Details on screen resolutions supported by Enate
The minimum screen resolution supported by Enate at 100% DPI is: 1366 x 768. This means that resolutions of 1280x1024 and below are NOT supported.
Higher resolutions screens may run with DPI settings in excess of 100%. With this in mind, the list below shows the minimum 'screen resolution & DPI' combinations supported by Enate. Industry definitions for these screen resolutions are also provided here to help clarification:
1366 x 768 High Definition (HD) – Supported at 100% DPI Only
1600 x 900 High Definition Plus (HD+) – Supported at 100% DPI Only
1920 x 1080 Full High Definition (FHD) – Supported up to 125% DPI
1920 x 1200 Wide Ultra Extended Graphics Array (WUXGA) – Supported up to 125% DPI
2560 x 1440 Quad High Definition (QHD) – Supported up to 150% DPI
3440 x 1440 Wide Quad High Definition (WQHD) – Supported up to 150% DPI
3840 x 2160 4K or Ultra High Definition (UHD) – Supported up to 200% DPI
Particularly when running on minimum supported resolution, Enate always recommends users to run Enate in Full-screen mode (access this via F11 key in browser) to give maximum screen real-estate for display. If you have additional toolbars installed in the browsers above the 'default' system browsers (e.g. browser add-ins), this can significantly reduce available screen space and may go below minimum supported screen dimensions.
Error Area
Status Error
"not_valid": "Data not valid or Something went wrong"
When wrong information is input into a cell, so work items are not able to be created
"completed": "Completed"
When work items are successfully created
"in_progress": "In progress"
When work item creation is in progress
"1": "Uploaded file is not a *.xls or *.xlsx file"
When the upload file format is other than .xls or .xlsx file
"3": "Workbook has multiple worksheets. Only first sheet will be processed"
When the same file has multiple sheets of work data to be processed
"5": "Master Process Instance not live"
When the process instance is not live or the versions are draft
"101": "Worksheet is missing the required column '{{v0}}'"
When the excel sheet does not have required column to process work items
"102": "Column '{{v0}}' is of type '{{v1}}' which is not supported in Bulk Create"
When we use unsuported dat types like Entity relastionship , Table
"103": "No field found to link Column '{{v0}}' to"
When Validate bulk create api is not able to map the column data with the system data
"200": "Creation of a schedule-driven Case is not supported"
When a Case is linked to schedules and use the Case in the excel
"300": "Title is not unique in file"
When uploaded file has same title for multiple work items in the file
"301": "Title is not unique"
When uploaded file has same title that is already created in system
"302": "Value is blank and column is required"
When there are no input values for mandatory fields
"303": "Value in not valid for data type '{{v0}}'"
When custom field cannot input the particular data or data is not related to custom field
"304": "No person could be found from email address"
When we input a wrong email id or email id is not present in the system
"305": "Customer not found or you do not have permission to see it"
When we input a wrong Customer name or we don’t access to create work items under particular customer
"306": "Contract not found under Customer or you do not have permission to see it"
When we input a wrong Contract name or we don’t access to create work items under particular customer
"307": "Service not found under Contract or you do not have permission to see it"
When we input a wrong service name or we don’t access to create work items under particular Contract
"308": "Process not found under Service or you do not have permission to see it"
When we input a wrong Process name or we don’t access to create work items under particular service
"309": "Ticket Category not found"
When we input wrong tickect category value
"310": "Value is not valid for list"
When the input value doesn’tmatch the configured list/Multi level List data
"1001": "There are no valid items to process."
Where there is no data to process in excel
"1002": "All valid items have been processed."
When all the valid work items are created
"file_upload_limit": "{{name}} is bigger than the server limit ({{limit}})"
When the uploaded file size is larger than the system configured upload limit
"file_upload_failure": "Failed to upload file"
when file upload is failed
As part of managing Tickets, Cases & Actions in your workflows in Enate, the system will regularly evaluate who the work is assigned to, who is set as the Owner, and which Queue the work item is linked to. There are detailed sets of rules which are followed, in order, when determining this.
Before looking at these detailed sets of rules, it’s important to understand the higher-level pattern of how such work item allocations are evaluated, and indeed when. The way this works is as follows:
First we determine WHEN such re-evaluations occur – essentially this happens when anything changes in the 'Status’ card of a Work item.
When the system determines it needs to do such an evaluation, we initially use the work item’s status/situation to determine which of the Assignee, Owner and Queue values need to be Set, and which need to be Cleared completely.
For those which require setting:
a. If a Queue is to be set, it's simple - just select the Queue referenced in the Allocation rule (there are only two types of Queue allocation rule to follow).
b. For Assignee and Owner, there's more detail - we have to run through a series of rules, in order, for these - stopping when the rule is met and a valid* target is selected.
*Validity check - As part of the Assignee / Owner allocation rule check, we have to determine if the target is valid (there are a number of validity check rules which it must pass). If not, we continue through the rules in part 3 until a valid target is found.
Now that the higher-level pattern at play has been described, we can go look at each set of rules which are run through for sections 1-3 above, and for the target validity checks.
The system will re-evaluate the Assigned User, Owner and Queue whenever the information in the Status card changes, specifically:
the Status changes
the Wait Type changes
the Scheduled Follow Up On date changes
the Wait for More Information Until date changes
the Waiting For option changes (for Cases only)
the Ticket Context changes
the Ticket Category changes
the In Peer Review status changes
New Information is received on the work item
A Case encounters a Problem
When the system determines it needs to do such an evaluation, we initially use the work item’s STATE to determine which of the Assignee, Owner and Queue values need to be Set, and which need to be Cleared completely. You can see this information in the table below:
Work Item Status/Situation
Clear value
Clear value
Clear value
Set a value
Clear value
Clear value
New Information Received
Set a value
Clear value
Set a value
Needs Attention (only relevant to a Case)
Set a value
Clear value
Set a value
To Do or In Progress for an Action or Ticket
Set a value
Clear value
Set a value
To Do or In Progress for a Case
Clear value
Set a value
Clear value
Resolved or Waiting
Clear value
Set a value
Clear value
Queues - If a Queue is to be set, it's simple – the configured Queue Allocation Method is run.
Assignee and Owner - If an Assignee or Owner is to be set, there's more detail. We have to run through a series of rules, in order, stopping when the rule is met and a valid target is selected.
Before the list of rules is run, there is one higher check: if an Assignee/Owner is currently set, don't change the Assignee/Owner unless the Ticket Category has changed.
Otherwise, run the following rules, in order, stopping when you a valid target is identified:
If the ‘Keep with me' option has been set on a work item, the Assignee/Owner is set as the user who has selected ‘Keep with me’. If not or the resulting user is not valid, then
If the Owner user is not blank, then set Assignee to that value also. If not or the resulting user is not valid, then
If the work item is a Ticket and the Ticket Category has changed and either the Wait Type has changed or the status is Resolved then the Assignee/Owner is set as the user currently updating the Ticket. If not then
If the work item is not a Ticket OR it is a Ticket (where the Ticket Category hasn't changed AND we have more than 2 status history rows - i.e. it is not in its first non-draft state), then:
Set Assignee and Owner to the last user/robot to update work item. If none or the resulting user is not valid, then
Set Assignee/Owner as (any) previously assigned to user/robot in descending order of when it was assigned to them. If none or the resulting user is not valid, then
If Action started by Workflow (i.e. not manual ad-hoc), then set the Assignee/Owner as the last user/robot to work on the same previously completed Action in the Case (or Peer Review the Action if in peer review). If none or the resulting user is not valid, then
Run the Allocation Rule for this work item:
If the primary push allocation is configured to a specific user, set Assignee/Owner to that user. If none or the resulting user is not valid, then
If the secondary push allocation is configured to a specific user, set Assignee/Owner to that user. If none or the resulting user is not valid, then
If Primary push allocation configured to Position, from the users that occupy this position set the Assignee/Owner as the user with the fewest work items in their inbox. If none or the resulting user is not valid, then
If Secondary push allocation configured to Position from the users that occupy this position set the Assignee/Owner as the user with the fewest work items in their inbox. If none or the resulting user is not valid, then
If the work item is a Case, set Assignee/Owner as the user/robot that started that Case.
As part of the Assignee / Owner allocation rule check, we have to determine if the target is valid. To be valid, there are a number of validity check rules which it must pass. If not, we continue through the rules of setting an Assignee/Owner until a valid target is found. The validity checks that are run through are as follows:
If the User/Robot is not allowed to work on work items of this type (i.e. Live/Testing) then block
If the User/Robot is retired then block
If the User does not have permission then block (no permission check for Robots)
If the Robot is suspended then block
If the Robot has performed Get More Work more than 3 times for this work item then block
If the user selected is a Robot and the work item is an Action that is in the Peer Review stage then block (Robots cannot perform Peer Reviews)
If the user selected is a Robot and the work item is an Action and no Robot Farm is configured for the Action then block
If the user selected is a Robot and the work item is an Action and the Robot is not a member of the Robot Farm configured for the Action then block
If the user selected is a Robot and the work item is a Case then block (Robots cannot be assigned Cases)
If the work item is a manual with Peer Review Action that is on the Peer Review stage and the User performed 1 or more updates while it was on the Doing stage then block (users can’t peer review their own work)
If the work item is a manual with Peer Review Action that is on the Doing stage and the User performed 1 or more updates while it was on the Peer Review stage then block (users can’t be asked to do work if they have previously peer reviewed it)
To ensure that you are able to carry out your work in Enate spelling error-free, you can enable spell check in your web browser to help check your spelling as you go about your tasks.
Below are the steps to activate spell checker in three of the most popular browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge.
Open Chrome Settings:
Click on the three vertical dots in the upper right corner.
Select Settings.
Access Language Settings:
In the settings menu, type "language" in the search box.
Click on Languages.
Enable Spell Check:
Under the Spell check section, choose between Basic spell check or Enhanced spell check.
You can also add new languages if necessary.
Open Firefox Menu:
Click on the three horizontal lines in the upper right corner.
Select Settings.
Navigate to Language Settings:
In the left sidebar, select General.
Scroll down to the Language and Appearance section.
Turn on Spell Check:
Check the box next to Check my spelling as I type.
Open Edge Settings:
Click on the three horizontal dots in the top-right corner.
Select Settings.
Find Language Options:
Scroll down and click on Languages.
Enable Spell Check:
Toggle on the option for Enable spell check for your preferred languages.
Information about terms which are auto-removed from various searches that users can perform in the system
As part of standard underlying features in Enate to optimise searches which users perform, certain commonly used terms are removed from searches if they've been manually entered. This is in order to ensure timely response for search results, plus avoid the returning of vast volumes of qualifying results which would obscure the desired results from the users. One of the approaches used for this is the use of 'Stop Lists'.
A stop list is a list of standard common words such as ‘and’ ‘the’, ‘me’ etc., which are ignored from searches that would otherwise return too many results.
Below is a comprehensive list of all of the words in the stop list that ALL searches within Enate will ignore - this not only includes searches in Quickfind, but also searches which are performed for users, searches for emails, searches for Work Items e.g. for Tickets when merging Tickets etc. If you enter any of these terms, they will be auto-ignored as terms to return search results for.
Multiple Stop Lists are supported for various user languages.
Note: When searching for Users and Emails, the English (British) stop list is always used. For work items (Title, Customer Name, Contract Name, Service Name, Case/Ticket Name, etc.) we use the language of the logged-on user to find the stop list. Additionally, please note that Hungarian is not directly supported by SQL, so the stop list applied for searches for Hungarian users is also the English stop list.
Specific further characters are set to be ignored when performing searches in Quickfind, e.g. “*”, “?”, “@” etc. This will mean for example that when searching for in Quickfind, the words 'customer' and 'com' would be searched for. As such, it’s recommended to place such word combinations in quotes to search for them as a specific phrase - i.e. searching for “” will likely bring back the results you are looking for.
Below is a comprehensive list of all of the characters that searches in Quickfind will ignore: