Enate's Builder module is for business analysts and people within your Center of Excellence where they can configure the processes that make up a service.
Enate Builder allows you to deploy and configure new Services, Cases and Tickets for your customers quickly and easily. It allows you to set up standard reusable configurations which help support repeatability in your Service delivery.
This following sections will describe the features available to allow you to view the Services your customers receive (and which components of that Service are switched on for them, i.e. specific Cases and Tickets), configure these Cases and Ticket settings, create standard patterns of settings to be re-used, build Flows, and move these items from draft through to live operating business processes.
Here's a quick video that will introduce you to Builder:
You can access Builder by first logging into Work Manager. If you have been set up with ‘Can access Builder’ in your user setup (done by your user administrator, see here for more details), then you will have access to Builder from the navigation menu. This will open Builder up in a separate window.
These can all be found in the the 'Access' tab of the Edit User popup in the ‘See More’ section of an individual user in the User Management Screen.
The breakout of permission levels for a user to access Builder is as follows:
This setting allows the user to modify core settings and shared data which are used in multiple places and so can have more wide-reaching impact when modified, as well as access to the following levels of configuration:
Add/Edit Service Line
Add/Edit Case/Ticket Archetype
Add/Edit Action-Type in Global Menu
Add/Edit/Clone of Flavours i.e. Due Date, Allocation, Action general, Ticket Follow Up
Add/Edit Ticket Category Global List
Add/edit Global Checklists
Add/Edit Service Provider
Add/Edit System Setting
Add/Edit Calendar
Add/Edit Custom Data and Fields
Add/Edit Email Settings
Add/Edit Schedule Structure
This setting allows you to specifically access the User Management and RPA Integration sections.
You can use this attribute to help support segregation of capabilities - allowing you to specify that people who build processes in Builder aren't necessarily the same people who can set those processes live. This supports the existence of a 'Release Manager' role. This setting allows the user to access the following levels of configuration:
Add/Edit Language translation
Add/Edit Contract
Add/Edit Service
Add/Edit Case/Ticket into a Service
Add/Edit Local checklist
Add/Edit Customer
Add/Edit Fixed Frequency Schedule
Add/Edit Schedule records to Set Live and Retire
Navigation links to the various sections available in Builder are displayed in the toolbar down the left side of the screen.
The main sections of Builder to familiarise yourself with are as follows:
Service Lines Screen - this is where you can see, create and manage your service line master data.
Service Matrix Screen – this is where you can see a list of your customers and which Services they receive and where you can create new Cases and Ticketing processes under them.
User Management Screen – this is where you can create and maintain your Service Agents, Robots, Self Service Users, User Groups and Application Credentials.
Email Mailbox configuration - this is where you can set up your mailboxes, choose where work arriving in these mailboxes routes to, plus set up standard email templates and canned responses for use when composing emails in Work Manager.
Calendars – this is where you can define the working days, hours, national holidays into set calendars which you can then link to Customers and Contracts during their definition.
Custom Data – this is where you can create Custom Data Fields which can then be displayed on Cases, Ticket and Actions.
Custom Cards – this is where you can create Custom Cards which can then be displayed on Cases, Ticket and Actions.
Schedules – this is where you can create schedules of dates which can be used to manage delivery dates for activities in your cases (e.g. for payroll environments) and create repeating schedules to trigger Cases, allowing them to be launched automatically.
Localizations – this is where you can set localized values for your own data that has been created when designing your processes.
Marketplace - this is where you can access your integrations, such as your RPA connections (e.g. UiPath) and OCR integrations (e.g. ABBYY)
Settings – the is where you can adjust general settings which take effect at system-level.
You are able to create new types of Tickets and Actions within a Service Line itself by clicking on the '+' icon next to the search bar and selecting 'Ticket'.
When creating a Ticket, you can enter the following information:
The name of the new type of Ticket
The description of the new type of Ticket
Allow Feedback
If this setting is ticked, outgoing emails from Work Manager will contain a footer-based link for recipients to give feedback scores. The feedback data is subsequently stored, ready to be called upon by an agent from within the Ticket.
To edit a Ticket type’s settings, click on the Case / Action / Ticket in the Service Lines Screen and edit the information in the right hand side of the screen. Click to save these changes.
Note: these settings are not versioned i.e. when changes are made, they affect all new and running Work Items.
You are also able to see the activity history of your work items , by clicking on the Show Activity button. You can see when the work item was created and by who, as well as if any edits have been made to the work item, when they were made, as well as by who.
You are also able to clone a Ticket type by clicking on the Clone button in the edit screen. This will clone all of the Ticket type's settings and data apart from its name. You are able to make changes to any of the settings and data once the Ticket type has been cloned.
The Service Lines screen is where you can see, create and manage your service line data in one place.
Access this area by clicking on the Service Lines link in the Toolbar.
You can view all of your service lines by clicking on the drop-down menu. You can also add new Service lines in the same location.
Selecting a service line will show you the number of Cases, Actions and Tickets associated with that service line. The search bar allows you to search through the Cases, Action and Ticket processes associated with that service line.
Clicking on a particular Case, Action or Ticket associated with a service line will bring up the master date information for that Case, Action or Ticket in the right-hand side of the screen a to view / edit this information.
You can create a new service line by clicking on the '+' icon next to the dropdown menu.
Once you save your service line, it will appear in the drop-down list.
You are also able to create defect categories as part of the service line by clicking on the 'Show Advanced Settings' button. Defect categories are supported in three levels.
In addition to being able to define your global menu of Ticket Categories within the individual Ticket configuration screens, you can also maintain it under the Service Line. access via the 'Open Ticket Categories' link and edit your Categories menu there.
When you are creating or editing a Case or category 3 Ticket on the Service Line Screen you will be able to enable record count. You will also be able to write a record count description that will be displayed for the Work Manager user. While the description is optional, it is recommended that you write one as it can make clear to Work Manager users how to use the record count.
You can an an initial estimated effort timer to Cases, Actions and Tickets from the Service Line Screen. Case and Action effort estimation timers are set at type level. Ticket effort estimate timers are set a category three level.
You can edit an existing service line by selecting that service line from the drop-down menu, making changes as desired and hitting 'Save'.
You can see what edits have been made to the Service Line and when, as well as when the Service Line was created, by clicking on the Show Activity button.
You are also able to clone a service line by clicking on the Clone button in the edit screen. This will clone all of the service line's settings apart from its name. You are able to make changes to any of the settings once the service line has been cloned.
In addition to being able to create new and types from the , you are able also to create new Case and Ticket types from the itself. Click the '+' icon, select a Case or a Ticket and then fill out the required information in the resulting popup.
This will take you to the Ticket or Case screen where you can begin configuration.
Note: You can only do this if you have already added a Contract and Service to the row. If no '+' icons displays, ensure you have a Contract & Service in place for that Customer.
As you configure the settings of a new Case or Ticket, it can move through various states until it is ready to run Work Items through in Work Manager.
The key in the top right tells you the states of the Cases and Ticket processes.
Once a Case or Ticket exists, you can access it from the Services Matrix by clicking on it, which will open a dropdown list of options. The options listed vary depending on the state of the Case or the Ticket.
Defining a group helps you sort your Tickets on the Service Matrix Screen. See for more information.
A new column will then be added to the .
The new Case/Ticket will also be added to the :
On the , hover over the grid position where you wish to add the Ticket / Case and click the resulting ‘+’ icon.
Click for more information about individual states.
Opens the Case / Ticket configuration in read-only mode.
Opens the Case / Ticket configuration ready for editing. If the process was Live before, a draft version will be created for you to make changes in, otherwise changes are made into the existing draft version.
This lets you set user Permissions in conjunction with User Groups to control levels of access for your Service Agents to the various parts of your business operations.
Cloned Processes
This lets you see all the instances where the work item has been cloned.
Set Live
Sets Ticket / Case process live. Makes it available to start Work Items in Work Manager. Purges any test Work Items previously created.
The entire Case / Ticket process is deleted. New Work Items will no longer be startable in Work Manager. Note that you can always choose to create a brand new Ticket / Case process in its place. If you delete a Ticket or a Case that has linked Email Routes, you will be notified of this and will need to update the respective Email Routes in order to stop them from creating more work for this Ticket or Case.
Discard Draft
If there is a draft version with, that draft version is removed, along with the changes made within it.
Show in Contacts
Determines whether the Case / Ticket should be available to launch from within the 'Contact Activity' page.
Everyone can start
If the 'Everyone can start' option is enabled, any Work Manager user will be able to start the process from the ‘+ Work item’ link in Work Manager, even if they don't have permission to access, open and edit the work item.
Show in Self Service
Enable this option if you want the Case to be available to Self Service users.
Note that this option is only available for Cases.
You can group work items in the Service Matrix by creating higher-level Process Groups into which you can nest multiple Cases/Tickets.
In order to create a Process Group, go to the Service Lines screen and then in the Case or Ticket you want to add to the group, define the name of the Process group:
When you switch over to the Service Matrix Screen, you will be able to see that your Cases and Tickets are now grouped. Clicking on a Process Group tab will reveal the Cases / Tickets within that Group.
Note that the 2 letter abbreviation for the group will come from the first two letters of the group name if the Process Group name is one word (e.g. International will be abbreviated to IN) or from the first letter of the first word and first letter or the last word if the group name is more than one word (e.g. HR International will be abbreviated to HI).
A setting in General Setting lets you decide if you want to show or hide process group information in both Builder and Work Manager.
If the setting is off, all process group labels and fields will be hidden.
Note that if a user tries to switch off the option after having added process group information, they will not be able to switch it off.
This section explains the features available to you once you have created a new Ticket under a Service and are ready to start configuring.
The Ticket screen allows you to set which Ticket categories are selectable when someone is submitting a Ticket, this could be an end user submitting a Self Service form, or a Service Centre agent taking a call.
Each new Ticket category you add will appear in the dropdown lists on the Ticket submission form at runtime. Ticket categories are three levels deep. You choose the categories from a master menu of Ticket categories.
Once you’ve added a category for this Ticket, you set the various attributes necessary to determine how it will act at runtime. Primarily you set ‘Who does it go to’ (i.e. which Queue, and perhaps which position), ‘When is it due’ and some further general settings. The options available for you to pick here are a standardised list of ‘Flavours’, shared between Case, Ticket and Action configuration.
Once you have finished setting these attributes, you can set the Ticket process live.
All that remains is to add an input channel in Configuration Manager to allow users to launch the Ticket, and you are ready to start delivering Service.
At runtime, the user will select the category as part of submission, and the system will subsequently know how to route the work, what behaviour it should have, and when it is due.
Select the ‘+’ button on the top right of the page of a Ticket process in edit mode to bring up the Ticket Category menu.
Select a level 1, then 2, then 3 category from the list of available categories on the left-hand side.
Selecting any Level 1 category will select all of its Level 2 and 3 child categories. Selecting any Level 2 category will select all of its Level 3 child categories, as well as its parent Level 1 category and display. Selecting any Level 3 ticket categories will select its parent Level 1 and 2 categories.
Your selected categories will then be displayed on the right hand side.
Clicking on the ellipsis of a ticket category will show you options to edit and delete the category. The Show Activity button lets you see the activity history of the category - you can see when the category was created and by who and you can see if any subsequent edits have been made, when they were made and by who.
To create a new Ticket Category, click on the '+' icon underneath the existing Ticket Categories and give it a name.
Note: the system will not allow you to add the same category combination twice in the same Ticket process and you can only add a maximum of 500 Ticket Categories per Process.
When you are creating or editing a tier 3 ticket, you will be able to set an initial estimated effort per record timer and chose if you want the record count to be visible to Work Manager users working on that ticket. You will also be able to write a record count description that will be displayed for the Work Manager user. While the description is optional, it is recommended that you write one as it can make clear to Work Manager users how to use the record count.
Select one or more rows in the grid with the checkboxes in the leftmost column, click on the trashcan icon in the bottom right section to delete.
The customer, contract and service of the Ticket process is displayed on the top-left.
The 'Version' dropdown lets you choose which version of the Process you want. By default you will see the current draft (In Progress version), but can switch to the currently Live version and even previous now retired versions to compare process flow setup.
You can also restore a retired version of a Ticket process by opening the Ticket in edit mode, clicking on the retired version you want to restore, then clicking on 'Restore'.
When you restore a retired version, it will return it to a state of draft that you can then edit, save and set live.
Note that if you already have a draft version of the process in progress, any unsaved changes that you have made will be lost upon clicking 'Restore'.
You can view the status of the Ticket from the 'Status' dropdown.
The 'Show Activity' button lets you see the previous activity for the Ticket Process. You can see who created/deleted/last edited the Ticket Process, so you know who to go to if you need further information. The information will be highlighted in Green if the object has been created, restored, enabled or set live; in yellow if the object has been updated; and in red if the object has been deleted, disabled or retired.
Any validation errors will be displayed with either a red or orange exclamation mark. Clicking on the icon will bring up a list of the validation errors. Clicking on the error itself will highlight the source of the errors where you can correct the information.
Any serious errors will be marked by a red exclamation mark, these need to be resolved before the Ticket Process can be saved.
You can see Custom Cards, Email Templates and Wait for Feedback that are related to the Ticket.
Clicking on the '+' button brings up the Ticket Category Menu where you can add new Ticket Categories.
If you have opened the process in view only mode, click on the blue Edit icon in the toolbar to allow changes to be made.
This will bring up the Save and copy buttons.
Once you are happy with your Ticket configuration, you can test it in Work Manager.
To set a Ticket live, click 'Save'. If there are any validation issues, they will need to be sorted. Once you have saved any further changes, you can now set the Ticket live.
You can also set a Ticket live from the Service Matrix Screen, provided it is in a state of Validated Changes, or Live with Validated Changes:
Setting whether a Ticket will allow feedback is now done in the Ticket type settings in the Service Lines screen. .
Once you are happy with your Ticket categories, you need to set the following attributes for each category in the table on the Ticket screen:
When is it due?*
Who does it go to?*
From Email Addresses*
The email address from which any outgoing communications are sent out. Multiple addresses can be added, and a single address set as the default. If multiple addresses as set, at runtime users will be presented with a dropdown choice. Whichever address is set as default will be auto-populated into the from address, but alternates can be selected.
Email BCC
Address to copy on all communications for the Ticket.
Keep Ticket Open
The number of days a Ticket will be kept open before being closed.
Allow Title Changes
Whether Service Agents are allowed to modify the Ticket Title if generated from email subject of initial incoming email.
Self Service
Whether or not this category should be displayed as as an option on Self Service submission forms. This allows you to show a subset of categories for end user submission.
*mandatory in order to set live.
You can copy and paste attributes in the Ticket Screen. You can select data from multiple cells and paste that data into selected destination cells.
Please note that you cannot copy and paste data between columns and you cannot copy data from the Ticket Category column.
If you are copying just one cell from each column, you can paste it in any number of places:
If you want to copy more that one cell from multiple columns, you must copy the same number of cells from each column:
If the number of cells you select to paste data in is more than the number of cells you have copied, the data you have copied will repeat itself to fill the highlighted cells.
If the number of cells you select to paste data in is less than the number of cells you have copied, you will only paste data to fill the highlighted cells i.e. if you copy the data from 4 cells but select to paste that data into 3 cells, then only the data from the first 3 cells you copied will be pasted.
If you select to paste data into multiple places, the data that is pasted will begin from the start of the first cell you copied.
The data from the first cell you select will be pasted first:
Upon opening the Ticket configuration screen, if you have not yet started to add any Ticket category definitions you will be met with the ‘Clone’ popup. This lets you copy categories and configurations from existing Tickets. Processes from a different Ticket type will be highlighted in grey with a yellow border.
You can filter the processes by customer, contract and service. Contract options will be based the customer selection and the service options will be based on the customer and contract selections.
The Same Process Types Only toggle lets you choose to only view Ticket processes that have the same process type. It is disabled by default.
Once you have selected a source, the categories and configurations from that existing Ticket will be cloned into your new Ticket's screen.
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Due Date ‘flavours’ (See for more information).
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Allocation ‘flavours’ (See for more information).
Peer Review Actions are a great way for different members of a team to crosscheck each other's work for key actions within a case, letting you embed quality checks into your processes without having to add in feedback flows.
Enate supports this with a 'Manual with Peer Review' Action type that you can add to your Case flows. These are like 'Manual' Action types, except that once the initial manual activity is carried out by a user, Enate will route the Action to be picked up by a different user to check the work, passing or failing it. If failed, it will route back to the original user to resolve the issues.
Watch this video to find out more about how to set up a Peer Review Action:
Click here for more information and examples about when and why you would user Peer Review Actions.
For detailed information on how Peer Review Actions work at runtime, see the dedicated Work Manager section.
You can either create a Peer Review Action type in the Service Line section of Builder, or directly from your Case flow.
Creating a Peer Review Action type from the Service Lines page adds the Action type to your menu of available Actions when you're building flows subsequently in Cases.
To do this, in the Service Line page, select which service line you would like to add the peer review Action to and then click on the plus symbol next to the 'Process Search' box. This will bring up a drop down menu where you can select an Action.
This will open up a new Action for you to create.
Add a name and description to your Action and then in the type drop down select 'Manual Action with Peer Review'.
You can then choose to add a global checklist to the Action. This contains a standard checklist of activities that will be added any time this Action type is added to a Case flow. See here for more information on checklists.
You can also choose to add a Peer Reviewer global checklist to the Action. This contains a standard checklist of activities for the peer reviewer to complete that will be added any time this Action type is added to a Case flow. See here for more information on peer review checklists.
Once you are happy with your Action, hit save to create it. This Action can now be added to new and existing business processes by selecting it from the dropdown list when adding a new Action to a Case.
Alternatively you can add an Peer Review Action type directly from the Case flow itself.
To do this, open a Case flow in edit mode, click on an Action's menu and then instead of clicking to add an existing Action, select to create a new Action by clicking the '+' icon.
Give the Action a name, add a description if you wish and for its type, select 'Manual with Peer Review Action'.
This will add the Peer Review Action to the Case flow.
You now need to configure the settings for the new Action you have added to your Case. Click on the Action in the flow to highlight it in the info section.
In the Action Info tab, you need to add the usual following information for an Action:
When is it due?
This is for the initial 'completion' stage of the Action. Select a value from the dropdown menu of Due Date ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
Who does it go to?
This is for the initial 'completion' stage of the Action. Select a value from the dropdown menu of Allocation ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
General Settings
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Follow Up ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
Main Card
You can select a Custom Card to display on the main section of the Action screen.
Side Card
You can select a Custom Card to display on the side panel of the Action screen.
Manual Creation
Switching this setting on allows the Action to be started manually in Work Manager.
Here you can add local checks to the Action that help support 'custom' activities that take place for that specific Action. You can also edit the global checks for the Action type from here too, if it has any.
Additionally, once a Peer Review Action has been added to your Case flow, a new 'Peer Review' tab will display in the info grid.
Here you need to add the following settings that are only relevant for the Action once it is in its 'Peer Review' stage.
When is it due?
This is for the peer review stage of the Action. Select a value from the dropdown menu of Due Date ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
Who does it go to?
This is for the peer review stage of the Action. Select a value from the dropdown menu of Allocation ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
Peer Review Checklist
Here you can add local checks for the peer reviewer to complete and edit the global peer review checks for the Action type, if it has any.
You can set up Peer Review Actions to display a dedicated checklist for the peer review section of the Action. These checks must be carried out and confirmed by the peer reviewer before the Action can be marked as resolved, allowing you to enforce procedure in how Peer Review Actions should be completed by agents at runtime.
In Work Manager, users will then have to confirm for each item in the checklist whether they have completed it (the options are Yes, No, N/A) and they can even add a note for each check.
You can create two different levels of peer review checklists:
'Global' checklists - these are added to the Action type and contain a standard checklist of activities must be carried out and confirmed by the peer reviewer before the Action can be marked as resolved. Global checks will be added any time this Action type is added to a Case flow. Global peer review checks can be added/edited at Service Line level or from the Peer Review Checklist setting in the Case screen.
'Local' checklists - these help support 'custom' activities that take place for that specific Action that must be carried out and confirmed by the peer reviewer before the Action can be marked as resolved. Local checks will only apply to the specific Action they have been added to. Local peer review checks are added to the Peer Review Action itself from the Peer Review Checklist setting in the Case screen.
Once important feature to note is that once you've created a local checklist item, you can drag it up to LINK it to a global check, specifying whether it should run before or after a standard global check. You'll see the colour-coding denoting which global check it's linked to. If ever the order of global checks is adjusted, all the linked 'local' checks will move with it. Once you're happy with your overall checklist you can OK this and the checklist for this Action is saved.
At runtime, users reviewing the Action in Work Manager will just see a single list of the checks they must complete, with no differentiation between global and local checks. They'll have to complete all of the checks in order to mark their Action as resolved.
You can also choose to automatically bypass a peer review by adding a condition to a Peer Review Action in your Case configuration. If that condition is met, the peer review part of the Action will no longer be required. This gives you more flexibility when using Peer Review Actions and allows you to avoid any unnecessary peer reviews.
To set a condition for a peer review, in your Case flow screen select the relevant Peer Review Action and, on the Peer Review tab, click the 'Bypass if' icon.
In the resulting popup, set your condition - choosing a data field (which can be standard or one of your own custom data items), then a condition and a value.
Selecting the 'Advanced' option lets you create a more complex condition with a combination of multiple criteria, adding a plus symbol between each part. You can check the validity of your expression via the external DotNetfiddle link. Once you're happy with your settings here, apply the condition.
The 'Bypass if' icon will the be highlighted, showing that a condition has been added.
Save the update to your Case and set the new version live.
Over in Work Manager, if the condition you have added is met, at runtime the activity will move straight from the manual activity onto the next Action, bypassing the peer review stage. A note will subsequently be displayed in the Actions list on the Case screen, showing that the peer review activity was not required.
You use the Case screen to create a flow of Actions which make up your business process. You can add Actions in any order, either from the existing standard menu of Actions defined, or by creating brand new Actions from within the Case screen itself.
The Steps for your Case are set as part of your initial set-up, and are not editable from the Case screen.
Once you have added an Action, you then need to set the various attributes necessary to determine how it will act at runtime. Primarily you set ‘Who does it go to’ (i.e. which Queue, and perhaps which position), ‘When is it due’ and some further general settings. The options available for you to pick here are a standardised list of ‘flavours’, shared between Case, Ticket and Action configurations.
If the Action involves checklists, you can add two different levels of Action checklists:
'Global' checklists - these are added to the Action type and contain a standard checklist of activities that will be added any time this Action type is added to a Case flow. See here for more details on how to configure global checklists.
Local Checks - these are added to Actions already in a Case flow to help support 'custom' activities that take place for that specific Action. See here for more details on how to configure global checklists.
As well as making Action-level settings, you also need to set similar attributes for the overall Case.
Once you’ve finished setting these attributes, you can set the Case live.
(See for more information).
(See for more information). Note that the system will not allow the user who carried out the manual activity to also carry out the peer review.
(See for more information).
Optional. See here for more information about .
Optional. See here for more information about .
Optional. See section for more information.
Optional. See here for more information about .
(See for more information).
(See for more information). Note that the system will not allow the user who carried out the manual activity to also carry out the peer review.
Optional. See for more information.
'Approval' Actions enable an approval request flow to be added into the Case.
Often within the Case flows of business processes which are built in Enate there are points where external people (i.e. people working outside Enate - this could be business managers within your company or the relevant client company) need to sign off on activities before the process can continue. Payroll processes are good examples of such processes, where client management need to sign off on payroll reports before the process can be allowed to continue.
Enate's Approval Action is built to specifically support these scenarios in a more integrated way - to ensure that this 'approval cycle' is tightly managed and visible within the flow of activities in Enate. When an Enate Case reaches an Approval Action in a flow, things then work as follows:
Enate uses uploaded business rules to determine the Approvers to whom approval request emails should be sent (standard email templates are available, but these can be modified to contain information sufficient for approver to review what is being requested). See dedicated section describing how your approver business rules can be uploaded into Builder.
Once the approvers are determined, Enate sends out Approval Requests and then Waits for their response. Depending on the type of approval defined, this might send out one request after another (awaiting approval from the first) in a multilevel request, or might send the request to a group of people in one go, waiting for either one or all to approve before continuing. Note: While this is happening, the Approval Action in Work Manager sits in a state of 'Wait for more Information'
Those approvers can then approve or decline, via a link in the email sent to them which takes them to an online form.
Once all required Approvals have been received, the Case process can continue again*.
*Important note: If the approval action times out with no or insufficient responses, current system behaviour is that the Case flow will recommence as if full approval was received.
To use 'Approval' Actions, you need to create an 'Approval' Action type and then add the Action into your Case flows.
You can either create an Approval Action type in the Service Line section of Builder, or directly from your Case flow.
Creating an Approval Action type from the Service Lines page adds the Action type to your menu of available Actions when you're building flows subsequently in Cases.
To do this, in the Service Line page, select which service line you would like to add the Approval Action to and then click on the plus symbol next to the 'Process Search' box. This will bring up a drop down menu where you can select an Action.
This will open up a new Action for you to create.
Add a name and description to your Action and then in the type drop down select 'Approval Action'.
Once you are happy with your Action, hit save to create it. This Action can now be added to new and existing business processes by selecting it from the dropdown list when adding a new Action to a Case.
Alternatively you can add an Approval Action type directly from the Case flow itself.
To do this, open a Case flow in edit mode, click on an Action's menu and then instead of clicking to add an existing Action, select to create a new Action by clicking the '+' icon.
Give the Action a name, add a description if you wish and for its type, select 'Approval Action'.
This will add the Approval Action to the Case flow.
You now need to configure the settings for the new Action you have added to your Case. Click on the Action in the flow to highlight it in the info section.
In the Action Info tab, you need to add the usual following information for an Action:
Additionally, once an Approval Action has been added to your Case flow, a new 'Approval' tab will display in the info grid.
Here you need to add the following settings that are only relevant for Approval Actions.
To create a brand new Case process, click the '+' icon in a blank Case cell on the Service Matrix screen.
You will be taken to a blank Case Screen and be met with the ‘Case Clone’ pop-up.
Here you have two options. You can either choose to clone the settings from an existing Case or you can choose to create a Case from scratch.
If you want to create a Case from scratch, simply click away from the pop-up. This will leave your new Case screen blank and you can start adding our Actions and settings as desired.
If you want to clone the settings from an existing Case, select a Case from the ‘Case Clone’ pop-up whose settings you want to copy to your new Case.
Processes from a different Case type will be highlighted in grey with a yellow border.
The 'Same Process Types Only' option lets you filter down the available processes to only show processes from the same Case type. It is disabled by default.
The 'Exclude Local Checklist' option lets you exclude local checklists from the original Case being cloned to your new Case. You can find out more about local checklists here.
You can also filter the processes by customer, contract and service. Contract options will be based the customer selection and the service options will be based on the customer and contract selections.
Once you have selected a Case, the settings from that existing Case will be cloned into your new Case's screen. From here you can adjust the Actions and settings as desired.
When is it due?
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Due Date ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
(See Due Date Flavours Settings for more information).
Who does it go to?
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Allocation ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
(See Allocation Flavours Settings for more information).
General Settings
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Follow Up ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
(See General Settings Flavours Settings for more information).
Main Card
You can select a Custom Card to display on the main section of the Action screen.
Optional. See here for more information about Custom Cards.
Side Card
You can select a Custom Card to display on the side panel of the Action screen.
Optional. See here for more information about Custom Cards.
Manual Creation
Switching this setting on allows the Action to be started manually in Work Manager.
Optional. See Adding Ad-hoc Actions section for more information.
Here you can add local checks to the Action that help support 'custom' activities that take place for that specific Action. You can also edit the global checks for the Action type from here too, if it has any.
Optional. See here for more information about adding checklists.
Approval Type
Select an approval type.
Multilevel - More than one level of approval is required. Request is sent to the first-level approver and, only if approved, onto the next level, and so on, up to a maximum of three levels. If you've selected Multilevel, you will also need to add how many levels of approval are needed in the 'Approval Levels' column (maximum 3).
Parallel Any - The approval request is sent to multiple people at the same time, and the decision is taken from the first one to respond. A maximum of 5 approvers can be specified at runtime.
Parallel All - The approval is sent to multiple people at the same time, and approval is needed from all of them. If any decline, the approval is declined. A maximum of 5 approvers can be specified at runtime.
Approval Levels
Enter the number of approval levels you would like the request to have, up to a maximum of 3.
Only relevant if you have selected 'Multilevel' as your approval type. If you have selected either of the two parallel approval types, the approval levels will automatically be set to 1.
Approval Request Email
Select which approval email template you would like to be sent out to the approvers
See this section to find out how to create and adjust approval email templates.
Enate allows the automatic sending of emails by the system.
A 'Send Email and Wait' Action type that you can add to your Case flows will automatically send out an email and wait for a reply to the email before closing and progressing to the next Action.
If you want to automatically send out an email and then immediately progress on the the next Action without waiting for a response, you should instead select a 'Send Email' Action - see here for more information on that Action type:
For detailed information on how Send Email and Wait Actions work at runtime, see the dedicated Work Manager section:
You can either create a Send Email and Wait Action type in the Service Line section of Builder, or directly from your Case flow.
Creating a Send Email and Wait Action type from the Service Lines page adds the Action type to your menu of available Actions when you're building flows subsequently in Cases.
To do this, in the Service Line page, select which service line you would like to add the Send Email and Wait Action to and then click on the plus symbol next to the 'Process Search' box. This will bring up a drop down menu where you can select an Action.
This will open up a new Action for you to create.
Add a name and description to your Action and then in the type drop down select 'Send Email and Wait'.
Once you are happy with your Action, hit save to create it. This Action can now be added to new and existing business processes by selecting it from the dropdown list when adding a new Action to a Case.
Alternatively you can add an Send Email and Wait Action type directly from the Case flow itself.
To do this, open a Case flow in edit mode, click on an Action's menu and then instead of clicking to add an existing Action, select to create a new Action by clicking the '+' icon.
Give the Action a name, add a description if you wish and for its type, select 'Send Email and Wait Action'.
This will add the Send Email and Wait Action to the Case flow.
You now need to configure the settings for the new Action you have added to your Case. Click on the Action in the flow to highlight it in the info section.
In the Action Info tab, you need to add the usual following information for an Action:
When is it due?
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Due Date ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
Who does it go to?
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Allocation ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
General Settings
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Follow Up ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
Main Card
You can select a Custom Card to display on the main section of the Action screen.
Side Card
You can select a Custom Card to display on the side panel of the Action screen.
Manual Creation
Switching this setting on allows the Action to be started manually in Work Manager.
Here you can add local checks to the Action that help support 'custom' activities that take place for that specific Action. You can also edit the global checks for the Action type from here too, if it has any.
Additionally, once a Send Email and Wait Action has been added to your Case flow, a new 'Email info' tab will display in the info grid.
Here you need to add the following settings that are only relevant for Manual, Send Email and Send Email and Wait Actions.
From Email Address
Enter email address to be used as the from address.
Mandatory for a Send Email and Wait Action. Only one email address can be used.
Email To
Enter the address to where the email will be sent from the Action.
Mandatory for a Send Email and Wait Action. Only one email address can be used.
Email CC
Enter email addresses where the email should be cc’d
Email BCC
Enter email addresses where the email should be bcc’d
Email Template
Select the desired Email Template from the dropdown list
The Case screen is where you create and configure a flow of Actions to make up your business process.
The Case screen is made up of two main sections:
Flow Diagram - where you can see the Steps of the Case and configure the flow of Actions for the Case. See here for more information about designing your Case.
Info Section - where you configure the settings for the Case and its Actions. The Case Info tab and the Action Info tab will display by default, but other tabs might appear depending on what type of Actions you add to your flow. See here for more information about configuring your Case's settings.
If you have opened the process in view-only mode, click on the blue Edit icon in the toolbar to allow changes to be made.
This will bring up the Save and copy buttons.
You can view the status of the Case from the 'Status' dropdown.
Steps in a Case flow have already been defined as part of Case TYPE definition under the Service Line and cannot be changed from the Case screen. See here for more information on this.
Each step in the flow diagram shows you the total number of Action processes that are configured for that step.
You can adjust the height of the info section:
You can also use the ‘View’ dropdown link to change the view of the screen. You can: View the Flow only; View the Info Section only; or view both sections. Your preference will be saved when you switch between Cases and when you next log in.
The 'Version' dropdown lets you choose which version of the Process you want. By default you will see the currently draft (In Progress version), but can switch to the currently Live version and even previous now retired versions to compare process flow setup.
You can also restore a retired version of a Case process by opening the Case in edit mode, clicking on the retired version you want to restore, then clicking on 'Restore'.
When you restore a retired version, it will return it to a state of draft that you can then edit, save and set live.
Note that if you already have a draft version of the process in progress, any unsaved changes that you have made will be lost upon clicking 'Restore'.
The 'Show Activity' button lets you see the previous activity for the Case Process. You can see who created/deleted/last edited the Case Process, so you know who to go to if you need further information. The information will be highlighted in Green if the object has been created, restored, enabled or set live; in yellow if the object has been updated; and in red if the object has been deleted, disabled or retired.
The Show in Self Service option lets you choose if you want the Case process to be available to Self Service users. If the icon is highlighted in blue, the Case will be available to Self Service users; if the icon is grey, the Case will not be available to Self Service users.
Set activities to be carried out for an Action by creating a checklist to display on it
You can set up Actions to display dedicated checklists of activities which must be carried out and confirmed before the Action can be marked as resolved, allowing you to enforce procedure in how Actions should be completed by Agents at runtime.
In Work Manager, users will then have to confirm for each item in the checklist whether they have completed it (the options are Yes, No, N/A) and they can even add a note for each check.
You can create two different levels of Action checklists:
'Global' checklists - these are added to the Action type and contain a standard checklist of activities that will be added any time this Action type is added to a Case flow. See below for more details on how to configure global checklists.
Local Checks - these are added to Actions already in a Case flow to help support 'custom' activities that take place for that specific Action. See below for more details on how to configure global checklists.
At runtime, users processing the Action in Work Manager will just see a single list of the checks they must complete, with no differentiation between global and local checks. They'll have to complete all of the checks in order to mark their Action as resolved.
See here for more detailed information and examples about when you would use checklists on Actions.
Global checklists contain a standard checklist of activities that are added to an Action type and will be added any time this Action type is added to a Case flow.
You can add a global checklist either from Global Checklist section on the Service Lines screen or from within a Case screen (from the Action's checklist popup).
To add a global checklist from the Services Line screen, go to the Service Lines screen and open the Action type you want to add the global checklist to. Add the desired checks, re-order them if necessary and click to save. These checks will be added any time the Action type is used in a Case flow.
You can also add global checks from within an Action in the Case screen itself. Simply click on the checklist icon link of an Action in a Case flow, select 'Global Checklists' from the resulting pop-up and then add the desired global checks. You can re-order them as necessary. Then click to save.
Be aware that any changes you make at a global level for checklists will also update ALL other locations where this Action is being used, and the change will take effect instantly.
Local checklists are added to Actions already in a Case flow to help support 'custom' activities that take place for that specific Action.
You can add a local checklist from the Action's checklist popup on the Case screen.
To do this, click on the checklist icon link of an Action in a Case flow. You'll know if there's already a checklist set to the Action as the checklist icon will be highlighted.
Clicking the icon will bring up a popup where you can create your checks. Simply click to add, then enter your description.
Once created, individual checks can be re-ordered by clicking on the drag icon then dragging and dropping. Then click to save.
Any checks created here are specific to this Action.
Once important feature to note is that once you've created a local checklist item, you can drag it up to LINK it to a global check, specifying whether it should run before or after a standard global check. You'll see the colour-coding denoting which global check it's linked to. If ever the order of global checks is adjusted, all the linked 'local' checks will move with it. Once you're happy with your overall checklist you can OK this and the checklist for this Action is saved.
‘Trigger External API’ Actions allow Enate to call out to an external system, passing a static structure containing information information about a Work Item (i.e. a Case, Action or Ticket). This Action type also includes an optional callbackURL, which allows the external system to update custom data and pass it back into Enate.
For information on how 'Trigger External API' Actions are shown at runtime, check out this Work Manager section.
The external API will be called as a POST method, and will be sent the following information:
The [ActionPacketJSONIncludingCurlyBraces] will be an Actionpacket, as per the response from the Enate getAction API.
Enate supports this with a 'Trigger External API' Action type that you can add to your Case flows.
For detailed information on how Trigger External APIs work at runtime, see the dedicated Work Manager section.
You can either create a Trigger External API Action type in the Service Line section of Builder, or directly from your Case flow.
Creating a Trigger External API Action type from the Service Lines section of Builder adds the Action to your menu of available Actions when you're building flows subsequently in Cases.
To do this, in the Service Lines page select which service line you would like to add the Trigger External API Action to and then click on the plus symbol next to the 'process Search' box and then select 'Action.
This will open up a new Action for you to create.
Add a name and description to your Action and then in the 'type' drop down select 'Trigger External API Action'.
You can then choose to add a global checklist to the Action. This contains a standard checklist of activities that will be added any time this Action type is added to a Case flow. See here for more information on checklists.
Once you are happy with your Action, hit save to create it. This Action can now be added to new and existing business processes by selecting it from the dropdown list when adding a new Action to a Case.
Alternatively, you can add a Trigger External API Action type directly from the Case flow itself.
To do this, open your desired Case flow in edit mode, click on an Action's menu and then instead of clicking to add an existing Action, select to create a new Action by clicking the '+' icon.
Give the Action a name, add a description if you wish and for its 'type', select 'Trigger External API Action'. This will add the Action to the Case flow.
You now need to configure the settings for the new Action you have added to your Case. Click on the Action in the flow to highlight it in the info section.
In the Action Info tab, you need to add the usual following information for an Action:
When is it due?
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Due Date ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
Who does it go to?
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Allocation ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
General Settings
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Follow Up ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
Main Card
You can select a Custom Card to display on the main section of the Action screen.
Side Card
You can select a Custom Card to display on the side panel of the Action screen.
Manual Creation
Switching this setting on allows the Action to be started manually in Work Manager.
Here you can add local checks to the Action that help support 'custom' activities that take place for that specific Action. You can also edit the global checks for the Action type from here too, if it has any.
Additionally, once a Trigger External Action has been added to your Case flow, a new 'External API' tab will display in the info grid.
API Integration URL
Enter the API Integration URL in this column.
Response Expected
Switching this setting on means that the Action will only be marked as complete when the external system to calls back to Enate with the supplied call-back URL.
Leaving the setting off means that the Action will call the external system and close the Action, in a "fire and forget" manner.
Please note that 1 minute is the minimum value that you can enter in the 'Response Expected Within' column.
Response Expected Within (Mins)
Set how many minutes you would like Enate to to wait for a response before the Action would 'time out' and flip over to a human to progress.
If you set the 'Response Expected' slider to On but no value is entered in the 'Response Expected Within' column, the Action will call the external system and wait either until the Due Date for the Action, or indefinitely. This will depend on the General Settings flavour for the Action, see below for more details.
If you set the 'Response Expected' slider to On but no value is entered in the 'Response Expected Within' column, the Action will call the external system and wait either until the Due Date for the Action, or indefinitely.
The decision on whether the Action will wait indefinitely or not is determined based on the 'Autocomplete on Timeout' setting in the General Settings flavour set for the Action.
If Auto-complete in General settings is set to On, the system will time the Action out when it hits the Due Date / Time.
If Auto-complete in General settings is set to Off, the Action will wait indefinitely.
If / When the Action DOES time out at the point of reaching the Due Date, the Action will moved to a state of 'Closed' with a reason of 'No response returned'.
Note: If you have both these settings filled (i.e. a 'Response expected minutes' value AND the 'Auto-complete on Timeout' flag set), the system will act on whichever time comes first - most likely after the 'Response expected minutes' time has been reached.
Please note that the Case owner will not be notified in this scenario.
There are a number of possible ways the system will behave, dependant upon how you have configured the various timeout settings AND how the external API actually responds. For detailed information on this, see the following attachment which lays out each combination of settings and behaviour, and the eventual result.
You can merge branches in your Case workflow processes to help you streamline the creation of your business Case flows.
Sometimes creating a business process can leave you with many different routes that you want to lead onto the same action depending on the criteria of the step. By using this new merge feature you will be able to choose different Actions to end in the same outcome.
Watch the following video to find out more:
You can choose to merge together parallel branches or conditional branches.
To merge multiple Actions together, click on the menu of one of the Actions you want to merge and select 'Merge', then 'Add'.
In the following pop-up select the other Actions you want to merge it with from the list of Actions that are available for merging.
Then select which Action you want them to be merged into - you can either choose from an existing Action type or you can choose to create a brand new Action type for this.
The merged Action will then appear in the flow.
Note that you can only merge together Actions within the same step.
If you are merging together Actions from parallel branches, the merge Action will wait for all of its the predecessor Action to complete before it can start.
If you are merging together Actions from conditional branches, the merge Action will start when one of the conditional branches has been completed.
You are able to create new types of Actions within a Service Line itself by clicking on the '+' icon next to the search bar and selecting 'Action'.
When creating a new type of Action, you can enter the following information:
The name of the new Action
The description of the new type of Action
Which type of Action this is. This list is populated from the list of underlying ‘Master Processes’, which can be created via the Configuration Manager application.
Global Checklist
Which global checks will always be run through every time that Action is run
Global Checklist items are accessed via the Service Lines screen.
These Global Checks are subsequently displayed during 'Local' checklist creation against individual Actions within the Case flow definition screen. See the Checklists on Action section for more information on Local Checklist definition.
You can change the Action Type name after its initial creation
To edit an Action type’s settings, click on the Action in the Service Lines Screen and edit the information in the right hand side of the screen. Click to save these changes.
Note: these settings are not versioned i.e. when changes are made, they affect all new and running Work Items.
You are also able to see the activity history of your work items , by clicking on the Show Activity button. You can see when the work item was created and by who, as well as if any edits have been made to the work item, when they were made, as well as by who.
You are also able to clone a Action type by clicking on the Clone button in the edit screen. This will clone all of the Action type's settings and data apart from its name. You are able to make changes to any of the settings and data once the Action type has been cloned.
(See for more information).
(See for more information).
(See for more information).
Optional. See here for more information about .
Optional. See here for more information about .
Optional. See section for more information.
Optional. See here for more information about .
See section for more information on how to create Email Templates.
(See for more information).
(See for more information).
(See for more information).
Optional. See here for more information about .
Optional. See here for more information about .
Optional. See section for more information.
Optional. See here for more information about .
Input Links allow Cases and Tickets to be started in the Work Manager operations environment. They are automatically generated whenever a Ticket or a Case process is set live in Builder.
Input links are displayed in Work Manager:
Input Links for live Case processes will always be displayed in the ‘Create New Work Item’ dropdown in Work Manager.
Live Tickets will not be shown in the ‘Create New Work Item’ dropdown
You can control whether you wish the link to appear on the Contact Activity Page by ticking or unticking the ‘Add to Contacts’ setting in the Service Matrix in Builder for that specific Ticket or Case process.
3. In work item screens
If the 'Everyone can start' option is enabled from the Service Matrix,
any Work Manager user will be able to start the process from the ‘+ Work item’ link in the work item screen, regardless of whether or not they have permission to access and edit that work item:
Each Service Line view shows all running Services, and all available contracts which don’t yet have a Service. To add a new Service under a Contract, click on the '+' icon at the top of the Service Matrix.
Fill in the service settings in the resulting popup.
The settings for Services are:
The company receiving the service
The contract under which this service runs
The Name of the Service
Mandatory. Must be unique within Contract.
A description of the Service
Groups added at Customer level
The groups that have permissions at Customer level
Read only
Groups added at Contract level
The groups that have permissions at Contract level
Read only
Allow permissions to Group
The groups that have permissions at Service level
To edit a service's settings, click on the menu icon beside the Customer name and select the Edit link. Make your desired changes in the resulting popup and click OK to save changes.
You can see what edits have been made to the customer and when, as well as when the customer was created, and even when a customer was deleted by clicking on the Show Activity button in the Edit screen.
You are also able to clone a service by clicking on the Clone button in the Add info screen. This will clone all of the service's settings apart from its name. You are able to make changes to any of the settings once the service has been cloned.
To delete a service, click on the ellipses beside the Customer, hover over the delete link and click on 'Service'.
If you delete a Service which has linked Email Routes, you will be notified of this and will need to update the respective Email Routes in order to stop them from creating more work for this Service.
To add Customer companies, click on the '+' icon at the top of the Service Matrix and select 'Customer'.
Fill in the customer settings in the resulting popup.
The settings for Customers are:
The Name of the Company
Mandatory. Must be unique.
A description of the Company
External Reference ID
Optional field to store external ref number for this company
Optional. Primarily for use in Reporting / APIs. NOT displayed in Work Manager.
Working Hours per Day
The number of standard hours in a Working Day for this Customer. This value defaults to 8 hours, but can be set to any value.
This value can be set at company level as a default suggestion whenever a Contract is created for this Customer.
Value specified should not exceed the difference between start and end hours of work in the Default calendar selected above. Mandatory
Default Calendar
This a default working calendar which will be used as the suggested ‘Customer Calendar’ value when creating all of this customer’s contracts. Working calendars are used when calculating any Due Date/Times for activities configured to use the Customer’s working hours (e.g. ‘must be completed within 5 working hours, according to the Customer’s Working Calendar.
Default Language
Choose one of the languages that Enate offers.
Parent Company
Once a parent company has been set, you can edit or remove it if there are no running work items with contacts that are scoped to the current parent company. If this is the case, you will only be able to change the parent company once all of these work items have closed and there are no more running work items with contacts that are scoped to the current parent company.
Self Service Environment*
If this Customer’s employees are allowed to access the Self Service site on their smartphones, select the Self Service Site to be used.
*Will only show if Self Service environments are set up in your system (setup carried out via the administrator’s ‘Manager’ application).
Allow permissions to Group
To edit a Customer’s settings, click on the ellipses beside the Customer name and select the Edit link. Make your desired changes in the resulting popup and click OK to save changes.
You can see what edits have been made to the customer and when, as well as when the customer was created, and even when a customer was deleted by clicking on the Show Activity button in the Edit screen.
You are also able to clone a customer by clicking on the Clone button in the Edit screen. This will clone all of the customer's settings apart from its name. You are able to make changes to any of the settings once the customer has been cloned.
To delete a customer, click on the ellipses beside the Customer, hover over the delete link and click on 'Customer'.
If you delete a Customer which has linked Email Routes, you will be notified of this and will need to update the respective Email Routes in order to stop them from creating more work for this Customer.
The Service Matrix displays a list of all existing Customer companies with their corresponding Live contracts and Services, split across pages by individual Service Lines.
The columns displayed for each Service Line represent the various types of Case and Ticket processes which can be created under this Service Line.
You can select which service line you want to see from the dropdown list on the top-right of the page. Your last selected service line will be saved when you return to the Service Matrix Screen from other sections in Builder, and also after you logout and log back in.
Clicking on a Case or Ticket will open a dropdown list of options. The options vary depending on the state of the Case or the Ticket. Click here for more information on the various State options.
Please note that if you are loading more than 1000 rows in the service matrix, you will need to apply at least one filter before any content appears.
The key in the top right tells you the status of the Cases and Ticket processes.
For more information about these states, see below:
Available Actions
Configuration is in progress but it is not yet valid and Work Items cannot be run through it in Work Manager
Open to view
Make further changes until valid (Edit).
Discard Draft changes
Delete (Retires process).
Note: ‘Set Live’ option not shown in this state.
Validated changes
Configuration in progress, and passes validation. This could be set live, or have test Work Items run through it in Work Manager (when in Test mode).
Open to view
Make further changes (Edit).
Set live
Discard Draft changes
Delete (Retires process).
Available to run Work Items through Work Manager.
Open to view
Make changes (creates a new version to make changes in)
Delete (Retires process).
Live with draft changes
Changes are being made to settings, but these new changes are not yet valid, so the Case or Ticket cannot be set live.
Open to view
Make further changes in the draft version until valid (edit).
Discard Draft changes
Delete (Retires process).
Live with validated changes
The in-progress changes are now valid. You could publish these out to be live. New Work Items would then pick up these new settings. You can also run test Work Items through it in Work Manager (when in Test mode).
Open to view
Make further changes in the draft version until valid (edit).
Set live
Discard Draft changes
Delete (Retires process).
Deleted Versions
This icon indicates that processes contain retired versions.
The filter function in the top-right of the screen lets you filter the Services Matrix to show specific groups of data.
You can filter by Customer, Contract and/or Service by using the dropdown list or by using the free text search function. You can add multiple Customers, Contracts and/or Services into your search filters.
Your applied filters will be saved when you return to the Service Matrix Screen from other sections in Builder, and also after you logout and log back in.
Your applied Customer and Contract filters will be saved when you switch between Service Lines in the Service Matrix, but the the Service filter will be removed.
The '+' icon lets you add Customers, Contracts and Services to the Service Matrix, as well as Case and Ticket types.
Enate is able to provide integration with ABBYY FlexiCapture to allow intelligent document processing to be part of your Enate processes. This means that documents such as PDFs can be scanned by ABBYY FlexiCapture both to start and to form part of your Enate processes.
When an ABBYY Action runs for a Case, documents attached to the Case can be submitted to ABBYY FlexiCapture for OCR Scanning and the processed output files will be returned and automatically attached to the Case.
Furthermore, if ABBYY FlexiCapture highlights that additional manual verification may be needed (i.e. if confidence levels in the scanned output is below threshold), the work is transferred over to an Enate agent in Work Manager to verify and adjust the data via ABBYY FlexiCapture's dedicated screen, surfaced directly within an Enate Action.
Enate supports this with an 'ABBYY OCR' Action type that you can add to your Case flows.
For detailed information on how ABBYY Actions work at runtime, see the dedicated Work Manager section.
To create an ABBYY FlexiCapture Action, you first need to set up an ABBYY FlexiCapture connection.
See this article for more information about how to set up an ABBYY FlexiCapture connection:
Once you have successfully set up an ABBYY connection, you then need to create an ABBYY FlexiCapture Action type.
You can either do this in the Service Line section of Builder, or directly from your Case flow.
Creating an ABBYY FlexiCapture Action type from the Service Lines section of Builder adds the Action to your menu of available Actions when you're building flows subsequently in Cases.
To do this, in the Service Lines page select, which service line you would like to add the ABBYY Action to and then click on the plus symbol next to the 'Process Search' box. This will bring up a drop down menu where you can select an Action.
This will open up a new Action for you to create.
Add a name and description to your Action and then in the 'type' drop down select 'ABBYY OCR'.
You can then choose to add a global checklist to your ABBYY FlexiCapture Action. This contains a standard checklist of activities that will be added any time this Action type is added to a Case flow. See here for more information on checklists.
Once you are happy with your Action, hit save to create it. This Action can now be added to new and existing business processes by selecting it from the dropdown list when adding a new Action to a Case.
Alternatively, you can add an ABBYY FlexiCapture Action type directly from the Case flow itself.
To do this, open your desired Case flow in edit mode, click on an Action's menu and then instead of clicking to add an existing Action, select to create a new Action by clicking the '+' icon.
Give the Action a name, add a description if you wish and for its 'type', select 'ABBYY OCR'. This will add the ABBYY FlexiCapture Action to the Case flow.
You now need to configure the settings for the new Action you have added to your Case. Click on the Action in the flow to highlight it in the info section.
In the Action Info tab, you need to add the following information:
When is it due?
Select a due date from the dropdown menu of Due Date ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
Who does it go to?
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Allocation ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
General Settings
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Follow Up ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
Main Card
You can select a Custom Card to display on the main section of the Action screen.
Side Card
You can select a Custom Card to display on the side panel of the Action screen.
Manual Creation
Switching this setting on allows the Action to be started manually in Work Manager.
Here you can add local checks to the Action that help support 'custom' activities that take place for that specific Action. You can also edit the global checks for the Action type from here too, if it has any.
Additionally, once an ABBYY Action has been added to your Case flow, a new 'ABBYY FlexiCapture' tab will display in the info grid.
Here you need to add the following settings that are only relevant for ABBYY Actions:
The ABBYY Platform being used for this Action
The ABBYY project this is part of.
Input File Tag
Only documents with this File Tag will be passed to ABBYY for processing with this Action.
Optional. If an Input File Tag has been specified then only files on this Action marked with this tag will be included in the ABBYY batch. If no Input File Tag is selected then all files attached to the Case will be included for scanning and processing by ABBYY FlexiCapture.
Output File Tag
When ABBYY is finished processing documents as part of this Action, it will pass them back to Enate marking them with this File Tag.
Optional. If an Output File Tag has been specified then all files processed by this Action will be tagged with the Output File Tag value when they are transferred back through to Enate.
Note : As an additional validation check, when configuring Case flows that includes ABBYY Actions, if any of the referenced platform are now deleted, the system will prompt you to replace this with an active ABBYY Platform.
Your ABBYY FlexiCapture Action is now ready to be used in your Case flows.
See below some formatting directions to help when building conditions within your Case flows.
Format to enter in value column: new DateTime(yyyy,MM,dd,hh,mm,s)
EX: new DateTime(2020,05,30,12,00,00)
Format to enter in value column: new DateTime(yyyy,MM,dd)
EX: new DateTime(2020,05,26)
Format to enter in value column: “String”
EX: “To test Short text 1”
Format to enter in value column: “String”
EX: "To test long text 1"
Format to enter in value column: x.yM
EX: 1.2M
Format to enter in value column: X
EX: 10
Format to enter in value column: true/false
EX: true
Format to enter in value column: “Level1.Level2.Level3”
Note: if you have only configured two levels that a dot should be placed after the second value (see below example).
Format to enter in value column: “String”
EX: "Blackberry"
Format to enter in value column: “Email Address”
EX: "jhon@gmail.com"
To add customer Contracts, click on the '+' icon at the top of the Service Matrix and select 'Contract'.
Fill in the Contract settings in the resulting popup.
The settings for Contracts are:
The Company receiving service
The Name of the Contract
Mandatory. Must be unique within Customer.
A description of the Contract
The Company delivering service.
Working Hours per Day
When a Due Date Rule references ‘Working Days’, this setting is used to translate Working Days into this number of working Hours.
Value specified should not exceed the difference between start and end hours of work in the Default calendar selected above.
Customer Calendar
Working calendars are used when calculating any Due Date/Times for activities configured to use the Customer’s working hours (e.g. ‘must be completed within 5 working hours, according to the Customer’s Working Calendar).
Mandatory. Defaults to value set at Customer Company level, but can be overridden here.
Supplier Calendar
The Supplier’s Working calendar is used when calculating any Due Date/Times for activities configured to use the Supplier’s working hours (e.g. ‘must be completed within 5 working hours, according to the Supplier’s Working Calendar).
Mandatory. Defaults to value set at Service Provider Company level, but can be overridden here.
The standard Timezone for work carried out under this Contract
Default Language
When creating a new Contract, any customer-level language will be set as the initial default value. If different to language this will supersede the language set at Customer level, and any changes made to the customer-level language will not affect the Contract setting.
Default Currency
Select from the dropdown which currency you would like to set as the default currency at contract level
For use in auto-generation of large volumes of Queues per Contract - Queues will include this 'Team' Name. A dropdown option will appear that filters down as you start typing.
Document Classification Model
Enter the model you want to use here. You can refresh to view the updated list of models available.
Allowed File Types for Document Classification
Enter the file types you want to be considered for file classification here.
To edit a contract's settings, click on the ellipses beside the Customer name and select the Edit link. Make your desired changes in the resulting popup and click OK to save changes.
In Builder you can edit the Service Provider of existing Contracts.
When switching Service Providers the supplier calendar drop-down should be checked. The old and new suppliers may have a different Default calendar which may result in undesired changes to due dates.
Further aspects to be aware of include:
Data is retrospectively changed for all Work Items, both running and complete. Depending on the number of Work Items in the system this may take a short amount of time to update in all views and reports.
The Service Provider drop down is only shown when creating or editing Contracts if there are multiple Supplier companies in the system.
You can see what edits have been made to the customer and when, as well as when the customer was created, and even when a customer was deleted by clicking on the Show Activity button in the Edit screen.
You are also able to clone a contract by clicking on the Clone button in the Edit screen. This will clone all of the contract's settings apart from its name. You are able to make changes to any of the settings once the contract has been cloned.
Contract changes are versioned, so any changes you make to a Contract will only affect Work Items which are subsequently created. All existing Work Items will continue to use previous settings.
To delete a contract, click on the ellipses beside the Customer, hover over the delete link and click on 'Contract'.
If you delete a Contract which has linked Email Routes, you will be notified of this and will need to update the respective Email Routes in order to stop them from creating more work for this Contract.
Enate allows you to configure mailbox integrations so that incoming emails can generate new work items / be attached to existing work items and allow the system / agents to send outgoing emails via Enate. You can access this section, along with other email configurations, from the Email link in the Builder toolbar.
Here you can configure:
Email Connectors – click for more information about email connectors.
Email Routes – where to route incoming emails, i.e. referencing the email addresses in the Connectors you have created, you can specify which Tickets or Cases should route brand new emails into a certain inbox. Click for more information about email routes.
This approach allows you to set up and maintain how your Tickets and Cases run in conjunction with email servers without having to modify the actual Ticket and Case processes all the time.
To add a new email connector click on the ‘+’ icon at the top right of the Email Connectors page, select 'Email Connector' and fill out the details in the resulting popup.
The attributes to configure are:
You must also set a fallback email route for the primary email address of each email mailbox in your system.
This will ensure that any mails arriving to that connector which don't get handled by the various email routes configured will at least be handled by this fallback and will kick off the Case or Ticket it routes to.
When setting a fallback route you must define the work item that should be created for an email coming into that connector (if not picked up by any other email routes), i.e. the specific Ticket or Case.
You can also choose whether you want to send automatic emails (such as request acknowledgement emails) to the work item's contact when a work item has been created via the fallback route by selecting the 'Send Automated Emails' option.
After your system has been upgraded to v2022.5, Email Connectors which do not yet have a fallback route defined will still work, and as such would still potentially allow some incoming emails to be unprocessed if they are not picked up by any of the existing email routes. However, you should be aware of the following when configuring Email Connectors after upgrade:
Any NEW Connectors which you create MUST have a fallback route specified in order to be saved and set live.
Any EXISTING Connectors which you EDIT MUST also have a fallback route specified in order for you to save your changes. The Save option will be disabled until you have specified a fallback route.
During the upgrade to 2022.5, Enate will assess all the existing Email Routes for each Connector in your system attempt to automatically set one of these for each Connector as its fallback route. In order to qualify as an acceptable fallback route, the email route must meet the following criteria:
Its email must match the primary email address or be set as a catch-all '*' wildcard.
No additional Routing Rules must exist for the Email Route.
It must have a Ticket or Case route already defined for it.
It must already be the last route in the ordered set of Routes for that Connector.
It must already be Enabled.
Whether it be as a result of auto-selecting during upgrade, or manual definition of the email route afterwards within the Connector, the email routes which have been specified will then show in your Email routes section with some specific impacts.
Details of this are as follows:
These routes will always display at the foot of the Email Routes list
The Routing Rule will be set to read-only
The Email Connector will be set to read-only
The 'Enable' setting is set to ON, and is read-only
Once you have configured the required information you must then test the connection. To do this, click on the 'Test Connection' button.
Once the connection has been tested successfully, you can then enable the connector by switching on the 'Enable' toggle.
The connection will not run with unless 'Enable' is switched on.
You can edit an email connector by clicking on the ellipsis and choosing 'Edit'.
When editing an email connector, you are also able to see its activity history by clicking on the Show Activity button. You can see when the email connector was created and by who, as well as if any edits have been made to the email connector, when they were made and by who.
The system has a default outgoing email Connector called ‘System Default SMTP Gateway’ for standard system activities e.g. User Welcome emails etc.
Once you have some email connectors defined, you can reference them in email routing to specify where emails coming into each mailbox should be routed by Enate (i.e. which work items it should start).
The Email Routes page is where you can create new email routes and manage your existing ones.
Email routes are grouped by the email connector to which they are associated. These groups can be expanded and collapsed, making larger bodies of data easier to work with.
At header level, you can search to filter down your view to just one Connector:
You can search for a route at a connector-level, based on its email address, process and/or Ticket category (if relevant).
Note that these searches are all 'start with' searches rather than full wildcard searches, e.g. if you type 'France' it will search for items 'France*' rather than *France*..
For Graph API routes, you have the option to view folders as an additional filter at the top of the screen.
Watch this video to find out how to set up an Email Route:
More information about the attributes to configure when creating a new email route:
Note: The feature to send a Ticket Acknowledgment email to CC users is an enhancement of the existing functionality where an auto-confirmation email or acknowledgment is currently sent only to primary contact/sender but not to the CC users.
When editing an email route, you are also able to see its activity history by clicking on the Show Activity button. You can see when the email route was created and by who, as well as if any edits have been made to the email route, when they were made and by who.
Note: when you delete a Case or Ticket process or a Customer/Service/Contract that has linked Email Routes, you will be notified of this and will need to update the respective Email Routes in order to stop them from creating more work for the process.
Additionally, as a useful shortcut you have to ability to add a new email route directly within a specific email connector itself - clicking on the '+' icon next to a connector will bring up the 'Create an Email Route' pop-up with the email connector name already filled it.
You can add routing rules to an email route to provide a more fine-tuned way of determining where an incoming email gets routed to (and therefore what kind of work item gets created). Watch this video to find out more:
Routing rules can be based on the information of the incoming email including:
Important Flag on Email - if the email has been flagged as 'important'
Has Attachments of Type... - if the email has an attachment of a certain type - list of file extensions separated by a semi-colon e.g. .pdf; .docx
Key Words in the Subject Line - list of key words in the email subject line separated by semi-colons e.g. urgent; support; reset
Sender's company name includes - lets you direct incoming mails based on the company the email sender belongs to. This stops you having to create multiple variations of slightly different email domain-based routings for your larger clients. Select the sender's company name from the dropdown. You are able to add multiple companies. Any emails arriving from email addresses belonging to the companies you have selected will start the process set in the email route.
Please note that information from the incoming email body itself cannot be used when routing emails.
You can add multiple routing rules to an email route:
You can route emails based on a particular email domain by adding a '*' before the domain:
Note that this is only available for 'Sender List Includes' and 'Recipient List Includes'.
You can easily adjust the ordering of the routes for a connector by dragging and dropping to the desired location. When deciding on the order in which to run multiple related routings, you should place the most specific rules first, and set more generic ‘fallback’ routings last.
Additional notes regarding email route reordering:
Email routes cannot be dragged outside of their respective group.
Reordering via the routes grid is only possible with the necessary permissions.
Email route re-ordering will be blocked unless the route grid is sorted by Priority Order: ascending (as this makes the reordering interaction less confusing). When the route grid is not sorted by Priority Order: ascending, a message will show to alert you.
For connectors with extremely large numbers of routings, you may wish to manually set the order number directly (a useful alternative to having to drag routings hundreds of places up and down some of the larger lists). To do this, simply right-click the desired row and click the resulting tooltip:
This will ensure that any mails arriving to that connector which don't get handled by the various email routes configured will at least be handled by this fallback and will kick off the Case or Ticket it routes to.
Fallback email routes show in your email routes section with some specific impacts.
Details of this are as follows:
These routes will always display at the foot of the Email Routes list
The Routing Rule will be set to read-only
The Email Connector will be set to read-only
The 'Enable' setting is set to ON, and is read-only
When configuring email routes, if a sender is an unknown user or a new contact, a route that contains a company filter cannot match. This can lead to emails possibly being sent down the wrong route. To help avoid this, do not combine the following configurations:
Combination One 1. Auto create contacts 2. Contacts locally scoped 3. One or more email routes with a company filter
Combination Two 1. Contacts Locally scoped 2. One or more email routes with a global company filter
Systems set up in this way may result in unpredictable and inconsistent routing of mails and should be avoided. These combinations of setup are not supported.
The Document Extraction component automatically extracts the relevant data from files attached to incoming emails so that this data can be used in further processing of the work item, saving your agents time and effort. This also means that documents such as PDFs can be scanned and used both to start Cases in Enate and to form part of the ongoing process's activities.
When a Document Extraction Action runs for a Case, documents attached to the Case can be submitted to your desired technology for scanning and the processed output files will be returned and automatically attached to the Case.
If at any point the technology you're using is not confident enough of the results, based on a confidence threshold that you can set, Enate will instantly transfer the work to an agent in Work Manager to look over and verify, giving you that 'human in the loop' support.
Enate supports this with an 'IDP Data Extraction' Action type that you can add to your Case flows. You'll need to before you can use IDP Data Extraction Actions in your flows.
For detailed information on how IDP Data Extraction Actions work at runtime, see the dedicated section.
To create an IDP Data Extraction Action, you first need to have activated the Data Extraction component in Enate Marketplace. See for more information.
You'll then need to set up your Case flow to support the Document Extraction component. This involves adding an 'IDP Data Extraction' Action in Enate Builder to use in your desired Case flows.
You can either add an existing one from the Actions list if one has already been created, or you can create a brand new one.
IDP Data Extraction Actions can be created in the same way any other Action is created in Enate: either from the Service Line page, or directly from within your Case flow.
To create an IDP Data Extraction Action from the Service Line page, select to create a new Action under the desired service line, give the action a name and a description and choose approval action from the type drop down.
To create an IDP Document Extraction Action directly from the Case flow itself, open a Case flow in edit mode, click on an Action's menu and then instead of clicking to add an existing Action, select to create a new Action by clicking the '+' icon.
Give the Action a name, add a description if you wish and for its type, select 'Approval'. When you click 'OK, the Action will be created and added to the Case flow.
Once you have added your approval action to your flow, you will then need to fill out its settings.
On the Action Info tab you will need to set when it's due and set an Allocation rule.
Note that this Allocation should be who the Action should go to to review if the extraction technology is not confident enough in its data extraction results. If the technology you're using is confident enough about its data extraction results, this Action won't even need to be seen by a human user, it will simply be completed automatically and the Case will move on to the next Action.
There's also general settings for the Action too, and ability to set a custom card, again only really for use in the unlikely event that someone needs to intervene and view the action in Work Manager.
Next, go to the IDP Document Extraction tab to define the settings which specifically relate to the approval activities.
You'll need to fill in the Extraction Model - this is the ID of the model you want to use for that process.
You'll also need to fill in the input and output tags. The input tag is the tag that the file/document must be tagged with in Work Manager in order to be eligible for document extraction processing and output tags. The output tag is the tag that will be assigned to the file/document in Work Manager once the document extraction process has completed.
Once you have filled in the above settings details, set the Case live.
You now need to configure the settings for the new Action you have added to your Case. Click on the Action in the flow to highlight it in the info section.
In the Action Info tab, you need to add the following information:
Additionally, once an IDP Document Extraction Action has been added to your Case flow, a new 'IDP Data Extraction' tab will display in the info grid.
Here you need to add the following settings that are only relevant for IDP Document Extraction Actions:
Your IDP Document Extraction Action is now ready to be used in your Case flows.
When using conditionality in your Case flows, you can use a number of types of system data as part of your condition, for example standard system work item fields and custom data fields.
We have now added the ability to use the results of individual checklist items, both global and local, in your conditions, letting you choose alternate routes depending on how a check has gone.
Watch this video to see how that can be done, or read below for more specifics and details:
Clicking on the dropdown will reveal the Actions that have checklists to choose from. They will be displayed in the order in which the Actions appear in the flow. Clicking on an Action will show the checks that you can choose to base your condition on, displayed in order in which they appear on the checklist.
You can only use the 'Equals' and 'Not Equals' conditions for conditions based on the results of a check in an Action's checklist, just as you would short text data fields.
The values you can create conditions for against a checklist item are "Yes", "No", and "NA" for Not Applicable. Be aware that these values are case sensitive and should be entered in the value field exactly as above within double quotes.
As standard, make sure to create an 'else' branch, to handle the flow when you're conditions are not met. At runtime, if the condition is not met, the system will execute the 'else' branch.
If you're using the advanced option to build a more complex expression, checklist items can also be incorporated here - once you've picked them from the dropdown list they'll be added into your expression with a unique identifying GUID.
Note that you can only use checks from Actions in a previous step in your conditional expressions and you cannot use check from ad-hoc Actions.
Once you're happy with your condition settings, click 'validate' to ensure they'll work at runtime, then 'OK' to apply the condition to the Case flow.
You also have the ability to end an individual Case early (if it is no longer needed) when you're setting up a Case process. This mean that at runtime the Case doesn't have to always continue until the end of the flow in order to close.
This is useful in circumstances where it is no longer relevant to complete the Case, for example it's no longer relevant to complete a New Starter Induction Case if the person is no longer joining the company.
At runtime in Work Manager, once an 'End Case' Action is reached in a process, no further Actions in the Case flow are triggered and the Case will Close.
To add this ability into your Case flow processes, you just need to add the new 'End Case' Action type into the relevant place in your Case process flow in Builder. Multiple 'End Case' Actions can be added to a Case flow, however note that:
they must be added at the end of a branch AND
no other Actions can be added after it in the branch's flow.
You should use End Case Actions in conjunction with a condition in your flow configuration. Watch this video for more information about how to configure an End Case Action:
When a Case closes due to it reaching an End Case Action, the Case will display as being Closed with a reason of 'All relevant Actions completed'.
If a feedback window is configured for the Case, the Case will instead move to a Resolved state and will follow standard system logic i.e. it will sit in this status for a defined period of time during which the service recipient may respond and the Case may be reopened, either automatically upon receipt of a new incoming email or feedback within the time period, or manually by the agent.
If the feedback window has completed without any further response, or if the Case does not have a feedback window, the Case will move to a state of fully 'Closed'.
See this article for more information about how Cases are processed in Enate:
Note that End Case Actions will not be available to Work Manager users to manually create on an ad-hoc basis. Also, it is not possible to rework a Case from an End Case Action.
Additionally, if a Case ends as a result of an End Case Action, this will have no impact on its linked work items and if a Sub-Case ends as a result of an End Case Action, this will have no impact on its parent Case.
Enate currently only supports SMTP/SMTPS for sending email. GraphAPI is currently only available for incoming email.
Internally, Enate matches on the outgoing "From" to determine what email connector configured as either ‘Outgoing’ or ‘Both’ should be used to send a specific message. If no specific email connectors match the "From" address then Enate will fall back to using the System Default Gateway for sending email.
Note: This System Default Gateway MUST be configured prior to using Enate.
The unmonitored email address which is used as the From address on some automated outgoing emails such as password reset mails (and which you can set in the General Settings section of Builder) functions in the same way as the above configured From addresses. If the System Default Gateway is disabled, you must provide a valid email address for this unmonitored email which has been configured as an outbound email connector.
Outgoing email can be configured in several different ways in Enate depending on the preferences of your mail server teams.
As with incoming email, Enate requires an external DNS name and publicly trusted certificate be configured with SMTP.
The port that Enate connects to SMTP on is configurable within Builder on a per connector basis and so the firewall requirements are dependent on the mail server teams and their configuration of these protocols. Typically, either port 25 for SMTP or ports 465 or 587 for SMTPS are used.
An SMTP gateway can be created with the ability to relay all email sent via it. This can be restricted with a username/password combination to avoid creating an open relay that may be subject to abuse. This can then be configured as the default SMTP/outgoing connector within Enate Builder.
This simplifies ongoing email configurations allowing new incoming email addresses to be added without needing to adjust permissions for sending.
Similar to the above, a gateway can be supplied where a user account with Send As permissions on every account/Email address used within Enate can send email.
For example, an enate.production@example.com account could be created with Send As permissions on enate.sales@example.com, enate.finance@example.com and enate.accounting@example.com. This enate.production@example.com could then be configured instance-wide within Enate Builder.
This increases the configuration complexity and also requires IT or mail servers to add new addresses on an ongoing basis whenever these are required within Enate.
When configuring email connectors in Enate, you can specify either Incoming, Outgoing or Both for the direction.
These settings allow you to configure outgoing email to use connector specific SMTP values. No additional credentials can be specified here and so the POP3/IMAP4 credentials specified on the email connector in Enate must have Send As permissions on the configured SMTP From Address value.
This configuration typically only works where the incoming POP3/IMAP4 address is also the address that will be used to send replies, for example if customers are emailing enate.sales@example.com and the reply will also come from enate.sales@example.com. If this is not the case then this configuration leads to having to manage multiple sets of permissions across different accounts to allow Send As permissions to cover all addresses used in Enate.
When new emails arrive into Enate, the system analyses the email to determine whether it’s a brand new request or related to an existing one, and then determines how to proceed.
The system can be set up to analyse incoming emails in three different modes to try to match it with an existing work item (the selection of which mode to use is made in the 'Work Item 'Plus Addressing'' section of Builder's System Settings). Options are as follows:
Plus Addressing OFF - Plus Addressing is completely disabled and emails are matched using the standard email processing rules only.
Mixed Mode - Plus Addressing is enabled and emails are matched using both plus addressing AND the standard processing rules standard email processing rules.
Plus Addressing Only - Plus Addressing is enabled and emails are matched using plus addressing ONLY.
See the section for more detailed information on each of these modes and how the system operates in each case.
Using one of these modes, the system will attempt to match the email with an existing work item. If it finds a match, then depending on the state that work item is in, it will behave as follows:
If the system finds a match to an existing Ticket, Case or Action that is in a state of DRAFT, TO DO or IN PROGRESS, the system will:
append the email to the work item
mark the work item with ‘new information received’
The same applies to auto-generated emails that are matched to an existing work item in a state of DRAFT, TO DO or IN PROGRESS. Please see the for more information on how the system detects auto-generated emails.
If an incoming email is matched to an existing work item that is in a state of WAITING, the system will:
append the email to the work item
mark the work item with ‘new information received’
In addition, if the Wait type is 'Waiting for more information, the system will:
change the state of the work item from WAITING to TO DO
As a result of the change in state to TO DO, a Queue and assignee will be set to the work item and it will move back to the responsible agent’s Enate Inbox, marked with ‘new information received’
If the work item is an Action and both the Action and its parent Case are in a state of WAITING with a wait type of Waiting for more information, the state of the parent Case will change to IN PROGRESS
If an incoming email is matched to an existing work item that is in a state of RESOLVED (note that only Cases and Tickets can be in a state of RESOLVED), the system will:
Append the email to the work item
Reopen the work item and set it back to TO DO
As a result of the change in state to TO DO, a Queue and assignee will be set to the work item and it will move back to the responsible agent’s Enate Inbox, marked with ‘new information received’.
If an incoming email is matched to an existing work item that is in a state of CLOSED, the system may take various courses of action depending upon the type of work item:
The system will firstly ‘go up’ the work item chain to look for a parent work item e.g.
if the email is matched to an Action that is CLOSED, the system will see if the Action’s parent Case is still open.
if the email is matched to a Case that is CLOSED, the system will see if the Case has a parent Case or Ticket that is still open.
if the email is matched to a Ticket that is CLOSED, the system will see if the Ticket has a parent Ticket that is still open.
If the system does find a parent work item that is still open, the system will then apply the rest of the email processing logic to the parent work item (i.e. all of the logic in the above sections on running work items).
If the email is sent to a closed child split ticket, the system creates a new work item for the email.
If no information can be identified to link the email to a currently running work item, the system will generate a brand new work item (Ticket or Case) based on the email’s configured routing rules. A confirmation email will be automatically sent back out to the requesting email address containing the reference number if the email route settings specified in Builder have ‘send response’ set to ‘on’.
Split Ticket – if an incoming email is matched to a split Ticket – either the original Ticket that was split or one of the child Tickets it was split into – the email will be appended to each of the CHILD Tickets. The system will then apply the rest of the email processing logic to each of the child Tickets independently.
Merged Ticket - if an incoming email is matched to a merged Ticket – either one of the original Tickets that were merged or the ‘target’ Ticket that they were merged into – the email will be appended to the ‘target’ Ticket. The system will then apply the rest of the email processing logic to the ‘target’ Ticket.
Ticket converted into a Case – if an incoming email is matched to a Ticket that was Resolved by being converted into a Case, the email will be appended to the Case. The system will then apply the rest of the email processing logic to the Case.
The system detects auto-generated emails by one-or more of the following:
A « x-autoreply » header exists
A « x-autorespond » header exists
A « auto-submitted » header exists and the value is either « auto-generated » or « auto-replied »
A « content-type » header exists and the value is either « multipart/report » or « delivery-status »
The ReturnPath header exists and has a value of « <> » or « <<>> »
Before processing any emails Enate will check to see if it sent it. Every email has a unique identifier which should not change. Enate stores the unique identifiers of emails that it has sent and uses these to perform this check.
This Enate behaviour is to avoid duplicate processing of items which Enate may well have already processed before the outgoing email has been sent, for example (but not limited to) auto-appending of mails to linked work items via Plus Addressing logic.
When deciding which process to start, Enate looks at all the routes for the connector for the email address under consideration (NB* This means that if you spread routes across connectors, you’ll get odd behaviour!).
Enate then looks at each route in the order you have defined, starting at the top (1) checking for the criteria you have added. If all the criteria match then the route is used, if any of the criteria don’t match, Enate will move onto the next route.
The last route is a catch all (fallback) route, however if the email has been sent to an alias, then the catch all route will not match and the email will be made available for processing in ‘Unprocessed View’
If the email has been sent to Enate using Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) then by design Enate is not able to see which email address the email has been sent To (If Enate could see the address list it wouldn’t be ‘blind’). This causes all routes to fail to match.
A specific sceario to handle for incoming email processing is where someone CC'd on a mail sent into enate replies to that email. Enate recognizes the situation and will attach that mail to the original work item, rather than creating a brand new work item.
The technical specifics of this are as follows: Improved 'InReplyTo' logic has been added for processing incoming mails. We now validate if the 'InReplyTo' field of the incoming email aligns with the Message-ID of a prior email. When matched, the email/communication is appended to the relevant work item. In short: if we can tell that a mail has been sent in reply to a mail we already know about, we direct that new mail to the previous mail's work item.
Additional Note:
If your system is using Traditional/Mixed mode, we verify if the 'InReplyTo' field corresponds to the Message-ID of ANY previously received email, irrespective of being incoming or outgoing.
If your system is running in Exclusive (i.e. Plus Addressing ONLY Mode), we verify if the 'InReplyTo' field corresponds to the Message-ID of previous INCOMING received emails only (not outgoing mails).
If the 'Show Parent Company' has been switched on in the General Settings (see for more information), you will be able to assign a Parent Company to a Customer here. Parent companies allow you to more easily manage your companies by creating a nested company structure where a parent company can maintain multiple child companies.
Note: This state and icon will only be shown if the 'Show deleted objects' setting is switched on. See for more information.
(See for more information).
(See for more information).
(See for more information).
Optional. See here for more information about .
Optional. See here for more information about .
Optional. See section for more information.
Optional. See here for more information about .
Only available if the Infrrd Document Extraction component, available in , is enabled.
Only available if the Infrrd Document Extraction component, available in , is enabled.
You can also choose whether you want your fallback email route to only create work items in by selecting the 'Only create work in test mode' option.
If an Email Route for a connector meets the above criteria, its route settings will be added to the Connector (displaying in the Connector details popup), and certain aspects of the Route's configuration will become locked down, in order to ensure it remains as the fallback route. See for details of this.
Recipient List Includes - email address of the recipient of the email. This can include multiple potential recipient email addresses, both individuals email addresses and . If there are multiple email addresses, each much be separated by a semi-colon e.g. john.smith@example.net; brenda.johnson@acme.com
Sender List Includes - email address of the sender of the email. This can include multiple potential sender email addresses, both individual email addresses and . If there are multiple email addresses, each much be separated by a semi-colon e.g. john.smith@example.net; brenda.johnson@acme.com
A fallback email route needs to be .
You can also give the Action a global checklist if you wish. This contains a standard checklist of activities that will be added any time this Action type is added to a Case flow. See here for more information on .
The same rules apply to auto-generated emails that are matched to an existing work item in a state of Waiting or Waiting for more Information. Please see the for more information on how the system detects auto-generated emails.
The same rules apply to auto-generated emails that are matched to an existing work item in a state of RESOLVED. Please see the for more information on how the system detects auto-generated emails.
If the system cannot find a parent work item that is still open, the incoming email will NOT be appended to the already closed work item. It will instead create a new work item following the for what happens when the system is unable to match an email to an existing work item, and copy all the information (comms, files, defects, contacts and custom data) from the existing closed work item to the new work item.
To support this Enate allows you to define one or more special 'Wildcard' routes that have ‘*’ (meaning any) as the email address. If you do this then you must also specify a sender address. You can also apply any other criteria as appropriate. These Wildcard Routes must be placed at the bottom of the order (but above the fallback route). See this for more information on this.
To help users understand how using wildcard routes will impact BCC emails, see this
Email Connector Name
Your Enate-friendly name – you can enter anything you like here as a name.
Email Service
List of available email Services which can be used for email connectors. Options available are:
Gmail (POP3)
Gmail (IMAP)
Office 365 (POP3)
Office 365 (IMAP)
Office 365 (Graph)
Other - if you select the ‘Other’ option for Email Service, you will need to specify the incoming and/or outgoing email server information, including server address, port and SSL
The email address / username
The email address password. Maximum of 50 characters.
Primary Email Address
The email address of your connector. If you have multiple email addresses linked to the same mailbox, you must note the primary email address.
Can access additional mailbox
If you want to access an additional mailbox which has the same login information as this, tick the box and add the mailbox name here
Use for
Options are:
Incoming: Emails create new Tickets / Cases or link to existing.
Outgoing: Mails can be sent OUT from the system via this mailbox. If you want to reference this email connector in e.g. ‘from email address’ settings etc. within Ticket/Case configuration, you must set it as ‘outgoing/ both’ for this to work.
Email Connector Name
Select from list of pre-existing Connectors
Route Name
Friendly name fo the Email Route
Email Address
The specific process, e.g. Ticket OR Case now.
(Select Customer, Contract, Service and Process).
Ticket Category
The category value to set when launching a new Ticket (Relevant for Tickets only).
Send Automated Emails
This lets you choose whether or not you want to send automated emails to the work item's contacts. This is defaulted to OFF.
Create Work For Test Mode
If the email address can be used to create work in Test mode, or only in Live environment.
Whether the routing setting is currently active.
When is it due?
Select a due date from the dropdown menu of Due Date ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
(See Due Date Flavours Settings for more information).
Who does it go to?
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Allocation ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
(See Allocation Flavours Settings for more information).
General Settings
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Follow Up ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
(See General Settings Flavours Settings for more information).
Main Card
You can select a Custom Card to display on the main section of the Action screen.
Optional. See here for more information about Custom Cards.
Side Card
You can select a Custom Card to display on the side panel of the Action screen.
Optional. See here for more information about Custom Cards.
Manual Creation
Switching this setting on allows the Action to be started manually in Work Manager.
Optional. See Adding Ad-hoc Actions section for more information.
Here you can add local checks to the Action that help support 'custom' activities that take place for that specific Action. You can also edit the global checks for the Action type from here too, if it has any.
Optional. See here for more information about adding checklists.
Extraction Model
The ID of the Infrrd model you want to use for that process
Input File Tag
Only documents with this File Tag will be passed to Infrrd for processing with this Action.
Output File Tag
When Infrrd has finished processing documents as part of this Action, it will pass them back to Enate marking them with this File Tag.
Mandatory. All files processed by this Action will be tagged with the Output File Tag value when they are transferred back through to Enate.
Enate deals with incoming 'Out of Office' emails in two ways:
If the 'Out of Office' email is generated in response to receiving an email written by a user in Enate, Enate will append the 'Out of Office' email to the work item and mark the work item with ‘new information received’. See below for further specifics.
If the ‘Out of Office’ email is sent in response to an auto-generated email from Enate (e.g. acknowledgement of Ticket creation), the 'Out of Office' email will NOT be appended to the work item and the work item will not be marked with ‘new information received’ - it will effectively be ignored.
Expanding on the logic for situation 1 above where an 'Out of Office' email is generated in response to receiving an email written by a user in Enate...
If the incoming 'Out of Office' email is matched to an existing Ticket, Case or Action that is in a state of DRAFT, TO DO or IN PROGRESS, the system will:
append the email to the work item
mark the work item with ‘new information received’
Note: This logic above applies to all auto-generated incoming emails that are matched to an existing work item in a state of DRAFT, TO DO or IN PROGRESS (i.e. incoming Out of Office emails are treated in exactly the same was as other incoming auto-generated emails in these states). Please see this section for more information on how the system detects auto-generated emails.
If the incoming 'Out of Office' email is matched to an existing work item that is in a state of WAITING, the system will:
append the email to the work item
mark the work item with ‘new information received’
In addition, if the Wait type is 'Waiting for more information', the system will:
change the state of the work item from WAITING to TO DO
As a result of the change in state to TO DO, a Queue and assignee will be set to the work item and it will move back to the responsible agent’s Enate Inbox, marked with ‘new information received’
If the work item is an Action and both the Action and its parent Case are in a state of WAITING with a wait type of Waiting for more information, the state of the parent Case will change to IN PROGRESS
The same rules apply to other auto-generated incoming emails that are matched to an existing work item in a state of Waiting or Waiting for more Information (i.e. incoming Out of Office emails are treated in exactly the same was as other incoming auto-generated emails in this state). Please see this section for more information on how the system detects auto-generated emails.
If the incoming 'Out of Office' email is matched to an existing work item that is in a state of RESOLVED (note that only Cases and Tickets can be in a state of RESOLVED), the system will:
Append the email to the work item
Reopen the work item and set it back to TO DO
As a result of the change in state to TO DO, a Queue and assignee will be set to the work item and it will move back to the responsible agent’s Enate Inbox, marked with ‘new information received’.
The same rules apply to other auto-generated incoming emails that are matched to an existing work item in a state of RESOLVED (i.e. incoming Out of Office emails are treated in exactly the same was as other incoming auto-generated emails in this state). Please see this section for more information on how the system detects auto-generated emails.
If the incoming 'Out of Office' email is matched to an existing work item that is in a state of CLOSED, the system may take various courses of action depending upon the type of work item:
The system will firstly ‘go up’ the work item chain to look for a parent work item e.g.
if the email is matched to an Action that is CLOSED, the system will see if the Action’s parent Case is still open.
if the email is matched to a Case that is CLOSED, the system will see if the Case has a parent Case or Ticket that is still open.
if the email is matched to a Ticket that is CLOSED, the system will see if the Ticket has a parent Ticket that is still open.
If the system does find a parent work item that is still open, the system will then apply the rest of the email processing logic to the parent work item (i.e. all of the logic in the above sections on running work items).
If the system cannot find a parent work item that is still open, the incoming email will NOT be appended to the already closed work item. It will instead create a new work item following the rules below for what happens when the system is unable to match an email to an existing work item.
The same rules apply to other auto-generated incoming emails that are matched to an existing work item in a state of CLOSED (i.e. incoming Out of Office emails are treated in exactly the same was as other incoming auto-generated emails in this state). Please see this section for more information on how the system detects auto-generated emails.
If no information can be identified to link the incoming 'Out of Office' email to a currently running work item, the system will generate a brand new work item (Ticket or Case) based on the email’s configured routing rules.
If a Ticket has been created, even if the email route settings specified in Builder have the ‘send response’ option set to ‘on’, a confirmation email will NOT be automatically sent back out to the to the email address that the 'Out of Office' email originated from as the 'Disable Automated Emails' option will be automatically switched on.
To help users understand how using wildcard routes will impact BCC emails the table below shows the possible scenarios that can occur:
No wildcard routes in connector - Sent an incoming email with BCC connector. No TO/CC.
Email will land in 'Unprocessed Emails'
No wildcard routes in connector - Sent an incoming email with BCC connector. With TO/CC that don't correspond with any current Routes.
Email will land in 'Unprocessed Emails'
Wildcard routes in connector - Sent an incoming email with BCC connector. Without TO/CC.
Work Item should be created with BCC email address.
Wildcard routes in connector - Sent an incoming email with BCC connector. With TO/CC that don't correspond with any current Routes.
Work Item should be created with BCC email address.
Wildcard routes in connector - Sent an incoming email with multiple connector addresses in BCC connector. No TO/CC that don't correspond with any current Routes.
Work Item will be created only for one (first received email address) connector. Rest of the arriving emails will be marked duplicate and therefore ignored.
Wild card routes in connector - Sent an incoming email with multiple connector addresses in BCC connector. With TO/CC that don't correspond with any current Routes.
Work Item will be created only for one (first received email address) connector. Rest of the arriving emails will be marked duplicate and therefore ignored.
Wild card routes in connector - Sent an incoming email with multiple connector addresses in TO/CC and BCC connector.
Work Item should be processed for TO/CC address. The BCC will not be processed.
Wildcard routes in connector, which contain Multiple 'Sender List Contains' values. Send an incoming email from one of the sender list addresses, BCCing the connector address.
Work Item should be created with BCC email address.
Wildcard routes in connector. Disable the Wildcard route. Send an incoming email from one of the sender list adresses and BCC the connector address.
Email will land in 'Unprocessed Emails'
Wildcard routes in connector. Configure the non Wildcard route with the same set of rules. Send an incoming email from one of the sender list adresses, BCCing the connector address.
Work item will be created for the wildcard route.
This section details what happens when subsequent response emails are sent into Enate after an initial work item has been created. These could be sent by the original sender, or by other people included in the original email ('cc' or 'To' recipients) who may have no link to the Enate system.
..an email being sent by JohnJones@Customer.com to multiple people, including into a specific department in your service centre linked to 'FR@SampleCorp.com', resulting in creation of a Ticket T-1234, and an acknowledgement email sent back out to Original Sender, cc'd to those cc'd on the original incoming email.
A number of different scenarios are detailed in the table further below, however there is a fairly standard overall logic of how subsequent incoming emails are treated by Enate when running in 'Traditional' mode, if you need a 'rule of thumb'..
Standard - If you respond to a mail that includes a connector email address, the mail will get appended to the work item that connector created.
Add New Connector - If you add a new connector email address into a response email, a new work item will be created, linked to the initial work item. If the original connector email address is still in the email addresses, the email will also append to that original work item."
BCC - If the connector email address is only a BCC, the email will sit in 'unhandled emails', unless you have a fallback rule set up which routes mails with that 'from' address.
Split - If a ticket is split and you respond to the original ticket, it will get appended to all of the resulting split tickets.
Merge - If a ticket gets merged and you respond to the original ticket, it will get appended to the remaining merged ticket.
Case - If a ticket gets promoted to a Case and you respond to the original ticket, it will get appended to the Case.
People start replying on the email chain
a colleague responds to the original email, retaining 'fr@samplecorp.com' as the relevant service centre email address.
The new email is appended to Ticket T-1234, because Enate recognizes this as a mail relating to mail which started T-1234.
People start replying on the email chain, AND adds in a new service centre email address.
a colleague responds with a 'reply all', but also adds in 'ma@samplecorp.com' as one of the addresses.
Enate Creates a new ticket T-1235, based on a mail arriving into 'fr@samplecorp.com'. The email is also appended to Ticket T-1234, which continues as normal. (T-1234 & T-1235 get linked).
Simple Reply Original sender hit 'reply' to the Auto-response email out from Enate.
John.Jones@Customer.com sends reply email back in to fr@samplecorp.com.
The new email is appended to Ticket T-1234.
Original Sender hits 'reply all' to the automated acknowledgement AND adds a new service address AND a new colleague. New colleague then replies to original sender's second email with a 'Reply All'.
John.Jones@Customer.com sends reply all email back in to fr@samplecorp.com, add 'ma@samplecorp.com' and 'James.Smith@Customer.com'. James then sends a Reply ALL
Enate Creates a new ticket T-1235, based on a mail arriving into 'fr@samplecorp.com'. The email is also appended to Ticket T-1234, which continues as normal. (T-1234 & T-1235 get linked). The subsequent email, from James, gets attached to BOTH tickets (as it is addressed to fr@samplecorp.com AND ma@samplecorp.com
A person who was cc'd on the original email hits 'Reply All' to the original email AND adds a new service centre email. Then another colleage hits replay all on that email.
James (cc'd on original) sends a Reply All to original email, and adds in 'Andrew.Jones@Customer.com' AND 'ma@samplecorp.com'. Andrew then sends a 'Reply All' to that email.
Enate Creates a new ticket T-1235, based on a mail arriving into 'fr@samplecorp.com'. The email is also appended to Ticket T-1234, which continues as normal. (T-1234 & T-1235 get linked). The subsequent email, from James, gets attached to BOTH tickets (as it is addressed to fr@samplecorp.com AND ma@samplecorp.com
A person who was cc'd on the original email hits 'Reply All' to the original email but SWAPS IN a new service centre email. Then another colleague hits replay all on that email.
James (cc'd on original) sends a Reply All to original email, removing 'fr@samplecorp.com' and adding in 'ma@samplecorp.com'.
Enate Creates a new ticket T-1235, based on a mail arriving into 'fr@samplecorp.com'.
One of the original email recipients replies to the original email, but moes the service centre address to BCC (NO Wildcard Route is configured for the From address).
James (cc'd on original) sends a Reply All to original email, moving 'fr@samplecorp.com' to be a 'bcc'.
Goes to 'Unprocessed Emails'
One of the original email recipients replies to the original email, but moes the service centre address to BCC (however a Wildcard Route IS configured for the From address).
James (cc'd on original) sends a Reply All to original email, moving 'fr@samplecorp.com' to be a 'bcc'.
Enate Creates a new ticket T-1235, based on finding a wildcard route for the 'from' address.
Convert to Case: An agent converts the Ticket into a Case. An acknowledgement email is sent to the user, which they reply to.
Service Agent converts T-1234 to C-1234, auto-sending out an acknowledgement email. Original sender responds to this mail.
Email gets appended to Case C-1234
Split Ticket: Ticket gets split into 2 tickets. Original Sender sends a 'reply all' mail to the initial mail which created the main 'parent' Ticket.
Servic Agent splits T-1234 into T-1235 & T-1236. John sends a 'Reply All' to T-1234 confirmation mail.
Email gets appended to T-1234, AND to T-1235 & T-1236
Merge Ticket: Ticket gets merged into another (and so is closed). Original Sender hits 'reply all' to their orignal email.
Servic Agent merges T-1234 and another ticket, T-1235, together. T-1245 closes as a result. John sends a 'Reply All' to T-1234 confirmation mail.
Email gets appended to T-1235
Please be aware that C# Script methods and properties are case-sensitive (e.g. “SubString” would throw an error, whereas “Substring” would work). Comparisons of text fields are also case-sensitive, so an expression of “customerName = ‘My Test Company’ would not match if the company name was “My test company”.
It is important to understand the .Net Type of the field or variable you are using to understand the properties and methods that are available:
Custom Data Data Type
.Net Type
.Net Type Information Page
Short Text
Long Text
Email Address
Multi Level List
String (each level separated by a “.”)
Whole Number
Decimal Number
Date and Time
DateTime (in UTC)
DateTime (in UTC)
Variables Data Type
.Net Type
.Net Type Information Page
Platform Name
Customer Name
Supplier Name
Contract Name
String (in English)
Service Name
String (in English)
Process Name
String (in English)
Service Line Name
String (in English)
Work Item Reference
Work Item Title
Started by Method
String – One of:
Last Action Started by Method
String – One of:
ByOperationalUser BySelfServiceUser
Last Action Name
String (in English)
Last Action Reference
Work Item Schedule Period
Work Item Schedule Year
Work Item Start Date
DateTime (in UTC)
Work Item Due Date
DateTime (in UTC)
Last Action End Date
DateTime (in UTC)
Last Action Start Date
DateTime (in UTC)
Work Item is Overdue
Work Item Due Date Is Overridden
Work Item is Test Mode
Last Action Completed Overdue
Actions are the constituent parts of a Case, i.e. a Case is made up of a flow of Actions.
The Actions that you can add to a Case flow come from a standard menu of Actions, but can be added in any order.
You can add a variety of types of Actions - see below for more details.
Actions can be manual (i.e. can be carried out by humans and bots) or the can be automatic, e.g. auto sending an email.
You can choose to add a set of instructions to an Action, often a checklist of activities, to track progress within the Action.
All the manual Actions that are added to the process flow are shown under [Action Info] tab, and you can configure their standard attributes there. Additionally, specific types of Action (e.g. Email and Peer Review) Actions have further attributes which are displayed in subsequent tabs in the same location. These will only display once you add an Action of that type to your flow.
Depending on which Action types have been creating in your system, you can add the following types of Action:
ABBYY FlexiCapture Actions - these Actions provide integration with ABBYY FlexiCapture
Approval Actions - these Actions enable the creation of approval request flows.
Manual Actions - these Actions are carried out by humans or bots
Manual with Peer Review Actions - these Actions allow different members of a team to crosscheck each other's work. They involve two parts: the first part is the "doing" of the Action by one user, the second part involves reviewing to check if the Action was completed correctly - this review is done by a different user.
Send Email Actions - these Actions involve the user sending out an email
Send Email and Wait Actions - these Actions involve the user sending an email and waiting for a response.
Start Case Actions - these Actions
Trigger External API Actions - these Actions are used when you need to automatically call out to another system, passing data to it and potentially getting the external system to pass updated custom data back into Enate.
Wait for Sub Cases to Complete Actions - these Actions wait for a specific Sub-Case to reach completion before allowing the Case to move on to the next Action.
Action types can be configured in the Service Lines page, see this article for more details, or directly from within a Case screen itself.
If you need to add additional Actions to your Case, you can do this by:
Clicking on the menu icon on the right of a Step will give you the option to:
Add a Condition (click here for more details)
Add an Action in series
Add a parallel Action
You then need to choose which Action you want to add to the flow
Clicking on the menu icon on the right of an Action will give you the option to:
Delete the Action
Move the Action up or down within the Step flow
Add further Actions, either before, after or parallel to the selected Action
When adding an Action from another Action, you can choose to add an Action before, after or in parallel to the selected Action.
Once you have added an Action, clicking on the menu icon on the right of it in the flow will give you the option to:
Add further Actions, either before, after or parallel to the selected Action
Rearrange the order of Actions by moving the Action up or down within the same Step
Merge multiple Actions - adding a new merged Action or editing an existing merged Action
Delete the Action
You can also cut, copy and paste Actions within a Case Flow diagram.
Selecting the Action to be cut/copied and pasted in the Flow Diagram will highlight the Action in the Grid below as well.
Note: this feature is only available within a single Case diagram. Copying or pasting between difference processes or systems is not currently supported.
Clicking on an Action in the Case flow will open the Action Info tab in the info grid and highlight that particular Action in the grid.
Here you can the configure the following settings for that Action:
When is it due?
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Due Date ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
Who does it go to?
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Allocation ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
General Settings
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Follow Up ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
Allow Manual Creation
Ticket to display the category as an option on Self Service submission forms. This allows you to show a subset of categories for end user submission.
Main Card
Custom Data for this Case can be displayed on the Case screen at runtime.
Select the Custom Card to be used for displaying this data in the main section of the Case screen.
Side Card
Custom Data for this Case can be displayed on the Case screen at runtime.
Select the Custom Card to be used for displaying this data in the right hand side panel section of the Case screen.
Manual Creation
Different types of Action might require additional settings. These can be added in the additional tabs that will appear when these Actions are added to the flow. See here for more information.
In every tab in the Info Section apart from the Case tab, you can copy and paste data to make configuring attributes quicker and easier.
You can select data from multiple cells and paste that data into selected destination cells.
Please note that you cannot copy and paste data between columns.
If you want to copy more that one cell from multiple columns, you must make sure to copy the same number of cells from each column:
If the number of cells you select to paste data to is more than the number of cells you have copied, the data you have copied will repeat itself to fill the highlighted cells.
If the number of cells you select to paste data in is less than the number of cells you have copied, you will only paste data to fill the highlighted cells i.e. if you copy the data from 4 cells but select to paste that data into 3 cells, then only the data from the first 3 cells you copied will be pasted.
If you select to paste data into multiple places, the data that is pasted will begin from the start of the first cell you copied.
The data from the first cell you select will be pasted first:
When new emails arrive into Enate, the system analyses the email to determine whether it’s a brand new request or related to an existing one, and then determines how to proceed.
The options for email processing are as follows:
Plus Addressing OFF - Plus Addressing is completely disabled and emails are matched using the standard email processing rules only (i.e. those not used in Plus Addressing).
Mixed Mode - Plus Addressing is enabled and emails are matched using both plus addressing AND the standard processing rules standard email processing rules.
Plus Addressing Only - Plus Addressing is enabled and emails are matched using plus addressing ONLY.
The setting for this is made in the 'Work Item 'Plus Addressing'' section of Builder's System Settings.
Note that the default value is set to 'Plus Addressing OFF'.
Depending on how your email server is configured / what changes you may have recently made, here is our recommendations for which of these modes to use:
If your email server is configured to support plus addressing, we recommend that you use Plus Addressing Only.
If you are transitioning from Plus Addressing OFF mode to include plus addressing, we recommend that you use Mixed mode for a short amount of time to ease the transition before switching to Plus Addressing Only mode.
If your email server is not configured to support plus addressing, you should use Plus Addressing OFF mode.
Important Note: You should only switch Plus Addressing on in Enate AFTER your Email Administrators have confirmed that your email servers are set up to support Plus Addressing.
Plus Addressing is an industry-defined feature which allows the automatic addition of information into an email address when a mail is being composed. Systems can then subsequently use this additional information if they know to look for it within the email addresses, while still ensuring that the mail gets to its intended recipients. In Enate, we make use of Plus Addressing by automatically adding the reference number of a Case, Action or Ticket (e.g. '101203-T') into the email address of any emails that we know should be being subsequently shared with that work item.
Adding this extra information into the email addresses of mails relating to work items allows us to run an additional layer of processing logic for any response emails which come back in as responses from them. The logic is fairly simple: If a work item reference number is recognized as part of any of an email's target mail addresses, that mail is shared with that work item.
Another way to think of this is that with Plus Addressing addressing each work item gets its own email address.
Doing this massively reduces the chances of creating unnecessary work items when sending emails back and forth - particularly useful when there are multiple separate work items being actioned across multiple separate teams in Enate to deal with larger queries.
If an Agent is emailing out a reply to a query that has arrived into the mailbox 'info@enate.io', upon sending the emailback out, Enate will auto-populate the From email address with a plus sign (+) followed by the reference number of the work item as a tag, so the From email address coming out of Enate will look something like this: 'info+123-T@enate.io'. The underlying structure of this is: [email connector address][+EnateRef]@[email domain].
Similarly, if the person sending the email out from Enate includes other Enate email addresses (e.g. they're copying in other internal departments) where there might also be a linked work item the email could be shared to, the system will allow the sender to share their mail with these other departments - it does this by adding in further work item references to the other departments' email addresses.
Check out this article showing how Working Between Teams is improved by this approach.
Additional advantage: Plus Addressing can match an email with multiple work items. The standard email processing rules can only match an email with one work item.
In Plus Addressing OFF mode Plus Addressing is not used, so incoming emails will be matched using the standard email processing rules. Plus Addressing OFF mode will match with a single work item. Plus Addressing matches with multiple relevant work items, if they exist.
The system will look at the following list of criteria in order and if it finds a match, it will stop searching (i.e. first one wins). The order this runs in is as follows:
1) Header ‘in-reply-to’ value – the ‘in reply to’ value in the header of the email. This value has the following structure:
<‘Unique email GUID’.’work item GUID’@‘Enate server that sent the email’.enate>
e.g. <d23a9d57-6006-4ab7-a412-8ca8ece2f3aa.2b8586bb-ef95-4020-9cf8-ed56a059b47e@SendingServerName.enate>
2) Unique identifier in email message body - If the incoming email has been sent as a response to an email which was sent out from Enate, it will likely contain a unique identifier tag as part of the email body text.
3) Work item reference in email subject
4) Work item reference in email message body
If no information can be identified to link the email to a currently running work item, the system will generate a brand new work item (Ticket or Case) based on the email’s configured routing rules. A confirmation email will be automatically sent back out to the requesting email address containing the reference number if the email route settings specified in Builder have ‘send response’ set to ‘on’.
If your email server is not configured to support plus addressing, you should use Plus Addressing OFF mode.
In mixed mode, Plus Addressing is enabled and emails are matched using BOTH:
Plus Addressing (to potentially multiple work items) AND
The standard email processing rules (which stops after it matches with a single work item). See this section for an explanation of the standard email processing rules.
If no information can be identified to link the email to a currently running work item, the system will generate a brand new work item (Ticket or Case) based on the email’s configured routing rules. A confirmation email will be automatically sent back out to the requesting email address containing the reference number if the email route settings specified in Builder have ‘send response’ set to ‘on’.
If your email server is configured to support plus addressing and you are transitioning from Plus Addressing OFF mode to plus addressing, we recommend that you use mixed mode for a temporary period to ease the transition before switching to Plus Addressing Only mode.
This is because any emails sent out before plus addressing was introduced will NOT contain plus Addressing information in the email addresses of any response emails coming back into the system. If you were running Plus Addressing Only mode, such emails would not be able to find a match and so would lead to undesirable creation of new work items, rather than matching to an existing work item.
Once you are comfortable that there are no / very few work items in your system which are still open but which started before Plus Addressing was enabled, you can then consider if you wish to move to Plus Addressing Only mode.
In Plus Addressing Only mode, Plus Addressing is enabled and emails are matched ONLY through Plus Addressing. This means that when new emails arrive into Enate, the system analyses the email according to the Plus Addressing rules and then determines how to proceed.
Note: Plus Addressing OFF mode will match with a single work item. Plus Addressing matches with multiple relevant work items, if they exist.
1) Plus Addressing used in the email address section - if a work item reference number is recognized as part of any of an email's target mail addresses, that mail is shared with that work item.
The underlying structure of this is: [email connector address][+EnateRef][@email domain]
e.g. 'info+123-T@enate.io
If no information can be identified to link the email to a currently running work item, the system will generate a brand new work item (Ticket or Case) based on the email’s configured routing rules. A confirmation email will be automatically sent back out to the requesting email address containing the reference number if the email route settings specified in Builder have ‘send response’ set to ‘on’.
If your email server is configured to support plus addressing, we recommend that you use Plus Addressing Only mode. However, if you are transitioning from Plus Addressing OFF mode to include plus addressing, we recommend that you use mixed mode for a short amount of time to ease the transition before switching to Plus Addressing Only mode. See Mixed mode for more information.
You might ask why you would bother moving on from Mixed mode into full Plus Addressing Only mode? Here is a business scenario which explains why running in fully Plus Addressing Only mode can be advantageous:
You can have a scenario where a query is sent in to the IT department. IT team sends a response back out from Enate informing the requester that this needs to be dealt with by HR (they may even even create a new Linked work item to for the HR department. Either way, further correspondence from the requester needs to go to the HR department, not the IT department.
If the original requester sends an email back in, removing the IT department's mailing address and making sure it is only being sent to the HR email address. How will this work in Mixed vs. Plus Addressing Only mode?
If you are running in Mixed mode, there could well be the original 'guid' stamp in the email chain which states 'this came out of Enate from the IT department'. So Enate will use the standard email processing rules to match the incoming mail with the IT department's work item which is NOT what is wanted here.
If pure Plus Addressing is used (i.e. Plus Addressing Only mode), then the mail won't go to the IT department. It will go to the HR department - either as a brand new request (if no plus addressing data was found), or into the existing HR request if plus addressing data for an HR work item was injected into the mail chain in a previous step.
In circumstances such as this where you want to fully switch a work item away from a department/team that was previously involved, you would want to use Plus Addressing Only mode and NOT Mixed mode. So, once you're comfortable that all open work items come from the point where Plus Addressing was switched on or later, we recommend you move to Plus Addressing Only mode.
If an agent writing an outgoing mail includes an email address which Enate knows is linked to an Enate mailbox, when they click to send the mail Enate will display a popup showing them: - All currently linked work items which were created as a result of a mail into that same mailbox - An option to create a NEW (automatically linked) work item.
Once the agent has chosen existing work items / created a new linked work item(s) to share their mail with, the mail will be shared with them, and the email will be sent out to any external / non-Enate using parties. Additionally, the work item references of THIS work item AND the ones it is behind shared with will be added into the respective relevant mail addresses which are part of the outgoing mail. This ensures that on ALL subsequent email exchanges - coming either from internal parties or external / non-Enate parties, those work item 'tags' in the addresses route the mail to share it with the required work items. Further things to note...
If an incoming mail is replying to a closed work item, the system will create new one.
Live and test items cannot be addressed in a single mail.
There is an option to hide work item matching data in email addresses when using Plus Addressing. This is available just in the System Settings section of Builder, just below where you choose your Email Processing mode.
Enabling this will add a 'Reply To' header for outbound emails where work item matching data will NOT display as plus addresses in the 'From' address.
The impact of this is that if the setting is enabled, instead of seeing emails with
'jane.smith+12345-T@acmecorp.org' in the from field, it will instead show simply as
Note that this option is set to off by default.
See this article for further details.
You must enable Plus Addressing in whichever email system you are using.
This article takes you through how to enable Plus Addressing in Microsoft 365:
This article shows you how to enable Plus Addressing in Gmail:
You are able to create new types of Cases within a Service Line itself by clicking on the '+' icon next to the search bar and selecting 'Case'.
When creating a new type of Case, you can enter the following information:
The name of the new type of Case
The description of the new type of Case
Process Groups
Make Contacts Mandatory
Initial Estimated Effort Per Record
Established the estimated time it will take a Work Manager user to complete this Case.
Globally agreed steps a Case will run through every time that Case type is run. For all customers which use this Case type, these high level steps that run for each Case are the same, although the Actions that run within the steps them might differ.
Enable Record Count
Enables Work Manager users to use the Record Count for this Case.
Record Count Description
This only appears if Enabled Record Count has been switched on. You can add description text to a record count to describe to your Service Agents how they should use record count for in that particular process, e.g. Payslip Count. The description will show next to the record count setting in Work Manager at runtime.
You can add, edit and delete the steps of a Case type from the Service Lines page. You can easily reorder the steps by dragging and dropping them. The Milestone % is optional, it denotes the progress reached when this step is completed and it displays in the Case form status tracker control.
When you delete a step, any Actions that were underneath that step will now display as ad hoc Actions. When a step is reordered, the Actions underneath that step will move with the step.
If you make changes to the steps of a Case type, live versions of Case processes of that Case type will not be affected. They will run as previously configured and the step changes won't apply until a new version of the Case process with the updated steps has been set live.
You will be notified in the Case process screen if its steps are out of date i.e. if changes have been made at a Case type-level when you are in edit mode.
You can click on the Refresh Steps icon in the header of the Case screen to refresh the steps to the latest version.
When you click to confirm, you will be shown which changes have been made:
Click OK to update the steps to match the steps configured at a Case-type level; new steps will be added to the Case process, steps in the Case process will be renamed, steps in the Case process will be moved along with the Actions underneath them and steps will be deleted and their Actions will become ad hoc Actions.
You can clone any Case process which is live under the same service line and all data such as Actions etc. will be cloned, except for schedules.
If the Case you are cloning has the same Case type, then the step names and Actions will all be copied across.
If the Case you are cloning has a different Case type, then the step names will not be copied across, instead they will appear like this:
Actions will be cloned across in their original positions i.e. Actions under the first step of the process being cloned will be the Actions under the first step of the Case process they have been cloned to. If there are more steps in the source process being cloned than in the Case it is being cloned to, the Actions under the "extra" step will become ad hoc Actions.
To update the steps in the Case to the latest version of its own Case type, click to refresh the steps in edit mode.
This will update the steps to the latest version in the Case type. If a step has been removed, any Actions that were underneath that step will now display as ad hoc Actions.
To edit a Case type’s settings, click on the Case in the Service Lines Screen and edit the information in the right hand side of the screen. Click to save these changes.
Note: these settings are not versioned i.e. when changes are made, they affect all new and running Work Items.
You are also able to see the activity history of your work items , by clicking on the Show Activity button. You can see when the work item was created and by who, as well as if any edits have been made to the work item, when they were made, as well as by who.
You are also able to clone a Case type by clicking on the Clone button in the edit screen. This will clone all of the Case type's settings and data apart from its name. You are able to make changes to any of the settings and data once the Case type has been cloned.
'Manual' Actions let users send out manual emails to service recipients.
To use 'Manual' Actions, you need to create a 'Manual' Action type and then add the Action into your Case flows.
You can either create a Manual Action type in the Service Line section of Builder, or directly from your Case flow.
Creating a Manual Action type from the Service Lines page adds the Action type to your menu of available Actions when you're building flows subsequently in Cases.
To do this, in the Service Line page, select which service line you would like to add the Manual Action to and then click on the plus symbol next to the 'Process Search' box. This will bring up a drop down menu where you can select an Action.
This will open up a new Action for you to create.
Add a name and description to your Action and then in the type drop down select 'Manual Action with Peer Review'.
Once you are happy with your Action, hit save to create it. This Action can now be added to new and existing business processes by selecting it from the dropdown list when adding a new Action to a Case.
Alternatively you can add a Manual Action type directly from the Case flow itself.
To do this, open a Case flow in edit mode, click on an Action's menu and then instead of clicking to add an existing Action, select to create a new Action by clicking the '+' icon.
Give the Action a name, add a description if you wish and for its type, select 'Manual'.
This will add the Manual Action to the Case flow.
You now need to configure the settings for the new Action you have added to your Case. Click on the Action in the flow to highlight it in the info section.
In the Action Info tab, you need to add the usual following information for an Action:
When is it due?
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Due Date ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
Who does it go to?
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Allocation ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
General Settings
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Follow Up ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
Main Card
You can select a Custom Card to display on the main section of the Action screen.
Side Card
You can select a Custom Card to display on the side panel of the Action screen.
Manual Creation
Switching this setting on allows the Action to be started manually in Work Manager.
Here you can add local checks to the Action that help support 'custom' activities that take place for that specific Action. You can also edit the global checks for the Action type from here too, if it has any.
Additionally, once a Manual Action has been added to your Case flow, a new 'Email info' tab will display in the info grid.
Here you need to add the following settings that are only relevant for Manual, Send Email and Send Email and Wait Actions.
From Email Address
Enter email address to be used as the from address.
Optional for Manual Actions. Multiple addresses can be set - at runtime users will be presented with a dropdown in the email section to choose a from address. f you set one of the addresses as the Default, this will be populated automatically but users will still be able to select alternatives. Only one email address can be set as the Default.
Email To
Enter the address to where the email will be sent from the Action.
Optional for Manual Actions. Multiple addresses can be set - at runtime users will be presented with a dropdown in the email section to choose a from address. If you set one of the addresses as the Default, this will be populated automatically but users will still be able to select alternatives. Only one email address can be set as the Default. If no email address is added, the ‘To’ value will be auto-populated as the Primary Contact’s email address.
Email CC
Enter email addresses where the email should be cc’d
Optional. If no email address is added and there is a CC address on the Action, the ‘CC’ value will be auto-populated as the CC contact’s email address.
Email BCC
Enter email addresses where the email should be bcc’d
Email Template
Select the desired Email Template from the dropdown list
You can sync Enate to Microsoft Office 365 email boxes and pull emails into Enate without needing to use POP3 or IMAP protocols via Graph API Integration. Read below to find out how to go about this.
To configure integration between Enate and Office 365, each unique Enate instance must be registered with the Microsoft Identity Platform in the Azure AD of the Office 365 tenant to which you need to establish connectivity.
To create the “App Registration” please follow the guide from Microsoft at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/quickstart-register-app.
When configuring the Enate App Registration the supported account types option should be chosen based on the mailboxes you wish to access. No redirect URI is required.
Once the App Registration is complete you must add credentials and setup permissions.
To add the required permissions follow the guide at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/quickstart-configure-app-access-web-apis#add-permissions-to-access-web-apis. The only required API permission is an Application permission of Microsoft Graph\Mail.ReadWrite. It is important to select an “Application permission” and not a “Delegated permission”. Be sure to grant admin consent for the permission within the Azure AD tenant.
To create a credential follow the guide at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/quickstart-configure-app-access-web-apis#add-credentials-to-your-web-application. Enate supports Client Secrets and Certificates.
Finally to restrict the App Registration to only accessing certain mailboxes (strongly recommended) follow the Microsoft guide at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/auth-limit-mailbox-access
After Azure AD has been configured to grant access, login to Enate Builder as a user with the “Can Edit Shared Configuration” permission.
Click the settings cog in the bottom left and open the “Office 365 Integration” pane and enter the details from your Azure AD App Registration.
The Tenant ID (aka Directory or Domain) and Application ID is shown on the Overview pane of the Azure AD App Registration; the client secret or certificate (and private key password) are supplied by you to both Azure AD and Enate.
You always use shared mailbox.
Click on the Office 365 Integration” pane and select whether you want to authenticate with a certificate (this is the recommended route as it is more secure), or whether you want to authenticate with client secret.
As part of this set up, an Office365 Certificate would need to be generated - Generating a certificate is an activity for your Office365 Administrator to undertake, and is done completely independent of Enate. For your reference we have provided below a SAMPLE of the kind of PowerShell script that can be used to generate such a certificate. It will save the Certificate with the private key (for Enate) to a PFX file and without the private key (for Azure):
Enter the Tenant ID/Domain and the Application ID, select the 'Authentication with Certificate' option, add the certificate file ( Personal Information File, .pfx) and enter the password for the certificate file.
Then click to check the connection. Once the connection has been successfully tested, click to save.
You have now successfully configured your Office 365 integration.
To authenticate with client secret code, enter the Tenant ID/Domain and the Application ID, select the 'Authentication with Client Secret' option, add the client secret code (this is generated by the network admin of your company).
Then click to check the connection. Once the connection has been successfully tested, click to save.
You have now successfully configured your Office 365 integration.
Once you have successfully configured your Office 365 integration, you can configure your Graph API Mailbox by going to the Email Connectors page and selecting to add a Graph API Connector.
Enter the name and email address of the shared mailbox to be used.
Then click to test the connection. Once the connection has been successfully tested, click to enable the Graph API connector and click to save. Your Graph API connector is now set up.
You can now create different Email Routes for the Graph API connector if you wish.
If a new email arrives from one of the folders configured in the connector and it matches the folder path specified in the email route and it passes any other routing rules, it will launch the process specified in the route.
If you don't specify the folder path and leave it blank or use a wildcard '*', emails from any of the the folders configured in the connector will create the process specified in the route, as long as all the other routing rules are matched as well.
Email Templates help with task optimisation and efficiency.
Email Templates are used in 4 main areas:
For standard Ticket activities
For in process automated emails Actions in a Case flow
As Canned Response email sections, available when manually composing emails in work items
For standard user admin activities e.g. when a user needs to reset their password.
Email Templates are defined in the Email section of Builder and are set at a global level – i.e. any email template defined is available for use within any process. Watch this video to find out more:
A list of default email templates are available to you that are immediately ready to use. See here for more information about Enate's Default Email Templates:
You can create new templates of your own to use as part of your business operations. See this section to find out more:
A list of default email templates are available to you that are immediately ready to use. You can edit and adjust the content of these Default templates, but you cannot delete them.
There are three types of Default Email Template in Enate:
System Email Templates
Ticket/Case Email Templates
Feedback Footer Templates
A number of System Email Templates are available by default. These can be edited but cannot be deleted, and new System Email Templates cannot be created. Current System Email Templates are as follows:
New Agent User Creation - will trigger when a new user is created
Forgot Password - triggers when a user clicks on 'forgot password' on the login screen
SSO Forgot Password - triggers when an SSO user clicks on 'forgot password' on the login screen
Password Reset Confirmation - triggers to confirm when a user has successfully reset a password
Ticket/Case Email Templates are fully editable, and new ones can be created. Ticket Email Templates that are available by default are:
Request Acknowledgement - triggers when a Ticket has successfully been created. Includes Ticket reference number. Goes to the primary contact of the recipient, and to any CC contacts.
Ticket Launched Case - triggers when a Ticket has successfully been converted into a Case
Ticket No Response - gets sent when a Ticket is in a state of 'Waiting for more information' and no response received within waiting time set. Goes to Primary Contact.
Ticket Split - gets sent when a Ticket has been successfully split to the primary contact.
When you set an Email Template (e.g. the Default Template) in the Case settings as part of Case configuration, this template will be used whenever an Agent chooses to manually compose an email while on the Case screen in Work Manager.
Note that this will NOT take effect for that Cases' Actions - you will need to set a specific Email template against an Action for it to display when an agent is manually composing an email when on an Action screen.
Feedback footer templates are fully editable and new ones can be created.
The same GUI is used for defining Feedback Footer templates as for Email Templates, however it is only the HTML Body content that you define which will be used – it will be appended to the bottom of whatever email is being sent (if it’s configured to do add footers in).
Any Files and Subject text configured which you might (irrelevantly) set when you’re defining a footer template will be ignored; only the body text is selected.
Enate allows you to create, manage and use approval request flows.
As part of this, the person who will make the approval decision will receive an automated email containing the information they need to make the decision.
You can set the template of that email in the Email Templates section of Builder.
You can either select one of the system standard templates, depending on the approval type, or you can select from one of your own custom email templates.
There are two system standard templates available:
Approval Request Multi-Level - make sure to select this option if you're approval is multilevel
Approval Request Parallel - make sure to select this option if you're approval is a parallel request
If the system standard templates don't quite meet you needs, you can modify the existing pre-created approval templates, or create your own from scratch. When you are creating your own from scratch, make sure to set the purpose of the template as 'approval request' in order for it to appear as an option for you to choose from when you are designing your approval process in the Case screen.
You can insert or edit the approve and reject buttons to you email using the 'Insert Approval Buttons' option.
These buttons are editable using the button details pop up.
You can also add approval-specific custom fields to the template which will auto-populate with the details relevant for each specific approval request.
These fields include:
Approval Accept Request Link - inserts a hyper link to the approval acceptance page
Approval Decline Request Link - inserts a hyper link to the approval decline page
Approver Level - inserts the level of approver (this will only be relevant for multi-level approvals)
Other Approver Names - inserts the names of the remaining approvers (this will only be relevant for multi-level approvals)
Total Number of Approvers - inserts the total number of approvers
Type of Approval - inserts the type of approval (i.e. multi-level and parallel)
Once you save it, you can select to use this template in your approval processes from the Case flow.
At runtime, when the flow of a Case reaches your approval action, the email will be automatically sent out to one or more approvers. The mail links for approval decision will take them to the relevant approval decision page, let them confirm a decision and add any comments if they want. If they've decided to decline the request, they will have to specify a rejection reason. The rejection reasons they can choose from are set in Builder, see the following section to find out more.
There are two ways to add ad-hoc Actions, depending upon whether the Action in question also appears as part of the standard Case flow:
Simply tick the checkbox in the ‘Manual Creation’ column in the Action Info Grid.
Manually starting this type of ad-hoc action will then automatically launch Actions further downstream in the flow.
Select the '+' icon in the top-right of the Action Info grid and select the type of ad-hoc Action from the Actions menu popup.
Once the Action is added, it shows up in the Action info tab.
Here it will be labelled as an ad-hoc Action. This ad hoc Action is not part of the workflow, but can be launched manually by a Case Owner, if required.
All the configuration settings for this type of ad hoc Actions are same as for every other Action, with the following exceptions:
The Manual Creation checkbox is auto-ticked and can’t be disabled.
To delete this Action, you have to do it directly in the grid
Enate allows the automatic sending of emails by the system.
A 'Send Email' Action type that you can add to your Case flows will automatically send out an email and then immediately close the Action and progress on the the next Action without waiting for a response.
If you want to automatically send out an email and wait for a reply to the email before closing and progressing to the next Action, you should instead select a 'Send Email and Wait' Action - see here for more information on that Action type:
For detailed information on how Send Email and Wait Actions work at runtime, see the dedicated Work Manager section:
You can either create a Send Email Action type in the Service Line section of Builder, or directly from your Case flow.
Creating a Send Email Action type from the Service Lines page adds the Action type to your menu of available Actions when you're building flows subsequently in Cases.
To do this, in the Service Line page, select which service line you would like to add the Send Email Action to and then click on the plus symbol next to the 'Process Search' box. This will bring up a drop down menu where you can select an Action.
This will open up a new Action for you to create.
Add a name and description to your Action and then in the type drop down select 'Manual Action with Peer Review'.
Once you are happy with your Action, hit save to create it. This Action can now be added to new and existing business processes by selecting it from the dropdown list when adding a new Action to a Case.
Alternatively you can add an Send Email Action type directly from the Case flow itself.
To do this, open a Case flow in edit mode, click on an Action's menu and then instead of clicking to add an existing Action, select to create a new Action by clicking the '+' icon.
Give the Action a name, add a description if you wish and for its type, select 'Send Email Action'.
This will add the Send Email Action to the Case flow.
You now need to configure the settings for the new Action you have added to your Case. Click on the Action in the flow to highlight it in the info section.
In the Action Info tab, you need to add the usual following information for an Action:
Additionally, once a Send Email Action has been added to your Case flow, a new 'Email info' tab will display in the info grid.
Here you need to add the following settings that are only relevant for Manual, Send Email and Send Email and Wait Actions.
The Case Info tab in the Info section of the Case screen is where you can set Case-level settings.
The following Case-level settings that you can set here are:
It is possible to configure a Case to start automatically from within a Case flow.
Enate supports this with a 'Start Case' Action type that you can add to your Case flows. When the Case flow reaches a 'Start Case' Action, a new Case will be triggered.
You can either create a Start Case Action type in the Service Line section of Builder, or directly from your Case flow.
Creating a Start Case Action type from the Service Lines page adds the Action type to your menu of available Actions when you're building flows subsequently in Cases.
To do this, in the Service Line page, select which service line you would like to add the Start Case Action to and then click on the plus symbol next to the 'process Search' box. This will bring up a drop down menu where you can select an Action.
This will open up a new Action for you to create.
Add a name and description to your Action and then in the type drop down select 'Start Case Action'.
You can then choose to add a global checklist to the Action. This will add the same checks that are applied to any other action where the global checklist has been added.
Once you are happy with your Action, hit save to create it. This Action can now be added to new and existing business processes by selecting it from the dropdown list when adding a new Action to a Case.
Alternatively you can add a Start Case Action type directly from the Case flow itself.
To do this, open a Case flow in edit mode, click on an Action's menu and then instead of clicking to add an existing Action, select to create a new Action by clicking the '+' icon.
Give the Action a name, add a description if you wish and for its type, select 'Start Case'.
This will add the Start Case Action to the Case flow.
You now need to configure the settings for the new Action you have added to your Case. Click on the Action in the flow to highlight it in the info section.
In the Action Info tab, you need to add the usual following information for an Action:
Additionally, once a Peer Review Action has been added to your Case flow, a new 'Start Case' tab will display in the info grid.
Here you need to add the following settings that are only relevant for 'Start Case' Actions.
If you do NOT tick the Sub Case option, the new Case launched will be completely independent from its 'parent' Case, which will not wait for it to complete. This is useful when the parent Case’s due date is not dependent on some sub-part being completed (e.g. by a different department).
If you choose to start the new Case as an independent Case, you can then choose whether to copy across the defects, files (including tags), links and custom data into the new Case.
Note that if the Case which is set to be launched as part of the 'Start Case' Action is itself linked to a schedule, you will need to go to that Case's configuration screen in Builder and untick the 'Auto Start By Schedule' toggle in that Case's Info tab. If you do not, the Action will fail to launch a new Case (both launching options are not possible).
(See for more information).
(See for more information).
(See for more information).
Ticking this will make the Action an ad hoc Action that appears in the Case flow. See for more information.
See for more information.
Defining a Process group helps you sort your Cases on the Service Matrix Screen. See for more information.
This controls whether Users need to enter a Primary Contact and a Requester when filling in details for a Case. It is unticked by default, making the addition of Contact information not mandatory. In order to make contact information mandatory for this type of Case, just tick this box. Additionally, ticking the 'make Contacts Mandatory' setting makes it mandatory to include a contact when launching a .
(See for more information).
(See for more information).
(See for more information).
Optional. See here for more information about .
Optional. See here for more information about .
Optional. See section for more information.
Optional. See here for more information about .
See section for more information on how to create Email Templates.
Note: Default Email Template content is supplied in English only, however you are able to .
A Sub Case will behave according to its own specific configuration, but its 'parent' Case will not complete until all of its Sub Cases have first completed. Further, in the work item screen in Work Manager it will show in the 'Sub Cases' tab. For more information about when you would use Sub Cases, see .
Data such as defects, files, links and custom data will be shared with the new Sub Case automatically. Emails will not be shared across but you can easily see them by selecting the of the main Case in Work Manager.
You can also choose to copy work item communications i.e. emails (including email attachments) and notes. Note that when choosing to copy communications, you will not only copy communications from the original Case but you will also copy communications from the original Case's related group, e.g. its Actions, or Sub-Cases if it has any. You can find out more about related groups vs linked work items .
When is it due?
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Due Date ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
(See Due Date Flavours Settings for more information).
Who does it go to?
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Allocation ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
(See Allocation Flavours Settings for more information).
General Settings
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Follow Up ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
(See General Settings Flavours Settings for more information).
Main Card
You can select a Custom Card to display on the main section of the Action screen.
Optional. See here for more information about Custom Cards.
Side Card
You can select a Custom Card to display on the side panel of the Action screen.
Optional. See here for more information about Custom Cards.
Manual Creation
Switching this setting on allows the Action to be started manually in Work Manager.
Optional. See Adding Ad-hoc Actions section for more information.
Here you can add local checks to the Action that help support 'custom' activities that take place for that specific Action. You can also edit the global checks for the Action type from here too, if it has any.
Optional. See here for more information about adding checklists.
From Email Address
Enter email address to be used as the from address.
Mandatory for a Send Email Action. Only one email address can be used.
Email To
Enter the address to where the email will be sent from the Action.
Mandatory for a Send Email Action. Only one email address can be used.
Email CC
Enter email addresses where the email should be cc’d
Email BCC
Enter email addresses where the email should be bcc’d
Email Template
Select the desired Email Template from the dropdown list
See Email Template section for more information on how to create Email Templates.
When is it due?
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Due Date ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
(See Due Date Flavours Settings for more information).
Who does it go to?
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Allocation ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
(See Allocation Flavours Settings for more information).
General Settings
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Follow Up ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
(See General Settings Flavours Settings for more information).
Main Card
You can select a Custom Card to display on the main section of the Action screen.
Optional. See here for more information about Custom Cards.
Side Card
You can select a Custom Card to display on the side panel of the Action screen.
Optional. See here for more information about Custom Cards.
Manual Creation
Switching this setting on allows the Action to be started manually in Work Manager.
Optional. See Adding Ad-hoc Actions section for more information.
Here you can add local checks to the Action that help support 'custom' activities that take place for that specific Action. You can also edit the global checks for the Action type from here too, if it has any.
Optional. See here for more information about adding checklists.
Start Case
Here you can select the Case you want this Action to start.
You can choose to start this as a Sub Case (by enabling the Sub Case slider) or as an independently running Case by leaving this setting off.
See below for more information.
Copy Defects
You can copy existing defects from the original Case to the new Case that will be launched. Note that making updates to the defects in the new launched Case will NOT update the defects in the original Case.
Optional if the new Case is launched as an independent Case.
If the new Case is launched as a Sub-Case, defects will be automatically copied to the new Sub Case.
Copy Files
You can copy existing files (including tags and file notes) from the original Case to the new Case that will be launched. Note that making updates to the files in the new launched Case will NOT update the defects in the original Case.
Optional if the new Case is launched as an independent Case.
If the new Case is launched as a Sub-Case, files will be automatically copied to the new Sub Case.
Copy Links
You can copy existing links (including tags and link notes) from the original Case to the new Case that will be launched. Note that making updates to the links in the new launched Case will NOT update the defects in the original Case.
Optional if the new Case is launched as an independent Case.
If the new Case is launched as a Sub-Case, links will be automatically copied to the new Sub Case.
Copy Custom Data
You can copy existing custom data (e.g. custom data fields) from the original Case to the new Case that will be launched. Note that making updates to the custom data in the new launched Case will NOT update the defects in the original Case.
Optional if the new Case is launched as an independent Case.
If the new Case is launched as a Sub-Case, custom data will be automatically copied to the new Sub Case.
Copy Communications
You can copy work item communications i.e. emails (including email attachments) and notes from the original Case to the new Case that will be launched.
Note that when choosing to copy communications, you will not only copy communications from the original Case, but you will also copy communications from the original Case's related group, e.g. its Actions, or Sub-Cases if it has any. You can find out more about related groups vs linked work items here.
Also note that making updates to the communications in the new launched Case will NOT update the defects in the original Case.
Optional if the new Case is launched as an independent Case.
If the new Case is launched as a Sub-Case, defects will be automatically copied to the new Sub Case.
Note that emails will not be shared across but you can easily see them by selecting the 'Include related work items' option in the timeline of the main Case in Work Manager.
Details regarding email deduplication - common Email Server behaviour with how they can create duplicate emails, and subsequent behaviour in Enate
As part of day-to-day processing in Email systems and integration with other systems, it is possible for errors to result in duplicate emails. To combat this Enate provides built-in capabilities to deduplicate received emails. Let’s take a look at the details for this.
As a core principle, Enate will generate or update 1 work item per recipient per received Email after deduplication. A recipient is either an existing work item or an address defined by an email route.
To guard against accidental creation of multiple work items caused by duplicate incoming emails, Enate checks for such duplicates and deduplicates them so that only one work item is created.
Enate looks for duplicates in 3 ways:
The first method considers the entire content of the email, including not just the user-visible content such as Subject, Body, Senders, Recipient, Attachments, etc but also the underlying email information such as the email headers.
(Use case: We have requested IMAP server to delete email, but the server implements delayed delete. Next time we check for emails we receive the email that we asked it to delete again.)
The second method considers a subset of the user visible content, but does not consider most of the underlying email headers.
(Use case: The same email was sent to a mailbox and one of its aliases, OR addressed to multiple work items on the same connector)
The third method only considers a subset of user visible content - excluding the body of the email - and the hidden unique identifier of the message, if available.
(Use case: The same email was sent to a mailbox and one of its aliases, OR addressed to multiple work items on the same connecto.r)
If any of the above methods determines that the email is a duplicate, then the email is considered to be a duplicate.
In a scenario where a sender includes multiple addresses in the recipient list (To and CC) which are picked up by Enate, the system would normally receive 2 (or more) copies of the email, and the Email routing outside of Enate would determine whether it is caught as a duplicate or not. However, the duplication taking place in the Email Server infrastructure cannot be guaranteed.
Whether multiple emails are created or not in this scenario is outside the control of Enate and should be investigated with your Email Server provider or Email administration team. In our experience factors which may affect this include (but are not limited to):
If the email is sent by internal or external senders
If the recipients are real mailboxes or aliases
If transport rules are used (Exchange/Office 365)
If 3rd party antispam/antivirus products are involved in email delivery.
Due to the variability in behavior of external systems with regards to multiple emails and duplicates, we strongly advise business processes and email scenarios are tested thoroughly to ensure the desired behavior in Enate is achieved.
A work item will be created following the applicable configured routing within that mailbox - these may obviously be different, resulting in the created Work Items potentially being in different contexts (and Ticket Categories for Tickets).
Imagine an email sent to joe@enate.net, tom@enate.net and joe@enate.io and BCCd to kevin@enate.net. Here joe@enate.io is an alias for joe@enate.net.
If the email is sent by a colleague (an internal email) then it is likely, depending on Email Infrastructure, that Joe would receive 1 email, Tom would receive 1 email and Kevin would receive 1 email.
If the email is sent by an external contact (an external email) then it is likely, depending on Email Infrastructure, that Joe would receive 2 emails, Tom would receive 1 email and Kevin would receive 1 email. Joe would see 2 identical emails in his Inbox with no discernible differences; only when viewing the Email headers would differences be identified and even then it is unlikely either email could be attributed to joe@enate.net vs joe@enate.io.
In both examples Kevin would receive the email but wouldn’t really know why – he would not be able to identify himself as a recipient in the To or CC fields and the BCC field is not shown.
The impact of these 2 examples if received by Enate is that for the first example (sent from internal):
1 email would be received in the mailbox joe@enate.net.
1 email would be received in the mailbox tom@enate.net which would follow the configured routing rules resulting in 1 Work Item.
1 email would be received in the mailbox kevin@enate.net but routing rules on this Email Connector wouldn’t match any of the To or CC addresses, so it will be made available in unprocessed view unless a route had been added to create a work item based on the from address.
In the second example (sent from external):
2 emails would be received in the mailbox joe@enate.net.
1 email would follow the configured routing rules for joe@enate.net and joe@enate.io resulting in 2 work items.
1 email would be received in the mailbox joe@enate.io which would be treated as a duplicate.
1 email would be received in the mailbox tom@enate.net. Same as for Internal, behaviour would be as above would result in 1 work item.
1 email would be received in the mailbox kevin@enate.net, but routing rules on this Email Connector wouldn’t match any of the To or CC addresses, so it will be made available in unprocessed view unless a route had been added to create a work item based on the from address.
Notice how in either case the end result is the same
General Info
When is it due?
Who does it go to?
Keep Case Open
Enter the number of days (if any) you want to keep the Case open for a 'Feedback Window'. During this time the work item can be reopened, either manually or automatically upon receipt of a new incoming email or feedback within the time period.
You can select a schedule to to drive the Case and Action due dates and the Case launch dates if you wish.
Auto Start By Schedule
Tick this option if you want the Case to launch automatically based on the schedule selected. If this option is left unticked, you will have to start the Case manually.
Only appears if a schedule has been selected
Step Progression Mode
This setting dictates how the Case behaves when it reaches an empty Step.
The options are:
Automatically skip empty step
Pause on empty step
Here you can add a Standard Operating Procedure for this Case, which will appear as a link on the Case screen in Work Manager.
Please enter a full URL
Allow Title Change
This will enable users to edit the short description of the Case.
Card Settings
Main Screen Card
Side Panel Card
Email Settings
Email Template
Select which email template you want to use from the dropdown.
New Case logged
If your Case process has been set up to allow you to do so (see here for more information), this is where you can select the email template that you want to use to acknowledge that the Case has been created.
The system will automatically select the 'Request Acknowledgement' email template (or if the template had been modified before upgrading to version 2022.4 the template might be titles 'Ticket acknowledgement'). However, you are able to select a different template.
Note that if this field is present, it cannot be left blank.
From Email Address
Email from which any outgoing communications from this Case will be sent.
Multiple addresses can be added, but only one address can be set as the default.
Please note that the combined length of all email addresses is limited to 512 characters.
Email To / CC / BCC
Email Addresses which should be used as the ‘To’ / ‘CC’ / ‘BCC’ address for outgoing communications.
You can select from the standard ‘Contact’ emails, e.g. ‘Primary Contact', Requester’, etc. or specify further bespoke email addresses.
Multiple addresses can be added and multiple addresses can be set as the default. Default addresses will populate directly when users start to compose an email. If you choose NOT to set a default address, all addresses will be available via dropdown at runtime but no address will populate directly.
Please note that the combined length of all email addresses is limited to 512 characters.
In Enate you can add custom content into your Tickets, Cases & Actions. This custom content is displayed via Custom Cards which can be set to display in the main section of the work item, and also as a section of the side panel on the right side of the screen.
You can instantly create cards of your custom data fields or you can create Advanced Custom Cards that can be designed with HTML, JavaScript or CSS to show richer content such as external systems & webforms.
There are three steps involved in configuring custom information to display in Tickets, Cases and Actions:
See here for information about how to create custom data fields:
Go to this section to find out how to create Custom Cards:
See here for more information about how to create Advanced Custom Cards:
Go to this section to find out how to link Custom Cards to your work item processes:
You can compare the contents of Email Templates to help you merge very similar emails together and standardise your Email Templates.
There are two aspects to this:
Merging together templates where content is the same
Reducing the number of separate templates which have been created purely for multiple languages by allowing you to merge the additional language content into a single template – e.g. a ‘Leavers Email’ template can now be defined once and have the alternate language content set within the same template rather than creating 8 separate templates, once for each language.
By performing this commonisation we can significantly reduce the number of email templates which are needed. Watch this video to find out more:
The recommended approach / order for manually commonising content with merging is as follows:
Merge together duplicate emails in your core language, e.g. English.
Merge together any duplicate emails in further languages.
As a last step, incorporate the additional language content into templates which will be used for the same business purpose and where only the language differs.
Select an email template from the grid and from the ‘…’ menu select ‘Compare'.
This will bring up the dedicated ‘Compare Templates’ screen.
On the left side you will see the subject and content for the selected email. A list of the other email templates in the system will display on the right side, along with a percentage match marker (sorted by best match first). You can filter to only show templates above a certain threshold, e.g. ‘only templates with 90% match and above’ – use the slider tool at the top of the screen.
Click ‘Compare’ to view another email in detail for visual comparison.
Use the dropdown control to choose between viewing the:
Plain Text
You can also click on the ‘Used in X processes’ link on either email to view where they are currently being used. If after reviewing you decide these emails should be deduped, click the ‘Merge’ button. This will retain the email template on the left, will delete the template on the right, and will replace all usages of the deleted template with the remaining one.
When merging includes a template with content in multiple languages, the content in that other language will be copied over into the remaining email (if content did not exist in that languages previously).
Information to help Admins set up relevant email integrations to work with Enate
In order to support inbound and outbound emails in Enate, your email administrators will need to set up the relevant email integrations into Enate.
The following sections give details of the various options available to support both incoming and outgoing emails. You system administrators should familiarise themselves with these options and any technical requirements.
If you have any questions regarding this while you’re looking to set up your email integrations with Enate, please contact us at enate-support@enate.net.
Enate can support the following protocols for incoming email:
GraphAPI (Office365)
POP3 and IMAP4 can be configured in Enate on any port, so firewall requirements are dependent upon the mail server team and their configuration of these protocols. When using POP3 and IMAP4, Enate requires that these use an external DNS name and have a publicly trusted certificate that matches on the DNS name.
For example, a POP3 server with the external DNS name pop3-mail.enate.net should have a publicly trusted certificate that either matches the full name pop3-mail.enate.net or should have a wildcard certificate for *.enate.net. Enate requires certificates be publicly trusted and cannot accommodate internal DNS names or self-signed certificates. GraphAPI operates over HTTPS directly from Office365 and requires no additional ports to be open.
Note: There is some additional configuration to be done in Office365, which can be found here.
Regardless of the protocol that is used for incoming email, the behaviour is always the same within the mailbox: When Enate polls a mailbox to retrieve messages, these messages will be downloaded and processed by Enate and then be deleted from the mailbox.
Email Integration is possible for Normal User Mailboxes as well as Shared Mailboxes. Since the Shared Mailbox doesn’t have a password but an account with permissions to access the shared mailbox, when configuring your Connector you should first enter the username and password for the primary account via which you can access the shared mailbox, then you set the 'Access Another Mailbox' option to ON, and provide the name of the shared mailbox to be used.
Enate can support multiple aliases on a single mailbox to simplify the configuration and number of accounts required on the mail server side.
Enate mailbox matching logic is always performed on the "To" address received in the message body that was downloaded from the server. Depending on the mail server in use this can present issues when handling email internally for the same domain as the mailbox that Enate connects to. Exchange Server and Office365 will modify the "To" field to be the Primary SMTP address configured for the receiving mailbox if the email has been sent within the same domain. This can cause issues with email routes not correctly matching.
If enate.sales@example.com were configured as an alias of enate.production@example.com another user sending to enate.sales@example.com from an @example.com email address would result in the "To" field within Enate appearing as enate.production@example.com rather than the enate.sales@example.com address the email was sent to.
Forwarding between different mailboxes is sometimes used to achieve an archive of emails processed within Enate. These can be done successfully in most systems however care should be taken to avoid modification to the "To" field. This behaviour is typically highly specific to individual mail systems depending on how it is being done and so should be tested as to avoid affecting email messages.
Enate offers lots of flexibility when it comes to adding conditionality to your Case flows to specify multiple optional flows of Actions which the Case could choose to execute, depending upon which condition is met.
You add a condition by clicking on the menu on the right-hand side of a step and selecting 'Condition'. This is also how you can edit an already existing condition.
In the following pop-up, add a name to be shown in the flow diagram, then select the field you want to be basing your condition on from the ‘Field’ dropdown.
You have multiple types of field that you can choose from:
Date and Time fields
Platform fields
Work Item fields
Custom Data fields
Once you have selected the desired field to base you condition on, you need to add a Branch Name, a condition and a Value.
Branch Name - this is the name that will appear in the Case flow for that branch
Condition - depending on the type of field you have chosen, you have the option of selecting 'Equals', 'Does Not Equal', 'Greater than', 'Less than', 'Greater than or equals to', 'Less than or equals to' and 'Between'.
Value - the value that the condition will be measured against. This is the value entered by a Work Manager user at runtime.
You can add as many branches to your condition as you need.
Alternatively, you can choose to add your condition in 'Advanced' mode - see below.
Click to 'Validate' your condition and then clock 'OK' to add it to your Case flow.
In the Case flow your condition will appear as a diamond and the different branches you have configured are listed below it.
You then need to add the Actions you want your Case to follow when one of the branches' conditions are met.
When you are building these Conditions, Enate is constructing them in C# scripting in the background. You can always easily define simple Conditions in the way described above, but if you want to expose that underlying scripting code to make some advanced adjustments, you can do this by selecting the ‘Advanced Mode’ icon in the Condition popup screen:
Doing so will expose the underlying Expression being created in the Condition and allow you to make adjustments and even write your Expressions from scratch.
This allows more advanced users with knowledge of C# to write complex Conditions involving standard C# functions such as Substring on a string or Day, DayOfWeek, DayOfYear on a Date, etc., exposing huge amounts flexibility to model your Conditions against any number of business scenarios.
Furthermore, the “value” of a branch can also be defined in C# script. For instance, it is possible to compare two Field values by entering the value as a field such as [workItemStartDate]. See below for an example.
Note: A regularly used Condition which is not currently accessible via the Simple view is: WorkItemHasFileWithTag("file tag name"). It is, however, available on Advanced mode. However, there are a number of important aspects to take into account when writing these expressions in C#, for example case sensitivity and awareness of .Net Datatype for each of the Enate Datatypes. Please see the Appendix for more detailed information.
Once you have written an expression in Advanced mode, you can validate it using the ‘Validate’ button. This will check your script for syntax errors. For example, an Expression of “[customerName].ToLowerInvarant()”, which has a typo in the ToLowerInvariant reference, would produce a validation error of:
Expression: (1,37): error CS1061: 'string' does not contain a definition for 'ToLowerInvarant' and no accessible extension method 'ToLowerInvarant' accepting a first argument of type 'string' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
This error will also be accompanied by a link to the Microsoft help page related to your syntax error.
You can also test your Expression on the free dotNetFiddle website (https://dotnetfiddle.net/). Simply click the “Open dotNetFiddle demonstration” link on the Condition Popup and press the “copy” button to copy an executable (and commented) version of your expression and branches to the clipboard. Then in dotNetFiddle paste the script.
In dotNetFiddle you can change the test values to replicate different scenarios.
For example, for the following condition:
The following script is produced to test in .Net Fiddle:
When running the script you can see the output branch is “default” because the default test value for “customerName” is “This would be the Customer Name” which is not one of the outputs. You can change the test value in the variables block near the top of the script:
If we change the test value to “my first customer” then the script result is “Customer 1”, indicating that if used at runtime Enate would run the Actions under the Customer 1 branch.
Writing C# is beyond the scope of Enate Training, however some sample functions which may inspire you are:
Expression: [customerName].ToLowerInvariant()
Branch Values:“my first customer”
“my second customer”
Note: The value for the branches must also be in lower case. The use of the ToLowerInvariant() method is preferred over ToLower() as a C# best practice.
Expression: [customerName].DayOfWeek()
Branch Values:DayOfWeek.Monday
Note: As per the documentation for the DayOfWeek property (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.datetime.dayofweek) the result is value of type System.DayOfWeek (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.dayofweek).
Expression: [workItemStartDate].AddDays(3)
Branch Values:[lastActionEndDate]
Note: The Condition of the branch should be set to “Less than”.
Expression: [workItemStartDate] .Date()
Branch Values:[lastActionEndDate].Date()
Note: The use of “.Date()” removes the Time component of the value; comparing only the date.
Enate's custom data fields let you model any bespoke data you need for managing and running your processes. This can help you to capture key information as part of processing your Tickets, Cases and Actions, and store for example incoming data as work gets created.
Custom data fields are easy to create and, once you have them, they can be used in lots of places throughout the system:
You can use Custom Cards to display and edit your data fields in Tickets, Cases & Actions
You can search by them in Quickfind
They're available in the data warehouse for use in custom reports.
Custom data fields can be used in conjunction with Custom Cards - these are auto-generated or manually created cards which can be added to your Tickets, Cases and Actions to let you view and maintain your data. Custom Cards can also contain bespoke code to display any manner of information alongside your data.
There are two types of custom data field that you can create
Custom data fields - these are used for defining individual fields of information
Custom data tables - these are useful for the storing of repeating rows of information
The Custom Data Fields section in Builder is where you can create new custom data fields and view, edit and even delete existing custom data fields.
Once you have created your desired custom data fields, you'll want to add them to Custom Cards to start using them.
See this video to find out how to create custom data, or read the information below.
To create a custom data field, go to the Custom Data Fields section in Builder and click the ‘+’ icon at the top right of the screen and then select to 'Add Field'.
In the following pop-up, fill in the following information:
The field name
Safe Name
The name of the field to be used if you're referencing it in code.
The system will autogenerate this name as you type (a copy of the field name with spaces removed).
This Safe Name should be used in any subsequent Custom Card HTML / Typescript / CSS references.
You can copy the Custom Field safe name by clicking on the copy icon.
The description for the field
Not mandatory
The type of data you want the field to collect e.g. long text / date time etc.
Default Value
Depending on the type of field you select, you may be able to set a default value for the field.
Not mandatory
If you set a field as Searchable you will need to provide a short code to use in Quickfind.
The following Types of fields are supported:
Check Box
True / False Boolean marker
If you would like to enter a default value, you must enter a default currency code and a default currency amount.
Date and Time
Stores both the date and time component.
Date Only
Stores only the date component
Decimal Number
e.g. 3.2
Email Address
Must be a valid email address.
URL. The URL entered must be a valid URL and the maximum length that can be entered is 2048 characters.
A dropdown list. If you select this type, you can manually enter a list of available dropdown items along with the field. This supports copy / pasting of tabular information from e.g. spreadsheets.
Long Text
Text fields of over 255 characters.
Multiple Level List
Short Text
Text field limited to 255 characters.
Whole Number
e.g. 4
This type of custom data field allows users to create lists with up to two additional nested sub-lists, so three levels of list in total.
Please note:
Parent list items and their children are sorted alphanumerically by default
Duplicate child entries per single parent are not allowed
When you choose this type of custom data field, an additional option of 'Include blank 'select' value' will appear. Selecting this option will make the list appear with a default 'select from dropdown' option in the Custom Card in Work Manager, if a default value hasn't been set.
When editing a custom field, you are also able to see its activity history by clicking on the Show Activity button. You can see when the custom field was created and by who, as well as if any edits have been made to the custom field, when they were made and by who.
You can delete a custom field by clicking on the menu option on the right of the row:
One of the many things you may wish to store with custom data fields is your own Reference numbers, perhaps to help tie things up with other systems that may be in use. You are strongly encouraged to define text fields for this, even if the reference field contains nothing but numbers, e.g. '22345216'. Some simple things to take into account when selecting data types here:
Are you going to be performing maths on the field? If No, you should choose a text string data type.
Could there be leading zeros in the reference number? If Yes, definitely choose a text string data type. If you don't, and choose numeric data type instead, you run the risk that e.g. entering '01234' will save as '1234', as most systems dealing with a numeric value are likely to trim leading zeroes.
In addition to defining individual custom data fields, you can also define tables to allow for storing of repeating rows of information.
To create a new custom data field, click the ‘+’ icon at the top right of the screen and then select to 'Add Table'.
This will bring up a screen where you can define the table data.
Fill in the following table-level information:
The table name
Safe Name
The name by which the table should be referenced on Custom Cards
The system will autogenerate this name as you type (a copy of the field name with spaces removed).
This Safe Name should be used in any subsequent Custom Card HTML / Typescript / CSS references.
You can copy the custom field safe name by clicking on the copy icon.
A description for the table
Not mandatory
Click ‘Save’. Now you can create custom data fields within the table.
To add a custom data field to a custom data table, click the '+' icon on the right.
In the following pop-up, fill in the following information:
The field name
Safe Name
The name of the field to be used if you're referencing it in code.
The system will autogenerate this name as you type (a copy of the field name with spaces removed). This Internal Name should be used in any subsequent Custom Card HTML / Typescript references.
A description for the field
The type of data you want the field to collect e.g. long text / date time etc.
Default Value
Depending on the type of field you select, you may be able to set a default value for the field.
This is not mandatory
To edit a field in a custom data table, click to edit the custom table and then click on the menu option on the right of the row of the field you want to edit and select 'Edit'.
When editing a custom table, you are also able to see its activity history by clicking on the Show Activity button. You can see when the custom table was created and by who, as well as if any edits have been made to the custom table, when they were made and by who.
Alternatively, you can easily create new custom data fields in the Custom Cards screen itself - simply select the Custom Cards screen from the the menu on the left-hand side of Builder, click the 'add' icon above the list of system fields and fill in the required information in the resulting popup.
There are two main areas of functionality within Enate which relate to managing work which happens based upon dates schedules. These are:
Schedule functionality: This allows you to create structured sets of schedules, populate date into them, then use the schedule to drive Case and Action due dates and Case launch dates when configuring Cases in Builder. This is often used for supporting scenarios e.g. Payroll. Work with 'Schedules' and 'Schedule Structures' to use this feature.
Frequency-based repeating 'triggers' for Case launching: This allows you to create a repeating frequency upon which you can launch Cases in a given process, e.g. “Every Monday at 9am launch a Case in the AP Verification process”. This functionality is different to the Scheduling features described above; it does not use explicit dates.
Note: Triggers are independent from the Schedule Feature.
You can access both of these features via the Schedules link on the toolbar
This will open up the Schedules screen with the three main sections to access.
Click here for more information about schedules:
Find out more information about triggers here:
You can set a custom data field to be an explicit search field as part of the configuration when creating Custom Data items in Builder.
To do this, when you are creating / editing custom data fields, make sure to select the ‘Searchable’ flag option.
Note that currently, only the following data types can be set as searchable in Quickfind:
Short Text
List (not multiple-level lists)
You then need to enter a short code. This is a text character that can be entered by users in Quickfind in order to search for work items with this field. The short code will also be added to the Quickfind list in Work Manager.
You can specify up to two characters, but they must be unique in the system. They are case insensitive, so it does not matter whether you / the end users enter in upper or lower case when using.
Note that the following short codes are reserved for standard system usage and therefore cannot be entered here:
r: work item reference number
‘RE:’ and ‘FW:’ (as this may impact searching against titles which come from emails subjects)
Further shortcodes are reserved for future system usage: T, S, SD, DD, ED, AU, OU and RD.
Click ‘OK’ to save changes.
You are able to set one of the short codes in the list to be your default short code. If a short code is selected, this will mean that you will not have to input the prefix (e.g. ‘p:’ before the search text).
You can display custom fields on Users, Customers, Contracts, Services and Service Lines to capture bespoke data via the Extension Properties feature.
Depending on where you have chosen to add your fields, they will show accordingly when a user creates or edits a User, Customer, Contract, Service or a Service Line.
To display custom fields on Users, Customers, Contracts Services or Service Lines, go to the Custom Cards section of Builder and then select ‘Extension Properties’ from the drop-down menu.
Note that only users with the 'Setting Settings' option set as part of their user role will be able to create, edit or delete Extension Properties.
In the 'Extension Properties' page, you'll see the list of Objects you can add Extension properties to (i.e. Users, Service Lines, Customer, Contracts and Services) and how many custom data fields have been added to each one.
To add or edit a custom data field for any of the Data Objects, click on the row of the Object you want to update. The row will expand to show all the fields that have already been added to that Object, alongside a list of all the custom data fields in the system.
To add a custom data field to your selected Object, click on a field from the 'Available Fields' section on the right-hand side which shows a list. This will add the field to the 'Added Fields' section on the left.
If the custom data field you need hasn't been created yet, you can easily create it without leaving the Extension Properties screen - simply click the 'add' icon above the list of system fields and fill in the required information in the resulting popup.
After adding the desired custom data fields to your selected Object, drag and drop the fields to modify the order in which you want your custom data fields them to display. You can also choose if you want to make the field mandatory to fill in or not.
You can also remove fields from your selected Object by clicking on the 'X' in the 'Available Fields' section.
If you are adding Extension Properties to a 'User' Object you'll also need to select the user type you want the field to appear on. The options are:
All (Contacts, Service Agents, Self Service Users, Robots)
All People (Contacts, Service Agents, Self Service Users)
Service Agents Only
Robots Only
Note that if you are adding a field of Type 'Enate Reference' to a User, you will only be able to select a User Type of 'Service Agents Only' or 'Robots Only'.
Once you have finished making your changes, make sure to click Save at the bottom of the grid.
If you have removed any data fields, a confirmation message will appear asking if the user is certain they want to remove these fields as they will stop appearing in the relevant areas of the Enate system.
Once the changes have been saved, the custom data fields will appear in the relevant areas of Enate.
Extension properties added to the User Object will show in the following places, depending on the User Type Setting selected.
If any of the 'All (Contacts, Service Agents, Self Service Users, Robots)', 'All People (Contacts, Service Agents, Self Service Users)' or 'Service Agents Only' User Type options have been selected, Extension Property fields will appear in the 'General' tab when you create or edit a Service Agent in Builder.
If any of the 'All (Contacts, Service Agents, Self Service Users, Robots)' or 'All People (Contacts, Service Agents, Self Service Users)' User Type options have been selected, Extension Property fields will appear in the 'Create/Edit Contact' pop-up when you create or edit a contact in Work Manager.
Extension properties added to the Service Line Object will be added to the Service Lines screen in Builder. They will not show anywhere in Work Manager.
Extension properties added to the Customer Object will be added to the Customer pop-up, accessible from the Service Matrix in Builder. They will not show anywhere in Work Manager.
Extension properties added to the Contract Object will be added to the Contract pop-up, accessible from the Service Matrix in Builder. They will not show anywhere in Work Manager.
Extension properties added to the Service Object will be added to the Services pop-up, accessible from the Service Matrix in Builder. They will not show anywhere in Work Manager.
If you want your Custom Card to contain bespoke content, you can select the 'Customized' option. This will allow you to add HTML, Typescript and CSS.
You will first be presented with a warning message highlighting that you're responsible for the errors / unexpected behaviour that may occur from your bespoke code.
You can revert back at any time by switching the customized setting back to off - this will remove any custom code and return the card to its original form.
Please Note: Custom Cards in Enate execute in Angular 10. Customers who use or are developing advanced custom card content should review the changelog of Angular 10 (https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) for changes that may affect their custom code.
Selecting the 'Customized' option will will expose HTML, Typescript and CSS tabs on screen.
When you click on one of these tabs, you will see the existing auto-generated code for the Custom Card. You can adjust / overwrite this code as desired.
The HTML Code will populate the Custom Data Fields on the Ticket/Case/Action. Also specifies the input format in which the data needs to be added.
If you reference a custom data field in the HTML for a card, the field must be added to the card in order to work.
The Typescript will do the binding of data and adjust the HTML before rendering it to the webpage. It can also perform the validations where it can highlight the mandatory fields.
Deals with styling required for the HTML; example hiding the up/down arrow on a number field control etc.
When you update the Custom Card by adding new Custom Data Fields to it, you will have to disable and re-enable the 'Customized' toggle option in order to generate the customised code for the new fields.
You can see what edits have been made to the Custom Card and when, as well as when the Custom Card was created, and even when a Custom Card was deleted by clicking on the Show Activity button.
Check out the Custom Card Code section of the Enate Extensions area to learn more about the code you can write and how to interact with data fields and validation.
You can set a Case process live in multiple ways, either from the Case screen or from the Service Matrix.
To set a Case live from the Case screen, firstly click to save your Case process (you will need to be in 'Edit' mode to do this).
Any validation errors will be displayed with either a red or orange exclamation mark. These need to be fixed before the process can be set live.
Clicking on the validation icon will bring up the list of the validation errors that need to be fixed. Clicking on the error itself will highlight the source of the errors where you can correct the information.
Any serious errors will be marked by a red exclamation mark, these need to be resolved before the Case process can be saved.
Once all validation errors have been fixed, click to save the process again. The Case should now have a status of Validated Changes.
You can now set the Case live by clicking on the status drop down and selecting 'Set Live'.
The Case screen will close and you will be taken back to the Service Matrix where you can see that your Case process has been set live as it now has a green flag.
You can also set a Case live from the Service Matrix Screen, provided it is in a state of Validated Changes, or Live with Validated Changes by clicking on the process and then selecting 'Set Live'.
When incoming emails have the relevant Enate email address as the Bcc'd, they do not have a 'To' address visible to the system and so are plaeced in the Unprocessed emails list.
To help reduce the ocurrences of such mails landing in 'Unprocessed emails' in this situation, you can configure Wilcard Email Routes which essentially use the knowledge of which email addresses these mails come from to allow it to be processed. These Routes are set to match with a wildcard '*' email address (The To address of the incoming mail) and a known email address (or addresses) in the 'Sender List includes' (The From address of the incoming mail). Set in this way, they able to match even a BCC'd email if the from address matches.
Wildcard routes are created in the same way non-wildcard routes are created, via the 'Routes' page in the Email section of Builder. Simply click to create a new email route and fill in the email route pop-up information as required. To set this as a Wildcard Route to handle Bcc scenario, when filling out the Routing Rules information users should put a '*' wildcard asterisk as the 'Email Address', and then in the 'Sender List Includes' field, set the name of the known email address that such mails would be coming from. Multiple such addresses can be added to a single Route, with a ';' semicolon character between.
You should create as many such Wildcard Routes for a single Email Connector as there are different Work Item types you wish to be creating from that connector.
When ordering their email routes into a hierarchy, users should always ensure that non-wildcard routes appear above wildcard routes, with overall fallback routes appearing after the wildcard routes at the very bottom of the list.
When creating an email route containing a wildcard route, there are some important rules that apply, to keep routing of incoming emails working consistently at runeimt. See the table below for a full list of rules regarding the use of working with Email Routes if wildcard (i.e. '*') email routes are involved.
Note: The system will show error messages when a user attempts an activity which may break these rules.
Updating an Email Route
Updating a NON-wildcard email route to a wildcard email route is now restricted.
Email Route - Update
Updating an Email Route
Updating a wildcard email route to a NON-wildcard email route is now restricted.
Email Route - Update
Creating or Updating an Email Route
The system does not allow using a wildcard address for the sender list when the route's email address is also a wildcard.
Email Route - Create Email Route - Update
Creating or Updating an Email Route
A wildcard route requires a sender list to be included.
Email Route - Create Email Route - Update
Ordering Multiple Routes
When using a wildcard, a strict routing order exists: 1. Non-wildcard Routes 2. Wildcard Routes 3. Fallback Routes
Email Route - Get All For Connector
Creating an Email Route
When a email route is created, whether it is a wildcard or not, its order is based on the criteria is determined by the order (stated above). Route orders can be adjusted accordingly after creation.
Email Route - Create
Moving an Email Route
Routes can only be rearranged within their respective type ranges. For example, if it's a wild card route, the system allows moving it within the wild card order range (min-max). The same applies to non-wildcard routes, where the system permits movement within the non-wildcard order range (min-max). If routes are moved beyond their designated range, the system will generate an error.
Email Route - Move Route
If a user attempts to move a route into an order that does not correspond with the required hierarchy, the route will return to where it was and a error message will be displayed.
A ‘Wait for Sub-Cases to Complete’ Action (also known as a Hold Case Action) will wait for a specific Sub-Case to reach completion before allowing the Case to move on to the next Action.
For detailed information on how ABBYY Actions work at runtime, see the dedicated Work Manager section:
You can either create a Wait for Sub-Cases to Complete Action type in the Service Line section of Builder, or directly from your Case flow.
Creating a Wait for Sub-Cases to Complete Action type from the Service Lines page adds the Action type to your menu of available Actions when you're building flows subsequently in Cases.
To do this, in the Service Line page, select which service line you would like to add the Wait for Sub-Cases to Complete Action to and then click on the plus symbol next to the 'process Search' box and then select 'Action'.
This will open up a new Action for you to create.
Add a name and description to your Action and then in the ‘type’ drop down select 'Wait for Sub-Cases to Complete'.
You can then choose to add a global checklist to the Action. This contains a standard checklist of activities that will be added any time this Action type is added to a Case flow. See here for more information on checklists.
Once you are happy with your Action, hit save to create it. This Action can now be added to new and existing business processes by selecting it from the dropdown list when adding a new Action to a Case.
Alternatively, you can add a Wait for Sub-Cases to Complete Action type directly from the Case flow itself.
To do this, open a Case flow in edit mode, click on an Action's menu and then instead of clicking to add an existing Action, select to create a new Action by clicking the '+' icon.
Give the Action a name, add a description if you wish and for its ‘type’, select 'Wait for Sub-Cases to Complete'. This will add the Wait for Sub-Cases to Complete Action to the Case flow.
You now need to configure the settings for the new Action you have added to your Case. Click on the Action in the flow to highlight it in the info section.
In the Action Info tab, you need to add the usual following information for an Action:
When is it due?
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Due Date ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
Who does it go to?
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Allocation ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
General Settings
Select a value from the dropdown menu of Follow Up ‘flavours’
Mandatory to set live.
Main Card
You can select a Custom Card to display on the main section of the Action screen.
Side Card
You can select a Custom Card to display on the side panel of the Action screen.
Manual Creation
Switching this setting on allows the Action to be started manually in Work Manager.
Here you can add local checks to the Action that help support 'custom' activities that take place for that specific Action. You can also edit the global checks for the Action type from here too, if it has any.
Additionally, once a 'Wait for Sub-Cases to Complete' Action has been added to your Case flow, a new 'Hold Case' tab will display in the info grid.
Hold Case
If you want the Action to wait for a specific Sub-Case to finish before moving on to the next Action, add that Sub-Case here.
If you want the Action to wait for any of the Case's Sub-Cases to close before moving on to the next Action, leave the Hold Case field blank.
This setting lets you automatically close the Action if no available Sub-Case is running for it.
If the 'Auto-Close' setting is off, the ‘Wait for Sub-Cases to Complete’ Action will be assigned to a Queue where a user will pick it up and decide how to proceed if the Sub-Case the 'Wait for Sub-Cases to Complete’ Action it is set to wait for is not available - either because it has not been launched or because it was resolved before the ‘Wait for Sub-Cases to Complete’ Action was launched.
If you switch the 'Auto-Close' toggle on, instead of assigning the Action to a user to proceed, the ‘Wait for Sub-Cases to Complete’ Action will automatically close if the Sub-Case the 'Wait for Sub-Cases to Complete’ Action it is set to wait for is not running.
If the Hold Case column is left blank, the ‘Wait for Sub-Cases to Complete’ Action will wait for any Sub-Case of the Case to close before continuing and if there is no Sub Case available, the ‘Wait for Sub-Cases to Complete’ Action will automatically close.
One you have , you then need to create a schedule of dates to use alongside your schedule structure.
To find out how to create a schedule, you can watch the following video or read the steps below.
To create a schedule, go to the ‘Schedules’ page in Builder. Here you can see any previously created schedules and create new ones.
To create a new schedule, click on the ‘Add Schedule’ link. This will bring up a popup where you select the schedule structure you want your new schedule to use.
After selecting your desired schedule structure, you can then define the name and description of your new schedule.
You can then add as many sets of dates for as many periods as you desire to it by adding a row and defining the dates for the periods as desired.
Points to note:
You can define as many dates as you wish at this point and must define a year and a period for each.
You will always have to enter a time component for each date.
Dates and Times are displayed to the user IN THAT USER’S TIMEZONE. Data is stored in the database in UTC and converted to that user’s time zone when displaying to them here.
Once you have added you dates, save to complete creation of this schedule.
If you wish to hide data from previous periods simply select the relevant flag on screen to do so.
You can always edit the schedule and add more dates to it later on.
Once you have entered dates as desired, you should specify the Status of schedule (you can have it Paused, so it won’t take effect on anything yet, or Resumed, which means the schedule will be in effect and will start a Case for any Case processes it is linked to.
When editing a schedule, you are able to see the activity history of the schedule by clicking on the Show Activity button. You can see when the schedule was created and by who and you can see if any subsequent edits have been made, when they were made and by who.
In addition to adding new rows manually, you can also upload data for multiple periods using an excel sheet.
To do this, select the 'Import from file' option to bring up the ‘Schedule period bulk upload’ popup.
Add an .xls or xlsx file with your data, click upload and the data will be added.
Once you've uploaded your file, new rows will be added to your screen containing the dates from your excel. If you’re happy with the uploaded dates, hit save to finish the upload process.
With regards to file formatting, the excel file needs to contain the all of the columns present in the schedule structure - i.e. a header row which matches the grid headings in the Schedule screen. This needs to include: period, year, start date plus all the custom-made schedule date titles you defined in your schedule structure.
You can export schedule data in an excel file via the export button.
Once a schedule has been created, you can subsequently go in and modify the data, including setting the status to paused / resumed.
If you resume a schedule after a long period of pause, the system will play catch-up, i.e. it will launch a Case Work Item even for previous date periods - if no Case Work Item has yet been launched (the system tags Case Work Items in the background so it is aware of whether or not a Case has been launched for it).
You can easily view which schedules have already expired or are expiring soon and need you to upload more data on to keep their related processes running.
When you first go to the schedules screen, you'll see the number of schedules that have already expired at the top.
You can also use the filter function to see schedules that have already expired or are about to expire in certain time frames.
The options are:
Already expired
Expired/Expiring within next 7 days
Expired/Expiring within next 30 days
Expired/Expiring within next 90 days
Select Date - here you can choose a custom date.
The first step to using schedule functionality is to create a schedule structure. A schedule structure is a framework of key date types which will ultimately be populated with dates for each time period when creating a schedule that references this structure.
To find out how to create a schedule structure, you can watch the following video or read the steps below.
To create a schedule structure, go to the ‘Schedule Structure’ page in the Schedules section of Builder:
Here you can view and edit all previously created schedule structures and add new ones.
To add a schedule structure, click on the '+' link. You can then define the schedule structure's name, give it a description, and define the dates which will be used (i.e. the structure of key dates throughout that period). Dates can be edited, reordered and deleted as desired.
Note: ‘Start Date’ is always defined by default as this is needed in order for the system to know when to start any Cases using this schedule structure.
When editing a schedule structure, you are able to see the activity history of the schedule structure by clicking on the Show Activity button. You can see when the schedule structure was created and by who and you can see if any subsequent edits have been made, when they were made and by who.
Watch this video for an example of how to create Custom Data and Custom Cards for a Case.
Once you have created you custom fields you can link them to a Custom Card for subsequent displaying in a Ticket / Case or Action Screen. Cards can be displayed as part of the main section for Cases, Tickets and Actions, and as a side panel.
Side Panel card displays between the Contacts card and the Files card.
Main Panel card appears:
Ticket: After the Ttimeline card.
Case: After the Timeline / Action display card.
Action: After the Checklist card.
You can add a single card to the Main / Side panel section for a Case / Ticket / Action instance in Builder. Neither is mandatory.
Note: The same card should not be added in both locations and the same field should not be referenced in two cards showing on the same Ticket / Case / Action.
Select available cards from the ‘Main Card’ and / or ‘Side Card’ dropdowns in the Case Info tab.
Select available cards from the ‘Main Screen’ and / or ‘Side Panel’ dropdowns in the Action Info tab.
Custom Card definition for a Ticket is done at the header level rather than per Ticket category. Access the card definitions for a Ticket via the settings toolbar icon:
Set the desired main and/or side panel card in the resulting popup:
Note that for Tickets you can also define a Smart Card to be used for Self Service Ticket submissions (these much be created separately from the smart cards defined for Work Manager Work Items).
Watch this video to find out how to create a brand new trigger or read the steps below.
To create a brand new trigger, go to the 'Schedules' section from the toolbar link in Builder:
Then select the 'Triggers' option from the drop-down to access the Triggers page.
From here click on the '+' link which will bring up the 'Create Trigger' pop-up.
Here you need to add the following information:
Name of the trigger.
A start date & time for when it should first run.
The Case instance or multiple Case instances it should start (note: more than one trigger schedule can be created for a Case, so you can schedule to have it run e.g. weekly but also on last day of the month).
The Frequency. A number of options are available to meet business needs as desire:
On Specific Days of the Month, e.g. 1st day, 21st day, last day.
Note that you must always define a time of the day when you want the Case to run.
Once created, the Triggers can be set running and a new case will launch on the next trigger date/time.
When editing a Trigger, you are also able to see its activity history by clicking on the Show Activity button. You can see when the Trigger was created and by who, as well as if any edits have been made to the Trigger, when they were made and by who.
Schedule functionality allows you to create structured sets of schedules, populate date into them and then use the schedule to drive Case and Action due dates and Case launch dates when configuring Cases in Builder. This is often used for supporting scenarios e.g. Payroll .
The order of events to use Enate's schedule functionality is as follows:
in Builder consisting of a number of key dates, e.g. 'Submission Deadline Date', 'Initial report Date', 'Credit Date' etc.
of dates against one of these structures.
and then make reference to it when configuring your Case process.
Once you have , you can start to make use of the schedule information when configuring a Case process. To do this, you can:
Check out this explainer video for how to link schedules to Case processes in Builder or read the information below.
To link a schedule to a Case process, open the Case screen in Edit mode and select the desired schedule from the ‘Schedule’ dropdown in the Case Info Screen.
If you want the Cases to be automatically startable based on this schedule, set the 'Auto Start By Schedule' option to on.
The next activity available is to link the steps of the Case to the schedule so they reference one of the dates in the schedule. To do this, click the schedule icon in the steps running along the top of the Case flow diagram and select the date you want to like the step to.
There are two options when it comes to creating due date rules that reference a schedule date:
As with any other due date rule, you can define a +/- offset of days (and hours) from the date referenced in order to reach the precise due date/time desired for the Action.
The 'Show Case Process Linked to Schedule' icon in the Schedules page lets you see the list of all the Case processes which are linked to a schedule.
It shows you the Customer, Contract and Service of the Case, as well as what state the Case is in, such as Live, Testing and Draft. If the schedule is linked with more than one version of a Case, then all versions will be shown in the list. You are also able to filter the list of Cases by Customer, Contract, Service and State.
Clicking on the Case process will take you to the Case screen for that particular Case.
Note: You will be taken to the latest version of the Case screen, regardless of which version of the Case process is linked to the Schedule. However you can choose which version of the Case process you see once you are in the Case screen.
You can see where existing Email Templates are being used in your system by clicking on 'Edit' and selecting the 'Usages' tab.
'Email Template in Processes' shows the total number of processes where the particular template is in use, and in the table below it will break this information down further showing you each individual process where the template is being used, and how many times the template is used within that process.
'Canned Responses in Service Line' shows the total number of service lines in which the Email Template is being used as part of a . The table below will break this information down further showing you each individual service line where the template is being used as part of a Canned Response.
There are a number of different attributes which can be defined when creating / editing Email Templates.
The Info tab is used for defining the key information of the template:
Name: In addition to a friendly name for subsequent selection
‘Purpose’ dropdown determines what the template can be used for (this is the type of template as defined above). Please note: This is set permanently when you are creating the template and cannot be modified subsequently.
Description of the template
Subject of the email.
Email Body – The contents of the email, along with rich text formatting.
System fields can be inserted into the Subject and the HTML Body. They take the form of the field name surrounded by square brackets e.g. [customerName]. Only fields recognized by the system will be replaced, to avoid false matches on the email e.g. [this text would remain in the email].
Note: This tab provides the English (default) version of the email content, with definitions for alternate languages definable on the ‘Translation’ tab.
The Files/Links tab defines attachments that will be added to an email by default when this template is used.
If files are attached to a template, they should be provided for each language used.
The tags functionality allows the auto-adding of files or links to an email based on their tag if the tag matches the variable set in the email template.
Links will be injected anywhere in email body text that the 'Hyperlinks' variable, available in the info tab, has been added.
The content for each language is provided on this tab. If content for a language is not provided, the system will either use the regional default language or will fall back to English.
If a link is added to the translated email template, you will be prompted to verify the link.
You can verify the link by highlighting the text you want to act as the hyperlink, clicking on the 'Insert Link' icon and then entering the URL to link to.
When your Enate system is set to use 'Plus Addressing Only' mode for how it processes and routes emails, your end clients will now see an additional line auto-inserted into the emails they receive. This line contains guidance on how to best respond to the email, based upon their intention to either start a new business request or continue correesponding on the same item. This is the new line they will see.
By default, the content will read as follows:
'##- For responses related directly to this request, please send a reply email. Please do not adjust any email addresses in this mail. For NEW requests, please create a brand new email instead. -##'
The intention here is to avoid erroneously creating brand new tickets from incoming emails where the client really intended just to continue correspondence. The note regarding email addresses is to encourage client users to leave Plus Addressing-style email addresses as-is rather than removing or adjusting them when they send a response back in.
As part of this new feature, a new 'Reply Instructions' Email template is available within the Email Templates of Builder. This will allow users with the required feature access to specify alternative content that you wish to show to your client users instead of the default.
If the reply instructions are on a manually written email, the reply instructions will appear just above the Enate user's signature.
If the email is one which has been automatically generated by the system, these reply instructions will appear directly at the top of the email body text.
The 'Reply Instructions' template will only be available to be used when the 'Plus Addressing Only' option is toggled on in the 'General Settings' of Builder. When this option is enabled, users will see a notification message saying that the 'Reply Instructions' template is enabled as well as a link to allow the user to view/ modify it.
Builder users can reach the template by either clicking on the link that appears in general settings or by finding it from the template list in the same manner they can find all other Email templates. If users have the ability to edit templates turned on then they can select to edit the template, otherwise users can only view it. If a user clicks to edit the template they will see that the purpose of the template is already set to 'Reply Instructions'. This cannot be changed, however the name of the template can be modified.
Users will be presented with default description text and default instruction text in the body of the email. Both of these default texts can be edited.
It should be noted that only one 'Reply Instructions' template can exist in the system and therefore users will not be able to chose reply Instructions as an option in the Purpose drop down when creating other templates.
For users to be able to edit the 'Reply Instructions' template they must have the option to edit templates enabled in User Roles. By default, users with 'System Administrators' Builder Role will be able to edit the 'Reply Instructions' default email. Add 'Edit Email Content' to the Builder User Role of other people you wish to have this access.
This page includes a step-by-step guide on how to prepare your Azure Active Directory setup for successfully setting up the integration between Enate and Office 365. Here is an outline of the topics that will be covered.
Within Azure Active Directory, every user account is granted a default collection of authorisations. The accessibility of a user's account is determined by their user category, role allocations, and possession of specific entities. Azure Active Directory has different types of user accounts, each designed with specific levels of access suited for their expected tasks.
In simpler terms, administrators have the highest access, followed by regular member accounts, and guest users have the most limited access.
Azure Active Directory uses permissions to manage the access rights given to a user or group, implemented through established rules.
Access and log in to the Microsoft Azure portal via https://portal.azure.com.
Beneath "Manage Azure Active Directory," select "View Overview Page."
You'll then land on the overview page of your Azure Active Directory tenant. You will need a user account with a global administrator role.
Under "Manage," opt for "Users," and subsequently, navigate to the "All Users" tab.
Here you can see all user accounts in your Azure Active Directory tenant.
Click on the "+" symbol to create a new user account.
Two alternatives will be presented: "Create User" or "Invite User." We'll adhere to the default preference to create a fresh user account.
Input the user details, including the username, first name, last name, and optionally include the user in existing groups.
Scroll downwards to specify the initial password, which the user will employ for their first sign-in.
Additionally, you can include the user into groups or assign Azure AD administrative permissions.
Select "Create".
You can adjust user configurations by accessing the user's name and clicking the "Edit" feature.
Log into your Microsoft 365 Admin Center.
Click on the 'Exchange' to access the Exchange Admin Portal.
Go to 'Mailboxes' and here click on 'Add shared Mailbox'.
Add a 'Display Name' for the shared mailbox and then add an email address and select a domain from the drop down list.
You can use the display name as the 'Alias'.
Click 'Create'.
After creating the shared mailbox you can add members who can receive, read and reply to the emails sent into that mailbox.
This shared mailbox will be now visible in the list of mailboxes with the RecipientType shown as SharedMailbox.
Two types of permissions are needed for successful operation of a shared mailbox.
Full Access Permission: Allows a user to open a mailbox and create and modify items in it. Send as Permission: Allows other members to send emails from this mailbox.
To enable both, click to select the shared mailbox and under 'Mailbox Permissions' select 'Manage Mailbox Delegation'.
Click on the 'Read and Manage' button and select 'Edit'. Click on 'Add Permissions. Select the users that you want to have Full Access Permission to this mailbox. Hit 'Save'. Then click on 'Close' and then 'Cancel'.
After this click 'Edit' for 'Send as' permissions. Click on 'Add Permissions. Select the users that you want to have Send as permissions to this mailbox.
The next thing you'll need to do is the App registration creation and permission restrictions but for these a Mail Enabled security group is a prerequisite. This group can be used to manage permissions, distribute emails, and provide access to various resources within your organization.
1. Creating a Mail-Enabled Security Group
In the Exchange Admin Center, go to "Recipients" and click on "Groups."
Navigate to the "Mail Enabled Security" tab and click "Add a group."
Choose "Mail Enabled Security" as the group type and click "Next."
Group Configuration
Provide a name (e.g., Editors) and optional description for the group.
Set the email address for the group.
Configure communication settings based on your requirements.
Enable owner approval if needed and click "Next."
Confirmation and Group Creation
Verify the details and click "Create group" to complete the process.
Note that it may take some time for the group to appear in your list.
Adding Members to the Security Group
Access the group in Exchange Admin Center, click on the group name, and go to the "Members" tab.
Add members by selecting "View and manage members" and clicking "Add members."
Sending a Test Message
Confirm the group's existence in the "Mail Enable Security" tab.
Send a test email to the group's email address.
Checking Received Message
Access the mailbox of a group member to confirm the receipt of the test message.
Creating an app registration establishes a trust between your application and the Microsoft identity platform. This trust is unidirectional, with your application relying on the Microsoft identity platform. Importantly, once the application object is generated, it remains tied to its original tenant and cannot be transferred to different tenants.
Follow these steps for the app registration process:
1. Sign In - Log in to the Microsoft Entra admin center with Cloud Application Administrator credentials.
2. Tenant Selection - Use the Settings icon to switch to the desired tenant from the Directories + subscriptions menu if you have access to multiple tenants.
3. App Registrations Location - Go to Identity > Applications > App registrations and select New registration.
4. Application Details Provide a display name for the application, visible during user interactions. The Application (client) ID uniquely identifies the app within the identity platform.
5. Define Sign-In Audience - Choose the appropriate account type for the intended audience:
Accounts in this organizational directory only (Single-tenant).
Accounts in any organizational directory (Multi-tenant).
Accounts in any organizational directory and personal Microsoft accounts (Broad audience).
Personal Microsoft accounts (Exclusive personal accounts).
6. Redirect URI Field - Leave the Redirect URI field blank for now; configuration will be done later.
7. Registration Execution - Click Register to complete the initial app registration.
8. Access Application ID - Visit the Overview pane in the Microsoft Entra admin center to find the Application (client) ID.
Note: Newly created app registrations are initially hidden. To make the app visible on users' My Apps page, go to Identity > Applications > Enterprise applications, select the app, and toggle Visible to users? to Yes on the Properties page.
The client ID is utilized in your application's source code or authentication library for validating security tokens from the Microsoft identity platform.
Restricting Permissions
Select "Azure Active Directory" to navigate to the Azure Active Directory "Overview"
Click the [App registrations] button to open the "App Registrations"
Select your App registration to open its details page
Click the [Certificates & secrets] button to display the "Certificates & secrets"
Select the "Client secrets" tab, if it is not yet selected.
Click the [New client secret] button to display the "Add client secret" dialogue.
Provide a brief description of the secret. This will show up in lists, making it easier to identify later.
Select a time at which the secret will expire and need to be regenerated.
Click the [Add] button to generate the Client Secret and return to the "Certificates & Secrets" value. You should see your newly-generated secret listed here. Copy and save the "Value". You will need it later.
IMPORTANT: After you navigate away from this page, there is no way to retrieve the Secret Value. If you do not copy and save it now, you will need to regenerate a Secret. Keep this secret in a safe place - in Azure Key Vault or in a secure folder. If it is compromised, a hacker can access your API with this service identity.
Establishing Certificate-based Authentication
Establishing authentication through certificates involves a multi-step process. After successfully configuring the entire chain, it's beneficial to disseminate the information for others' convenience.
Reviewing the provided sequence diagram, the initial phase entails the client generating certificates and sharing the public certificate with the server. While utilizing a self-signed certificate suffices for development and testing, it is advisable to employ a CA-signed certificate for production.
Execute the following PowerShell code:
New-SelfSignedCertificate -Subject “CN=CertForMyApp” -CertStoreLocation “Cert:\CurrentUser\My” -KeyExportPolicy Exportable -KeySpec Signature
The initial client step involves generating certificates and sharing the public certificate with the server. For production, prefer a CA-signed certificate over a self-signed one.
Execute the provided PowerShell code to create a self-signed certificate. Note the hex value of the thumbprint for later use.
Export certificates and keys:
Open "mmc" via the Windows search box.
Add "Certificates — Current User" to the selected snap-ins.
Locate the created certificate under Personal > Certificate.
Right-click on the certificate, select All Tasks > Export.
Choose Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER) format, specify a location and filename, and complete the export.
The exported .CER file is the public certificate to share with the server and upload to Azure AD during app registration.
Private key extraction:
In the mmc application, right-click on the certificate, select All Tasks > Export.
Choose to export the private key, set a password, and complete the export. The private key is in .PFX format.
Utilize SSL Converter to convert the .PFX to .PEM format, containing public (.crt) and private (.key) key files.
Register the app on Azure AD and upload the public certificate:
Follow the steps in the provided link, noting tenant_id and client_id.
Add a certificate, upload the public certificate (.cer) file, and complete the process.
Initial registration and key exchange are complete. Proceed with the API sequence flow:
Retrieve the bearer token from Azure AD.
Base64 encode the hex thumbprint using a tool or Python script.
Use the encoded thumbprint to create a signed JWT token.
Code for JWT token creation:
Here's a breakdown of the script:
Prompt for Password:
This line prompts the user to enter a password securely for the private key and stores it in the variable $pw
as a secure string.
Prompt for Certificate Name:
This line prompts the user to enter a name for the certificate and stores it in the variable $name
Create Self-Signed Certificate:
This section creates a self-signed certificate using the provided name and subject. The certificate is stored in the variable $Cert
Export Certificate with Private Key to PFX:
This part exports the certificate along with the private key to a PFX file on the user's desktop, using the password entered earlier.
Export Certificate with Public Key Only to CER:
Finally, this section exports the certificate with only the public key to a CER file on the user's desktop.
Make sure to handle the generated files securely, especially the PFX file containing the private key, as it requires the password entered during the script execution.
Finally, execute a GET request to "https://login.microsoftonline.com/<tenant_id>/oauth2/token" with the specified parameters to obtain the bearer token for API calls.
Enate has some support for Emails received via BCC through the use of special Wildcard routes. As the enate mailbox is not listed in the recipient list for the email normal routes cannot work, however you are able to create a route where any recipient is allowed and the sender (from) can be used for routing purposes. See this article on for more information on this.
1 email would follow the configured routing rules for and resulting in 2 work items.
See here for more information about the . Mandatory.
Whether the field's value should be shared among
By default, any changes in a field's value when made have an immediate effect in all its . For example, any changes in a field's value in an Action have an immediate effect in all its related work items i.e. its parent Case, the other Actions of that Case and even any originating Ticket.
Switch this option on if you DO want data to be shared among its or leave if off if not.
Whether the field should be available to search by in
This option only appear when the you select is 'Short Text' or 'List'.
See this section for more information about .
See this section for more details about how to use in Work Manager.
A dropdown list with multiple levels. Up to 3 levels are supported. See here for more details about a .
Whether the fields value should be shared among
By default, any changes in a field's value when made have an immediate effect in all its . For example, any changes in a field's value in an Action have an immediate effect in all its related work items i.e. its parent Case, the other Actions of that Case and even any originating Ticket.
Switch this option on if you DO want data to be shared among its or leave if off if not.
See here for more information about the . Mandatory.
(See for more information).
(See for more information).
(See for more information).
Optional. See here for more information about .
Optional. See here for more information about .
Optional. See section for more information.
Optional. See here for more information about .
See below for .
This schedule can be as you desire
You can now
Hit 'Save' to confirm creation of the schedule structure, then you can move on to which use this structure.
You now need to which uses this schedule structure.
To set a due date that directly references a schedule date, when select a of ‘From Explicit Schedule Date’, and then select which of the schedule dates you wish to reference.
You can set a due date that references the due date of a Case step by creating a for the step due date e.g. ‘2 days before Step Due Date’. This gives you the flexibility of subsequently modifying the schedule date you have linked to the step without having to reconfigure your due dates.
Validation point to note: If you use a due date rule in an Action which references the step due date, but you have not , you will receive a validation message on saving the Case process and will not be able to set the Case live until you have resolved the issue.
The Linked Processes list will also show retired process versions if the '' option is switched on.
Please note that email template names can be set in multiple languages in the section of Builder, allowing users working in that language to choose the template with a name set in this language.
To configure integration between Enate and Office 365, each unique Enate instance must be registered with the Microsoft Identity Platform in the Azure AD of the Office 365 tenant to which you need to establish connectivity.
Log into the and search for Azure Active Directory
If there is an existing flavour that has almost the settings that you require, you can use this as a source from which to clone a new flavour. Click the clone icon on the popup header; this will create a new flavour, allowing you to enter a new name and modify settings from the starting point as desired before saving.
If none of the existing flavours meet your requirements you may need to create a new flavour from scratch. Simply click on the ‘Create New’ link at the foot of any of the flavour pickers and enter information in the resuling flavour popup.
Validation: When creating / cloning a new flavour, the system will not allow you to save the new flavour until it is valid. Once you have entered the required information nfor a flavour to be valid, the popup heard will turn green to show this. You must provide a name for your flavour.
There are two reasons that a flavour will become locked down and will therefore not be modifiable:
If it is shared in or more other locations (you can see this via the ‘Used by’ number in the popup header.
If it is used in a live Ticket / Case / Action.
To edit an existing trigger, go to the 'Schedules' section from the toolbar link in Builder:
Then select the 'Triggers' option from the drop-down to access the Triggers page.
Here you can see a list of all of your existing triggers.
You can create, edit, pause, start or delete triggers from this here. You will also be able to see the name of the trigger, the work items it is being used for, how often the trigger runs, the time zone the trigger is set to run in, when the trigger was first run, last run and when it is due to run next according to the time zone selected.
You are able to change the time zone set for a trigger, but note that this will not have an effect until after the currently calculated next run-date. After the next run-date, the run-time of the trigger will change to show in the time of the chosen time zone
Additionally, if the trigger is set to run through daylight saving time, the time shown will now take into account daylight saving time.
In order to encourage the use of standard approaches to running Tickets, Cases and Actions through your business processes, Builder’s configuration approach encourages the re-use of related attributes which are grouped together into areas which define who work goes to, when it is due, what the follow up rules are, as well as some more general settings.
For each of these areas you are encouraged to create a standard menu of options which can be mixed together as standard ‘flavours’, providing flexibility in Service delivery without the need for bespoke support of a large number of ways of doing things.
Underpinning each of these selectable flavours are more detailed settings, but you should not need to manage your configuration at such a detailed level on a day-to-day basis.
After the initial work has been done when you first set up your system to create a standard menu of different allocation options, due date options, general settings and follow up settings, you should not need to access the detailed flavour screens very frequently.
Note: the creation of new bespoke Due Date methods and Allocation methods is no longer supported.
By far the most frequent interaction you will have with flavours is for Tickets and Actions.
Add a category row, choose your three flavours from the dropdown lists:
Who does it go to?
When is it due?
Follow up settings
And you’re done.
Add an Action row, choose your three flavours from the dropdown lists:
Who does it go to?
When is it due?
General settings
And you’re done.
Cases can be set to remain open for a specified number of days. Within this window, the Case can be re-opened based on client feedback.
The number of days the Case will remain open for can be configured in Builder in the “Case Info” tab.
Note: The number of days specified will be considered to be calendar days or working days depending on whether the Due Date Flavour used by the Case references a Calendar.
A Case will automatically re-open if (during the feedback window) an email is received or a Ticket is merged into it. A Case can manually be re-opened by a user using the “Reopen” button which presents on a completed Case which is within its feedback window.
Further general settings are set for Actions in the Action info grid.
General Settings attributes have been grouped together and standard combinations of them are shared but not completely globally (i.e. not between Cases, Ticket, Actions like the other types of flavours). Instead, these are shared for an individual Action type, i.e. shared among anywhere that a specific Action you pick from the menu of Actions is used.
General Settings flavours are made up of the following attributes:
You can enter text instructions for that specific Action which end-users need to follow. This will be displayed on the Action form.
Customers can put their Standard Operating Procedure on e.g. their intranet, and that link can be provided here. This allows our customers to have specific SOP’s for different Action. If a URL is entered here, a direct link is be provided on the form. Please enter a full url.
Autocomplete on Timeout
If ticked, this Action gets automatically completed after it has timed out.
Hide Case Link
By checking this checkbox user can hide the hyperlink leading to the Case it belongs to.
Pause Case if this Action is paused
On checking this checkbox, the whole Case Processes’ SLA clock pauses if this Action is kept on Hold for some reason.
Record Count
How the Record Count should behave on this Action. Options are:
Hide – Record Count doesn’t show on the Action.
Show – Update Case Value - the Record Count will show on the Action and whenever this value is changed on that Action, it will also update the Record Count on its parent Case.
Show – Do not update Case - the Record Count will show on the Action, but whenever this value is changed on that Action, the Record Count on is parent Case will not be updated.
Estimated Duration
Estimated amount of time in minutes that it takes to complete this Action. This can be in increments of a minute or whole minutes, e.g. 3.5 minutes, 124 minutes etc.
Can be Performed by Robotics Group
If you have Robot Farm groups set up (done via user Manager), you can specify whether an Action can be performed by a Robot group, and which specific group that is.
Estimated Robot Duration
If you have a Robot group selected, you can specify how long is the estimated amount of time take for a robot to carry out this task. This can be in increments of a minute or whole minutes, e.g. 3.5 minutes, 124 minutes etc.
This is a list of skills which are required to perform this task, and are used for MI purposes to help identify Activities which are ripe for automating.
This feature allows you to drive Case creation based on a repeating frequency to trigger automatic creation (different to driving Case creation off a specific date from a Schedule loaded into the system. Watch the video below to find out more about Triggers:
This is done by creating one or more Triggers in Builder against a given Case or against multiple given Cases.
See here for information about how to create a trigger.
In the ‘Canned Response’ part of the Email section you can select which Email Template content that should be made available as reusable standard body texts for Service agents when they 're writing emails on work items in Work Manager.
Canned Responses use Email Templates which are set with a Purpose of ‘General’, and provide the same functionality as email templates, with one difference: Email Templates are used as the the content for in-process auto-generated emails; Canned Response sections are added manually by a user when composing an email to send out from a Case/Ticket/Action.
Note: Only the email body text from the Email Template is used when inserting a Canned Response into an email in Work Manager. Other values e.g. email subject are ignored.
The availability of an email template to be usable as canned response text is defined at the SERVICE LINE level - i.e. you pick which service lines you want that email text to be available in. The steps required are as follows:
Create a 'General' email template in the Email Template section.
Got to the Canned Response section and select if it should be available for a Service Line or not.
And that's it!
When writing an email in a Ticket, Case or Action, you can insert a Canned Response by clicking on the relevant icon at the bottom of a write an email screen. This will show you all canned texts available for the Service Line and you can use the free text search function to filter items by title.
Additionally, more than one canned response can be added to the same manually composed email. Attachments and tags are managed in the same way as for templates - if there's a file linked to the template, it will be auto-added to the email when you insert the associated canned response.
To export a card, select the desired card(s) from the main screen list and select the export link
These will automatically export to your downloads folder. as '.en8Card' files.
To import a card, select the import link and in the resulting screens select the '.en8Card' files you wish to import
If the card is a duplicate (shares same Card name) as an existing form you will be asked to confirm updating of that card..
This section describes how the system behaves when it comes to auto-creation of Case work items based upon schedule dates that have been uploaded into Builder. Specifically, it explains when the system does - and does not - create new Case work items retrospectively for schedule rows where the Start Date is in the past (which can occur is e.g. a Schedule with dates is paused and then resumed at a later point, or if historic dates are loaded into the sytem.
The logic which underpins this is explained, and a number of specific scenarios are described to help highlight how this determines system behaviour.
The underlying logic which determines when the system does and does not launch a Case work item based on a schedule centres on the date that a Case process version is set live when it is linked to a schedule and is set to auto-start work items. The rules are as follows:
If a Case version has the 'Autostart by Schedule' set to OFF will never automatically start any Case work items when it gets set live.
When a Case version has 'Autostart by Schedule' set to ON and is linked to a Schedule, the system will kick off a Case for any unlaunched rows which have a Start Date AFTER the date that Case process version was set live*. The schedule must be in a state of running for the cases to be created.
In that scenario, if the schedule gets paused then when it is set to resume it WILL retrospectively create Cases for any schedule rows with a Start Date AFTER that key Case process version set live date.
Anything with a Start Date BEFORE that key data will never auto-launch a Case.
Future-dated rows will also obviously kick off a new Case work item when their start date is reached.
*This logic for launching a Case for historic schedule rows is true no matter when that schedule row is added - i.e. if it existed at the point where the Case process version was set live, or even if it is subsequently added to the Schedule after that point.
The following infographic explains how the system determines whether or not to auto-launch a Case based on linked schedule row dates.
A Schedule exists and is running. A case process is currently linked to the schedule, with 'Autostart by Schedule' ON. The Case process then gets set live.
The system will generate new Case work Items each time it hits a schedule row with today's date as its Start Date. All rows with a Start Date before the data this Case process version was set live will be ignored.
A schedule has 12 rows for 2023, each with a start date of 1st of the month. It gets created on Dec 31st 2022 and is set running, and is linked to a Case process with Autostart set to ON. As each schedule row's start date is hit on the 1st of each month, the system will create a new Case work item.
A Schedule exists and is running. A case process is currently linked to the schedule, with 'Autostart by Schedule' OFF. The Case process then gets set live.
No Case work items will be automatically generated by the system, no matter what their Start Date is.
A schedule has 12 rows for 2023, each with a start date of 1st of the month. It gets created on Dec 31st 2022 and is set running, and is linked to a Case process with Autostart set to ON. The system does not auto-generate any Case work items as each Start Date on the schedule is reached throughout the year.* *Note: If someone creates a new version of the Case process where they switch Autostart to ON, on setting that process version live, the system will not retrospectively create any Cases from beforehand.
A Schedule exists and is running. A case process is currently linked to the schedule, with 'Autostart by Schedule' ON, but the schedule is put on Pause after 2 periods. The Schedule then gets resumed (after enough time has passed that there are some rows which would have been automatically started if it had been running during that period).
On the schedule resuming, the system will retrospectively launch new Case work items for the now historic schedule rows, i.e. those with a Start Date which passed during the period the schedule was on pause, and which never had a Case created for them. In summary: it will catch up.
A schedule has 12 rows for 2023, each with a start date of 1st of the month. It gets created on Dec 31st 2022 and is set running, and is linked to a Case process with Autostart set to ON.
The system autogenerates a new Case work item on Jan 1st and Feb 1st.
The schedule is then put on pause from Feb 5th to April 5th, at which point it is resumed. The system will create retrospective Cases for the missed March 1st and April 1st schedule rows. When it hits May 1st it will create a new Case, and so on throughout the year.
A schedule exists and is currently Paused. A NEW Case process gets created, gets linked to that schedule, with 'Autostart by Schedule' set to ON, and the Case gets set to Live. The Schedule then gets set to resume.
After resuming, the system will ignore any unlaunched historic rows which have a start date before the date that Case process version was set to live. It will create Cases for any historic rows with a start date after that Case process version was set to live. Ongoing, it will start new Case work items each time it hits a schedule row with today's date as its Start Date
A schedule has 12 rows for 2023, each with a start date of 1st of the month. It gets created on Jan 1st but is set on Pause.
On April 10th a Case process gets linked to that Schedule, with Autostart on, and gets set live on April 10th.
On May 15th the Schedule is resumed. The system will create a retrospective Case for the missed May 1st schedule row, but will ignore all the previous schedule rows. When it hits June 1st it will create a new Case, and so on throughout the year.
Custom cards let you add custom content into your Tickets, Cases and Actions. You can instantly create cards of your custom data fields, or switch to Advanced mode to show richer content such as external systems and webforms.
To create a Custom Card that you are able to quickly auto-generate from an ordered list of the fields listed on the cards, select the Custom Cards section from the toolbar.
This will bring you to a list of all Custom Cards. This is where you can create, edit and delete Custom Cards.
You can also export and import Custom Cards - see here for more information:
To find out how to create a Custom Card in Enate, you can watch the following video or read the information below.
Clicking the '+' icon on the top right of the page will give you the option to 'Add a Work Manager Card' or to 'Add a Self Service Card'. As the name suggests, Work Manager cards are used for presenting data to agents looking at work items in Work Manager; Self Service cards are used for presenting data to customers in Self Service, usually used to give end service recipients a view on their data for a service request they are submitting or reviewing via Self Service.
Clicking on either of these links will bring up the card details:
The screen will show you card header data to be filled in, plus two columns showing a list of custom data fields. The 'Added Fields' section on the left shows the fields currently added to the card (which will be empty for brand new card); the 'Available' section on the right lists all other custom data fields that are available in your system.
You then need to configure the following information for the Custom Card:
The card name. Mandatory.
A description for the card
To add a custom data field to a custom card, you can click on a field from the 'Available' section on the right-hand side which shows a list of all the custom data fields in the system. This will add the field to the 'Added Fields' section on the left which shows a list of all the custom data fields which have been added to the Custom Card.
If you have many fields to choose from, you can click to filter the list by type of data or you can search for the field name itself.
After adding the desired custom data fields to your Custom Card, drag and drop the fields to modify the order in which you want your custom data fields them to display in Work Manager.
You can choose if you want end users in Work Managers to have to fill in the field by selecting to make a custom data field mandatory.
To make a field mandatory, select a custom data field from the list of Added Fields on the left and click the '+' icon. This will open the Field Settings pop-up.
Selecting the 'Mandatory' option will mean that an agent in Work Manager will be required to fill out the fields marked as mandatory before they are able to submit or change the status of the work item.
The validation check for when only the 'mandatory' option is set runs every time a work item gets submitted or the status gets changed. This means that when an agent clicks to change the status of the work item, regardless of what that status is the system will still run a check and ask the agent to complete any mandatory fields that are yet to be filled in in order to proceed every time the user clicks to change the status of the work item.
Please note: Checkbox fields cannot be made mandatory.
Selecting the 'Only on Resolve' option will mean that an agent in Work Manager will only be required to fill out the fields marked as mandatory at the point of Resolving a ticket or Action, rather that for any update.
When this setting is ticked, the validation check to make sure that all mandatory fields are filled in only occurs when an agent clicks to mark the work item as successfully resolved, instead of every time the submit or change the status of the work item.
This means that when an agent clicks to change the status of the work item to resolved successfully but has not filled out the mandatory fields, the system will prevent the agent from resolving the work item and will ask the agent to complete the mandatory fields in order to proceed.
However, if the agent is changing the status to something other than successfully resolved, e.g. 'Waiting' because they do not have the data required to fill in the mandatory data fields, or they are rejecting or cancelling the work item, the system will not ask the user to fill in the mandatory fields; they will instead be able to proceed without being forced to fill in the mandatory data fields.
This should help avoid scenarios where agents must fill in any mandatory fields, even though the change in work item status no longer requires the data fields to be filled in e.g. when rejecting a Ticket as spam.
For a Ticket, this is when choosing to resolve a Ticket
With Customer Response, or with
No customer response
For an Action, this is when you click to resolve the Action and mark it as 'complete'.
Once you have marked a field as 'Mandatory' or 'Mandatory Only on Resolve' and clicked 'Apply', the field will now be marked with an 'M' to show that it is mandatory.
Note that when it comes to making a custom data table mandatory, you cannot make the whole table mandatory but you can make individual fields within the table mandatory.
You can choose if you want end users in Work Manager to be unable to edit the field by selecting to make a custom data field read-only.
To make a field read-only, select a custom data field from the list of Added Fields on the left and click the '+' icon. This will open the Field Settings pop-up.
Click the 'Mark this field as read-only' option and click 'Apply'.
The field will now be marked with an 'R' to show that it is mandatory.
Note that when making a field read-only your options for providing a value to it are as follows:
Set a default value for the field by adjusting the custom data field settings, or if you leave the default settings blank,
Users in Work Manager can enter a value into the field on a Work Item, but once the field has been filled in and the work item has been subsequently submitted, the field will become read-only and users will no longer be able to edit it.
Note that you cannot set a default value for the following types of data:
multiple-level lists
decimal numbers.
When it comes to making a custom data table read-only, you cannot make the whole table read-only but you can make individual fields within the table read-only.
You can also choose if you want to hide a custom data field from end users in Work Manager based on the value of another field on the card by selecting to Add Conditions. For example, you could choose to hide the field 'Type of hardware required' if the answer for the field 'Is hardware required' is no by adding the following condition:
Then if any one of these conditions are met, the field 'Type of hardware required' will not show on the Custom Card in Work Manager (this can happen instantly on field value change when users a changing field values).
To add a condition, a field from the list of Added Fields on the left and click the '+' icon. This will open the Field Settings pop-up.
Click the '+' option to add a condition and then select the field and the condition.
You can add a condition based on any of the existing custom data fields that have been added to a Custom Card and for all custom field data types.
'OR' logic applies if multiple conditions are added to a field, i.e. if any one of the conditions added to a field are met, the field will not show on the Custom Card in Work Manager.
The conditions you can add depend upon the type of custom field. See the following table for further information:
Check Box
Does Not Equal
Date and Time
Does Not Equal
Is Between
Is greater than
Is less than
Is greater than or equals
Is less than or equals
Date Only
Does Not Equal
Is Between
Is greater than
Is less than
Is greater than or equals
Is less than or equals
Decimal Number
Does Not Equal
Is Between
Is greater than
Is less than
Is greater than or equals
Is less than or equals
Email Address
Does Not Equal
Does Not Equal
Does Not Equal
Long Text
Does not equal
Multiple Level List
Does Not Equal
Short Text
Does Not Equal
Whole Number
Does Not Equal
Is Between
Is greater than
Is less than
Is greater than or equals
Is less than or equals
Custom Data Table
See below.
When adding conditions to determine whether a data table should be shown or hidden depending on whether certain conditions are met, note that the entire data table will either be shown or hidden - you cannot choose to show or hide individual fields within a custom data table. This includes any fields that you have selected as mandatory.
You can easily create new custom data fields without leaving the Cards editing screen - simply click the 'add' icon above the list of system fields and fill in the required information in the resulting popup.
If you wish your Custom Card to contain bespoke content, you can select the 'Advanced' option while editing the card. This will allow you to add HTML and Typescript.
See here for more information about Advanced Custom Cards:
The User Management section is where you can:
View lists of Service Agents, Robots and Self Service Users
Create, edit and delete Service Agents, Self Service Users and Robots.
Create, edit and delete User Groups to control permissions
Create and maintain User Roles
Reset user passwords and remove users and Robots.
You can access User Management from the toolbar link:
User Management is made up of the following sections:
Service Agents - this section is where you can create and manage the service agents in your system. Service agents are the people who in your service centres and deliver service to your clients, often using Work Manager to do this. Note that the Service Agents page will only appear if you have been given permission to access and edit users.
Robots - this section is where you can create and manage the robots in your system. Note that the Robots page will only appear if you have been given permission to access and edit users.
Self Service Users - this section is where you can create and manage the self service users in your system. Self Service users are the people who you are delivering service to and who are using Enate Self Service. Note that the Self Service Users page will only appear if you have been given permission to access and edit users and if a Self Service instance has been configured.
User Groups - this section is where you can create and manage the user groups in your system. this is a way of grouping together a number of service agents which, when used alongside the permissions feature, can be used to control access to parts of your business operations i.e. you can allow certain user groups to only work on items for a specific customer or contract or service, or even just to work on specific Case & Ticket processes.
User Roles - this section is where you can create and manage the user roles in your system. User roles determine which features service agents can access in Enate.
Application Credentials - this section is where you can create and manage the application credentials in your system. Application credentials allow smoother interaction with third-party systems by effectively granting the logged-in user's account's access levels to the Application Credential record to allow third-party systems using that record to act on this user's behalf.
On saving your changes the system will determine whether the configuration is now in a valid or invalid state. If invalid, a warning sign will show. Click the warning marker to view a list of validation errors:
Clicking on the each error link will take you to the relevant section of the Ticket / Case configuration screen to help you resolve the issue, and will highlight the item which needs to be resolved.
Case / Ticket processes that fail validation can be saved but cannot be run in Work Manager.
More fundamental validation error messages will display with a red icon:
Fundamental validation errors must be resolved before the Case / Ticket process can be saved.
Access to promote Case or Ticket configuration to ‘Live’ is an explicit permission configurable in the 'Permissions' tab of the Create/Edit User popup in Builder:
Click here for more information about different levels of access in Builder.
Enate allows you to create, manage and use approval request flows by using the dedicated 'Approvals' Action type.
Often within the Case flows of business processes which are built in Enate there are points where external people (i.e. people working outside Enate - this could be business managers within your company or the relevant client company) need to sign off on activities before the process can continue. Payroll processes are good examples of such processes, where client management need to sign off on payroll reports before the process can be allowed to continue.
Enate's Approval Action is built to specifically support these scenarios in a more integrated way - to ensure that this 'approval cycle' is tightly managed and visible within the flow of activities in Enate. When an Enate Case reaches an Approval Action in a flow, things then work as follows:
Enate uses uploaded business rules to determine the Approvers to whom approval request emails should be sent (standard email templates are available, but these can be modified to contain information sufficient for approver to review what is being requested). See dedicated section describing how your approver business rules can be uploaded into Builder.
Once the approvers are determined, Enate sends out Approval Requests and then Waits for their response. Depending on the type of approval defined, this might send out one request after another (awaiting approval from the first) in a multilevel request, or might send the request to a group of people in one go, waiting for either one or all to approve before continuing. Note: While this is happening, the Approval Action in Work Manager sits in a state of 'Wait for more Information'
Those approvers can then approve or decline, via a link in the email sent to them which takes them to an online form.
Once all required Approvals have been received, the Case process can continue again*.
There may be some exception scenarios to the above where an Agent in Enate can access the Approval Action in Work Manager to carry out any required activities. The can be:
No approvers (or insufficient approvers) have been determined automatically. The Agent needs to add approver names and set the Action to 'Wait for more Information' in order for the system to send out approval request mails.
The approval has been declined. The Agent then must either organise whatever adjustments may be necessary before setting the Action back to 'Wait for more Information' in order for the system to send out approval request mails, OR mark mark the activity as unable to resolve, OR mark the Action as 'Resolved', which will approve the request and move the Case on in the flow.
See the Agent activity for Approval Action exceptions section for more detailed information around this. This is found within the How Approval Actions Work at Runtime section.
To start using approval flows in Enate, you'll first need to set up a few things up in in Builder before it can be used in Work Manager at runtime. The things you need to set up are:
Approval email templates - setting up the email the person who will make the approval decision will receive
Approval rejection reasons - these are the reasons an approver can select from when declining a request
Approval rules - supplying the rules which determine who approval request are to be sent to
To set up an approval flow within your Case flow, you just add a single Approval Action. You can either add an existing one from the Actions list if one has already been created, or you can create a brand new one.
Approval Actions can be created in the same way any other Action is created in Enate: either from the Service Line page, or directly from within your Case flow.
To create an Approval Action from the Service Line page, select to create a new Action under the desired service line, give the action a name and a description and choose approval action from the type drop down. You can also give the Action approval type a global checklist if you wish.
To create an Approval Action directly from the Case flow itself, open a Case flow in edit mode, click on an Action's menu and then instead of clicking to add an existing Action, select to create a new Action by clicking the '+' icon.
Give the Action a name, add a description if you wish and for its type, select 'Approval'.
When you click 'OK, the Action will be created and added to the Case flow.
Once you have added your approval Action to your flow, you will then need to fill out its settings.
On the Action Info tab you will need to set when it's due and set an allocation rule.
Note that this Allocation is NOT for sending to the approver, this determines where that Action would be routed to in Work Manager should any issues be encountered. The actual Approval decision doesn't happen in Work Manager, it's a mailed out link, and the rules for determining where it should go aren't managed this way - see the 'Defining Approval Rules' section for an explanation.
There's also general settings for the Action too, and ability to set a custom card, again only really for use in the unlikely event that someone needs to intervene and view the action in Work Manager.
Next, go to the Approvals tab to define the settings which specifically relate to the approval activities.
You'll need to fill in the Approval Type. There are three approval types that you can choose from:
More than one level of approval is required. Request is sent to the first-level approver and, only if approved, onto the next level, and so on, up to a maximum of three levels.
If you've selected Multilevel, you will also need to add how many levels of approval are needed in the 'Approval Levels' column (maximum 3).
Parallel Any
The approval request is sent to multiple people at the same time, and the decision is taken from the first one to respond.
A maximum of 5 approvers can be specified at runtime.
Parallel All
The approval is sent to multiple people at the same time, and approval is needed from all of them. If any decline, the approval is declined.
A maximum of 5 approvers can be specified at runtime.
If you have selected 'Multilevel' as your approval type, you will also need to add how many approval levels you would like the request to have, up to a maximum of 3. If you have selected either of the two parallel approval types, the approval levels will automatically be set to 1.
In the Approval Request Email column, select which approval email template you would like to be sent out to the approvers. See the following section to find out how to create and adjust approval email templates.
The person who will make the approval decision will receive an automated email containing the information they need to make the decision.
You can set the template of that email in the Email Templates section of Builder.
You can either select one of the system standard templates, depending on the approval type, or you can select from one of your own custom email templates.
There are two system standard templates available:
Approval Request Multi-Level - make sure to select this option if you're approval is multilevel
Approval Request Parallel - make sure to select this option if you're approval is a parallel request
If the system standard templates don't quite meet you needs, you can modify the existing pre-created approval templates, or create your own from scratch. When you are creating your own from scratch, make sure to set the purpose of the template as 'approval request' in order for it to appear as an option for you to choose from when you are designing your approval process in the Case screen.
You can insert or edit the approve and reject buttons to you email using the 'Insert Approval Buttons' option.
These buttons are editable using the button details pop up.
You can also add approval-specific custom fields to the template which will auto-populate with the details relevant for each specific approval request.
These fields include:
Approval Accept Request Link - inserts a hyper link to the approval acceptance page
Approval Decline Request Link - inserts a hyper link to the approval decline page
Approver Level - inserts the level of approver (this will only be relevant for multi-level approvals)
Other Approver Names - inserts the names of the remaining approvers (this will only be relevant for multi-level approvals)
Total Number of Approvers - inserts the total number of approvers
Type of Approval - inserts the type of approval (i.e. multi-level and parallel)
Once you save it, you can select to use this template in your approval processes from the Case flow.
At runtime, when the flow of a Case reaches your approval action, the email will be automatically sent out to one or more approvers. The mail links for approval decision will take them to the relevant approval decision page, let them confirm a decision and add any comments if they want. If they've decided to decline the request, they will have to specify a rejection reason. The rejection reasons they can choose from are set in Builder, see the following section to find out more.
At runtime, if an approver decides to decline a request, they will have to specify a rejection reason.
The rejection reasons they can choose from are set the 'Approval Rejection Reasons' section of the System Settings page in Builder.
There are a number of default, out-of-the-box reasons, which include:
Budget Constraints
The requested funds exceed the allocated budget or available funds for the specified period.
Duplicate Requests
The same request has been submitted multiple times.
Incorrect or Incomplete Information
The submitted data or documentation is inaccurate, incomplete, or contains errors.
Missing Supporting Documentation
Required supporting documents, such as invoices, receipts, or contracts, are missing.
Policy Non-Compliance
The request or transaction violates company policies, regulatory requirements, or compliance standards.
Vendor or Partner Issues
The proposed vendor or partner has encountered issues or concerns that impact the request's viability.
If these don't quite meet your needs, you can also create new rejection reasons. To create a brand new reason, click on the plus symbol.
Give the reason a name and a description and click to create.
You can always edit a rejection reason after it has been created by clicking on it and editing its details in the subsequent pop-up, and you can delete a reason by hovering over the reason and clicking on the 'X'.
The most important part of this approval action set up to be aware of is supplying the rules which determine who approval request are to be sent to. There can be any number of different business rules, from the simple to very complex, involved here. Rather than create a dedicated rule interface in Builder for you to try to build them directly there (which would be very unlikely to cover such a wide range of required business scenarios), we instead use an approach where you can upload an Excel file where you can define whatever business rules you need to, as long as the result passes up to Enate the names of the individuals who are to be the approvers.
You can download an Excel template from the Approval Rules section of the System Settings page in Builder that you can use as a guide for your own rule creation.
The first sheet of the template contains instructions about how you should correctly format your own approval rules.
Some of the excel template consists of standard sections where you'll need to provide data in a certain way, while other sections are more freeform where you can enter whatever business logic you need to. Note that the variables defined will need to be information Enate has access to, and the Approvers specified will at least need to have a Contact record set for them within the system.
The Input Parameters sheet is were you define the values that they will use in their rule conditions.
The Rules sheet is where users define your rule conditions. These rules should be based on the Input Parameters specified in the Input Parameters tab.
The Approver sheet is where you provide their approvers, and their approval levels. When an approval process is triggered in Enate, Enate will use these values to determine who to send the approval request to.
Whenever an Approval Action is triggered in a workflow, Enate will automatically run through the rules in the Excel template (passing in whatever variable values are asked for from the work item) extract the resulting approver names and email addresses and then send the approval requests to those individuals.
Once you have uploaded a valid rule file, it will be marked as having 'Validated Changes' .
This means it can be used for testing in Work Manager using test mode. Once you have done your testing and you are happy with your rules, set the rules sheet to live so that it can be used in live processes.
You can also download, delete and view the activity history of the rules file using the ellipses menu on each uploaded sheet.
Approval requests get sent out to agents working externally from Enate to approve or decline.
There are a few different types of approval that affect how the decision is made:
In a multilevel scenario, the request email is sent to each new level upon successful approval from previous, up to a maximum of 3 levels. If any person declines, the approval is declined.
In a parallel any scenario, the request email is sent to all approvers and the first decision is taken.
In a parallel all scenario, the request email is sent to all approvers and ALL must approve for the request to be approved. If any decline, the approval is declined.
If the request gets approved by all necessary parties, the approval Action gets successfully resolved and closed automatically, so no Work Manager Agent will need to pick it up, although the closed Action can always be viewed by manually clicking on it.
There are, however, a couple of scenarios where a Work Manager agent might need to pick up and further process an approval Action, if the approval has been rejected or if the agent needs to add in approvers because one or more required approvers is blank.
In the scenario where an approval request has been declined, the Action will move into a state of 'To Do' and so will ultimately need to be dealt with by a Work Manager Agent. They should review the rejection reason provided by the approver and decide how to proceed. They can either:
Update as needed and Resend the request by setting the Action to 'Wait'. This will auto-send out the approval request email again** and place the Action in a state of 'Wait for More Information' - since we're waiting for external information (an approval response) to be registered back into the system before activity can proceed.
Mark the Action as Unable to complete. This will alert the Case owner who then needs to decide how to proceed - perhaps by reworking the Case or closing the Case entirely.
Mark the Action as Resolved which will manually mark the request as approved. The Case with then progress to the next Action.
**Note: Approval request email sending will start again from the beginning, i.e. all requesters will be mailed again. If they click on any previously sent emails, they will be met with a message telling them that THAT specific approval request is no longer valid, as the details of what is being requested may have changed).
In the scenario where an agent needs to add in approvers because one or more required approvers is blank (or make changes which result in the approval requests needing to be sent out again), the Agent will pick up the Approval Action in a state of To Do. Once they have finished making any adjustments and / or filling in missing Approver names, the must then place the Action in a state of Wait. Once they do this will auto-send the approval request email and then move the Action to a state of 'Wait for more information' as it is waiting for external info (approval) before proceeding.
Note: While an Approval Action is state of 'To Do', or 'In Progress', external parties who were mailed out approval requests will NOT be able to approve or decline. Instead the will be met with a message informing them that the item in question is currently being processed. Work Manager Agents MUST move the Action back to a state of 'Wait for more information' if they wish the approval activity to recommence.
By default, Approval Actions will continue in their current state when the action reaches its Due Date, even if sufficient approvals have yet to be received. If, alternatively, you would like the action to time out at that point, you can switch the 'Auto-complete on Timeout' setting in the General Settings for this Action to ON (the default for this is OFF). Set like this, upon reaching its due date the Action would instead close and the Case will be flagged for an Agent to look at and resolve as they see necessary, e.g. starting another Approval Action or reworking the Case from a previous point. The Case would not resume until the Agent has specified how to do so.
The Marketplace section in Builder is where you can find all the apps that integrate into the Enate system, along with the providers available.
You can find more information about all of the apps that integrate into the Enate system in this dedicated section:
Note: You will need to purchase these apps independently and then select to configure their settings here. Full direct app purchasing from here is planned in a future release.
If this section does not show additional adapters you will need to speak to your account manager to enable this (although the existing RPA Sync Integration and OCR Connection links to show without such a certificate).
This pattern helps to automatically classify and categorize Tickets to help support Agents with more accurate initial routing so by the time they pick it up, it's where it needs to be. It is available via the following providers:
See this dedicated article for more information about how to set up an Email Classification Pattern.
The Email Data Extraction pattern reads the content of incoming emails and use the info to auto-populate values into the custom cards in your Tickets and Cases, saving you the time spent analyzing and transferring the data manually. We currently have the following adapters:
See this dedicated article for more information about how to set up an Email Data Extraction Pattern.
With the 'Is Thank You' pattern, you can automatically detect whether incoming emails to a resolved work are just simple 'thank you emails', and if so then have them automatically moved back to a state of 'resolved' without agent users having to manually perform such repetitive checks. We currently have the following adapters:
See this dedicated article for more information about how to set up a Thank you Email Evaluation Pattern.
GPT's email Sentiment Analysis pattern can analyse the content of incoming emails and determine if for example they're positive or negative. This assessment can be passed back into Enate Work Manager so that Agents can tell at a glance what the tone of the mail is as headline information as they start to deal with it. We currently have the following adapters:
See this dedicated article for more information about how to set up a Sentiment Analysis Pattern.
This pattern allows you to integrate with an RPA provider and help streamline the management and governance of large-scale processes involving digital, human and hybrid workforces.
This pattern is provided with an integration with UiPath Orchestrator that gives you the power you need to provision, deploy, trigger, monitor, measure, and track the work of attended and unattended robots—so your entire digital workforce is secure and productive.
See this dedicated article for more information about how to integrate with UiPath Orchestrator.
The Document Classification component, available in Enate Marketplace, analyzes the attachments of incoming emails and automatically classifies them with a tag.
This provides accurate tagging of the files in your work items without an agent needing to spend time doing this manually, saving time and effort and allowing them to focus on their core activities.
At the moment, this pattern is only provided by Infrrd.
Check out this video to find out more:
See this dedicated article for more information about the Document Classification component and how to set it up.
This pattern allows intelligent document processing to be part of your Enate processes by scanning documents such as PDFs to both start, and form part of, your Enate processes.
At the moment, this pattern is provided by Infrrd and ABBYY FlexiCapture.
Check out this video to find out more:
See this dedicated article for more information about the Document Extraction component and how to set it up.
Over the coming weeks and months you'll see more and more integration options from the apps you can talk to with Enate and see how you can build out your business landscape with Enate at the heart of things.
DocuSign - coming soon
AdobeSign - coming soon
User Groups are, as the name suggest, ways of grouping together a number of users - specifically Service Agent type users. User Groups can be used for (see below) for a number service agents to specific parts of your business operations, i.e. for certain Customers, their Contracts, Services or even down to specific Case & Ticket processes.
Watch this video to find out more:
To create a user group, navigate to the 'User Groups' section of User Management, create a new group and add one or more users into it. Once saved, the User group is ready to use with permissions linking.
When creating or editing a User account, you can select which user groups they should be in via their settings on the Access tab.
Link up at the customer/contract/service-level, that User group has access to all work items under that customer/contract/service. Conversely if you set down at the Case-process level, that User Group has access to work items within that Case process specifically within that customer/contract/service combination.
Setting User groups with permissions at customer/contract/service can easily be done by navigating the to Service Matrix screen and clicking to edit the desired customer/contract/service.
Once that has been set, only users within this User Group have access to work items (creation, editing etc.) for that customer, contract or service.
For example, if you link up at the customer-level, that User group has access to all work items under that customer. Conversely if you set down at the Case-process level, that User Group has access to work items within that Case process specifically within that customer/contract/service combination.
To set permissions for a specific customer's Case or Ticket process, go to the Service Matrix, select the Permissions link and add the User Groups you want to be able to access it.
Note that any Permissions set at higher level will show read-only when accessing settings for any item in the Service Matrix.
Once that has been set, only users within this User Group have access to work items (creation, editing etc.) within that Case process specifically within that customer/contract/service combination.
The Application Credentials page gives developers a dedicated way to support how their APIs can be given access to the system.
Application Credential records can be created by an individual user logged into Builder. In creating such a record, the logged-in user effectively grants their own user account's access levels to the Application Credential record, to allow third party systems using that record subsequently to act on this user's behalf. However the user may not wish to grant the access which is available to all of the roles they occupy, so as part of the record creation they can specify a subset of roles which this Application Credential would have the power to use.
Using this Application Credential approach for granting API access has some advantages over using standard user accounts:
A single set of application credentials can have multiple concurrent sessions active.
You can select specific levels of access to grant each set of application credentials, keeping permissions only as expansive as they need to be.
Allows a more appropriate support for system-to-system communication.
Gives better tracking of which APIs are accessed by third party applications.
In technical terms, this feature allows Builder admin users to create sets of credentials, specifically 'OAuth Client Credentials' to access Enate & call APIs. Enate uses OAuth2.0 (Open Authorization) for token-based authentication and authorization. For more information on OAuth2.0, please refer to this link .
The approach is as follows:
An Enate user logs into Builder and creates an application Credential record (a specific 'ClientID & SecretKey' record, which is effectively a username & password).
External to Enate, you must call the Enate OAuth/Token API passing the client id and client secret to obtain a token (specifically a '').
Ensure this Token is included in each API call which is made into the Enate system.
Note that the bearer token will expire if it is not used to make an API call for the length of time set in the 'Idle Session Timeout' setting in the General Settings section of Enate Manager.
If the bearer token does expire, the application credentials can be re-authenticated by using the '/OAuth/Token' Enate API to generate a new bearer token.
Additionally, any changes made to a user's roles (i.e. if a user gets assigned a new role or they are removed from a role) will cause the bearer token to expire.
If a bearer token does expire, the application credentials can be re-authenticated by using the '/OAuth/Token' Enate API to generate a new bearer token. Note that revoked roles will not get assigned to a new bearer token.
To support this feature we've added a new section in the User Management section of Builder to help manage different sets of Application Credentials you may wish to create:
The resulting screen will show a list of any existing Application Credentials which the logged-in user created before (Application Credentials created by other users are not displayed), including the roles the role(s) assigned to the user and the expiry date.
To create a new credential record, click on the '+' link, and fill out the details in the resulting popup:
Enter a name for the credential and add an expiration date. Then select the Operational Role you want the credential to have. If you want the credential to access Builder, select a Builder role too. These roles determine the various access options that a user will have access to.
Then click to generate a key. This will create:
A Client ID
A Secret Key
You should copy these two pieces of data at this point, for use in subsequent steps to create a Bearer Token outside of Enate.
Note: You will only be able to access this secret key once, at this point. Once the pop-up window is closed you will no longer have access to it, and if you have not taken a note and subsequently wish to use this client ID, you would need to generate a new secret key.
Once the Credential record has been generated, it will be saved and stored in the Application Credentials page. You, as the creator of the record, can subsequently edit its name and expiry date and generate a new secret key for it. Credential records can also be deleted if desired.
You should use the copied Client ID and Secret Key as inputs into your third party system, for example the Postman API testing tool. From example above, this would be:
Client ID: eba59171-ac3a-4527-939a-830494c2c5f6
Secret Key: 3@rn0i+0y5jRB8_n
The Third-party system should be making a POST API call to the '/OAuth/Token' Enate API to generate the bearer token.
For the API request, select 'x-www-form-urlencoded' in the body section to pass the three parameters below while making the API call to generate the token.
grant_type - client_credentials
client_id - 0f6c907b-00f4-4e12-8d75-41454b777533
client_secret - TLd55KNez61niSXO
This generates the Bearer token, which is then used to get authorization for API calls to Enate.
To make a new API call to Enate, select Type as ‘Bearer Token’ in the Authorization section of the API request, pass your generated bearer token and the request URL for the specific API you're looking for.
The Self Service Users page, accessed via the User Management section of Builder, is where you can add, edit and manage your Self Service users. Self Service users are the people who you are delivering service to and who are using Enate Self Service.
Note that the Self Service Users page will only appear if you have a Self Service instance configured.
You can see a list of your existing Self Service users, and information such as their first name, last name, username, email address, company, when they last logged into Self Service, and whether or not they can view community requests i.e. if they can view all of the requests that have been submitted to their company in Self Service.
You can customise the order in which you want to view your Self Service users by clicking on each column header.
Additionally, you can choose to only show Self Service users that belong to a particular company by using the company filter option at the top of the page.
You can also use the search function at the top of the page.
To add a new self service user, go to the ‘Self Service Users’ page in Builder’s User Management section click the '+' icon at the top of the screen. This will bring up the ‘Add Self Service User’ pop-up where you can enter the person's details.
In the General tab you can add the following details:
In the Password tab you then need to set the self service user's password. Please note that passwords:
Should not contain the username, first name or surname of the user.
Should contain at least contain 8 characters.
Should not contain more than 16 characters.
You can edit the details of an existing user by clicking on the menu link on the right-hand side of the contact. All attributes can be modified.
You can also see what edits have been made to a user account and when, as well as when the user account was created, by clicking on the Show Activity button.
You can delete a Self Service user by clicking on the menu link on the right-hand side of the contact.
Note: deleting a Self Service user is a logical delete only; the user account is effectively retired. The account can be reactivated at any point.
You can reset the password of a Self Service user by clicking on the menu link on the right-hand side of the contact and selecting 'Change password'. You can then give them a new password as per password policy.
The Service Agents page, accessed via the User Management section of Builder, is where you can add, edit and manage your service agents. Service agents are the people who in your service centers and deliver service to your clients, often using Work Manager to do this.
You can see a list of your existing service agents and information such as their first name, last name, username, email address, supplier company, when they last logged into Work Manager and their Operational and Builder Roles.
You can customize the order in which you want to view your service agents by clicking on each column header.
Additionally, you can choose to only show service agents that belong to a particular supplier company by using the company filter option at the top of the page.
You can also use the search function at the top of the page.
To add a new service agent, go to the ‘Service Agents’ page in Builder’s User Management section and click on the '+' icon at the top of the screen. This will bring up the ‘Add User’ pop-up where you can enter the person's details.
In the General tab you can add the following details:
Enate allows for a granular level of granting access to people based on their role and business requirements. These settings are defined in the Access tab. Here you have the ability to set the following levels of access:
The details tab lets you add more detailed information for the service agent, including:
In the Password Tab you must set the service agent's password according to your password policy.
See here for more information about setting your password policy:
You can edit the details of an existing user by clicking on the menu link on the right-hand side of the contact. All attributes can be modified with the exception of the company to which they belong.
You can also see what edits have been made to a user account and when, as well as when the user account was created, by clicking on the Show Activity button.
You can delete a Self Service user by clicking on the menu link on the right-hand side of the contact.
If you need to reactivate a service agent you can do this via the 'Service Agents' screen in User Management section of Builder. Once you are on the ' Service Agents' screen go to your settings in the top right and enable 'Show deleted objects'. Once this has been enabled all service agents who have been deactivated will appear in the grid grayed out. Go to the ellipses menu at the end of the row of the service agent you wish to reactivate and select the 'Re-activate' option. This will reactivate that service agent account and set them as an active service agent.
You can reset a service agent's password by clicking on the menu link on the right-hand side of the contact and selecting 'Change password'. You can then give them a new password according to your password policy.
See here for more information about setting your password policy:
The Robots page, accessed via the User Management section of Builder, is where you can add, edit and manage your Robots. Robots are the account for RPA bots to let them interact with the system.
You can see a list of your existing Robots, and information such as their name, their farm and whether or not they are externally managed.
You can customise the order in which you want to view your Robots by clicking on each column header.
You can also use the search function at the top of the page.
Please note that if a Robot is Externally Managed (e.g. it is managed via a different robotics platform such as UiPath Orchestrator), you will be able to see the Robot in this list, but you will not be able to modify any of its attributes directly in Enate.
To add a new Robot, go to the ‘Robots’ page in Builder’s User Management section and click on the '+' icon at the top of the screen. This will bring up the ‘Add Robot’ pop-up where you can enter the person's details.
In the General tab you can add the following details:
Enate allows for a granular level of granting access to people based on their role and business requirements. These settings are defined in the Access tab. Here you mu choose which Builder role to assign to the robot by selecting from the dropdown menu. This determines which Builder role the user has and therefore which Builder features the user will have access to. User roles are configured in the User Roles section of User Management in Builder. Select either a standard or custom role from the dropdown.
In the Password Tab you must set the Robot's password according to your password policy.
See here for more information about setting your password policy:
When linking a robot to a farm, you may need to create a new Farm. This can be done by clicking the link in the farm dropdown.
You will be presented with a popup where you can define the name of the farm, a description, and choose the technology which it uses (current options: UiPath, BluePrism, Automation Anywhere).
You can edit the details of an existing Robot by clicking on the menu link on the right-hand side of the contact. All attributes can be modified with the exception of the Robot's username.
You can also see what edits have been made to a Robot and when, as well as when the Robot was created, by clicking on the Show Activity button.
You can delete a Robot by clicking on the menu link on the right-hand side of the contact.
You can reset a Robot's password by clicking on the menu link on the right-hand side of the contact and selecting 'Change password'. You can then give them a password according to your password policy.
See here for more information about setting your password policy:
Cases and their Actions which have been launched through a trigger will display the frequency name in their title in Work Manager, based on the following format:
[Work Item Reference Number] - [Name Of the Schedule] [Date Month Year Time]
Ex : 218649-C - Payroll Process 14 February 2020 15:07
There are several allocation options available which allow you to route work items to the most appropriate resources for your business. These allocation options are defined when configuring your processes in Enate Builder.
Watch the following video to find out more about allocation options in Enate.
There are two main approaches to allocating work in Enate, these are ‘Pull’ Approach and ‘Push’ Approach:
Pull Approach – work gets routed to Work Queues. This allows a) the work to be visible to the Manager(s) of that Queue and b) for people working out of that Queue to be allocated unassigned work items from it when they next bit the ‘Get more work from Queue’ button in their Enate Inbox. To use the Pull approach, you specify to allocate to a Queue, and then leave the Primary / Secondary allocations blank.
Push Approach – works gets routed directly to a user, either because of a specific user allocation, or to a position (from which the system selects one of the users holding that position). To use a Push approach, you specify and Primary (and, if you would want a backup in case no users are found with first rule, a Secondary) allocation.
Note: that when specifying a Push allocation it’s still highly recommended to specify a Queue allocation so that the work is linked to a Queue. If you do not, and the work becomes unassigned, the Team Leader will lose visibility of the Work item.
To configure a new allocation flavour, click to add a new allocation. Alternatively, you can click to clone an existing allocation flavour and adjust the settings for the new allocation flavour from there.
This will bring up the Allocation pop-up where you will need to enter a name and description for the new allocation flavour, as well as the Queue, Queue Method and Primary allocoation method for it.
The following video shows you how to create Queues and set Queue methods.
You can create a new queue from here by clicking on the plus icon from the Queue dropdown.
Enter the new Queue's name and hit 'Create'.
This newly added queue will be automatically selected.
This method is used when you have a very large number of Queues you might have to configure, e.g. a different Queue for each contract but you have a thousand contracts.
To use this method you should first create a Queue in the general settings section with a name which will be used as a suffix to the eventually used Queue name, e.g. ‘+L1’.
The system will use this information and will then auto-generate a new Queue for you with the text specified in the ‘Team’ attribute of the Contract (see Service Matrix section). e.g. if you set a name of ‘ACMEContract’ in the ‘Team’ attribute of a Contract, the system will autogenerate a Queue called ‘ACMEContract +L1.
This method saves large amounts of effort having to manually create and maintain the Queues – instead they are auto-generated based on this information.
If you are using ‘push’ allocations where work is directly allocated straight to a user, you should then select an allocation method to determine position or team to allocate the work to.
This can be configured in the Allocation pop-up of a work item.
There are a number of standard methods available to choose from and, depending upon the method selected, additional parameters may be required. There is more detailed information for each of these options below.
Watch this video for more information about setting primary and secondary allocation methods.
With this allocation method, you can allocate certain Actions to the user who completed the previous Action. By doing so it decreases the load on the Queue and directly assigns the Work Item to a specified user as per config.
Simply select the particular Action Type from the resulting dropdown.
This allocation method lets you allocates work based on a contact tag. At runtime, the system will look for users associated with the work item which have been tagged with the configured user type tag, and allocate the work to them. If multiple users share this tag, the system will select the user with the least amount of work items in their inbox to allocate to.
This allocation method will allocate work items to an individual in a particular User Group based on a round robin basis i.e. user 1, then user 2, then user 3, then user 1 etc.
This allocation method allocates work items to an individual in a particular User Group who has the lowest amount of estimated hours of work in their inbox.
This allocation method allocates work items to the owner of the parent work item. This allocation method is often used to ‘escalate’ Actions up to the Case owner.
This allocation method allocates work items to the user who started the parent work item.
Simply select the desired Custom Data Field from the resulting dropdown.
This allocation method allocates a work item to the user who started the work item.
Clicking on Show Activity button in the ellipsis will show you the activity history of the Allocation Flavour. You can see when the Allocation Flavour was created and by who, as well as if any edits have been made to the Allocation Flavour, when they were made and by who.
Clicking on the 'References' tab of a flavour will show you where this Allocation rule is being used.
In addition to Name and Description, Due Date flavours are made up of the following attributes:
Clicking on Show Activity button in the ellipsis will show you the activity history of the Due Date Flavour. You can see when the Due Date Flavour was created and by who, as well as if any edits have been made to the Due Date Flavour, when they were made and by who.
There are several Due Date Methods available which allow you to set the start point for calculating the desired SLA for an activity. There are more Due Date methods available.
Watch the following video to find out about the due date methods that re available when configuring Tickets:
Additional Due Date methods are available when setting Due Dates for Cases and Actions, as schedules and parent work item / sub-work items data can be used. Watch this video to find out more:
An advanced option has been enabled for Due Date rules which allows for the use of Custom Data variables when setting time adjustments. Enabling the Advanced option when setting a Due Date rule will display an additional set of options in the ‘Adjust by’ section.
This will allow you to add / subtract a certain number of Hours/Days/Working Hours/Working Days by selecting from a dropdown of numeric custom data fields.
The due date method ‘From a Custom Date Time Field’ allows configuration of rules which allows end users to supply the base date/time value for the Due Date for the rule via a custom data field at runtime, when submitting a Case or Action. The custom field must be of type ‘DateTime’.
At least one Enate custom data field specifically of the date time type.
An Enate Custom Card must be configured with the aforementioned data field.
This card must be configured on the specific Action or Case you wish to set this rule for.
Please note: If a value for the field is not specified, the system will use the default value set on the custom data field in its place. This could be because the user does not fill in a value, or the field does not exist on the Work Item’s custom card.
The end result of this functionality is to allow direct adjustment of Work Item due dates by modifying custom data field values, i.e. setting a value on a card..
..modifies the Work Item due date:
This is only available when a unit of 'working hours' or 'working days' has been selected.
If this flag is set, whenever the due date calculation results in a value that would have been the very end point of a working day (e.g. Friday 5pm when a 9-5pm working calendar is in play), the system will instead return a value for the first working moment of the following working day e.g. Monday 9am.
This option is only available when a unit of 'working hours' or 'working days' has been selected.
Due Date method configuration includes a ‘Move to End of Day’ setting. When checked, the system will take the relevant date calculated based upon the rule’s settings, e.g. ‘add 5 working hours to start date’), and will set the due date to be the end of that working day.
For example, if the system calculates a due date of ‘11am’ on a particular day, clicking this attribute automatically shifts the value to end of that working day. The sequence of the logic here is important when understanding how date / time values are arrived at with this method. The logic sequence is as follows:
Run the "method"
Adjust by fixed (working) days/hours
Adjust by dynamic (working) days/hours
Add wait time if the option is selected (and if wait time exists).
If using working time then ensure the result is within working hours - moving to the start of the next working day if precisely at the end of a working day
Finally move to the end of the (working) day if selected.
This option is only available when a unit of 'working hours' or 'working days' has been selected.
Note: "Move to Next Morning if End of Day" and "Move to End of Day" are mutually exclusive.
Clicking on the 'References' tab of a flavour will show you where this Due Date rule is being used.
Whether you want the Custom Card to include advanced content.
There are also further access options within the tab, see the section about here
You can set user Permissions in conjunction with to control levels of access for your Service Agents to the various parts of your business operations (as represented in the Service Matrix screen - who are your customers, what services are you delivering to them).
You do this by linking the user group to the 'Permissions' setting at various points in the Service Matrix. You can either add permissions or .
The integration approach uses a type of tokens called 'Bearer Tokens' to access the Enate APIs. These Bearer tokens use HTTPS security, and the request is not signed or encrypted: possession of the bearer token is considered authentication. For more about OAuth 2.0 access tokens, refer to this link .
You are able to reactivate or "undelete" retired Self Service users by activating the system-wide ‘’ button. This will show you your retired users which will be greyed out in your grid. Clicking on the menu option of a retired user will shows you an option that allows you to reactivate that user account and set them as an active user.
If you need to collect further information on a service agent beyond the default data fields, you can create and add in as many data fields as you need via .
Note: deleting a Self Service user is a logical delete only; the user account is effectively retired. The account can be at any point.
Note: deleting a Robot is a logical delete only; the user account is effectively retired. The account can be at any point.
You are able to reactivate or "undelete" retired Robots by activating the system-wide ‘’ button. This will show you your retired Robots which will be greyed out in your grid. Clicking on the menu option of a retired user will shows you an option that allows you to reactivate that Robot and set them as active.
Please note that you can't delete and edit queues here, this can only be done from the .
Simply select the desired contact tag from the resulting dropdown. The list of contact tags you can can choose from are defined in the .
Simply select the desired User Group from the resulting dropdown. The list of User Groups you can can choose from are defined in the .
Simply select the desired User Group from the resulting dropdown. The list of User Groups you can can choose from are defined in the .
This allocation method allocates work items to an individual based on the username supplied at runtime in a .
The organisation this user works for.
Mandatory. Note that once the user has been added, the company they belong to can no longer be changed.
User’s username, with which they login to all Enate applications
First Name
User’s first name
Last Name
User’s last name
The user’s work email address
User's preferred language
Time zone
The user’s local Time zone
The working calendar for this user
Send Welcome Email
If you switch this on, the self service user will receive an automatic emails, such as a 'Welcome to Self Service' email and emails relating to the status of their submitted requests.
Can view 'My Company Requests'
If this option is switched on, the self service user can see community requests when they are logged into Self Service. This means that they can see requests submitted to their company.
The organisation this user works for. You can add a specific company that the service agent works for OR you can select to make them a 'Global Agent' where they aren't linked to a specific company. Service agents linked to a specific company will not be able to be added as a contact to a work item belonging to a different company. 'Global Agents' agents have much more flexibility - they can be linked to any work item, regardless of company, letting them send and receive communications from them, and they can also be added to any team, regardless of the company the team leader is linked to. This is particularly useful when your organisation has different operations set up as separate customers.
User’s username, with which they login to all Enate applications
First Name
User’s first name
Last Name
User’s last name
The user’s work email address
User's preferred language for work Manager. See below for more details.
If a language is not set while creating the User, the system will use the language of the User’s company as its default.
The 'Welcome Email' will be sent in the selected language as well.
An end-user’s language setting determines which welcome email template to use, and when setting the value for schedule-driven Work Items (which have the name of the schedule as part of the Work Item title and therefore the email subject).
If the schedule name has been localised into that language, the system will use the localised term instead.
Time zone
The user’s local Time zone
The working calendar for this user
Single Sign-On user
Whether the user can access Enate via single sign-on.
Use only in conjunction with environments which have been set up with Single Sign-on
Send Welcome Email
Whether to send an automated welcome email upon creating the user
Builder Role
This determines which Builder role the user has and therefore which Builder features the user will have access to. User roles are configured in the User Roles section of User Management in Builder.
Select either a standard or custom role from the dropdown. Optional.
Note: if you want the user to be able to access Builder, you must give them a Builder role.
Operational Role
This determines which Work Manager role the user has and therefore which Work Manager features the user will have access to. User roles are configured in the User Roles section of User Management in Builder.
Mandatory. Select either a standard or custom role from the dropdown.
Note: if you want the user to be able to access Builder, you must give them a Builder role.
Allowed Work Types
This determines whether the user can access test work items (via Test Mode) and/or live work items.
Mandatory. Select from:
Testing and Live
User Groups
This determines the user groups that the user belongs to.
User Groups are used for controlling permissions to access certain types of data, e.g. for certain customers, contracts or services or even for specific Case or Ticket processes . If a user is part of a user group, the user will have permission to access data that has been configured for that User Group. Optional.
Know As
What name is the user know by
Employee ID
Uniquely identifying ID for this user.
Total Capacity
The number of working hours (and mins) this user works per day.
Cost Per Hour
The resource cost of this user per hour while they are working
Can be used in costing reporting. Note that this value cannot be negative.
Service Line
What service line does the user work
User's work location
Cost Centre
User's cost centre
User's department
Employment Type
User's employment status
Start Date
User's employment start date
Auto-generated username
This cannot be manually set, but is viewable here after robot creation. You can copy the Username by clicking on the copy icon.
First Name
The robot’s name, for use when tracking in Work Manager
Total Capacity
The number of working hours per day that the robot can work for.
Cost per Hour
The cost of the Robot resources
Allowed Work Types
Whether the Robot is set to work on Live work items, Test work items, or both.
Time zone
The user’s local time zone
The working calendar for this user
The farm(s) this robot belongs to
Note that when linking a robot to a farm, you may need to create a new farm. See here for more information.
Note that a robot can belong to more than a single farm.
Name of the allocation method. This name will subsequently be seen in the selection dropdown.
Description for the allocation flavour.
Queue Method
For Pull allocations: There are two methods through which Queues can be determined: By Queue Name alone (you then just select from a list of Queues), or by the Queue Name for a specific Team. See here for more details.
For use with the standard ‘Pull’ allocation approach. This determines the Queue into which this Work Item should be allocated. The majority of allocations should use this pull approach where work is sent to a Queue and agents then pull work from this Queue when they are available to perform the activity. You can also create a new queue from here, see here for further information.
If you are using ‘push’ allocation – where work is more directly allocated straight to a user, this is where you set the allocation method used for determining which positions or team to allocate the work to. A number of standard methods are available to choose from. Depending upon the method selected, additional parameters may be required. See here for more information about allocation methods.
Inform Via Email
For Push allocations, whether to send an email to the person who the work is allocated to.
CC on Emails to all Primary Position
For Push Allocations, whether to email every person who occupies the position being used to determine someone to allocate to.
Notes / Further Variables
From Queue by Name
Select a Queue from the dropdown
From Queue by Name and Team
Select a Queue from the dropdown.
Due Date Method
Various standard methods of calculating a due date can be selected from, Depending upon the method selected, additional parameters may be required, e.g. a specific schedule. See here for more information about Due Date Methods.
Adjust by
Add or subtract a specified number of hours/working hours/day/working days (including minutes) from the starting date determined by the Due Date method selected, e.g. the Case start date.
If set, further options are available (see following section)
If using working days / hours, you need to specify which calendar to use for the calculation. This can either be the supplier / customer calendar linked to the contract (there must be one if you select this option), or a standard system calendar.
Relevant only for working hours / days.
Add Wait Time To Due Date
If set, stops the SLA clock whenever the item is put into a waiting state.
Move To Next Morning If End Of Day
If set, once the due date/time has been calculated, the time will be pushed to the first working moment of the following working day (This allows you to set a calculated Due Date of '5pm Friday' to be '9am Monday', assuming working calendars are set accordingly).
Move To End Of Day
If set, once the due date/time has been calculated, the time will be pushed to the end of the calculated day.
Notes / Further Variables
First Day of Current Month
Fixed Day of Current Month
Set a specific day, e.g. ‘14’
Fixed Day of Fixed Month
Set a specific day and month, e.g. ‘14’ and ‘3’. Please note that if the month and day configured using a 'Fixed day of fixed month' due date method on a Case/Action/Ticket is earlier than the work item's start date, then the system will assume that the Case/Action/Ticket is due in the following year. For example, if the fixed day of fixed month value configured in the due date of a Ticket is 14th March 2022 but the Ticket's created/start date is 16th July 2022, then the system will assume that the Ticket's due date will be 14th March 2023.
Fixed Day of Fixed Month of Work Item Start Year
Sets a specific day and month and year. The year is calculated as the year the work item was started.
It is different to the already existing 'Fixed Day of Fixed Month' due date method as it will set the due date of the work item as the same year as when the work item get started. For example, if a Ticket's due date is 14th March 2022 but the Ticket gets started on 16th July 2022, then the system will assume that the Ticket's due date is the same year as when the Ticket was started, so it will assume that the Ticket's due date is 14th March 2022.
From a Custom Date Time Field
If any field of type Date Time is linked to the work item configuration, you can select it here. At run time, when this value is set / changed, the Due Date will be calculated.
From Packet Start Date
The date the Ticket was first created.
Initial Request Date
If a further work item has been created from an original request (when a Sub Case is created, when a Ticket is converted into a Case, when a Case or Action gets reworked, when an Action is created via the 'Start Action' option or when a new linked work item is created), this due date method captures the start date of the original request, allowing you to capture the entire length of time it has taken to complete a request, as opposed to just the length of time an individual work item has been being worked on.
Last Day of Current Month
Notes / Further Variables
First Day of Current Month
First Day of Month from Explicit Schedule Date
Requires a Schedule linked to the Case. Supply a Schedule Date, e.g. “Key Date 1”, “Key Date 2” etc. from the dates list.
Fixed Day of Current Month
Set a specific day, e.g. ‘14’
Fixed Day of Fixed Month
Set a specific day and month, e.g. ‘14’ and ‘3’. Please note that if the month and day configured using a 'Fixed day of fixed month' due date method on a Case/Action/Ticket is earlier than the work item's start date, then the system will assume that the Case/Action/Ticket is due in the following year. For example, if the fixed day of fixed month value configured in the due date of a Case is 14th March 2022 but the Ticket's created/start date is 16th July 2022, then the system will assume that the Case's due date will be 14th March 2023.
Fixed Day of Fixed Month of Work Item Start Year
Sets a specific day and month and year. The year is calculated as the year the work item was started.
It is different to the already existing 'Fixed Day of Fixed Month' due date method as it will set the due date of the work item as the same year as when the work item get started. For example, if a Case's due date is 14th March 2022 but the Case gets started on 16th July 2022, then the system will assume that the Case's due date is the same year as when the Case was started, so it will assume that the Case's due date is 14th March 2022.
From a Custom Date Time Field
If any field of type Date Time is linked to the work item configuration, you can select it here. At run time, when this value is set / changed, the Due Date will be calculated.
From an Explicit Schedule Date
Requires a Schedule linked to the Case. Supply a Schedule Date, e.g. “Key Date 1”, “Key Date 2” etc. from the dates list.
From Packet Start Date
The date the Work Item was first created. Important note: for Actions this means this would be from the beginning of the Action, not its parent Case. If you wish to drive an Action’s Due Date from the Case, use ‘From Parent Packet Start Date’.
From Parent Packet Due Date
For Actions, the date its parent Case is Due
From Parent Packet Start Date
For Actions, the date its parent Case started
From Schedule Date Linked to Step
Requires a Schedule linked to the Case. Requires a Schedule Date e.g. “Key Date 1”, “Key Date 2” etc. from the dates list to be set for the Step this Action appears in.
Initial Request Date
If a further work item has been created from an original request (when a Sub Case is created, when a Ticket is converted into a Case, when a Case or Action gets reworked, when an Action is created via the 'Start Action' option or when a new linked work item is created), this due date method captures the start date of the original request, allowing you to capture the entire length of time it has taken to complete a request, as opposed to just the length of time an individual work item has been being worked on.
Last Day of Current Month
Last Day of Month from Explicit Schedule Date
Requires a Schedule linked to the Case. Supply a Schedule Date, e.g. “Key Date 1”, “Key Date 2” etc. from the dates list.
Enate allows for a granular level of granting access to people based on their role and business requirements.
This is done by assigning a role to a user. Each role has a number of access options configured for it which determine what they can see and do in Enate. Every user must have a Work Manager role, but only the users who need to access Builder need to have a Builder role.
Watch this video to find out more:
There are a number of standard pre-configured roles available that give your users various levels of access to Work Manager and Builder.
If a standard role doesn't quite fit the bill, you can create custom roles that allow you to fine-tune levels of access to give users the exact combination of access levels they need.
Custom roles might be particularly useful in the following circumstances:
In Work Manager: You may wish to create a custom role for your more senior team members which falls part-way between the standard 'Team Leader' and 'Team Member' roles, giving them access to some Team Leader-like features without needing to have them fulfil that role entirely.
In Builder: Custom roles can be very useful in larger organizations where you might want to delegate e.g. user management or localized Case/Ticket maintenance access in Builder to more local resources, while keeping shared configuration activities for master data to a more select few people.
You can assign the relevant roles to a user in the Service Agents section of Builder by:
Clicking to edit a user and then selecting the relevant roles from their access tab OR
Clicking on the user's role directly from the grid of user accounts, on the 'Operational Role' or 'Builder Role' column. This will then bring up the user's access tab:
Users can be given two roles: they must have an Operational role which grants them access to the relevant features in Work Manager and, if they need to access Enate Builder, they can be given a Builder role too. This Builder Role will give them access to build and maintain the data which underpins your business processes in Enate. The majority of your user base will likely be assigned with just an operational role, but your administrators, business analysts and some operational super users will also be assigned a Builder role. If you do not assign a Builder role to a user, they will not be able to access the Builder app.
One thing that is important to note is that a user is not able to edit the access levels of the role they have been assigned, nor are they able to assign themselves a new role. This must be done by another user.
If you change a user's role while they are logged into the system, the user will be automatically logged out with a warning message stating that their user session has ended. When the user logs back into the Enate system, they will be able to see and access the features that have been enabled for the new role they have been assigned.
If you edit the details a user's role while they are logged into the system, they will not be automatically logged out of the system, but they will not be able to use or see the changes to their role until they have logged out and logged back into the system.
You can view, create and maintain your user roles in the new User Roles section of Builder - click on User Management and then select User Roles from the dropdown.
Here you will see the standard roles available in the system, as well as any custom roles you have and this is where you can create and maintain your custom roles.
Clicking on a user role will bring up the details for that role, including its name, description and access to which features are enabled for it.
Note that you will not be able to edit the name, description or feature access for standard roles.
Enate provides some standard pre-configured roles to give your users access to the various Work Manager and Builder features that they need, which already have a variety of feature access options enabled. The feature access options for these standard roles cannot be edited.
There are two standard operational roles:
Team Member - this is for Agent users who process Tickets, Actions & Cases
Team Leader - this is for senior members who manage a Team and set Queues they oversee
The table below shows access to which features are enabled for team member and team leader roles
Work Item Creation
Can Create Individual Work Items
Can Bulk Create Work Items
Work Item Assignment
Can Assign to Anyone
Can Assign to Themselves
Can Unassign
Work Item Options
Can Override Due Date
Can Split Tickets
Can Merge Tickets
Can Convert to Case
Can Edit Defects Logged by Others
Can Edit Time Tracker Entries Logged by Others
Can Access Custom Data in Peer Review Actions
Can Delete Email Attachments
Queues & Team Members
Can View Queues & Team Members
Can Work on Items Outside their Queues
Can Set Up Team & Queues
Email View Options
Can Access Email Inbox, Sent Items & Outbox
Can Access Unprocessed Emails
Can View Blocked Email Addresses
Can Edit Blocked Email Addresses
Can Access Contacts Page
Advanced Search
Can Access Advanced Search Page
Can Export Advanced Search views to Excel
Can Access Reports
Can Create Custom Reports
There are three standard Builder roles:
Local Builder - this provides more limited access to configure Ticket & Case processes
Master Builder - this provides users with access to create shareable master data, configure processes and set live
System Administrator - this provides full access to all configuration features in Builder, including integrations
The table below shows access to which features are enabled for the standard Builder roles:
Edit Business Entities
Service Lines
Edit Processes
Edit Shared Process Data
Action General Settings
Action Types
Allocation Settings
Case Types
Due Date Settings
Ticket Categories
Ticket Types
Edit Queues
Set Tickets & Cases Live
Set Tickets & Cases Live
Edit Scheduling
Fixed Frequency Schedules
Schedule Structures
Edit Calendars
Edit Custom Cards & Data
Custom Cards & Data
Access User Management
Robot Farms
User Roles
User Groups
Users (Service Agents & Self Service Users)
Edit Mailbox Settings
Email Routes
Email Connectors
Edit Email Content
Canned Responses
Email Templates
System Settings
System Settings
Edit Integrations
Marketplace Configurations
Edit Localizations
Delete Items
Delete Items
If the standard roles don't quite match your organization's needs, you can create custom roles and customize the levels of access within the role.
You create and maintain custom roles from the User Roles section of Enate Builder.
To create a custom role for Work Manager, click the '+ Create New Custom Role' option in the Operational Roles tab, and to create a custom role for Builder, click the '+ Create New Custom Role' option in the Builder Roles tab.
You can create a brand new custom role in two ways:
Option 1 - From scratch, starting from a blank role where you will need to populate all your desired role data
Option 2 - By cloning an existing role (standard or custom) and adjusting the data accordingly. This option is useful if you only want to make a slight adjustments to an already existing role.
Whether creating from new or cloning from existing, proceed by giving your new custom role a name, description and then select what features you want the role to access. Once you have created your role be sure to save it before exiting the page.
There are a large number of access options available to choose from when you are defining a role's access to the various features in Enate. The full list of operational access options are listed below.
Note that if access to a feature has not been given, the option/button for that feature will be hidden.
Work Item Creation
Create Individual Work Items
This gives the user access to the following features:
Bulk Create Work Items
Note that the 'Create Individual Work Items' option must be enabled for this 'Bulk Create Work Items' option to be enabled.
Work Item Assignment
Assign to Anyone
Assign to Themselves
Work Item Options
Override Due Dates
Split Tickets
Note that the 'Create Individual Work Items' option must be enabled for this 'Split Tickets' option to be enabled.
Merge Tickets
Convert to Case
Note that the 'Create Individual Work Items' option must be enabled for this 'Convert to Case' option to be enabled.
Edit Defects Logged by Other
Note that even without this access option, users are still able to add a new defect and edit, mark as resolved and delete defects that were added by themselves.
Edit Time Tracker Entries Logged by Other
Note that a user will always be able to modify their own time entries regardless of this access option.
Access Custom Data in Peer Review Actions
Note that even without this permission, users are still able to view custom card data and to choose if the review was a Pass, Fail or was Unable to be completed.
Delete Email Attachments
Queues & Team Members
View Queues & Team Members
Work on Items Outside Their Queues
This gives a user access to work on items assigned to any Queue (permissions permitting), as opposed to only being able to work on items which are specifically assigned to Queues that they are a part of.
Note that users will still be able to work on items that are not assigned to a Queue. Additionally, if this option is switched off users can continue to work on items which were already assigned to them that are not in their Queues. These items can be unassigned from the user manually.
Setup Team & Queues
Email View Options
Access Email Inbox, Sent Items & Outbox
Access Unprocessed Emails
View Blocked Emails Page
Note that this access option does not give users the ability to edit blocked emails information - they will need the 'Edit Blocked Email Address Entries' access option to be switched on as well.
Edit Blocked Email Address Entries
Note that the 'View Blocked Emails Page' access option must be enabled in order for the 'Edit Blocked Email Address Entries' access option to be enabled.
Access Contacts Page
Advanced Search
Access Advanced Search
Export Advanced Search Views into Excel
This gives a user access to the Export to Excel feature in the Advanced Search page that allows users to export their Advanced Search views into Excel.
Note that the 'Access Advanced Search' option must be enabled in order to enable the 'Export to Excel' option.
Access Reports
This gives a user access to the Reports feature, available from the nav menu, where they can view and edit reports to visualize desired data.
Note that in order to enable this option, you must select at least one report the users in the role will be able to access from the resulting Report List option.
Create Custom Report
This gives a user access to the advanced features on the Reports page - they can create brand new visuals and delete existing visuals.
Note that the 'Access Reports' option must be enabled in order to enable the 'Create Custom Reports' option.
Report List
Choose which reports the role will be able to access
This allows you to choose which standard report(s) you want the users in the role to be able to access. You must select at least one.
Note that the Report List will not appear as an option until the 'Access Reports' option has been enabled.
The full list of Builder access options are listed below.
Note Builder access options only provide access to edit the relevant information. All information in Builder is still available as read-only. The only exception to this rule is that access to view information about users - service agents, robots and self service users - is dependent on the Builder option for security reasons.
Additionally, all users (who are not robots) who have access to Builder are able to access and edit Application Credentials (found under User Management).
Edit Business Entities
Service Lines
Note that Ticket Category details for a service line can still be edited by users without the 'Service Lines' access option if the 'Ticket Categories' access option is enabled for them.
Edit Processes
Create a brand new Case process
Clone from an existing Case process
Add, move and delete existing Action types in series, parallel or in conditional flows
Add and edit general Case information in the Case info tab. Note that where applicable, they will only be able to choose from existing settings i.e. they will be able to add existing due date settings and allocation settings to the Case process, but will not be able to create new settings or edit the information within them as access to do so is controlled by different access setting options ('Allocation Settings' and 'Due Date Settings' in 'Edit Shared Process Data').
Add and edit Action information in the various Action info tabs. Note that where applicable, they will only be able to choose from existing settings i.e. they will be able to add existing due date settings, allocation settings and general Action settings to the Case process, but will not be able to create new settings or edit the information underlying them as access to do so is controlled by different access setting options ('Allocation Settings', 'Due Date Settings' and 'Action General Settings' in 'Edit Shared Process Data').
Add existing custom cards to the Case and its Actions
Restore a retired process
View the activity history of the Case
Decide whether to allow the Case to be started from the Contact Activity page in Work Manager
Decide whether to allow the Case to be started from Self Service
Save their updates
Note that this access option does not allow users to:
Create new Action types from the Case screen - this access is dependent upon the 'Action Types' access option under 'Edit Shared Process Data'
Set the Case process live - this access is dependent upon the 'Set Tickets & Cases Live' access option
Create new or update existing allocation settings, due date settings and general action settings. They will only be able to choose from existing settings as access to create or edit these settings is controlled by different access setting options ('Allocation Settings', 'Action General Settings' and 'Due Date Settings' in 'Edit Shared Process Data').
and With this access option, users can:
Create a brand new Ticket process
Clone from an existing Ticket process
Add existing Ticket categories into the Ticket process
Add and edit Ticket category information. Note that where applicable, users will only be able to choose from existing settings i.e. they will only be able to add existing due date and allocation settings, and will not be able to create new categories or edit the information underlying existing categories as access to do so is controlled by different access setting options (the 'Ticket Categories' access setting option in 'Edit Shared Process Data')
View the activity history of the Ticket process
Decide whether to allow the Ticket process to be started from the Contact Activity page in Work Manager
Add existing custom cards and email templates
Decide whether to allow the Ticket to be started from Self Service
Save their updates
Note that this access option does not allow users to:
Create new Ticket categories - this access is dependent upon the 'Ticket Categories' access setting option under 'Edit Shared Process Data'
Set the Ticket process live - this access is dependent upon the 'Set Tickets & Cases Live' access setting option
Create new or update existing allocation settings or due date settings. They will only be able to choose from existing settings as access to create or edit these settings is controlled by different access setting options ('Allocation Settings' and 'Due Date Settings' in 'Edit Shared Process Data')
Create new or update existing Ticket categories. They will only be able to choose from existing categories as access to create or edit Ticket categories is controlled by different access setting options (the 'Ticket Categories' access setting option in 'Edit Shared Process Data')
Edit Shared Process Data
Action General Settings
Note that the 'Edit Cases' access option under Edit Processes must be enabled in order for a user to edit Action general settings.
Action Types
Allocation Settings
Note that either the 'Edit Cases' or 'Edit Tickets' access options under Edit Processes must be enabled in order for a user to edit allocation settings.
Case Types
Due Date Settings
Note that the 'Edit Cases' or 'Edit Tickets' access options under Edit Processes must be enabled in order for a user to edit due date settings.
Ticket Categories
Ticket Types
Edit Queues
Set Tickets & Cases Live
Set Tickets & Cases Live
Edit Scheduling
Schedule Structures
Edit Calendars
Edit Custom Cards & Data
Custom Cards & Custom Data
Edit User Management
Robot Farms
Note that the 'Users (Service Agents, Robots & Self Service Users)' access option must be enabled in order for a user to edit robot farm data.
User Roles
This option gives users access to create and edit user roles.
Note that a user with this access option will not be able to edit their own user role.
User Groups
Access & Edit Users (Service Agents, Robots & Self Service Users)
Edit Mailbox Settings
Email Routes
Email Connectors
Note that without this 'Edit Connectors' access option, the Office 365 Integration will be hidden in the System Settings page.
Edit Email Content
Canned Responses
Email Templates
Edit System Settings
System Settings
Edit Integrations
Marketplace Configurations
Edit Localizations
Delete Items
Delete Items
This option gives users access to delete objects that they have edit permissions for.
Note that you cannot enable the Delete option without having enabled one of the edit options first for Builder Roles.
creating a new work item from the
(as this results in the creation of two or more brand new work items)
(as this creates a brand new Case)
sending an email to another that is using Enate that will result in the creation of a new work item for that team.
Creating a
Creating a
Note that users can still use the and they can still .
This gives the user access to use the .
This gives a user access to , either from the homepage or from within the work item itself.
This gives a user access to , either from the homepage or from within the work item itself, or from .
This gives a user access to , either from the homepage or from within the work item itself.
This gives a user access to from within the work item screen by clicking on the due date in the header and changing the date in the resulting pop-up (if the work item has been set up in Builder to allow the due date to be overridden).
This gives a user access to use the feature.
This gives a user access to use the feature.
This gives a user access to use the .
This gives a user access to edit, mark as resolved and delete that have been logged by other people.
This gives a user access to edit the time entries in the that have been logged by other people.
This gives a user access to edit custom card data in a .
This gives a user access to from the files tab section of a work item.
This gives a user access to view their and in the , as well as access to view their team's work or owned work via the 'Team Work Inbox' and 'Team Owned Work' .
This gives a user access to the via the 'Queues' page from the nav menu.
This gives a user access to the , and features, available from the nav menu.
This gives a user access to the , where users can review the unprocessed emails that have arrived into the system and decide how to deal with them (i.e. creating a work item from the email or deleting the email).
Note that if the 'Create Individual Work Items' access option setting is not enabled, users will not be able to .
This gives a user access to view the and therefore access to view information for emails that have been blocked.
This gives a user access to edit the information for emails that have been blocked in the .
This gives a user access to the where they can view and manage external contacts, available from the 'Contacts' option in the nav menu.
This gives a user access to the where they can create search views of work item data in their business area.
This option gives users access to .
This option gives users access to .
This option gives users access to .
This option gives users access to .
This option gives users access to create and . With this access option, users can:
This option gives users access to create and .
This option gives users access to create and edit in Case processes.
This option gives users access to create and edit Action types from either the screen or from .
This option gives users access to create and edit for processes, regardless of their access to edit Cases or Tickets.
This option gives users access to create and edit Case types from either the screen or from the screen.
This option gives users access to create and edit for processes, regardless of their access to edit Cases or Tickets.
This option gives users access to create and edit , either from the screen or from itself.
This option gives users access to create and edit Ticket types from either the screen or from the screen.
This option gives users access to create and edit Queues, either or .
This option gives users access to set and live, both from within the process itself and from the service matrix.
This option gives users access to create and edit - these allow you to drive Case creation based on a repeating frequency to trigger automatic creation.
This option gives users access to create and edit .
This option gives users access to create and edit - .
This option gives users access to create and edit - working calendars are linked to contracts and are used in day to day processing of work items to help determine precise due dates.
This option gives users access to create and edit and .
This option gives users access to create and edit , accessible when creating or editing a robot user account.
This option gives users access to create and edit .
This option gives users access to view, create and edit , and .
This option gives users access to create and edit .
This option gives users access to create and edit , as well as access to view, create and edit an where you can sync Enate to Office 365 email boxes, available in the page.
This option gives users access to create and edit .
This option gives users access to create and edit .
This option gives users access to create and edit . These are the settings that take effect across the entire system and includes , , , , , password policy and SSO settings.
Note that users will not be able to create and edit from here unless the 'Queues' access option has also been enabled. Additionally, note that the , where you can sync Enate to Office 365 email boxes, will be hidden unless the 'Edit Connectors' access option is enabled.
This option gives users access to create and edit app integration configurations in .
This option gives users access to create and edit .