Work items are classified into their respective due states:
Green – on target, not yet overdue
Amber – due today (but not yet overdue)
Red – work items which are now overdue (including items where the due date is today, but the due time has now passed).
Grey – work items are classified into a state of 'Not Set' when the due date is not currently known. This can be in the following situations:
When the work item has just been started (manually) but has not yet been submitted
When the work item is in a state of ‘Wait for more Information’ AND is set to add the wait time on the due date
If you click on one of the due dates, the grid will be filtered down to work items with just that due date:
Bar Chart information is displayed in a Pareto format, i.e. with highest volumes shown first. A maximum of ten bars are displayed. The top nine groups are displayed uniquely, with all remaining items shown combined in the final bar.
The ‘Display By’ choice for the bar chart is also accessed via the grid settings link. This will bring up the 'Display and Column Settings’ popup. The ‘Display By’ options for the bar chart can be found at the top. You can select a standard a standard system information column to display the bar chart by.
The standard system information by which you can display the bar chart display is as follows:
Action Type – this shows the Action type, either as send email or as a manual Action.
Assigned To – this shows who the Action has been assigned to.
Contract Name – this shows the name of the contract.
Last Updated By – human/digital worker who last updated this item.
Last Updated On – datetime when this item was last updated by a human/digital worker. The datetime on which custom data field values are updated is stored in the Enate database and can be used for subsequent reporting.
Owned By – name of the user who currently has ultimate responsibility for the work item.
Parent Process Name – if this an Action, this shows the parent Case.
Process Name – the business process the work item is part of, e.g. ‘Maternity Request Process’.
Queue – the work Queue which Cases/Tickets/Actions get sent to based on their routing rule.
Service Line – the overall area of the business this work item runs under, e.g. ‘Payroll’.
Service Provider – the company delivering service for this work item, usually your company.
Started By – this shows who the Action was started by.
Started By Method – how the work began, e.g. incoming email, automatic schedule, manually, etc.
State – current state of the work item e.g. Running, Waiting for more Information, Resolved etc.
Work Item Type – i.e. Case, Action or Ticket.
If your system has been configured with them, you can also choose to select a custom data column to display the bar chart by.
Custom Data fields of the following types can be used to display information in the bar chart:
Short Text
List (simple list only)
Note: When you choose to display information in the bar chart by a certain item (standard system property or custom data field), that item will be added to the main grid display as an additional column.
You can return to the system defaults by selecting 'Revert to Defaults' in the 'Display and Column Settings’ popup.
Clicking on a bar name within the chart filters the grid to those results.
Clicking on a specific R/A/G section within an individual bar filters the grid results down to the items in that state.
Icons in the homepage grid let you know the state of the work item and give you high-level information about them.
These icons also appear when you search for a work item in Quickfind.
They denote the following information:
Task can be carried out by a Robot
Robot Task – Needs Attention
New information has been received that hasn't been read yet.
Case only : Case is in a problem State (i.e. needs attention)
The Action is a Peer Review and it is in the "doing" stage.
The Action is a Peer Review and it is in either in the reviewing stage, or the review is complete.
And they denote the following information about the status of the work item:
Work Item is in a state of DRAFT
Work Item is in a state of TO DO
Work Item is in a state of IN PROGRESS
Work Item is in a state of WAIT
Work Item is in a state of RESOLVED
Work Item is in a state of CLOSED
You can find more information about the states a Ticket goes through here, the states of a Case here and the states of an Action here.
You are able to choose which work items you can see on the home page by selecting Work Inbox, Owned Work, Team Work Inbox, or Team Owned Work.
Note: The RAG volumes and bar charts are shown independently for each of these views, and so the displays of each will also change when you flip from one grid view to the other.
The Work Inbox view shows you which work items are currently assigned to you.
The Owned Work view displays work items for which you are the Owner, rather than the current assignee.
These are work items which may not necessarily be assigned to you (or anyone) right now, but for which you have longer-term responsibility for, e.g. Cases.
Long term responsibility refers to the person responsible for the entire Case journey. This includes its Actions, the status changes of the Cases and its Actions, as well as the delivery of the Case.
A Case can be owned by using Keep with me.
Please note:
Actions can only have an Owner if they are in a state of Pause e.g. states such as Wait for more information, Schedule for follow-up, etc.
There can be only one Owner of a Case at any one point
The Team Work Inbox view shows you all the work items which are currently assigned to your Team.
The Team Owned Work view shows you all work items that are owned by your Team i.e. Cases started by them, and Cases in states such as Wait for more information, Schedule for follow up, etc.
Note: If you are a Team Member who prefers a focused view of your Inbox and you do not want to see the Peers and Queue work, then please ask your manager to switch off these views for you. Your view after login will then only show items in your Inbox / Owned Work.
You can reorder the columns in the home page grid according to your preference. This column order will persist when doing multiple searches, as well as when you log out and log back in.
Column widths can be manually adjusted, and data can be sorted by a a particular column by clicking on the name in column header. Click it again to cycle though ascending, descending and no sort.
You can display additional columns in the grid by selecting them from the standard columns section in the left hand side of the 'Display and Column Settings’ popup. The mandatory columns are shown in grey.
The list of standard system attributes you can display as grid columns which are available in the home page grids include :
Action Type – this shows the Action type, either as a send email or as a manual Action-type.
Assigned To – this shows who the Action has been assigned to.
Contract Name – this shows the name of the contract.
Customer – this shows the name of the customer.
Due – this shows when the Action is due.
Last Email Received - the date and time the last email of a work item was received
Last Email Sender - the details of the last person who sent an email relating to a work item. If the user is already in the system, this column will display their name, otherwise this column will display their email address.
Last Updated By – human/digital worker who updated this item last time.
Last Updated On – datetime when this item was last updated by a human/digital worker. The datetime on which custom data field values are updated is stored in the Enate database and can be used for subsequent reporting.
Owned By – name of the user who currently has ultimate responsibility for the work item.
Parent Process Name – if this an Action, this shows the parent Case.
Parent Reference – reference number of the work item which started this one, e.g. parent Case.
Primary Contact - the primary contact of a work item
Process Name – the business process the work item is part of, e.g. ‘Maternity Request Process’.
Queue – the work Queue which Cases/Tickets/Actions get sent to based on their routing rule.
Reference – the unique reference number e.g. 101342-T.
Requester - the requester of a work item
Resolution Method - this shows how a work item was Resolved e.g. if has been done successfully, if it was resolved by a Case being launched, if it was resolved by Tickets being merged etc.
Service Line – the overall area of the business this work item runs under, e.g. ‘Payroll’.
Service Name – the service instance the work item runs under, e.g. ACME French Payroll.
Service Provider – the company delivering service for this work item, usually your company.
Started – this shows when the Action was started.
Started By – this shows who the Action was started by.
Started By Method – how the work began, e.g. incoming email, automatic schedule, manually.
Status - the current state of the work item e.g. In Progress, Waiting, Resolved etc.
Status Reason - this shows the reason the work item's status was updated e.g. if it was updated by a resource, if it was updated by Enate, if it has newly been created etc.
Subject - the subject of a work item
Ticket Category Level 1 – high-level categorisation of type of Ticket e.g. ‘Healthcare Request’.
Ticket Category Level 2 – next level categorisation of type of Ticket e.g. ‘International Travel Coverage’.
Ticket Category Level 3 – most detailed-level categorisation of type of Ticket e.g. ‘Eligibility Query’.
Time Remaining When Paused – the amount of time left before the due date at the point the item was placed into a paused state.
Title – a brief text description of the work item, often the subject of the original email.
Wait Type - if a work item is in a state of Waiting, this column will show the type of Waiting the work item is in e.g. Wait for more information, Wait Until, etc.
Work Item Type – i.e. Case, Action or Ticket.
You can also revert the column settings to default if you wish by selecting 'Revert to Defaults'.
You can display additional custom columns in the Home page grid by selecting them from Custom Data Columns section in the right-hand side of the 'Display and Column Settings’ popup. Custom Data Columns are created in Builder, see here for more information.
The number total at the top right of the grid show the total number of items in the grid and, when filtering, the number of filtered items from that total.
In-grid filtering
You can apply filters to all the standard and custom data columns on the grid by clicking on the filter icon next to the desired column title.
Your applied filters will remain when switching between your Work Inbox, your Team Work Inbox, your Owned Work and your Team Owned Work, as well as after the you log out and log back in.
You can clear the applied filters by clicking on the 'clear filter' icon, and all work items will be displayed again.
You can also apply multiple filters to all the standard and custom data columns on your bot farm grid. The applied filters will remain when switching back to your Team Work Inbox.
You can also search the grid by using the free text search function.
You can copy and paste information from the grid into an Excel spreadsheet by selecting the information you want to copy and using Ctrl C and Ctrl V.
The information that is copied and pasted includes any applied filters. The column titles will automatically be copied and pasted as well.
You are also able to copy and paste all of the information in the grid by using Ctrl-A.
On the right hand side of the home page is the Team Bar.
If you are a Team Leader, the Team Bar shows you your team, your bots and your unassigned work.
At the top of the Team Bar you can see the people in your team and, for each of them:
The amount of work they have outstanding (number in centre of pie-chart)
The due status of that work (i.e. Red/Amber/Green)
Their current availability status (available or offline)
You can see the availability status of your Team Members - so if they are online or offline.
The system tracks your active Enate browser session, and so is able to check if they are still logged into Enate.
Note: if you do not log out properly, i.e. shut down the browser or machine directly without logging out of Enate, the system will display you as still online for the duration of the standard system timeout (usually 30 minutes).
An important point is that this available / offline status is for informational purposes only – it is not taken into account as part of any allocation rules - i.e. the ‘Who does it go to?’ settings.
You can filter the display of your team to show available / offline / all users.
You can sort your team members by work item status criteria including:
Least / Most Work (Total)
Least / Most Overdue (Amber)
Least / Most Overdue (Red)
Least / Most On Target (Green)
You can use this to help identify resources which are stretched and other team member who you may be able to share work out among to help balance workloads.
Free text search also allows for you to search for individual users from the list.
If you click on a team member, the grid and bar chart filters down to show only work items currently assigned to that user.
The bar chart will also change to display that user's profile. This includes information about the amount of work that is assigned to the user (the number in centre of pie-chart), as well as the due status of that work (i.e. Red/Amber/Green), and the user's profile picture.
Additionally, team leaders will be able to view and modify the following settings for the user:
Can Create: the user can create work items in business areas they have permissions on. Note that all users will be able to create a new work item from an unprocessed email, regardless of this setting.
Can See Peers & Queues: the user can see work which their peers are doing, as well as the upcoming workload in their Queues
Can Reassign: the user can reassign work items they have permissions on
Can only work on items in their Queues: the user can work on items which are specifically assigned to Queues that they are a part of. When the setting is off, they are able to work on items assigned to any Queue (permissions permitting). When the setting is switched on, assigning any further work items to them from outside of their Queues will now be blocked (although they can continue to work on items which were already assigned to them that are not in their Queues). You can unassign these work items from this user manually. Additionally, the user will still be able to work on items that are not assigned to a Queue.
You can close the view and return to the standard bar chart view of all work items by selecting the 'X' icon.
If you are a Team Leader you will also be able to see your bots in the Team Bar. This shows you any Robots which are available to work on items you manage / work with, grouped by Robot farm.
Each row displays a different robot farm, along with their Technology (e.g. UiPath, Automation Anywhere, Blue Prism etc.).
The number of ‘bottable’ work items lined up for the robot farm will be displayed, as well as the estimated amount of work left available for the robot farm in minutes.
If any of the Robots in the farm are offline or unresponsive, a warning icon will be displayed
Clicking on a Robot farm in the Bots section swaps out the bar chart main display to show that group of robots AND filters down the grid results to show ‘bottable’ work items.
In this view, Team Leaders can:
See the status of individual robots within the robot farm:
Idle - the bot is available for work
Offline - if your bot uses deep integration, such as UiPath orchestration synchronisation, an offline status means that your IT system can't connect with the bot. In this situation you would reassign the bot's work items to other resources. If your bot does not use deep integration, such as Blue Prism, an offline status means that your IT system hasn't connected with the bot for a certain amount of time.
Suspended – the bot’s average work is not within standard deviation, so it has been paused
Busy Integrated – the bot is busy working on a task that is has been assigned to
Busy Independent- the bot is busy working on a task that it has not been assigned to
View the work currently being done by individual robots
Filter down the view to an individual robot
See how much work is remaining for the bots to do (both in volume, e.g. 20 items, and in how many minutes worth of work is remaining, i.e. how long we think it will take to complete all of those 20 items).
The system can make an estimate of the amount of work left in minutes because we have an ‘estimated duration’ value configured in Builder for different Actions. The system simply totals the value of these for the Actions currently available for the robots to do.
The grid will show projected start and end times for each piece of work, colour-coding the projected end date to show it if will breach the due datetime – this helps the Team Leader determine if they need to add further human / robot resources in order to meet SLAs.
The view can be closed to return to the standard bar chart view of all work items.
How does the system determine which work item to give a ROBOT when they send in a “Get more work" request?
The system works by looking at all unassigned Action work items from all of the Queues the robot is linked to and for which the robot's farm is set as the relevant farm in the 'General Settings' configured for that action (the equivalent of Robot permissions), then from this list determines the one due soonest, and assigns the Action to the Robot.
Exception: If a robot is already listed as working on an Action and yet sends in a "Get more work" request to Enate, the system will send back a response to the Robot of that same Action - effectively reiterating that the bot should carry out that Action. The system will do this a total of 3 times if the robot continues to send such requests while still supposedly 'occupied', and on the next such request will take the Action off the robot, mark it to be allocated to a human rather than a robot, and will then proceed with the normal logic of assigning the robot the soonest due Action from the list of ones it can perform.
At the foot of the Team Bar you can see the amount of work which is sitting unassigned in the Queues you manage, grouped by Queue. This includes information about the amount of work in each Queue that is unassigned (the number in centre of pie-chart), as well as the due status of that work (i.e. Red/Amber/Green).
If you have unassigned work which is overdue – i.e. any red items in this section – you should be looking to deal with that situation.
In this section you'll find lots of explainers and videos teaching you how to use Enate's Work Manager software to manage your business processes day-to-day.
Work Manager is a web-based application used by members of the Service Delivery team to interact with Tickets, Cases and Actions running through managed business processes.
Users of Work Manager are Service Agents, Team Leaders, Operations Managers and Executives. Work Manager provides a standard set of views for these users to carry out work.
Watch this video for a quick overview of Work Manager:
Work Manager is designed to support the following Browsers:
Latest version of Chrome (at time of release)
Latest version of Firefox (at time of release)
Latest version of the Microsoft Edge browser, based on Chromium (at time of release).
Team Leaders are colleagues who are in charge of teams and work areas. Enate Users set as Team Leaders can can see the work item sitting with the people in their Team (the people who report to them) and in work Queues that they are set as a manager of. They can set the permissions levels for their team members and (in the same way that team members are able) can create work items and manually assign work . They can also see their bot farms and which bots are busy, what they’re working on, which bots are idle and which bots are currently offline.
Team Members are colleagues who report to a Team Leader and have fewer levels of access than Team Leaders. On their home page they can see work assigned to them and, if set to do so, work items sitting with their peers (people who report to the same Team Leader as they do) and in the Queues that they work out of.
This is your one stop shop for learning about how to use Enate - it's packed full of useful explainers and videos to help you cover everything you need to know.
Work Manager is Enate's operations environment where service agents, Team Leads and Operations Managers go to manage and deliver service. In this section you'll find lots of explainers and videos teaching you how to use the software day-to-day.
Enate's Work Manager Help is available in 9 languages including , , , , , , & .
Wanting to get up to speed with mapping and running your business processes in Enate? Check out the Builder help section here.
Want to see what BI reporting information is available in Enate? Check out the BI section to view standard Enate reports that are available through PowerBI, information about how to use the data warehouse, how to understand how the tables join and where/how data is stored, as well as a data dictionary with field data types and definitions which highlights foreign and primary keys to join tables on.
Enate has an extensive library of APIs, Webhooks, and integration capabilities with RPA & OCR systems like UiPath, Automation Anywhere, Blue Prism and ABBYY. Check out the Enate Integrations section for information on this as well as Enate's extension points like Custom Card code. We'll be adding more and more samples here to let you see what's possible.
If you're running an Enate implementation, this section will help guide you through the process - it gives you hints, tips and useful documents on how to get from design workshops to Go Live.
As a Team Leader, the Home page needs to know who reports to you and what Queues you are in charge of. These settings can be adjusted in the Queues page, which you can open from the navigation section.
If you have no data set up yet, the page will open in Edit mode by default. Otherwise, it will show the Queues that you manage (along with the people who are working out of that Queue), and the list of people who report to you, i.e. your Team.
You can Edit these settings as follows:
Add a Queue. You are also able to add yourself as a manager to a Queue. This includes Queues which may already be managed by a different Team Leader (you will now both be managers of this Queue).
Remove a Queue, i.e. unset yourself as the manager of a Queue.
Add / remove Team Members to one or more of your Queues.
Add and remove Robots to your Queues. You can add/remove all the robots (or just those selected) in a farm to a Queue at one time.
Set a mixed resource Queue to ‘Strict mode’ - In Queues where there is a mixture of human and robot resources, switching on 'Strict Mode' sets any human users in the Queue as fall-back resources only, only receiving work from here if its robots are for some reason currently unable to carry out the work in the Queue.
Queues can be set to have more than one manager.
Example: Consider Manager 1 and Manager 2 as two team leads where Manager 1 needs visibility on the Queue of Manager 2. Manager 1 can simply add the Queue of Manager 2 to his Queues page to have the visibility of the same Queue.
Click on the edit option and add the specified Queue where it shows that the Queue is managed by Manager 2. This does not remove managerial responsibility from the current manager.
If a Queue is managed by multiple managers then the users that are managed by you are filtered under Managed by me and the other users manged by other mangers are filtered under Managed by others.
You can add and remove Users to 'My Team'. When you are adding users to your team, you do so by building up a list of the users who report to you.
A user can only report to one Team Leader, so when you add a user to a team, you may be re-setting who they report to – if they previously reported to a different Team Leader that will now be wiped and reset to you. The previous manager will no longer be the manager of that user, and will not have visibility of them, unless they are still in Queues that the Team Leader manages.
The Home page allows Team Leaders and Team Members to view the work for their area of business, i.e. Work Items sitting in their work Queues and with their Team Members (both human and robot).
On your Home page you will see:
Work Items that are assigned to you
Work Items that are assigned to your manager, i.e. the person you report to (if you have one)
Work Items that are assigned to your peers (people managed by the same person as you)
Work Items in a Queue that you are a member of / are a manager of
Additionally, as a Team Leader you will see:
Work Items that are assigned to people you manage (i.e. people who report to you)
Work Items that are assigned to people managed by people you manage (recursively down the hierarchy of manager relationships)
Work Items in a Queue that you manage, even if you are not a member of it
There are two different types of role in Enate Work Manager. Users can either be enrolled as a Team Leader or a Team Member. These settings can be defined in Enate Builder (click for more information).
Click to see how to set the users who report to you (i.e. your Team), and Queues which you manage.
There a numerous ways of creating and managing contacts in Enate. Watch this video to find out more:
Some further explanation of how Quickfind works: There are three different kinds of searches going on in parallel when you are entering Quickfind search data:
1) Specific search against reference number. This is based upon recognizing a known format of the system’s refence number for work items and then returning results related to Tickets, Cases, Actions which have that reference. You can just type the reference, e.g. ‘40308-T’ and the system will recognize it as a reference. You don’t need to enter a leading short code.
2) Custom Data Field searches. As described above. The system will know to do this kind of search when you enter a known short code, e.g. ‘FN: ’. The search will be for a field which contains the specific value you enter. See further note below on Wildcards.
3) Free text searching for work items, communications and people against anything else you enter which doesn’t conform to the first two types of recognized data. The system free text searches the individual words against various system attributes of work items, communication and people, e.g. work item title, email subject and body.
4) 'Start with' searching for files - the system uses 'start with' logic for searching for files where it adds a wildcard to the END of search texts. This means that if you are searching for a file called 'Invoice Processing.docx', searches for 'processing' would not find the file, but searches for 'invoice' would.
When searching, the system will add a wildcard to the END of search texts, but not the start.
For Custom Data Searches specifically, an example of behaviour would be: searching for e.g. “p:John Smi” would find items with the value “John Smith” in a field ‘person’ but searching just for “p:Smith” would NOT find it.
In short: With Custom Data Field searches, we’re searching for the precise value of the field, or the start of the value. Free text searches aren’t quite the same as this, since a free text search will try to match against each individual word within a text value to get a match, rather than the value as a whole.
Wildcards are added to the end of reference number searches also.
While you are typing in Quickfind, the system will wildcard search against the very last word, e.g. if you’re free text search typing: "John return prio", the system will wildcard the last word and would also bring back results with e.g. ‘priority’.
Once you’ve pressed the space bar the system will conclude you’ve finished typing that word and will search against it without a trailing wildcard.
In order to retain system performance, the following are ignored from searches:
Words of 1 to 2 characters.
Words in the system 'Stop List'. These are standard common words such as ‘and’ ‘the’, ‘me’ etc., which would otherwise return too many results. Please see here for the full stop list of words which are ignored in searches (in Quickfind and indeed in any other system searches).
Specific characters which are set to be ignored, e.g. “*”, “?”, “@” etc. in Quckfind specifically. Please see here for a full list of the characters which are ignored. This will mean for example that when searching for customer.com in Quickfind, the words 'customer' and 'com' would be searched for. As such, it’s recommended to place such word combinations in quotes to search for them as a specific phrase - i.e. searching for “customer.com” will likely bring back the results you are looking for.
Quickfind is a text-driven search. Entering dates in the text strings may bring back inconsistent results. Use “quotes” where possible if such searching is necessary to help the search look for entire strings of characters such as "search for where this entire string occurs".
Use the date sliders to search for results in specific date ranges.
When searching for multiple words, the search will be using an ‘AND’ logic rather than ‘OR’, i.e. bring back items with 'Apple' AND 'Banana' AND 'Pear'.
It’s important to note that Quickfind performs three independent searches,
one for for work items (Cases, Actions, Tickets),
one for the Emails that may relate to them, and
one for people.
An effect of this can be that if you are e.g. searching against a combination of three words, e.g. 'apple' and 'banana' and 'pear', Quickfind will return results of any work items where all three words occur, and separately any emails where all three words occur. Situations where two of the words appear in the work item, and the third only in an associated email, would NOT be brought back by either search.
The specific attributes which the work item searches are performed against are as follows:
Work Item Reference
Customer Name
Supplier Name
Contract Name
Service Name
Service Line Name
Process Type Name
The specific attributes which the Communications searches are performed against are as follows:
Email Title
Email Body
Email Addresses (From, To, CC, BCC)
Internal Note Body (for notes added in Enate / Self Service).
The Contact Activity Page displays the activity details for an individual service recipient.
You can navigate to the Contact Activity page via:
1. Quickfind – clicking on a user in Quickfind
2. A Work Item – clicking on a contact in the contacts card of a work item
3. The Contact Management Page – clicking on the first name of a contact in the Contact Management Page
Once you are on the Contact Activity Page, you can see the contact's details on the right-hand side and update them as needed.
Clicking on the 'Work Items' tab lets you see all work items which relate to the contact. Each work item is shown as a card with data about it like reference, title of work item, due date, assignee, queue, and state. Work Items can be opened for further details by clicking on reference and title. Running items are displayed by default, completed work items can also be displayed.
Clicking on the 'Comms' tab lets you see communications (emails, notes) relating to the user and the work items relating to them. You can search for specific communications here too.
You can also start a new piece of work for the contact from the Contact Activity Page. Starting a new work item from the Contact Activity Page will automatically assign the contact as the Primary Contact, Requester and Subject on the work item, and if they have a Default Tag set, they will be tagged as this as well on the work item. Note that when launching a Ticket, the 'Send Automated Emails' option is automatically set to off.
The work items that you can start from here depends upon if the work items have been configured to be startable from the Contact Activity Page in Builder, which company the contact has been scoped to when it was created in Work Manager, and which company you as a user have been scoped to as well.
You are able to copy the user's name by clicking on the copy button on the tab:
You can search for work items and their emails using focussed ‘search this value in this field’ on the work item. This is achieved by prepending the search with predefined search code. Before typing anything into Quickfind, the dropdown displays all short codes available in the system, and the field they relate to.
To search against a field, enter the short code and the desired value e.g. hq:Laptop
This will return work item (Ticket/Case/Action) and communication results where this field has this value:
You can put quote marks around your search value to search for an entire phrase as the field value you want to find e.g.: bn:“entire phrase”
You can also use this approach to search for phrases with general free text searching, i.e. even when you are not searching against a custom field with a prepended short code.
Canned Texts are standard pre-configured texts which are created as part of system configuration.
When writing an email, you can insert a Canned Text by clicking on the Canned Texts icon at the bottom of a write an email screen. This will show you all canned texts available for the Service Line and you can use the free text search function to filter items by title.
You can also use the ‘recently used’ option by clicking on the dropdown list, allowing you to quickly access a more relevant canned text. You can also manually modify canned texts after they have been inserted into your email.
Note: Any files linked to the canned text section will also be attached at the same time.
Show by Language
You can also select a canned text in a different language by clicking on the language in the dropdown list.
Note: The system will show the canned text in your language by default.
Contact tags are used to link contacts to work items.
The system-default Contacts Tags that are available are:
Primary Contact – the main person you are dealing with for this query. There can only ever be one Primary Contact for a work item. This is mandatory for a Ticket. Depending on Case configuration in Builder, this may or may not be mandatory for a Case (if set as mandatory for Case type, is also mandatory for that Case’s Actions).
Requester – the person that raised the initial request. There can only ever be one Requester for a work item. This is mandatory for a Ticket. Depending on Case configuration in Builder, this may or may not be mandatory for a Case (if set as mandatory for Case type, is also mandatory for that Case’s Actions).
Subject – who the work item is about (this may be neither of the above). There can only ever be one Subject for a work item.
Very often all three will be the same person. If you tag another contact as any of these system-default relationship types, the tag will be removed from the previous contact - as there can be only one holder of the system-default contacts in one work item.
When you manually add the first contact to a work item they will be set as the Primary Contact, Requester and Subject by default. You can manually reassign these tags to other users afterwards.
CCs – any further contacts which can be copied on any correspondence. When a contact is tagged only as ‘CC’, it will be displayed in the separate CCs section (hidden until any CC-only contacts exist on the work item.
In addition to the system-default Contact Tags (Primary Contact, Subject, CC, Requester), you can add a further default contact tag to a contact record to make using contact tags on work items faster and easier.
Example: If you know that 'Jane Smith' is always going to be the Broker or any work item you add them to as a contact, you can give Jane's Contact record a default tag of 'Broker' so it gets auto-populated for her in the work item - rather than you having to manually set this tag value each time.
The Default Tags list available to choose from is set in Builder in the General Settings >> Contact Tags section.
You can set this Default Tag whenever you add a new contact into the system.
You can also add the tag to existing contacts and edit the Default Tag set to a contact via the Contacts page.
The Default Tag attribute is also available to edit in bulk, i.e. you can set this for multiple contacts at one time - simply select a number of contact records from the Contacts page grid and click on the Edit button to access the Bulk Edit popup.
If a specific tag value has not been set to 'Allow Multiple', only one contact in a Work Item is allowed to have the value. Example: it may be that there can be only a single 'Broker' contact for Ticket. This obviously impacts default tagging if two contacts with the same 'must be unique' Default Tag get added to a work item, either manually or automatically. In this scenario the system will allocate the Default Tag to only one contact (and therefore remove the Default Tag for the other contacts). The system will allocate to the Contact already tagged with an existing other tag value, in the following priority order.
Primary Contact
Any other contact on the work item
You will not be able to add a Default Tag to a contact if the company they are assigned to has a different Supplier Company to the Default Tag.
You will not be able to submit a work item with a contact whose Default Tag is set to a different Supplier Company than the work item.
When an email arrives from an address which is associated with a contact that is already in the system and the contact:
has a Global scope setting, or
they have a Local scope setting but belong to the same company that the work item will belong to based on email routing rules
then their details are automatically populated into the Contacts Card when the work item is created by the system and they will automatically be tagged as the Primary Contact and Requester of the work item. Additionally, if they have a default tag assigned to them, they will also be tagged as that. However do note that you can always go in and manually edit the tags yourself once the work item has been created.
When an email arrives from an address which is associated with a contact that is already in the system, but they have a Local scope setting and belong to a different company than the one the work item will belong to based on email routing rules, their details will NOT be automatically populated into the Contacts Card when the work item is created by the system, (and therefore they cannot be automatically tagged to the work item). Note that you can always go in and manually edit the contact and tags yourself once the work item has been created.
Default 'Global' or 'Global & Local' Scope
When an email arrives from an unknown address and:
your system has been configured to set the scope of your external contacts to 'Global', or 'Global and Local',
then the contact will be auto-created, have a Global scope (i.e. the won't be linked to any specific company) and their details will be automatically populated into the Contacts Card when the work item is created by the system. Additionally, they will automatically be tagged as the Primary Contact and Requester of the work item. As they were previously unknown to the system, they will have no default tag set. Note that you can always go in and manually edit the tags yourself once the work item has been created.
Default 'Local' Scope
When an email arrives from an unknown address and
your system has been configured to set the scope of your external contacts to 'Local',
then the contact will be auto-created, have a Local scope (i.e. they will be linked to a specific company) and they will be created under the company that the work item exists under. Their details will be automatically populated into the Contacts Card when the work item is created by the system and they will automatically be tagged as the Primary Contact and Requester of the work item. As they were previously unknown to the system, they will have no default tag set. Note that you can always go in and manually edit the tags yourself once the work item has been created.
Automatic Contact Creation OFF
When an email arrives from an unknown address and
then the work item will be created based on the email routing rules, but the email sender's details will NOT be automatically populated into the Contacts Card when the work item is created by the system, (and therefore they cannot be automatically tagged to the work item). Note that you can always go in and manually edit the contacts and tags yourself once the work item has been created.
When a work item is created from the 'Start work item' button on the Contact Activity Page of a contact, that contact will be auto-tagged as the Requester, Subject and Primary Contact of the work item, and their Default Tag will be added too (if they have one).
The Contact Management Page is where you can view and manage all of your external contacts in one place.
Note: you will only be able to access the Contact Management Page if you have been set up with the relevant permissions in Enate Builder. See here for more information.
You can access the Contact Management page from the Navigation link. Your contacts and their information will be displayed in a table.
Clicking on the first name link will open the Contact Activity page.
You can add contacts from the Contact Management page by clicking on the Create Contact icon and filling out the details for the contact in the resulting popup.
You can import a list of contacts from an Excel spreadsheet in the Contact Management page. A template is provided and the template is supported in all of the languages that Enate offers.
It is mandatory to fill in the email address when importing Contacts from an Excel template. If you don't specify a company, the contact will automatically be set to global. See here for more information about company scoping.
To edit a contact, go to the Contact Management page and double click on the contact to bring up the Edit Contact popup.
You are also able to bulk edit the company, time zone, office location, preferred language of your contacts by selecting on the contact's tick box and the edit button will appear.
To delete a contact, go to the Contact Management page and click on the contact's tick box and the delete button will appear. You are able to delete multiple contacts at once.
You can choose which columns to see by by clicking on the cog icon and selecting from your list of Standard Columns.
The Auto-created column option lets you see how external contacts have been created - if they have been created automatically or manually. Please note that once a contact that has been auto-created has had edits made to it, it will no longer display as an auto-created contact in the 'Auto Created' column of the Contact Management Page.
You can add custom columns to the grid by clicking on the cog icon and selecting from your list of Custom Data Columns. Custom Data Columns are created in Builder (click here for more information). Fields of all data types can be created with the exception of Table fields and Long Text fields.
You can sort the table by alphabetical order for a column by clicking on that column's title, and you can go back to the original selection of columns by clicking 'Revert to Defaults'.
Files can be attached to an email in various ways.
1) You can attach files when composing an email by clicking on the attach files option at the foot of the email section.
Files that are already attached to the work item, and are therefore already in the files tab (including files attached to previous existing emails within the work item) will be available for selection from here. You can use the search function to search for specific files if there are many to choose from.
You can also search for files from your PC to attach from here by clicking on the ‘Browse This PC’ icon.
2) You can add links to an email by clicking on the attach links option at the foot of the email section. Links that have already been added to the work item (and are therefore already in the files tab).
3) You can drag and drop files from your desktop into the email section
4) Files which have been linked to a standard Canned Text will automatically attach to the email when the canned text is selected.
When emails are auto-generated and sent by the system, the email template used may be linked to one or more tags – the system will identify any files currently attached to the work item which have been tagged with this same value, and will auto-attach them to the email before sending.
You can view all the email attachments that have been added to the work item and other related/linked work items in the files tab.
You can see the name of the file, what type of file it is, its size and when and by who it was uploaded and the reference number of the work item it was uploaded to.
You can also see the tags and notes that have been added to the files.
You can download files from an email by opening the email you have received and clicking to download the file attached.
If multiple files have been attached, you have the option to download all the files individually or to download them as a zip file.
It is possible to download multiple attachments with a single click from mails in the comms and timeline section. Clicking on the ‘Download all’ icon will download all attachments present in that Comms / Timeline section item.
You can download individual files by clicking on the the option in the menu on the right.
You can download multiple files at once by selecting the files you wish to download and selecting the option at the top of the screen.
You can download multiple files in a zip file by selecting the files you wish to download and selecting the option at the top of the screen.
If your system has been set up to let you delete email attachments, you can delete attachments that originated from an email in the file card of a work item. This is useful when, for example, you are dealing with sensitive information in email attachments.
The deleted attachment will also be deleted from other related work items such as other Actions in a Case, Sub Cases, child and parent Tickets if a Ticket has been merged, child Cases and parent Tickets if a Ticket has been converted to a Case.
But note that if you delete an email attachment from a Ticket that has been split or is the child Ticket of a split, the deleted file will not be deleted from the other child Ticket(s) or the parent Ticket.
Note also that deleting an attachment from a linked work item will NOT delete the attachment from the work item(s) it is linked with.
Please also be aware that it is not possible to delete an email attachment from a work item that is Closed.
The attachment will be deleted from all parts of the system, so you won't be able to search for it in Quickfind, and it will not be available to attach to a new email relating to the work item.
Any further activity on the work item will not resurrect the deleted attachment and creating a new linked work item will not resurrect the deleted attachment.
You will be notified in the timeline when an email attachment has been deleted, along with the file name of the email attachment that was deleted, the subject of the email it was attached to, who deleted it and when it was deleted.
On the right hand side of the home page is the Team Bar.
If you are a Team Member, the Team Bar shows you your team and your unassigned work.
At the top of the Team Bar you can see the people in your team and, for each of them:
The amount of work they have outstanding (number in centre of pie-chart)
The due status of that work (i.e. Red/Amber/Green)
Their current availability status (available or offline)
You can see the availability status of your Team Members - so if they are online or offline.
The system tracks your active Enate browser session, and so is able to check if they are still logged into Enate.
Note: if you do not log out properly, i.e. shut down the browser or machine directly without logging out of Enate, the system will display you as still online for the duration of the standard system timeout (usually 30 minutes).
An important point is that this available / offline status is for informational purposes only – it is not taken into account as part of any allocation rules - i.e. the ‘Who does it go to?’ settings.
You can filter the display of your team to show available / offline / all users.
You can sort your team members by work item status criteria including:
Least / Most Work (Total)
Least / Most Overdue (Amber)
Least / Most Overdue (Red)
Least / Most On Target (Green)
You can use this to help identify resources which are stretched and other team member who you may be able to share work out among to help balance workloads.
Free text search also allows for you to search for individual users from the list.
If you click on a team member, the grid and bar chart filters down to show only work items currently assigned to that user. The view can be closed to return to the standard bar chart view of all work items.
At the foot of the Team Bar you can see the amount of work which is sitting unassigned in the Queues you manage, grouped by Queue. This includes information about the amount of work in each Queue that is unassigned (the number in centre of pie-chart), as well as the due status of that work (i.e. Red/Amber/Green).
If you have unassigned work which is overdue – i.e. any red items in this section – you should be looking to deal with that situation.
Attachments from incoming emails are denoted with a green email icon:
Attachments from outgoing emails are denoted with a blue email icon:
Sent Items shows you all of the emails from your business area's work items that have been sent out.
You can see a preview list of all the emails that have been sent out, with the most recent at the top, showing who the email was sent to, when it was sent, the subject of the email, a preview of the first line of the email body and which work item the email relates to. You will also be able to see if the email has any attachments and if the email was sent with high importance.
You can adjust the size of the email preview panel to suit your needs.
When you click on an email, you will be able to see the full email in the right-hand side of the screen. You can see the subject of the email, who it was sent from, who it was sent to, any CC recipients, a link to the work item that the email relates to, the due date of the work item and the full content of the email.
You can also expand the email to full-screen mode, where the preview pane is hidden.
You can switch between viewing 'My Emails' which are the emails that you have sent and 'My Team Emails' which will show you the emails that members of your team have sent.
You can also reply, reply all, or forward a sent email. When you click on one of these options, the system will open a new tab displaying the work item in question and will take you to the email editor screen to start composing your email.
You can filter your sent emails by Customer, Contract, Service, Process, Queue, who the email was sent to, date range, the status of the work item that the email relates to, whether or not the email has attachments, and whether or not the email was system-generated.
Note that when filtering by date you can only filter for a maximum timespan of 90 days.
If you have access to the 'My Team Emails' view you'll also be able to filter by assigned user and by who the email was sent by.
Further options are also available from the ellipses next to the reply links. These will allow you to go directly to the work item that the email relates to (opening in a new tab), and to print the email directly.
You also have the option to download the underlying .eml file.
Please note: If the email you are attempting to download contains an attachment file which has been explicitly manually deleted by a user (for e.g. reasons of data sensitivity), the .eml download option will be disabled for that email - the system will display a message explaining the reason for this disabling when download icon is clicked.
If an email has any attachments, you can see the name of the attachment, its size and the option to download it. If the email has multiple attachments, you have the additional options of downloading all of the attachments or downloading them all as a ZIP file.
All emails arriving into Enate get automatically processed into either Tickets or Cases based on business rules which look at things like where it's sent into, who it's from and what it's about. Occasionally though, emails arrive into Enate and do not get processed into a Case or a Ticket.
This can happen due to the following reasons:
None of the To and/or CC email addresses have a matching email route defined for them in Builder (that's the rules which say which kind of Ticket or Case an incoming email should generate).
There are only BCC email addresses in the email, no To or CC addresses.
The Unprocessed Emails view in the Email Inbox section in Work Manager allows agent users to review these unprocessed emails and take the appropriate steps. This option is visible to all users.
You'll see unprocessed emails which have come into the mailbox that your area of the business works out of. Other unprocessed emails which arrive into mailboxes that aren't linked to any of your business processes will be seen by agents in other areas of your business. The number next to this section shows the total number of emails in the unprocessed view.
You can filter the emails in this section by Mailbox Name (if you know it) and Mailbox Address. Specifically, this is the email address of the mailbox which handles the incoming mails.
The Unprocessed Emails view will let you review the incoming email's content to help you determine where you should route.
Once you've determined where it should go, you've got a couple of options:
1) You can decide to create a work item from the email, specifying a Customer, Contract & Service for it, before launching the work item. If you do this, the email will be changed to 'Processed' and will be removed from the Unprocessed Emails view when you next click to refresh your email inbox.
2) You can decide to delete the email if appropriate (for example if it's a spam mail). If you do this, the email will be changed to 'Deleted' and will be removed from the Unprocessed Emails view when you next click to refresh your email inbox.
Note that it is not currently possible to append an unprocessed email to an existing work item, only to create a new work item. However once you have done this, you can still use the merge feature to merge it in with an existing work item.
Note: Users will be able to create a new work item from an unprocessed email on this page even if they do not have the 'Can Create' permission set for them.
If you find yourself regularly having to pick up unprocessed mails and route them into the same tickets or cases again and again, you should speak with your Business Admin to see if a new Email Route can be set in order to catch these emails and automatically create the relevant Work Item for them.
For more information about how Enate processes incoming emails, see this section.
External contacts can be created in Enate in several ways.
The Enate system can be set to automatically create new external Contact records when incoming emails arrive which contain new email addresses if the 'Enable Automatic Contact Creation' setting is set to ON in Builder.
The system will auto-populate the first name and last name of the contact based on the email display name. More specifics on this:
If there is a space in the email display name, anything before the first space will be used as the contact's first name and anything after the last space will be used as their last name. For example, if the email display name is 'John Smith' then the contact's first name will be auto-filled as 'John' and their last name will be auto-filled as 'Smith'.
If there is a comma in the email display name, anything before the first comma will be used as the contact's last name and anything after the comma but before the space will be used as their first name. For example, if the email display name is 'Smith, John' then the contact's last name will be auto-filled as 'Smith' and their first name will be auto-filled as 'John'.
If the system can't auto-fill the first name and last name with confidence, then the contact will be auto-created without a first and last name and the user will be prompted to fill this themselves when they submit the work item.
Additionally the company set to an auto-created contact will depend on the contact scope setting in Builder. If it's set to 'Global', or 'Global and Local', the auto-created contact will have a Global scope, i.e. not linked to any specific company. If it is set to 'Local', the auto-created contact will be created under the company that the related Work item exists under.
You can add contacts from the Contact Management page by clicking on the Create Contact icon and filling out the details for the contact in the resulting popup.
You can import a list of contacts from an Excel spreadsheet in the Contact Management page. A template is provided and the template is supported in all of the languages that Enate offers.
It is mandatory to fill in the email address when importing Contacts from an Excel template. If you don't specify a company, the contact will automatically be set to global. See here for more information about company scoping.
If you are searching for a new contact which does not currently exist in the system, you can create a new contact from Quickfind itself. Navigate to the people search function in Quickfind and click on ‘add a contact’.
When you click on ‘add a contact’, the system will decode and auto-populate the first name, last name and email address. Once you fill in all the information and click on create, you will be taken to the Contact Activity Page of the new contact.
Note: The contact email address must be unique in the system.
You can also create a new contact from the contacts card a work item. When you search for a user in the contacts card that does not exist in the system, you can create a new contact by clicking on the ‘Create Contact’ option and filling in the contact's details.
If you have written the email address for the contact, the system will decode and auto-populate the first name and last name of the contact. Once you fill in all the information and click on create contact, the system will redirect you back to the work item.
Please note that if you create a new contact in test mode, that contact will only be available for running test packets in the system.
You can see if an external contact has been automatically created by the system or manually created by a user by looking at the 'Auto-Created' column in the Contact Management Page.
Please note that once a contact that auto-created has had edits made to it, it will no longer display as an auto-created contact in the 'Auto Created' column of the Contact Management Page.
Depending upon how it has been configured in Builder, you will have various options when assigning a company to an external contact:
All Companies/Global
Setting the company to this means that external contact can create and access work items for all companies.
It also means that work manager users are able to search for other all external contacts on a work item.
Please note that this setting is only available if the External Contact Scope has been set to 'Global' or 'Global and Local' in Builder. See here for more information.
A particular company (local)
Setting the contact scope to a particular company means that external contact will only be able to create and access work items for that particular company that the external contact has been associated to.
Users will also only be able to add a Contact to a Packet API if the Contact is in the same Company (or is in an umbrella Company).
Please note:
It is only possible to change the associated company of an external contact from All Companies/Global to a particular company (local) if the external contact is not associated with work items from multiple different companies. You can change this by reassigning the Contact on a work item.
To scope external contacts to Global/All Companies the Company column in Bulk Upload file should be left blank so by default the contacts will be scoped to Global.
The company set to an auto-created contact will depend on the contact scope setting you have set. If it's set to 'Global', or 'Global and Local', the auto-created contact will have a Global scope, i.e. not linked to any specific company. If it is set to 'Local', the auto-created contact will be created under the company that the related Work item exists under.
Please note that if an External Contact is scoped locally (i.e. is linked a specific Company), you cannot add them as a contact for a work item which exists within another company. This is also true for Agent accounts (which must always exist under a specific Company). ONLY Globally scoped External accounts have the flexibility to be linked as contacts to work items in any Customer.
To edit a contact, go to the Contact Management page and double click on the contact to bring up the Edit Contact popup.
You are also able to bulk edit the company, time zone, office location, preferred language and default tag of your contacts by selecting on the contacts' tick boxes - click on the Edit button which will appear to display the Bulk Edit popup. Set details as desired and hit Confirm to save bulk changes.
To delete a contact, go to the Contact Management page and click on the contact's tick box and the delete button will appear. You are able to delete multiple contacts at once.
The contacts card in the side panel of Tickets, Cases and Actions is where you can specify the people who relate to the work item and set their contact tags.
Clicking on an individual record will display the contact detail's information in a new tab showing the Contact Activity Page.
When an email arrives from an address which is associated with a system user or an external contact which has been previously recorded in the system then their details are automatically populated on the contacts tab when the Ticket is created by the system. They will automatically be tagged as the Requester, Subject and Primary Contact. These tags can be removed.
Optionally the first operator to assess the Ticket can also set them as the Primary Contact if deemed appropriated by their assessment. If you tag another contact as any of these relationship types, the tag will be removed from the previous contact.
Similarly, when a work item is created from the 'Start work item' button on the Contact Activity Page of a contact, that contact will be tagged as the Requester, Subject and Primary Contact of the work item.
You can also add contacts to the work item manually by searching for them in the contacts card.
If you search for a user in the contacts card that does not exist in the system, you can create a new contact by clicking on the ‘Create Contact’ option and filling in the contact's details.
If you have written the email address for the contact, the system will decode and auto-populate the first name and last name of the contact. Once you fill in all the information and click on create contact, the system will redirect you back to the work item.
When you manually add a contact they will be set as the Primary Contact, Requester and Subject by default. You can manually reassign these tags to other users afterwards.
You can schedule the date and time of when an email will be sent by selecting the Schedule Send option.
The scheduled email will appear in the Comms and Timeline tabs, along with who scheduled it and when it has been scheduled for. If the email has been scheduled to send more than 2 minutes later, a 'Send Now' and 'Cancel' button will appear to let you send the scheduled email straight away if you have changed your mind or to cancel sending the scheduled email altogether.
Note that you cannot schedule an email that exceeds the size set in Builder - see here for more information. However, validation of the email size occurs as part of saving the email, not at the sent time. So if a 25MB email has been scheduled and then the maximum email size gets reduced in Builder to 10MB, the scheduled email will still be sent as it conformed to the size allowance configured when it was scheduled.
You can write a new email from the Email tab of a work item.
You can save an email as a draft, schedule when you want to send an email and send an email straight away.
Note that you cannot send an email that exceeds the size set in Builder.
Once the email has been sent, it will appear in the timeline, where you can see who composed the email, the content of the email if you expand it, when the email was composed and when it was sent. You will also have the option to reply to the email, forward the email, expand the email or print the email.
You can write a brand new email without needing to have the work item assigned to you.
You can also reply / forward emails from the timeline by clicking on the links available. These buttons will be enabled when you mouse over the email card.
System behaviour for entering email addresses is as follows:
When sending a new email, the system will default the To address to that of the Primary Contact in the contacts section. Cc Address will also default to email addresses entered in the Ccs section.
If more than one possible From email address is configured, the system will populate the default one (configured as default in Builder), and will display a dropdown to allow the alternate ones to be selected.
These standard rules for default and suggested addresses can be overridden for To, Cc and Bcc for Cases and Actions in Builder configuration. Addresses set as default will auto-populate (more than one can be set in this way). Override addresses not set as default will be available for quick selection by clicking the To / Cc/ Bcc button address:
Note: The From address always displays in the email composition section when you are writing an email. This ensures that the sender will always have a view of the email address being used as the from when sending out emails from a particular work item.
Note: You will only be able to see the email addresses of contacts from companies that you have access to. However, you are able to manually enter any email address. These permissions can be configured in Builder, click here for more information.
When composing emails, you can easily copy email addresses between the To/Cc/Bcc addresses via the ‘copy’ icon displayed when clicking into the relevant address field.
When you send out an email which contains new email addresses (i.e. not linked to existing contacts), the system will display a popup to allow you to create them as new contact records.
If there are any email addresses for which you do not wish to create a new record, simply hover over the row and click the delete icon. Additionally, there is a ‘Do not show this again’ checkbox which when clicked will ensure you are not presented with this popup for subsequent new email addresses (this can be switched back on again in the user profile section where you can also find your email signature settings).
Via the email toolbar you can:
Attach files to the email
Access the email body formatting toolbar
Pin the email body formatting toolbar
Insert a Canned Text
Set the email importance as high
Clicking on the email body formatting icon will formatting options for the main body of the email.
You also have the option to pin the email body formatting toolbar.
The email body formatting toolbar gives you the options to:
Select the font
Select the font size
Make the text Bold, Italic or Underlined
Undo your previous changes (also available with Ctrl + Z)
Redo your previous changes (also available with Ctrl + Shift + Z)
Expand the email to full screen
Select the background colour
Select the text colour
Choose how to align the text
Add a numbered list
Add a bullet list
Text inline options - ability to increase or decrease the text indent
Insert a horizontal line
Adjust the line height
Select an inline style
Format the cell style
Insert a strike through (also available by highlighting the text and Ctrl + S)
Add a subscript or superscript
Add special characters
Insert a link
Insert a table
Insert an image
You also have the option to view a list of keyboard shortcuts
When you compose an email (either as an email template in Builder, or any form of new/response/forward email in Work Items in Work Manager) your font settings (i.e. your font style and size) the font type and font size most recently used will be saved as the font for writing content so you don't need to set them again.
These values are saved to the user profile so will persist between Builder and Work Manager usage.
This only pertains to the front at the very top of the email being composed - if user clicks into any pre-existing content further down the mail, the font style and size already in use for that content will be used. See note for further details. As part of this change, inconsistencies in 'new empty lines' for emails has been resolved - when writing a new email, 2 blank lines will always be inserted that the top of the mail.
Note that the font for canned texts and templates will use the font settings when they were created.
The email font style and size being used when a user is composing a mail will depending on whether they are clicking on pre-existing content. The logic for which fonts will be used is as follows, and is impacted by the new auto-insertion of two blank lines at the beginning of every new email:
1st auto-inserted line: uses the user-saved font settings from their most - recent email.
2nd auto-inserted. This is always set as Arial - 10.
Subsequent email content after this may come from: -previous emails in the mail chain
email template content
email signature content font style and size in these sections will come from that already existing content, depending on where user clicks.
You can copy/paste information into emails from external documents, e.g. Excel tables and Word document content, as well as HTML information from webpages.
If you wish to dedicate more screen space to view emails, you can use the available pop out feature:
The Undo Send setting lets you add a time delay to when your emails will be sent, giving you the opportunity to cancel sending an email, or reviewing an email before it gets sent.
You can set an Undo Send time in User Settings.
When an Undo Send time is set, a popup will appear allowing you to cancel sending the email.
Additionally, when an Undo Send time is set, you will have the option of sending an email 'Now' in the Timeline which overrides the time delay from the Undo Send configuration and you will also have the option to cancel sending the email altogether.
When an Undo Send time is set, emails will be shown in the Outbox page with a Send Status of Queue.
For all type of emails (inbound / outbound / cancelled / failed/ scheduled) you have the option to download the underlying .eml file. This is available from the various locations in the system where emails can be see, i.e. Work Item Comms & Timeline sections, Email Inbox, Sent Items views.
Please note: If the email you are attempting to download contains an attachment file which has been explicitly manually deleted by an user (for e.g. reasons of data sensitivity), the .eml download option will be disabled for that email - the system will display a message explaining the reason for this disabling when download icon is clicked.
You can use Quickfind to search for people, work items, communications and files.
By default, Quickfind will search against all four categories of people, work items, communications and files, but you can focus down to searching just one of these categories by selecting from the left-hand dropdown in the Quickfind header.
You can search for work items (i.e. Tickets. Cases and Actions) by entering key words relating to them into Quickfind.
If you have many results, then you can choose to filter your search down further by choosing to search by Ticket, Case or Action specifically.
Work item search results will display the reference, title, process name, work item status, due date (with Red/Amber/Green colour-coding), plus the name of the person to whom the item is currently assigned.
Additionally, you can filter the search by start date using the slider provided, from Today through to Past Year, plus specific date ranges.
Hovering over a work item row in Quick find will display a ‘Take It’ icon. Instantly assign this work item to yourself by clicking on this icon.
Clicking on the work item will open it in a new tab.
You can search for contacts by searching for first name, last name, company and email address.
Additionally, further people-extended properties can be added to the system and all text/string properties can be searchable within Quickfind. For example, you might have a 3rd party contact with the attributes ‘Country Name’ etc. which will be searchable in the Quickfind.
The criteria which can be searched against, e.g. ‘Employee Number’, are displayed as the records are returned in the Quickfind results, in the line underneath the contact name.
If you have many results, then you could filter it by clicking on ‘Contact’ or ‘Agent’. When you click on contact, the system will only show contacts with search criteria.
Clicking on a person will open the Contact Activity page where you can view current and historic activity - work items related to that person - all their communications, and start new work for them.
Note: You will only be able to see the email addresses and the Contacts belonging to the companies that you have access to. These settings are configured in Builder, click here for more information.
If you are searching for a new contact which does not currently exist in the system, you can create a new contact from Quickfind itself. Navigate to the people search function in Quickfind and click on ‘add a contact’.
When you click on ‘add a contact’, the system will decode and auto-populate the first name, last name and email address. Once you fill in all the information and click on create, you will be taken to the Contact Activity Page of the new contact.
Note: The contact email address must be unique in the system.
You can search communications (i.e. emails, notes and Self Service communications) by entering key words from the email subject, body text or contact details (To, From, Cc, Bc), or key words from the note or Self Service communication you are searching for.
You can choose to filter you results even further by selecting the communication type i.e. incoming email, outgoing email, note, self-service comment by clicking on top icons.
You can also use the slider to filter by received/sent date (from Today through to Past Year, plus specific date ranges).
Search results will be sorted by the date that the email was sent/received, with the most recent at the top.
Email search results will include details such as the To/From address (depending on whether the email was sent or received), an icon to indicate if the email was sent or received (if the email was sent from you or your team the icon will be green and if the email was received by you or a member of your team the icon will be blue), the email subject and the first few lines of the email body, as well as the email sent/received time.
Note search results display the writer of the note, the first few lines of the note and when the note was written.
Clicking on the communication will open the work item which it is linked to in a new tab.
You can use Quickfind to search for individual files or to search for a work item by searching for one of its files. Searching for files in Quickfind will search for both files that are directly linked to the work item AND files that have been attached to communications for the work item.
The search results will be sorted by the date that the file was last updated on or when the email was sent/received if the file is a communication attachment, with the most recent at the top.
Search results will include details such as the type of file (i.e. whether it was attached to the work item or to a communication), when the work item was last updated if the file is attached to a work item or when the email was sent/received if the file is a communication attachment, the reference number and title of the work item(s) the file is attached to and the communication subject if the file is a communication attachment.
Clicking on the file will download a copy of it and clicking on the work item reference will open the work item the file is attached to in a new tab.
Note: You will only be able to see the files and work items that you have access to to based on the permissions you have. These settings are configured in Builder, click here for more information. You will also not be able to search for files or communication attachments that have been deleted.
Additionally, to mitigate performance issues Quickfind will not return search results for:
Communication attachments that start with 'Mime Attachment'
Communication attachments that start with 'MIME-Attachment'
You can still search for the text mime attachment, but the only results will be from work item files. You can still search for 'mim' which may return other results.
Also note that the system uses 'start with' logic for searching for files where it adds a wildcard to the END of search texts. This means that if you are searching for a file called 'Invoice Processing.docx', searches for 'processing' would not find the file, but searches for 'invoice' would.
This shows emails related to in-progress Work Items in your business areas. There are various filtering options and ways to view different sets of data. Use this view to keep on top of incoming emails for the work items you and your team are dealing with.
By default, emails received within the past 90 DAYS are displayed. Agents can use the Filter dropdown to select a different (e.g. older) date or date range to see emails older than this, but note that the date range specified can only span a maximum of 90 days.
In the collapsible folder pane on left-hand side of the Email Inbox, you can see links to various sections of your Email Inbox, divided into:
My Emails - Emails for all work items that are currently in your Work Inbox (that you'd see in your Homepage)
My Team Emails - Emails for all work items that are currently in the Work Inbox of your Team. This link is visible if you are a Team Leader or are able to see your peers and Queues.
Unassigned Emails - Emails for all unassigned work items sitting in Queues you work out of. This link is visible if you are a Team Leader or are able to see your peers and Queues.
All emails - in this section you will be able to view all emails belonging to work items, including closed items, in your business areas that you have permissions on. In this section you can also filter by the status of the work item that the email belongs to.
The numbers displayed show the number of unread emails in these different folders.
You can see a list of all the emails in your inbox as well as Self Service user comments, with the most recent at the top, showing who the email is from, when it was received, the subject of the email, a preview of the first line of the email body and which work item the email relates to. You will also be able to see if the email has any attachments and if the email was sent with high importance.
Unread emails will appear in bold and you can filter to view just your unread emails by clicking on the 'Unread' option.
Note that an email will be marked as read when a user opens an email.
You can filter your inbox by Customer, Contract, Service, Process, Queue, the 'from' email address, whether or not the email has attachments, and by email received date.
If you have access to the 'My Team Emails' view you'll also be able to filter by assigned user.
For the 'All Emails' section you can also filter by the status of the work item that the email belongs to.
You can switch between viewing 'My Emails' which are the emails in your own inbox, 'My Team Emails' which will show you the emails in the inbox of your team members, 'Unassigned Emails' which will show you incoming emails for work items in your Queues which don't have an assignee, 'All emails' which shows you all emails related to work items, including closed items, in your business areas that you have permissions on and 'Unprocessed Emails' which shows you any unprocessed emails for your area of the business so that you can decide what to do with them.
For My Emails, My Team Emails, Unassigned Emails and All Emails, when a new email comes in the 'unread' number will refresh and a mail icon will appear on the refresh button. You just need to click it to refresh your inbox and view the newly arrived emails.
You can mark individual emails as read/unread, but please note that this will NOT affect the new information flag on the work item that the email relates to, so marking an email as read will NOT switch off the new information icon in the work item.
The main section of the Email Inbox view displays the preview panel for whichever email you have selected. You can adjust the size of the email preview panel to suit your needs.
When you click on a email, you will be able to see the full email in the right-hand side of the screen. You can see the subject of the email, who it was sent from, who it was sent to, any CC recipients, a link to the work item that the email relates to, the due date of the work item and the full content of the email.
If you click on reply, reply all, or forward for an email, the system will open a new tab displaying the Work item in question and will take you to the email editor screen to start composing your email.
Further options are also available from the ellipses next to the reply links. These will allow you to go directly to the work item that the email relates to (opening in a new tab), and to print the email directly.
You also have the option to download the underlying .eml file.
Please note: If the email you are attempting to download contains an attachment file which has been explicitly manually deleted by a user (for e.g. reasons of data sensitivity), the .eml download option will be disabled for that email - the system will display a message explaining the reason for this disabling when download icon is clicked.
If an email has any attachments, you can see the name of the attachment, its size and the option to download it. If the email has multiple attachments, you have the additional options of downloading all of the attachments or downloading them all as a ZIP file.
You can also expand the email to full-screen mode, where the preview pane is hidden.
To make your email work more flexible we've added the ability to save your emails as drafts if you're not quite ready to send them. Now when you are writing an email in a work item, you can choose to save the email as a draft and come back to it later.
When you are writing an email in a work item, you can choose to save the email as a draft and come back to it later. Drafts will be saved for a maximum of 90 days.
Note that you cannot save an email as a draft that exceeds the size set in Builder - .
If you have the Drafts filter in the comms/timeline tab switched on (note that this will be switched on automatically by default upon upgrade), you will see any saved draft emails for that work item in the comms/timeline.
You'll see who created the draft and when and the first few lines of the email.
If you click to expand the view, you'll also see the email address that the draft will be sent from, the address it will be sent to, any CC or BCC email addresses, the subject of the email, any attachments and the full email content if these have been added when the draft was saved.
You can edit a draft email from the timeline by clicking 'Update Draft'. This will open up the email editor where you can edit your draft. Note that you can only edit or delete a draft email from the work item it belongs to.
You also have the options to delete the draft, to open the email in a pop-out window or to print it.
Multiple users can work on the same draft, just not at the same time. A single work item can have multiple draft emails. These can all be seen and edited from the work item's comms/timeline.
When a draft already exists for a work item, the system will alert you to this when you start writing a new email so you can choose whether you want to continue writing your new email or whether you would like to edit the draft email instead.
If a work item has a draft email and you merge or convert a Ticket to a Case, you will be able to see the draft email in the comms/timeline or all work items in the related group as long as the 'Drafts' filter and the 'Include Related Work Items' filter are switched on.
The draft email will show in the timeline with the reference number of the work item it belongs to.
Note that draft emails will not be copied across when copying communications to a new linked work item, even when the 'Copy communications' option is enabled.
An attachment icon in the draft email comms/timeline entry shows you if any files have been attached to the draft email.
Clicking to expand the comms/timeline view will show you the name of the attachment and give you the option to download it.
Additionally, any files attached to draft emails will show in the files tab and be marked with a draft icon. You can view, download or delete files attached to draft emails from here. Note that you cannot add notes or tags to files attached to draft emails.
This is where you are able to easily add, edit and delete email addresses to be blocked.
Disable auto-generated emails when creating a new Ticket from this address - the system will allow Tickets to be created for emails arriving from this address but will not send any auto-generated emails out to the address.
Disable auto-generated emails when creating a new Ticket/Case from this address - the system will allow Tickets and/or Cases to be created for emails arriving from this address but will not send any auto-generated emails out to the address.
Auto-reject emails from this address as spam - the system will allow Tickets to be created for emails arriving from this address but once created, the Ticket will be automatically moved to a state of Closed with a resolution method of 'Rejected as Spam'.
Emails will appear in the Unprocessed Emails view of your 'Email Inbox' view in Work Manager if they meet one of the following conditions:
None of the To and/or CC email addresses have a matching email route.
There are only BCC email addresses in an email, no To or CC addresses.
See the table below for further detailed information on how emails arriving into Enate are treated, depending on the combinations of Enate-relevant email addresses may appear in the TO, CC or BCC fields.
The Outbox Page is where you can find emails belonging to yourself or to your team that are scheduled be to sent at a later date, or have failed to send.
You can access the Outbox Page from the Emails section in the navigation link. The total number of emails in your Outbox will also be shown in the navigation link.
You can select how many emails will be shown from the option on the right.
The first time a Team Leader logs in, they will land on the 'My Team Emails' view. The first time a Team Member logs in, they will land on the 'My Emails' view. You are able to change your view of the outbox page to show just your outbox emails, your team's, the system's or all outbox emails. This will be saved when you log out and log back in.
Selecting 'My Emails' lets you see emails sent by you that are in your outbox.
'My Team Emails' shows you emails sent by your team that are in the outbox, as well as emails relating to work items that your team members are working on that are in the outbox.
Selecting 'System Emails' lets you see emails that are sent automatically by the system e.g. because a Ticket has been split or merged.
'All' lets you see emails sent by you, your team, as well as emails from outside of your team for which you have access.
You are able to manually retry sending an email by clicking on the Retry icon. The email will now be in a state of 'Pending Retry'.
You can also retry sending an email from the timeline of the work item itself.
You are also able to cancel sending an email by clicking on the Cancel icon. This will remove the email from the Outbox.
You are also able to retry or cancel sending emails in bulk.
Please note that the system will not automatically retry sending emails that have been migrated from an older version (2020.1 or older). These can only be sent by retrying manually, i.e. clicking the 'Retry' icon.
Double clicking on an email will open the email's details in a popup in read only form. You can see who the email is from, who it is to, etc. You are also able to retry and cancel sending the email from the popup.
You can adjust the grid columns by clicking on the settings cog. These will be saved when you log out and log back in. The 'To' and 'Subject' columns are mandatory.
Importance - the importance setting of the email i.e. high, normal, low.
System Generated - if the email was automatically generated by the system (e.g. to notify a user when a Ticket has been split).
Last Attempt To Send - when the last attempt to send the email was (automatically by the system or manually by a user)
Last Send Failure Message - a message displaying the reason why the last attempt to send the email failure e.g. The Email connector is disabled. Please enable it and try again.
Logged - the date and time recorded when the email first failed to send.
Next Attempt To Send - when the system will next try to send the email
Packet - the work item reference that the email is from. Clicking on this will take you to the work item screen.
Packet Type - if the email is related to a Ticket, Case or Action
Send Status - this shows what status emails in the outbox are in in terms of sending. There are 4 states:
Failed - an email with this Send Status has failed to send. In order to send it, it must be manually 'retried'.
Pending Retry - an email with this Send Status is awaiting automatic retry by the system.
Attachment Count - how many (if any) files are attached to the email
When new emails arrive into Enate, the system analyses the email to determine whether it’s a brand new request or related to an existing one, and then determines how to proceed.
The system will look at multiple different criteria in order and if it finds a match, it will stop searching (i.e. first one wins). The order this runs in is as follows:
1) Header ‘in-reply-to’ value – the ‘in reply to’ value in the header of the email. This value has the following structure:
<‘Unique email GUID’.’work item GUID’@‘Enate server that sent the email’.enate>
e.g. <d23a9d57-6006-4ab7-a412-8ca8ece2f3aa.2b8586bb-ef95-4020-9cf8-ed56a059b47e@SendingServerName.enate>
2) Unique identifier in email message body - If the incoming email has been sent as a response to an email which was sent out from Enate, it will likely contain a unique identifier tag as part of the email body text
3) Work item reference in email subject
4) Work item reference in email message body
If the system finds a match to an existing Ticket, Case or Action that is in a state of DRAFT, TO DO or IN PROGRESS, the system will:
append the email to the work item
mark the work item with ‘new information received’
The same applies to auto-generated emails that are matched to an existing work item in a state of DRAFT, TO DO or IN PROGRESS. Please see the for more information on how the system detects auto-generated emails.
If an incoming email is matched to an existing work item that is in a state of WAITING, the system will:
append the email to the work item
mark the work item with ‘new information received’
In addition, if the Wait type is 'Waiting for more information', the system will:
change the state of the work item from WAITING to TO DO
As a result of the change in state to TO DO, a Queue and assignee will be set to the work item and it will move back to the responsible agent’s Enate Work Inbox, marked with ‘new information received’
If the work item is an Action and both the Action and its parent Case are in a state of WAITING with a wait type of Waiting for more information, the state of the parent Case will change to IN PROGRESS
If an incoming email is matched to an existing work item that is in a state of RESOLVED (note that only Cases and Tickets can be in a state of RESOLVED), the system will:
Append the email to the work item
Reopen the work item and set it back to TO DO
As a result of the change in state to TO DO, a Queue and assignee will be set to the work item and it will move back to the responsible agent’s Enate Work Inbox, marked with ‘new information received’.
If an incoming email is matched to an existing work item that is in a state of CLOSED, the system may take various courses of action depending upon the type of work item:
The system will firstly ‘go up’ the work item chain to look for a parent work item e.g.
if the email is matched to an Action that is CLOSED, the system will see if the Action’s parent Case is still open.
if the email is matched to a Case that is CLOSED, the system will see if the Case has a parent Case or Ticket that is still open.
if the email is matched to a Ticket that is CLOSED, the system will see if the Ticket has a parent Ticket that is still open.
If the system does find a parent work item that is still open, the system will then apply the rest of the email processing logic to the parent work item (i.e. all of the logic in the above sections on running work items).
If no information can be identified to link the email to a currently running work item, the system will generate a brand new work item (Ticket or Case) based on the email’s configured routing rules. A confirmation email will be automatically sent back out to the requesting email address containing the reference number if the email route settings specified in Builder have ‘send response’ set to ‘on’.
Split Ticket – if an incoming email is matched to a split Ticket – either the original Ticket that was split or one of the child Tickets it was split into – the email will be appended to each of the CHILD Tickets. The system will then apply the rest of the email processing logic to each of the child Tickets independently.
Merged Ticket - if an incoming email is matched to a merged Ticket – either one of the original Tickets that were merged or the ‘target’ Ticket that they were merged into – the email will be appended to the ‘target’ Ticket. The system will then apply the rest of the email processing logic to the ‘target’ Ticket.
Ticket converted into a Case – if an incoming email is matched to a Ticket that was Resolved by being converted into a Case, the email will be appended to the Case. The system will then apply the rest of the email processing logic to the Case.
The system detects auto-generated emails by one-or more of the following:
A « x-autoreply » header exists
A « x-autorespond » header exists
A « auto-submitted » header exists and the value is either « auto-generated » or « auto-replied »
A « content-type » header exists and the value is either « multipart/report » or « delivery-status »
The ReturnPath header exists and has a value of « <> » or « <<>> »
Enate's Notifications keep you up to date on what's happening with any Tickets, Actions and Cases you're interested in to keep you in the loop at all times. You've got lots of flexibility with how you receive notifications, in terms of which items you follow, what events you're notified about for them and how they're delivered to you.
You've got various options at your disposal:
Follow individual Work Items
Follow all Work in your Work Inbox
Follow all work in your Queues
You can choose to get notifications about a particular work item - just open it in Work Manager and click the 'Follow' option in the header bar.
Points to note:
You can follow a work item in any state except Draft and Closed.
You can only follow work items that you have permissions on.
You will never automatically be set to following an individual work item.
If you choose to follow an Action and that Action's parent Case gets reworked, you will not be notified when that Action automatically closes as part of the rework, and you will not automatically follow that Action when the new one is relaunched from the new Case. If you want to follow the Action again, you can select to do so manually.
You can 'Unfollow' a work item at any point by clicking 'Unfollow' from the work item screen.
You can only unfollow a work item by manually clicking to unfollow it or if the work item moves to a state of Closed. When a work item moves to Closed, all of the users who were following it will be set to unfollow.
In addition to choosing to follow an individual work item, you can also use the notifications settings page to specify more generally which notifications you want to automatically receive. There are two parts to this:
First, you specify which work items you want to receive, e.g. item's in your own Work Inbox.
Further to this, you specify which events about those work items you want to be notified about.
See below for details ..
In addition to this, you need to choose which events you want to be notified about for these Work Items.
The options are as follows:
Note that you will only ever receive one notification about the same event for a work item.
The Notifications icon shows you how many unread notification messages you have.
Clicking on the Notifications icon will display your Notifications Centre.
This will show the notification messages you have received (displaying the latest 100 notifications), sorted into 'All' and 'Unread'.
Clicking on the notification will take you to the work item it relates to.
You also have the option to mark individual and (from the ellipses menu) all notifications as read.
The Do Not Disturb option turns off all email and browser pop-up notifications. Note: you'll still continue to receive notifications in your Notifications Centre.
Notifications will be sent in the user's preferred language. If a user switches to a different language, all previous notifications will remain in the previous language, but any new notifications will appear in the new preferred language.
If you have Browser pop-up notifications turned on, whenever a notification is generated they will appear on the bottom-right of your screen. Clicking on the link to the work item will take you direct to that work item.
Browser pop-up notifications will appear on any screen as long as you are logged into a Work Manager session.
You may need to adjust your browser settings in order for browser pop-up notifications to appear. If you need to do this, you will be alerted in the Notifications Centre.
To adjust your browser settings, go to Settings > Privacy and Security > Site Settings > Permissions > Notifications and adjust the settings to ensure that sites can send notifications to your browser.
Note that if Do Not Disturb is on, email notifications and browser pop-up notifications will be disabled and will no longer appear until Do Not Disturb has been switched off. Additionally, browser pop-up notifications will not appear when the browser is in incognito mode.
Email notifications will contain a link to the work item they relate to. If a user is already logged in to Enate, clicking on the link will take them straight to that work item. If the user has logged out, clicking on the link will take them to the Enate log in screen. Once they have logged in, they will be taken straight to the work item.
Note that if Do Not Disturb is on, email notifications and browser pop-up notifications will be disabled and will no longer appear until Do Not Disturb has been switched off.
In addition to seeing your notifications within the Work Manager Notifications Centre, as browser popups and via email, you can also set to see your browser popups within various parts of your Desktop, e.g. in your windows start menu and on your machine's lock screen.
Sounds can also be turned all turned on within your desktop's notifications settings to allow for sounds to play whenever a desktop notification shows.
You can choose to turn off ALL notifications by selecting this option in your User Settings tab at the top of the Notifications Settings section.
While this option is switch on, no notifications will be generated for you. Your preferences will have been saved for when you want to turn notifications back on.
Note: If and when you choose to resume notifications, the system will begin to generate new notifications for you but any which would have been generated in the interim period will not be retrospectively created.
Enate deals with incoming 'Out of Office' emails in two ways:
If the 'Out of Office' email is generated in response to receiving an email written by a user in Enate, Enate will append the 'Out of Office' email to the work item and mark the work item with ‘new information received’. See below for further specifics.
If the ‘Out of Office’ email is sent in response to an auto-generated email from Enate (e.g. acknowledgement of Ticket creation), the 'Out of Office' email will NOT be appended to the work item and the work item will not be marked with ‘new information received’ - it will effectively be ignored.
Expanding on the logic for situation 1 above where an 'Out of Office' email is generated in response to receiving an email written by a user in Enate...
If the incoming 'Out of Office' email is matched to an existing Ticket, Case or Action that is in a state of DRAFT, TO DO or IN PROGRESS, the system will:
append the email to the work item
mark the work item with ‘new information received’
Note: This logic above applies to all auto-generated incoming emails that are matched to an existing work item in a state of DRAFT, TO DO or IN PROGRESS (i.e. incoming Out of Office emails are treated in exactly the same was as other incoming auto-generated emails in these states). Please see this for more information on how the system detects auto-generated emails.
If the incoming 'Out of Office' email is matched to an existing work item that is in a state of WAITING, the system will:
append the email to the work item
mark the work item with ‘new information received’
In addition, if the Wait type is 'Waiting for more information', the system will:
change the state of the work item from WAITING to TO DO
As a result of the change in state to TO DO, a Queue and assignee will be set to the work item and it will move back to the responsible agent’s Enate Inbox, marked with ‘new information received’
If the work item is an Action and both the Action and its parent Case are in a state of WAITING with a wait type of Waiting for more information, the state of the parent Case will change to IN PROGRESS
If the incoming 'Out of Office' email is matched to an existing work item that is in a state of RESOLVED (note that only Cases and Tickets can be in a state of RESOLVED), the system will:
Append the email to the work item
Reopen the work item and set it back to TO DO
As a result of the change in state to TO DO, a Queue and assignee will be set to the work item and it will move back to the responsible agent’s Enate Inbox, marked with ‘new information received’.
If the incoming 'Out of Office' email is matched to an existing work item that is in a state of CLOSED, the system may take various courses of action depending upon the type of work item:
The system will firstly ‘go up’ the work item chain to look for a parent work item e.g.
if the email is matched to an Action that is CLOSED, the system will see if the Action’s parent Case is still open.
if the email is matched to a Case that is CLOSED, the system will see if the Case has a parent Case or Ticket that is still open.
if the email is matched to a Ticket that is CLOSED, the system will see if the Ticket has a parent Ticket that is still open.
If the system does find a parent work item that is still open, the system will then apply the rest of the email processing logic to the parent work item (i.e. all of the logic in the above sections on running work items).
If no information can be identified to link the incoming 'Out of Office' email to a currently running work item, the system will generate a brand new work item (Ticket or Case) based on the email’s configured routing rules.
If a Ticket has been created, even if the email route settings specified in Builder have the ‘send response’ option set to ‘on’, a confirmation email will NOT be automatically sent back out to the to the email address that the 'Out of Office' email originated from as the 'Disable Automated Emails' option will be automatically switched on.
Unprocessed Emails - here you'll be able to see any such unprocessed emails for your area of the business, and decide on the what to do with them. The number next to this section shows you the total number of emails in the section. .
There's also links to your and your - all of which open in separate tabs.
For Unprocessed Emails, the number next to this section shows you the total number of emails in the section. .
Additionally, the system can automatically retry sending emails if your system has been set with an Automated Failure Retry Pattern (). Once the system has retried sending an email the maximum number of times specified, it will no longer retry sending it automatically, but you can still retry sending the email manually, i.e. by clicking the 'Retry' icon.
Email Connector - the name of the email connector through which your system sends emails. This is configured in Builder, .
Send Retry Count - this will show the number of times the system has tried to send the email. You can set this number in Builder, .
Connector Disabled - if an email has this Send Status, it means that the Email Connector has been disabled in Builder. .
Queued - an email with this Send Status is already scheduled to be sent. Emails send when an Undo Send option has been set will have this status too (). When these emails will be sent depends on the Automated Failure Retry Pattern option which is set in Builder, .
The same rules apply to auto-generated emails that are matched to an existing work item in a state of Waiting or Waiting for more Information. Please see the for more information on how the system detects auto-generated emails.
The same rules apply to auto-generated emails that are matched to an existing work item in a state of RESOLVED. Please see the for more information on how the system detects auto-generated emails.
If the system cannot find a parent work item that is still open, the incoming email will NOT be appended to the already closed work item. It will instead create a new work item following the for what happens when the system is unable to match an email to an existing work item.
While you're following a work item, you'll receive a notification whenever any of the occur - things like changes in state, changes in its assignee, etc.. If you have , you will receive copies of your notifications via those channels too.
You can only follow an individual work item by manually clicking to follow it from its work item screen. The one exception to this rule is when you're following a Ticket and that Ticket is subsequently set to . In that circumstance you will automatically be set to follow all the Tickets that the original was split into.
When you click to follow a work item, you will only be set to following that work item and not work items that are related to it e.g. other Actions in a Case, or any.
You can choose which notifications you want to receive and how by going to your and clicking to view your .
You can choose to receive notifications for work items in your and/or for work items in your .
For each event you subscribe to, you will automatically get notified in Work Manager in the (via the Notifications icon in the header bar) - with a counter showing the number of unread notifications. However you can additionally choose if you also want to be notified by and/or by .
You can adjust your notification preferences by clicking on the 'Notification Settings' option or by going to you and then clicking to view ''.
Email notifications will be sent to the email address that is .
The address that the email will be sent from is .
The same rules apply to other auto-generated incoming emails that are matched to an existing work item in a state of Waiting or Waiting for more Information (i.e. incoming Out of Office emails are treated in exactly the same was as other incoming auto-generated emails in this state). Please see this for more information on how the system detects auto-generated emails.
The same rules apply to other auto-generated incoming emails that are matched to an existing work item in a state of RESOLVED (i.e. incoming Out of Office emails are treated in exactly the same was as other incoming auto-generated emails in this state). Please see this for more information on how the system detects auto-generated emails.
If the system cannot find a parent work item that is still open, the incoming email will NOT be appended to the already closed work item. It will instead create a new work item following the for what happens when the system is unable to match an email to an existing work item.
The same rules apply to other auto-generated incoming emails that are matched to an existing work item in a state of CLOSED (i.e. incoming Out of Office emails are treated in exactly the same was as other incoming auto-generated emails in this state). Please see this for more information on how the system detects auto-generated emails.
Number of work Items Created
Will they appear in the Unprocessed View
Email to just one email address in either the TO or CC field
Email to 2 or more email addresses in either TO or CC field
2 or more
Email to 1 email address in TO, another in CC field, and one in BCC field
1 for each TO & CC address
*Email to 1 email address in TO and another in BCC field
1 for TO field
Email to 1 or more email addresses in BCC only. Nothing in TO or CC fields.
Yes - for the BCC email mailbox
Email to just 1 email address that is not correctly configured in Enate
Yes - for the non-configured email address
Email to 1 email address that is not configured correctly in Enate and one email address configured in Enate
1 for the configured email address
My Work Inbox
You will receive notifications for work items that are in your work inbox i.e. work items that are assigned to you.
This is switched on by default for all users.
My Queues
You will receive notifications for work items that are in Queues that you are in and/or manage.
This option is switched on by default for Team Leaders.
New Information Received
A new email or Self Service Note has been received on the work item
Users subscribed to receive notifications for a work item in its related group to this (e.g. Case/Actions or the child/parent of a split Ticket) will also receive the notification.
Work Item Assigned to Me
Assigned user of a work item has changed to me
Only the person the work item is being assigned to will receive the notification.
New Work Item into Queue
Assigned Queue of a work item has changed to a Queue that I am in and/or manage
New File Added
A new file has been manually uploaded by an agent to the files tab of the work item
Users subscribed to receive notifications for a work item related to this (e.g. Case/Actions or the child/parent of a split Ticket) will also receive the notification.
Due Date 'At Risk' Reminder
Due date of the work item is deemed to be at risk. This is calculated by subtracting the expected time for the work item to take with an additional 30 minutes from the due date/time.
E.g. if the work item is due to be completed at 17.00 and the time expected to complete the work item is 1 hour, the Due Date 'At Risk' Reminder will be sent at 15.30.
Note that this notification will not be sent if:
the work item is in a state of Draft
the work item is in a state of In Progress and assigned to a user
the work item is in a state of Waiting AND its due date has been configured with the option 'Add Wait Time To Due Date'
Anyone subscribed to receive notifications for the parent of this work item (if there is one) will also receive this notification.
Work Item is Overdue
The due date of the work item has been missed and it is now overdue.
Anyone subscribed to receive notifications for the parent of this work item (if there is one) will also receive this notification.
Action Rejected
A robot has actively rejected an Action, or repeatedly failed to process it
Anyone subscribed to receive notifications for the parent Case of the Action will also receive this notification.
Case Needs Attention
A Case has encountered a problem and requires intervention before it can proceed.
Users subscribed to receive notifications for a work item Related to this (e.g. Case/Actions or the child/parent of a split Ticket) will also receive the notification. Note that the person who rejected the Action within the Case will not receive the notification.
Peer Review Completed
The peer review of an Action has completed
Anyone subscribed to receive notifications for the parent Case of the Action will also receive this notification. Note that the person who completed the peer review will not receive the notification.
There are three types of Work Item in Enate:
Tickets – Used for modelling single-part activities, e.g. queries. Tickets are standalone and are not part of a business process. Can be promoted to become a specific type of Case.
Cases – Used for modelling multi-part activities (i.e. business processes).
Actions – the constituent parts of a Case, i.e. a Case is made up of a flow of Actions. Contains a set of instructions, often a checklist of activities to track progress within the Action. These can be manual (can be carried out by humans and bots) or automatic Actions, e.g. auto sending an email.
Work can be created by users from within Work Manager in two ways:
From Create New Work Item. This is a dropdown available from the toolbar, the agent selects a Case or Ticket to start under a specific business context
From the Contact Activity page, often also referred to as the Call Handling Page. From this page, the service agent would first search for and find a person (often someone calling in to the service centre), and then start a piece of work directly for them, i.e. a Ticket or a Case
You can create work by clicking on the ‘Create’ link in the header bar (cube image). This will produce a dropdown screen section allowing you to start a new work item. For users with access to multiple customers, dropdown displays at the top of the screen allow you to filter by Customer and Contract.
Input links automatically appear here for Tickets and Cases when you have created a Ticket or Case process in Builder and set it to Live. Clicking on a link will create the new work item in a separate tab.
Note: When running in Test Mode, processes which are in a state of ‘validated draft’ will be displayed here
You can create work by clicking on the 'Start New Activity' dropdown on the Contact Activity page.
If you are on a contact page for someone under a known company (i.e. scoped at customer level), the Customer information will not display in this link name. A free text search will allow you to filter this list of links. Administrators can control whether you wish to see the Input link for a given Ticket / Case process via settings in Builder
Creating a work item from the contact activity page will automatically assign the contact as the primary contact of the work item.
Click the Note tab to add a note. Anyone can add an internal note to a Ticket, Case or Action – you don’t have to have it assigned to you, and adding a note won’t auto-assign the work to you. These are notes for internal use and the external contacts won’t ever see them.
If desired, you can specify which kind of interaction resulted in the note, e.g. phone incoming / outgoing etc.
If we we are adding a note to a Ticket assigned to ourselves, we have the additional option of Adding a Note & Resolving the work item which will resolve the work item when we click on it.
After adding the note, the screen will refresh with the new note displayed on the timeline.
If you have started to enter a note but have not saved it, the tab will display a ‘*’ marker on the tab alerting you to this.
If you subsequently try to close the work item tab with this ‘in-progress’ items still unsaved, the system will alert you asking if you wish to proceed.
The timeline shows the history of activity that has taken place for a work item in a chronological list. It is divided into the Comms Tab which shows the communications history for the work item and the Timeline Tab which shows all of the activity that has taken place for the work item. See the following video for more information.
The Comms tab shows the communications history for a work item, such as emails, log activity and notes. For Tickets and Actions, the timeline section will display the Comms tab by default.
The communications will be displayed in chronological order with the most recent at the top and the most recent email communication will be auto expanded by default. You can expand items to view them in more detail.
Incoming communications which have arrived on the work item since it was last accessed by an agent will display on the timeline with a green dot to make you aware of the new communications. The green dots will clear after any manual update is made to the work item and you hit ‘Submit’. The system does not clear the green dots based purely on the work item being viewed, as it could be viewed by multiple parties. Instead, in order to ensure that the agent tasked with working on this item is aware of such recent updates an explicit update to the work item is needed before the green dot will clear.
Additionally, if another Ticket has been merged into the work item you are currently viewing, any communications from that now merged Ticket will initially display on the timeline highlighted with green dots to make you aware of the new relevant communications. These will again clear the next time the work item is manually updated.
You can choose which communications you wish to see on the comms timeline by clicking on the filter icon.
The number next to the filter icon lets you know how many types of communications you are able to see out of the total number of types of communications available.
You can choose to filter the Comms tab by the following communications:
Cancelled - this shows emails that have been cancelled, when they were cancelled and who they were cancelled by
Failed - this will shows emails that have failed to send and why they failed to send. Note that you can try to resend failed emails from the Timeline section by clicking the 'Retry' option.
Incoming - this will shows emails coming in from a third party, when they arrived and who they were sent by
Outgoing - this will shows emails going out to a third party, when they were send and who they were sent by.
Scheduled - this will shows emails that are scheduled to send at a later date, when the emails are scheduled to send and who and who set the schedule. You also have the option to send the email now or to cancel the email from the Timeline. Additionally, when an Undo Send time is set, the option to send emails straight away or to cancel sending the email
will appear in the Timeline during the Undo Send period (see here for more information about the Undo Send option) when scheduled emails are set to appear in the Timeline.
Log Activity
Incoming and outgoing phone calls
Incoming and outgoing letters
Notes - this shows the notes that have been added to the work item
Self Service - this shows communications entered by self Service Users
(If the work item is a Ticket) Ticket Initial Description - this shows the initial description under which a Ticket was submitted
When this is switched on, the comms tab will display communications not just from this work item, but for all related work items.
When a related work item appears on the timeline, its reference will be displayed in the timeline.
This setting is switched on by default for Cases so that when viewing a Case, you will also be able to see communications for all of its corresponding Actions.
This option is switched off by default for Tickets and Actions, so they will default to only displaying communications from this work item.
When switched on, system-generated communications such as auto-created submission confirmation emails which Enate sends out will be displayed. This option is off by default.
The timeline tab shows the all of the activity history that has taken place for a work item, such as allocation changes, status changes and information about the quality of the work item, as well as all of the communications information that is also displayed in the comms tab.
The items will be displayed on the timeline in chronological order with the most recent at the top.
You can choose which activities you wish to see on the timeline by clicking on the filter icon.
The number next to the filter icon lets you know how many types of communications you are able to see out of the total number of types of communications available.
In addition to all the communication options, you can choose to filter the timeline tab by the following information:
Queues - when the work item has moved to a different Queue
Reassignments - the shows when the work item has been reassigned to another user
Case Rework History (Cases Only)
If a Case has been set to rework, the timeline will show who set the Case to rework, when it was set to rework, and the Step number and Action it was set to rework from.
Email Attachment Deletion
This shows when an email attachment has been deleted. It includes the file name of the email attachment that was deleted, the subject of the email it was attached to, who deleted it and when it was deleted.
Due Date Missed - this shows when the due date for the work item has been missed
Due Date Changed - when the due date of the work item, the timeline will show when it has been changed to, who changed it and when they changed it
Status Changes
this shows when the work item status was changed (e.g. from In Progress to Resolved), who it was changed by and the reason it was changed. The icon on the left will reflect the status the work item was changed to.
If the status has changed to Wait, the Timeline will also show the Wait type
If the status has changed to Resolved, the Timeline will also show the Resolution Method
when a Peer-Review Action is in the peer review stage
If a Case has a problem
Include Related Work Items
When this is switched on, the timeline will display information not just from this work item, but for all related work items.
When a related work item appears on the timeline, its reference will be displayed underneath the icon.
This setting is switched on by default for Cases so that when viewing a Case, you will also be able to see information about all of its corresponding Actions.
This option is switched off by default for Tickets and Actions, so they will default to only displaying information from this work item.
The one exception is when merging a Ticket, any Tickets which were closed due to merging will default to display the information from the downstream related Ticket.
Include System-Generated Activities
When switched on, system-generated timeline entries such as auto-created submission confirmation emails which Enate sends out will be displayed. This option is off by default.
Clicking on the 'Pull from Queue' button in the Work Inbox grid header will assign you a new piece of work, if any is available for your to do.
How does the system determine which work item to give a user when they click the “Pull from Queue” button on their Work Inbox?
The system works by looking at all unassigned work items from all of the Queues the user is linked to, and has permissions on, and assigns one new work item, prioritising items as follows:
Any currently OVERDUE work item (most overdue item first). If none found, then
Any work item which has been rejected by a Robot. If none found, then
Any work item (item due soonest selected first).
Note: Queues set to ‘strict mode’ are there to allocate work strictly to robots. Any human users linked to such queues are there only as a fall back for rejected robot work items, and aren’t auto-allocated the normal, unrejected work items from them when hitting “Pull from Queue”.
The Bulk Create feature lets you create large numbers of Cases and/or Tickets via the uploading of data from Excel spreadsheets.
You can find a link to the Bulk Create page in the ‘Bulk Create’ link in the ‘Create New Work Item’ dropdown.
You can download a template of the excel file. The excel templates available will conform to whichever language you currently have set in your Enate user preferences.
Once you have added the data into the excel file, save and close it, then on the Bulk Create screen click to select the file.
Once you are happy, click on the ‘Upload’ button. This will upload your information about the Cases or Tickets from your file on-screen.
You will see the following information:
Total – the total number of items contained in the uploaded file that will be created
Created – the number of items that have been created successfully (this will be zero before you start to create)
Not Started – the number of items that are waiting to be created
Additionally, in the grid you will see that a 'Status' and 'Reference' column have been added - these will be filled in by the system when the items get created.
All you need to for now is to click ‘Create Items’ and the system will start creating your Cases/Tickets. The information displayed will update to show the number of items that have been successfully create and the reference numbers of the work items created.
You can download the excel file templates to bulk create Tickets from the following links:
You can download the excel file templates to bulk create Cases from the following links:
The mandatory fields which must be filled in order to create a Case are:
Case - the process name
Title - the title for the individual Case work item.
The mandatory fields which must be filled in order to create a Ticket are:
Ticket - the process name
Title - the title for the individual Ticket
Ticket Description
Ticket Category Level 1
Ticket Category Level 2
Ticket Category Level 3
Any contact records used in a bulk create file i.e. Primary Contact, Requester, Subject and CC contacts must adhere to the following rules:
the email address of the contact must be used
the contact must already exist in the system
Optional fields that can be filled in for both Tickets and Cases are:
Do Not Send Automated Emails To Contacts - whether or not you want to send system-automated emails, such as request acknowledgement emails, to the contacts of the work item. Enter 'True' or 'False', this also applies for languages other than English.
Please be aware that any dates entered must have the following formatting:
Note that hours and minutes entered can either be in the 24 hour system format i.e. 23:00 or in the 12 hour system format with an AM/PM after it i.e. 11:00 AM.
Valid date format examples:
25-05-2022 23:25
25-05-2022 11:25 PM
If you choose not to enter hours or minutes, the system will set a default time of 00:00.
You can also pass custom data fields into the Cases/Tickets as they are being created. To do this, add a column name which precisely matches the data field name in Enate. If any of these bespoke fields are marked as mandatory in your Case process configuration, you MUST supply a value in this field’s column for every row in the upload file (otherwise that row will fail validation and a Case will not be created for it).
Bulk create supports below list of custom field type:
Check Box
Decimal Number
Email Address
Long Text
Multiple level list
Short Text
Whole Number
Bulk create does not support below custom field type:
Entity Relationship
Additionally, the following system property fields are not supported when bulk creating work:
Keep with me
Keep Action with me
If you do have any validation errors, these will be highlighted in red and a ‘warning’ status icon will be displayed. If the input values are wrong throughout an entire column, validation errors will be displayed at the bottom of the grid e.g. if a field column is referenced in the upload file which does not exist in the system. If the input values are wrong for an individual row, a ‘warning’ status icon will be displayed at the start of the row and the individual validation errors will be highlighted in red. You will then need to modify the file, click to 'change file' and select to upload your updated file.
You can still proceed with creation of the valid Case items in your upload file. The system will skip over the invalid rows and confirm creation of the valid ones, but the invalid items will need to be resolved before they can be created. You can do this by modifying the file and then clicking to 'change file' and select to upload your updated file.
Click here to see the full list of potential validation errors for Bulk Create:
Bulk Create is also supported in all of the languages that Enate offers: French, German, Spanish, Portuguese Brazilian, Romanian, Polish, Hungarian and Russian.
Note: the bulk create template uploaded should be in the same language as the logged-in user’s preferred language. For example, if a Spanish user wants to upload a bulk create template, then the template they upload should be in Spanish.
, 但它还包含一些特定于票据的功能。观看此视频以了解更多信息:comms/timeline 并查看附加的文件和链接,查看发送到工作项的电子邮件,添加备注,和一些基本功能,包括操作和案例。票据屏幕具有相同的整体布局。
如果在 Builder 中将工单配置为具有覆盖截止日期选项,则可以通过单击标题中的截止日期并在弹出窗口中更改日期来覆盖工单的截止日期。
请注意,如果您将票据类别更改为不允许覆盖截止日期的类别,则系统将重新计算并使用 Builder 中为该类别配置
设定者 - 谁
原因 - 状态变更的原因 - 即为什么会更改,可能是手动的或是过程的一部分。
日期 - 状
更新者 - 谁是最后更改票
上次更新时间 - 工单中某些数据最后一次更改的时间
保持与我关联 - 选择此选项的用户将自动被分配为工作项的所有者或负责人。这仍然可以
发送自动化电子邮件 - 例如向票务联系发送票务确认电子邮件的选项。
主要联系人 – 您处理此工单的主要联系人。对于工单,这是必填项。
请求者 – 提出最初请求的人。这对于工单是强制性的
主题 – 票据相关的对象(这可能与上述内容均无关)。
抄送(CCs)– 任何可以在通信中抄送的联系人。当某个联系人仅标记为“抄送”时,它将在单独的抄送区域显示(在工作项中有仅抄送联系人才会
为了帮助您管理与服务水平协议(SLA)相关的活动,Enate 允许用户跟踪工作项的完成时间,包括整体总时间和各个资源的分解时间。
观看此视频以了解有关在 Enate 中记录缺陷的更多信息。
获取客户反馈 这将显示您当前的反馈评分以及最近的客户反馈。有关更多信息,请参见此.
If you wish to quickly re-access a work item (e.g. you wish to re-open a work item tab you’ve just closed down), open the ‘Recently Accessed’ link from the navigation dropdown.
This will display a list of the last 20 items which you have accessed (along with datetime the tab was closed), ordered by most recent first. Click an item to re-open the tab.
To help you manage activity against your SLAs, Enate allows users to track the time it takes for work items to be completed, both as an overall total and broken out by the various resources who may have worked on it.
The Time Tracker Card in work items tracks the time of each individual browser session that the item is worked on; time is tracked whenever a work item is open on-screen, regardless of whether it is assigned to the user or not and regardless of what state the work item is in. Time tracking halts when the work item tab is closed. See here for more details about in the Time Tracker card.
The card displays the length of time of the current session, a combined total of the length of time of all previous sessions, and - for Actions and Tickets - the expected time required to complete the work item.
Note: You are able to pause and reset the time being recorded for the current session, regardless of whether or not you are the work item's assignee.
Additionally you can edit the time of the current and your previous recorded sessions, regardless of whether or not you are the work item's assignee. However please note that only Team Leaders are able to edit the time recorded by other members of their team, whereas Team Members are only able to edit the time recorded for their own sessions.
Expanding the Time Tracker card displays the recorded time for previous sessions, as well as who was working on the work item during that session, how long the session lasted and if the session's recorded time has been edited.
Clicking on the information icon lets you see the date and time when the session was recorded and, if the work item is a Ticket, which category it was assigned to during that session.
You can edit the time of the current and previous recorded sessions, regardless of whether or not you are the work item's assignee. However please note that only Team Leaders are able to edit the time recorded by other members of their team, whereas Team Members are only able to edit the time recorded for their own sessions.
Manually editing the current time-on-task will save that edited time as a new row in the history.
You will be able to see further information including when an edit was made and who by when you open the card in full-screen mode.
Note that time tracker values for work performed by robots are read-only.
You can click the expand icon to open the card in full-screen mode. Here you can see the length of time of the current session, a combined total of the length of time of all previous sessions, and, for Actions and Tickets, the expected time required to complete the work item. You will also be able to see more detailed information about the individual session, as well as information about edits made to the recorded time:
The expected time required to complete the work item can be configured in Builder for Actions and Tickets. Note that this information will only display if:
An Estimated Effort value has been entered for this Action / the selected Ticket Category in Builder.
The system-wide setting to display estimated effort is set to On.
Time is tracked whenever a user has the work item open and displayed on-screen. Time will not be tracked when the Time Tracker Card has been paused. You can find more detailed information about whether time is tracked or not in a particular scenario from the table below.
The Enate system will always keep a record of the automatically recorded time (i.e. not manually edited). This is a record of the amount of time which the work item tab was displayed directly on screen. This data is not displayed to you but can be accessed for MI / reporting purposes. Please note that the time tracker tracks ALL accessing of the work item, even after it is completed. Manually editing the current time-on-task will save that edited time as a new row in the history. The ‘time on task’ box will subsequently display the auto-running count of the time since you started the manual edit of the previously displayed value.
The files tab shows all of the files and links that have been added to that work item and its related work items, plus attachments for incoming and outgoing emails.
Any files/links for the current work item which is open are displayed at the top of the files tab, and any for its related work items are shown in a separated section below this. Items are sorted by the date/time they were uploaded with the most recent at the top.
Various icons help you to identify further information:
Please note that when upgrading from versions older than 2022.3, the files attached directly to a work item will all show in the 'Other work items' section without a reference number. Email attachments for this work item's emails will show in the 'Current' section however.
If the work item is assigned to you, you can add files and links to a work item in the Files tab. Multiple files can be uploaded at one time. Click the upload links at the top of the tab to upload.
You can also drag and drop files into the files tab to upload them.
Note: The maximum size per file is 100.00 MB.
You can also add tags to multiple files and links at once by selecting one or more items and using the icon which are then displayed in the Files tab header.
Once tags have been added, the files/links will become available for auto-adding to emails with matching tags, allowing you to ensure that all documents of a relevant type are included with specific emails / email body content.
When a canned response text is inserted into a manual email or when a new email is auto-created and sent in-process, the system will identify any tags linked to the canned text / email template and will then auto-attach all of that work item’s files which share the same tag. Tags are linked to the canned response / email content as part of system configuration by administrator users in Builder when creating email templates.
Tagging files is also an important feature for processes which involve automation technology. Example: if a downstream automated Action needs to know which of the files you’ve attached to your Case is the ‘Invoice Confirmation’ file, you can tag the relevant files as such and, no matter the file name, the automation technology would know to select that file based on its tag. Such external automation technology can equally well supply tags as part of uploading documents into Work Items in Enate for further downstream manual / automated use.
Note: If file tags are not configured in your system then this ‘add file tag’ option will not be displayed.
You can also add notes to files and links to provide a brief description of the content or to provide any other information that might be useful.
You can also add notes to multiple files and links at once by selecting one or more items and using the icon which are then displayed in the Files tab header.
The menu on the right lets you preview an individual file. The preview will open in a new tab.
If the file is not previewable, a confirmation banner will pop up to explain this, and to offer an option to download the file. The file types supported for preview are as follows: txt, pdf, jpg, jpeg, jpe, jif, jfif, jfi, png, gif, web, tiff, tif, heif,heic, svg, svgz.
You can download individual files by clicking on the option in the menu on the right.
You can download multiple files at once by selecting the files you wish to download and selecting the option at the top of the screen. These can be downloaded as multiple individual files or as a single compressed ZIP file via the ZIP download option here.
You can delete files or links individually by clicking on the menu on the right.
You can also delete multiple files/links by selecting the files/links you wish to remove and selecting the delete option at the top of the screen.
You can filter the files and links being displayed in the files tab by using the filter option at the top. You can filter by: Attachments, Outgoing Email Attachments, Incoming Email Attachments and Links.
There's also a freetext search available to help you locate individual files or links. You can search based on the various text groups on display - Filename, Tag info and Notes texts.
This will bring up the Bulk Create screen in a new tab. From this screen select whether you want to bulk create Cases or Tickets. You can then download the relevant Excel template, populate it, then upload it to the page - making sure to fill in any beforehand.
You can then choose if you want to allow work items with duplicate titles to be created by using the ‘Unique Title’ option. Leaving this option off allows work items with duplicate titles to be created. Switching this option on will ensure that any work item which is due to have the same title as another item in the upload file will .
Issues – the number of items with (these need to be fixed before the items can be successfully created)
Note that the Primary Contact and Requester fields are only mandatory for a Case when the '' option is set to 'on' for the Case type you are bulk creating in the Service Lines screen in Builder. If you do want to fill these fields in, make sure to.
Primary contact - the main contact you are dealing with for this query. .
Requester - the contact that raised the initial request. .
Note that all data entered must match existing values in the system, otherwise will be displayed.
the contact must be that the Case/Ticket will be created under
Subject - the contact the work item is about. .
CC email address(es) - any further contacts which can be copied on any correspondence. . Also note that when adding two or more CC email addresses, please make sure to separate the addresses with a semi colon (;) with no spaces either side e.g. user.one@example.net;user.two@example.net.
Override Due Date - enter the new due date. .
Date Only - .
Date and Time - .
Hyperlink - note that hyperlinks with customised display text are not supported i.e. the text entered in a hyperlink field must be the entire URL of the hyperlink e.g. and NOT
Additionally, the column header values in the bulk create template should match the values that are configured in Enate Builder in the . If the translations for fields like Primary contact, Requester, CC, Subject or any Custom Data Fields have been modified in the Localisations page, then the column headings in the bulk create template need to match these values.
You can see the name of the file, what type of file it is, its size, who uploaded it (and when), plus the reference number and of the work item it was uploaded to. You can also see the and that have been added to the files.
Standard file attachments are denoted with a paperclip icon:
Links are denoted with a links icon:
Attachments from incoming emails are denoted with a green email icon:
Attachments from outgoing emails are denoted with a blue email icon:
All files in the files tab are available to and links are available to add to the email body.
By default, all types of files can be uploaded, however filetypes can be restricted by specifying acceptable types in the section of Builder.
Tags can be added to files and links. Tags help you to add structure to your files - important when sending out information. The tag titles available to you are .
Who was working on the work item
The start and end time and total length of time of the recorded session
The date when the session was recorded
Time Edited By
Who last edited the session's recorded time
Time Edited To
What the session's recorded time has been edited to
Date Edited
The date when the session's recorded time was edited
Ticket Category (Ticket Only)
The category that the Ticket was in when the time was edited
What happens with the running counter
Work item is open on-screen - assigned to me / not assigned to me
Time is tracked
Work item tab is closed
Time tracking stops and the current time tracking session is ended. Any subsequent activity will start a new time tracking session.
User selects a different work item tab
Time tracking for the original work item pauses when it is not open on-screen
User re-selects the original work item tab
Time tracking starts again as part of same session
Composing email for a work item in an email pop put while the work item tab is still selected in the main browser window
Time is still tracking
The browser is minimised, but the work item tab is still the selected work item tab in browser window
Time is still tracking
The computer is locked, but Enate was still running and that work item tab was still in open on-screen
Time is still tracking but will stop upon Enate session timeout
User logs out of Enate session
Time tracking stops and the current time tracking session is ended. A new time tracking session will be started when the user logs back in.
The browser is closed unexpectedly / computer is closed unexpectedly / internet connection is lost
The Enate system will have a record of the most recently polled time (within last 3 minutes) and the current time tracking session is ended. A new time tracking session will be started when the user logs back in.
Related work items are a tightly connected group of items which, while they behave according to their own specific configuration, do have an active impact on their 'parent' work item - specifically the parent work item will not complete until all of its 'children' have completed first.
Communications will be shared automatically between work items in the related group so they are always visible, and when you reply to an email in one work item, the reply can be seen in all the other work items.
Additionally, files, links, defects, smart cards, and contacts are also shared automatically between all the work items in the group, so updating for example a file in one work item will update the file in all the other work items in the related group as well.
Groups of Related work items include:
A Case and its Actions
A Case and its Sub Case(s)
The remaining Ticket and other 'resolved' Tickets if multiple Tickets have been merged
A 'child' Case and its parent Ticket if a Ticket has been converted to a Case
Note that for split Tickets, a snapshot of the files, links, defects, smart cards, and contacts of the parent are to its child Tickets, so updating for example a file in one work item will not update the file in all the other work items in the related group. However, the parent Ticket, which will have moved to a state of Waiting, will not complete until all of its 'child' Tickets have completed first. Also note that if the parent Ticket receives an incoming email, it will be copied to its child Tickets rather than shared.
When work items don't have an active impact on each other (i.e. they're not part of a Related Work Items group) but there's still a loose connection between them and you want to be able to quickly jump to one from another, you should use the Linked Work Item feature in Enate.
Work items with a 'Linked' relationship behave according to their own specific configuration and do not need to wait for the other to complete before they can complete themselves. You can easily link two or more work items together at any time and it's a very useful, flexible way of loosely connecting together items so people in e.g. different departments can stay easily up to date on how other work connected to the Ticket/Case they're working on is going.
Communications will also not be shared automatically between linked work items, but you can choose to copy a snapshot of the communications in one work item to a work item it is linked to.
Note that you also have the option to share emails between linked work items - see here for more information on how to share emails between linked work items.
Additionally, the files, links, defects, custom data, and contacts will not be shared automatically when launching a new linked work item, but you can choose to copy a snapshot of them. Any updates made to these will not be reflected in the other linked work items.
Work items with a linked relationship will show in the 'Linked Work' tab in Cases and Tickets.
Using this type of connection is useful if e.g. a Case’s due date is not dependent on some other piece of work being completed (e.g. by a different department), but it's still considered useful for people working on either one to remain aware of activity on the other and, importantly, to have a quick point of accessing the other.
Work Items can be linked together in the following ways:
A Case or a Ticket launched directly from within an existing Case or Ticket.
Manually adding a link from a Case/Ticket to another existing Case or Ticket.
在 Enate 中手动启动工单时,会处于“草稿”状态,直到第一次提交。
如果设置为 ON,SLA 时钟在工单处于此状态时继续运行。'添加等待时间到到期日'对 SLA 时钟的影响:如果工单的到期日规则(在流程设计期间配置)已设置,SLA 时钟在工单处于此状态时暂停
Resolution Email/Note
注意,如果您从弹出屏幕发送电子邮件,则此选项不可用。 您需要回到主工单浏览器屏幕以确认工单的解决。
Various features in Enate allow you to manage activities being carried out by different teams, letting you easily create and oversee work items even when you don't have full permissions on each other's work.
系统会调出该案件的任何相关自定义卡片 - 只需填写任何必填数据,然后点击信息卡上的“启动案件”。
In addition to having the ability to create new linked work items from a Case or Ticket, you can also create links between existing Cases and Tickets to allow you to better manage activities being carried out by different teams.
You can create links between existing work items in two ways:
Note that you can only create links between Cases and Tickets and you cannot copy communications, files, defects, links or custom data when creating a link between existing work items.
You can link existing work items from your Home page by selecting the Cases and Tickets from the Home Page grid (which could be displaying your Work Inbox, Team's Work Inbox, Owned Work or Team's Owned Work) that you want to link together and selecting the 'Link' option that appears at the top of the grid.
The first Case or Ticket that you select will be the work item that all of the subsequent selected work items will be linked to (or the first in your list if you've used the 'Select All' option).
The resulting pop-up will confirm to you the Case / Ticket the items will be linked to, and the specific items themselves, before allowing you to complete the linking confirmation:
You can link up to a maximum of 50 work items at one time, but there is no upper limit on the number of work items that can ever be linked.
If you subsequently go to this main Ticket / Case that everything has been linked to, on its Linked Work tab you'll see ALL of the items you chose to link to it.
However if you're in one of the works items you chose to link to this main Ticket / Case, on that Linked Work tab you'll only see a record of that main Ticket / Case (and not all of the other ones which were linked).
You can link existing work items from within a work item itself by going to the work item's screen and selecting the '+ Work item' option and then choosing to add an 'Existing item'.
In the resulting pop-up you can search for the Cases and/or Tickets you want to link this work item to.
You link up to a maximum of 50 work items at one time, but there is no limit on the number of work items that can ever be linked.
A link to the new linked Case or Ticket will appear in the Linked Work tab in screen of the work items that have been linked.
You can unlink work items at any time by going to the Linked Work tab in the work item's screen and selecting the Unlink icon.
来自现已关闭的工单的通信现在将显示在剩余工作项的时间轴中,并用绿色点标记以显示它们是此工作项的新内容及它们来自的工单的参考编号。 当用户将新信息图标设置为已读时,标记将被
屏幕将默认分为两个票据。如果愿意,你可以通过点击“+”图标手动添加更多分割。标题、描述和上下文(客户 >> 票据类别等)会从当前票据中复制,不过都可以进行修改。你可以选择保留每个单独的票据。
例如,如果工单 A 被拆分为工单 B 和 C,且工单 B 在 '2022-02-02 01:10:00' 解决,工单 C 在 '2022-02-03 02:00:00' 解决,则工单 A 的解决时间将标记为 '2022-02-03 02:00:00'。
The Linked Work tab is where you can view all linked work items of a Ticket or Case.
Note that Sub-Cases created via the '+ Work item' link will still display in the 'Sub Cases' tab for the time-being, and do not show in the Links tab.
Within the Links tab grid you can a list of Linked work item, showing their reference, title, assignee, Queue and due date of a work item.
There is also an icon to unlink the work item if they have been linked in error.
You can also expand linked Cases to see their Actions.
If you don't have permissions on a certain business process, the work items from that process will be greyed out and you won't be able to open or edit them. You'll still be able to see higher level information about the work item, e.g. who they're assigned to, which Queue they're in and when they're due.
Launching a Case or Ticket from within an existing one creates a 'Linked' relationship between the work items.
Work items with a 'linked' relationship will retain a link to the original Case / Ticket but are completely independent, behaving according to their own specific configuration and not needing to wait for the other to complete before they can complete themselves. This is useful when the original Case/Ticket's due date is not dependent on some sub part being completed (e.g. by a different department).
Linked work items will show on a Linked Work tab in the work item screen, making it easy to track a group of work items which relate to each other.
Note that only Cases and Tickets can be 'linked' and when a work item is linked to another work item and it is subsequently merged, split or converted into a Case, the subsequent work items resulting from this will also be linked to the original work item.
For example:
When a Ticket is linked to another work item and that Ticket is merged in with another work the remaining merged item will be linked to the original work item.
When a Ticket is linked to another work item and that Ticket is split into multiple Tickets, the subsequent child Tickets will also be linked to the original work item.
When a Ticket is linked to another work item and that Ticket is later converted into a Case, the subsequent Case will also be linked to the original work item.
To create a new linked Ticket from an existing Case or Ticket, click the ‘+ Work item’ link shown near the tabs section of the work item and the choose the 'Ticket' option from the dropdown.
In the resulting pop up, you can filter to search for the new type of Ticket process you want to create in two ways:
by searching by email route - you can specify the mailbox address which people would normally send emails into to create work items. Often an email mailbox represent a certain part of the business within which you want to create your new work item. As a useful shortcut we've added a feature here where you can search by mailbox and narrow down straight away the Ticket processes that you can choose from. Selecting a mailbox will filter the dropdown options to only the processes linked to that mailbox.
by selecting a Customer, Contract, Service and a Ticket process to launch (these will default in values if there is only one option to choose).
Please note that the Tickets available for you to launch will depend on the permissions settings in Builder. Additionally, you will also only be able to select a Ticket process from an email route that has been enabled in Builder (see here for more information). You will also only be able to select a Ticket process in Test Mode if the email route for that Ticket process has been configured to run in Test Mode.
You can then adjust the following settings for the Ticket:
You can modify the title of the new Ticket you are creating
Short Description
You can modify the description of the new Ticket you are creating
Category & Sub Categories
You need to select the category & sub categories of the new Ticket
Override Due Date
Copy Defects
You can copy existing defects from the original Case/Ticket to the new Ticket you are creating. Note that making updates to the Defects in the new linked Ticket will NOT update the defects in the original Ticket/Case it was created from.
Copy Files
You can copy existing files (including tags & file notes) from the original Case/Ticket to the new Ticket you are creating. Note that making updates to the files in the new linked Ticket will NOT update the files in the original Ticket/Case it was created from.
Copy Links
You can copy existing links (including tags & link notes) from the original Case/Ticket to the new Ticket you are creating. Note that making updates to the links in the new linked Ticket will NOT update the links in the original Ticket/Case it was created from.
Copy Custom Data
You can copy existing custom data (e.g. custom data fields) from the original Case/Ticket to the new Ticket you are creating. Note that making updates to the custom data in the new linked Ticket will NOT update the custom data in the original Ticket/Case it was created from.
Copy Communications
Send Automated Emails
You can choose to send auto-generated system emails (e.g. Ticket creation acknowledgement emails) to contacts tagged as the the primary contact, requester or subject.
Adding Contacts
Then click to Create. A link to the new linked Ticket will appear in the 'Linked Work' tab.
Linked Cases will retain a link to the original Case / Ticket but are completely independent, behaving according to their own specific configuration and not needing to wait for the other to complete before they can complete themselves. This is useful when the original Case/Ticket's due date is not dependent on some sub part being completed (e.g. by a different department).
To create a new linked Case from an existing Case or Ticket, click the ‘+ Work item’ link shown near the tabs section of the work item and the choose the 'Case' option from the dropdown.
In the resulting pop up, you can filter to search for the new type of Case process you want to create in two ways:
by searching by email route - you can specify the mailbox address which people would normally send emails into to create work items. Often an email mailbox represent a certain part of the business within which you want to create your new work item. As a useful shortcut we've added a feature here where you can search by mailbox and narrow down straight away the Case processes that you can choose from. Selecting a mailbox will filter the dropdown options to only the processes linked to that mailbox.
by selecting a Customer, Contract, Service and a Case process to launch (these will default in values if there is only one option to choose).
Please note that the Cases available for you to launch will depend on the permissions settings in Builder. Additionally, you will also only be able to select a Case process from an email route that has been enabled in Builder (see here for more information). You will also only be able to select a Case process in Test Mode if the email route for that Case process has been configured to run in Test Mode.
You can then adjust the following settings for the Case:
Short Description
You can modify the short description of the new Case you are creating
Override Due Date
Copy Defects
You can copy existing defects from the original Case/Ticket to the new Case you are creating. Note that making updates to the defects in the new linked Case will NOT update the defects in the original Ticket/Case it was created from.
Copy Files
You can copy existing files (including tags and file notes) from the original Case/Ticket to the new Case you are creating. Note that making updates to the files in the new linked Case will NOT update the files in the original Ticket/Case it was created from.
Copy Links
You can copy existing links (including tags and link notes) from the original Case/Ticket to the new Case you are creating. Note that making updates to the links in the new linked Case will NOT update the links in the original Ticket/Case it was created from.
Copy Custom Data
You can copy existing custom data (e.g. custom data fields) from the original Case/Ticket with the new Case you are creating. Note that making updates to the custom data in the new linked Case will NOT update the custom data in the original Ticket/Case it was created from.
Copy Communications
Send Automated Emails
You can choose if you want to send auto-generated system emails (e.g. Case creation acknowledgement emails) to contacts tagged as the the primary contact, requester or subject.
Adding Contacts
Then click to Create. A link to the new linked Case will appear in the 'Linked Work' tab.
Custom Data can be added to Tickets, Cases and Actions to capture bespoke information on these work items as they run through process. The information is displayable via Custom Cards. Custom Cards can be set to display in the main section of the work item, and also as a section of the side panel on the right side of the screens.
Custom Cards can be designed (with HTML, Typescript and CSS) to surface almost any content, e.g. content from other systems.
Custom Cards can be linked up to standard system validation in order to e.g. make filling in of certain data on a card a requirement before you can progress a work item.
If you have a work item open and are modifying custom data, Enate will check for any data conflict when you go to update the work item. Specifically, a check will be made to see if another user has accessed the work item and changed any of its custom data since you opened it. If so, a confirmation message box will be displayed to you asking whether you wish to proceed with your update (which will override their changes) or instead cancel and refresh your screen to see (and keep) those latest changes.
As part of supporting work being carried out across multiple Cases & Tickets, you can share emails between Linked work items to allow them to be viewed more widely. You can even do this for work items which you don't have permissions on.
You can share emails between linked work items in two ways.
1. From an existing email - Clicking on the '+' icon at the top of an existing email in the timeline and selecting the relevant work item you wish to share the email with.
2. From composing new email - Another way is when writing a new email, you can simply add the work item reference number into the To / CC / BCC of an email by clicking the '+' icon, just as you wold when adding an email address:
You can even use this approach when you just want to share emails between linked work items, without needing to add an email address.
Please note that you can only share emails between work items that are linked. You cannot share emails between Closed work items. Additionally, once an email has been shared between work items, it cannot be unshared.
The email will be sent as normal to any emails addresses specified, and it will also be shared with the selected work items.
When someone responds to the shared email, that response will be attached to both work items.
This advanced search feature available in the Views screen gives you a flexible way to view the work items in your business area by allowing you to specify multiple different combinations of search criteria, letting you view your work item data precisely how you want to.
You can access the ‘Views’ tab from the Nav section. When you hover over the 'Views' option here, you'll also see a list of your (if you have any), sorted in alphabetical order. You can easily created Saved Views when working with your data in the Views tab, so you don't have to enter your search criteria each time.
To use Views, enter your search criteria by setting its Field, Condition (e.g. Equals, Greater Than etc.), and Value against which to evaluate the Condition.
The table below gives more detailed information about the standard fields available in the system.
You can add as many additional sets of conditions as you wish by clicking on the green plus icon.
Once you have entered your search conditions, click Search to reveal your search results. Your total number of search results will be shown at the top of the grid.
As with your Work Inbox and Owned work grids, you can choose which data columns you wish to see or hide in your search results grid by clicking on the Cog icon above the Search Results grid.
A ‘Display and Columns Settings’ popup will appear, allowing you to select which data columns you would like your search results to display.
Note: These custom data column preferences will stay the same when you do multiple searches, and when you next log back in.
You are also able to Group and Order your search results by selecting your Group By and Order By preferences from their respective dropdown lists.
Note: Only a single grouping criteria can be specified, and results will be loaded when you click on and expand an individual group.
You can also save your views which allows you to call them up again whenever you want. There is no limit to the number of views that you can save.
You can access your Saved Views by clicking on the Saved Views link.
Here you can search for a specific Saved View and rename and delete your Saved Views.
You can copy the name of your Saved View by clicking on the copy button on the tab:
You can copy and paste information from the Views grid into an Excel spreadsheet by selecting the information you want to copy and using Ctrl C and Ctrl V. The information that is copied and pasted includes any applied filters. The column titles will automatically be copied and pasted as well.
You are also able to to copy and paste all of the information from the Views grid by using Ctrl-A.
Note: only information that has loaded in the Views grid will be copied across.
Both Team Leaders and Team Members, (provided the Team Member has been set up with the 'Can Assign' permission in Builder, see for more information) have the ability to assign/reassign one or more work items to themselves or to other members of their team. You can assign/reassign a work item to yourself in a number of ways:
1) If the work item is not assigned to anyone, as soon as you start to do any activity which requires assignment the system will automatically assign the work to you (i.e. you do not need to manually set yourself as the assignee).
2) If the work item is assigned to a different user, the system will display a short message when opening the work letting you know this. Click the ‘Take it’ grab icon to instantly assign the work item to yourself.
3) From the homepage grid by selecting which work items you want to reassign to yourself and clicking on the 'Reassign' button that will have appeared at the top of the grid. This will open up a popup where you can can then select the 'Reassign to me' option and you can also add a note if you wish.
If you open an unassigned work item and subsequently make a change which would result in it being auto-assigned to you, if during the interim period another user has opened the same work item and has already assigned to themselves, the system will display a warning popup explaining that if you assign the work to you, any unsaved changes from the other user will be lost.
You have the choice to continue with assigning the work to you (which will discard the other person’s unsaved changes) or cancel your reassignment / update.
Note that some activities can be performed even if the work is not assigned to you since they are purely additive:
Adding a Note
Sending an Email
Adding an Action while in a Case
1) From the work item itself by clicking on the assignee dropdown in the header ribbon and selecting to reassign it to a different user. A popup will display; you can search for a user to assign work to and add a note to go along with the assignment. A notification message (including the note) will be sent to the new user.
2) From the homepage grid by selecting which work items you want to reassign and clicking on the 'Reassign' button that will have appeared at the top of the grid. Clicking on reassign will open up a popup where you can search for which team member you wish to reassign the work items to, and you can also add a note if you wish.
If a work item can be done by a robot, you can also choose to reassign the item to any individual bots that are in your team.
You can also make that reassignment choice at the farm level by selecting ‘Any Bot within [farm name]’. The system will then automatically assign the work item to one of the bots in the farm.
Both Team Leaders and Team Members are able to unassign one or more work items. You are able to unassign work items in any state apart from Closed.
To unassign work items, select which work items you want to unassign from your Work Inbox. This will make the option to Reassign and Unassign appear at the top of the grid.
Once you have unassigned the desired work items, they will then become available for users to pick up from their work Queue.
If your system is set up to allow it, you are able to mark one or more work items from your Work Inbox as 'Complete' directly from the Work Inbox grid. Both Team Leaders and Team Members can use this function.
Note: this is only possible for work items in your Work Inbox. Additionally, this is not possible for Cases or Peer Review Actions.
When you log in to Work Manager you will have your Home page open by default. The navigation section displays the navigation items you have access to.
Enate’s Builder Module allows you to deploy and configure new Services, Cases and Tickets for your customers quickly and easily. It allows you to set up standard reusable configurations which help support repeatability in your Service delivery.
Clicking on 'Queues' in the navigation section, takes you to your Queues page where, as a Team Leader, you can see who reports to you and what Queues you are in charge of.
This advanced search feature available in the Views screen gives you a flexible way to view the work items in your business area by allowing you to specify multiple different combinations of search criteria, letting you view your work item data precisely how you want to.
This takes you to the Contact Management Page where you can see and manage all of your external contacts. Here you can add, edit and delete your contacts.
The ‘Emails’ view gives you a comprehensive list of all the emails in play for your business area, split out into:
Each one will open in their own dedicated tab.
This is where you are able to easily add, edit and delete email addresses to be blocked.
If you wish to quickly re-access a work item (e.g. you wish to re-open a work item tab you’ve just closed down), open the ‘Recently Accessed’ link from the navigation dropdown.
Enate Work Manager supports the following languages:
English (British)
English (US)
Portuguese Brazilian
The Operations environment for end users to deliver the service fully supports these languages and each user will be allowed to choose their preferred language along with date-time pattern in their user profile settings.
To set a preferred language, select a language from the Language dropdown list in User Settings.
The display of labels will appear in the logged-on user’s preferred language - this is achieved by adding a ‘language package’ into Enate. Each language package will have mapping for user-specific language like Portuguese, for example, ‘Queue’ will be ‘Fila’ and ‘Action’ will be ‘Açao’ in Portuguese.
Here is the list of UI elements which will be available in the logged-on user’s preferred language:
Note – Real names such as customer names and usernames will be remained in the original language, as entered by the configurers in Builder.
Enate fully supports a User’s preferred language in Work Manager display and UI elements including labels, links and buttons, however anything added by you will stay in same language you originally entered it in and will not be auto-translated into any other language when being viewed by other users with a different preferred language.
For example, if a Brazilian user adds a note to a Case in Portuguese, Enate will then save the note in Portuguese in the database and will only ever show the note in Portuguese.
Here is full list of items which will be driven by user input and which WILL NOT be auto translated by the product:
The initial releases of multilingual functionality will not support configurers defining multiple languages when creating Custom Data and Smart Cards in Builder. Multiple cards and data items would be required for this.
The initial releases of multilingual functionality will not support notifications in languages other than English.
With v2022.6, we've made working between multiple teams slicker, helping keep everything in synch and everyone in the loop.
Sometimes when you're sending an email on a Work Item and you need to involve teams in other parts of your business, you may not know if they're using Enate yet to manage their work - particularly in larger organisations - and so it can be unclear precisely how to proceed.
Now, when you're working in Enate, you no longer have to worry about this - the system will take care of this for you. You can just write your mail and the system will know what to do next; if anyone internal is involved and they're using Enate, we'll prompt you with tickets or cases of theirs that you might want to share this email with, or quickly create a new work item if needed.
Doing so helps keep all subsequent communications tightly synched up between those teams and any external parties. If you're sending the email to someone who is not using Enate, the system will just send them the email.
If we take an example where we have:
Jane, an Agent working out of Team A in the UK
Karina, an agent in Team B in Poland
An external party who has mailed in a query initially relating to the UK, which lands with Team A
Jane in Team A is writing a response email to the external requestor also see that part of the query needs to involve their Polish team, Team B. Jane doesn't need to know if the Polish team are using Enate, she just adds their email address to her outgoing email.
Enate knows that the Polish team's email address is connected to an Enate mailbox and so it's going to result in Ticket or Case for them. Upon clicking to send the email, Enate will bring up a pop-up explaining this to the Agent, and asking for some more information which will help in the creation of of the work item for the other team.
Once the agent adds this further information to create a linked work item she can confirm to proceed. The email gets sent out to any external recipients, and the other team, Team B in Poland, see the email within a relevant, LINKED, Ticket or Case. Both Teams are aware of the other team's Linked ticket or Case and can keep themselves in the loop on progress.
If Team B's activities happen to fall outside of Team A's permissions, they're still able to see at least the header-level information for it on the Linked Items screen.
Importantly, all the downstream communications get kept tightly in synch.
The External recipient can see both team's addresses on their email and, if they send back a response, BOTH teams will be updated at the same time. Everyone is kept in the loop.
In the most regular scenario, the pop-up would likely show the single, already linked ticket or Case which Team B are working on, essentially saying 'do you want to share this mail with Team B's running ticket?'.
If there's any other internal email addresses added to a mail, going to areas of your business that aren't yet using Enate that's fine - they'll simply go out as emails to communicate with that other team as they normally would.
IMPORTANT NOTE: in order to make use of these features, your email admin team MUST have enabled the 'Plus Addressing' setting in your email server setup - this is what helps route all mails through to the right work items downstream.
For more information on Plus Addressing and how to enable it, see this article:
If the ‘Allow Feedback’ setting is ticked for the type of Ticket in Builder (see for more information on how to do this), outgoing emails will contain a footer-based link for recipients to give feedback scores.
Once clicked, the Enate feedback form will be opened in a separate browser window. It offers the same feedback icons as the previous email but allows a user to change their selection should they wish, and also add an additional comment.
Feedback data is subsequently stored, ready to be called upon by an agent from within the Ticket.
Cases can be set with a feedback window (e.g. 2 weeks) allowing the requester some time within which to come back before the Case is fully, irrevocably, closed. During this period it is possible to reopen the Case. A Case will automatically re-open if (during the feedback window) an email is received or a Ticket is merged into it.
A Case can manually be re-opened by a user using the “Reopen” button which presents on a completed Case which is within its feedback window.
Please note that when work items are reopened, the data stored for who resolved it and when it was resolved are persisted, and are not overwritten when the item is resolved for a second time.
The Feedback window for a Case is set in Builder as part of Case process configuration.
When dealing with a work item, e.g. Ticket, agents can see the customer’s current feedback rating via a link in the ribbon bar:
Clicking on this will open a feedback popup displaying that person’s rating, (if they chose to enter one) and an overall average rating, calculated from all recorded feedback items on a single work item.
Clicking on the user dropdown will show the following dropdown:
Clicking on your name or picture will bring up User Settings. Here you can select your preferred language, add a profile picture, change your password and select the date and time.
Enate currently supports the following languages:
British English
US English
Portuguese (Brazilian)
Clicking ‘Edit Profile Picture’ will bring up picture control to pick up new image from your machine. Clicking the edit button will allow you to navigate to select picture. You can also delete the existing picture via the delete button.
Enate’s Email Signature feature allows you to configure your own signature for outgoing emails. You can use the Email Signature section to define the signature content to be sent in outgoing emails which you write.
Note: The configured email signature will only be included with the outgoing emails if the ‘Include my signature in the outgoing emails’ checkbox at the foot of this section is checked.
After you have created a signature, clicking on any of the links to bring up the ‘compose new email’ section in any work item will display the configured email signature at the bottom of the email body.
If you wish to reset your password, enter your old and desired new password here, and then click the Save button. After a successful password reset, you will be redirected to the login page to log back in with your new password.
The 'Include my signature in outgoing emails' option lets you choose whether or not to include your personalised signature in the emails you send.
'Don't show create contact popup' lets you choose whether you want to get a Create Contact popup every time you communicate with a contact that isn't already in the system.
The 'Don't show new information warning' option lets you choose whether or not you wish to be notified every time you update a work item and you have not clicked on the new information icon to see the latest changes to the work item.
'Don't show Global agent warning' lets you choose whether or not you want to be notified every time you add a global agent (i.e. an agent who is not linked to a specific company) to a work item.
The 'Don't show Check Details warning' option lets you choose whether or not you want to be warned every time you are sending an email to more than one address that is already connected to an Enate mailbox and you have not clicked to view the details for each work item that is being created/linked via that email address.
The 'Don't show 'Remove Route Address' warning' option lets you choose whether or not you want to be warned every time you decide to remove an email address when sending an email to more than one address that is already connected to an Enate mailbox.
Clicking on the Logout link will end your Enate session and take you back to the login screen.
If you’ve forgotten your password you can reset this from the logon page by clicking on the ‘Forgot password’ link:
Enter your username in the resulting screen.
If your username is associated with an email address then you will receive an email with a link to reset your password.
Whenever your password is reset via this method, you will receive an email confirming this.
You can set an Undo Send time by moving the slider along to the desired setting.
Enate's Notifications keep you up to date on what's happening with any Tickets, Actions and Cases you're interested in to keep you in the loop at all times. You've got lots of flexibility with how you receive notifications, in terms of which items you follow, what events you're notified about for them and how they're delivered to you.
This is where you can choose which notifications you want to receive and how.
In addition to choosing to follow an individual work item, you can also use the notifications settings page to specify more generally which notifications you want to automatically receive. There are two parts to this:
First, you specify which work items you want to receive, e.g. item's in your own Work Inbox.
Further to this, you specify which events about those work items you want to be notified about.
See below for details ..
In addition to this, you need to choose which events you want to be notified about for these Work Items.
The options are as follows:
Note that you will only ever receive one notification about the same event for a work item.
There are three useful navigation links:
If your system has been configured this way (), you can select to override the due date of the new Ticket you are creating.
You can copy work item communications i.e. emails (including email attachments) and notes from the original Case/Ticket to the new linked Ticket you are creating. Note that when choosing to copy communications, you will not only copy communications from the original work item, but you will also copy communications from the original work item's related group, e.g. its Actions if it was a Case, or the parent/child Ticket if it was from a split Ticket. Also note that making updates to the communications in the new linked Ticket will NOT update the communications in the original Ticket/Case it was created from. You can find out more about related groups vs linked work items .
You can choose to add a contact. If have been configured to allow you to do so, you can even choose to add multiple different contacts for the new Ticket and divide the tags between them.
If your system has been configured this way (), you must select a schedule for the new Case you are creating.
If your system has been configured this way (), you can select to override the due date of the new Case you are creating.
You can copy work item communications i.e. emails (including email attachments) and notes from the original Case/Ticket to the new linked Case you are creating. Note that when choosing to copy communications, you will not only copy communications from the original work item, but you will also copy communications from the original work item's related group, e.g. its Actions if it was a Case, or the parent/child Ticket if it was from a split Ticket. Also note that making updates to the communications in the new linked Case will NOT update the communications in the original Ticket/Case it was created from. You can find out more about related groups vs linked work items .
Unless the '' option in the Case type in the Service Line screen has been selected, it is optional for you to add a contact. You can even choose to add multiple different contacts and divide the tags between.
You can also select Fields based on any .
Both Team Leaders and Team Members, (provided the Team Member has been set up with the 'Can Assign' permission in Builder, see for more information) have the ability to reassign one or more work items to themselves or to other members of their team. You can do this in a couple of ways.
- A view of the emails for all the work items in your Work Inbox, the Work Inboxes of your Team, and unassigned work in the Queues you work out of.
- emails from your business area's work items which have been sent out.
- The Outbox view letting you see emails scheduled to go out or those awaiting dispatch from your system's mailbox.
If you choose a non-English language, the UI and labels will be changed to the selected language. If your system admin has configured translation for Case/Ticket/Action in these languages, then all Case/Ticket/Action information will also appear in given language, see for more information.
The Undo Send setting lets you add a time delay to when your emails will be sent, giving you the opportunity to cancel sending an email, or reviewing an email before it gets sent, .
You can choose to receive notifications for work items in you and/or for work items in your .
For each event you subscribe to, you will automatically get notified in Work Manager in the (via the Notifications icon in the header bar) - with a counter showing the number of unread notifications. However you can additionally choose if you also want to be notified by and/or by .
1. – This is the Enate Company website. Here you can see latest resources, industry insight and product release info.
2. – Here you can sign up for different Enate learning courses in English, Spanish and Portuguese languages.
3. – This is a link to Enate's Work Manager help files.
Action Type
This lets you search for Actions of a particular type.
Begins With
Select from: Manual, Manual with Peer Review, Send Email, Send Email and Wait, Start Case, ABBYY OCR, Wait for Sub Cases to Complete, and Trigger External API.
Assigned To
This lets you search for work items based on who they are assigned to or whether or not they have been assigned to someone.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
If the condition you have selected is Begins With or Equals, enter the name of a worker
This lets you search for work items with a specific context i.e. customer, contract, service
Select a customer, contract and service from the dropdown
This lets you search for work items based on when they are due.
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
Not Equal
Greater Than
Greater Than Or Equals To
Less Than
Less Than Or Equals To
Select a date
End Date
This lets you search work items based on when they have been completed i.e. they have been marked as Closed.
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
Not Equal
Greater Than
Greater Than Or Equals To
Less Than
Less Than Or Equals To
Select a date
Last Updated By
This lets you search for work items based on the human/digital worker who last updated the work item.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
If the condition you have selected is Begins With or Equals, enter the name of a worker
Last Updated On
This lets you search for work items based on the datetime the item was last updated by a human/digital worker.
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
Not Equal
Greater Than
Greater Than Or Equals To
Less Than
Less Than Or Equals To
Select a date
Owned By
This lets you search for work items based on the owner of the item i.e. the person who currently has ultimate responsibility for the work item.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
If the condition you have selected is Begins With or Equals, enter the name of a worker
Parent Process Name
This lets you search for work items based on their parent process e.g. searching for the name of a Case will return the Actions of the Case in your search.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
If the condition you have selected is Begins With or Equals, enter the name of a parent process
Parent Reference
The reference number of the work item which started this one, e.g. parent Case.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
If the condition you have selected is Begins With or Equals, enter a reference number
The work Queue which Cases/Tickets/Actions get sent to based on their routing rule.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
If the condition you have selected is Begins With or Equals, enter the name of a Queue
The unique reference number e.g. 101342-T.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
If the condition you have selected is Begins With or Equals, enter a reference number
This lets you search for work items based on their status. Running work items are work items in a state or To Do, In Progress, Waiting
Select Yes if you want to search for work items that are in a state of To Do, In Progress or Waiting.
Select No if you want to search for work items that are not in a state of To Do, In Progress or Waiting.
This lets you search for Cases based on their schedule
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
If the condition you have selected is Begins With or Equals, select a schedule from the dropdown
Schedule Period
This lets you search for Cases based on their schedule period.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
If the condition you have selected is Begins With or Equals, enter a schedule period
Schedule Structure
This lets you search for Cases based on their schedule structure.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
If the condition you have selected is Begins With or Equals, select a schedule structure from the dropdown
Schedule Year
This lets you search for Cases based on their schedule year.
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
Not Equal
Greater Than
Greater Than Or Equals To
Less Than
Less Than Or Equals To
If the condition you have selected is Equals, Not Equal, Greater Than,
Greater Than Or Equals To, Less Than or Less Than Or Equals To then enter a year.
If the condition you have selected is Between, enter the two different years that you want to search between.
Service Line
This lets you search for work items based on the overall area of the business the work item runs under, e.g. ‘Payroll’.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
Select a service line from the dropdown
Service Provider
This lets you search for work items based on the company delivering service for the work item, usually your company.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
Select a service provider from the dropdown
This lets you search for work items based on when the when the work item was started.
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
Not Equal
Greater Than
Greater Than Or Equals To
Less Than
Less Than Or Equals To
Select a date
Started By
This lets you search for work items based on who started the work item.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
If the condition you have selected is Begins With or Equals, enter the name of a worker
Started By Method
This lets you search for work items based on how they got started, e.g. incoming email, automatic schedule, manually.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
If the condition you have selected is Begins With or Equals, select from: Workflow, Manual, Self Service, Robotics, Email, Ticket, Bulk Upload, Schedule, Linked Work Item
Ticket Category Level 1
This lets you search for Tickets based on their Ticket category level 1 i.e. the highest level of Ticket categorisation e.g. ‘Healthcare Request’.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
If the condition you have selected is Begins With or Equals, enter a Ticket Category Level 1 value
Ticket Category Level 2
This lets you search for Tickets based on their Ticket category level 2 i.e. the next level of Ticket categorisation e.g. ‘International Travel Coverage’.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
If the condition you have selected is Begins With or Equals, enter a Ticket Category Level 2 value
Ticket Category Level 3
This lets you search for Tickets based on their Ticket category level 3 i.e. the most detailed-level of Ticket categorisation e.g. ‘Eligibility Query’.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
If the condition you have selected is Begins With or Equals, enter a Ticket Category Level 3 value
This lets you search for work items based on their title - a brief text description of the work item, often the subject of the original email.
Begins With
Is Empty
Is Not Empty
If the condition you have selected is Begins With or Equals, enter a title of the work item
Work Item Type
This lets you search for work items based on their work item type i.e. if they're a Ticket, Case or Action.
Select Case, Ticket or Action
Home Page
RAG filters
My Team
Bot Farm
Grids and column settings
Same behaviour in Inbox page as well.
Quick Find
People, Comms and work items search
Queue Page
Navigation Links
Link to Builder, Queue Page or recent accessed work items etc.
User Profile Page
Here user can also change preferred language along with datetime pattern.
Call Handling Page
This page shows all communications and work items related to individual users
Work item UI
Labels and Button like Category picker, state etc.
Case - short description/title
Override Action instruction o new Action launched by end user
Checklist comments
Action State- 'Unable to complete' reason text
Override Action Instruction of new Action launched by end user
Action Peer Review note entered by reviewer
Title and description of new child Tickets
Name of new Action launched by user
Name of new Case launched by user
Details about contact like address.
File name and note about file
Defect description
Reassignment Notes
Text entered by user while reassigning a piece of work to another teammate.
My Work Inbox
You will receive notifications for work items that are in your Work Inbox i.e. work items that are assigned to you.
This is switched on by default for all users.
My Queues
You will receive notifications for work items that are in Queues that you are in and/or manage.
This option is switched on by default for Team Leaders.
New Information Received
New information (Email/Notes/Self Service Note) has been received on the work item
Users subscribed to receive notifications for a work item related to this (e.g. Case/Actions or the child/parent of a split Ticket) will also receive the notification.
Work Item Assigned to Me
Assigned user of a work item has changed to me
New Work Item into Queue
Assigned Queue of a work item has changed to a Queue that I am in and/or manage
New File/Link Added
New file/link has been added to the work item
Due Date 'At Risk' Reminder
Due date of the work item is deemed to be at risk. This is calculated by subtracting the expected time for the work item to take with an additional 30 minutes from the due date/time.
E.g. if the work item is due to be completed at 17.00 and the time expected to complete the work item is 1 hour, the Due Date 'At Risk' Reminder will be sent at 15.30.
Note that this notification will not be sent if:
the work item is in a state of Draft
the work item is in a state of In Progress and assigned to a user
the work item is in a state of Waiting AND its due date has been configured with the option 'Add Wait Time To Due Date'
Anyone subscribed to receive notifications for the parent of this work item (if there is one) will also receive this notification.
Work Item is Overdue
The due date of the work item has been missed and it is now overdue.
Action Rejected
A robot has actively rejected an Action, or repeatedly failed to process it.
Case Needs Attention
A Case has encountered a problem and requires intervention before it can proceed.
Peer Review Completed
The peer review of an Action has completed
Information about terms which are auto-removed from various searches that users can perform in the system
As part of standard underlying features in Enate to optimise searches which users perform, certain commonly used terms are removed from searches if they've been manually entered. This is in order to ensure timely response for search results, plus avoid the returning of vast volumes of qualifying results which would obscure the desired results from the users. One of the approaches used for this is the use of 'Stop Lists'.
A stop list is a list of standard common words such as ‘and’ ‘the’, ‘me’ etc., which are ignored from searches that would otherwise return too many results.
Below is a comprehensive list of all of the words in the stop list that ALL searches within Enate will ignore - this not only includes searches in Quickfind, but also searches which are performed for users, searches for emails, searches for Work Items e.g. for Tickets when merging Tickets etc. If you enter any of these terms, they will be auto-ignored as terms to return search results for.
Multiple Stop Lists are supported for various user languages.
Note: When searching for Users and Emails, the English (British) stop list is always used. For work items (Title, Customer Name, Contract Name, Service Name, Case/Ticket Name, etc.) we use the language of the logged-on user to find the stop list. Additionally, please note that Hungarian is not directly supported by SQL, so the stop list applied for searches for Hungarian users is also the English stop list.
Specific further characters are set to be ignored when performing searches in Quickfind, e.g. “*”, “?”, “@” etc. This will mean for example that when searching for customer.com in Quickfind, the words 'customer' and 'com' would be searched for. As such, it’s recommended to place such word combinations in quotes to search for them as a specific phrase - i.e. searching for “customer.com” will likely bring back the results you are looking for.
Below is a comprehensive list of all of the characters that searches in Quickfind will ignore:
Details on screen resolutions supported by Enate
The minimum screen resolution supported by Enate at 100% DPI is: 1366 x 768. This means that resolutions of 1280x1024 and below are NOT supported.
Higher resolutions screens may run with DPI settings in excess of 100%. With this in mind, the list below shows the minimum 'screen resolution & DPI' combinations supported by Enate. Industry definitions for these screen resolutions are also provided here to help clarification:
1366 x 768 High Definition (HD) – Supported at 100% DPI Only
1600 x 900 High Definition Plus (HD+) – Supported at 100% DPI Only
1920 x 1080 Full High Definition (FHD) – Supported up to 125% DPI
1920 x 1200 Wide Ultra Extended Graphics Array (WUXGA) – Supported up to 125% DPI
2560 x 1440 Quad High Definition (QHD) – Supported up to 150% DPI
3440 x 1440 Wide Quad High Definition (WQHD) – Supported up to 150% DPI
3840 x 2160 4K or Ultra High Definition (UHD) – Supported up to 200% DPI
Particularly when running on minimum supported resolution, Enate always recommends users to run Enate in Full-screen mode (access this via F11 key in browser) to give maximum screen real-estate for display. If you have additional toolbars installed in the browsers above the 'default' system browsers (e.g. browser add-ins), this can significantly reduce available screen space and may go below minimum supported screen dimensions.
As part of managing Tickets, Cases & Actions in your workflows in Enate, the system will regularly evaluate who the work is assigned to, who is set as the Owner, and which Queue the work item is linked to. There are detailed sets of rules which are followed, in order, when determining this.
Before looking at these detailed sets of rules, it’s important to understand the higher-level pattern of how such work item allocations are evaluated, and indeed when. The way this works is as follows:
First we determine WHEN such re-evaluations occur – essentially this happens when anything changes in the 'Status’ card of a Work item.
When the system determines it needs to do such an evaluation, we initially use the work item’s status/situation to determine which of the Assignee, Owner and Queue values need to be Set, and which need to be Cleared completely.
For those which require setting:
a. If a Queue is to be set, it's simple - just select the Queue referenced in the Allocation rule (there are only two types of Queue allocation rule to follow).
b. For Assignee and Owner, there's more detail - we have to run through a series of rules, in order, for these - stopping when the rule is met and a valid* target is selected.
*Validity check - As part of the Assignee / Owner allocation rule check, we have to determine if the target is valid (there are a number of validity check rules which it must pass). If not, we continue through the rules in part 3 until a valid target is found.
Now that the higher-level pattern at play has been described, we can go look at each set of rules which are run through for sections 1-3 above, and for the target validity checks.
The system will re-evaluate the Assigned User, Owner and Queue whenever the information in the Status card changes, specifically:
the Status changes
the Wait Type changes
the Scheduled Follow Up On date changes
the Wait for More Information Until date changes
the Waiting For option changes (for Cases only)
the Ticket Context changes
the Ticket Category changes
the In Peer Review status changes
New Information is received on the work item
A Case encounters a Problem
When the system determines it needs to do such an evaluation, we initially use the work item’s STATE to determine which of the Assignee, Owner and Queue values need to be Set, and which need to be Cleared completely. You can see this information in the table below:
Work Item Status/Situation
Clear value
Clear value
Clear value
Set a value
Clear value
Clear value
New Information Received
Set a value
Clear value
Set a value
Needs Attention (only relevant to a Case)
Set a value
Clear value
Set a value
To Do or In Progress for an Action or Ticket
Set a value
Clear value
Set a value
To Do or In Progress for a Case
Clear value
Set a value
Clear value
Resolved or Waiting
Clear value
Set a value
Clear value
Queues - If a Queue is to be set, it's simple – the configured Queue Allocation Method is run.
Assignee and Owner - If an Assignee or Owner is to be set, there's more detail. We have to run through a series of rules, in order, stopping when the rule is met and a valid target is selected.
Before the list of rules is run, there is one higher check: if an Assignee/Owner is currently set, don't change the Assignee/Owner unless the Ticket Category has changed.
Otherwise, run the following rules, in order, stopping when you a valid target is identified:
If the ‘Keep with me' option has been set on a work item, the Assignee/Owner is set as the user who has selected ‘Keep with me’. If not or the resulting user is not valid, then
If the Owner user is not blank, then set Assignee to that value also. If not or the resulting user is not valid, then
If the work item is not a Ticket OR it is a Ticket (where the Ticket Category hasn't changed AND we have more than 2 status history rows - i.e. it is not in its first non-draft state), then:
Set Assignee and Owner to the last user/robot to update work item. If none or the resulting user is not valid, then
Set Assignee/Owner as (any) previously assigned to user/robot in descending order of when it was assigned to them. If none or the resulting user is not valid, then
If Action started by Workflow (i.e. not manual ad-hoc), then set the Assignee/Owner as the last user/robot to work on the same previously completed Action in the Case (or Peer Review the Action if in peer review). If none or the resulting user is not valid, then
Run the Allocation Rule for this work item:
If the primary push allocation is configured to a specific user, set Assignee/Owner to that user. If none or the resulting user is not valid, then
If the secondary push allocation is configured to a specific user, set Assignee/Owner to that user. If none or the resulting user is not valid, then
If Primary push allocation configured to Position, from the users that occupy this position set the Assignee/Owner as the user with the fewest work items in their inbox. If none or the resulting user is not valid, then
If Secondary push allocation configured to Position from the users that occupy this position set the Assignee/Owner as the user with the fewest work items in their inbox. If none or the resulting user is not valid, then
If the work item is a Case, set Assignee/Owner as the user/robot that started that Case.
As part of the Assignee / Owner allocation rule check, we have to determine if the target is valid. To be valid, there are a number of validity check rules which it must pass. If not, we continue through the rules of setting an Assignee/Owner until a valid target is found. The validity checks that are run through are as follows:
If the User/Robot is not allowed to work on work items of this type (i.e. Live/Testing) then block
If the User/Robot is retired then block
If the User does not have permission then block (no permission check for Robots)
If the Robot is suspended then block
If the Robot has performed Get More Work more than 3 times for this work item then block
If the user selected is a Robot and the work item is an Action that is in the Peer Review stage then block (Robots cannot perform Peer Reviews)
If the user selected is a Robot and the work item is an Action and no Robot Farm is configured for the Action then block
If the user selected is a Robot and the work item is an Action and the Robot is not a member of the Robot Farm configured for the Action then block
If the user selected is a Robot and the work item is a Case then block (Robots cannot be assigned Cases)
If the work item is a manual with Peer Review Action that is on the Peer Review stage and the User performed 1 or more updates while it was on the Doing stage then block (users can’t peer review their own work)
If the work item is a manual with Peer Review Action that is on the Doing stage and the User performed 1 or more updates while it was on the Peer Review stage then block (users can’t be asked to do work if they have previously peer reviewed it)
Error Area
Status Error
"not_valid": "Data not valid or Something went wrong"
When wrong information is input into a cell, so work items are not able to be created
"completed": "Completed"
When work items are successfully created
"in_progress": "In progress"
When work item creation is in progress
"1": "Uploaded file is not a *.xls or *.xlsx file"
When the upload file format is other than .xls or .xlsx file
"3": "Workbook has multiple worksheets. Only first sheet will be processed"
When the same file has multiple sheets of work data to be processed
"5": "Master Process Instance not live"
When the process instance is not live or the versions are draft
"101": "Worksheet is missing the required column '{{v0}}'"
When the excel sheet does not have required column to process work items
"102": "Column '{{v0}}' is of type '{{v1}}' which is not supported in Bulk Create"
When we use unsuported dat types like Entity relastionship , Table
"103": "No field found to link Column '{{v0}}' to"
When Validate bulk create api is not able to map the column data with the system data
"200": "Creation of a schedule-driven Case is not supported"
When a Case is linked to schedules and use the Case in the excel
"300": "Title is not unique in file"
When uploaded file has same title for multiple work items in the file
"301": "Title is not unique"
When uploaded file has same title that is already created in system
"302": "Value is blank and column is required"
When there are no input values for mandatory fields
"303": "Value in not valid for data type '{{v0}}'"
When custom field cannot input the particular data or data is not related to custom field
"304": "No person could be found from email address"
When we input a wrong email id or email id is not present in the system
"305": "Customer not found or you do not have permission to see it"
When we input a wrong Customer name or we don’t access to create work items under particular customer
"306": "Contract not found under Customer or you do not have permission to see it"
When we input a wrong Contract name or we don’t access to create work items under particular customer
"307": "Service not found under Contract or you do not have permission to see it"
When we input a wrong service name or we don’t access to create work items under particular Contract
"308": "Process not found under Service or you do not have permission to see it"
When we input a wrong Process name or we don’t access to create work items under particular service
"309": "Ticket Category not found"
When we input wrong tickect category value
"310": "Value is not valid for list"
When the input value doesn’tmatch the configured list/Multi level List data
"1001": "There are no valid items to process."
Where there is no data to process in excel
"1002": "All valid items have been processed."
When all the valid work items are created
"file_upload_limit": "{{name}} is bigger than the server limit ({{limit}})"
When the uploaded file size is larger than the system configured upload limit
"file_upload_failure": "Failed to upload file"
when file upload is failed
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How to use Enate's Test mode to check your config changes before setting them live.
If your user account is set to allow you to access test data, you can switch your Work Manager environment over to ‘Test Mode’. This link is available in the user dropdown on the right of the header bar.
Once you are running in test mode you will only see test data; allowing you to create and run test work items through test versions of processes to verify them before setting live, all without affecting live production data.
As a visual reminder, the header bar is set to red when you are in Test mode.
Test mode functionality allows you to set a different manager for a Queue when running in Test mode vs. Live mode.
Example: Consider Manager 1 who has access to live mode and is responsible for managing two Queues, Funding and Master Case Queue.
In Test Mode, the same two Queues can be managed by another user who has Team Lead and Test Mode permission – see below example where Manager 2 has been set to be in charge of the Queues in Testing Mode.
It is possible to switch a robot so that it can run in test mode or live mode. Specifically, two new activities have been added to the activity libraries for UiPath, Automation Anywhere and BluePrism (and the standard APIs adjusted so this can be called generically) as follows
Set Live Mode
Set Test Mode
These Actions allow you to flip a robot between test and live states. Once a robot has been flipped into Test mode, subsequent activity calls which the robot might make, e.g. ‘Get more work’ and ‘Create Ticket/Case etc.’ take place within that context of Test mode, getting and creating only test work items. The robot should be switched back to Live mode once the process is set to live, so ensure it is then creating live work items.
Enate supports the creation of separate Contact records in Test Mode, i.e. any contact records you create in Test mode will be accessible only to Test Mode users (and contacts created in live mode will be accessible only to Live mode users). This helps to ensure that emails from test packets are not accidentally sent to production users, and vice versa.