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You can use Quickfind to search for people, work items, communications and files.
By default, Quickfind will search against all four categories of people, work items, communications and files, but you can focus down to searching just one of these categories by selecting from the left-hand dropdown in the Quickfind header.
You can search for work items (i.e. Tickets. Cases and Actions) by entering key words relating to them into Quickfind.
If you have many results, then you can choose to filter your search down further by choosing to search by Ticket, Case or Action specifically.
Work item search results will display the reference, title, process name, work item status, due date (with Red/Amber/Green colour-coding), plus the name of the person to whom the item is currently assigned.
Additionally, you can filter the search by start date using the slider provided, from Today through to Past Year, plus specific date ranges.
Hovering over a work item row in Quick find will display a ‘Take It’ icon. Instantly assign this work item to yourself by clicking on this icon.
Clicking on the work item will open it in a new tab.
You can search for contacts by searching for first name, last name, company and email address.
Additionally, further people-extended properties can be added to the system and all text/string properties can be searchable within Quickfind. For example, you might have a 3rd party contact with the attributes ‘Country Name’ etc. which will be searchable in the Quickfind.
The criteria which can be searched against, e.g. ‘Employee Number’, are displayed as the records are returned in the Quickfind results, in the line underneath the contact name.
If you have many results, then you could filter it by clicking on ‘Contact’ or ‘Agent’. When you click on contact, the system will only show contacts with search criteria.
Clicking on a person will open the Contact Activity page where you can view current and historic activity - work items related to that person - all their communications, and start new work for them.
Note: You will only be able to see the email addresses and the Contacts belonging to the companies that you have access to. These settings are configured in Builder, click here for more information.
If you are searching for a new contact which does not currently exist in the system, you can create a new contact from Quickfind itself. Navigate to the people search function in Quickfind and click on ‘add a contact’.
When you click on ‘add a contact’, the system will decode and auto-populate the first name, last name and email address. Once you fill in all the information and click on create, you will be taken to the Contact Activity Page of the new contact.
Note: The contact email address must be unique in the system.
You can search communications (i.e. emails, notes and Self Service communications) by entering key words from the email subject, body text or contact details (To, From, Cc, Bc), or key words from the note or Self Service communication you are searching for.
You can choose to filter you results even further by selecting the communication type i.e. incoming email, outgoing email, note, self-service comment by clicking on top icons.
You can also use the slider to filter by received/sent date (from Today through to Past Year, plus specific date ranges).
Search results will be sorted by the date that the email was sent/received, with the most recent at the top.
Email search results will include details such as the To/From address (depending on whether the email was sent or received), an icon to indicate if the email was sent or received (if the email was sent from you or your team the icon will be green and if the email was received by you or a member of your team the icon will be blue), the email subject and the first few lines of the email body, as well as the email sent/received time.
Note search results display the writer of the note, the first few lines of the note and when the note was written.
Clicking on the communication will open the work item which it is linked to in a new tab.
You can use Quickfind to search for individual files or to search for a work item by searching for one of its files. Searching for files in Quickfind will search for both files that are directly linked to the work item AND files that have been attached to communications for the work item.
The search results will be sorted by the date that the file was last updated on or when the email was sent/received if the file is a communication attachment, with the most recent at the top.
Search results will include details such as the type of file (i.e. whether it was attached to the work item or to a communication), when the work item was last updated if the file is attached to a work item or when the email was sent/received if the file is a communication attachment, the reference number and title of the work item(s) the file is attached to and the communication subject if the file is a communication attachment.
Clicking on the file will download a copy of it and clicking on the work item reference will open the work item the file is attached to in a new tab.
Note: You will only be able to see the files and work items that you have access to to based on the permissions you have. These settings are configured in Builder, click here for more information. You will also not be able to search for files or communication attachments that have been deleted.
Additionally, to mitigate performance issues Quickfind will not return search results for:
Communication attachments that start with 'Mime Attachment'
Communication attachments that start with 'MIME-Attachment'
You can still search for the text mime attachment, but the only results will be from work item files. You can still search for 'mim' which may return other results.
Also note that the system uses 'start with' logic for searching for files where it adds a wildcard to the END of search texts. This means that if you are searching for a file called 'Invoice Processing.docx', searches for 'processing' would not find the file, but searches for 'invoice' would.