The Home page allows Team Leaders and Team Members to view the work for their area of business, i.e. Work Items sitting in their work Queues and with their Team Members (both human and robot).
On your Home page you will see:
Work Items that are assigned to you
Work Items that are assigned to your manager, i.e. the person you report to (if you have one)
Work Items that are assigned to your peers (people managed by the same person as you)
Work Items in a Queue that you are a member of / are a manager of
Additionally, as a Team Leader you will see:
Work Items that are assigned to people you manage (i.e. people who report to you)
Work Items that are assigned to people managed by people you manage (recursively down the hierarchy of manager relationships)
Work Items in a Queue that you manage, even if you are not a member of it
Click here to see how to set the users who report to you (i.e. your Team), and Queues which you manage.
On the right hand side of the home page is the Team Bar.
If you are a Team Member, the Team Bar shows you your team and your unassigned work.
At the top of the Team Bar you can see the people in your team and, for each of them:
The amount of work they have outstanding (number in centre of pie-chart)
The due status of that work (i.e. Red/Amber/Green)
Their current availability status (available or offline)
You can see the availability status of your Team Members - so if they are online or offline.
The system tracks your active Enate browser session, and so is able to check if they are still logged into Enate.
Note: if you do not log out properly, i.e. shut down the browser or machine directly without logging out of Enate, the system will display you as still online for the duration of the standard system timeout (usually 30 minutes).
An important point is that this available / offline status is for informational purposes only – it is not taken into account as part of any allocation rules - i.e. the ‘Who does it go to?’ settings.
You can filter the display of your team to show available / offline / all users.
You can sort your team members by work item status criteria including:
Least / Most Work (Total)
Least / Most Overdue (Amber)
Least / Most Overdue (Red)
Least / Most On Target (Green)
You can use this to help identify resources which are stretched and other team member who you may be able to share work out among to help balance workloads.
Free text search also allows for you to search for individual users from the list.
Clicking on a team member from the Team Bar, will bring up their user profile. The grid filters down to show only work items currently assigned to that user.
The homepage bar chart will be replaced to show the amount of work that is assigned to the user (the number in centre of pie-chart), as well as the due status of that work (i.e. Red/Amber/Green), You will also see the user's profile picture, their role title, its description (if one has been added), and if you click on the 'More about this role' link, you'll see a list showing which features that the user has access to.
You can close the view and return to the standard bar chart view of all work items by clicking the 'X' icon.
At the foot of the Team Bar you can see the amount of work which is sitting unassigned in the Queues you manage, grouped by Queue. This includes information about the amount of work in each Queue that is unassigned (the number in centre of pie-chart), as well as the due status of that work (i.e. Red/Amber/Green).
If you have unassigned work which is overdue – i.e. any red items in this section – you should be looking to deal with that situation.
Work items are classified into their respective due states:
Green – on target, not yet overdue
Amber – due today (but not yet overdue)
Red – work items which are now overdue (including items where the due date is today, but the due time has now passed).
Grey – work items are classified into a state of 'Not Set' when the due date is not currently known. This can be in the following situations:
When the work item has just been started (manually) but has not yet been submitted
When the work item is in a state of ‘Wait for more Information’ AND is set to add the wait time on the due date
If you click on one of the due dates, the grid will be filtered down to work items with just that due date:
Bar Chart information is displayed in a Pareto format, i.e. with highest volumes shown first. A maximum of ten bars are displayed. The top nine groups are displayed uniquely, with all remaining items shown combined in the final bar.
The ‘Display By’ choice for the bar chart is also accessed via the grid settings link. This will bring up the 'Display and Column Settings’ popup. The ‘Display By’ options for the bar chart can be found at the top. You can select a standard a standard system information column to display the bar chart by.
The standard system information by which you can display the bar chart display is as follows:
Action Type – this shows the Action type, either as send email or as a manual Action.
Assigned To – this shows who the Action has been assigned to.
Contract Name – this shows the name of the contract.
Last Updated By – human/digital worker who last updated this item.
Last Updated On – datetime when this item was last updated by a human/digital worker. The datetime on which custom data field values are updated is stored in the Enate database and can be used for subsequent reporting.
Owned By – name of the user who currently has ultimate responsibility for the work item.
Parent Process Name – if this an Action, this shows the parent Case.
Process Name – the business process the work item is part of, e.g. ‘Maternity Request Process’.
Queue – the work Queue which Cases/Tickets/Actions get sent to based on their routing rule.
Service Line – the overall area of the business this work item runs under, e.g. ‘Payroll’.
Service Provider – the company delivering service for this work item, usually your company.
Started By – this shows who the Action was started by.
Started By Method – how the work began, e.g. incoming email, automatic schedule, manually, etc.
State – current state of the work item e.g. Running, Waiting for more Information, Resolved etc.
Work Item Type – i.e. Case, Action or Ticket.
If your system has been configured with them, you can also choose to select a custom data column to display the bar chart by.
Custom Data fields of the following types can be used to display information in the bar chart:
Short Text
List (simple list only)
Note: When you choose to display information in the bar chart by a certain item (standard system property or custom data field), that item will be added to the main grid display as an additional column.
You can return to the system defaults by selecting 'Revert to Defaults' in the 'Display and Column Settings’ popup.
Clicking on a bar name within the chart filters the grid to those results.
Clicking on a specific R/A/G section within an individual bar filters the grid results down to the items in that state.
Icons in the homepage grid let you know the state of the work item and give you high-level information about them.
These icons also appear when you search for a work item in Quickfind.
They denote the following information:
Task can be carried out by a Robot
Robot Task – Needs Attention
New information has been received that hasn't been read yet.
Case only : Case is in a problem State (i.e. needs attention)
The Action is a Peer Review and it is in the "doing" stage.
The Action is a Peer Review and it is in either in the reviewing stage, or the review is complete.
And they denote the following information about the status of the work item:
Work Item is in a state of DRAFT
Work Item is in a state of TO DO
Work Item is in a state of IN PROGRESS
Work Item is in a state of WAIT
Work Item is in a state of RESOLVED
Work Item is in a state of CLOSED
You can find more information about the states a Ticket goes through here, the states of a Case here and the states of an Action here.
You are able to choose which work items you can see on the home page by selecting Work Inbox, Owned Work, Team Work Inbox, or Team Owned Work.
Generally, if a work item is assigned to you or one of your team members, or it's in a state of To Do or In Progress, you'll see it in the Inboxes. Everything else, such as items in a Wait state, you'll find in the Owned Work views. The sections below go into this in a bit more detail.
Note: The RAG volumes and bar charts are shown independently for each of these views, and so the displays of each will also change when you flip from one grid view to the other.
The Work Inbox view shows you which work items are currently assigned to you.
The Owned Work view displays work items for which you are the Owner, rather than the current assignee.
These are work items which may not necessarily be assigned to you (or anyone) right now, but for which you have longer-term responsibility for, e.g. Cases.
Long term responsibility refers to the person responsible for the entire Case journey. This includes its Actions, the status changes of the Cases and its Actions, as well as the delivery of the Case.
A Case can be owned by using Keep with me.
Please note:
Actions can only have an Owner if they are in a state of Pause e.g. states such as Wait for more information, Schedule for follow-up, etc.
There can be only one Owner of a Case at any one point
The Team Work Inbox view shows you all the work items which are assigned to you or one of your team members, or it's in a state of To Do or In Progress.
The Team Owned Work view shows you all work items that are owned by your Team i.e. Cases started by them, and Cases in states such as Wait for more information, Schedule for follow up, etc.
Note: If you are a Team Member who prefers a focused view of your Inbox and you do not want to see the Peers and Queue work, then please ask your manager to switch off these views for you. Your view after login will then only show items in your Inbox / Owned Work.
See the table below for a more detailed breakout of scenarios:
Any Case/Ticket/Action with an Assigned User
Any Case/Ticket/Action with the “More Information” flag set that is configured to use Queues
Case with the “Problem” flags set that is configured to use Queues
Any Action in a To do / In Progress state that is configured to use Queues
Any Ticket in a To do / In Progress state that is configured to use Queues
Any Case in a To do / In Progress state with an Owner that does not have the “More Information” or “Problem” flag set that is configured to use Queues
Owned Work
Any Case/Ticket/Action in a Wait State with an Owner where Queues are configured
Owned Work
Any Case/Ticket/Action in a Wait State with an Owner where Queues are not configured
Owned Work
Any Case/Ticket/Action in a Wait State without an Owner where Queues are configured
Owned Work
Any Case/Ticket/Action in a Wait State without an Owner where Queues are not configured
Not displayed
Tickets placed in a Wait State at the same time as changing the Category where Queues are configured
Owned Work
Tickets placed in a Wait State at the same time as changing the Category where Queues are not configured
Not displayed
Tickets already in a Wait State when the Category is changed where Queues are configured
Owned Work
Tickets already in a Wait State when the Category is changed where Queues are not configured
Not displayed
Cases automatically created by Schedule that no User has ever updated where Queues are configured
Owned Work
Cases automatically created by Schedule that no User has ever updated where Queues are not configured
Not displayed
Case/Ticket/Action without an Assigned User or Owner where Queues are not configured
Not displayed
You can reorder the columns in the home page grid according to your preference. This column order will persist when doing multiple searches, as well as when you log out and log back in.
Column widths can be manually adjusted, and data can be sorted by a a particular column by clicking on the name in column header. Click it again to cycle though ascending, descending and no sort.
You can display additional columns in the grid by selecting them from the standard columns section in the left hand side of the 'Display and Column Settings’ popup. The mandatory columns are shown in grey.
The list of standard system attributes you can display as grid columns which are available in the home page grids include :
Action Type – this shows the Action type, either as a send email or as a manual Action-type.
Assigned To – this shows who the Action has been assigned to.
Contract Name – this shows the name of the contract.
Customer – this shows the name of the customer.
Due – this shows when the Action is due.
Has Been Reopened - this shows if a work item has been reopened or not.
Initial Request On - this shows the start date of the original request. This is particularly useful in situations where a further work item has been created from the original request (when a Sub Case is created, when a Ticket is converted into a Case, when a Case or Action gets reworked, when an Action is created via the 'Start Action' option or when a new linked work item is created), as it allows you to see the entire length of time it is taking to complete a request, as opposed to just the length of time an individual work item has been being worked on.
Is Overdue - this shows if a work item is overdue
Last Email Received - the date and time the last email of a work item was received
Last Email Sender - the details of the last person who sent an email relating to a work item. If the user is already in the system, this column will display their name, otherwise this column will display their email address.
Last Reopened By - if a work item has been reopened, this shows the person who last reopened the work item.
Last Reopened On - if a work item has been reopened, this shows the date when the work items was last reopened.
Last Updated By – human/digital worker who updated this item last time.
Last Updated On – datetime when this item was last updated by a human/digital worker. The datetime on which custom data field values are updated is stored in the Enate database and can be used for subsequent reporting.
Original Requester Email – the email address of the original requester of a work item, i.e. the person who initially raised the request.
Original Requester Name – the name of the original requester of a work item, i.e. the person who initially raised the request.
Owned By – name of the user who currently has ultimate responsibility for the work item.
Overdue By Days - this shows the number of days a work item is overdue by.
Parent Process Name – if this an Action, this shows the parent Case.
Parent Reference – reference number of the work item which started this one, e.g. parent Case.
Primary Contact Email - the email address of the primary contact of a work item
Primary Contact Name - the name of the primary contact of a work item
Process Name – the business process the work item is part of, e.g. ‘Maternity Request Process’.
Queue – the work Queue which Cases/Tickets/Actions get sent to based on their routing rule.
Reference – the unique reference number e.g. 101342-T.
Requester Email - the email address of the requester of a work item
Requester Name - the name of the requester of a work item
Resolution Method - this shows how a work item was Resolved e.g. if has been done successfully, if it was resolved by a Case being launched, if it was resolved by Tickets being merged etc.
Service Line – the overall area of the business this work item runs under, e.g. ‘Payroll’.
Service Name – the service instance the work item runs under, e.g. ACME French Payroll.
Service Provider – the company delivering service for this work item, usually your company.
Started – this shows when the Action was started.
Started By – this shows who the Action was started by.
Started By Method – how the work began, e.g. incoming email, automatic schedule, manually.
Status - the current state of the work item e.g. In Progress, Waiting, Resolved etc.
Status Reason - this shows the reason the work item's status was updated e.g. if it was updated by a resource, if it was updated by Enate, if it has newly been created etc.
Subject Email - the email address of the subject of a work item
Subject Name - the name of the subject of a work item
Ticket Category Level 1 – high-level categorisation of type of Ticket e.g. ‘Healthcare Request’.
Ticket Category Level 2 – next level categorisation of type of Ticket e.g. ‘International Travel Coverage’.
Ticket Category Level 3 – most detailed-level categorisation of type of Ticket e.g. ‘Eligibility Query’.
Time Remaining When Paused – the amount of time left before the due date at the point the item was placed into a paused state.
Title – a brief text description of the work item, often the subject of the original email.
Wait Type - if a work item is in a state of Waiting, this column will show the type of Waiting the work item is in e.g. Wait for more information, Wait Until, etc.
Work Item Type – i.e. Case, Action or Ticket.
You can also revert the column settings to default if you wish by selecting 'Revert to Defaults'.
You can display additional custom columns in the Home page grid by selecting them from Custom Data Columns section in the right-hand side of the 'Display and Column Settings’ popup. Custom Data Columns are created in Builder, see here for more information.
The number total at the top right of the grid show the total number of items in the grid and, when filtering, the number of filtered items from that total.
In-grid filtering
You can apply filters to all the standard and custom data columns on the grid by clicking on the filter icon next to the desired column title.
Your applied filters will remain when switching between your Work Inbox, your Team Work Inbox, your Owned Work and your Team Owned Work, as well as after the you log out and log back in.
You can clear the applied filters by clicking on the 'clear filter' icon, and all work items will be displayed again.
You can also apply multiple filters to all the standard and custom data columns on your bot farm grid. The applied filters will remain when switching back to your Team Work Inbox.
You can also search the grid by using the free text search function.
You can copy and paste information from the grid into an Excel spreadsheet by selecting the information you want to copy and using Ctrl C and Ctrl V.
The information that is copied and pasted includes any applied filters. The column titles will automatically be copied and pasted as well.
You are also able to copy and paste all of the information in the grid by using Ctrl-A.
On the right hand side of the home page is the Team Bar.
If you are a Team Leader, the Team Bar shows you your team, your bots and your unassigned work.
At the top of the Team Bar you can see the people in your team and, for each of them:
The amount of work they have outstanding (number in centre of pie-chart)
The due status of that work (i.e. Red/Amber/Green)
Their current availability status (available or offline)
You can see the availability status of your Team Members - so if they are online or offline.
The system tracks your active Enate browser session, and so is able to check if they are still logged into Enate.
Note: if you do not log out properly, i.e. shut down the browser or machine directly without logging out of Enate, the system will display you as still online for the duration of the standard system timeout (usually 30 minutes).
An important point is that this available / offline status is for informational purposes only – it is not taken into account as part of any allocation rules - i.e. the ‘Who does it go to?’ settings.
You can filter the display of your team to show available / offline / all users.
You can sort your team members by work item status criteria including:
Least / Most Work (Total)
Least / Most Overdue (Amber)
Least / Most Overdue (Red)
Least / Most On Target (Green)
You can use this to help identify resources which are stretched and other team member who you may be able to share work out among to help balance workloads.
Free text search also allows for you to search for individual users from the list.
Clicking on a team member from the Team Bar, will bring up their user profile. The grid filters down to show only work items currently assigned to that user.
The homepage bar chart will be replaced to show the amount of work that is assigned to the user (the number in centre of pie-chart), as well as the due status of that work (i.e. Red/Amber/Green), You will also see the user's profile picture, their role title, its description (if one has been added), and if you click on the 'More about this role' link, you'll see a list showing which features that the user has access to.
You can close the view and return to the standard bar chart view of all work items by clicking the 'X' icon.
If you find yourself needing to change the levels of access for yourself or users in your team, speak to your system admin.
If you are a Team Leader you will also be able to see your bots in the Team Bar. This shows you any Robots which are available to work on items you manage / work with, grouped by Robot farm.
Each row displays a different robot farm, along with their Technology (e.g. UiPath, Automation Anywhere, Blue Prism etc.).
The number of ‘bottable’ work items lined up for the robot farm will be displayed, as well as the estimated amount of work left available for the robot farm in minutes.
If any of the Robots in the farm are offline or unresponsive, a warning icon will be displayed.
Additionally, it's possible that some of the bottable work items for these bots are outside of this user's permissions. If that is the case then a warning 'i' icon and message will be displayed informing the user of this.
Clicking on a Robot farm in the Bots section swaps out the bar chart main display to show that group of robots AND filters down the grid results to show ‘bottable’ work items.
In this view, Team Leaders can:
See the status of individual robots within the robot farm:
Idle - the bot is available for work
Offline - if your bot uses deep integration, such as UiPath orchestration synchronisation, an offline status means that your IT system can't connect with the bot. In this situation you would reassign the bot's work items to other resources. If your bot does not use deep integration, such as Blue Prism, an offline status means that your IT system hasn't connected with the bot for a certain amount of time.
Suspended – the bot’s average work is not within standard deviation, so it has been paused
Busy Integrated – the bot is busy working on a task that is has been assigned to
Busy Independent- the bot is busy working on a task that it has not been assigned to
View the work currently being done by individual robots
Filter down the view to an individual robot
See how much work is remaining for the bots to do (both in volume, e.g. 20 items, and in how many minutes worth of work is remaining, i.e. how long we think it will take to complete all of those 20 items).
The system can make an estimate of the amount of work left in minutes because we have an ‘estimated duration’ value configured in Builder for different Actions. The system simply totals the value of these for the Actions currently available for the robots to do.
The grid will show projected start and end times for each piece of work, colour-coding the projected end date to show it if will breach the due datetime – this helps the Team Leader determine if they need to add further human / robot resources in order to meet SLAs.
The view can be closed to return to the standard bar chart view of all work items.
How does the system determine which work item to give a ROBOT when they send in a “Get more work" request?
The system works by looking at all unassigned Action work items from all of the Queues the robot is linked to and for which the robot's farm is set as the relevant farm in the 'General Settings' configured for that action (the equivalent of Robot permissions), then from this list determines the one due soonest, and assigns the Action to the Robot.
Exception: If a robot is already listed as working on an Action and yet sends in a "Get more work" request to Enate, the system will send back a response to the Robot of that same Action - effectively reiterating that the bot should carry out that Action. The system will do this a total of 3 times if the robot continues to send such requests while still supposedly 'occupied', and on the next such request will take the Action off the robot, mark it to be allocated to a human rather than a robot, and will then proceed with the normal logic of assigning the robot the soonest due Action from the list of ones it can perform.
At the foot of the Team Bar you can see the amount of work which is sitting unassigned in the Queues you manage, grouped by Queue. This includes information about the amount of work in each Queue that is unassigned (the number in centre of pie-chart), as well as the due status of that work (i.e. Red/Amber/Green).
If you have unassigned work which is overdue – i.e. any red items in this section – you should be looking to deal with that situation.