Enate Data Dictionary
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Standard tables are prefixed with ’tbl’.
Table and field names are written in CamelCase.
Standard fields are prefixed with an underscore ‘_’.
Extension fields which are dynamically generated based on your unique configuration in Enate are not prefixed with an underscore ‘_’.
Here is a brief overview of the design standards across the data warehouse:
The following sections cover the main tables within the data warehouse, providing details on context (Customer, Contract, Service, and Process), work items (packets), communications, users, and configuration attributes. For each table, the column names, data types, and descriptions are provided, highlighting primary and foreign keys.
Primary keys [PK] uniquely identify a row/record within a given table while
Foreign keys [FK] represent primary keys in another table and can be used to join on.
The central table in the warehouse is tblPackets which holds key information on all packets within Enate – 1 row per work item in its current state. Please note, packets are work items - either a ticket / case / action. All packets belong to a certain ‘Context’, this is the combination of Company, Contract, Service and Process, as built within Enate – data on which can be found in tblProcesses, tblServices, tblContracts and tblCompanies.
For specific details on different types of work items (ticket / case / action), refer to tblTickets, tblCases, and tblActions accordingly. Furthermore, attribute details i.e. configurations on how work items should behave such as estimated duration, can be found in tblTicketAttributes, tblCaseAttributes, and tblActionAttributes.
User details can be found in tblUsers along with user activity for each work item in tblPacketActivities.