The Contacts Page is where you can view and manage all of your external contacts in one place.
Note: you will only be able to access the Contact Management Page if you have been set up with the relevant permissions in Enate Builder. See here for more information.
You can access the Contact Management page from the Navigation link. Your contacts and their information will be displayed in a table.
Note: Access to this Contacts page is not switched on for standard Team Member and Team Leader Roles. To give users access to this feature, a Custom Role must be created via the User Management section of Builder, with the 'Contacts' option switched.
Clicking on the first name link will open the Contact Activity page.
You can add contacts from the Contact Management page by clicking on the Create Contact icon and filling out the details for the contact in the resulting popup.
You can import a list of contacts from an Excel spreadsheet in the Contact Management page. A template is provided and the template is supported in all of the languages that Enate offers.
It is mandatory to fill in the email address when importing Contacts from an Excel template. If you don't specify a company, the contact will automatically be set to global. See here for more information about company scoping.
To edit a contact, go to the Contact Management page and double click on the contact to bring up the Edit Contact popup.
You are also able to bulk edit the company, time zone, office location, preferred language of your contacts by selecting on the contact's tick box and the edit button will appear.
To delete a contact, go to the Contact Management page and click on the contact's tick box and the delete button will appear. You are able to delete multiple contacts at once.
You can choose which columns to see by by clicking on the cog icon and selecting from your list of Standard Columns.
The Auto-created column option lets you see how external contacts have been created - if they have been created automatically or manually. Please note that once a contact that has been auto-created has had edits made to it, it will no longer display as an auto-created contact in the 'Auto Created' column of the Contact Management Page.
You can add custom columns to the grid by clicking on the cog icon and selecting from your list of Custom Data Columns. Custom Data Columns are created in Builder (click here for more information). Fields of all data types can be created with the exception of Table fields and Long Text fields.
You can sort the table by alphabetical order for a column by clicking on that column's title, and you can go back to the original selection of columns by clicking 'Revert to Defaults'.
Contact tags are used to link contacts to work items.
The system-default Contacts Tags that are available are:
Primary Contact – the main person you are dealing with for this query. There can only ever be one Primary Contact for a work item. This is mandatory for a Ticket. Depending on Case configuration in Builder, this may or may not be mandatory for a Case (if set as mandatory for Case type, is also mandatory for that Case’s Actions).
Original Requester - the person who initially raised the request. There can only ever be one Original Requester for a work item, and it is independent to the 'Requester' tag. The original requester will be either automatically set in the situation where a valid contact sent in the email that started the work item, or the first person who gets manually set as the ‘requester’ will be promoted to ‘original requester’. The Original Requester tag cannot be changed once it has been set and you cannot remove the contact tagged as the original requester from the work item.
Requester – the person requesting the query. There can only ever be one Requester for a work item. This is mandatory for a Ticket. Depending on Case configuration in Builder, this may or may not be mandatory for a Case (if set as mandatory for Case type, is also mandatory for that Case’s Actions).
Subject – who the work item is about (this may be neither of the above). There can only ever be one Subject for a work item.
Very often all three will be the same person. If you tag another contact as any of these system-default relationship types, the tag will be removed from the previous contact - as there can be only one holder of the system-default contacts in one work item.
When you manually add the first contact to a work item they will be set as the Primary Contact, Requester and Subject by default. You can manually reassign these tags to other users afterwards.
CCs – any further contacts which can be copied on any correspondence. When a contact is tagged only as ‘CC’, it will be displayed in the separate CCs section (hidden until any CC-only contacts exist on the work item.
In addition to the system-default Contact Tags (Primary Contact, Subject, CC, Requester), you can add a further default contact tag to a contact record to make using contact tags on work items faster and easier.
Example: If you know that 'Jane Smith' is always going to be the Broker or any work item you add them to as a contact, you can give Jane's Contact record a default tag of 'Broker' so it gets auto-populated for her in the work item - rather than you having to manually set this tag value each time.
The Default Tags list available to choose from is set in Builder in the General Settings >> Contact Tags section.
You can set this Default Tag whenever you add a new contact into the system.
You can also add the tag to existing contacts and edit the Default Tag set to a contact via the Contacts page.
The Default Tag attribute is also available to edit in bulk, i.e. you can set this for multiple contacts at one time - simply select a number of contact records from the Contacts page grid and click on the Edit button to access the Bulk Edit popup.
If a specific tag value has not been set to 'Allow Multiple', only one contact in a Work Item is allowed to have the value. Example: it may be that there can be only a single 'Broker' contact for Ticket. This obviously impacts default tagging if two contacts with the same 'must be unique' Default Tag get added to a work item, either manually or automatically. In this scenario the system will allocate the Default Tag to only one contact (and therefore remove the Default Tag for the other contacts). The system will allocate to the Contact already tagged with an existing other tag value, in the following priority order.
Primary Contact
Any other contact on the work item
You will not be able to add a Default Tag to a contact if the company they are assigned to has a different Supplier Company to the Default Tag.
You will not be able to submit a work item with a contact whose Default Tag is set to a different Supplier Company than the work item.
When an email arrives from an address which is associated with a contact that is already in the system and the contact:
has a Global scope setting, or
they have a Local scope setting but belong to the same company that the work item will belong to based on email routing rules
then their details are automatically populated into the Contacts Card when the work item is created by the system and they will automatically be tagged as the Primary Contact, Original Requester and Requester of the work item. Additionally, if they have a default tag assigned to them, they will also be tagged as that. However do note that you can always go in and manually edit the tags yourself once the work item has been created.
When an email arrives from an address which is associated with a contact that is already in the system, but they have a Local scope setting and belong to a different company than the one the work item will belong to based on email routing rules, their details will NOT be automatically populated into the Contacts Card when the work item is created by the system, (and therefore they cannot be automatically tagged to the work item). Note that you can always go in and manually edit the contact and tags yourself once the work item has been created.
Default 'Global' or 'Global & Local' Scope
When an email arrives from an unknown address and:
your system has been configured to set the scope of your external contacts to 'Global', or 'Global and Local',
then the contact will be auto-created, have a Global scope (i.e. the won't be linked to any specific company) and their details will be automatically populated into the Contacts Card when the work item is created by the system. Additionally, they will automatically be tagged as the Primary Contact, Original Requester and Requester of the work item. As they were previously unknown to the system, they will have no default tag set. Note that you can always go in and manually edit the tags yourself once the work item has been created.
Default 'Local' Scope
When an email arrives from an unknown address and
your system has been configured to set the scope of your external contacts to 'Local',
then the contact will be auto-created, have a Local scope (i.e. they will be linked to a specific company) and they will be created under the company that the work item exists under. Their details will be automatically populated into the Contacts Card when the work item is created by the system and they will automatically be tagged as the Primary Contact, Original Requester and Requester of the work item. As they were previously unknown to the system, they will have no default tag set. Note that you can always go in and manually edit the tags yourself once the work item has been created.
Automatic Contact Creation OFF
When an email arrives from an unknown address and
then the work item will be created based on the email routing rules, but the email sender's details will NOT be automatically populated into the Contacts Card when the work item is created by the system, (and therefore they cannot be automatically tagged to the work item). Note that you can always go in and manually edit the contacts and tags yourself once the work item has been created.
When a work item is created from the 'Start work item' button on the Contact Activity Page of a contact, that contact will be auto-tagged as the Original Requester, Requester, Subject and Primary Contact of the work item, and their Default Tag will be added too (if they have one).
There a numerous ways of creating and managing contacts in Enate. Watch this video to find out more:
The Contact Activity Page displays the activity details for an individual service recipient.
You can navigate to the Contact Activity page via:
1. Quickfind – clicking on a user in Quickfind
2. A Work Item – clicking on a contact in the contacts card of a work item
3. The Contact Management Page – clicking on the first name of a contact in the Contact Management Page
Once you are on the Contact Activity Page, you can see the contact's details on the right-hand side and update them as needed.
Clicking on the 'Work Items' tab lets you see all work items which relate to the contact. Each work item is shown as a card with data about it like reference, title of work item, due date, assignee, queue, and state. Work Items can be opened for further details by clicking on reference and title. Running items are displayed by default, completed work items can also be displayed.
Clicking on the 'Comms' tab lets you see communications (emails, notes) relating to the user and the work items relating to them. You can search for specific communications here too.
You can also start a new piece of work for the contact from the Contact Activity Page. Starting a new work item from the Contact Activity Page will automatically assign the contact as the Primary Contact, Requester and Subject on the work item, and if they have a Default Tag set, they will be tagged as this as well on the work item. Note that when launching a Ticket, the 'Send Automated Emails' option is automatically set to off.
The work items that you can start from here depends upon if the work items have been configured to be startable from the Contact Activity Page in Builder, which company the contact has been scoped to when it was created in Work Manager, and which company you as a user have been scoped to as well.
You are able to copy the user's name by clicking on the copy button on the tab:
The contacts card in the side panel of Tickets, Cases and Actions is where you can specify the people who relate to the work item and set their contact tags.
Clicking on an individual record will display the contact detail's information in a new tab showing the Contact Activity Page.
When an email arrives from an address which is associated with a system user or an external contact which has been previously recorded in the system then their details are automatically populated on the contacts tab when the Ticket is created by the system. They will automatically be tagged as the Original Requester Requester, Subject and Primary Contact. These tags can be removed.
Optionally the first operator to assess the Ticket can also set them as the Primary Contact if deemed appropriated by their assessment. If you tag another contact as any of these relationship types, the tag will be removed from the previous contact.
Similarly, when a work item is created from the 'Start work item' button on the Contact Activity Page of a contact, that contact will be tagged as the Original Requester, Requester, Subject and Primary Contact of the work item.
You can also add contacts to the work item manually by searching for them in the contacts card.
Note that you will only be able to view contacts from the same company as the work item.
If you search for a user in the contacts card that does not exist in the system, you can create a new contact by clicking on the ‘Create Contact’ option and filling in the contact's details.
If you have written the email address for the contact, the system will decode and auto-populate the first name and last name of the contact. Once you fill in all the information and click on create contact, the system will redirect you back to the work item.
When you manually add a contact for the first time, they will be tagged as the Primary Contact, Original Requester, Requester and Subject by default. You can manually reassign the Primary Contact, Requester and Subject tags to other users afterwards, but note that the Original Requester tag cannot be changed once it has been set.
External contacts can be created in Enate in several ways.
The Enate system can be set to automatically create new external Contact records when incoming emails arrive which contain new email addresses if the 'Enable Automatic Contact Creation' setting is set to ON in Builder.
The system will auto-populate the first name and last name of the contact based on the email display name. More specifics on this:
If there is a space in the email display name, anything before the first space will be used as the contact's first name and anything after the last space will be used as their last name. For example, if the email display name is 'John Smith' then the contact's first name will be auto-filled as 'John' and their last name will be auto-filled as 'Smith'.
If there is a comma in the email display name, anything before the first comma will be used as the contact's last name and anything after the comma but before the space will be used as their first name. For example, if the email display name is 'Smith, John' then the contact's last name will be auto-filled as 'Smith' and their first name will be auto-filled as 'John'.
If the system can't auto-fill the first name and last name with confidence, then the contact will be auto-created without a first and last name and the user will be prompted to fill this themselves when they submit the work item.
Additionally the company set to an auto-created contact will depend on the contact scope setting in Builder. If it's set to 'Global', or 'Global and Local', the auto-created contact will have a Global scope, i.e. not linked to any specific company. If it is set to 'Local', the auto-created contact will be created under the company that the related Work item exists under.
You can add contacts from the Contact Management page by clicking on the Create Contact icon and filling out the details for the contact in the resulting popup.
You can import a list of contacts from an Excel spreadsheet in the Contact Management page. A template is provided and the template is supported in all of the languages that Enate offers.
It is mandatory to fill in the email address when importing Contacts from an Excel template. If you don't specify a company, the contact will automatically be set to global. See here for more information about company scoping.
If you are searching for a new contact which does not currently exist in the system, you can create a new contact from Quickfind itself. Navigate to the people search function in Quickfind and click on ‘add a contact’.
When you click on ‘add a contact’, the system will decode and auto-populate the first name, last name and email address. Once you fill in all the information and click on create, you will be taken to the Contact Activity Page of the new contact.
Note: The contact email address must be unique in the system.
You can also create a new contact from the contacts card a work item. When you search for a user in the contacts card that does not exist in the system, you can create a new contact by clicking on the ‘Create Contact’ option and filling in the contact's details.
If you have written the email address for the contact, the system will decode and auto-populate the first name and last name of the contact. Once you fill in all the information and click on create contact, the system will redirect you back to the work item.
Please note that if you create a new contact in test mode, that contact will only be available for running test packets in the system.
You can see if an external contact has been automatically created by the system or manually created by a user by looking at the 'Auto-Created' column in the Contact Management Page.
Please note that once a contact that auto-created has had edits made to it, it will no longer display as an auto-created contact in the 'Auto Created' column of the Contact Management Page.
Depending upon how it has been configured in Builder, you will have various options when assigning a company to an external contact:
All Companies/Global
Setting the company to this means that external contact can create and access work items for all companies.
It also means that work manager users are able to search for other all external contacts on a work item.
Please note that this setting is only available if the External Contact Scope has been set to 'Global' or 'Global and Local' in Builder. See here for more information.
A particular company (local)
Setting the contact scope to a particular company means that external contact will only be able to create and access work items for that particular company that the external contact has been associated to.
Users will also only be able to add a Contact to a Packet API if the Contact is in the same Company (or is in an umbrella Company).
Please note:
It is only possible to change the associated company of an external contact from All Companies/Global to a particular company (local) if the external contact is not associated with work items from multiple different companies. You can change this by reassigning the Contact on a work item.
To scope external contacts to Global/All Companies the Company column in Bulk Upload file should be left blank so by default the contacts will be scoped to Global.
The company set to an auto-created contact will depend on the contact scope setting you have set. If it's set to 'Global', or 'Global and Local', the auto-created contact will have a Global scope, i.e. not linked to any specific company. If it is set to 'Local', the auto-created contact will be created under the company that the related Work item exists under.
Please note that if an External Contact is scoped locally (i.e. is linked a specific Company), you cannot add them as a contact for a work item which exists within another company. This is also true for Agent accounts (which must always exist under a specific Company). ONLY Globally scoped External accounts have the flexibility to be linked as contacts to work items in any Customer.
To edit a contact, go to the Contact Management page and double click on the contact to bring up the Edit Contact popup.
You are also able to bulk edit the company, time zone, office location, preferred language and default tag of your contacts by selecting on the contacts' tick boxes - click on the Edit button which will appear to display the Bulk Edit popup. Set details as desired and hit Confirm to save bulk changes.
To delete a contact, go to the Contact Management page and click on the contact's tick box and the delete button will appear. You are able to delete multiple contacts at once.
It is important to take your user permissions into account when understanding which Contact records you are able to see, depending on the Global / Local scope setting which has been made in Builder:
Please note: - Locally-scoped contacts are visible to you in if you have permissions specificallly on that contact's company, or parent companies. If you don't have such permissions, you will not be able to see the contact record. - Global contacts are visible to all users.