With v2022.6, we've made working between multiple teams slicker, helping keep everything in synch and everyone in the loop.
Sometimes when you're sending an email on a Work Item and you need to involve teams in other parts of your business, you may not know if they're using Enate yet to manage their work - particularly in larger organisations - and so it can be unclear precisely how to proceed.
Now, when you're working in Enate, you no longer have to worry about this - The system will take care of this for you. You can just write your mail and the system will know what to do next; if anyone internal is involved and they're using Enate, we'll prompt you with tickets or cases of theirs that you might want to share this email with, or quickly create a new work item if needed.
Doing so helps keep all subsequent communications tightly synched up between those teams and any external parties. If you're sending the email to someone who is not using Enate, the system will just send them the email.
If we take an example where we have:
Jane, an Agent working out of Team A in the UK
Karina, an agent in Team B in Poland
An external party who has mailed in a query initially relating to the UK, which lands with Team A
Jane in Team A is writing a response email to the external requestor also see that part of the query needs to involve their Polish team, Team B. Jane doesn't need to know if the Polish team are using Enate, she just adds their email address to her outgoing email.
Enate knows that the Polish team's email address is connected to an Enate mailbox and so it's going to result in Ticket or Case for them. Upon clicking to send the email, Enate will bring up a pop-up explaining this to the agent, and asking for some more information which will help in the creation of the work item for the other team.
Once the agent adds this further information to create a linked work item she can confirm to proceed. The email gets sent out to any external recipients, and the other team, Team B in Poland, see the email within a relevant, LINKED, Ticket or Case. Both Teams are aware of the other team's Linked ticket or Case and can keep themselves in the loop on progress.
If Team B's activities happen to fall outside of Team A's permissions, they're still able to see at least the header-level information for it on the Linked Items screen.
Importantly, all the downstream communications get kept tightly in synch.
The External recipient can see both team's addresses on their email and, if they send back a response, BOTH teams will be updated at the same time. Everyone is kept in the loop.
In the most regular scenario, the pop-up would likely show the single, already linked ticket or Case which Team B are working on, essentially saying 'do you want to share this mail with Team B's running ticket?'.
If there's any other internal email addresses added to a mail, going to areas of your business that aren't yet using Enate that's fine - they'll simply go out as emails to communicate with that other team as they normally would.
IMPORTANT NOTE: in order to make use of these features, your email admin team MUST have enabled the 'Plus Addressing' setting in your email server setup - this is what helps route all mails through to the right work items downstream.
Once this is done, you can enable Plus Addressing in Enate in the systems settings section of Builder. To do this, go to Builder > System-Settings > General Settings, navigate down to the 'Work Item Plus Addressing' section and switch the toggle on.
Plus Addressing works by adding in relevant information into the email addresses of an email. In this circumstance in Enate, it's the reference numbers of the Work Items involved which get added. Structure is: [email addressee][+EnateRef][@email domain]. Examples below:
Once this happens, Enate knows to share any emails where a Ticket / Case / Action's reference number is included in its addresses to that specific Work Item. That's what keeps all relevant parties in the loop with all communications.
For more information on Plus Addressing and how to enable it, see this article.
Emails will appear in the Unprocessed Emails view of your 'Email Inbox' view in Work Manager if they meet one of the following conditions:
None of the To and/or CC email addresses have a matching email route.
There are only BCC email addresses in an email, no To or CC addresses.
See the table below for further detailed information on how emails arriving into Enate are treated, depending on the combinations of Enate-relevant email addresses may appear in the TO, CC or BCC fields.
Number of work Items Created
Will they appear in the Unprocessed View
Email to just one email address in either the TO or CC field
Email to 2 or more email addresses in either TO or CC field
2 or more
Email to 1 email address in TO, another in CC field, and one in BCC field
1 for each TO & CC address
*Email to 1 email address in TO and another in BCC field
1 for TO field
Email to 1 or more email addresses in BCC only. Nothing in TO or CC fields.
Yes - for the BCC email mailbox
Email to just 1 email address that is not correctly configured in Enate
Yes - for the non-configured email address
Email to 1 email address that is not configured correctly in Enate and one email address configured in Enate
1 for the configured email address
We have made it easier to use the 'Merge' feature in Enate. This feature lets you merge existing work items together so that queries which arrived separately - but should in fact be processed together - can be processed as one work item.
Now when you select a work item to merge a Ticket with, you'll be shown the customer/contract/service and reference ID of the work item to help you find the right items you want to merge more quickly and more easily.
Additionally, the system will alert you if you are choosing to merge a Ticket with a work item that is from a different company just as an extra check-step, but you can still proceed with merging.
When choosing to close 'Other work items' when merging, we've also added the option to 'Select All' of the options shown.
Watch this video to find out more about how to use the merge feature.
An overview of the new features in v2022.6 of Enate
With the latest version of Enate, we focused on making working between multiple teams slicker, as well as adding some further features to our Email views. Custom Cards have also had some useful features added for a richer user experience. Let's take a look at those and other changes...
Check out these new features in more detail in the sections below...
Enhanced Support for Working between Internal Teams - now Enate helps keep all involved teams in the loop and makes it easier for external parties to do so too.
Email View Improvements - you can now view emails even from closed work items,
Control over Unprocessed Emails - you've got visibility of any unprocessed incoming emails and the control to decide how best to route them.
Enhanced Custom Card features - add hyperlink fields to cards, make fields read-only or mandatory, and show / hide fields dynamically based on other field values.
Improvements to help when Merging Work Items - handy warnings when merging items across companies, and clearer information when searching for other work items to merge with.
Adjustments to the Email Routes configuration page have been made which help with supporting large volumes of data.
We've modified some of the logic around Email Route definition and how Incoming Emails are processed.
Note that this change may impact your ongoing configuration of Email Routes - please read the detailed notes on this feature adjustment.
We're also introducing a brand new feature with the arrival of our Marketplace for Integrations. Over the coming weeks and months you'll see the arrival of more and more of your apps which can integrate with Enate to give you even more features at your fingertips. We've moved the RPA & OCR Integration sections into there so you've got one location for managing all your external systems which integrate with Enate.
Release Notes...
You can check out a list of the new Features, Enhancements & Bug Fixes we've included in this release in the following sections. For a more extensive list of changes including API changes, Data Warehouse Changes and any Breaking changes, see the dedicated RELEASE NOTES section.
We have added a brand new section to the Email Inbox view called 'All emails'. This lets you see all emails belonging to work items, including closed work items, that you have permissions on.
We have added an additional filter in this section that lets you filter emails by the status of the work item they belong to.
By default, emails received within the past 90 DAYS are displayed. Agents can use the Filter dropdown to select a different (e.g. older) date or date range to see emails older than this, but note that the date range specified can only span a maximum of 90 days.
As our catalogue of integrations continues to grow, we've moved the links to your RPA and OCR integrations sections to a dedicated Marketplace section.
Over the coming weeks and months you'll see more and more integration options from the apps you can talk to with Enate.
If this section does not show additional adapters you will need to speak to your account manager to enable this (although the existing RPA Sync Integration and OCR Connection links to show without such a certificate).
For the first of these we've worked NLP specialists Re:infer to give super-slick and fully automated machine learning-based triage that analyses incoming mails and automatically selects the right place for them to go.
When an email comes in, Re:infer will automatically triage it to a certain category based on keywords in the email. If Re:infer is not confident enough in its categorisation, it will alert you and you can manually decide whether or not you agree with Re:Infer's categorisation. Whatever you decide, Re:Infer will learn from this decision and use it to increase the accuracy of its Ticket categorisation, improving over time.
Look out for this and many more integration options to see how you can build out your business landscape with Enate at the heart of things.
How to handle incoming emails which don't get auto-processed into a Ticket or Case.
All emails arriving into Enate get automatically processed into either Tickets or Cases based on business rules which look at things like where it's sent into, who it's from and what it's about. Occasionally though, emails arrive into Enate and do not get processed into a Case or a Ticket.
This can happen due to the following reasons:
None of the To and/or CC email addresses have a matching email route defined for them in Builder (that's the rules which say which kind of Ticket or Case an incoming email should generate).
There are only BCC email addresses in the email, no To or CC addresses.
We have now added a new Unprocessed Emails view to the Email Inbox section in Work Manager that allows Agent users to review these unprocessed emails and take the appropriate steps. This option is visible to all users.
Unprocessed Email View - What emails do I see?
You'll see unprocessed emails which have come into the mailbox that your area of the business works out of. Other unprocessed emails which arrive into mailboxes that aren't linked to any of your business processes will be seen by agents working in those other areas. The number next to this section shows the total number of emails in the unprocessed view.
You can filter the emails in this section by Mailbox Name (if you know it) and Mailbox Address. Specifically, this is the email address of the mailbox which handles the incoming mails.
What options do I have?
The Unprocessed Emails view will let you review the incoming email's content to help you determine where you should route it.
Once you've reviewed the email, you've got a couple of options:
1) You can decide to create a work item from the email, specifying a Customer, Contract & Service for it, before launching the work item. If you do this, the email will be changed to 'Processed' and will be removed from the Unprocessed Emails view when you next click to refresh your email inbox view.
2) You can decide to delete the email if appropriate (for example if it's a spam mail). If you do this, the email will be changed to 'Deleted' and will be removed from the Unprocessed Emails view when you next click to refresh your email inbox view.
Note that it is not currently possible to append an unprocessed email to an existing work item, only to create a new work item. However once you have done this, you can still use the merge feature to merge it in with an existing work item.
Note: Users will be able to create a new work item from an unprocessed email on this page even if they do not have the 'Can Create' permission set for them.
Patterns to look out for - Is a new Email Route needed?
If you find yourself regularly having to pick up unprocessed mails and route them into the same tickets or cases again & again, you should speak with your Business Admin to see if a new Email Route can be set in order to catch these emails and automatically create the right Work Item for them.
For more information about how Enate processes incoming emails and why they sometimes may land here instead, see this section.
Plus Addressing is an industry-defined feature which allows the automatic addition of information into an email address when a mail is being composed. Systems can then subsequently use this additional information if they know to look for it within the email addresses, while still ensuring that the mail gets to its intended recipients. In Enate, we make use of this feature of Plus Addressing to automatically add the reference number of a Case, Action or Ticket (e.g. '101203-T') to the email address of any emails that we know should be being subsequently shared with that work item.
For example, if an Agent is emailing out a reply to a query that has arrived into the mailbox 'info@enate.io', upon sending the email Enate will auto-populate the From email address with a plus sign (+) followed by the reference number of the work item as a tag, so the From email address will look something like this: 'info+123-T@enate.io'. The underlying structure of this is: [email address][+EnateRef][@email domain].
Similarly, if they are including other Enate email addresses where we could share the mail with a known existing / new work item, the system will add those other work item references to the outgoing mail. An example of two email addresses which have been adjusted in this way can be seen below:
Adding this extra information into the email addresses of mails relating to work items allows us to run an additional layer of processing logic for incoming emails. The logic is fairly simple: If a work item reference number if recognized as part of any of an email's target mail addresses, that mail is shared with that work item.
Doing this massively reduces the chances of creating unnecessary work items when sending emails back and forth - particularly useful when there are multiple separate work items being actioned across multiple separate teams in Enate to deal with larger queries.
Check out this article showing how Working Between Teams is improved by this approach.
Note: Some additional details to this:
If an agent writing an outgoing mail includes an email address which Enate knows is linked to an Enate mailbox, when they click to send the mail Enate will propose a pop-up to the agent showing them: - Any linked work items which were created as a result of a mail into that same mailbox - An option to create a NEW (automatically linked) work item.
Once the agent has chosen the existing / new linked work item(s) to share that mail with, the mail will be shared with two work items, the email will be sent out to any external / non-Enate using parties, and the work item references of THIS work item and the ones it is behind shared with will be added into the relevant mail addresses of the mail.
This ensures that on ALL subsequent email exchanges - coming either from internal parties or external / non-Enate parties, those work item 'tags' in the addresses route the mails to share with the required work items. Further things to note...
If an incoming mail is replying to a closed work item, the system will create new one.
Live and test items cannot be addressed in a single mail.
One further note:
When an email is being sent out from Enate which includes an Enate-linked mailbox in the To / Cc addressees and the specific work item reference number it would be appended to, Enate will perform this appending immediately before the mail is sent out. In order to avoid a duplicate appending when that email ultimately arrives back in to that Enate mailbox, Enate knows to recognize any incoming mails which have a ‘from’ address which has been used in the config settings of a Ticket / Case or Action, and will NOT process that mail into Enate for that ticket.
A knock-on impact of this can be this: if as a configurer you are testing incoming emails, and you manually send mails to Enate from an account which has been used in the config settings of a Ticket / Case or Action (including retired versions), Enate will NOT append the email to a work item, nor will it create a new work item. As such, please pay close attention to the test mail accounts you select to send test emails into Enate from.
You firstly need to enable Plus Addressing in whichever email system you are using.
This article takes you through how to enable Plus Addressing in Microsoft 365:
This article shows you how to enable Plus Addressing in Gmail:
Once the above email server settings have been confirmed as being set to support Plus Addressing, you need to enable Plus Addressing in Enate.
To do this, go to Builder > System-Settings > General Settings, navigate down to the 'Work Item Plus Addressing' section and switch the toggle on.
Work items will now be matched using Plus Addressing.
Note that Plus Addressing is set to OFF by default.
If Plus Addressing in NOT switched on, work items will be matched using standard fall-back email processing rules (i.e. those not used in Plus Addressing).
See here for more information about how Enate processes incoming emails:
1. Ensure that all Email Routes which you have defined which use * as a wildcard email for the Route Rule email address have been modified to remove the wildcard and replace it with a legitimate email address.
2. Configure at least one Email route for every email address which includes an alias in Enate. We can provide a report on enate configured email addresses.
3. Optional but strongly advised – if you wish to make use of the Internal Team Communications features for improving working between Teams, you will need to ensure that your Email Administrator has turned on 'Plus Addressing' for your email server. Helpful Microsoft article for this - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/recipients-in-exchange-online/plus-addressing-in-exchange-online.
Note: This also needs to be enabled on your email gateway e.g. Mimecast.
2022.6.6.0 is a HotFix release that contains a two bug fixes. There are no new features & enhancements, known issues, breaking changes or additional breaking API changes.
The change log for 2022.6.6.0. contains a detailed list of any enhancements and bug fixes which have been included in this release. A downloadable copy of the Bug Fixes Change Log is available below that contains all of the bug fixes for all of the 2022.6 builds up to 2022.6.6.0.
2022.6.5.0 is a HotFix release that contains a few bug fixes and one enhancement. There are no new known issues, breaking changes or additional breaking API changes.
The change log for 2022.6.5.0. contains a detailed list of any enhancements and bug fixes which have been included in this release. A downloadable copy of the Bug Fixes Change Log and the New Features and Enhancements Change Log are available below that contains all of the bug fixes and new features/enhancements for all of the 2022.6 builds up to 2022.6.5.0.
2022.6.4.0 is a HotFix release that contains a fix to resolve an outgoing email issue when the default SMTP is disabled. There are no new enhancements, known issues, breaking changes or additional breaking API changes.
The change log for 2022.6.4.0. contains a detailed list of any enhancements and bug fixes which have been included in this release. A downloadable copy of the Bug Fixes Change Log is available below that contains all of the bug fixes for all of the 2022.6 builds up to 2022.6.4.0.
2022.6.3.0 is a HotFix release that contains an enhancement for version 2022.6 of Enate to make the Plus Addressing feature optional, and set to OFF by default.
There are no new breaking changes or additional breaking API changes, however there is one additional known issue for this release.
The change log for 2022.6.3.0. contains a detailed list of any enhancements and bug fixes which have been included in this release. A downloadable copy of the New Features & Enhancements Change Log and the Bug Fixes Change Log are available below that contain any new features & enhancements and all of the bug fixes for all of the 2022.6 builds up to 2022.6.3.0.
2022.6.2.0 is a production release that contains a number of enhancements and bug fixes.
The change log for 2022.6.2.0 contains a detailed list of the enhancements and bug fixes which have been included in this release. A downloadable copy of the New Features & Enhancements Change Log and the Bug Fixes Change Log are available below.
Below is a copy of the breaking changes document for v2022.6. This contains details for all breaking changes within the Data Warehouse and the Enate APIs.
This document lists all the validation codes for the 2022.6 release.
Recommendation for best use of API breaking changes documentation is as follows:
Read through the breaking changes information for APIs
Upon finding reference to an API which you currently use and which has changed, go to your Swagger environment for the quickest way to view the overall impact and new API content definition. Your Swagger environment should always be your go-to place for the definitive explanation of the current API structure. See the Swagger explanation in our main online Help section for more information.
We've added further functionality to Custom Cards for showing your bespoke data. Now you have the ability to make the fields in Custom Cards:
Read-only and even
to show or hide fields dynamically based on the value of other fields on the card
We've also added the ability to create Hyperlink fields and add them to cards.
Take a look at this video on Custom Card creation to show these new features:
To set the fields on your custom cards to mandatory / read-only / hidden, go to Builder and click on the Custom Cards page from the menu on the left-hand side. Icons will display which fields are already set to Mandatory or Read-Only.
Then select to edit the desired Custom Card. Select a custom data field from the list of Added Fields on the left and click the '+' icon. This will open the Field Settings pop-up.
From here, select if you want end users in Work Managers to have to fill in the field by selecting to make the field mandatory.
When it comes to making a custom data table mandatory, you cannot make the whole table mandatory, but you can make individual fields within the table mandatory.
And then select if you want end users in Work Manager to be unable to edit the field by selecting to make the field read-only.
Note that when making a field read-only your options for providing a value to it are as follows:
Set a default value for the field by adjusting the custom data field settings, or if you leave the default settings blank,
Users in Work Manager can enter a value into the field on a Work Item, but once the field has been filled in and the work item has been subsequently submitted, the field will become read-only and users will no longer be able to edit it.
Note that you cannot set a default value for the following types of data:
multiple-level lists
decimal numbers.
When it comes to making a custom data table read-only, you cannot make the whole table read-only but you can make individual fields within the table read-only.
You can also choose if you want to hide a field from end users in Work Manager based on the value of another field on the card by selecting to Add Conditions. For example, you could choose to hide the field 'Type of hardware required' if the answer for the field 'Is hardware required' is no by adding the following condition:
Then if any one of these conditions are met, the field 'Type of hardware required' will not show on the Custom Card in Work Manager (this can happen instantly on field value change when users a changing field values).
You can add a condition based on any of the existing custom data fields that have been added to a Custom Card and for all custom field data types.
'OR' logic applies if multiple conditions are added to a field, i.e. if any one of the conditions added to a field are met, the field will not show on the Custom Card in Work Manager.
The conditions you can add depend upon the type of custom field. See the following table for further information:
Check Box
Does Not Equal
Date and Time
Does Not Equal
Is Between
Is greater than
Is less than
Is greater than or equals
Is less than or equals
Date Only
Does Not Equal
Is Between
Is greater than
Is less than
Is greater than or equals
Is less than or equals
Decimal Number
Does Not Equal
Is Between
Is greater than
Is less than
Is greater than or equals
Is less than or equals
Email Address
Does Not Equal
Does Not Equal
Does Not Equal
Long Text
Does not equal
Multiple Level List
Does Not Equal
Short Text
Does Not Equal
Whole Number
Does Not Equal
Is Between
Is greater than
Is less than
Is greater than or equals
Is less than or equals
Custom Data Table
See below.
When adding conditions to determine whether a data table should be shown or hidden depending on whether certain conditions are met, note that the entire data table will either be shown or hidden - you cannot choose to show or hide individual fields within a custom data table. This includes any fields that you have selected as mandatory.
We've also added the ability to add hyperlinks in custom data by adding a new type of custom data field. To do this, when you are creating a custom data field, select the 'Hyperlink' option from the Type dropdown.
The URL entered must be a valid URL and the maximum length that can be entered is 2048 characters.
Note that this new Hyperlink field can only be added to Work Manager cards at the moment.
The new Hyperlink custom data field can be used anywhere in the system where custom data can be used, including when bulk creating work items. However please note that when using a hyperlink custom data field in bulk create, hyperlinks with customised display text are not supported i.e. the text entered in a hyperlink field must be the entire URL of the hyperlink e.g. https://www.enate.io/ and NOT Enate Website.
Along with the introduction of the new 'Unprocessed Emails' feature in Work Manager (which allows agent users to select the correct course of action in the rare case that an incoming email does not get processed), AND the new features to support communications between multiple internal teams we're modifying some of the configuration requirements for Mailbox and Email Routes, and adjusting the logic for how incoming emails are processed.
Multiple Addresses create multiple Work Items - Previously a single incoming email would be picked up by a mailbox, find a relevant email route rule, create the specified type of Work Item, then cease. No further Work Items would be created, even if the incoming mail was addressed to further email addresses which were linked to Enate Mailboxes / Routes. NOW, the system will instead continue in this situation, and will create a new Work Item for each address it finds which is linked to an Enate Mailbox / Route (assuming that it is not an email referencing an existing work item, in which case it would simply be appended to that). See this section for more details.
Wildcards on Email Route Rules dropped - The use of wildcard '*' email address settings in Email Routes is no longer supported.
Incoming Emails 'From' your Enate instance will be ignored - See for more information.
Note: You will need to check whether any of your Email Route configurations use '*' wildcards for the email address and remove these. Now, each Email Connector must have at least one email Route defined for it which does not contain any additional filtering rules other than the explicit Email Address.
The Connector-level defined Route rule for how to process an email is no longer treated as the 'fallback' route of last resort if no other route is found within the Alias-level Email Routes. Its function is now to specify which Work Item to create if an email is sent *explicitly* to that Mailbox Connector's email address rather than to one of its alias addresses. See the section below for more details..
To explain how the email routing settings configured at both Connector Level and at Route level now work together, we'll take an example where we have:
A Mailbox Connector of e.g. 'HRMail@acme.com'
A number of Alias email addresses for this mailbox, e.g. 'HRAlias1@acme.com', 'HRAlias2@acme.com', etc.
Email routing logic now works as follows:
Email Routes get defined on the Routes page to determine what happens for mails which are sent in to the Alias addresses.
A Route definition is still required at Connector level to handle the situation where an email might be addressed directly to the Connector Address
The main change to email processing logic in version 2022.6 of Enate is the addition of Plus Addressing. This is of course only applicable .
An important change is being made for the scenario where an incoming email into Enate which was addressed to multiple Aliases (or Connectors) only created a single work item.
Previously, once a work item creation rule had been found for the first relevant email address, the system would create that single Ticket or Case and then stop. No further work items would be created.
NOW, the system will continue, and will create further work items for all relevant emails for which there is a work item creation rule (assuming for all of the above that the email is not one related to an existing work item / work items).
The result of this is that incoming emails which previously created a single new work item my now create multiple separate work items.
Plus Addressing involves adding using unique, receive-only email addresses that are kind of extensions to your basic email address, usually to help keep your inbox tidy and protect it against influx of unwanted messages.
In Enate, Plus Addressing is used to automatically add the unique reference number of a work item to any email addresses being sent as part of working on that work item.
For example, if you are emailing a reply to a query that has arrived to the mailbox:info@enate.io, upon sending the email Enate will auto-populate the From email address with a plus sign (+) followed by the reference number of the work item as a tag, so the From email address will look something like this: info+123-T@enate.io.
This adds a additional layer of processing logic for incoming emails which will run first and therefore drastically reduces the chances of creating unnecessary work items when sending emails back and forth which is particularly useful when working across multiple different teams in Enate with varying levels of permissions.
You firstly need to enable Plus Addressing in whichever email system you are using.
This article takes you through how to enable Plus Addressing in Microsoft 365:
This article shows you how to enable Plus Addressing in Gmail:
Once the above email server settings have been confirmed as being set to support Plus Addressing, you need to enable Plus Addressing in Enate.
To do this, go to Builder > System-Settings > General Settings, navigate down to the 'Work Item Plus Addressing' section and switch the toggle on.
Work items will be matched using Plus Addressing.
Note that Plus Addressing is set to OFF by default.
If Plus Addressing in NOT switched on, work items will be matched using standard fall-back email processing rules (i.e. those not used in Plus Addressing).
See here for more information about how Enate processes incoming emails:
Update email processing logic to be:
When processing an email create 1 work item PER matched email route.
When processing an email look at all email routes, not just ones associated with the connector it was received by.
When processing an email that matches 0 routes, fail processing and throw exception.
When processing an email Create work item for all enabled connectors + disabled connector by enate system.
we should also add link work item relationship if multiple work item created by one email so that end user can see all related item together and collaborate accordingly.
If an incoming email being received by Enate has a 'From' mail address which has been used in the configuration settings of a Ticket / Case or Acton in that system, including retired versions, Enate will NOT append the email to a Work Item, nor will it create a new Work Item.
You should therefore pay particular attention to the setup of emails are arriving into an Enate instance which have a from address which has been used in that system's Work Item configuration, as the above behaviour will very likely preclude this. The email does NOT need to have originated from the same Enate instance, it only needs to have a From address that is being used in that instance.
Additional attention should also be made for e.g. test mail accounts you select to send test emails into Enate.
This Enate behaviour is to avoid duplicate processing of items which Enate may well have already processed before the outgoing email has been sent, for example (but not limited to) auto-appending of mails to linked work items via Plus Addressing logic.
We have adjust the design of our Email Routes configuration page to help optimise performance, speed and ease of use, especially when you are working with a large volume of email routes.
Changes which have been made here are as follows:
At header level, you can search to filter down your view to just one Connector
You can now search for a route at a connector-level, based on its email address, process and/or Ticket category (if relevant).
Note that these searches are all now 'start with' searches rather than full wildcard searches, e.g. if you type 'France' it will search for items 'France*' rather than *France*..
Additionally, as a useful shortcut you now have to ability to add a new email route directly within a specific email connector itself - clicking on the '+' icon next to a connector will bring up the 'Create an Email Route' pop-up with the email connector name already filled it.
For Graph API routes, we've moved the option to view folders as an additional filter at the top of the screen.
Note that as part of these changes you will now only be able to expand a single Connector section at one time.
For further details on how the system deals with incoming email, depending on the number of Enate-mailbox addresses in the TO, CC & BCC address fields, see .