As of v2021.1 of Enate, you've now got access to more enhanced tooltips, explainers and inline help - This should make onboarding new users easier and let you know about new features when they appear. In order for these overlay explainers to show correctly in enate, you'll need to ensure that your company's security policy is set up to allow for the information to display (some companies policies can block this kind of information as a default).
Enate uses 'Userpilot' technology for its inline helpers to show. UserPilot uses Web Sockets to send data to client machines and requires that these work through any web proxies or firewalls that are configured within the customer environment. We've previously seen issues with the UserPilot Web Socket connection where proxies have been configured to perform SSL inspection against all traffic in the environment.
UserPilot provides the following list of addresses which should be whitelisted in order for the inline helpers to show:
Additionally, Enate requires that the following addresses are whitelisted to serve Enate specific media embedded within UserPilot experiences:
For further information on UserPilot security setup requirements, please see the following link: