by, customers, contacts and so forth, plus specific types of Case or Ticket (under the Process dropdown) and certain Queues or work in a given state. If you want to remove all these filters, click on the main Filter display button and scroll down to find the Clear Filters link.
Hovering over a visual also gives you further editing options. Links in the header of each visual will let you drill down and apply further filters.
If you click on the personalize link you'll see much more options that you have to play with. You can change the visualisation type to show your data in a different way and you can change the data fields used in the visual.
The data fields you'll have access to will depend on the report you have access to - each report has its own set of data fields. If you have access to a report, you have access to all of the data fields within the report too.
For example, the 'User's Overview' report, and any report which was created from it, displays data about you and your work. The Team View report or, again, any report created from it, allows access to data about your team and the work in your business area more generally.
If there are any of your custom data fields that you'd like to see in your reports, ask your admin to get in touch with Enate Customer Support to get these made available for you.
You can also export an individual visual into Excel. There's also a 'focus' option to give a dedicated view of a single visual, and you can also choose to see the underlying data in a table.
You can easily discard your changes at any time by reverting back to the previous view of a visual.
You can find out more about the editing options you have from Microsoft's own Power BI documentation, available here:
You can also save a personalized report by clicking the 'Save As' option, making it easier for you to come back to, and you can share a report via the Share button.
You can save your personalized report so that you can access it easily ongoing by clicking the 'Save As' button.
Depending upon who originally created the report, there are a couple of options when it comes to saving a report:
If you have made adjustments to a report created by someone else, you will have to save the report as a brand new (the 'saved as a new report' checkbox is auto-selected for you) since it's not your original report.
If you have made adjustments to a report created by yourself (and the report is in your 'My Reports' section), you can either:
Update the existing report by clicking on 'Save As' and then de-selecting the 'Save as a new report' option
Save the report as a brand new report by clicking on 'Save As' and then selecting the option of saving the report as a brand new report
Once you have clicked 'Confirm', the saved report will appear in the 'My Reports' section, which you can access from the main system header, or from the reports list in your reports page. All your saved reports will appear here.
In addition to all the report personalization options listed above, Team Leaders or people with the 'Can customize reports' permission will also get access to advanced editing options.
This lets them completely remove and create brand new visuals within a report, rather than just having the ability to modify existing ones, and gives them the ability to create and delete cards with headline level information.
You can easily discard your changes at any time by reverting back to the previous view of a visual
You can find out more about the advanced editing options you have from Microsoft's own Power BI documentation, available here:
You can also share reports with other users by clicking on the 'Share' option and selecting which users you want to share it with.
The report will then show in the user(s) Shared Reports section.
Note that you will only be able to share reports with someone if they have permission to view all of the data in the report.
You can also copy the Report link URL here too, if you want to share the report via another app.
Reports that have been shared with you will appear in your Shared Reports list.
When it comes to deleting reports, there are a few of things to be aware of.
You can delete any of your own personalized reports i.e. any of the reports under the 'My Reports' section.
You can delete any reports that have been shared with you i.e. any of the reports under the 'Shared Reports' section. Deleting a report that has been shared with you will not delete the report for anyone else.
You cannot delete an original standard report. However, if you have personalized a standard report and saved that personalized report (and it therefore appears under the 'My Reports' section), you can delete that personalized report (see above point).
Deleting a report that you have shared with another user will delete the 'original' report for you, as well as deleting the shared report for the other user. The report will also no longer be accessible for that user via a saved URL link.
Any reports deleted by yourself will still be accessible via a saved URL link.
At the moment, Enate provides two standard, out of the box reports:
Your user role will determine which standard reports you are able to see.
The Team View Report shows you data about work in Queues that you manage or are a part of.
The Team View Report contains the following available data sets:
Active Users
Count of users who are active on a selected date
Total Hrs Logged
Total time in hours spent by an Agent on all the Work Items they worked on for the selected date range
Total Users
Total number of users responsible for all the Work Items in a Queue
Activity Type
The type of activity performed on the Work Item by an Agent (e.g. 'Saved' or 'Completed')
Duration in Sec
Time spent in seconds on a Work Item by an Agent. Manually entered time is considered if available.
The Work Item activity Start Date in date/time format
The Work Item activity Start Date in date only format
User Name
The user who performed the activity
The name of the contract
The name of the customer
The name of the service
The name of the supplier
Calendar range of dates for filtering data
Months of the dates
Weeks of the dates
Year of the dates
Work Item Count
Number of Work Items that have defects
Date Raised
Date on which the defect was raised for a Work Item
Defect Category
Category of the defect
Description of the defect
States whether the defect is resolved or not
Avg. rating
Average of ratings for each Work Item
User rating for each Work Item
Reference number of a Work Item that has feedback
Name of the process each Work Item belongs to
Work Item Type
Type of the Work Item (Ticket, Action or Case)
Name of the queue the Work Item was last present in
Work Item Status (To Do, In Progress, Waiting , Resolved , Closed)
Status Reason
Status Reason
Reason behind the status change of the Work Item (Newly Created, new Info Receieved, Blocked by Business rule etc.)
Wait Status History
Waiting each Day
Count of Work Items that are set to waiting status on a particular day by the Agent (out of the Work Items he/she working/worked on)
Wait Status History
End Date in Date time format when Work Item was in waiting state
Wait Status History
End Date in Date only format when Work Item was in waiting state
Wait Status History
Start Date in Date time format when Work Item was in waiting state
Wait Status History
Start Date in Date only format when Work Item was in waiting state
Wait Status History
User Name
Agent who set the status of Work Item to Waiting
Work Items
Sum of Closed and Waiting work items on a particular day by an Agent
Work Items
Work Items Assigned Today
Count of Work Items that are assgined to the agent today
Work Items
Work Items Closed
Total Work Items closed by agent for the selected date range
Work Items
Work Items Closed Today
Count of Work Items that are closed by agent today
Work Items
Work Items Due Today
Count of Work Items that are due today by agent
Work Items
Work Items Open
Total Work Items that are Open by agent
Work Items
Work Items Overdue
Total Work Items that are Overdue by agent
Work Items
Work Items Reopened
Total Tickets that are reopened for the agent
Work Items
Work Items Resolved
Total Work Items that are Resolved by agent for the selected date range
Work Items
Work Items Started
Total Work Items started by agent for the selected date range
Ageing Category
Grouping of Ageing in Days into different buckets
Work Items
Ageing In Days
Ageing in calendar days. For completed Work Items its (end date - start date), for open items its (today - start date).
Work Items
Count of Affected Records
Records affected count
Work Items
Count of Defects
Count of defects each Work Item has (if any)
Work Items
Count of Rework
Count of rework each Work Item has (if any)
Work Items
Work Item Due Date in date time format
Work Items
Work Item Due Date in date only format
Work Items
Work Item End Date in date time format
Work Items
Work Item End Date in date only format
Work Items
Has Defects
Whether the Work Item has defect or not (Yes or No)
Work Items
Is Reopened
Tickets that got opened after going to resolved status
Work Items
Reference number of each Work Item
Resolved Date
Work Item resolved date in date/time format
Resolved Date_date
Work Item resolved date in date format
Work Items
Service Level Agreement to indicate where Work Item is Overdue or not
Work Items
Work Item Start Date in date time format
Work Items
Start Date_date
Work Item Start Date in date only format
Work Items
Title of the Work Item
The User's Overview Report shows you data about your own work.
The User's Overview Report contains the following available data sets:
Total Hrs Logged
Total time (in Hrs) spent by the Agent on all the Work Items he/she worked on for the selected date range
Activity Type
Type of the activity performed on the Work Item by Agent ('Save' or 'Complete')
Duration in Sec
Time spent (in seconds) on the Work Item by Agent. Manually entered time is considered if available.
Work Item activity Start Date in date time format
Work Item activity Start Date in date only format
User Name
User who performed the activity
Name of the Contract
Name of the Customer
Name of the Service
Name of the Supplier
Calendar range of dates for filtering data
Months of the dates
Weeks of the dates
Year of the dates
Work Item Count
Count of work items that have defects against them
Date Raised
Date on which the defect was raised for a Work Item
Defect Category
Category of the defect
Description of the defect
Stated whether the defect is resolved or not
Name of the process each Work Item belongs to
Work Item Type
Type of the Work Item (Ticket, Action or Case)
Name of the queue the Work Item was last present in
Work Item Status (To Do, In Progress, Waiting , Resolved , Closed)
Status Reason
Status Reason
Reason behind the status change of the Work Item (Newly Created, new Info Receieved, Blocked by Business rule etc.)
Wait Status History
Waiting each Day
Count of Work Items that are set to waiting status on a particular day by the Agent (out of the Work Items he/she working/worked on)
Wait Status History
End Date in Date time format when Work Item was in waiting state
Wait Status History
End Date in Date only format when Work Item was in waiting state
Wait Status History
Start Date in Date time format when Work Item was in waiting state
Wait Status History
Start Date in Date only format when Work Item was in waiting state
Wait Status History
User Name
Agent who set the status of Work Item to Waiting
Work Items
Sum of Closed and Waiting work items on a particular day by an Agent
Work Items
Work Items Assigned Today
Count of Work Items that are assgined to the agent today
Work Items
Work Items Closed
Total Work Items closed by agent for the selected date range
Work Items
Work Items Closed Today
Count of Work Items that are closed by agent today
Work Items
Work Items Due Today
Count of Work Items that are due today by agent
Work Items
Work Items Open
Total Work Items that are Open by agent
Work Items
Work Items Overdue
Total Work Items that are Overdue by agent
Work Items
Work Items Reopened
Total Tickets that are reopened for the agent
Work Items
Work Items Resolved
Total Work Items that are Resolved by agent for the selected date range
Work Items
Work Items Started
Total Work Items started by agent for the selected date range
Work Items
Ageing In Days
Aeing in calendar days. For completed Work Items its (end date - start date), for open items its (today - start date).
Work Items
Count of Affected Records
Records affected count
Work Items
Count of Defects
Count of defects each Work Item has (if any)
Work Items
Count of Rework
Count of rework each Work Item has (if any)
Work Items
Work Item Due Date in date time format
Work Items
Work Item Due Date in date only format
Work Items
Work Item End Date in date time format
Work Items
Work Item End Date in date only format
Work Items
Has Defects
Whether the Work Item has defect or not (Yes or No)
Work Items
Reference number of each Work Item
Work Items
Is Reopened
Tickets that got opened after going to resolved status
Work Items
Service Level Agreement to indicate where Work Item is Overdue or not
Work Items
Work Item Start Date in date time format
Work Items
Start Date_date
Work Item Start Date in date only format
Work Items
Title of the Work Item
2023.2.15.0 is a HotFix release for version 2023.3 of Enate that contains a number of bug fixes and a couple of enhancements that have been added since the release of the previous version. There are no new breaking changes or additional breaking API changes in this release, and no additional known issues.
The change log contains a detailed list of the new features, enhancements, bug fixes and known issues in this version. A downloadable copy of the New Features & Enhancements Change Log, the Bug Fixes Change Log and the Known Issues Change Log are available below.
This is a downloadable copy of the bug fixes in this version of Enate. A number of additional bug fixes have been added since the release of the previous version.
Known Issues
This is a downloadable copy of the known issues in this version of Enate. No additional known issues have been found since the release of the previous version.
This is a downloadable copy of the new features and enhancements in this version of Enate. Two additional enhancements have been added since the release of the previous version.
2023.2.13.0 is a HotFix release for version 2023.3 of Enate that contains a couple of bug fixes that have been added since the release of the previous version. There are no new features/enhancements, breaking changes or additional breaking API changes in this release, and no additional known issues.
The change log contains a detailed list of the new features, enhancements, bug fixes and known issues in this version. A downloadable copy of the New Features & Enhancements Change Log, the Bug Fixes Change Log and the Known Issues Change Log are available below.
This is a downloadable copy of the bug fixes in this version of Enate. A couple of additional bug fixes have been added since the release of the previous version.
Known Issues
This is a downloadable copy of the known issues in this version of Enate. No additional known issues have been found since the release of the previous version.
This is a downloadable copy of the new features and enhancements in this version of Enate. No additional new features or enhancements have been added since the release of the previous version.
2023.3.12.0 is a HotFix release for version 2023.3 of Enate that contains a small number of bug fixes and enhancements that have been added since the production release. There are some API changes, but no further breaking changes in this release, and no additional known issues.
The change log contains a detailed list of the new features, enhancements, bug fixes and known issues in this version. A downloadable copy of the New Features & Enhancements Change Log, the Bug Fixes Change Log and the Known Issues Change Log are available below.
This is a downloadable copy of the new features and enhancements in this version of Enate. A number of new features or enhancements have been added since the release of the previous version.
This is a downloadable copy of the bug fixes in this version of Enate. One additional bug fix has been added since the release of the previous version.
Known Issues
This is a downloadable copy of the known issues in this version of Enate. No additional known issues have been found since the release of the previous version.
This is a downloadable copy of the API changes in Enate's 2023.3.12 releases. It contains information about the API changes that have occurred between versions 2023.2 and 2023.3.12 of Enate.
2023.3.9.0 is the production release for version 2023.3 of Enate. It contains a number of new features, enhancements and bug fixes.
The change log contains a detailed list of the new features, enhancements, bug fixes and known issues in version 2023.3.9.0 of Enate. A downloadable copy of the New Features & Enhancements Change Log, the Bug Fixes Change Log and the Known Issues Change Log are available below.
This is a downloadable copy of the new features and enhancements in this version of Enate.
This is a downloadable copy of the bug fixes in this version of Enate.
Known Issues
This is a downloadable copy of the known issues in this version of Enate.
This is a downloadable copy of the API changes in Enate's 2023.3.6 release. It contains information about the API changes that have occurred between versions 2023.2 and 2023.3.6 of Enate.
This is a downloadable copy of the warehouse database data dictionary for all 2023.3 versions of Enate.
Below is a copy of the breaking changes document for all 2023.3 versions of Enate.. It contains information about all the breaking changes within the Data Warehouse and Enate's APIs, and includes the validation codes for version 2023.3.
Recommendation for best use of API breaking changes documentation is as follows:
Read through the breaking changes information for APIs
Upon finding reference to an API which you currently use and which has changed, go to your Swagger environment for the quickest way to view the overall impact and new API content definition. Your Swagger environment should always be your go-to place for the definitive explanation of the current API structure. See the in our main online Help section for more information.
We've overhauled and simplified our user access system while giving you the flexibility to have things set just as you need them.
Now, rather than needing to set individual combinations of access each time you create a new user account, all you have to do is pick the role they're in. Each role has a number of access options configured for it which determines what users can see and do in Enate.
Watch this video to find out more:
Along with this, we've also added a much more detailed breakout for what access levels are available, allowing you to configure roles and access to precisely match your business requirements.
We've created a number of standard pre-configured roles available that give your users various levels of access to Work Manager and Builder.
If a standard role doesn't quite fit the bill, you can create custom roles that allow you to fine-tune levels of access to give users the exact combination of access levels they need.
Custom roles might be particularly useful in the following circumstances:
In Work Manager: You may wish to create a custom role for your more senior team members which falls part-way between the standard 'Team Leader' and 'Team Member' roles, giving them access to some Team Leader-like features without needing to have them fulfil that role entirely.
In Builder: Custom roles can be very useful in larger organizations where you might want to delegate e.g. user management or localized Case/Ticket maintenance access in Builder to more local resources, while keeping shared configuration activities for master data to a more select few people.
In line with this, we are also displaying role and access information when you click on someone in your team in Work Manager. You will see their profile picture, the title of their role, its description (if one has been added), as well as a list showing which features that the user has access to. Please note that this is a read-only display and will mean that Team Leaders will no longer have direct access to the four previously shown feature access options. However, access to the more comprehensive User Management section in Builder by speaking with your admin.
(Note that as part of upgrading, all users will be assigned and operations role, and some users also assigned a Builder role).
You can assign the relevant roles to a user in the Service Agents section of Builder by:
Clicking to edit a user and then selecting the relevant roles from their access tab OR
Clicking on the user's role directly from the grid of user accounts, on the 'Operational Role' or 'Builder Role' column. This will then bring up the user's access tab:
Users can be given two roles: they must have an Operational role which grants them access to the relevant features in Work Manager and, if they need to access Enate Builder, they can be given a Builder role too. This Builder Role will give them access to build and maintain the data which underpins your business processes in Enate. The majority of your user base will likely be assigned with just an operational role, but your administrators, business analysts and some operational super users will also be assigned a Builder role. If you do not assign a Builder role to a user, they will not be able to access the Builder app.
One thing that is important to note is that a user is not able to edit the access levels of the role they have been assigned, nor are they able to assign themselves a new role. This must be done by another user.
If you change a user's role while they are logged into the system, the user will be automatically logged out with a warning message stating that their user session has ended. When the user logs back into the Enate system, they will be able to see and access the features that have been enabled for the new role they have been assigned.
If you edit the details a user's role while they are logged into the system, they will not be automatically logged out of the system, but they will not be able to use or see the changes to their role until they have logged out and logged back into the system.
You can view, create and maintain your user roles in the new User Roles section of Builder - click on User Management and then select User Roles from the dropdown.
Here you will see the standard roles available in the system, as well as any custom roles you have and this is where you can create and maintain your custom roles.
Clicking on a user role will bring up the details for that role, including its name, description and access to which features are enabled for it.
Note that you will not be able to edit the name, description or feature access for standard roles.
Enate provides some standard pre-configured roles to give your users access to the various Work Manager and Builder features that they need, which already have a variety of feature access options enabled. The feature access options for these standard roles cannot be edited.
There are two standard operational roles:
Team Member - this is for Agent users who process Tickets, Actions & Cases
Team Leader - this is for senior members who manage a Team and set Queues they oversee
The table below shows access to which features are enabled for team member and team leader roles
Work Item Creation
Can Create Individual Work Items
Can Bulk Create Work Items
Work Item Assignment
Can Assign to Anyone
Can Assign to Themselves
Can Unassign
Work Item Options
Can Override Due Date
Can Split Tickets
Can Merge Tickets
Can Convert to Case
Can Edit Defects Logged by Others
Can Edit Time Tracker Entries Logged by Others
Can Access Custom Data in Peer Review Actions
Can Delete Email Attachments
Queues & Team Members
Can View Queues & Team Members
Can Work on Items Outside their Queues
Can Set Up Team & Queues
Email View Options
Can Access Email Inbox, Sent Items & Outbox
Can Access Unprocessed Emails
Can View Blocked Email Addresses
Can Edit Blocked Email Addresses
Can Access Contacts Page
Advanced Search
Can Access Advanced Search Page
Can Export Advanced Search views to Excel
Can Access Reports
Can Create Custom Reports
There are three standard Builder roles:
Local Builder - this provides more limited access to configure Ticket & Case processes
Master Builder - this provides users with access to create shareable master data, configure processes and set live
System Administrator - this provides full access to all configuration features in Builder, including integrations
The table below shows access to which features are enabled for the standard Builder roles:
Edit Business Entities
Service Lines
Edit Processes
Edit Shared Process Data
Action General Settings
Action Types
Allocation Settings
Case Types
Due Date Settings
Ticket Categories
Ticket Types
Edit Queues
Set Tickets & Cases Live
Set Tickets & Cases Live
Edit Scheduling
Fixed Frequency Schedules
Schedule Structures
Edit Calendars
Edit Custom Cards & Data
Custom Cards & Data
Access User Management
Robot Farms
User Roles
User Groups
Users (Service Agents & Self Service Users)
Edit Mailbox Settings
Email Routes
Email Connectors
Edit Email Content
Canned Responses
Email Templates
System Settings
System Settings
Edit Integrations
Marketplace Configurations
Edit Localizations
Delete Items
Delete Items
If the standard roles don't quite match your organization's needs, you can create custom roles and customize the levels of access within the role.
You create and maintain custom roles from the User Roles section of Enate Builder.
To create a custom role for Work Manager, click the '+ Create New Custom Role' option in the Operational Roles tab, and to create a custom role for Builder, click the '+ Create New Custom Role' option in the Builder Roles tab.
You can create a brand new custom role in two ways:
Option 1 - From scratch, starting from a blank role where you will need to populate all your desired role data
Option 2 - By cloning an existing role (standard or custom) and adjusting the data accordingly. This option is useful if you only want to make a slight adjustments to an already existing role.
Whether creating from new or cloning from existing, proceed by giving your new custom role a name, description and then select what features you want the role to access. Once you have created your role be sure to save it before exiting the page.
There are a large number of access options available to choose from when you are defining a role's access to the various features in Enate. The full list of operational access options are listed below.
Note that if access to a feature has not been given, the option/button for that feature will be hidden.
Work Item Creation
Create Individual Work Items
This gives the user access to the following features:
Bulk Create Work Items
Note that the 'Create Individual Work Items' option must be enabled for this 'Bulk Create Work Items' option to be enabled.
Work Item Assignment
Assign to Anyone
Assign to Themselves
Work Item Options
Override Due Dates
Split Tickets
Note that the 'Create Individual Work Items' option must be enabled for this 'Split Tickets' option to be enabled.
Merge Tickets
Convert to Case
Note that the 'Create Individual Work Items' option must be enabled for this 'Convert to Case' option to be enabled.
Edit Defects Logged by Other
Note that even without this access option, users are still able to add a new defect and edit, mark as resolved and delete defects that were added by themselves.
Edit Time Tracker Entries Logged by Other
Note that a user will always be able to modify their own time entries regardless of this access option.
Access Custom Data in Peer Review Actions
Note that even without this permission, users are still able to view custom card data and to choose if the review was a Pass, Fail or was Unable to be completed.
Delete Email Attachments
Queues & Team Members
View Queues & Team Members
Work on Items Outside Their Queues
This gives a user access to work on items assigned to any Queue (permissions permitting), as opposed to only being able to work on items which are specifically assigned to Queues that they are a part of.
Note that users will still be able to work on items that are not assigned to a Queue. Additionally, if this option is switched off users can continue to work on items which were already assigned to them that are not in their Queues. These items can be unassigned from the user manually.
Setup Team & Queues
Email View Options
Access Email Inbox, Sent Items & Outbox
Access Unprocessed Emails
View Blocked Emails Page
Note that this access option does not give users the ability to edit blocked emails information - they will need the 'Edit Blocked Email Address Entries' access option to be switched on as well.
Edit Blocked Email Address Entries
Note that the 'View Blocked Emails Page' access option must be enabled in order for the 'Edit Blocked Email Address Entries' access option to be enabled.
Access Contacts Page
Advanced Search
Access Advanced Search
Export Advanced Search Views into Excel
This gives a user access to the Export to Excel feature in the Advanced Search page that allows users to export their Advanced Search views into Excel.
Note that the 'Access Advanced Search' option must be enabled in order to enable the 'Export to Excel' option.
Access Reports
This gives a user access to the Reports feature, available from the nav menu, where they can view and edit reports to visualize desired data.
Note that in order to enable this option, you must select at least one report the users in the role will be able to access from the resulting Report List option.
Create Custom Report
This gives a user access to the advanced features on the Reports page - they can create brand new visuals and delete existing visuals.
Note that the 'Access Reports' option must be enabled in order to enable the 'Create Custom Reports' option.
Report List
Choose which reports the role will be able to access
This allows you to choose which standard report(s) you want the users in the role to be able to access. You must select at least one.
Note that the Report List will not appear as an option until the 'Access Reports' option has been enabled.
The full list of Builder access options are listed below.
Note Builder access options provide access to edit the relevant information. You will always be able to view the information if you have Builder access, but will need specific feature access to be able to edit. The only exception to this rule is that access to even view information about users - service agents, robots and self service users - is dependent on having that feature access enabled. If you do not, the User Management area will be hidden from view.
Additionally, all users (who are not robots) who have access to Builder are able to access and edit Application Credentials, found under User Management.
Edit Business Entities
Service Lines
Note that Ticket Category details for a service line can still be edited by users without the 'Service Lines' access option if the 'Ticket Categories' access option is enabled for them.
Edit Processes
Create a brand new Case process
Clone from an existing Case process
Add, move and delete existing Action types in series, parallel or in conditional flows
Add and edit general Case information in the Case info tab. Note that where applicable, they will only be able to choose from existing settings i.e. they will be able to add existing due date settings and allocation settings to the Case process, but will not be able to create new settings or edit the information within them as access to do so is controlled by different access setting options ('Allocation Settings' and 'Due Date Settings' in 'Edit Shared Process Data').
Add and edit Action information in the various Action info tabs. Note that where applicable, they will only be able to choose from existing settings i.e. they will be able to add existing due date settings, allocation settings and general Action settings to the Case process, but will not be able to create new settings or edit the information underlying them as access to do so is controlled by different access setting options ('Allocation Settings', 'Due Date Settings' and 'Action General Settings' in 'Edit Shared Process Data').
Add existing custom cards to the Case and its Actions
Restore a retired process
View the activity history of the Case
Decide whether to allow the Case to be started from the Contact Activity page in Work Manager
Decide whether to allow the Case to be started from Self Service
Save their updates
Note that this access option does not allow users to:
Create new Action types from the Case screen - this access is dependent upon the 'Action Types' access option under 'Edit Shared Process Data'
Set the Case process live - this access is dependent upon the 'Set Tickets & Cases Live' access option
Create new or update existing allocation settings, due date settings and general action settings. They will only be able to choose from existing settings as access to create or edit these settings is controlled by different access setting options ('Allocation Settings', 'Action General Settings' and 'Due Date Settings' in 'Edit Shared Process Data').
and With this access option, users can:
Create a brand new Ticket process
Clone from an existing Ticket process
Add existing Ticket categories into the Ticket process
Add and edit Ticket category information. Note that where applicable, users will only be able to choose from existing settings i.e. they will only be able to add existing due date and allocation settings, and will not be able to create new categories or edit the information underlying existing categories as access to do so is controlled by different access setting options (the 'Ticket Categories' access setting option in 'Edit Shared Process Data')
View the activity history of the Ticket process
Decide whether to allow the Ticket process to be started from the Contact Activity page in Work Manager
Add existing custom cards and email templates
Decide whether to allow the Ticket to be started from Self Service
Save their updates
Note that this access option does not allow users to:
Create new Ticket categories - this access is dependent upon the 'Ticket Categories' access setting option under 'Edit Shared Process Data'
Set the Ticket process live - this access is dependent upon the 'Set Tickets & Cases Live' access setting option
Create new or update existing allocation settings or due date settings. They will only be able to choose from existing settings as access to create or edit these settings is controlled by different access setting options ('Allocation Settings' and 'Due Date Settings' in 'Edit Shared Process Data')
Create new or update existing Ticket categories. They will only be able to choose from existing categories as access to create or edit Ticket categories is controlled by different access setting options (the 'Ticket Categories' access setting option in 'Edit Shared Process Data')
Edit Shared Process Data
Action General Settings
Note that the 'Edit Cases' access option under Edit Processes must be enabled in order for a user to edit Action general settings.
Action Types
Allocation Settings
Note that either the 'Edit Cases' or 'Edit Tickets' access options under Edit Processes must be enabled in order for a user to edit allocation settings.
Case Types
Due Date Settings
Note that the 'Edit Cases' or 'Edit Tickets' access options under Edit Processes must be enabled in order for a user to edit due date settings.
Ticket Categories
Ticket Types
Edit Queues
Set Tickets & Cases Live
Set Tickets & Cases Live
Edit Scheduling
Schedule Structures
Edit Calendars
Edit Custom Cards & Data
Custom Cards & Custom Data
Edit User Mngmt
Robot Farms
Note that the 'Users (Service Agents, Robots & Self Service Users)' access option must be enabled in order for a user to edit robot farm data.
User Roles
This option gives users access to create and edit user roles.
Note that a user with this access option will not be able to edit their own user role.
User Groups
Access & Edit Users (Service Agents, Robots & Self Service Users)
Edit Mailbox Settings
Email Routes
Email Connectors
Note that without this 'Edit Connectors' access option, the Office 365 Integration will be hidden in the System Settings page.
Edit Email Content
Canned Responses
Email Templates
Edit System Settings
System Settings
Edit Integrations
Marketplace Configurations
Edit Localizations
Delete Items
Delete Items
This option gives users access to delete objects that they have edit permissions for.
Note that you cannot enable the Delete option without having enabled one of the edit options first for Builder Roles.
When upgrading to version 2023.3 or above of Enate, users will be migrated into user roles based on the following logic:
If a user's access level matches the same access levels set for standard roles (see above), then their user account will be automatically assigned to one of Enate's standard roles as part of migration.
If a user's access level does not match one of the standard roles, they will be migrated to a new custom role, with access level options set to exactly match the user's existing access levels. The new custom role will be named 'Custom Role ' followed by a number signifying how many custom roles the system has had to create during migration, so a full name could be 'Custom Role 1', 'Custom Role 2' and so forth. These automatically created custom roles are fully editable, so their name, description and access level options can be modified after upgrade.
The lists below show the configurations of the various pre-2023.3 user access settings for Work Manager users that would lead to their account being migrated to one of the two standard Work Manager roles - Team Leader or Team Member.
User Access profile which results in a user migrating to Team Leader standard role:
Team Leader
Setting found in the pre-2023.3 Access tab in the Service Agents page in Builder
Allow Email Attachment Deletion
Setting found in the pre-2023.3 System Settings page under General Settings
Restrict Defect Modification
Setting found in the pre-2023.3 System Settings page under General Settings
Restricted Access to Peer Reviewer on Action Item
Setting found in the pre-2023.3 System Settings page under General Settings
User Access profile which results in a user migrating to Team Member standard role:
Team Leader
Setting found in the pre-2023.3 Access tab in the Service Agents page in Builder
Can see Peers & Queues
Setting found in the pre-2023.3 Access tab in the Service Agents page in Builder
Can Assign
Setting found in the pre-2023.3 Access tab in the Service Agents page in Builder
Can Create
Setting found in the pre-2023.3 Access tab in the Service Agents page in Builder
Can Only Work on Items in Their Queues
Setting found in pre-2023.3 versions by viewing a team member's profile as a Team Leader in Work Manager
Allow Email Attachment Deletion
Setting found in the pre-2023.3 System Settings page under General Settings
Restrict Defect Modification
Setting found in the pre-2023.3 System Settings page under General Settings
Restricted Access to Peer Reviewer on Action Item
Setting found in the pre-2023.3 System Settings page under General Settings
Users with any combination of feature access other than the above in Work Manager will be migrated to a custom operational role.
Please note that as part of migration, Work Manager users will have their existing feature access maintained. The single with exception to this is that access to the ‘Contacts’ page in Work Manager for Contact record maintenance will not be given by default (see note below).
Post upgrade, users will NOT have access to the Contacts page by default. If you wish users to have access to this page, an adjusted version of their current role would have to be created manually, ticking the ‘Contacts’ option. This would be required for all roles you wish to have access to this page.
The lists below show the configurations of the various pre 2023.3 settings for Builder users that will lead to users being migrated to a standard Builder role - Local Builder, Master Builder or System Administrator.
User Access profile which results in a user migrating to Local Builder standard role:
Can Access Builder
Setting found in the pre-2023.3 Access tab in the Service Agents page in Builder
Can Access User Management
Setting found in the pre-2023.3 Access tab in the Service Agents page in Builder
Can Edit Shared Configuration
Setting found in the pre-2023.3 Access tab in the Service Agents page in Builder
Can Set Live
Setting found in the pre-2023.3 Access tab in the Service Agents page in Builder
User Access profile which results in a user migrating to Master Builder standard role:
Can Access Builder
Setting found in the pre-2023.3 Access tab in the Service Agents page in Builder
Can Access User Management
Setting found in the pre-2023.3 Access tab in the Service Agents page in Builder
Can Edit Shared Configuration
Setting found in the pre-2023.3 Access tab in the Service Agents page in Builder
Can Set Live
Setting found in the pre-2023.3 Access tab in the Service Agents page in Builder
User Access profile which results in a user migrating to System Administrator standard role:
Can Access Builder
Setting found in the pre-2023.3 Access tab in the Service Agents page in Builder
Can Access User Management
Setting found in the pre-2023.3 Access tab in the Service Agents page in Builder
Can Edit Shared Configuration
Setting found in the pre-2023.3 Access tab in the Service Agents page in Builder
Can Set Live
Setting found in the pre-2023.3 Access tab in the Service Agents page in Builder
Users with any combination of feature access other than the above in Builder will be migrated to a custom Builder role.
Please note that as part of migration, Builder users will have their existing feature access maintained.
If you are upgrading from version of Enate that is earlier than 2023.3 and have Application Credentials that are active, Enate will automatically migrate these credentials into Enate standard roles - a Team Leader role and a System Administrator role.
creating a new work item from the
(as this results in the creation of two or more brand new work items)
(as this creates a brand new Case)
sending an email to another that is using Enate that will result in the creation of a new work item for that team.
Creating a
Creating a
Note that users can still use the and they can still .
This gives the user access to use the .
This gives a user access to , either from the homepage or from within the work item itself.
This gives a user access to , either from the homepage or from within the work item itself, or from .
This gives a user access to , either from the homepage or from within the work item itself.
This gives a user access to from within the work item screen by clicking on the due date in the header and changing the date in the resulting pop-up (if the work item has been set up in Builder to allow the due date to be overridden).
This gives a user access to use the feature.
This gives a user access to use the feature.
This gives a user access to use the .
This gives a user access to edit, mark as resolved and delete that have been logged by other people.
This gives a user access to edit the time entries in the that have been logged by other people.
This gives a user access to edit custom card data in a .
This gives a user access to from the files tab section of a work item.
This gives a user access to view their and in the , as well as access to view their team's work or owned work via the 'Team Work Inbox' and 'Team Owned Work' .
This gives a user access to the via the 'Queues' page from the nav menu.
This gives a user access to the , and features, available from the nav menu.
This gives a user access to the , where users can review the unprocessed emails that have arrived into the system and decide how to deal with them (i.e. creating a work item from the email or deleting the email).
Note that if the 'Create Individual Work Items' access option setting is not enabled, users will not be able to .
This gives a user access to view the and therefore access to view information for emails that have been blocked.
This gives a user access to edit the information for emails that have been blocked in the .
This gives a user access to the where they can view and manage external contacts, available from the 'Contacts' option in the nav menu.
This gives a user access to the where they can create search views of work item data in their business area.
This option gives users access to .
This option gives users access to .
This option gives users access to .
This option gives users access to .
This option gives users access to create and . With this access option, users can:
This option gives users access to create and .
This option gives users access to create and edit in Case processes.
This option gives users access to create and edit Action types from either the screen or from .
This option gives users access to create and edit for processes, regardless of their access to edit Cases or Tickets.
This option gives users access to create and edit Case types from either the screen or from the screen.
This option gives users access to create and edit for processes, regardless of their access to edit Cases or Tickets.
This option gives users access to create and edit , either from the screen or from itself.
This option gives users access to create and edit Ticket types from either the screen or from the screen.
This option gives users access to create and edit Queues, either or .
This option gives users access to set and live, both from within the process itself and from the service matrix.
This option gives users access to create and edit - these allow you to drive Case creation based on a repeating frequency to trigger automatic creation.
This option gives users access to create and edit .
This option gives users access to create and edit - .
This option gives users access to create and edit - working calendars are linked to contracts and are used in day to day processing of work items to help determine precise due dates.
This option gives users access to create and edit and .
This option gives users access to create and edit , accessible when creating or editing a robot user account.
This option gives users access to create and edit .
This option gives users access to view, create and edit , and .
This option gives users access to create and edit .
This option gives users access to create and edit , as well as access to view, create and edit an where you can sync Enate to Office 365 email boxes, available in the page.
This option gives users access to create and edit .
This option gives users access to create and edit .
This option gives users access to create and edit . These are the settings that take effect across the entire system and includes , , , , , password policy and SSO settings.
Note that users will not be able to create and edit from here unless the 'Queues' access option has also been enabled. Additionally, note that the , where you can sync Enate to Office 365 email boxes, will be hidden unless the 'Edit Connectors' access option is enabled.
This option gives users access to create and edit app integration configurations in .
This option gives users access to create and edit .