You can write a new email from the Email tab of a work item.
You can save an email as a draft, schedule when you want to send an email and send an email straight away.
Note that you cannot send an email that exceeds the size set in Builder.
Once the email has been sent, it will appear in the timeline, where you can see who composed the email, the content of the email if you expand it, when the email was composed and when it was sent. You will also have the option to reply to the email, forward the email, expand the email or print the email.
You can write a brand new email without needing to have the work item assigned to you.
To help safeguard sensitive information, should a recipients address that is not associated with a Work Item ever be entered in an email in a Work Item, a warning message will appear alerting you to the fact that an email address is not associated with the work item and giving you the option to remove any non-associated email addresses. If you still wish to send the email to the chosen email recipient simply click send.
You can also reply / forward emails from the timeline by clicking on the links available. These buttons will be enabled when you mouse over the email card.
System behaviour for entering email addresses is as follows:
When sending a new email, the system will default the To address to that of the Primary Contact in the contacts section. Cc Address will also default to email addresses entered in the Ccs section.
If more than one possible From email address is configured, the system will populate the default one (configured as default in Builder), and will display a dropdown to allow the alternate ones to be selected.
These standard rules for default and suggested addresses can be overridden for To, Cc and Bcc for Cases and Actions in Builder configuration. Addresses set as default will auto-populate (more than one can be set in this way). Override addresses not set as default will be available for quick selection by clicking the To / Cc/ Bcc button address
When searching for a contact in the To/CC/BCC fields, you will only be able to view contacts from the same company as the work item. However, you can manually enter the email address of a contact from a different company.
Note: The From address always displays in the email composition section when you are writing an email. This ensures that the sender will always have a view of the email address being used as the from when sending out emails from a particular work item.
Note: You will only be able to see the email addresses of contacts from companies that you have access to. However, you are able to manually enter any email address. These permissions can be configured in Builder, click here for more information.
When composing emails, you can easily copy email addresses between the To/Cc/Bcc addresses via the ‘copy’ icon displayed when clicking into the relevant address field.
When you send out an email which contains new email addresses (i.e. not linked to existing contacts), the system will display a popup to allow you to create them as new contact records.
If there are any email addresses for which you do not wish to create a new record, simply hover over the row and click the delete icon. Additionally, there is a ‘Do not show this again’ checkbox which when clicked will ensure you are not presented with this popup for subsequent new email addresses (this can be switched back on again in the user profile section where you can also find your email signature settings).
Via the email toolbar you can:
Attach files to the email
Access the email body formatting toolbar
Pin the email body formatting toolbar
Insert a Canned Text
Set the email importance as high
Clicking on the email body formatting icon will formatting options for the main body of the email.
You also have the option to pin the email body formatting toolbar.
The email body formatting toolbar gives you the options to:
Select the font
Select the font size
Make the text Bold, Italic or Underlined
Undo your previous changes (also available with Ctrl + Z)
Redo your previous changes (also available with Ctrl + Shift + Z)
Expand the email to full screen
Select the background colour
Select the text colour
Choose how to align the text
Add a numbered list
Add a bullet list
Text inline options - ability to increase or decrease the text indent
Insert a horizontal line
Adjust the line height
Select an inline style
Format the cell style
Insert a strike through (also available by highlighting the text and Ctrl + S)
Add a subscript or superscript
Add special characters
Insert a link
Insert a table
Insert an image
You also have the option to view a list of keyboard shortcuts
When you compose an email (either as an email template in Builder, or any form of new/response/forward email in Work Items in Work Manager) your font settings (i.e. your font style and size) the font type and font size most recently used will be saved as the font for writing content so you don't need to set them again.
These values are saved to the user profile so will persist between Builder and Work Manager usage.
This only pertains to the front at the very top of the email being composed - if user clicks into any pre-existing content further down the mail, the font style and size already in use for that content will be used. See note for further details. As part of this change, inconsistencies in 'new empty lines' for emails has been resolved - when writing a new email, 2 blank lines will always be inserted that the top of the mail.
Note that the font for canned texts and templates will use the font settings when they were created.
The email font style and size being used when a user is composing a mail will depending on whether they are clicking on pre-existing content. The logic for which fonts will be used is as follows, and is impacted by the new auto-insertion of two blank lines at the beginning of every new email:
1st auto-inserted line: uses the user-saved font settings from their most - recent email.
2nd auto-inserted. This is always set as Arial - 10.
Subsequent email content after this may come from: -previous emails in the mail chain
email template content
email signature content font style and size in these sections will come from that already existing content, depending on where user clicks.
You can copy/paste information into emails from external documents, e.g. Excel tables and Word document content, as well as HTML information from webpages.
If you wish to dedicate more screen space to view emails, you can use the available pop out feature:
The Undo Send setting lets you add a time delay to when your emails will be sent, giving you the opportunity to cancel sending an email, or reviewing an email before it gets sent.
You can set an Undo Send time in User Settings.
When an Undo Send time is set, a popup will appear allowing you to cancel sending the email.
Additionally, when an Undo Send time is set, you will have the option of sending an email 'Now' in the Timeline which overrides the time delay from the Undo Send configuration and you will also have the option to cancel sending the email altogether.
When an Undo Send time is set, emails will be shown in the Outbox page with a Send Status of Queue.
For all type of emails (inbound / outbound / cancelled / failed/ scheduled) you have the option to download the underlying .eml file. This is available from the various locations in the system where emails can be see, i.e. Work Item Comms & Timeline sections, Email Inbox, Sent Items views.
Please note: If the email you are attempting to download contains an attachment file which has been explicitly manually deleted by an user (for e.g. reasons of data sensitivity), the .eml download option will be disabled for that email - the system will display a message explaining the reason for this disabling when download icon is clicked.
You can easily check the spelling & grammar for everything you write in Enate (including your emails) by switching on spellchecker in your browser. For information on how to enable spell checker in the most popular internet browsers follow this link "How to enable spell check in Enate".
Canned Texts are standard pre-configured texts which are created as part of system configuration.
When writing an email, you can insert a Canned Text by clicking on the Canned Texts icon at the bottom of a write an email screen. This will show you all canned texts available for the Service Line and you can use the free text search function to filter items by title.
You can also use the ‘recently used’ option by clicking on the dropdown list, allowing you to quickly access a more relevant canned text. You can also manually modify canned texts after they have been inserted into your email.
Note: Any files linked to the canned text section will also be attached at the same time.
Show by Language
You can also select a canned text in a different language by clicking on the language in the dropdown list.
Note: The system will show the canned text in your language by default.
This shows emails related to in-progress Work Items in your business areas. There are various filtering options and ways to view different sets of data. Use this view to keep on top of incoming emails for the work items you and your team are dealing with.
By default, emails received within the past 90 DAYS are displayed. Agents can use the Filter dropdown to select a different (e.g. older) date or date range to see emails older than this, but note that the date range specified can only span a maximum of 90 days.
In the collapsible folder pane on left-hand side of the Email Inbox, you can see links to various sections of your Email Inbox, divided into:
My Emails - Emails for all work items that are currently in your Work Inbox (that you'd see in your Homepage)
My Team Emails - Emails for all work items that are currently in the Work Inbox of your Team. This link is visible if you are a Team Leader or are able to see your peers and Queues.
Unassigned Emails - Emails for all unassigned work items sitting in Queues you work out of. This link is visible if you are a Team Leader or are able to see your peers and Queues.
All emails - in this section you will be able to view all emails belonging to work items, including closed items, in your business areas that you have permissions on. In this section you can also filter by the status of the work item that the email belongs to.
The numbers displayed show the number of unread emails in these different folders.
Unprocessed Emails - here you'll be able to see any such unprocessed emails for your area of the business, and decide on the what to do with them. The number next to this section shows you the total number of emails in the section. See here for more information.
There's also links to your Sent Items and your Outbox - all of which open in separate tabs.
You can see a list of all the emails in your inbox as well as Self Service user comments, with the most recent at the top, showing who the email is from, when it was received, the subject of the email, a preview of the first line of the email body and which work item the email relates to. You will also be able to see if the email has any attachments and if the email was sent with high importance.
Unread emails will appear in bold and you can filter to view just your unread emails by clicking on the 'Unread' option.
Note that an email will be marked as read when a user opens an email.
You can filter your inbox by Customer, Contract, Service, Process, Queue, the 'from' email address, whether or not the email has attachments, and by email received date.
If you have access to the 'My Team Emails' view you'll also be able to filter by assigned user.
For the 'All Emails' section you can also filter by the status of the work item that the email belongs to.
You can switch between viewing 'My Emails' which are the emails in your own inbox, 'My Team Emails' which will show you the emails in the inbox of your team members, 'Unassigned Emails' which will show you incoming emails for work items in your Queues which don't have an assignee, 'All emails' which shows you all emails related to work items, including closed items, in your business areas that you have permissions on and 'Unprocessed Emails' which shows you any unprocessed emails for your area of the business so that you can decide what to do with them.
For My Emails, My Team Emails, Unassigned Emails and All Emails, when a new email comes in the 'unread' number will refresh and a mail icon will appear on the refresh button. You just need to click it to refresh your inbox and view the newly arrived emails.
You can mark individual emails as read/unread, but please note that this will NOT affect the new information flag on the work item that the email relates to, so marking an email as read will NOT switch off the new information icon in the work item.
For Unprocessed Emails, the number next to this section shows you the total number of emails in the section. See here for more information.
The main section of the Email Inbox view displays the preview panel for whichever email you have selected. You can adjust the size of the email preview panel to suit your needs.
When you click on a email, you will be able to see the full email in the right-hand side of the screen. You can see the subject of the email, who it was sent from, who it was sent to, any CC recipients, a link to the work item that the email relates to, the due date of the work item and the full content of the email.
If you click on reply, reply all, or forward for an email, the system will open a new tab displaying the Work item in question and will take you to the email editor screen to start composing your email.
Further options are also available from the ellipses next to the reply links. These will allow you to go directly to the work item that the email relates to (opening in a new tab), and to print the email directly.
You also have the option to download the underlying .eml file.
Please note: If the email you are attempting to download contains an attachment file which has been explicitly manually deleted by a user (for e.g. reasons of data sensitivity), the .eml download option will be disabled for that email - the system will display a message explaining the reason for this disabling when download icon is clicked.
If an email has any attachments, you can see the name of the attachment, its size and the option to download it. If the email has multiple attachments, you have the additional options of downloading all of the attachments or downloading them all as a ZIP file.
You can also expand the email to full-screen mode, where the preview pane is hidden.
To make your email work more flexible we've added the ability to save your emails as drafts if you're not quite ready to send them. Now when you are writing an email in a work item, you can choose to save the email as a draft and come back to it later.
When you are writing an email in a work item, you can choose to save the email as a draft and come back to it later. Drafts will be saved for a maximum of 90 days.
Note that you cannot save an email as a draft that exceeds the size set in Builder - see here for more information.
If you have the Drafts filter in the comms/timeline tab switched on (note that this will be switched on automatically by default upon upgrade), you will see any saved draft emails for that work item in the comms/timeline.
You'll see who created the draft and when and the first few lines of the email.
If you click to expand the view, you'll also see the email address that the draft will be sent from, the address it will be sent to, any CC or BCC email addresses, the subject of the email, any attachments and the full email content if these have been added when the draft was saved.
You can edit a draft email from the timeline by clicking 'Update Draft'. This will open up the email editor where you can edit your draft. Note that you can only edit or delete a draft email from the work item it belongs to.
You also have the options to delete the draft, to open the email in a pop-out window or to print it.
Multiple users can work on the same draft, just not at the same time. A single work item can have multiple draft emails. These can all be seen and edited from the work item's comms/timeline.
When a draft already exists for a work item, the system will alert you to this when you start writing a new email so you can choose whether you want to continue writing your new email or whether you would like to edit the draft email instead.
If a work item has a draft email and you merge or convert a Ticket to a Case, you will be able to see the draft email in the comms/timeline or all work items in the related group as long as the 'Drafts' filter and the 'Include Related Work Items' filter are switched on.
The draft email will show in the timeline with the reference number of the work item it belongs to.
Note that draft emails will not be copied across when copying communications to a new linked work item, even when the 'Copy communications' option is enabled.
An attachment icon in the draft email comms/timeline entry shows you if any files have been attached to the draft email.
Clicking to expand the comms/timeline view will show you the name of the attachment and give you the option to download it.
Additionally, any files attached to draft emails will show in the files tab and be marked with a draft icon. You can view, download or delete files attached to draft emails from here. Note that you cannot add notes or tags to files attached to draft emails.
You can schedule the date and time of when an email will be sent by selecting the Schedule Send option.
The scheduled email will appear in the Comms and Timeline tabs, along with who scheduled it and when it has been scheduled for. If the email has been scheduled to send more than 2 minutes later, a 'Send Now' and 'Cancel' button will appear to let you send the scheduled email straight away if you have changed your mind or to cancel sending the scheduled email altogether.
Note that you cannot schedule an email that exceeds the size set in Builder - see here for more information. However, validation of the email size occurs as part of saving the email, not at the sent time. So if a 25MB email has been scheduled and then the maximum email size gets reduced in Builder to 10MB, the scheduled email will still be sent as it conformed to the size allowance configured when it was scheduled.
Sent Items shows you all of the emails from your business area's work items that have been sent out.
You can see a preview list of all the emails that have been sent out, with the most recent at the top, showing who the email was sent to, when it was sent, the subject of the email, a preview of the first line of the email body and which work item the email relates to. You will also be able to see if the email has any attachments and if the email was sent with high importance.
You can adjust the size of the email preview panel to suit your needs.
When you click on an email, you will be able to see the full email in the right-hand side of the screen. You can see the subject of the email, who it was sent from, who it was sent to, any CC recipients, a link to the work item that the email relates to, the due date of the work item and the full content of the email.
You can also expand the email to full-screen mode, where the preview pane is hidden.
You can switch between viewing 'My Emails' which are the emails that you have sent and 'My Team Emails' which will show you the emails that members of your team have sent.
You can also reply, reply all, or forward a sent email. When you click on one of these options, the system will open a new tab displaying the work item in question and will take you to the email editor screen to start composing your email.
You can filter your sent emails by Customer, Contract, Service, Process, Queue, who the email was sent to, date range, the status of the work item that the email relates to, whether or not the email has attachments, and whether or not the email was system-generated.
Note that when filtering by date you can only filter for a maximum timespan of 90 days.
If you have access to the 'My Team Emails' view you'll also be able to filter by assigned user and by who the email was sent by.
Further options are also available from the ellipses next to the reply links. These will allow you to go directly to the work item that the email relates to (opening in a new tab), and to print the email directly.
You also have the option to download the underlying .eml file.
Please note: If the email you are attempting to download contains an attachment file which has been explicitly manually deleted by a user (for e.g. reasons of data sensitivity), the .eml download option will be disabled for that email - the system will display a message explaining the reason for this disabling when download icon is clicked.
If an email has any attachments, you can see the name of the attachment, its size and the option to download it. If the email has multiple attachments, you have the additional options of downloading all of the attachments or downloading them all as a ZIP file.
Files can be attached to an email in various ways.
1) You can attach files when composing an email by clicking on the attach files option at the foot of the email section.
Files that are already attached to the work item, and are therefore already in the (including files attached to previous existing emails within the work item) will be available for selection from here. You can use the search function to search for specific files if there are many to choose from.
You can also search for files from your PC to attach from here by clicking on the ‘Browse This PC’ icon.
3) You can drag and drop files from your desktop into the email section
4) Files which have been linked to a standard Canned Text will automatically attach to the email when the canned text is selected.
When emails are auto-generated and sent by the system, the email template used may be linked to one or more tags – the system will identify any files currently attached to the work item which have been tagged with this same value, and will auto-attach them to the email before sending.
You can view all the email attachments that have been added to the work item and other related/linked work items in the files tab.
You can see the name of the file, what type of file it is, its size and when and by who it was uploaded and the reference number of the work item it was uploaded to.
You can download files from an email by opening the email you have received and clicking to download the file attached.
If multiple files have been attached, you have the option to download all the files individually or to download them as a zip file.
It is possible to download multiple attachments with a single click from mails in the comms and timeline section. Clicking on the ‘Download all’ icon will download all attachments present in that Comms / Timeline section item.
You can download individual files by clicking on the the option in the menu on the right.
You can download multiple files at once by selecting the files you wish to download and selecting the option at the top of the screen.
You can download multiple files in a zip file by selecting the files you wish to download and selecting the option at the top of the screen.
If your system has been set up to let you delete email attachments, you can delete attachments that originated from an email in the file card of a work item. This is useful when, for example, you are dealing with sensitive information in email attachments.
The deleted attachment will also be deleted from other related work items such as other Actions in a Case, Sub Cases, child and parent Tickets if a Ticket has been merged, child Cases and parent Tickets if a Ticket has been converted to a Case.
But note that if you delete an email attachment from a Ticket that has been split or is the child Ticket of a split, the deleted file will not be deleted from the other child Ticket(s) or the parent Ticket.
Note also that deleting an attachment from a linked work item will NOT delete the attachment from the work item(s) it is linked with.
Please also be aware that it is not possible to delete an email attachment from a work item that is Closed.
The attachment will be deleted from all parts of the system, so you won't be able to search for it in Quickfind, and it will not be available to attach to a new email relating to the work item.
Any further activity on the work item will not resurrect the deleted attachment and creating a new linked work item will not resurrect the deleted attachment.
You will be notified in the timeline when an email attachment has been deleted, along with the file name of the email attachment that was deleted, the subject of the email it was attached to, who deleted it and when it was deleted.
All emails arriving into Enate get automatically processed into either Tickets or Cases based on business rules which look at things like where it's sent into, who it's from and what it's about. Occasionally though, emails arrive into Enate and do not get processed into a Case or a Ticket.
This can happen due to the following reasons:
None of the To and/or CC email addresses have a matching email route defined for them in Builder (that's the rules which say which kind of Ticket or Case an incoming email should generate).
There are only BCC email addresses in the email, no To or CC addresses.
If there any such emails in your area of the business, you'll see an icon in your header bar showing you how many.
This will show the total number of currently unhandled emails and, if you click the link will also show a popup showing how many of these have arrived in the past 24 hours, plus a link to take you straight to the Unhandled emails section of your Email Inbox page (alternatively you can find it within your Email Inbox view).
The Unhandled Emails view in the Email Inbox section in Work Manager allows agent users to review these unhandled emails and take the appropriate steps. This option is visible to all users.
You'll see emails that have failed to process into a Case or Ticket (i.e. they're unhandled) which have come into the mailbox that your area of the business works out of. Other unhandled emails which arrive into mailboxes that aren't linked to any of your business processes will be seen by agents in other areas of your business.
More specifically, if you have permissions on a process connected to an email route, you'll see the unhandled emails for any email that comes into that email connector, even if its from a different route.
The number next to this section shows the total number of emails in the unhandled email view.
You can filter the emails in this section by:
Mailbox Address
Mailbox Name (if you know it). Specifically, this is the email address of the mailbox which handles the incoming mails.
Date, i.e. the date which the email arrived.
The Unhandled Emails view will let you review the incoming email's content to help you determine where you should route.
Once you've determined where it should go, you've got a couple of options:
1) You can decide to create a work item from the email, specifying a Customer, Contract & Service for it, before launching the work item. If you do this, the email will be changed to 'Processed' and will be removed from the Unhandled Emails view when you next click to refresh your email inbox.
2) You can decide to delete the email if appropriate (for example if it's a spam mail). If you do this, the email will be changed to 'Deleted' and will be removed from the Unhandled Emails view when you next click to refresh your email inbox.
There's also an option to delete multiple emails in Bulk. Click on one or more boxes and a delete button will appear next to the filter, along with the number of emails selected.
Note: Users will be able to create a new work item from an unhandled email on this page even if they do not have the 'Can Create' permission set for them.
If you find yourself regularly having to pick up unhandled mails and route them into the same tickets or cases again and again, you've got a couple of options:
2) You can add links to an email by clicking on the attach links option at the foot of the email section. Links that have already been added to the work item (and are therefore already in the ).
Attachments from incoming emails are denoted with a green email icon:
Attachments from outgoing emails are denoted with a blue email icon:
You can also see the and that have been added to the files.
Note that it is not currently possible to append an unhandled email to an existing work item, only to create a new work item. However once you have done this, you can still use the feature to merge it in with an existing work item.
You can speak with your Business Admin to see if a new can be set in order to catch these emails and automatically create the relevant Work Item for them.
Alternatively, you can resolve the issue at source and create a simple Email Routing Rule yourself, from within the Unhandled Emails view. See '' for how to do this.
And, for more information about how Enate processes incoming emails, .
As part of dealing with Unhandled emails, agent users can create email routing directly within Work Manager. Creating these rules helps stop equivalent future emails from landing as Unhandled emails, ensuring that a Ticket or Case gets created for them. This reduces future Unhandled email volumes and makes sure work can start on these items more quickly. To provide an element of control, the ability of Work Manager users to create new email routes is an option which can be turned off/on in via User Roles in Builder.
Once these rules are created in Work Manager they're instantly live and working, however Admin users in Builder are notified of any new routing rules created in this way, and these remain marked for their attention until the Admin acknowledges them. Admins still have the ability to adjust or even turn off such rules after assessing them.
Feature Access to be able to create new Email Routes in Work Manager is controlled via Enate's User Role system, with a new option being added to the Email View Options section.
Note: This 'Create Email Routes' access will be set to ON for the Standard Team Member role
While dealing with an unhandled email in the Unhandled emails section of the Email Inbox page, if you choose to have the email processed into a Ticket / Case (by clicking 'New Work Item' option), you'll be met with the following popup:
You can search by email route (which will auto-populate the Customer/Contract/Service/Process fields based on suggestions for the mailbox address selected), or can manually select. Clicking Create at this point will create the specific Ticket or Case from the email, as normal.
However, if you also wish to have the same thing happen automatically ongoing, you can click on the 'Apply to other emails' link at the foot of the popup before you hit 'Create'. If you've selected this option, when you hit 'Create' two things will happen:
A small confirmation message shows confirming that a new work item has been created.
A further popup screen to 'Create New Email Routing Rule' is then shown where you can fill in the remaining routing rule details before confirming its creation.
You can decide if the route is going to be a 'To' or 'From' type of route, i.e.
'treat all emails FROM this address in the same way', OR
'Treat all email TO this address in the same way'
and then which email address is to be used in conjunction with this. Enate will automatically fill the email address with the relevant email address associated with the unprocessed email you were working on.
Within the 'Tips' section of this pop-up, there is a link that will take users to the Unhandled Emails page of the Enate online help, should users require any more information.
In addition to setting a rule which will deal with all future emails that match this pattern, you can also choose to have the rule run against all/some of the existing Unhandled emails which match this rule. If you wish this to happen, select the 'Auto-apply' toggle and this foot of this popup.
The system will show you how many of the current backlog of Unhandled emails match this rule, i.e. how many would be reprocessed.
Selecting this option will bring up a time filter allowing you to select a subset of these existing emails to run the rule for (if, for example, you only want to run this for emails up to a week/month old etc.
You can use the slider to set different date ranges, including setting specific dates. As you change this setting, the system will update to reflect how many emails this would run the rule for.
When you're happy with your selection, you can hit Create - the rule will be re-run and emails will start to be re-processed into the type of Case or Ticket you specified.
Important Note: Once you create a new email routing rule in this way via Work manager, it will instantly go live and start to run against any subsequent incoming emails.
If any new email routes have been created in Unhandled Emails in Work Manager, Admin users will be made aware of this in Builder by a red dot on the Email icon section.
Throughout any subsequent navigation sections and screens as they drill down to the Email Routes page, there will be continued signposting down the new Routing rules that they should be aware of.
Once on the Routes page, users will see a banner notifying them of new email routes to be aware of, as well as how many there are. A link will allow them to filter the routes down to just those new ones that they need to be aware of.
Within the routes table itself, users will be alerted to these new routes to be aware of.
Admin users are encouraged to review these new routing rules (and speak to the agent who created them*) to make sure they're happy with how they are running in conjunction with the various other rules. They can choose to unset them from live, make any adjustments and even delete them if they feel necessary.
If they're hapy with the rule they shoud unmark the 'be adjusted, They can use the 'Clear review filter' link in the header to return to the normal view.
*You can view who created an email routing rule from the 'Show Activity' icon in the top of the rule details popup.
Clicking on this will show the audit trail of who created and updated this rule.
The Outbox Page is where you can find emails belonging to yourself or to your team that are scheduled be to sent at a later date, or have failed to send.
You can access the Outbox Page from the Emails section in the navigation link. The total number of emails in your Outbox will also be shown in the navigation link.
You can select how many emails will be shown from the option on the right.
The first time a Team Leader logs in, they will land on the 'My Team Emails' view. The first time a Team Member logs in, they will land on the 'My Emails' view. You are able to change your view of the outbox page to show just your outbox emails, your team's, the system's or all outbox emails. This will be saved when you log out and log back in.
Selecting 'My Emails' lets you see emails sent by you that are in your outbox.
'My Team Emails' shows you emails sent by your team that are in the outbox, as well as emails relating to work items that your team members are working on that are in the outbox.
Selecting 'System Emails' lets you see emails that are sent automatically by the system e.g. because a Ticket has been split or merged.
'All' lets you see emails sent by you, your team, as well as emails from outside of your team for which you have access.
You are able to manually retry sending an email by clicking on the Retry icon. The email will now be in a state of 'Pending Retry'.
You can also retry sending an email from the timeline of the work item itself.
Additionally, the system can automatically retry sending emails if your system has been set with an Automated Failure Retry Pattern (see here for more information). Once the system has retried sending an email the maximum number of times specified, it will no longer retry sending it automatically, but you can still retry sending the email manually, i.e. by clicking the 'Retry' icon.
You are also able to cancel sending an email by clicking on the Cancel icon. This will remove the email from the Outbox.
You are also able to retry or cancel sending emails in bulk.
Please note that the system will not automatically retry sending emails that have been migrated from an older version (2020.1 or older). These can only be sent by retrying manually, i.e. clicking the 'Retry' icon.
Double clicking on an email will open the email's details in a popup in read only form. You can see who the email is from, who it is to, etc. You are also able to retry and cancel sending the email from the popup.
You can adjust the grid columns by clicking on the settings cog. These will be saved when you log out and log back in. The 'To' and 'Subject' columns are mandatory.
Email Connector - the name of the email connector through which your system sends emails. This is configured in Builder, see here for more information.
Importance - the importance setting of the email i.e. high, normal, low.
System Generated - if the email was automatically generated by the system (e.g. to notify a user when a Ticket has been split).
Last Attempt To Send - when the last attempt to send the email was (automatically by the system or manually by a user)
Last Send Failure Message - a message displaying the reason why the last attempt to send the email failure e.g. The Email connector is disabled. Please enable it and try again.
Logged - the date and time recorded when the email first failed to send.
Next Attempt To Send - when the system will next try to send the email
Packet - the work item reference that the email is from. Clicking on this will take you to the work item screen.
Packet Type - if the email is related to a Ticket, Case or Action
Send Retry Count - this will show the number of times the system has tried to send the email. You can set this number in Builder, see here for more information.
Send Status - this shows what status emails in the outbox are in in terms of sending. There are 4 states:
Failed - an email with this Send Status has failed to send. In order to send it, it must be manually 'retried'.
Connector Disabled - if an email has this Send Status, it means that the Email Connector has been disabled in Builder. Click here for more information about how to switch it on.
Pending Retry - an email with this Send Status is awaiting automatic retry by the system.
Queued - an email with this Send Status is already scheduled to be sent. Emails send when an Undo Send option has been set will have this status too (see here for more information about the Undo Send option). When these emails will be sent depends on the Automated Failure Retry Pattern option which is set in Builder, see here for more information.
Attachment Count - how many (if any) files are attached to the email
You can view the unhandled incoming emails which were deleted by you / your team as part of dealing with them with the 'Deletion Audit' section of Unhandled Emails. This helps with an auditing how incoming emails which were unhandled have been dealt with.
Clicking on this 'Deletion Audit' link will bring up a view of all deleted unhandled emails within your area of the business. These are incoming unhandled emails where the decision was made to delete these mails rather than create a new Case or Ticket from them.
All filters and paging options are available as for the other email views in this page, but the emails themselves are shown in read-only mode..
Clicking on a deleted unhandled email will display the email in detail in the main section of the screen, with any attachments that it may have had.
Additionally, the header bar above the mail shows who deleted the email and when.
Note: You cannot 'undelete' emails which have been deleted, however if you wish to copy body text information from them you can do this by simply selecting the desired text and copying / Ctrl-C.
Emails will appear in the Unhandled Emails view of your 'Email Inbox' view in Work Manager if they meet one of the following conditions:
None of the To and/or CC email addresses have a matching email route.
There are only BCC email addresses in an email, no To or CC addresses.
See the table below for further detailed information on how emails arriving into Enate are treated, depending on the combinations of Enate-relevant email addresses may appear in the TO, CC or BCC fields.
This is where you are able to easily add, edit and delete email addresses to be blocked.
Disable auto-generated emails when creating a new Ticket from this address - the system will allow Tickets to be created for emails arriving from this address but will not send any auto-generated emails out to the address.
Disable auto-generated emails when creating a new Ticket/Case from this address - the system will allow Tickets and/or Cases to be created for emails arriving from this address but will not send any auto-generated emails out to the address.
Auto-reject emails from this address as spam - the system will allow Tickets to be created for emails arriving from this address but once created, the Ticket will be automatically moved to a state of Closed with a resolution method of 'Rejected as Spam'. As Cases do not have a 'Rejected' status, any email from a blocked address will be automatically moved to your 'Unhandled email' section of your email page, rather than creating any work item.
Number of work Items Created
Will they appear in the Unhandled View
Email to just one email address in either the TO or CC field
Email to 2 or more email addresses in either TO or CC field
2 or more
Email to 1 email address in TO, another in CC field, and one in BCC field
1 for each TO & CC address
*Email to 1 email address in TO and another in BCC field
1 for TO field
Email to 1 or more email addresses in BCC only. Nothing in TO or CC fields.
Yes - for the BCC email mailbox
Email to just 1 email address that is not correctly configured in Enate
Yes - for the non-configured email address
Email to 1 email address that is not configured correctly in Enate and one email address configured in Enate
1 for the configured email address