Views of your Data
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This advanced search feature available in the Views screen gives you a flexible way to view the work items in your business area by allowing you to specify multiple different combinations of search criteria, letting you view your work item data precisely how you want to.
You can access the ‘Views’ tab from the Nav section. When you hover over the 'Views' option here, you'll also see a list of your Saved Views (if you have any), sorted in alphabetical order. You can easily created Saved Views when working with your data in the Views tab, so you don't have to enter your search criteria each time.
To use Views, enter your search criteria by setting its Field, Condition (e.g. Equals, Greater Than etc.), and Value against which to evaluate the Condition.
The table below gives more detailed information about the standard fields available in the system.
Action Type
This lets you search for Actions of a particular type.
Begins With
Select from: Manual, Manual with Peer Review, Send Email, Send Email and Wait, Start Case, ABBYY OCR, Wait for Sub Cases to Complete, and Trigger External API.
Assigned To
This lets you search for work items based on who they are assigned to or whether or not they have been assigned to someone.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
If the condition you have selected is Begins With or Equals, enter the name of a worker
This lets you search for work items with a specific context i.e. customer, contract, service
Select a customer, contract and service from the dropdown
This lets you search for work items based on when they are due.
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
Not Equal
Greater Than
Greater Than Or Equals To
Less Than
Less Than Or Equals To
Select a date
End Date
This lets you search work items based on when they have been completed i.e. they have been marked as Closed.
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
Not Equal
Greater Than
Greater Than Or Equals To
Less Than
Less Than Or Equals To
Select a date
Last Updated By
This lets you search for work items based on the human/digital worker who last updated the work item.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
If the condition you have selected is Begins With or Equals, enter the name of a worker
Last Updated On
This lets you search for work items based on the datetime the item was last updated by a human/digital worker.
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
Not Equal
Greater Than
Greater Than Or Equals To
Less Than
Less Than Or Equals To
Select a date
Owned By
This lets you search for work items based on the owner of the item i.e. the person who currently has ultimate responsibility for the work item.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
If the condition you have selected is Begins With or Equals, enter the name of a worker
Parent Process Name
This lets you search for work items based on their parent process e.g. searching for the name of a Case will return the Actions of the Case in your search.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
If the condition you have selected is Begins With or Equals, enter the name of a parent process
Parent Reference
The reference number of the work item which started this one, e.g. parent Case.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
If the condition you have selected is Begins With or Equals, enter a reference number
The work Queue which Cases/Tickets/Actions get sent to based on their routing rule.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
If the condition you have selected is Begins With or Equals, enter the name of a Queue
The unique reference number e.g. 101342-T.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
If the condition you have selected is Begins With or Equals, enter a reference number
This lets you search for work items based on their status. Running work items are work items in a state or To Do, In Progress, Waiting
Select Yes if you want to search for work items that are in a state of To Do, In Progress or Waiting.
Select No if you want to search for work items that are not in a state of To Do, In Progress or Waiting.
This lets you search for Cases based on their schedule
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
If the condition you have selected is Begins With or Equals, select a schedule from the dropdown
Schedule Period
This lets you search for Cases based on their schedule period.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
If the condition you have selected is Begins With or Equals, enter a schedule period
Schedule Structure
This lets you search for Cases based on their schedule structure.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
If the condition you have selected is Begins With or Equals, select a schedule structure from the dropdown
Schedule Year
This lets you search for Cases based on their schedule year.
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
Not Equal
Greater Than
Greater Than Or Equals To
Less Than
Less Than Or Equals To
If the condition you have selected is Equals, Not Equal, Greater Than,
Greater Than Or Equals To, Less Than or Less Than Or Equals To then enter a year.
If the condition you have selected is Between, enter the two different years that you want to search between.
Service Line
This lets you search for work items based on the overall area of the business the work item runs under, e.g. ‘Payroll’.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
Select a service line from the dropdown
Service Provider
This lets you search for work items based on the company delivering service for the work item, usually your company.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
Select a service provider from the dropdown
This lets you search for work items based on when the when the work item was started.
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
Not Equal
Greater Than
Greater Than Or Equals To
Less Than
Less Than Or Equals To
Select a date
Started By
This lets you search for work items based on who started the work item.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
If the condition you have selected is Begins With or Equals, enter the name of a worker
Started By Method
This lets you search for work items based on how they got started, e.g. incoming email, automatic schedule, manually.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
If the condition you have selected is Begins With or Equals, select from: Workflow, Manual, Self Service, Robotics, Email, Ticket, Bulk Upload, Schedule, Linked Work Item
Ticket Category Level 1
This lets you search for Tickets based on their Ticket category level 1 i.e. the highest level of Ticket categorisation e.g. ‘Healthcare Request’.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
If the condition you have selected is Begins With or Equals, enter a Ticket Category Level 1 value
Ticket Category Level 2
This lets you search for Tickets based on their Ticket category level 2 i.e. the next level of Ticket categorisation e.g. ‘International Travel Coverage’.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
If the condition you have selected is Begins With or Equals, enter a Ticket Category Level 2 value
Ticket Category Level 3
This lets you search for Tickets based on their Ticket category level 3 i.e. the most detailed-level of Ticket categorisation e.g. ‘Eligibility Query’.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
If the condition you have selected is Begins With or Equals, enter a Ticket Category Level 3 value
This lets you search for work items based on their title - a brief text description of the work item, often the subject of the original email.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
If the condition you have selected is Begins With or Equals, enter a title of the work item
Work Item Type
This lets you search for work items based on their work item type i.e. if they're a Ticket, Case or Action.
Select Case, Ticket or Action
You can also select Fields based on any custom data fields that have been configured in your system.
You can add as many additional sets of conditions as you wish by clicking on the green plus icon.
Once you have entered your search conditions, click Search to reveal your search results. Your total number of search results will be shown at the top of the grid.
As with your Work Inbox and Owned work grids, you can choose which data columns you wish to see or hide in your search results grid by clicking on the Cog icon above the Search Results grid.
A ‘Display and Columns Settings’ popup will appear, allowing you to select which data columns you would like your search results to display.
Note: These custom data column preferences will stay the same when you do multiple searches, and when you next log back in.
You are also able to Group and Order your search results by selecting your Group By and Order By preferences from their respective dropdown lists.
Note: Only a single grouping criteria can be specified, and results will be loaded when you click on and expand an individual group.
You can also save your views which allows you to call them up again whenever you want. There is no limit to the number of views that you can save.
You can access your Saved Views by clicking on the Saved Views link.
Here you can search for a specific Saved View and rename and delete your Saved Views.
You can copy the name of your Saved View by clicking on the copy button on the tab:
You can copy and paste information from the Views grid into an Excel spreadsheet by selecting the information you want to copy and using Ctrl C and Ctrl V. The information that is copied and pasted includes any applied filters. The column titles will automatically be copied and pasted as well.
You are also able to to copy and paste all of the information from the Views grid by using Ctrl-A.
Note: only information that has loaded in the Views grid will be copied across.