Watch this video to find out how to create a brand new trigger or read the steps below.
To create a brand new trigger, go to the 'Schedules' section from the toolbar link in Builder:
Then select the 'Triggers' option from the drop-down to access the Triggers page.
From here click on the '+' link which will bring up the 'Create Trigger' pop-up.
Here you need to add the following information:
Name of the trigger.
A start date & time for when it should first run.
The Case instance or multiple Case instances it should start (note: more than one trigger schedule can be created for a Case, so you can schedule to have it run e.g. weekly but also on last day of the month).
The Frequency. A number of options are available to meet business needs as desire:
On Specific Days of the Month, e.g. 1st day, 21st day, last day.
Note that you must always define a time of the day when you want the Case to run.
Once created, the Triggers can be set running and a new case will launch on the next trigger date/time.
When editing a Trigger, you are also able to see its activity history by clicking on the Show Activity button. You can see when the Trigger was created and by who, as well as if any edits have been made to the Trigger, when they were made and by who.
This feature allows you to drive Case creation based on a repeating frequency to trigger automatic creation (different to driving Case creation off a specific date from a Schedule loaded into the system. Watch the video below to find out more about Triggers:
This is done by creating one or more Triggers in Builder against a given Case or against multiple given Cases.
See here for information about how to create a trigger.
To edit an existing trigger, go to the 'Schedules' section from the toolbar link in Builder:
Then select the 'Triggers' option from the drop-down to access the Triggers page.
Here you can see a list of all of your existing triggers.
You can create, edit, pause, start or delete triggers from this here. You will also be able to see the name of the trigger, the work items it is being used for, how often the trigger runs, the time zone the trigger is set to run in, when the trigger was first run, last run and when it is due to run next according to the time zone selected.
You are able to change the time zone set for a trigger, but note that this will not have an effect until after the currently calculated next run-date. After the next run-date, the run-time of the trigger will change to show in the time of the chosen time zone
Additionally, if the trigger is set to run through daylight saving time, the time shown will now take into account daylight saving time.
Cases and their Actions which have been launched through a trigger will display the frequency name in their title in Work Manager, based on the following format:
[Work Item Reference Number] - [Name Of the Schedule] [Date Month Year Time]
Ex : 218649-C - Payroll Process 14 February 2020 15:07