In Enate you can add custom content into your Tickets, Cases & Actions. This custom content is displayed via Custom Cards which can be set to display in the main section of the work item, and also as a section of the side panel on the right side of the screen.
You can instantly create cards of your custom data fields or you can create Advanced Custom Cards that can be designed with HTML, JavaScript or CSS to show richer content such as external systems & webforms.
There are three steps involved in configuring custom information to display in Tickets, Cases and Actions:
See here for information about how to create custom data fields:
Go to this section to find out how to create Custom Cards:
See here for more information about how to create Advanced Custom Cards:
Go to this section to find out how to link Custom Cards to your work item processes:
If you want your Custom Card to contain bespoke content, you can select the 'Customized' option. This will allow you to add HTML, Typescript and CSS.
You will first be presented with a warning message highlighting that you're responsible for the errors / unexpected behaviour that may occur from your bespoke code.
You can revert back at any time by switching the customized setting back to off - this will remove any custom code and return the card to its original form.
Please Note: Custom Cards in Enate execute in Angular 10. Customers who use or are developing advanced custom card content should review the changelog of Angular 10 (https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) for changes that may affect their custom code.
Selecting the 'Customized' option will will expose HTML, Typescript and CSS tabs on screen.
When you click on one of these tabs, you will see the existing auto-generated code for the Custom Card. You can adjust / overwrite this code as desired.
The HTML Code will populate the Custom Data Fields on the Ticket/Case/Action. Also specifies the input format in which the data needs to be added.
If you reference a custom data field in the HTML for a card, the field must be added to the card in order to work.
The Typescript will do the binding of data and adjust the HTML before rendering it to the webpage. It can also perform the validations where it can highlight the mandatory fields.
Deals with styling required for the HTML; example hiding the up/down arrow on a number field control etc.
When you update the Custom Card by adding new Custom Data Fields to it, you will have to disable and re-enable the 'Customized' toggle option in order to generate the customised code for the new fields.
You can see what edits have been made to the Custom Card and when, as well as when the Custom Card was created, and even when a Custom Card was deleted by clicking on the Show Activity button.
Check out the Custom Card Code section of the Enate Extensions area to learn more about the code you can write and how to interact with data fields and validation.
Watch this video for an example of how to create Custom Data and Custom Cards for a Case.
Once you have created you custom fields you can link them to a Custom Card for subsequent displaying in a Ticket / Case or Action Screen. Cards can be displayed as part of the main section for Cases, Tickets and Actions, and as a side panel.
Side Panel card displays between the Contacts card and the Files card.
Main Panel card appears:
Ticket: After the Ttimeline card.
Case: After the Timeline / Action display card.
Action: After the Checklist card.
You can add a single card to the Main / Side panel section for a Case / Ticket / Action instance in Builder. Neither is mandatory.
Note: The same card should not be added in both locations and the same field should not be referenced in two cards showing on the same Ticket / Case / Action.
Select available cards from the ‘Main Card’ and / or ‘Side Card’ dropdowns in the Case Info tab.
Select available cards from the ‘Main Screen’ and / or ‘Side Panel’ dropdowns in the Action Info tab.
Custom Card definition for a Ticket is done at the header level rather than per Ticket category. Access the card definitions for a Ticket via the settings toolbar icon:
Set the desired main and/or side panel card in the resulting popup:
Note that for Tickets you can also define a Smart Card to be used for Self Service Ticket submissions (these much be created separately from the smart cards defined for Work Manager Work Items).
Enate's custom data fields let you model any bespoke data you need for managing and running your processes. This can help you to capture key information as part of processing your Tickets, Cases and Actions, and store for example incoming data as work gets created.
Custom data fields are easy to create and, once you have them, they can be used in lots of places throughout the system:
You can use Custom Cards to display and edit your data fields in Tickets, Cases & Actions
You can search by them in Quickfind
They're available in the data warehouse for use in custom reports.
Custom data fields can be used in conjunction with Custom Cards - these are auto-generated or manually created cards which can be added to your Tickets, Cases and Actions to let you view and maintain your data. Custom Cards can also contain bespoke code to display any manner of information alongside your data.
There are two types of custom data field that you can create
Custom data fields - these are used for defining individual fields of information
Custom data tables - these are useful for the storing of repeating rows of information
The Custom Data Fields section in Builder is where you can create new custom data fields and view, edit and even delete existing custom data fields.
Once you have created your desired custom data fields, you'll want to add them to Custom Cards to start using them.
See this video to find out how to create custom data, or read the information below.
To create a custom data field, go to the Custom Data Fields section in Builder and click the ‘+’ icon at the top right of the screen and then select to 'Add Field'.
In the following pop-up, fill in the following information:
The field name
Safe Name
The name of the field to be used if you're referencing it in code.
The system will autogenerate this name as you type (a copy of the field name with spaces removed).
This Safe Name should be used in any subsequent Custom Card HTML / Typescript / CSS references.
You can copy the Custom Field safe name by clicking on the copy icon.
The description for the field
Not mandatory
The type of data you want the field to collect e.g. long text / date time etc.
Default Value
Depending on the type of field you select, you may be able to set a default value for the field.
Not mandatory
If you set a field as Searchable you will need to provide a short code to use in Quickfind.
The following Types of fields are supported:
Check Box
True / False Boolean marker
If you would like to enter a default value, you must enter a default currency code and a default currency amount.
Date and Time
Stores both the date and time component.
Date Only
Stores only the date component
Decimal Number
e.g. 3.2
Email Address
Must be a valid email address.
URL. The URL entered must be a valid URL and the maximum length that can be entered is 2048 characters.
A dropdown list. If you select this type, you can manually enter a list of available dropdown items along with the field. This supports copy / pasting of tabular information from e.g. spreadsheets.
Long Text
Text fields of over 255 characters.
Multiple Level List
Short Text
Text field limited to 255 characters.
Whole Number
e.g. 4
This type of custom data field allows users to create lists with up to two additional nested sub-lists, so three levels of list in total.
Please note:
Parent list items and their children are sorted alphanumerically by default
Duplicate child entries per single parent are not allowed
When you choose this type of custom data field, an additional option of 'Include blank 'select' value' will appear. Selecting this option will make the list appear with a default 'select from dropdown' option in the Custom Card in Work Manager, if a default value hasn't been set.
When editing a custom field, you are also able to see its activity history by clicking on the Show Activity button. You can see when the custom field was created and by who, as well as if any edits have been made to the custom field, when they were made and by who.
You can delete a custom field by clicking on the menu option on the right of the row:
One of the many things you may wish to store with custom data fields is your own Reference numbers, perhaps to help tie things up with other systems that may be in use. You are strongly encouraged to define text fields for this, even if the reference field contains nothing but numbers, e.g. '22345216'. Some simple things to take into account when selecting data types here:
Are you going to be performing maths on the field? If No, you should choose a text string data type.
Could there be leading zeros in the reference number? If Yes, definitely choose a text string data type. If you don't, and choose numeric data type instead, you run the risk that e.g. entering '01234' will save as '1234', as most systems dealing with a numeric value are likely to trim leading zeroes.
In addition to defining individual custom data fields, you can also define tables to allow for storing of repeating rows of information.
To create a new custom data field, click the ‘+’ icon at the top right of the screen and then select to 'Add Table'.
This will bring up a screen where you can define the table data.
Fill in the following table-level information:
The table name
Safe Name
The name by which the table should be referenced on Custom Cards
The system will autogenerate this name as you type (a copy of the field name with spaces removed).
This Safe Name should be used in any subsequent Custom Card HTML / Typescript / CSS references.
You can copy the custom field safe name by clicking on the copy icon.
A description for the table
Not mandatory
Click ‘Save’. Now you can create custom data fields within the table.
To add a custom data field to a custom data table, click the '+' icon on the right.
In the following pop-up, fill in the following information:
The field name
Safe Name
The name of the field to be used if you're referencing it in code.
The system will autogenerate this name as you type (a copy of the field name with spaces removed). This Internal Name should be used in any subsequent Custom Card HTML / Typescript references.
A description for the field
The type of data you want the field to collect e.g. long text / date time etc.
Default Value
Depending on the type of field you select, you may be able to set a default value for the field.
This is not mandatory
To edit a field in a custom data table, click to edit the custom table and then click on the menu option on the right of the row of the field you want to edit and select 'Edit'.
When editing a custom table, you are also able to see its activity history by clicking on the Show Activity button. You can see when the custom table was created and by who, as well as if any edits have been made to the custom table, when they were made and by who.
Alternatively, you can easily create new custom data fields in the Custom Cards screen itself - simply select the Custom Cards screen from the the menu on the left-hand side of Builder, click the 'add' icon above the list of system fields and fill in the required information in the resulting popup.
To export a card, select the desired card(s) from the main screen list and select the export link
These will automatically export to your downloads folder. as '.en8Card' files.
To import a card, select the import link and in the resulting screens select the '.en8Card' files you wish to import
If the card is a duplicate (shares same Card name) as an existing form you will be asked to confirm updating of that card..
You can set a custom data field to be an explicit search field as part of the configuration when creating Custom Data items in Builder.
To do this, when you are creating / editing custom data fields, make sure to select the ‘Searchable’ flag option.
Note that currently, only the following data types can be set as searchable in Quickfind:
Short Text
List (not multiple-level lists)
You then need to enter a short code. This is a text character that can be entered by users in Quickfind in order to search for work items with this field. The short code will also be added to the Quickfind list in Work Manager.
You can specify up to two characters, but they must be unique in the system. They are case insensitive, so it does not matter whether you / the end users enter in upper or lower case when using.
Note that the following short codes are reserved for standard system usage and therefore cannot be entered here:
r: work item reference number
‘RE:’ and ‘FW:’ (as this may impact searching against titles which come from emails subjects)
Further shortcodes are reserved for future system usage: T, S, SD, DD, ED, AU, OU and RD.
Click ‘OK’ to save changes.
You are able to set one of the short codes in the list to be your default short code. If a short code is selected, this will mean that you will not have to input the prefix (e.g. ‘p:’ before the search text).
Custom cards let you add custom content into your Tickets, Cases and Actions. You can instantly create cards of your custom data fields, or switch to Advanced mode to show richer content such as external systems and webforms.
To create a Custom Card that you are able to quickly auto-generate from an ordered list of the fields listed on the cards, select the Custom Cards section from the toolbar.
This will bring you to a list of all Custom Cards. This is where you can create, edit and delete Custom Cards.
You can also export and import Custom Cards - see here for more information:
To find out how to create a Custom Card in Enate, you can watch the following video or read the information below.
Clicking the '+' icon on the top right of the page will give you the option to 'Add a Work Manager Card' or to 'Add a Self Service Card'. As the name suggests, Work Manager cards are used for presenting data to agents looking at work items in Work Manager; Self Service cards are used for presenting data to customers in Self Service, usually used to give end service recipients a view on their data for a service request they are submitting or reviewing via Self Service.
Clicking on either of these links will bring up the card details:
The screen will show you card header data to be filled in, plus two columns showing a list of custom data fields. The 'Added Fields' section on the left shows the fields currently added to the card (which will be empty for brand new card); the 'Available' section on the right lists all other custom data fields that are available in your system.
You then need to configure the following information for the Custom Card:
The card name. Mandatory.
A description for the card
To add a custom data field to a custom card, you can click on a field from the 'Available' section on the right-hand side which shows a list of all the custom data fields in the system. This will add the field to the 'Added Fields' section on the left which shows a list of all the custom data fields which have been added to the Custom Card.
If you have many fields to choose from, you can click to filter the list by type of data or you can search for the field name itself.
After adding the desired custom data fields to your Custom Card, drag and drop the fields to modify the order in which you want your custom data fields them to display in Work Manager.
You can choose if you want end users in Work Managers to have to fill in the field by selecting to make a custom data field mandatory.
To make a field mandatory, select a custom data field from the list of Added Fields on the left and click the '+' icon. This will open the Field Settings pop-up.
Selecting the 'Mandatory' option will mean that an agent in Work Manager will be required to fill out the fields marked as mandatory before they are able to submit or change the status of the work item.
The validation check for when only the 'mandatory' option is set runs every time a work item gets submitted or the status gets changed. This means that when an agent clicks to change the status of the work item, regardless of what that status is the system will still run a check and ask the agent to complete any mandatory fields that are yet to be filled in in order to proceed every time the user clicks to change the status of the work item.
Please note: Checkbox fields cannot be made mandatory.
Selecting the 'Only on Resolve' option will mean that an agent in Work Manager will only be required to fill out the fields marked as mandatory at the point of Resolving a ticket or Action, rather that for any update.
When this setting is ticked, the validation check to make sure that all mandatory fields are filled in only occurs when an agent clicks to mark the work item as successfully resolved, instead of every time the submit or change the status of the work item.
This means that when an agent clicks to change the status of the work item to resolved successfully but has not filled out the mandatory fields, the system will prevent the agent from resolving the work item and will ask the agent to complete the mandatory fields in order to proceed.
However, if the agent is changing the status to something other than successfully resolved, e.g. 'Waiting' because they do not have the data required to fill in the mandatory data fields, or they are rejecting or cancelling the work item, the system will not ask the user to fill in the mandatory fields; they will instead be able to proceed without being forced to fill in the mandatory data fields.
This should help avoid scenarios where agents must fill in any mandatory fields, even though the change in work item status no longer requires the data fields to be filled in e.g. when rejecting a Ticket as spam.
For a Ticket, this is when choosing to resolve a Ticket
With Customer Response, or with
No customer response
For an Action, this is when you click to resolve the Action and mark it as 'complete'.
Once you have marked a field as 'Mandatory' or 'Mandatory Only on Resolve' and clicked 'Apply', the field will now be marked with an 'M' to show that it is mandatory.
Note that when it comes to making a custom data table mandatory, you cannot make the whole table mandatory but you can make individual fields within the table mandatory.
You can choose if you want end users in Work Manager to be unable to edit the field by selecting to make a custom data field read-only.
To make a field read-only, select a custom data field from the list of Added Fields on the left and click the '+' icon. This will open the Field Settings pop-up.
Click the 'Mark this field as read-only' option and click 'Apply'.
The field will now be marked with an 'R' to show that it is mandatory.
Note that when making a field read-only your options for providing a value to it are as follows:
Set a default value for the field by adjusting the custom data field settings, or if you leave the default settings blank,
Users in Work Manager can enter a value into the field on a Work Item, but once the field has been filled in and the work item has been subsequently submitted, the field will become read-only and users will no longer be able to edit it.
Note that you cannot set a default value for the following types of data:
multiple-level lists
decimal numbers.
When it comes to making a custom data table read-only, you cannot make the whole table read-only but you can make individual fields within the table read-only.
You can also choose if you want to hide a custom data field from end users in Work Manager based on the value of another field on the card by selecting to Add Conditions. For example, you could choose to hide the field 'Type of hardware required' if the answer for the field 'Is hardware required' is no by adding the following condition:
Then if any one of these conditions are met, the field 'Type of hardware required' will not show on the Custom Card in Work Manager (this can happen instantly on field value change when users a changing field values).
To add a condition, a field from the list of Added Fields on the left and click the '+' icon. This will open the Field Settings pop-up.
Click the '+' option to add a condition and then select the field and the condition.
You can add a condition based on any of the existing custom data fields that have been added to a Custom Card and for all custom field data types.
'OR' logic applies if multiple conditions are added to a field, i.e. if any one of the conditions added to a field are met, the field will not show on the Custom Card in Work Manager.
The conditions you can add depend upon the type of custom field. See the following table for further information:
Check Box
Does Not Equal
Date and Time
Does Not Equal
Is Between
Is greater than
Is less than
Is greater than or equals
Is less than or equals
Date Only
Does Not Equal
Is Between
Is greater than
Is less than
Is greater than or equals
Is less than or equals
Decimal Number
Does Not Equal
Is Between
Is greater than
Is less than
Is greater than or equals
Is less than or equals
Email Address
Does Not Equal
Does Not Equal
Does Not Equal
Long Text
Does not equal
Multiple Level List
Does Not Equal
Short Text
Does Not Equal
Whole Number
Does Not Equal
Is Between
Is greater than
Is less than
Is greater than or equals
Is less than or equals
Custom Data Table
See below.
When adding conditions to determine whether a data table should be shown or hidden depending on whether certain conditions are met, note that the entire data table will either be shown or hidden - you cannot choose to show or hide individual fields within a custom data table. This includes any fields that you have selected as mandatory.
You can easily create new custom data fields without leaving the Cards editing screen - simply click the 'add' icon above the list of system fields and fill in the required information in the resulting popup.
If you wish your Custom Card to contain bespoke content, you can select the 'Advanced' option while editing the card. This will allow you to add HTML and Typescript.
See here for more information about Advanced Custom Cards:
You can display custom fields on Users, Customers, Contracts, Services and Service Lines to capture bespoke data via the Extension Properties feature.
Depending on where you have chosen to add your fields, they will show accordingly when a user creates or edits a User, Customer, Contract, Service or a Service Line.
To display custom fields on Users, Customers, Contracts Services or Service Lines, go to the Custom Cards section of Builder and then select ‘Extension Properties’ from the drop-down menu.
Note that only users with the 'Setting Settings' option set as part of their user role will be able to create, edit or delete Extension Properties.
In the 'Extension Properties' page, you'll see the list of Objects you can add Extension properties to (i.e. Users, Service Lines, Customer, Contracts and Services) and how many custom data fields have been added to each one.
To add or edit a custom data field for any of the Data Objects, click on the row of the Object you want to update. The row will expand to show all the fields that have already been added to that Object, alongside a list of all the custom data fields in the system.
To add a custom data field to your selected Object, click on a field from the 'Available Fields' section on the right-hand side which shows a list. This will add the field to the 'Added Fields' section on the left.
If the custom data field you need hasn't been created yet, you can easily create it without leaving the Extension Properties screen - simply click the 'add' icon above the list of system fields and fill in the required information in the resulting popup.
After adding the desired custom data fields to your selected Object, drag and drop the fields to modify the order in which you want your custom data fields them to display. You can also choose if you want to make the field mandatory to fill in or not.
You can also remove fields from your selected Object by clicking on the 'X' in the 'Available Fields' section.
If you are adding Extension Properties to a 'User' Object you'll also need to select the user type you want the field to appear on. The options are:
All (Contacts, Service Agents, Self Service Users, Robots)
All People (Contacts, Service Agents, Self Service Users)
Service Agents Only
Robots Only
Note that if you are adding a field of Type 'Enate Reference' to a User, you will only be able to select a User Type of 'Service Agents Only' or 'Robots Only'.
Once you have finished making your changes, make sure to click Save at the bottom of the grid.
If you have removed any data fields, a confirmation message will appear asking if the user is certain they want to remove these fields as they will stop appearing in the relevant areas of the Enate system.
Once the changes have been saved, the custom data fields will appear in the relevant areas of Enate.
Extension properties added to the User Object will show in the following places, depending on the User Type Setting selected.
If any of the 'All (Contacts, Service Agents, Self Service Users, Robots)', 'All People (Contacts, Service Agents, Self Service Users)' or 'Service Agents Only' User Type options have been selected, Extension Property fields will appear in the 'General' tab when you create or edit a Service Agent in Builder.
If any of the 'All (Contacts, Service Agents, Self Service Users, Robots)' or 'All People (Contacts, Service Agents, Self Service Users)' User Type options have been selected, Extension Property fields will appear in the 'Create/Edit Contact' pop-up when you create or edit a contact in Work Manager.
Extension properties added to the Service Line Object will be added to the Service Lines screen in Builder. They will not show anywhere in Work Manager.
Extension properties added to the Customer Object will be added to the Customer pop-up, accessible from the Service Matrix in Builder. They will not show anywhere in Work Manager.
Extension properties added to the Contract Object will be added to the Contract pop-up, accessible from the Service Matrix in Builder. They will not show anywhere in Work Manager.
Extension properties added to the Service Object will be added to the Services pop-up, accessible from the Service Matrix in Builder. They will not show anywhere in Work Manager.
See here for more information about the . Mandatory.
Whether the field's value should be shared among
By default, any changes in a field's value when made have an immediate effect in all its . For example, any changes in a field's value in an Action have an immediate effect in all its related work items i.e. its parent Case, the other Actions of that Case and even any originating Ticket.
Switch this option on if you DO want data to be shared among its or leave if off if not.
Whether the field should be available to search by in
This option only appear when the you select is 'Short Text' or 'List'.
See this section for more information about .
See this section for more details about how to use in Work Manager.
A dropdown list with multiple levels. Up to 3 levels are supported. See here for more details about a .
Whether the fields value should be shared among
By default, any changes in a field's value when made have an immediate effect in all its . For example, any changes in a field's value in an Action have an immediate effect in all its related work items i.e. its parent Case, the other Actions of that Case and even any originating Ticket.
Switch this option on if you DO want data to be shared among its or leave if off if not.
See here for more information about the . Mandatory.
Whether you want the Custom Card to include advanced content.