Cases can be started in the following ways:
Via an incoming email (if the system is configured to do so for that email mailbox)
By a ‘Start Case’ Action within another Case flow.
Manually, from the ‘Create New Work Item’ link in the Work Manager toolbar
Automatically started
Via third party integrations
When manually starting a Case directly in Enate, it will sit in a state of 'Draft' until it has been submitted for the first time.
When starting manually, you should fill in the ‘Case Short Description’.
Once a Case has been submitted into Enate, it will then sit in a status of ‘To Do’ until a resource has picked it up - this could be a human resource or a robot resource. Once you start updating a Case sitting in this state, it will:
automatically assign to you and
the status will change to ‘In progress’
You can also choose to change the state yourself. This signifies that work is now underway and it will stay in that status until it’s resolved – assuming e.g. no waiting for further information.
If you’ve picked up a Case in error, or if your reach the conclusion that it’s not a piece of work you’re going to be able to progress you can unassign it from yourself, either to another resource or just back to its Queue. This could be after 10 seconds or half an hour, but when you do this the system will automatically set the status back to ‘To Do’ to let everyone know that it’s not going to be progressed until another resource picks it up. You can also just manually set the status back to ‘To Do’ if for example you started working on it in error and need to quickly undo the status change.
Similarly if a robot resource rejects a piece of work, its status will be set back to ‘To Do’ as part of handing it over for a human resource to carry out.
Additionally, if there is a problem with a Case (usually be because of an issue with one of its Actions), the Case will be put back into a state of 'To Do'.
Once the Case is in this state, the Case owner can see this along with the reason – i.e. often the problem Action in the Info Card. As Case Owner, you have various options available to you:
Rework the Case from a previous step or from completed Actions within this step
Place the Case on Wait - Pause
Reset the Case to In Progress
Manually launch / re-launch Actions
If you’re working on a Case and you have to temporarily halt work on it because you’re waiting for some additional information or because of some other temporary blocker, you should choose the ‘Wait’ status.
When placing a Case into a state of 'Wait' you should specify the type of wait
Wait for more information
Follow Up (wait until a specified date & time)
Upon confirming the 'Wait for more information' status, the Case will move from your Inbox into your 'Owned Work' list, as there is no active work to be carried out by you until the follow up date and will be highlighted with the Wait icon.
When an incoming mail is received (or, for Tickets, the 'number of days to wait' is reached without any response) the item will move back from your Owned Work list into your Inbox, highlighted for you to progress.
When you wish to wait until a future date / time before progressing the Case, select the 'Follow Up' option and specify the desired Date and Time.
Upon confirming the 'Wait until Follow Up' status, the Case will move from your Inbox into your 'Owned Work' list, as there is no active work to be carried out by you until the follow up date.
When this date is reached the item will move back from your Owned Work list into your Inbox, highlighted for you to progress.
The Remaining Hours of SLA when Work Item is Pause will be displayed.
This feature is an enhancement of Stopping the clock on the work items which are in a state of pause.
If a work item is in a state of Pause, and the Due Date rule configured in Builder is set to ‘Add wait time to due date’, then the system does not display the due date in the header ribbon. Instead the system shows the remaining time left until the item is Due. If the work item is yet to pass the due date the the message will show as ‘Due: Paused x h y m before due’. If the work has passed the due date then the message will show as ‘Due: Paused x h y m after overdue’.
Example: work item which is paused where its due date is on target or due today.
You signify completing the Case on an item by marking it as Resolved.
Resolve Complete will mark the case as successfully resolved.
After a Case has been resolved in this way, it may sit in that status for a brief period if a Feedback Window has been set for it - during this time period the service recipient may respond and the Case may be reopened, either manually or automatically upon receipt of a new incoming email or feedback within the time period.
After the feedback window has completed without any further response, the Case will move to a state of fully 'Closed'. Any subsequent mails received will launch a brand new work item.
Selecting this option and hitting the button to confirm will abort the Case. It will be completely closed and will no longer be available to process. If you re-open the tab for this item, system will confirm that the Case has been aborted.
Note: You can easily move an item from draft straight through to resolved.
In conjunction with resolving a Case it is recommended that you send a resolution email / add an internal note detailing the resolution.
Now shows as
Detail Information
In Progress
If not actively being progressed
In Progress
If being actively progressed (manual / automatic switching to this)
Pause – Waiting for more information
Wait type - Awaiting information from third party
Pause – Schedule for Follow Up
Wait type - Wait Until
Wait type - Pause
Case and all associated Actions Close
Needs Attention
With Problem Flag Setting
We’ve done some work to standardise the various states that a work item can be in (e.g. In Progress, Resolved etc.) so that these are common across all of Case, Ticket & Action.
The standard states are now:
Draft – Item has not yet been initially submitted.
To Do – the item is awaiting a resource to progress it further.
In Progress – the item has been picked up and is being progressed.
Wait – select this if for some reason progress on the work item has had to be halted – this may be because we are waiting information from another resource, or it is scheduled to be followed up on at a certain date.
Resolve - Select this option as part of completion of activity on the work item. • Closed – after an item has been resolved and has passed the feedback window where it could have been reopened the item will change to ‘Closed’
At the same time as standardising the states for Ticket, Case & Action we’ve listened to your feedback and have added in a new status of ‘To Do’.
Once a work item has been submitted into Enate it will sit in a status of ‘To Do’ until a resource has picked it up - this could be a human resource or a robot resource.
Once you start updating a work item sitting in this state, it will:
automatically assign to you and
the status will change to ‘In progress’
You can also choose to change the state yourself. This signifies that work is now underway and it will stay in that status until it’s resolved – assuming e.g. no waiting for further information.
If you’ve picked up an item in error, or if you reach the conclusion that it’s not a piece of work you’re going to be able to progress you can unassign it from yourself, either to another resource or just back to its Queue. This could be after 10 seconds or half an hour, but when you do this the system will automatically set the status back to ‘To Do’ to let everyone know that it’s not going to be progressed until another resource picks it up. You can also just manually set the status back to ‘To Do’ if for example you started working on it in error and need to quickly undo the status change.
Similarly if a robot resource rejects a piece of work its status will be set back to ‘To Do’ as part of handing it over for a human resource to carry out.
If you’re working on a Ticket, Case or Action and you have to temporarily halt work on it because you’re waiting for some additional information or because of some other temporary blocker, you should choose the ‘Wait’ status instead.
An overview of the new features in Enate v2021.1.
We've added a huge number of features to Work Manager and Builder in v2021.1 of Enate to give all our users a big boost in speed and usability. Check out the individual section on each to see all the enhancements we've made, or take a look at our quick overview videos for a taster.
We've also added Webhooks so your other systems can get real-time updates triggered by activity in Enate, as well as adding to our APIs.
We've also implemented this new fully online environment for our Help information, with more and more explainer information appearing over the coming weeks and months. Check out this quick overview section or go to the full Enate Help area for a more immersive view.
We've made a number of changes to improve usability and speed of implementation of Work Manager. Here's a video overview of the main changes we've made here:
We've also simplified the statuses that a work item can go through to make processing work items simpler and easier. Watch the video below to find out more:
We've also adding new functionality for scheduling emails which works alongside the new Outbox page. Watch the following video for a quick overview:
Click here for more information about the New Scheduling Emails Functionality and Outbox Page.
You can also check out the more comprehensive Work Manager Help section which contains explainers for all of Work Manager's features.
We've made a number of changes to improve usability and speed of implementation. The Builder app framework has been re-architected to better support scalability and performance - this helps us respond to your business needs faster. At the same time we've updated our feature set based on your feedback, improving the look and feel and streamlining how you can work with your business processes.
Here's a video overview of the main changes we've made to Builder:
You can also check out the more comprehensive Builder Help section which contains explainers for all of Builder's features.
The Contact Management Page is where you can view and manage all of your external contacts in one place.
Note: you will only be able to access the Contact Management Page if you have been set up with the relevant permissions in Enate Builder. See here for more information.
You can access the Contact Management page from the Navigation link. Your contacts and their information will be displayed in a table.
Clicking on the first name link will open the Contact Activity page.
You can create new external contacts in three ways:
1) By clicking on the '+' icon in the Contact Management screen
2) From Quickfind:
3) Bulk import from Excel. You can also import a list of contacts from an Excel spreadsheet and a template is provided. It is mandatory to fill in the email address when importing Contacts from an Excel template. If you don't specify a company, the contact will automatically be set to global.
The template is supported in all of the languages that Enate offers.
To edit a contact, double click on the contact to bring up the Edit Contact popup.
You are also able to bulk edit the company, time zone, office location, preferred language of your contacts by selecting on the contact's tick box and the edit button will appear.
To delete a contact, click on the contact's tick box and the delete button will appear. You are able to delete multiple contacts at once.
Please note that if you create a new contact in test mode, that contact will only be available for running test packets in the system.
Depending upon how it has been configured in Builder, you will have various options when assigning a company to an external contact:
All Companies/Global
Setting the company to this means that external contact can create and access work items for all companies.
It also means that work manager users are able to search for other all external contacts on a work item.
Please note that this setting is only available if the External Contact Scope has been set to 'Global' or 'Global and Local' in Builder. See here for more information.
A particular company (local)
Setting the contact scope to a particular company means that external contact will only be able to create and access work items for that particular company that the external contact has been associated to.
Users will also only be able to add a Contact to a Packet API if the Contact is in the same Company (or is in an umbrella Company).
Please note:
That it is only possible to change the associated company of an external contact from All Companies/Global to a particular company (local) if the external contact is not associated with work items from multiple different companies. You can change this by reassigning the Contact on a work item.
To scope external contacts to Global/All Companies the Company column in Bulk Upload file should be left blank so by default the contacts will be scoped to Global.
You can choose which columns to see by by clicking on the cog icon and selecting from your list of Standard Columns.
You can add custom columns to the grid by clicking on the cog icon and selecting from your list of Custom Data Columns. Custom Data Columns are created in Builder (click here for more information). Fields of all data types can be created with the exception of Table fields and Long Text fields.
You can sort the table by alphabetical order for a column by clicking on that column's title.
You can go back to the original selection of columns by clicking 'Revert to Defaults'.
You can schedule the date and time of when an email will be sent by selecting the Schedule Send option.
The scheduled email will appear in the Comms and Timeline tabs, along with who scheduled it and when it has been scheduled for. You are also able to send a scheduled email immediately from the Comms and Timeline tabs.
Emails that you have scheduled to send for a later date will appear in the Outbox Page.
You can access the Outbox Page from the navigation link. The total number of emails in your Outbox will also be shown in the navigation link.
The Outbox Page is where you can find emails belonging to yourself or to your team that are scheduled be to sent at a later date, or have failed to send.
You can select how many emails will be shown from the option on the right.
The first time a Team Leader logs in, they will land on the 'My Team Emails' view. The first time a Team Member logs in, they will land on the 'My Emails' view. You are able to change your view of the outbox page to show just your outbox emails, your team's, the system's or all outbox emails. This will be saved when you log out and log back in.
Selecting 'My Emails' lets you see emails sent by you that are in your outbox.
'My Team Emails' shows you emails sent by your team that are in the outbox, as well as emails relating to work items that your team members are working on that are in the outbox.
Selecting 'System Emails' lets you see emails that are sent automatically by the system e.g. because a Ticket has been split or merged.
'All' lets you see emails sent by you, your team, as well as emails from outside of your team for which you have access (this can be configured in Builder, see here for more information).
You are able to manually retry sending an email by clicking on the Retry icon. The email will now be in a state of 'Pending Retry', see here for more information on Send Statuses in the Outbox Page.
You can also Retry sending an email on the Timeline.
You are also able to cancel sending an email by clicking on the Cancel icon. This will remove the email from the Outbox.
You are also able to retry or cancel sending emails in bulk.
Please note that the system will not automatically retry sending emails that have been migrated from an older version (2020.1 or older). These can only be sent by retrying manually, i.e. clicking the 'Retry' icon.
Double clicking on an email will open the email's details in a popup in read only form. You can see who the email is from, who it is to, etc. You are also able to retry and cancel sending the email from the popup.
You can adjust the grid columns by clicking on the settings cog. These will be saved when you log out and log back in. The 'To' and 'Subject' columns are mandatory.
Email Connector - the name of the email connector through which your system sends emails. This is configured in Builder, see here for more information.
Importance - the importance setting of the email i.e. high, normal, low.
System Generated - if the email was automatically generated by the system (e.g. to notify a user when a Ticket has been split).
Last Attempt To Send - when the last attempt to send the email was (automatically by the system or manually by a user)
Last Send Failure Message - a message displaying the reason why the last attempt to send the email failure e.g. The Email connector is disabled. Please enable it and try again.
Logged - the date and time recorded when the email first failed to send.
Next Attempt To Send - when the system will next try to send the email
Packet - the work item reference that the email is from. Clicking on this will take you to the work item screen.
Packet Type - if the email is related to a Ticket, Case or Action
Send Retry Count - this will show the number of times the system has tried to send the email. You can set this number in Builder, see here for more information.
Send Status - this shows what status emails in the outbox are in in terms of sending. There are 4 states:
Failed - an email with this Send Status has failed to send. In order to send it, it must be manually 'retried'.
Connector Disabled - if an email has this Send Status, it means that the Email Connector has been disabled in Builder. Click here for more information about how to switch it on.
Pending Retry - an email with this Send Status is
Queue - an email with this Send Status is already scheduled to be sent. Emails send when an Undo Send option has been set will have this status too (see here for more information about the Undo Send option). When these emails will be sent depends on the Automated Failure Retry Pattern option which is set in Builder, see here for more information.
Attachment Count - how many (if any) files are attached to the email
The Undo Send setting lets you add a time delay to when your emails will be sent, giving you the opportunity to cancel sending an email, or reviewing an email before it gets sent.
When an Undo Send time is set, a popup will appear allowing you to cancel sending the email.
Additionally, when an Undo Send time is set, you will have the option of sending an email 'Now' in the Timeline which overrides the time delay from the Undo Send configuration and you will also have the option to cancel sending the email altogether.
When an Undo Send time is set, emails will be shown in the Outbox page with a Send Status of Queue.
You can save your preferred views by clicking 'Save', and then 'Save as new setting'.
You can access your saved searched by clicking on the Saved settings link. Here you can also delete and rename your saved Views. You can use the free-text search function to search for your views. There is no limit to the number of Views that you can save. You are able to copy the name of your saved search by clicking on the copy button on the tab:
You can copy and paste information from the Views grid into an Excel spreadsheet by selecting the information you want to copy and using Ctrl C and Ctrl V. The information that is copied and pasted includes any applied filters. The column titles will automatically be copied and pasted as well.
You are also able to to copy and paste all of the information from the Views grid by using Ctrl-A.
Note: only information that has loaded in the Views grid will be copied across.
When manually starting a Ticket directly in Enate it will sit in a state of 'Draft' until it has been submitted for the first time.
Once a Ticket has been submitted into Enate it will then sit in a status of ‘To Do’ until a resource has picked it up - this could be a human resource or a robot resource. Once you start updating a Ticket sitting in this state, it will:
automatically assign to you and
the status will change to ‘In progress’
You can also choose to change the state yourself. This signifies that work is now underway and it will stay in that status until it’s resolved – assuming e.g. no waiting for further information.
If you’ve picked up a Ticket in error, or if your reach the conclusion that it’s not a piece of work you’re going to be able to progress you can unassign it from yourself, either to another resource or just back to its Queue. This could be after 10 seconds or half an hour, but when you do this the system will automatically set the status back to ‘To Do’ to let everyone know that it’s not going to be progressed until another resource picks it up. You can also just manually set the status back to ‘To Do’ if for example you started working on it in error and need to quickly undo the status change.
Similarly if a robot resource rejects a piece of work its status will be set back to ‘To Do’ as part of handing it over for a human resource to carry out.
If you’re working on a Ticket and you have to temporarily halt work on it because you’re waiting for some additional information or because of some other temporary blocker, you should choose the ‘Wait’ status.
When placing a Ticket into a state of 'Wait' you should specify the type of wait
Wait for more information
Wait until (wait until a specified date & time)
Upon confirming the 'Wait for more information' status, the Ticket will move from your Inbox into your 'Owned Work' list, as there is no active work to be carried out by you until the follow up date.
When an incoming mail is received or the 'number of days to wait' is reached without any response, the Ticket will move back from your Owned Work list into your Inbox, highlighted for you to progress.
Alternatively, if you have set the ‘Close if no response received’ to On, then upon reaching the number of days to wait if there has been no response received from the client, the Ticket will automatically close.
When you wish to wait until a future date / time before progressing the Ticket, select the 'Wait Until' option and specify the desired Date and Time.
Upon confirming the 'Wait Until' status, the Ticket will move from your Inbox into your 'Owned Work' list, as there is no active work to be carried out by you until the follow up date.
When this date is reached the Ticket will move back from your Owned Work list into your Inbox, highlighted for you to progress.
Re-select this option if you wish to take the Action off 'Wait'.
You signify completing a Ticket by marking it as Resolved.
In addition to marking the Ticket as resolved you can specify the 'Resolution Method', with the following options:
Communication with service recipient
No customer response
Rejected as Spam
When you select to resolve a Ticket, if it has been configured this way in your system (see here for more information), you must either:
Send a resolution email
Add an internal resolution note
If you mark the Ticket as resolved and have not done either of these, the system will bring up a reminder message:
If you then choose to send a resolution email, the system will show this with a green tick in the email or note:
You will then be able to mark the Ticket as resolved.
If you have already added a resolution
If you have just added a note or sent an email before marking as ‘resolved’, the system will automatically mark this accordingly, and will not ask you to add a further resolution confirmation.
Subsequent Resolution Note / Email display in timeline.
For resolved Tickets, you will be able to see the note / email which was tagged as the resolution highlighted in green with tick marker:
Quick Resolution
For quick resolution, you can also send your resolving email and mark the Ticket as resolved in a single click. Just click the ‘Send and Resolve’ button at the foot of the email you are sending.
Note, this option is not available if you are sending an email from the pop-out screen. You need to come back to the main Ticket browser screen to confirm resolution of the Ticket.
After a Ticket has been resolved it may sit in that status for a brief period if a Feedback Window has been set for it - during this time period the service recipient may respond and the Ticket may be reopened, either manually or automatically upon receipt of a new incoming email or feedback within the time period.
After the feedback window has completed without any further response, the Ticket will move to a state of fully 'Closed'. Any subsequent mails received will launch a brand new work item.
Note: You can easily move an item from draft straight through to resolved - a good example of this is a ticket query which gets resolved on first contact.
Now shows as
Detail Information
In Progress (not yet picked up)
If not actively being progressed
In progress (being progressed)
If being actively progressed (manual / automatic switching to this)
Pause – Waiting for more information
Wait type - Wait for more information
Pause – Schedule for Follow Up
Wait type - Wait Until
Resolution Method - Communication with Service Recipient
Resolved - Manual Response
Resolution Method - Communication with Service Recipient
Resolved - No customer response
Resolution Method - No customer response
Resolution Method - Rejected
Rejected as Spam
Resolution Method - Rejected as Spam
Rejected - unknown email address
Resolution Method -Rejected due to no configured email matching recipient address
Resolved - Split Ticket
Wait type: -Split into multiple Tickets With link to split tickets.
Resolved - Split Ticket (completed)
With link to split tickets.
Resolved - Existing Ticket updated
Resolution Method Merged into another Work Item
Resolved - New Case launched
Wait type -New Case launched
Resolved - Existing Case/Action updated
Resolution Method: - Merged into another work item
If you wish to start a new independent Case or a Sub Case from an existing Case, select the ‘Start Case’ tab.
In the resulting pane, choose a Contract, Service and Case type to launch (these will default in values if there is only one option to choose). Enter a short description for the Case.
Switching the ‘Independent’ slider to On creates an Independent Case rather than a Sub Case. See below for more details about the differences between the two.
When you switch the ‘Independent’ slider to On, you are able to choose which data to copy from the original Case to the new Case. You have the options to copy the following groups of data across:
Contacts (and tags), Defects, Files (and tags) and Custom Data
Communications - Emails (including email attachments) and Notes
Hit ‘Start Case' to complete.
If Independent is selected then a new independent Case will open in a new tab in a state of 'Draft'. Here you are still able to adjust the data and once you are happy with the data, you can click 'Submit'.
If Independent is not selected, a new Sub Case will open in the same tab in a state of 'To Do' and all of the data from the parent Case will be shared to the new Sub Case. Additionally, if you update the data in a parent Case, this will also update the data in its Sub Case and vice versa.
Start Case from the Ticket Screen:
Start Case from the Case Screen:
Peer Review-type Actions involve two parts: the first part is the "doing" of the Action by one user, the second part involves reviewing if the Action was completed correctly - this review is done by a different user.
The Action will first appear in a state of 'To Do'. The timeline will show that the Action is not in a state of peer review:
Once the Action has been completed and marked as 'Resolved' by the user "doing" the Action, the Action is then assigned to a different user to review and gets set back into a state of 'To Do'. It will now been shown as being 'In peer review' on the timeline:
The reviewing user can then decide whether the original user has done the activity correctly by selecting 'Yes' or 'No' from the dropdown in their checklist. They can also add a note.
The checklist is only available when the Action is in a state of 'To Do' and only the assigned reviewer is able to edit the checklist.
When performing a peer review on a work item, users are able to edit the data within the Action. This allows the reviewer to make some data changes as part of their review activity.
The reviewer can then mark the Action as 'Resolved' and decide whether the Action has passed the peer review, has failed it, or if the peer reviewer was unable to review the Action:
Pass - Selecting 'Pass' will close the Action. You can add a comment, but it is not mandatory.
Fail - If you select 'Fail', it is mandatory to enter a comment. When you click resolve, the Action will go back to the first user in a state of To Do with the comment included. When the first user next resolves the Action, it will go back to the peer reviewer in a state of 'To Do'.
Unable to complete - Selecting 'Unable to complete' will close the Action.
In addition to the State icons displaying in your work item grids, additional icons can be seen to help give you high-level information about the Ticket, Case or Actions.
These icons also appear when you search for a work item in Quickfind.
They denote the following information:
You can apply multiple filters to all the standard and custom data columns on the grid except for Due Date by clicking on the icon next to the desired column title.
You can also apply multiple filters to all the standard and custom data columns on your bot farm grid. The applied filters will remain when switching back to My Team Inbox.
In addition to being able to be applied in Live Mode, multiple filters can be applied to all the standard and custom data columns in Test Mode, irrespective of the User type- so irrespective of whether you are a Team Leader, Team Manager, or whether or not you have access to Builder.
You can copy and paste information from the Home page grid into an Excel spreadsheet by selecting the information you want to copy and using Ctrl C and Ctrl V.
The information that is copied and pasted includes any applied filters. The column titles will automatically be copied and pasted as well.
You are also able to to copy and paste all of the information in the grid by using Ctrl-A.
Once a Sub-Case has been launched (either manually or through a 'Start Case' Action), a ‘Wait for Sub-Cases to Complete’ Action will move into a state of 'Waiting' for all currently running Sub-Cases within a Case to reach completion before allowing the Case to complete.
Once the Sub-Case is completed, the 'Wait for Sub-Cases to Complete' Action will close automatically.
If a Sub-Case has not been launched but a ‘Wait for Sub-Cases to Complete’ Action HAS been launched, the ‘Wait for Sub-Cases to Complete’ Action will enter a 'To Do' state and be assigned to a Queue.
If the Action is not in 'Wait for Sub-Cases to Complete' state and the Sub-Case for which it is waiting has been completed, a message will appear as 'Sub-Case is completed in the Info Card.
If the Sub-Case is not yet launched and if you try to set the Action to 'Waiting for Sub-Case to Complete', the Action will close as there is no Sub-Case launched.
If you try to manually Resolve a ‘Wait for Sub-Case to Complete’ Action, the system will inform you that the main Case will no longer wait for Sub-Case completion before it completes itself.
An Action in Enate will begin in a status of ‘To Do’ until a resource has picked it up - this could be a human resource or a robot resource.
Once you start updating an Action sitting in this state, it will:
automatically assign to you and
the status will change to ‘In progress’
You can also choose to change the state yourself. This signifies that work is now underway and it will stay in 'In Progress' until it’s resolved – assuming e.g. no waiting for further information.
If you’ve picked up an Action in error, or if your reach the conclusion that it’s not a piece of work you’re going to be able to progress you can unassign it from yourself, either to another resource or just back to its Queue. This could be after 10 seconds or half an hour, but when you do this the system will automatically set the status back to ‘To Do’ to let everyone know that it’s not going to be progressed until another resource picks it up. You can also just manually set the status back to ‘To Do’ if for example you started working on it in error and need to quickly undo the status change.
Similarly if a robot resource rejects a piece of work its status will be set back to ‘To Do’ as part of handing it over for a human resource to carry out.
If you’re working on an Action and you have to temporarily halt work on it because you’re waiting for some additional information or because of some other temporary blocker, you should choose the ‘Wait’ status.
When placing an Action into a state of 'Wait' you should specify the type of wait
Wait for more information
Follow Up (wait until a specified date & time).
Upon confirming the 'Wait for more information' status, the Action will move from your Inbox into your 'Owned Work' list, as there is no active work to be carried out by you until the follow up date.
When an incoming mail is received, the Action will move back from your Owned Work list into your Inbox, highlighted for you to progress.
When you wish to wait until a future date / time before progressing the work item, select the 'Follow Up' option and specify the desired Date and Time.
Upon confirming the 'Wait until Follow Up' status, the Action will move from your Inbox into your 'Owned Work' list, as there is no active work to be carried out by you until the follow up date.
When this date is reached the Action will move back from your Owned Work list into your Inbox, highlighted for you to progress.
You signify completing the Action by marking it as Resolved.
Along with this there are two options to specify how the Action was resolved:
Unable to complete
Set this option if you cannot complete the required activity. Once you have confirmed this option, the Action will be closed and cannot be re-opened. The Case Owner will be notified of this and be asked to take the necessary steps to resolve at Case level. This may involve starting another copy of the Action, reworking the Case from a previous step, or moving on.
Enter the reason you are unable to complete the Action and hit the ‘can’t Complete’ button to confirm. The tab will close.
After the Action has been resolved, it will move to a state of 'Closed'.
Any subsequent mails received will launch a brand new work item. Once you have selected this, the Action will be closed and cannot be re-opened.
Note: You can easily move an item from 'To Do' straight through to resolved.
Please note that if the 'Make Contacts mandatory' option has been selected in Builder () it is mandatory to provide a contact for a Sub Case. If the parent Case already has a contact, this is the contact that will be used in the Sub Case.
If a Case has been configured with an override Due Date option in Builder (), then you will be able to override the Due Date of a Case when you start a Case from the Ticket Screen or from the Case screen.
Task can be carried out by a Robot
Robot Task – Needs Attention
New information has been received that hasn't been read yet.
Case only : Case is in a problem State (i.e. needs attention)
The Action is a Peer Review and it is in the "doing" stage.
The Action is a Peer Review and it is in either in the reviewing stage, or the review is complete.
Now shows as
Detail Information
In Progress (not yet picked up)
If not actively being progressed
In Progress (being progressed)
IN PROGRESS (no change)
If being actively progressed (manual / automatic switching to this)
Pause – Waiting for more information
Wait type - Wait for more information
Pause – Schedule for Follow Up
Wait type - Wait Until
Resolved, immediately to Closed
Resolved, then will move immediately to CLOSED
Unable to Complete
Resolution Method: -Unable to complete With explanatory text
Peer Review - In Progress
With rejection reason
Send Email Actions involve the user sending out an email. Send Email and Wait Actions involve the user sending an email and waiting for a response.
Please note that if an invalid To, CC or BCC email address is used, the system generated email for the Send Email/Send Email and Wait Action will fail to send. In order to correct this, the user will need to correct the email address and add the email body manually. They should also contact their system administrator to alert them about the issue so that they can correct the email address to prevent future email failure.
Send Email and Send Email and Wait Action emails will appear as 'Cancelled' in the timeline when a user cancels it (it can be cancelled from the timeline and from the outbox), or if no contact has been set.
Enate is able to provide integration with ABBYY FlexiCapture - this is achieved through use of an ABBYY FlexiCapture integrated Action (see the here for guidance on how to create and configure this new Action type).
When an ABBYY Action runs for a Case, documents attached to the Case can be submitted to ABBYY FlexiCapture for OCR Scanning and the processed output files will be returned and automatically attached to the Case.
Note: Only filetypes supported by ABBYY v12 onwards can be submitted. Click here to see the following link for list of formats supported by ABBYY.
The system will show this message while it is waiting for you to submit document(s) to the ABBYY FlexiCapture engine for processing:
You’ll see confirmation of when documents have successfully been submitted to ABBYY for processing:
Last attempt is the time when the document(s) have been submitted to the ABBYY FlexiCapture engine for processing.
If the documents submitted were of an invalid file format or if there were problems with the formatting of the document itself, the system will return this message:
If there has been an issue with document submission, the system will automatically retry submitting a certain number of times, depending on how your system has been configured in Builder (see here for more information).
If there is still a problem with submission following the automatic retries (e.g. if the retry setting is set to 5 and the system fails to establish a connection following 5 automatic retries), the ABBYY Action will move to a state of 'Closed'.
In this circumstance of the Action failing to establish connection with the external system, this will escalate to the Case Owner, highlighting in the Action section of the Case screen that this Action was Closed - Not Done Successfully.
After having scanned a document, ABBYY creates a score based on how confident it is in the quality of the scan. If the confidence score is above the threshold defined then no verification is required and it will process the data and complete the task. If the confidence score is below a certain threshold, human verification is required.
A status message will confirm that human validation is not required:
Once processing is complete, the ABBYY Action will close. Exported files will be attached to the Case and are visible in the Files Card.
Note: if Output File Tags’ have been set then ABBYY will apply the output tag to all files which it processed, ready for use in downstream activities.
The system will alert you if human verification is required:
Additionally, a reminder text will display in next to the Action status to reaffirm that manual verification must be completed in ABBYY before continuing.
Clicking on the ‘Verify’ button will take you to the ABBYY Verification Station where you can verify the scans of the documents and adjust information as necessary.
Note : A valid ABBYY FlexiCapture account with permissions to carry out verification in the chosen project will be required for full access.
Once you are logged in, you will be presented with ABBY FlexiCapture’s Verification Station screen where you can review and adjust information as necessary.
The Verification Station is made up of three sections:
The individual pages of the document to be scanned.
A close up of the original document to be scanned.
The Extracted Output - so the scanned version of the original document.
Text highlighted in yellow in the original document tab is the data ABBYY is unable to read. This is highlighted in red in the Extracted Output.
Certain characters like ‘i’ may also been highlighted Extracted Output section if ABBYY is uncertain about the scanned copy.
Once you’ve finished the manual verification, the screen will confirm this has been done but will note that there was an expectation which required manual intervention:
Once processing is complete, exported files will be attached to the Case and are visible in the Files Card.
You can then mark the Action as complete.
Note: if Output File Tags’ have been set then ABBYY will apply the output tag to all files which it processed, ready for use in downstream activities.
If during processing of a Ticket query it becomes apparent that the request is better handled via a specific Case, you can support this by choosing to convert the Ticket into a Case.
Click on the ‘Convert to Case’ tab within the Ticket. Select the Contract, Service and Case type you wish to launch.
If your system has be configured to allow you to override the due date upon Case creation, you can select a new due date here.
If your system has be configured to set a schedule for a new Case upon creation in work manager, you can select a schedule here.
You can choose to keep each separate Ticket with you by selecting 'Keep with me' in the settings card and you can choose to send an email to the primary contact for the Ticket informing them that the Ticket has been turned into a Case by unselecting the 'Disable Automated Emails' option.
Confirm the Ticket promotion up to a Case by clicking the button in the Info card:
You will see a confirmation messages informing you that the Ticket will be closed and replaced by a Case (with the same reference number, but a ‘-C’ ending).
The original Ticket does not form any further part of service delivery and will now be in a state of Waiting with a Resolution method of Case Launched with a link to that Case.
The original Ticket will move to a state of Closed when the Case that has been launched is Closed.
The new Case launched will be in a state of To Do.
Clicking the filter icon will bring up a filter popup where you can select or de-select the various communication types you wish to view on the timeline. You can filter the Comms tab by the following communications:
Cancelled - this will show emails that have been cancelled, when they were cancelled and who they were cancelled by
Failed - this will shows emails that have failed to send and why they failed to send. Note that you can try to resend failed emails from the Timeline section by clicking the 'Retry' option.
Incoming - this will shows emails coming in from a third party, when they arrived and who they were sent by
Outgoing - this will shows emails going out to a third party, when they were send and who they were sent by.
Scheduled - this will shows emails that are scheduled to send at a later date, when the emails are scheduled to send and who and who set the schedule. You also have the option to send the email now or to cancel the email from the Timeline. Additionally, when an Undo Send time is set, the option to send emails straight away or to cancel sending the email
will appear in the Timeline during the Undo Send period (see here for more information about the Undo Send option) when scheduled emails are set to appear in the Timeline.
Log Activity
Incoming and outgoing phone calls
Incoming and outgoing letters
Self Service - communications entered by self Service Users
(If the work item is a Ticket) Ticket Initial Description
Include related work items – when this is switched on, the comms tab will display communications not just from this work item, but for all related work items.
When a related work item appears on the timeline, its reference will be displayed in the timeline.
This setting is switched on by default for Cases so that when viewing a Case, you will also be able to see communications for all of its corresponding Actions.
This option is switched off by default for Tickets and Actions, so they will default to only displaying communications from this work item.
Include system generated items - when switched on, system-generated communications such as auto-created submission confirmation emails which Enate sends out will be displayed. This option is off by default.
If a filter is applied, a number will appear next to the filter icon telling you how many types of communications you are able to see out of the total number of types of communications available.
The timeline tab shows the all of the activity history that has taken place for a work item (and related items), including communications, status changes, with the most recent updates shown at the top of the timeline.
Clicking the filter icon will bring up a filter popup where you can select or de-select the various item types you wish to view on the timeline. In addition to communications such as emails and phone calls, you can filter the timeline tab by the following information:
Queues - when the work item has moved to a different Queue
Reassignments - reassignments between users
Due Dates missed - when the Due Date for the work item has been missed
Status Changes
when the work item status was changed (e.g. from In Progress to Resolved), who it was changed by and the reason it was changed.
If the status has changed to Wait, the Timeline will also show the Wait type:
If the status has changed to Resolved, the Timeline will also show the Resolution Method
when a Peer-Review Action is in the peer review stage:
If a Case has a problem:
Include related work items – when this is switched on, the timeline will display information not just from this work item, but for all related work items.
When a related work item appears on the timeline, its reference will be displayed in the timeline.
This setting is switched on by default for Cases so that when viewing a Case, you will also be able to see information about all of its corresponding Actions.
This option is switched off by default for Tickets and Actions, so they will default to only displaying information from this work item.
The one exception is when merging a Ticket, any Tickets which were closed due to merging will default to display the information from the downstream related Ticket.
Show System generated items - when switched on, system-generated timeline entries such as auto-created submission confirmation emails which Enate sends out will be displayed. This option is off by default.
If a filter is applied, a number will appear next to the filter icon telling you how many types of information you are able to see out of the total number of types of information available.
v2021.1. Details around how to configure actions to trigger external APIs, and how they will display in Work Manager for operational users.
Similar to other action archetypes, 'Trigger External API' actions can be used in Case processes, and are used for when you need to automatically call out to another system, passing data to it and potentially getting the external system to pass updated custom data back into Enate.
For information on how to configure 'Trigger External API' Actions check out this Builder section.
Sometimes there can be a delay when waiting for the external system to respond. When that happens, i.e. when the ‘Trigger External API’ Action is waiting for information to come back from an external system, the Action info card will display in Work Manager as being in a state of 'Waiting'.
When the external system ultimately responds to Enate with the data update, it will be with a marker to say whether it has been successful OR unsuccessful:
If the system is responding to say it has been successful, the Action will automatically move to a state of 'Closed', with a Resolution Method of 'Done Successfully'.
If the system is responding to say it has been unsuccessful, the Action move into a state of 'To Do', with a reason of 'Updated by Integration'. The external API can also respond with additional information regarding why it was unsuccessful. This information will display in the Info card of the Action in the 'Rejected Reason' section.
If the Action isn't successful because it did not complete within the time set for it (configured in Builder), then it will moved to a state of 'To Do' with a reason of 'Timeout' and it will allocate to a Queue / human user based on the configured allocation rules.
Such unsuccessful Actions will now effectively behave as a standard manual action.
Please note that the Case owner will NOT be notified in these situations.
If the Action is not able to connect to the external system, it will automatically retry connecting for a certain number of times, depending on how your system has been configured in Builder (see here for more information). You will also be shown an error message bar on the Action showing:
when the error occurred
when the system will retry establishing a connection automatically
how many times the system has automatically retried establishing a connection, and
how many times the system will automatically retry establishing a connection.
You are able to manually retry establishing a connection from here too, by clicking the 'Retry' link in the error message.
Please note that when you do a manual retry, this will be counted as an attempted retry and will therefore be included in the number showing how many times the system has 'automatically' retried establishing a connection.
If the Action fails to establish a connection following the automatic retries (e.g. if the retry setting is set to 5 and the system fails to establish a connection following 5 automatic retries), it will move to a state of 'Closed' with a resolution method of 'Not Done Successfully'.
In this circumstance of the Action failing to establish connection with the external system, this will escalate to the Case Owner, highlighting in the Action section of the Case screen that this Action was Closed - Not Done Successfully.
When the Action receives the required information, it will close automatically.
If the automatic retry setting in Builder is changed after the system has automatically retried establishing a connection with an external system, the following will occur:
If, for example, the retry setting was originally set to 5 and the system automatically retried establishing a connection 5 times but failed, the Action will have moved to a state of Closed with an error message showing a retry count of 5/5.
If the retry setting then gets subsequently increased to anything above 5, for example 7, the error message will display a retry count of 5/7, but the system will NOT automatically retry establishing a connection for a 6th and 7th time as the Action is already closed.
However, if the Action had not yet moved to a state of Closed because it had not yet reached the maximum number of automatic retries (e.g. it had only retried 4 times out of the 5), then increasing the retry setting to 7 means that the Action will automatically retry establishing connecting until the count has reached 7.
Conversely, if you reduce the retry setting after retries have started, e.g. you're on retry 4 of 10 but then reduce the max down to 4, the system will still display 4 of 10 but will in fact be closed.
The Information icon will will be highlighted when new information has come in for the work item that hasn't been read yet. Clicking on it shows you when the new information was received.
You can choose to mark the information as read which will set the Information icon back to normal. You can also mark the information as unread by clicking on the 'Mark as New' option.
We have added a Copy Button to make it easier for you to copy important information:
You are able to copy the name of your saved search by clicking on the copy button on the tab:
You are able to copy the User's name by clicking on the copy button on the tab:
You are also able to copy the work item reference and number by clicking on the copy icon in the tab:
You are able to create new types of Actions within a Service Line itself by clicking on the '+' icon next to the search bar and selecting 'Action'.
When creating a new type of Action, you can enter the following information:
Global Checklist items are accessed via the Service Lines screen.
You can change the Action Type name after its initial creation
To edit an Action type’s settings, click on the Action in the Service Lines Screen and edit the information in the right hand side of the screen. Click to save these changes.
Note: these settings are not versioned i.e. when changes are made, they affect all new and running Work Items.
You are also able to see the activity history of your work items , by clicking on the Show Activity button. You can see when the work item was created and by who, as well as if any edits have been made to the work item, when they were made, as well as by who.
You are also able to clone a Action type by clicking on the Clone button in the edit screen. This will clone all of the Action type's settings and data apart from its name. You are able to make changes to any of the settings and data once the Action type has been cloned.
The overall look and feel of the Ticket Configuration screen has been updated.
Clicking on the + icon in the toolbar will display the Ticket Categories menu. We've enhanced the interactions for populating this menu and selecting values from it.
You can now expand to view multiple levels of ticket category at one time.
At any point you can add further category values into the list.
You can easily select multiple categories to add into your ticket from the menu.
The ticket category grid has been enhanced so that on clicking the 'category' cell, you will be able to view & edit ALL settings for that category in one place
Additionaly, if you wish to repace the category but retain these settings, you can easily switch out the selected category for another.
Seleting the individual cells to view e.g. Due Date settings continues as a feature, with an adjusted layout for the popups:
The attributes which can be set here remain as before, but an additional tab now exists to show you which other Tickets, Cases & Actions use this same rule.
The feedback setting has been removed from the ticket instances configuration grid and now resides as a checkbox in the ticket template screen under the Service Line.
In the ticket category rows you can specific the number of days to keep the ticket open for (i.e. the window of opportunity that the service recipient has for responding to the ticket and so re-opening it, before it is closed completely).
We've updated the look and feel of the whole Builder area, and made some changes to help deal with he display of large volumes of data.
The different statuses a Ticket or Case process can be in remain the same, but we've adjusted the way these are displayed. A key on the page explains the various icons and their meanings.
Customer, Contract & Service names are now displayed in a single cell of your service matrix to help save on screen space..
There's now a handy location where you can create new Customer, Contract and Service data, as well as new Cases and Tickets.
Click to add a Case or Ticket and then fill out the required information in the resulting popup.
A new column will then be added to the Service Matrix.
The new Case/Ticket will also be added to the Service Line:
Clicking the '...' on an existing row will give you access to Edit any of the Customer, Contract & Service data - including deleting and adding new items.
Edit any of your Customer, Contract, Service data at one time.
Delete any of your data at one time.
By setting the 'group' against a Ticket template or a Case template (done in the Service Line section), data can be displayed in the Service Matrix in tabbed groups, allowing or easier switching between processes in different areas underneath a service
You can add multiple Customers, Contracts and/or Services into your search filters.
Your applied filters will be saved when you return to the Service Matrix Screen from other sections in Builder, and also after you logout and log back in.
Your applied Customer and Contract filters will be saved when you switch between Service Lines in the Service Matrix, but the Service filter will be removed.
The Service Matrix view in Builder remembers the last selected Service Line. Your last selected service line will be saved when you return to the Service Matrix Screen from other sections in Builder, and also after you logout and log back in.
You are able to create new types of Tickets and Actions within a Service Line itself by clicking on the '+' icon next to the search bar and selecting 'Ticket'.
When creating a Ticket, you can enter the following information:
To edit a Ticket type’s settings, click on the Case / Action / Ticket in the Service Lines Screen and edit the information in the right hand side of the screen. Click to save these changes.
Note: these settings are not versioned i.e. when changes are made, they affect all new and running Work Items.
You are also able to see the activity history of your work items , by clicking on the Show Activity button. You can see when the work item was created and by who, as well as if any edits have been made to the work item, when they were made, as well as by who.
You are also able to clone a Ticket type by clicking on the Clone button in the edit screen. This will clone all of the Ticket type's settings and data apart from its name. You are able to make changes to any of the settings and data once the Ticket type has been cloned.
We've added a new page where you can see and maintain all of the Service Line level data for each of your Service Lines in one location.
You can access this area by clicking on the Service Lines link in the Toolbar.
You can view all of your service lines by clicking on the drop-down menu. You can also add new Service lines in the same location.
Selecting a service line will show you the number of Cases, Actions and Tickets associated with that service line. The search bar allows you to search through the Cases, Action and Ticket processes associated with that service line.
Clicking on a particular Case, Action or Ticket associated with a service line will bring up the master date information for that Case, Action or Ticket in the right-hand side of the screen a to view / edit this information.
You can create a new service line by clicking on the '+' icon next to the dropdown menu.
Once you save your service line, it will appear in the drop-down list.
You are also able to create defect categories as part of the service line by clicking on the 'Show Advanced Settings' button. Defect categories are supported in three levels.
In addition to being able to define your global menu of Ticket Categories within the individual Ticket configuration screens, you can also maintain it under the Service Line. access via the 'Open Ticket Categories' link and edit your Categories menu there.
You can edit an existing service line by selecting that service line from the drop-down menu, making changes as desired and hitting 'Save'.
You can see what edits have been made to the Service Line and when, as well as when the Service Line was created, by clicking on the Show Activity button.
You are also able to clone a service line by clicking on the Clone button in the edit screen. This will clone all of the service line's settings apart from its name. You are able to make changes to any of the settings once the service line has been cloned.
These Global Checks are subsequently displayed during 'Local' checklist creation against individual Actions within the Case flow definition screen. See the section for more information on Local Checklist definition.
The name of the new type of Action
The description of the new type of Action
Which type of Action this is. This list is populated from the list of underlying ‘Master Processes’, which can be created via the Configuration Manager application.
Global Checklist
Which global checks will always be run through every time that Action is run
The name of the new type of Ticket
The description of the new type of Ticket
Defining a group helps you sort your Tickets on the Service Matrix Screen. See here for more information.
Allow Feedback
If this setting is ticked, outgoing emails from Work Manager will contain a footer-based link for recipients to give feedback scores. The feedback data is subsequently stored, ready to be called upon by an agent from within the Ticket.
You are now able to use multiple Cases for a Single Frequency-based Trigger.
You are able to create new types of Cases within a Service Line itself by clicking on the '+' icon next to the search bar and selecting 'Case'.
When creating a new type of Case, you can enter the following information:
The name of the new type of Case
The description of the new type of Case
Make Contacts Mandatory
Globally agreed steps a Case will run through every time that Case type is run. For all customers which use this Case type, these high level steps that run for each Case are the same, although the Actions that run within the steps them might differ.
You can add, edit and delete the steps of a Case type from the Service Lines page. You can easily reorder the steps by dragging and dropping them. The Milestone % is optional, it denotes the progress reached when this step is completed and it displays in the Case form status tracker control.
When you delete a step, any Actions that were underneath that step will now display as ad hoc Actions. When a step is reordered, the Actions underneath that step will move with the step.
If you make changes to the steps of a Case type, live versions of Case processes of that Case type will not be affected. They will run as previously configured and the step changes won't apply until a new version of the Case process with the updated steps has been set live.
You will be notified in the Case process screen if its steps are out of date i.e. if changes have been made at a Case type-level when you are in edit mode.
You can click on the Refresh Steps icon in the header of the Case screen to refresh the steps to the latest version.
When you click to confirm, you will be shown which changes have been made:
Click OK to update the steps to match the steps configured at a Case-type level; new steps will be added to the Case process, steps in the Case process will be renamed, steps in the Case process will be moved along with the Actions underneath them and steps will be deleted and their Actions will become ad hoc Actions.
You can clone any Case process which is live under the same service line and all data such as Actions etc. will be cloned, except for schedules.
If the Case you are cloning has the same Case type, then the step names and Actions will all be copied across.
If the Case you are cloning has a different Case type, then the step names will not be copied across, instead they will appear like this:
Actions will be cloned across in their original positions i.e. Actions under the first step of the process being cloned will be the Actions under the first step of the Case process they have been cloned to. If there are more steps in the source process being cloned than in the Case it is being cloned to, the Actions under the "extra" step will become ad hoc Actions.
To update the steps in the Case to the latest version of its own Case type, click to refresh the steps in edit mode.
This will update the steps to the latest version in the Case type. If a step has been removed, any Actions that were underneath that step will now display as ad hoc Actions.
To edit a Case type’s settings, click on the Case in the Service Lines Screen and edit the information in the right hand side of the screen. Click to save these changes.
Note: these settings are not versioned i.e. when changes are made, they affect all new and running Work Items.
You are also able to see the activity history of your work items , by clicking on the Show Activity button. You can see when the work item was created and by who, as well as if any edits have been made to the work item, when they were made, as well as by who.
You are also able to clone a Case type by clicking on the Clone button in the edit screen. This will clone all of the Case type's settings and data apart from its name. You are able to make changes to any of the settings and data once the Case type has been cloned.
User Groups are, as the name suggest, ways of grouping together a number of users - specifically Service Agent type users. User Groups can be used for setting Permissions for a number service agents at various points in your business hierarchy, i.e. for certain Customers, their Contracts, Services or even down to specific Case & Ticket processes.
There are two routes through which you can maintain which users are in which groups:
1. Create / Edit a User Group
Navigate to the 'User Groups' section of User Management, create a new group and add one or more users into it. Once saved, the User group is ready to use with permissions linking.
2. Edit the user account settings
When creating or editing a User account, you can add them into one or more User Groups via their settings on the Access tab.
See the Permissions section for more information on how to use User Groups to set access to parts of your business for Service Agents.
You can user Permissions in conjunction with User Groups to control levels of access for your Service Agents to the various parts of your business operations (as represented in the Service Matrix screen - who are your customers, what services are you delivering to them).
For users to have access on work items for a customer they will need to be in at least one user group which is linked at the Customer level. In previous versions of the software this will have been represented by a setting on a customer company stating that all service provider agents had permissions on the customer. This has now been migrated across to using the User Group / Permissions approach.
Please note that the previous approach of managing permissions via the single 'all service provider agents have access on this customer' checkbox is no longer a feature. This has been replaced by the new more detailed User Groups & Permisssions linking approach.
Please note that all existing permissions will have remained as-is and will have been migrated across from previous access levels. For ongoing maintenance you should use User Groups / Permissions
The steps for this are as follows:
Create a User Group, populating it with Service Agents
Link the Service Group to the 'Permissions' setting at various points in the Service Matrix.
See User Groups page for creating & maintain these groups of Agents.
If you have upgrade from a preious version of Enate, your existing standard permissions settings will have been migrated across to ensure total continuity of what your Agents have access to. Similarly, User Groups will have been auto-generated as part of the migration, and your Service Agents populated into them, in order to ensure permissions remain consistent.
You can set permissions at various points in your customer business hierarchy.
To set permissions for a specific customer's Case or Ticket process, go to the Service Matrix, select the Permissions link and add one or more User Groups in.
Note: any Permissions set at higher level will show read-only when accessing settings for any item in the Service Matrix.
Setting User groups with permissions at the other levels in the business hierarchy can easily be done by navigating to the Edit screen at the relevant level.
Once that has been set, only Agents within this User Group has access to work items (creation, editing etc.) within that part of the hierarchy. For example, if you link up at the customer level, that User group has access to all work items under that customer. Conversely if you set down at the case process level, that User group has access to work items within that case process specifically within that customer/contract/service combination.
You can add, edit and delete the steps of a Case type from the Service Lines page. You can easily reorder the steps by dragging and dropping them. The Milestone % is optional, it denotes the progress reached when this step is completed and it displays in the Case form status tracker control.
When you delete a step, any Actions that were underneath that step will now display as ad hoc Actions. When a step is reordered, the Actions underneath that step will move with the step.
If you make changes to the steps of a Case type, live versions of Case processes of that Case type will not be affected. They will run as previously configured and the step changes won't apply until a new version of the Case process with the updated steps has been set live.
You will be notified in the Case process screen if its steps are out of date i.e. if changes have been made at a Case type-level when you are in edit mode.
You can click on the Refresh Steps icon in the header of the Case screen to refresh the steps to the latest version.
When you click to confirm, you will be shown which changes have been made:
Click OK to update the steps to match the steps configured at a Case-type level; new steps will be added to the Case process, steps in the Case process will be renamed, steps in the Case process will be moved along with the Actions underneath them and steps will be deleted and their Actions will become ad hoc Actions.
You can clone any Case process which is live under the same service line and all data such as Actions etc. will be cloned, except for schedules.
If the Case you are cloning has the same Case type, then the step names and Actions will all be copied across.
If the Case you are cloning has a different Case type, then the step names will not be copied across, instead they will appear like this:
Actions will be cloned across in their original positions i.e. Actions under the first step of the process being cloned will be the Actions under the first step of the Case process they have been cloned to. If there are more steps in the source process being cloned than in the Case it is being cloned to, the Actions under the "extra" step will become ad hoc Actions.
To update the steps in the Case to the latest version of its own Case type, click to refresh the steps in edit mode.
This will update the steps to the latest version in the Case type. If a step has been removed, any Actions that were underneath that step will now display as ad hoc Actions.
Defining a group helps you sort your Cases on the Service Matrix Screen. See for more information.
This controls whether Users need to enter a Primary Contact and a Requester when filling in details for a Case. It is unticked by default, making the addition of Contact information not mandatory. In order to make contact information mandatory for this type of Case, just tick this box. Additionally, ticking the 'make Contacts Mandatory' setting makes it mandatory to include a contact when launching a .
The 'Show Case Process Linked to Schedule' icon lets you see the list of all the Case processes which are linked to a Schedule. It shows you the Customer, Contract and Service of the Case, as well as what state the Case is in, such as Live, Testing and Draft. If the Schedule is linked with more than one version of a Case, then all versions will be shown in the list.
You are able to filter the list of Cases by Customer, Contract, Service and State.
Clicking on the Case process will take you to the Case screen for that particular Case.
Note: You will be taken to the latest version of the Case screen, regardless of which version of the Case process is linked to the Schedule. However you can choose which version of the Case process you see once you are in the Case screen.
The Linked Processes list will also show retired process versions if the 'Show Deleted Objects' option is switched on.
You can change the scope of your external contacts to either Global, Local or Global and Local:
Setting the contact scope to Global means that all the external contacts are scoped to Global/All Companies and those contacts can access/create work items of All the Companies.
Contact Creation in Work Manager : All the contacts created via Quick Find search or contact card in work item and Bulk creation are by default scoped to Global/All Companies.
Please note that selecting this option will clear the company relationship from every external contact.
Setting the contact scope to Local means that all the external contacts are scoped to a particular company and those contacts can access/create work items of the particular scoped company.
Contact Creation in Work Manager : All the contacts created via Quick Find search or contact card in work item and Bulk creation provides an option to set the scope of the contact to particular company.
Search from Contact Card: users in Work Manager will only be able to search for external contacts belonging to companies which the contact has associated to.
Scope Change in Work Manager : Any locally scoped contact can be changed to a different company when the contact has no active work items associated. If the contact has associated work items the contact should be removed from the work items to change the scope successfully.
Please note that it is only possible to set the scope to Local if all existing external contacts have a company associated with them. This can be achieved by editing them in the Contact Management view in Work Manager.
This setting lets you set some external contacts to Local and some to Global. This means that you can assign some external contacts with a company (and therefore users in work manager will only be able to create and work items for these 'local' external contact for the particular company that the external contact is associated with), and you can assign some external contacts as 'Global', so users in work manager will be able to create work items for all companies for these 'Global' external contacts.
Contact Creation in Work Manager : All the contacts created via Quick Find search or contact card in work item and Bulk creation provides an option to set the scope of the contact to particular company or set the scope to Global/All Companies.
Search from Contact Card: users in Work Manager will be able to search for all external contacts which are associated to company to which work item is associated and all other global external contacts.
Scope Change in Work Manager : Any locally scoped contact can be changed to Global and any globally scoped contact cannot be changed to a particular company if the contact has associated to work items of multiple companies, in this case the contact should be removed from the work items of other companies.
The system-wide ‘Show deleted items’ button lets you view your deleted objects. This can be found in your User dropdown:
Enabling this option will perform a browser refresh. It is disabled by default so once you log out and log back in, the option will be set back to disabled.
If the ‘Show deleted items’ option is enabled, deleted Services Lines will be greyed out in the Service Line drop down list. Deleted Service Lines won't show as options to select in the Service Matrix dropdown.
Deleted Cases, Actions and Tickets will also be greyed out under the Process Search. Details in a deleted Case, Action and Ticket can be viewed but they cannot be edited. You cannot add a new type of work item to a Service Line that has been deleted.
If the ‘Show deleted items’ option is enabled, deleted Case and Ticket type columns will be greyed out in Service Matrix.
The processes in the Service Matrix that contain deleted versions will be marked with this icon.
If a customer, contract or service has been deleted, then the entire row will be greyed out in the Service Matrix. When a customer, contract or service is deleted it retires the associated services and processes. You can open the process to view its details, but these cannot be edited.
Deleted Cases or Tickets will not be included in the clone process pop-out.
Deleted Actions will not be listed when creating new Cases or editing existing ones.
Deleted due dates will not be listed in the drop down when creating new Cases, Ticket, and Actions.
Deleted allocation flavours will not be listed in the drop down when creating new Cases, Ticket, and Actions.
All deleted service agents, employees will be greyed out in the grid. You are also able to reactivate a retired Service Agent in the system. This will set them as an active user.
All deleted robots will be greyed out in the grid. You are also able to reactivate a retired robot in the system. This will set them as active. Deleted robots will not be shown when creating/assigning new work items.
Please note that externally managed robots cannot be deleted (or reactivated) they can only be updated.
All deleted email connections and templates will be greyed out in the list. You are able to view the deleted card, but these settings cannot be edited. Deleted templates are not shown when creating new Cases, Actions or Tickets.
All deleted calendars will be greyed out in the list. Deleted calendars will not be listed when creating users. Deleted Calendars cannot be reactivated.
All deleted custom fields and custom tables will be greyed out in the list. Deleted custom fields will not be listed as available options when creating custom cards. Deleted custom fields and custom tables cannot be reactivated.
All deleted custom cards will be greyed out in the list. You can view the details of a deleted custom card, but its settings cannot be edited. Deleted custom cards cannot be reactivated.
All deleted schedules, schedule structures and trigger will be greyed out in the grid. You can view the details of a deleted schedule, schedule structure and trigger, but its settings cannot be edited. Deleted schedules, schedule structures and triggers cannot be reactivated.
Deleted schedules will not be listed when creating new Cases. Deleted schedule structures will not be listed when creating new schedules.
All deleted RPA connections will be greyed out in the list. You can view the details of a deleted RPA connections, but its settings cannot be edited. Deleted RPA connections cannot be reactivated.
All deleted OCR connections will be greyed out in the list. You can view the details of a deleted OCR connections, but its settings cannot be edited. Deleted OCR connections cannot be reactivated.
All the deleted users are greyed out in the contact management page in Work Manager. The user details for deleted/retired can be viewed, but they cannot be edited.
Note: Deleted users will not be listed in Quickfind or in the Contacts Card.
You are now able to clone processes from different service lines. Processes from a different Case type will be highlighted in grey with a yellow border in the clone popup.
You are now also able to easily clone Customers, Contracts, Services, Service Lines, Case Types, Action Types, Ticket Types and Calendars by clicking on the Clone button:
This will clone all of the object's settings apart from its name. You are able to make changes to any of the settings once the object has been cloned.
We have made it easier to add Ticket categories from the menu.
Select a level 1, then 2, then 3 category from the list of available categories on the left-hand side.
Selecting any Level 1 category will select all of its Level 2 and 3 child categories. Selecting any Level 2 category will select all of its Level 3 child categories, as well as its parent Level 1 category and display. Selecting any Level 3 ticket categories will select its parent Level 1 and 2 categories.
Your selected categories will then be displayed on the right hand side.
We have added a Copy Button to make it easier for you to copy important information:
You can copy the Username of a Robot by clicking on the copy icon.
You can copy the Custom Field safe name by clicking on the copy icon:
We have added the ability to view the activity history of various versioned and unversioned objects in Enate such as for Case Processes, Calendars, Custom Cards, Self-Service Cards, for Case, Action and Ticket types in the Service Lines screen, for Contact Tags, Custom Fields and Custom Tables, Defects, in the Due Date Attributes popup, for Email Connectors and Email Routes, in the Allocation Flavour popup, for Frequency-based Triggers, for Custom Data Localisation translations, for Queues, for RPA Integrations, for Schedules and Schedule Structures, for Services and Companies in the Service Matrix, for Service Lines, for Service Providers, for Ticket Processes and Ticket Categories, for Service Agents, Robots, Employees and User Groups.
You have the ability to see when an object was created and by who, if it has been edited since then and by who, and even when a Calendar was deleted and by who by clicking on the Show Activity button:
In addition to the standard Contact Tags with which you can link a user to a work item (Primary Contact, Subject, CC, Requester), you can also specify further relationship types. Examples might be further options like ‘Broker’ or ‘Referee’.
Click to add a new contact. This will bring up the following popup:
When adding a new Contact the following information can be defined:
Desired name for the Contact Tag, e.g. ‘Broker’
Description for internal use only.
Supplier Company
Whether this Contact should be classed as belonging to the Supplier Company
Allow Multiple
If set, you will be able to tag multiple contacts in the same work item with this value
Show in Call Handling
If set, when opening the Contact Activity tab in Work Manager any work items linked to this user via this relationship will display on their Activity tab.
Show in Self Service
If set, when a self service user is displayed the work items in their tracker which ‘relate’ to them, any work items which they are linked to with this type of contact tag will display.
The 'Show Parent Company' option in General Settings allows you to more easily manage your companies by creating a nested company structure where a parent company can maintain multiple child companies.
A parent company can have multiple child companies, but a child company can only have one parent company. A parent company cannot have its own parent company and a child company cannot be set as a parent company. A deleted parent company will appear as read only in the child company's details and it cannot be changed or deleted. Please note that a company cannot be both a Supplier and a Parent Company.
Additionally, a Work Manager user will be able to start work items for both parent and child companies for a parent company contact; however they will only be to start a work item for a child company for a child company contact.
The Contacts Card in Work Manager for work items running against a parent company will show the contacts of that parent company, but will not show any child company contacts, however work items running against a child company will show the contacts of that child company as well as of the parent company.
As part of system-level settings you now can define one or more Supplier (Service Provider) companies (this replaces the previous approach where this option was presented in the customer data popup of the Service Matrix page).
This option, found in the General Settings section, helps Enate capture analytics such as user insights, product-related data and trends which will help us to improve our services. Data captured will NOT include any personal identification information.
Note: This option is switched ON by default, but it can be switched off if desired.
You can adjust the height of the Info Section. Your preference will be saved when you switch between Cases and when you next log in.
Your last selected service line will be saved when you return to the Service Matrix Screen from other sections in Builder, and also after you logout and log back in.
The 'Peer Review Checklist' column is where you can configure the checklist for the peer reviewer in a Peer Review Action.
You are able to configure both Global and Local checklists. Global checklists can be configured in the Service Line screen, see here for more information.
If you do not want a peer review checklist to appear in Work Manager for a peer reviewer in a Peer Review Action, you can do this by leaving the peer review checklist blank in Builder.
If the Allow Override option is set to “Yes” or “On Creation Only” in the Due Date Settings for the Case, then users in Work Manager will be able to override the Due Date of a Case when they start a Case from the Ticket Screen or Case screen.
If the Allow Override option is set to “No” in the Due Date Settings for the Case, then users in Work Manager will not be able to override the Due Date of a Case when they start a Case from the Ticket Screen or Case screen.
You can set the number of times the system will automatically retry to send an email by using the slider. This can be set up to a maximum of 10 times.
You will see the time intervals that the system will automatically retry to send the email which increase exponentially with each retry.
Once the system has retried sending an email 10 times, it will no longer retry sending it automatically, but you can still retry sending the email manually, i.e. by clicking the 'Retry' icon.
The history of when a Work Item is in a Queue is now exported to the warehouse for reporting and analysis.
User Session history is exported to the warehouse for reporting and analysis.
The members of a Queue are now exported to the warehouse for reporting and analysis.
A quick intro to our new, fully online, help documentation.
We've enhanced our help documentation by moving it all online to docs.enate.net. Here you'll find everything you need to know about how to make the most out of Enate, with video walk-throughs and more in-depth explanations.
In conjunction with putting all our help online we've started to add more extensive tooltips, guides and videos directly into the system itself to help guide users to our online explainers - This should make onboarding new users easier and let you know about new features when they appear.
Technical note: In order to make use of Enate's in-line explainers, your administrators may need to make some adjustment to your company's firewall / proxy whitelist. Check out this article for more information on possible adjustments.
We'll be adding more of these over time and would really welcome your suggestions and feedback in the new Documentation section of Enate's Feedback page.
This section contains the change log and information about known issues, breaking changes, API changes and the data warehouse for builds all 2021.1 builds.
2021.1.25.0 is a HotFix release that contains one bug fix, shown in the changelog below, and a small number of additional known issues, shown below. There are no additional breaking changes or API changes for this release.
The change log for 2021.1.25.0 contains the one bug fix included in this release. A downloadable copy of the change log is available below which includes the changes for all of the 2021.1 builds up to 2021.1.25.0.
Bug Fixed: When checking mailboxes in Office 365 via GraphAPI, only the top 10 messages are received in each poll.
This issue is only noticed when more than 10 messages are received between polls.
You can find below a list of the current known issues and bugs in 2021.1.24.0. Please report any other issues or bugs you may find to the Enate Helpdesk.
2021.1.24.0 is a HotFix release that contains a small number of bug fixes and enhancements, shown in the changelog below, and a small number of known issues, shown below. There are no additional breaking changes or API changes for this release.
The change log for 2021.1.24.0 contains the bug fixes and enhancements which were included in this release. A downloadable copy of the change log is available below which includes the changes for all of the 2021.1 builds up to 2021.1.24.0.
Enhancement: When updating the Data Warehouse following an upgrade, child work items (i.e. Actions within a Case) are only updated if there are changes, reducing to overall duration.
Customers upgrading from 2020.1 to 2021.1 should consider this a high priority fix. Customers upgrading from a previous release of 2021.1 should consider this a low priority fix.
Enhancement: After writing 1gb to the log file a new file is used.
Security Enhancement: Emails received with a plain-text message body that includes HTML can cause the HTML to be executed by a recipient when sent out in another email (such as Ticket Acknowledgement) instead of being encoded so that it is displayed.
Enhancement: Before allowing an upgrade to 2021.1 the system ensures all essential background processing messages have been processed.
Customers upgrading from 2020.1 to 2021.1 should consider this a high priority fix. Customers upgrading from a previous release of 2021.1 should consider this a low priority fix.
Bug Fixed: Cases that were paused at the point of upgrade to 2021.1 where 1 or more Actions have completed (while it was paused) will skip the chained Actions of the Actions completed while it was paused after upgrading to 2021.1.
Bug Fixed: Custom Data referenced by an Email Template of a Send Email Action where the Custom Data is on the Custom Card of the Case but not the Action are not included in the sent Email body.
Bug Fixed: Renaming a Contract, Service, Service Line, Case Type, Ticket Type or Action Type does not reflect in Work Manager.
Bug Fixed: After a Ticket has been converted into a Case and the Case has been closed, when upgrading to 2021.1, even after the 'Waiting for feedback' window has ended, the original Ticket does not move into a state of 'Closed'.
Bug Fixed: Cases that were in their 'Waiting for feedback' window at the point of upgrading to 2021.1 do not have an End Date populated.
Bug Fixed: Some work items upgraded from 2020.1 and below cannot export to the Data Warehouse.
Bug Fixed: After upgrading from 2020.1 some legacy non-essential messages that trigger background processing may be retired which will cause exceptions to be logged in 2021.1.
Customers upgrading from 2020.1 to 2021.1 should consider this a high priority fix.
Customers upgrading from a previous release of 2021.1 should consider this a low priority fix.
Bug Fixed: An error may be recorded when both a Case and one or more of it's Actions are in a To Do state and the Action is marked as resolved.
This error is intermittent and only occurs during periods of extremely fast processing (sub 4ms) on the Enate Server. Retrying the same update, or manually marking the Case as In Progress first will work-around the issue.
You can find below a list of the current known issues and bugs in 2021.1.24.0. Please report any other issues or bugs you may find to the Enate Helpdesk.
2021.1.22.0 is a HotFix release that contains two bug fixes, shown in the changelog below. There are no additional breaking changes, API changes or known issues for this release.
The change log for 2021.1.22.0 contains the bug fixes which were included in this release. A downloadable copy of the change log is available below which includes the changes for all of the 2021.1 builds up to 2021.1.22.0.
Bug Fixed: Bulk upload of schedules was creating an extra data row in the database which blocks Enate from exporting the Schedule Period to the warehouse.
Bug Fixed: Bulk upload of schedules was insisting on a column in the Excel file even for Schedule Structure Dates that have been deleted.
2021.1.21.0 is a HotFix release that contains a bug fix, shown in the changelog below. There are no additional breaking changes, API changes or known issues for this release.
The change log for 2021.1.21.0 contains the bug fix which was included in this release. A downloadable copy of the change log is available below which includes the changes for all of the 2021.1 builds up to 2021.1.21.0.
Bug Fixed: When an email is received into a Closed Case that was launched from a Ticket and the Ticket is still running (in it's feedback window) then an exception is logged and the email remains unprocessed instead of attaching the email to the Ticket.
2021.1.20.0 is a HotFix release that contains a number of bug fixes, shown in the changelog below. There are no additional breaking changes, API changes or known issues for this release.
The change log for 2021.1.20.0 contains a list of the bug fixes which have been included in this release. A downloadable copy of the change log is available below which includes the changes for all of the 2021.1 builds up to 2021.1.20.0. There are no additional breaking changes, API changes or known issues for this release.
Bug Fixed: When a Ticket is split, the "Disable Automated Emails" flag is not copied to the created Tickets.
Bug Fixed: When an email is sent to notify that a Ticket has been rejected due to unconfigured email routing, the email is being sent from the email address configured to the first category of the Ticket instead of the from the system default unmonitored email address.
Bug Fixed: Exceptions logged by the WebAPI are not associated to the work item they relate to.
Bug Fixed: When a validation failure occurs on a Case or Action that is started as a result of another Action being successfully completed, the resulting exception does not contain the validation failure message.
2021.1.19.0 is a HotFix release that contains a number of bug fixes, shown in the changelog below. There are no additional breaking changes, API changes or known issues for this release.
The change log for 2021.1.19.0. contains a list of the bug fixes which have been included in this release. A downloadable copy of the change log is available below which includes the changes for all of the 2021.1 builds up to 2021.1.19.0.
Bug Fixed: Duplicate team Queues may get created when setting live a Ticket or Case that use the "From Queue by Name and Team" Queue Allocation Method multiple times and the team Queue does not already exist.
Bug Fixed: Contacts are added to a new Case/Ticket that is started via email even when they are scoped to a different company.
No data leakage can automatically occur because the agent is forced to correct the relationship before making other changes to the work item.
Bug Fixed: Recategorising a Ticket to a different category does not trigger the re-calculation of the Queue.
Bug Fixed: Recategorising a Ticket to a different contract does not cause the new contract's settings (i.e. team name, working hours per day, customer calendar and supplier calendar) to be used when calculating due dates or Queue if using the "From Queue by Name and Team" Queue Allocation Method.
Bug Fixed: Recategorising a Ticket to a different customer, contract or service does not update the Ticket screen when the agent manually refreshes if the tab remains on screen.
The update of the customer, contract and service names as shown in the Work Manager homepage grid, Quickfind and the Ticket screen (if re-opened after close) is updated asynchronously, resulting in the old values continuing to show for a few seconds.
2021.1.18.0 is a HotFix release that contains a bug fix, shown in the changelog below. There are no additional breaking changes, API changes or known issues for this release.
2021.1.18.0 contains one bug fix, see below for details. A downloadable copy of the change log is available below which includes the changes for all of the 2021.1 builds up to 2021.1.18.0.
Bug Fixed: Emails received to an Email Route which has the "Send Acknowledgement" option turned off continue to send the acknowledgement email.
This has now been resolved: emails received to routes configured in such a way no longer send an acknowledgement email.
2021.1.17.0 is a HotFix release that contains a bug fix, shown in the changelog below. There are no additional breaking changes, API changes or known issues for this release.
2021.1.17.0 contains one bug fix, see below for details. A downloadable copy of the change log is available below which includes the changes for all of the 2021.1 builds up to 2021.1.17.0.
Bug Fixed: When an Action preceding a condition has a custom card configured for it and is closed, the condition will follow the 'else' branch without taking into account the information in the custom card on the preceding closed Action.
Conditionality is now executed as per the given values when a custom card has been configured either on a Case level, on an Action level or both.
2021.1.16.0 is a HotFix release that contains an enhancement and a number of bug fixes.
The change log for 2021.1.16.0. contains a list of the enhancements and bug fixes which have been included in this release. A downloadable copy of the change log is available below which includes the changes for all of the 2021.1 builds up to 2021.1.16.0.
Enhancement: The Data Warehouse Engine now updates the children of "Root" Work Items before updating any more "Root" Work Items.
This change has no effect on normal operations but during an upgrade or re-build warehouse scenario it enables external MI to be useable for more recently started or completed Work Items very quickly while the backlog of historic Work Items is processed in chronological order. Previously the Data Warehouse Engine updated "Root" Work Items before all others in an upgrade or re-build warehouse scenario, however the child work items were then appended to the end of the job queue. This resulted in external MI not being useable until all messages were processed.
Bug Fixed: Temporary files for previous user sessions are not removed for Users that exclusively log on using SAML.
Bug Fixed: On platforms with a very large number of Actions configured, the Home Page in Work Manager may consume an excessive quantity of CPU resources on the SQL Server and may take more than one second to load for users.
Bug Fixed: The (legacy) GetAction API returns an incorrect value in the ActionStatus propery after a Peer Review Action has failed peer review.
Bug Fixed: Users are incorrectly shown "Mail failed to send" after pressing the "Send now" button on an email that has not yet sent even when the message is only queued to send for the first time rather than having failed.
Bug Fixed: The Enate service running on application tier servers incorrectly counts CPU Processors instead of Cores resulting in reduced performance of background message processing on platforms with multi-core processors.
This is a regression from 2020.1 and below which correctly counted CPU cores.
Bug Fixed: The system may consume an excessive quantity of SQL Server CPU resources while updating the permissions of a user resulting in reduced overall platform performance.
Bug Fixed: When migrating form 2020.1 to 2021.1 populating of the Warehouse database with changed data was not optimised.
Customers upgrading from 2020.1 to 2021.1 should consider this a High priority fix. Customers upgrading from a previous release of 2021.1 should consider this a Low priority fix.
The main change between 2021.1.15.0 and 2021.1.16.0 involves the addition of a /PacketCommunication/ChangeUnsentEmailCommunicationSendDate API.
Below is a document with details of all the cumulative API Changes up to 2021.1.16.0, including breaking API changes.
See here for more information about Enate's APIs.
2021.1.15.0 is a HotFix release that contains a number of enhancements and bug fixes.
The change log for 2021.1.15.0. contains a list of the new features, enhancements and bug fixes which have been included in this release. A downloadable copy of the change log is available below which includes the changes for all of the 2021.1 builds up to 2021.1.15.0.
Change log
Security Enhancement: User is blocked from adding or removing themselves from a User Group in Builder.
Enhancement: UI consistency has been improved including button height, font size, iconography, etc. across Work Manager.
Enhancement: UI readability has been improved by adjusting font and icon sizes and using a consistent icon display order across Work Manager.
Enhancement: In Work Manager the 'cancel email send' icon has been changed from a pause to a stop icon to make it clearer that the email will not send once clicked.
Enhancement: The Case screen separates the Completed vs Running Actions by more space in Work Manager.
The active Actions of a Case are separated by a blank space from the closed Actions wherever we Actions are displayed, such as in the Actions, Sub Cases & Links tabs.
Enhancement: Userpilot integration now supports polling to workaround web sockets that are blocked by some IT departments.
Websockets is the prefered integration method due to efficiency. If background polling must be enabled this can be done using Enate Manager. SaaS customers should contact support to enable this setting.
The duplicate "sender" field has also been removed. Please continue to use the From field.
When cloning from a different Case type the UI validation / interaction for the steps on the Case type changing will be triggered.
Enhancement: French localisation improvements.
Enhancement: German localisation improvements.
Enhancement: Hungarian localisation improvements.
Enhancement: Polish localisation improvements.
Enhancement: Portuguese localisation improvements.
Enhancement: Romanian localisation improvements.
Enhancement: Russian localisation improvements.
Enhancement: Spanish localisation improvements.
Bug Fixed: Deleting, adding or changing the order of the steps of a Case type has an immediate impact on live Cases and incorrectly affects the data shown about a completed Case.
The steps of a Case are now dependent on the version of a Case. Updating a Case to use the current steps in the Case Type is now an explicit interaction within the Edit Case screen of Builder. Setting Live a new version of a Case process that is not using the "current" list of Steps as defined on the Case Type is a new validation rule.
Bug Fixed: The priority of starting work items based on a schedule has been increased relative to other background activity to minimise the chance that they start later than configured.
Bug Fixed: Webhook subscriptions for "BusinessObjectTypeUpdated" or "SpecificBusinessObjectUpdated" for a Schedule are not triggered when periods within the Schedule are created, deleted or modified.
Bug Fixed: Webhook subscriptions for "PacketCreated" are incorrectly deleted after being triggered by an Action that automatically closes, such as Send Email, Start Sub Case or External API.
Bug Fixed: When grouping the homepage in Work Manager by Wait Type, work items that are not waiting are incorrectly placed in the "Wait for more information" group.
Bug Fixed: When grouping the homepage in Work Manager by Resolution Method, work items that are not waiting are incorrectly placed in the "With customer response" group.
Bug Fixed: When filtering the homepage by the "Other" group in the bar chart in Work Manager, the grid continues to show all results.
Bug Fixed: When exporting to the warehouse a work item with a very large number of related work items other background activities may be blocked for several minutes and high memory usage on the Application Server may occur.
Bug Fixed: Colours used in Email do not show correctly in Outlook.
Bug Fixed: Cannot merge a Ticket that has no title.
Note: This is only allowed for Tickets started via Email where the title may be blank as the subject of the email becomes the Title.
Bug Fixed: Upgrading to 2021.1 is incorrectly blocked if any deleted (and unused) Schedules are missing date.
This validation is now skipped for deleted Schedules unless a running Case references the Schedule.
Bug Fixed: Upgrading to 2021.1 is incorrectly blocked if any Allocation Flavours exist using the "Previous action completer" method.
Bug Fixed: Upgrading to 2021.1 is incorrectly blocked if any Allocation Flavours exist using the "Username in custom data" method.
Bug Fixed: Upgrading to 2021.1 is incorrectly blocked if any Due Date or Allocation Flavours linked to an Action reference custom data that is only present in the Card of the Case.
In 2020.1 it is supported for an Action to use a piece of custom data available on the Case in Allocation and Due Date flavours. This capability has been restored.
Bug Fixed: Unable to create new Single Sign On configurations using Enate Manager.
Bug Fixed: Work Items in a state of Draft are included in the warehouse database.
2020.1 and below only include work items after they have been submitted. This behaviour has been restored.
Bug Fixed: Upgrading to 2021.1 may fail when an Action General Attribute is linked to multiple Action Types with a duplicate name.
Bug Fixed: Case validation in Builder incorrectly warns that a Condition references the '[lastActionName]' variable on step 1 which is invalid even though the condition is on a step greater than 1.
You can find below a list of the current known issues and bugs in 2021.1.15.0. Please report any other issues or bugs you may find to the Enate Helpdesk.
The following known issues/bus were fixed between 2021.1.13.0 and 2021.1.15.0:
Deleting a step in a Case type is not removing the Actions from the Case
Unable to set live any Case processes in Builder if the Case type has 1 or more deleted steps
Below is a copy of the breaking changes document. This contains details for all breaking changes within the Data Warehouse and the Enate APIs. There are no new breaking changes between 2021.1.12.0 and 2021.1.15.0. Please refer to the breaking changes for 2021.1.12.0, a copy is attached here:
Recommendation for best use of API breaking changes documentation is as follows:
Read through the breaking changes information for APIs.
Upon finding reference to an API which you currently use and which has changed, go to your Swagger environment for the quickest way to view the overall impact and new API content definition. Your Swagger environment should always be your go-to place for the definitive explanation of the current API structure. See the Swagger explanation section for more info.
Below is a document with details of all API Changes in 2021.1.15.0, including breaking API changes.
The NewCommunication Webhook now includes the 'To' address and Importance fields and the ‘Sender’ field been removed as the ‘From’ field can be used instead. See here for more information.
The document below contains the Enate Warehouse Database Data Dictionary for 2021.1.15.0.
2021.1.13.0 is a HotFix release that contains an enhancement and a number of bug fixes.
The change log for 2021.1.13.0 contains a list of the new features, enhancements and bug fixes which have been included in this release. A downloadable copy of the change log is available below which includes the changes for all of the 2021.1 builds up to 2021.1.13.0.
Change log
Performance Enhancement: Data Export Engine no longer performs a database call every time the same object (e.g. the same User) is referenced multiple times by a job.
This can have a significant positive performance impact when rebuilding a warehouse.
Bug Fixed: Enate MI was using an unlimited number of threads causing excessively high CPU with a backlog of messages and reducing overall performance due to context switching. This has now been resolved.
Bug Fixed: Data Export Engine was infinitely looping while exporting some work items which reference other work items while processing low priority (warehouse rebuild) messages. This has now been resolved.
Bug Fixed: Data Export Engine removes Queue Managers on subsequent updates after they are first written. This has now been resolved.
Bug Fixed: Data Export Engine would infinitely loop when processing any update warehouse messages referring to a Test work item.
Messages for Test work items should never exist but this scenario has been handled to avoid problems in unforeseen circumstances.
You can find below a list of the current known issues and bugs in 2021.1.13.0. Please report any other issues or bugs you may find to the Enate Helpdesk.
There are no new breaking changes in 2021.1.13.0. Please refer to the breaking changes for 2021.1.12.0, a copy is attached here:
There are no new API changes in 2021.1.13.0. Please refer to the API changes for 2021.1.12.0, a copy is attached here:
2021.1.12.0 is a HotFix release that contains a number of enhancements and bug fixes.
The change log for 2021.1.12.0 contains a list of the new features, enhancements and bug fixes which have been included in this release. A downloadable copy of the change log is available below which includes the changes for all of the 2021.1 builds up to 2021.1.12.0.
Change log
New Feature: New allocation method of "Parent work item starter".
This feature does not allow the User to access any Case/Ticket started in a process to which they have no permission. This feature is optional per-Process. A new option in Enate Builder for each Case/Ticket Process allows the choice of "Everyone can start".
Enhancement: Communication with Office 365 via GraphAPI to receive emails has been updated to use a newer version of Microsoft SDK that directly supports the required calls to download a full message instead of using a bespoke extension.
This may resolve the situation where the Enate Email Receiver Engine hangs.
Enhancement: Additional information has been added to the Warehouse Database.
Enhancement: Additional validation for customers upgrading from 2020.1 to identify configuration errors which require fix before upgrade.
This change has no impact for customers already running 2021.1. For customers running 2020.1 the results of this check highlight configuration problems that will block Cases, Tickets and Actions from executing correctly.
Enhancement: Responses to an External WebAPI can now update Custom Data values during a failure response.
WARNING: Existing integrations that send changed data with a failure response will experience a change in behaviour.
Enhancement: Robot User Accounts can now be given Builder, Shared Builder, Set Live and User Manager roles, allowing access to the associated APIs.
Enhancement: The "Fixed day of Fixed Month" Due Date method will now return a Due Date in the following year if the day/month is before the current date.
WARNING: This is a significant change in behaviour to existing configurations that may result in the Due Date of an Action being different when being reworked vs it's initial execution. The determination of the Due Date being in the past is before applying any +/- fixed time or dynamic time value specified in the Due Date Flavour. By subtracting days/hours from the Due Date it is still possible to experience Due Dates that are in the past.
Enhancement: The Warehouse Integrity Engine now records when it has taken corrective action to enable future analysis of the stability of the Warehouse.
Enhancement: Updates performed by the Warehouse Data Export Engine, Localisation Engine and Packet Metadata Engine that are triggered as part of an upgrade are processed with a lower priority than those triggered during normal operations.
This change allows a platform to resume normal operations much sooner after an upgrade. For customers already running 2020.1 this change will have no effect until their next major upgrade.
Performance Enhancement: Calculating the list of subordinates, peers and managers is faster and places a reduced CPU and I/O load on the database server. This function is used in many places such as the Home Page.
Performance Enhancement: Calculation of the Six Sigma metric for Robots places a reduced CPU and I/O load on the database server.
Performance Enhancement: Checking of batches in ABBYY FlexiCapture places a reduced CPU and I/O load on the database server.
Performance Enhancement: Finding and ending User Sessions that are beyond the idle or active session time out places a reduced CPU and I/O load on the database server.
Performance Enhancement: Finding Schedules that need to Trigger Cases to start places a reduced CPU and I/O load on the database server.
Performance Enhancement: Finding Work Items that need to timeout places a reduced CPU and I/O load on the database server.
Performance Enhancement: Loading the Outbox View in Work Manager is faster and places a reduced CPU and I/O load on the database server.
Performance Enhancement: Showing the Last Request date/time for a User's current Session is faster and places a reduced CPU and I/O load on the database server.
Performance Enhancement: Updating open Packet Activities during login completes faster.
Security Enhancement: The GetCaseAttributeVersion API allows a user to access information about the Case Process definition even though they don't have permission to access Work Items in the process.
Security Enhancement: The GetLaunchableActions API allows a user to access information about the Actions that can be manually started in a Case even though they don't have permission to access the supplied Work Item.
Bug Fixed: When checking for completed ABBYY FlexiCapture batches, if any 1 batch requires Human verification then all completed batches are sent for verification.
Bug Fixed: Validation of Conditions in Enate Builder fails with an "Unable to parse expression...." message.
Bug Fixed: After overriding the due date it is not possible to switch to a category where overridden due dates are not allowed.
Bug Fixed: The Webhook Sender Engine consumes 100% of CPU and does not send messages if there is a backlog of messages to send when the Enate Service is started.
Bug Fixed: An External WebAPI Action that does not expect a response does not automatically complete after making the outbound call.
Bug Fixed: Unable to set a Ticket from Draft status immediately into In Progress or Waiting without first setting the status to To do.
Bug Fixed: Uploading a Schedule from an Excel file in Builder does not save the Schedule Dates.
Bug Fixed: When a Case is placed in Waiting for more information because a child Action is placed in this state, the Case is not returning to In Progress when an email is received.
Bug Fixed: 2 Tickets are incorrectly allowed to merge into each other.
Bug Fixed: A Human is unable to manually complete an External WebAPI Action due to an incorrect validation message of "Please specify a wait type before continuing".
Bug Fixed: An External WebAPI Action that includes a Check List cannot be successfully completed by the External API.
In this scenario the Action will now be sent to a Human user to complete the Checklist.
Bug Fixed: API requests to rework a Case to a future Step that has never been started returns a generic error instead of a validation message.
This scenario is only possible with integration and cannot be caused using the Enate UI.
Bug Fixed: API requests to update a Work Item that include Custom Data fields not available to the Work Item returns a generic error instead of a validation message.
This scenario is only possible with integration and cannot be caused using the Enate UI.
Bug Fixed: Attempting to update a Work Item that has been completed since it was loaded on a User's screen displays an empty error message.
Bug Fixed: Deleted File Tags may show in the Email Template editor of Builder to be added to an Email Template when "Show deleted objects" is on.
Bug Fixed: Deleted Steps are shown in the Case progress diagram of a Case in Work Manager even if the Case has not gone through this Step.
Bug Fixed: During the upgrade from 2020.1 the "Waiting For" option of a Case is incorrectly set as "Awaiting information from 3rd party".
Bug Fixed: During the upgrade from 2020.1 the Resolution method of completed External WebAPI Actions is missing.
Bug Fixed: Enate will incorrectly prioritise the retry of failed background activities (such as Warehouse database updates) over new requests.
Bug Fixed: If an External WebAPI fails due to the remote system being unavailable but then succeeds on retry then the "failed would you like to retry" banner persists in the UI.
Bug Fixed: In Builder the Service filter of the Service Matrix does not persist.
Bug Fixed: Peer Review Actions do not timeout while in the Peer Review stage.
Bug Fixed: The ABBYY FlexiCapture card shown to users includes a next attempt to send field with no value when the ABBYY Platform is disabled.
Bug Fixed: The default Email Template sent when a Ticket is promoted to a Case includes double-line spacing.
Bug Fixed: The hyperlink in Forgot Password emails sent in non-English languages did not work.
Bug Fixed: The last attempt to send date is not updated after the failure of the last attempt for ABBYY FlexiCapture Actions, leading to incorrect date/time information in the UI.
Bug Fixed: The order of the columns on the Home Page does not persist when switching between views.
Bug Fixed: The Reopen button does not display on Cases that were aborted in 2020.1 but are still in a feedback state at the point of upgrade to 2021.1.
Bug Fixed: The Warehouse Integrity Engine may timeout when there are a large number of Packets waiting to be updated in the Warehouse database.
Bug Fixed: Unable to export Tickets to the Warehouse database in a warehouse rebuild scenario where 2 or more Tickets are merged into each other creating a circular reference loop.
This scenario only occurs during a warehouse database rebuild scenario and is not possible during normal operation.
Bug Fixed: Unable to promote a Ticket to a Case while it is still Draft.
Bug Fixed: Unable to terminate a Ticket using Enate Monitor while it is still Draft.
Bug Fixed: Users are incorrectly allowed to create duplicate Webhook subscriptions of the same event, filter, target URL.
Bug Fixed: When reviewing a read-only Due Date Flavour, the Schedule Date name is blank if the Case references a different Schedule Structure.
Bug Fixed: When trying to set Live a Ticket Process in Builder that contains 1 or more deleted categories, an Error is logged instead of showing a validation message.
Bug Fixed: Issue with sending an email to multiple recipients
You can find below a list of the current known issues and bugs in 2021.1.12.0. Please report any other issues or bugs you may find to the Enate Helpdesk.
Below is a copy of the breaking changes document. This contains details for all breaking changes within the Data Warehouse and the Enate APIs.
Recommendation for best use of API breaking changes documentation is as follows:
Read through the breaking changes information for APIs.
Upon finding reference to an API which you currently use and which has changed, go to your Swagger environment for the quickest way to view the overall impact and new API content definition. Your Swagger environment should always be your go-to place for the definitive explanation of the current API structure. See the Swagger explanation section for more info.
Below is a document with details of all API Changes in 2021.1.12.0, including breaking API changes.
This section contains the cumulative change log for builds 2021.1.10.0, 2021.1.9.0, 2021.1.6.0, 2021.1.1.2021 and 2021.1.1.923. It lists the new features, enhancements and bug fixes which were included in these releases. A downloadable copy of the cumulative change log is available below.
Previously the Action would be Closed and the Case would be placed in the Problem state.
New Feature: Enate can log all actions to a log file on the server. The level of information can be selected from fatal (critical errors) to verbose (every possible detail).
Enate may require "Debug" level information to be available to the Support Team in order to resolve support requests.
Enhancement: When incoming emails only match a disabled Email Route, an error is logged and the message is placed in the Unprocessed Emails list in Enate Monitor.
Previously the Action could be performed by a User but no copy of the original email which was unable to be sent was shown.
Enhancement: The Packet Details screen of Enate Monitor has been re-written to display new information added in 2021.1 and to remove data that has been refactored into other areas.
Enhancement: The Find Packets screen of Enate Monitor has been re-written to allow easier searching for Work Items.
Enhancement: Significant increase in validation of updates to Cases, Tickets and Actions when performed by a 3rd party system.
These scenarios were already blocked by the Enate UI. Previously integrations that sent invalid data may have generated and logged an error. They now return explicit messages describing the data that was invalid (for example trying to use a non-existent Contact Tag or referencing a Contact from a different Company than the Work Item, etc). This is not documented as a breaking change as the API signature has not changed. In addition, as these represent scenarios that are blocked then a change in the nature of the response is not considered a breaking change.
Enhancement: Enate MI Message Priorities and retry options are reset to platform defaults.
Enhancement: Enate Manager allows the PostHog and User Pilot API Key to be set.
New Feature: All outgoing emails are written to a background queue instead of being sent in real-time.
Please see documentation for full details of this feature including Outbox view, delaying an email to allow immediate cancel, scheduling an email to send in future, automated retires when mail server is unavailable, etc.
Enhancement: When Starting an independent Case from a Case in Work Manager, the new Case will open in a new Tab in Draft mode for the User to submit after passing validation.
This data may not be available for Work Items completed before 2021.1 was deployed.
Enhancement: Splitting a Ticket now copies any defects from the source Ticket.
The number of retries for all integrations can be configured in Builder. Retry of integrations is done exponentially so the first retry is after 1 minute, the second 2 minutes, the third 4 minutes, etc up to the configured limit.
Enhancement: Integration with ABBYY FlexiCapture can now be disabled in Builder.
The integration will automatically disable after a chosen number of failures which can be configured in Builder.
Security Enhancement: "Powered by ASP.Net" HTTP Header is removed from all responses to mask the platform providing Enate.
New Feature: Work Items now record their method of resolution separately to the Status itself, simplifying user understanding and reporting.
New Feature: Work Items now record the reason for a Wait Status separately to the Status itself, simplifying user understanding and reporting.
New Feature: Enate provides in-product demonstrations and videos on new features.
This can be disabled at a platform-level using the new option in Builder.
New Feature: Enate can raise WebHooks for activities on a Work Item to allow event-based integration with 3rd party systems.
New Feature: Cases can now wait until a future date in the same way as Tickets and Actions.
Localisation Improvement: Text concatenation issue for "con migo" corrected to be "conmigo".
Feature Removal: The ability to configure User Extension Properties (previously available in Configuration Manager) is not available in 2021.1.
Already configured Extension Properties continue to be available on Users and Contacts.
Enhancement: User Session history is exported to the warehouse for reporting and analysis.
Enhancement: The members of a Queue are now exported to the warehouse for reporting and analysis.
Enhancement: The history of when a Work Item is in a Queue is exported to the warehouse for reporting and analysis.
When changing the scope to local-only mode all existing Contacts must exist under a Company. This can be achieved by editing them using the new Contact Management view in Work Manager and the "Global and Local" mode as an interim.
Enhancement: Before rejecting a Ticket a confirmation dialog is displayed to the User.
Enhancement: Additional information in errors when an incoming email cannot find a route to associate with due to the sender being restricted to Test Mode.
Enhancement: A copy-to-clipboard button has been added to Work Item tabs to copy the reference and title.
Deprecation: Enate Configuration Manager has been removed as a Client Tool.
Deprecation: Enate Component Studio has been removed as a Client Tool.
New Feature: Custom Fields and Custom Cards can now be logically deleted/hidden.
Deletion of a Custom Card or Field does not affect existing Ticket, Case and Action configuration which continue to run as they did when set Live.
New Feature: Builder APIs are now supported for integration and documented in the Swagger interface.
Deletion of an Action Type does not affect existing Case processes which continue to run as they did when set Live.
Bug Fixed: On some servers Case Step Conditions referencing a decimal Custom Data field fail to evaluate with an error of "Could not load file or assembly System.Numerics.Vectors...."
Bug Fixed: When a Send Email (and Wait) Action follows an Action performed by a User and the Email references custom data updated by the User, the Email will be sent with out-of-date information.
This may also result in an error being logged and the User being unable to complete the Action if the custom data is added to the group of Work Items for the first time while updating the Action.
Bug Fixed: When a Robot User calls the "Get More Work" API it is not receiving any Work Item already assigned to it.
Bug Fixed: When 2 dates which are used to calculate a customer / supplier working time duration (such as Start Date to End Date) are more than 4 years apart the Work Item fails to export to the data warehouse.
Any work items in this state will automatically attempt to export to the data warehouse every 24 hours; potentially causing significant Exception volume in logs. The working time duration fields will not be populated for these Work Items.
Bug Fixed: The Ticket Category selector in Builder does not show the "deleted" icon when a category is collapsed.
Bug Fixed: The Overdue entry in the Timeline incorrectly displays the currently assigned User.
Bug Fixed: Robots and Integrations are able to submit invalid values for List custom data fields.
Bug Fixed: In some circumstances Custom Data fields that are on multiple Work Items do not reflect the latest value in the Warehouse database.
Bug Fixed: A Ticket that is reopened during its feedback window may continue to timeout when the original feedback window expiry date/time is reached.
Bug Fixed: When selecting a Case to start for a Start Case Action, deleted Cases are listed for selection.
Bug Fixed: A Case may fail to complete if there are running Sub Cases, all the Actions are complete and an email is received.
Bug Fixed: Exception may be logged by the Packet Pool Sizing Engine when using a Bespoke Due Date or Allocation Process
Bug Fixed: Action may be marked as Terminated instead of Complete if it is the last Action in the Case on a very high performance platform under a very low load.
Bug Fixed: The name of the Queue is not shown in the Allocation History view of Enate Monitor in some scenarios.
Bug Fixed: Intermittent error when completing a Case that was launched from a Ticket.
Bug Fixed: Some characters such as é are replaced with HTML encoding such as é in the Title of a Ticket started via Email.
Bug Fixed: Intermittently a Work Item previously in a state of 'Wait for more information' with the option of "Close if no response received" selected may still timeout after a response has been received.
Bug Fixed: If a Case is updated by a User at the same time as one of its Actions is completed, the next Action might not start automatically.
Bug Fixed: Cases may wait indefinitely for a Sub Case that has already completed to Complete.
Bug Fixed: The system blocks adding the From address in a draft email to any of the recipient fields (to, CC, BCC). This is now blocked to avoid email loops.
Bug Fixed: The name of the Launched Case is missing in Email that is sent to the service recipient when launching a Case from a Ticket.
Bug Fixed: The Edit Case screen of Builder allows a User to make changes to a condition even though the Case is Live and read-only. These changes are not saved.
Bug Fixed: The Due Date Editor popup in Builder has the wrong label above the dynamic duration unit field (it said "Allow Override" instead of "Unit").
Bug Fixed: Peer Review Actions are not assigned back to the User that did the Action upon Peer Review Failure and they do not assign back to the Peer Reviewer after corrections.
Bug Fixed: Packet Activity records do not change to the "Complete" status when a User closes a Work Item that they have made an update on. This had a knock-on effect that Peer Review Actions did no re-allocate to the same User after a Peer Review failure.
Bug Fixed: Enate Launcher is unable to start Enate 2021.1 User Manager or Enate Monitor.
See Enate Launcher Release Notes for further details.
Bug Fixed: Dynamic Queues created by prepending the Team Name from a Contract to a Queue are not created when setting a Case or Ticket that uses them in an Allocation Flavour Live.
The Queue was still created automatically the first time a Work Item needs to be placed in the Queue.
Bug Fixed: Case does not move on to the next step if a Condition evaluates to the Else branch and there are no Actions configured in it in Builder.
Bug Fixed: All lines of outgoing HTML email bodies are wrapped at 998 characters causing display problems for the receiving client.
When the line break is inserted in the middle of a paragraph there is no impact. When the line break is inserted in the middle of a HTML tag the effects on the receiving client are unpredictable.
Bug Fixed: Unable to recreate a Ticket Category in Builder after it has previously been deleted.
Bug Fixed: Unable to recreate a Case / Ticket process in Builder after it has previously been deleted.
Bug Fixed: Unable to open a Test Work Item after the Case / Ticket Process has been discarded in Builder.
Bug Fixed: Unable to discard a Case / Ticket process in Builder after Test Work Items have been created.
Bug Fixed: Typing an override due date (instead of selecting with pointer) does not save entered date.
This issue only affected some user-selected date formats.
Bug Fixed: Multiple Sub-Cases created by a Start (Sub) Case Actions running in parallel can create duplicate reference numbers.
Bug Fixed: Copying an Action in Builder does not include the local Checklist.
Bug Fixed: Configuration Manager session times out even though it is still active.
As Configuration Manager no longer exists this issue is considered resolved.
Bug Fixed: After a Work Item has been terminated by the support team the status may display incorrectly.
Bug Fixed: When SAML2 integration is configured with a logout service URL, an error is now logged when a user logs out of Enate.
Bug Fixed: Tickets now show the Reopen option when they are rejected if a feedback window is configured.
Bug Fixed: Date/Time drop down does not show in Firefox.
Bug Fixed: Configurators can create duplicate RPA Platform integrations which causes operational issues. RPA Connectors are now validated for uniqueness.
Bug Fixed: After an error occurs when synchronising with an RPA Platform, all integrations are now disabled instead of just the failing one.
Bug Fixed: Font size in Email Templates configured in Builder should be expressed in Points instead of Pixels for compatibility with some email clients.
Bug Fixed: Duplicate Custom Cards may be created when pressing the save button multiple times in quick succession.
Bug Fixed: Cannot update the details of a Robot account that synchronizes with an RPA provider.
The 'Show Case Process Linked to Schedule' icon lets you see the list of all the Case processes which are linked to a Schedule. It shows you the Customer, Contract and Service of the Case, as well as what state the Case is in, such as Live, Testing and Draft. If the Schedule is linked with more than one version of a Case, then all versions will be shown in the list.
You are able to filter the list of Cases by Customer, Contract, Service and State.
Clicking on the Case process will take you to the Case screen for that particular Case.
Note: You will be taken to the latest version of the Case screen, regardless of which version of the Case process is linked to the Schedule. However you can choose which version of the Case process you see once you are in the Case screen.
The Linked Processes list will also show retired process versions in the 'Show Deleted Objects' option is switched on.
Enhancement: The NewCommunication Webhook now includes the 'To' address and Importance fields. .
Enhancement: In Builder it is now possible to clone a Case from a source with a different number of steps. .
Enate previously sent colours with a transparancy (alpha) value. Microsoft Email clients do not support this standard so we now only send RGB values. See
New Feature: Emails may now be sent to other Work Items to allow inter-Work Item communication across permission boundaries. .
New Feature: Related Cases/Ticket can be started in Case/Ticket processes that a user does not have permission in. .
Enhancement: In Enate Builder it is now possible to create new Case and Ticket Types from the + in the Service Matrix view. .
Enhancement: In Enate Builder it is now possible to create a new Queue from within the Allocation Flavour popup. .
Enhancement: .
The number of minutes is . This feature is in parallel to configuring the "Autocomplete on timeout" setting of an Action which will consider the Action as successfully completed when the Due Date is reached.
Enhancement: .
The number of retries for all integrations can be . Retry of integrations is done exponentially so the first retry is after 1 minute, the second 2 minutes, the third 4 minutes, etc. up to the configured limit. A User can force the retry to occur immediately in the web interface.
New Feature: .
New Feature:
Enhancement: When a Ticket is resolved by launching a Case, an if the (either always or on creation only).
Enhancement: When a (Sub) Case is started from a Case, an if the (either always or on creation only).
Enhancement: , if an Action is in a peer review stage, and the resolution method of a Ticket / Action, etc.
Enhancement: .
Enhancement: .
Enhancement: .
Enhancement: .
New Feature: .
New Feature: .
New Feature: User Management .
New Feature: .
New Feature: .
New Feature: .
New Feature: .
New Feature: .
New Feature: .
New Feature: .
Enhancement: Users can copy and paste data from the and the in Work Manager and Builder.
Enhancement: .
Enhancement: .
Enhancement: .
Enhancement: .
New Feature: .
New Feature: .
New Feature: .
Enhancement: The "Number of Days to keep Ticket Open" setting has been moved out of a flavour and is now a direct .
Enhancement: .
Each Step shows you the total number of Action Processes that are configured for that Step.
We've adjusted the layout of the Case level settings into three columns of grouped criteria: General info; Smart Card settings (including a visualisation of what effect your card choices will have in Work Manager; and Email address settings.
Selecting an Action in the flow will give you a number of options wihch now includes the ability to Cut / Copy / Paste them throughout the flow. When moving / copying an action which is mid-flow,
Cut/copied Actions will be highlighted with blue dotted borders in the Flow Diagram, along with any root Actions, until they have been pasted.
Note: this feature is available within a single Case diagram. Copying or pasting between difference processes or systems is not currently supported.
In addition to being able to see Live version of the Case process and the currently in progress changes being made, you can now select to see any previous, now retired versions of the Case by selecting from the toolbar dropdown: