The Sentiment Analysis report displays information relating to email sentiment analysis allowing users to quickly and clearly see developing trends regarding incoming emails and take action where necessary.
In order for the Sentiment Analysis report to be available, the EnateAI Sentiment Analysis integration must be enabled (this can be done in Enate's Marketplace in Builder). When this integration runs it generates the data needed for the report. Once this integration has been activated, information will automatically begin to be sent into and displayed in the report.
Access to and the ability to edit the sentiment report is controlled by permissions in user roles, in the same way as all other reports within Enate. If users do not have the right permissions enabled, they will not be able to access the report. To edit the report users will need the 'Create Custom Reports' permission enabled.
Here are some of the type of information which can be found within the report
View the overall share and count of incoming emails analysed as having a positive, neutral or negative sentiment.
Track the fluctuation of email sentiment over time. Look out for any significant changes and address them accordingly.
Compare email sentiment across your companies, regions, services and processes. Take action accordingly.
Identify top senders based on email volume and sentiments to address customer concerns effectively and efficiently.
View the agents that receive the highest volume of positive or negative emails, highlighting areas for improvement or recognition.
View how the number of agents a work item is assigned to affects client sentiment. Take action accordingly.
View how the length of time a work item is open for affects client sentiment. Take action accordingly.
View how meeting and not meeting the SLA on a work item affects client sentiment. Take action accordingly.
View how reopening work items affects client sentiment. Take action accordingly.
View how raising defects on work items affects client sentiment. Take action accordingly.
See below for a complete list of all the available data fields that can be used within the Sentiment Analysis report:
Name of the Contract
Name of the Customer
Name of the Service
Name of the Supplier
Calendar range of dates for filtering data
Months of the dates
Year of the dates
Feedback comments given on each workitem
Feedback logged date in date time format
Feedback logged date in date format
Feedback rating from 1 - 5
6M Moving Avg(Ratings)
6 months moving average over the number of ratings. To be visualised against dates.
Avg. Rating
Average ratings given across all workitems
Total Ratings
Total number of ratings given
Feedback Types
Feedback Type
Ratings grouped as Happy, Unhappy & Neutral
Name of the process each Work Item belongs to
Process Group
Process group given for Cases / Tickets
Work Item Type
Type of the Work Item (Ticket, Action or Case)
Sentiment Scores
Email logged date in date time format
Sentiment Scores
Email logged date in date format
Sentiment Scores
Email sender's full name or email address (depending on whichever is availible)
Sentiment Scores
Sentiment Confidence
Confidence level of the email classification (or sentiment score) in percentage (0 - 100%)
Sentiment Scores
6M Moving Avg
6 months moving average over the number of emails that have sentiment scores. To be visualised against dates.
Sentiment Scores
Email Count
Total number of emails that sentiment score
Sentiment Scores
Work Item Count
Total number of workitems with emails that have sentiment score
Sentiment Types
Sentiment Type
Types of sentiment (Positve, Negative or Neutral)
Ticket Categories
Ticket Category1
Ticket Category level 1
Ticket Categories
Ticket Category2
Ticket Category level 2
Ticket Categories
Ticket Category3
Ticket Category level 3
User Name
Full name of the user responsible for the work item
Email Address
Email address of the user responsible for the work item
Team Manager
Full name of the manager of the users responsible for the work item
Work Items
Assigned User Count Groups
Grouping of Assigned User Count into different buckets (e.g., 0, 1-3, 3-5, 5-7 etc.). Assigned User Count is the unique number of users assigned to the work item througout it's lifecycle (from start to end).
Work Items
Customer Duration(Hrs)
Total time (in working hours) taken to complete the work item as per the customer calendar. Value will be blank if the work item is still in progress.
Work Items
Customer Duration Groups
Grouping of Customer Durations into different buckets (e.g., 0-24, 24-48, 48-72, 5-7 etc.)
Work Items
Work Item Due Date in date time format
Work Items
Work Item End Date in date time format
Work Items
Has Defects
Whether the Work Item has defect or not (Yes or No)
Work Items
Is Reopened
Tickets that got opened after going to resolved status
Work Items
Reference number of each Work Item
Work Items
Work Items Resolved Date in date time format
Work Items
Service Level Agreement to indicate where Work Item is Overdue or not
Work Items
Work Item Start Date in date time format
Work Items
Title of the Work Item
Work Items
Supplier Duration(Hrs)
Total time (in working hours) taken to complete the work item as per the supplier calendar. Value will be blank if the work item is still in progress.